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Unknowing (closed)

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Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:23 pm

Name: Zita Tryon
Age: Physically 16 really about 321
Description: Image
History: When Zita was human, though her life seemed bad, to her it really wasn't. Her mother was abusive, to her and her three brothers, and her father was a drunk, but all that was normal in the time she lived in and everything. She never was the daughter her mother wanted, Zita had her own mind and wasn't afraid to say something she thought was wrong, or go against an adult. She expected to be punished for the things she did at least five times a day, because of the way she acted, but that never seemed to change anything. One day there was an attack in the town they lived in, and her parents and brothers were killed while she was hiding in a forest not too far off from her house. She was attacked when she was finally about to go home, and would have died with the rest of her family when a vampire came and saved her. Her real vampiric father Richard, who is the right hand man of the king.

Richard thought knew he wasn't capable of taking care of a daughter, he was constantly busy and he didn't want Zita to feel like he was neglecting her. He was going to have Zita get adopted by one of the staff at King's castle that had more free time but then the king took a liking to Zita and instead she was put into the royal family and became the princess of the vampires. The kingdom was already under the threat of the rebellion so Zita was kept a secret, so the rebels couldn't find out about her. She was sent away from the castle and forced to live the life of a human to keep up apperances, she was supposed to have little connection with the royal family. Only Richard would check up on her and make sure she was safe, he would call her and when Zita got in trouble with the school, Richard was Zita's legal guardian, even though most of the time he was too busy and they would send other people from the castle to fill in, as a relation to Zita.


Beep! Beep! Beep! Zita groaned at the sound of her alarm clock, no she hadn’t been asleep, she had been playing her violin for the whole night. She had always had a fascination with the violin and she practiced it every night. She never really went beyond her house with it though, she never went to be in an orchestra or in the school orchestra. Zita rather liked not having the spot light on her being it in a group or not, she just liked the background, keeping her talents to herself, that is how it always was. She wanted to keep playing but the alarm clock just kept getting louder and louder. Zita grabbed the alarm clock and turned it off. She wasn’t even in her room, she had decided to stay in her living room that was now a mess. Her music stand that only held one sheet of music on it was surrounded by bunches of papers some being sheet music others being empty lines ready for music to be written on it. Zita had dragged a kitchen chair to the living room so that she had a chair that was better for sitting properly, so she wasn’t slacking in her posture. Zita took one look at this mess, shook her head and decided she would clean it up later, she made sure to put her violin away and started to get ready.

It didn’t take her long to finish getting ready, since she never wasted time by putting on make-up or eating breakfast, since they both weren’t necessary anyways, but for different reasons of course. Zita pulled on a black t-shirt and jeans, and thought her hair was fine the way it was. She pulled her messenger bag onto her shoulder and grabbed a tin water bottle that was full of blood. It was something that Richard, her vampiric father, made her carry with her so she wouldn’t go after humans during school hours. Zita found it helpful so she could sip on blood while others don’t know it. Finally being ready she walked out the door and headed for school. She always walked to school, finding it easier than riding the bus or driving herself. She was within walking distance anyways, so it didn’t really matter much anyways.

Zita absolutely hated human school, but both her adopted father and vampiric father think it is better that she attends school. It makes it easier for her to hide in the human society as long as she showed up for school and acted human they were happy. As soon as she hit the school grounds her cell phone started to ring. Zita sighed and grabbed the phone from her pocket. “Hello?” Zita answered, though she already knew who it was.

“You made it to school alright?” A male’s voice came from the other end. Richard, or Ricky as everyone close to him called him, had made a habit of calling her since this whole rebellion started.

“Yeah, there was no trouble, I seriously doubt there would be any trouble anyways.” Zita muttered making sure that others couldn’t hear her very well as she walked through the halls. “Now, I have to let you go, the bell is about to ring.”

“Okay, I would like it if you would stay out of trouble today, I have a busy day today and I can't get anyone else to come in if you get into trouble.” Ricky said and hung up without a real good-bye or anything. Zita rolled her eyes and pocketed her phone and then started to open her locker. She had of course lied to Ricky, as she had plenty of time before class really started, she just didn’t want to deal with talking in the morning, it seemed like everyone was looking at you when you were talking on the phone, so she would rather just not stay on the phone long. Zita grabbed her water bottle and sipped from it, letting the aroma of the blood inside fill the air around, of course the only others that could smell the blood would be other vampires, but she doubted there were other vampires anyways.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:43 am

Name: Taj MacKlay
Age: body appearance: 17 actual: 216


With his parents, Taj made the long voyage to the rather newly formed country of America. They heard that people were able to own lands with little money. They found themselves in New York and wound up spending all they had for food and shelter. Both he and his father were able to find work, both labored long days for little pay. Even Mother had to find a job sewing to make ends meet.

One night after a taxing day of work, Taj just wanted to get home for a hot meal and a warm bed. Snow had just covered the land making walking slippery at best. He was snagged and hauled into the alley, he was beaten and robbed of all his belongings. He fought to stand, with three cracked ribs made movements racked with intense pain. He finally gave in allowing the pain to ebbed to tolerable levels. Footsteps brought a finely dressed woman to his side, this female had smelt the blood and came to investigate. Some reason the vampire had pity on the dying human and changed him.

Once he was able to control his new found lifestyle, Taj found the men who had robbed him that night and put an end to their lives. This was one of the few times he killed humans. He was sworn by the dark sire not to be seen by his mortal family, though Taj helped them when he could. It tore at his heart to see his parents weeping over his death.

Years passed, and the sting of that heart wrenching scene dulled. Taj did what he could to please his sire and gain his own lands and money. Eventually, Taj moved to a more suitable climate for his sun allergy. There he found a struggle in the vampire world and made his choice of who to follow.

Taj lay on the sofa with several different books around him, the subjects touched on several different topics. From planet orbits to the myth of the vampire. The light snapped on and he groaned and blinked at the burst of bright, he blinked at the woman standing in the doorway. "You are going to school right?"

"Seriously? I am..."

Ginger held up a hand not wanting to hear his excuses anymore, they had been through this time and time again. "You look seventeen, there fore you will play along with human rules."

Taj made a growl and snapped the book shut, he got that look from his sire and tossed his book on the coffee table and rose. "Fine," he stated moving to his bedroom to find a clean t-shirt. "I could be teaching the classes since I lived most of the history," he grumbled and dug through the closet until he found the red shirt with a huge question mark embossed on the front. He made sure his jeans were acceptable with a quick glance, before shoving his feet into his boots. "You're going to be late for your first day in a new school," Ginger called from the kitchen, as she wrote a note for Taj informing she would not be back for a few months.

He hurried out of the house and hurried to his jeep, glancing up at the sky. It was going to be another cloudy day. He grinned and turned the key. The motor purred for a moment before he backed out of the driveway, he bumped down the dirt road and pulled to a stop. Before tearing out onto the pavement, with his music blasting in the radio he made the five mile trip to down and eventually school.

He parked in the lot glancing about the crowds of humans and their judgmental looks, he grabbed his backpack and slung it over his shoulder and strolled into the school. Again, he thought, doing this song and dance again. On his way to the office he smelt the tang of blood, he glanced at the dark haired girl standing by her locker drinking. He gave her a puzzled look as he passed by.

After a wait in the busy office he obtained his class schedule, he snorted to see it was history first period. He rolled his eyes and flicked his hair from his face moving to the classroom. He found a seat and slipped into it watching the normal tension between the male and female population.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:27 pm

Zita caught the puzzled look from some guy she hadn't ever seen before, and just rolled her eyes as she stopped drinking the blood and screwed the cap on the water bottle really tight. She gathered everything she needed for class, and though there was a lot of time before class started, Zita decided to take her time and look around the school's library to see if there was anything interesting, though she had been to the school's library a bunch of times and most of the time they never had anything at all, but she didn't really feel like being early to class, and she needed to do something. Her history class was boring and she didn't care much for things like that, so she decided to kill time and probably be late to class anyways.

The bell had rang, telling people they had better be to class already, but Zita was still checking out a book and wasn't really in any hurry to get to class. She was talking to the librarians that took a liking to Zita, because they all enjoyed reading books and Zita was good at acting pleasent to certain people. She was able to get a pass excusing her from her tardiness to her first class from the librarians, who said that she was helping them organize some of the books. Zita smiled and thanked the librarians as she walked out of the library and wandered around a little bit in the empty halls before she finally went into her history class, at least fifteen minutes late to class. Most of the other students were used to her coming in late and interrupting the teacher, who seemed very nice about this kind of stuff.

"Zita, you've got a pass?" The teacher asked.

"Yep." Zita answered, handing the teacher a peice of paper before sitting down in the last empty desk that was open. The teacher quickly wrote something down and started again on his lecture about World War One and the effects it had on the world. Zita looked up for a few moments and then sighed, she really hated history. She liked the teacher but she didn't like the lectures and the stuff she already studied a lot of times. It was all things she knew and she was pretty good at history now from living through some of it and studying the rest for so long. She started to draw in her notebook instead of taking notes, just so she looked like she was doing something anyways. She just drew small things that really didn't mean anything, most shapes, since she wasn't that good a drawing in the first place.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:39 pm

The bell rang and everyone slipped into their seats, the teacher started with role call and stumbled over his name. He politely corrected him and the teacher jotted something down and continued down the list. The text books were passed out and a general overview of the expectations of the students in the class. Same stuff just different voice.

Taj flipped through the pages seeing a few things had been changed in this newer volume. Most of the stuff were fluffed to make humans seem not so destructive and hateful as they really were. He left it open and he slouched in his chair really wishing he could fall asleep. After a moment, he pulled out his notebook like the groaning class. The teacher was starting in the lessons on the first day.

The dark haired girl strolled in and spoke with the teacher. Someone elbowed him, he turned and blinked at a blond football player. "New kid, you play ball?"

"No," he answered, the teacher cleared his throat and the jock slid back into his seat as the lecture continued. Taj was trim and well toned thanks to his hardworking life. Football he just didn't understand the fascination for it.

The class finally ended and people peel out as they talked about plans for the weekend. Taj gathered his stuff and made sure he moved by Zita. He glanced at what she had been busying herself with, he chuckled. "Nice notes."

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:16 pm

Zita heard the bell and started to gather her things, when a guy came up to her and commented about her notebook page full of random drawings. She looked at the boy and then back at her notes, "Well, paying attention in class isn't my strongest point." She muttered as she closed her notebook and gathered everything she had. She did have to make it to her next class on time, though she wasn't really sure why she even cared for going to any of her classes. Then she remembered that she was supposed to not get in trouble today, but it was so easy to get into trouble, when she was the way she was. She liked to keep to her opinions and everything and most people hated that so something was always started, then she got in trouble.

"Oh look, new kid has a thing for Zita!" One of the students shouted, a girl that seemed to be more of the stereotypical popular girls. The people around her roared with laughter. She had that aura around her that was self centered and if you didn't like her then you would never be successful in the school. Zita was one of those kids that challenged this girl all the time and everything like this, so it made things a little difficult for everything. The popular girl's name was Amber, but to Zita going to so many different schools she really didn't care about their names, though she did remember them, just because she knew they were mostly the reason she got into trouble a lot.

"Can it, Amber, nobody wants to hear your idiotic comments!" Zita growled. Zita then started to head over to Amber to tell her about some other things that Amber should shut up about, but the history teacher quickly grabbed Zita's shoulder and told her to forget about it. "Yeah, fine." Zita sighed as she glared at Amber, as if wishing the girl's head would randomly set on fire, or someone else would throw a punch her way. It annoyed Zita so much that people were so stupid that they never thought of just easily taking her down a step.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:25 am

"Oh," Taj said watching the girl gathering her things. He couldn't really come up with anything intelligent to say after such a comment. He didn't know her well enough to tease her. He found himself just standing there like an idiot. Why he was so glued to the spot he was completely unsure. Something about her drew him to her.

It wasn't until one of the bubbly girls that was surrounded by her group called out. His eyebrows rose at the accusation. He could almost feel the hostility in the room, this seemed not to be a rare occurrence. These two had some sort of tension between them, he had noticed teenage girls were almost mean or even meaner than boys. He knew a few centuries under her belt would mellow her out, like it had done him. He merely rolled his eyes at this popular girl.

Taj shoved his hands in his pockets as the history teacher stopped Zita from doing something she would later regret. He moved after Zita, once he had caught up with her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get you into trouble."

OOC: I was unsure if your character was on the move or not. If she isn't I will edit.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:53 pm

"Hm? Trouble?" Zita asked confused and then remembered the thing that had happened with Amber. "Oh, you mean that little fight with Amber? Don't worry about it, I've gotten into worse fights anyways. There was one time I had given Amber a black eye, but the principal went easy on me because it was my first day father has his ways of convincing people that it wasn't entirely my fault." Zita shrugged. She looked around the school a few people looked at her, smirking and she glared back at them. There wasn't any reason for her to glare that most people knew about but then again most people really didn't care about Zita's fights with random students that stood out from the rest.

Zita looked at the guy for a moment and then back around the crowds of people she slipped past with her fast movements to get to class before the passing period was up. "Well, was there any reason for talking to me, or was Amber actually correct at what she said? Because if she was, I still have to prove her wrong and will make sure you don't give anything away that it was actually true." She said.

Zita was actually pretty curious as to why this guy was actually interested her, most people, after the first week of seeing what she does. She was known for picking fights with people that try to make fun of her and for being so opinionated about things other people don't really like to get close to her and try and find out if she is even worth being a friend. She knew this and didn't care about what other people thought of her, it was the same at every place she went. It was like she wasn't allowed to have her own opinions and stick to them, like they were supposed to change to agree what everyone else wanted them to be.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:30 am

He was aware of the ways she seemed to be glaring at people around them. It freaked him a little even though he was a child of the night. There was an element about her that wasn't quiet normal for a human, he had smelt blood before around women from time to time. But not like that, that was not attached to anything he noticed.

He frowned at the mention of a father figure, he quickly turned away and nodded. The man was indeed powerful if he could sweet talk a principle. Not someone he wanted to get tangled up with, he had to be careful he figured. Not that he had any plans on dating this semester, he almost laughed out loud. His plans always seemed to change.

"Reason for talking? Not really, just noticed you were doodling instead of scribbling down helpful hints for the class." He stated as he made an effort to keep up with her. She was fast, a little to fast and not breathing hard in her effort.

Things were not adding up. He wasn't having a problem keeping up with her, except the crowds were getting thicker and he was suppose to be going the other way. "I'll talk with you later, I have to get to class."

He veered off and hurried toward English class on the second floor. He only knew the place by the primitive map he had noticed in the office, so until he learned all the pathways he had to go the route he understood. He slipped inside barely glancing at anyone as he slipped into an empty seat as the bell rang.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:49 pm

Once the boy started to walk the other way, she finally got through the rest of the crowd and made it to class pretty early for her normal timing to class. Then again, she didn't really need any trouble today anyways, she quickly sat down in her normal seat and wanted the day to be over as soon as possible. They went over things that she already knew about and she found it easier to just not pay attention and start writing some music notes on some blank music paper she had. She had no idea what she had written, though she knew the notes and how to play them, it was more like she really didn't care how the music really sounded or anything, since she wasn't listening to it in her mind at all either. It was just to keep her distracted from doing anything that she wasn't supposed to do.

Zita finally made it through the first half of her day, and instead of going to the cafeteria where everyone else was going she walked into the library, where, not even the librarians were at the moment because they were out eating as well. She sat at one of the tables with only her water bottle of blood and reading a book she really didn't care about, but to keep her busy for the thirty minutes she had to sit down and do nothing. She was used to the quiet and would have been surprised if anyone else ended up in this place, it was the only place she felt was a way to get away from all the humans in the place and she had her own thing to do.

Though, Zita looked like she was just reading a book she was actually thinking of other things. She was thinking about when she would be able to go back home instead of staying here out on her own going to school. She knew it was only until the rebels either gave up or were finally taken care of, but it was annoying to sit at a place she no longer belonged. Her vampiric father was so busy he had no time to ever do anything, and her real father wasn't even allowed to come anywhere near her because of the fact that it could start rising suspicion of sorts. She was only known among the people that the king trusted and she was absolutly bored going through the same things everyday. It was starting to annoy her and she needed some change soon or she felt she would go crazy.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:02 pm

The classes continue to drag on, meaningless dribble kept falling from the teachers lips. He stared at them mostly giving a couple of the teachers the creeps. He laughed inwardly at this little game, he did what he could to amuse himself. The students pronounced him a freak and steered away from him as if might actually do some damage to his self esteem.

Finally the time for lunch came upon them and he moved about the teenage buffet searching for a little snack to tied him over. Most shied away from him and stayed in groups, he was unsuccessful in finding any stray sheep. A girl dressed in a gothic attar slammed her locker and moved toward the library, with a vampire on her heels. He caught up with her, whispering in her ear, his hand wrapping around her arm. He felt his influence weakening the girls will against natural monsters like him. Since she was already enthralled by the dark things of the world, she was an easy catch.

Taj did a quick mental sweep of the library for other mortals, finding none, he pulled the poor girl close and sank his teeth in her flesh. Warm blood pooled against his tongue, forcing himself to only take a little. The thirst thundered through him wanting to drain her completely, luckily he had more control over this aspect of himself than most or he would not have risked it. Once he was finished he licked the wound which sealed itself and she stood there with heavy eyes. "Go get something to eat," he commanded her. "You will not remember running into me."

The girl would live with a bit of a weakness from the loss of blood. She wandered off dazed and confused, until she found herself eating like a pig in the lunch room. Taj checked his face and clothing for blood walking about school with such things lead to unhappy questions.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:34 pm

Zita thought she had heard something, she stood up leaving her book open and her water bottle on the table. She figured that investigating the sound wouldn't hurt anything, for all she knew it wasn't even anything, but her imagination. She wondered what it could even be if it was something else, she wasn't exactly sure what to expect anyways. She was quiet as she walked towards where she heard the sound, ears perked to hear any other noises that came along as she snuck her way across the library and towards the quiet hallways. She was normally so used the the silence that none of this freaked her out, she knew that most humans really weren't used to things being quiet, everything was always so noisy around them, but the silence was something she enjoyed and was good a creating.

Zita paused in the library's enterance, she saw that new guy, his fangs sunk in the girl's neck, and he didn't even seem to notice another presence. Another vampire at this school, if her family found out she wasn't the only vampire, she would have to immediatly move. It had been a long time since she had ran into her own kind. It almost made her want to keep this a secret so her family wouldn't find out. What harm could it bring if she actually did make contact with someone that wasn't human. It would certainly bring a difference in her life, she had been around humans too long, and maybe with someone else that was of her own kind things would start to get interesting again. She crossed her arms as he spoke to the girl and the girl walking away, Zita shook her head.

"You know, there are so many other ways of getting your fill without risking being found out." Zita finally spoke up, leaning against the door frame of the enterance. She wondered how he would even react or would she be in trouble for knowing that he was a vampire. At the moment she really didn't care and her face showed no emotion.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:43 pm

Taj paused for a moment when Zita spoke than he chuckled glancing back at the way the girl had left. He could have been easily caught by one of the kingsmen, he had to be more careful in the future. At least until he knew all these teachers were human. If they were the only two vampires in this region the more fun they would have. He knew they were not, there was a small coven that met near here. One with different ideals than that of their current 'king'. Who he had never met but have heard of frequently.

"What is the fun in that?" He asked running his tongue over his flat teeth, tasting hints of the small snack he had just partaken in. "What good is being all super powerful without a few risks taken? What are they going to do?" He laughed carelessly, he knew the dangers far to well of being discovered. Part of the reasons he was in this new place, he had gotten a little to close to a hunter after his sire and both nearly died from it. The hunter was not human, they believed the creature was dispatched from the king himself.

"That explains a lot about you, why I smelt disembodied blood when I first passed," he thought about it a moment. All the things she had with her every time he saw her, than it clicked. "Keep it in your water bottle. Sneaky to be sure."

Taj moved toward her in a slow careful manner, not hiding his graceful poise of a two century old predator. He knew his charms would not work on her so he didn't need to hide them. He was a beautiful beast, one easily capturing the minds and hearts of today's teen who have no clue. At least that was what his sire told him when he lured his prey into his arms. "When was the last time you went hunting? Tasted fresh blood? Or are you one of those plastic bag types?" He snorted with a frown. "One of goodly monsters, I wager."

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:11 pm

"Plastic bags? People actually do that?" Zita chuckled. "No, I don't get blood from willing donations. It's easier for a younger vampire to keep thier hunger in check with keeping a drink by them at all times. The last thing I need to deal with is to attack a human in the middle of a crowd. Though fresh blood doesn't come too often to me..." Zita muttered, she thought about it for a moment, when was the last time she had fresh blood? Most of the time she had someone come and supply her with these bottles of blood. For all she knew that was a willing donation that she was getting. She knew that they normally went out and got fresh blood by draining humans, but she hadn't done that it quite sometime though she knew how to hunt. Her eyes had fallen to the floor for a moment, but she shook her head and looked at the guy.

"My name is Zita." She said standing straight up now, but her arms stayed crossed as she watched him walk slowly towards her. "Never really see other people like us in these schools I've gone to. Then again I don't think many kids like us really have to go to school, because there's really no point unless you need to keep up some kind of image." Zita sighed and looked around, the halls were pretty empty and she wondered what was up with this guy. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to trust him or if he was on the other side. It was annoying having to worry about the sides people were on, and what was going on with the whole thing. Maybe, it really didn't matter in this case, this guy couldn't know who she was, so it really couldn't matter too much. Besides, it had been a while since something different had happened in her life.

Zita wondered if it really mattered to other people, or if it was just because of the position she was in that made her always wonder what side others were on. She shook her head those thoughts really weren't necessary, she looked at the guy waiting for some kind of response. She was curious about him, what was he like, what was his name? She didn't even know that much, well, it was time to learn right now, but of course there wouldn't be time to learn everything. She knew that lunch time would end soon and class would begin and she would have to go back to class and at least look like she was paying attention to the teachers.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:54 pm

"More than you think, they are good in a pinch but not to live off of." Taj's eyebrow arched when she denied having donors, he did not believe her for a second. Then she seemed to counter her own words by confirming she didn't get fresh blood often. "You poor lost soul, you need a good night of hunting then. It livens the soul and brings good things to drink. Once we are full or bored we can go to my house and watch vampire movies until sunrise."

"Nice to meet you Zita. I am Taj."

Taj shrugged a shoulder. "My sire went though a lot of trouble to get me into this school for some reason or another. Her methods are always confusing and annoying to me. As if being stuck in a high school will keep me out of trouble," his laugh was a velvety purr. "Little does she know."

He glanced toward the door of the library as noises came from the hallway. Lunch would soon be over and he would again have to become a human once again. Odd that, the thought of being human made him cringe. When he was first turned that was all he wished to be again. Funny how time changes ones thinking. "So, is that what your sire wants as well, putting you into this foolish masquerade?"

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:48 am

"Sort of...I guess." Zita shrugged, She looked back at the things that were sitting at her table. "I should probably get going, I still have to get to my locker before I go to class. And since I know the bell is about to ring, I can't really stay and chat. I was told that if I get into trouble today I am on my own and that never works out good for me." Zita sighed as she turned and headed towards the table and started to gather her things. She thought about what Taj had said, about the whole thing and then the whole invite thing finally hit her. What exactly had he meant by that invite? Of course she couldn't go, if anyone found out about what was going on, she would be instantly moved to another area. Any vampire could be her friend or her enemy and it sucked having to think so far into it.

Zita looked around, seeing that the librarians were back to work, she couldn't stay any longer. She would have to get to class now, there was no way she would be able to get out of the rest of this boring day. She went through the rest of the school day wondering what she was going to do once she got home. She would probably just get bored again and start playing the violin, or watch the news and laugh at some of the humans trying to do something stupid again, wrecking their own lives. She kept staring at the clock in every class just wanting to get out of the prison used to keep all the children in so that there wouldn't be much trouble during the day.

Once the final bell finally rung, Zita quickly got out of the class, and headed for her locker. She shoved her books in and grabbed all she needed for the day and was ready to leave. The crowds of people were rushing to their buses or to practice already trying to beat other people there and have time to just talk to friends. She leaned against her locker for a moment watching the people just push and shove each other out of the way, she wondered why it was so important to be this excited to get home and probably do nothing the rest of the day.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Tue Oct 04, 2011 1:12 pm

Taj gathered he was being blown off, he frowned when she gathered her things and talked about getting to class. Her sire was the only creature that would have such control over a vampire, his frown deepened at the thought of such a monster at Zita's reins. He wouldn't be able to do much about the fact, it was family business and he knew enough to be respectful of that.

He turned on a heel and went his own way, he went to class and listened to the teacher try and impress the class with his knowledge of the sciences. Taj stared out the window, the teacher kept asking him questions as if the student wasn't paying attention. Taj would answer each one correctly, with great boredom. His mind was mostly on Zita and the possible problems she was facing. Taj had a problem with his own sire at the start of this new life, simply because he didn't want to accept his new role and return to being human.

The more he thought the more unanswered questions were floating in his head.

"Look at the love sick Taj," Amber stated after the bell had rang. "Thinking about Zita-pooh."

Taj's gaze rolled to the popular girls who were laughing at him. "I would wager," he stated as he gathered his books together calmly. "Since you make such a fuss about Zita and my possible liking her that you are in love with her yourself." He put up a hand, as she gasped and blubbered incoherently. "I am not here to judge your lifestyle choices. Women loving women is all the rage these days. But I would think you are more mature than to act like you are still in grade school." He rose and gave her reddening face a hard look. "But then you are just a child, Zita wouldn't be interested in the likes of you."

"You are so dead mister," Amber finally said between gritted teeth.

"You have no idea," he said with a wink as he strolled from the room. He chuckled as he headed toward his next class.

He noticed many of the football team giving him heated glares, each trying to be more threatening than the last. In the hallways, he was 'bumped' into several times. He shook his head at the high school politics. Amber was trying to get the team to scare him or eventually beat him up in some way or another. She was indeed an idiot.

Taj was hanging out in the bathroom waiting for a certain male to enter, he didn't have to stand around long. The quarterback of the football team along with a couple of his thugs entered. They peered at him than grinned at this chance to make their move. "Hey chopsticks," the quarterback said, slamming a fist in a palm. "I don't like how you were talking to my girl."

"Really," Taj said innocently. "I don't think it was any of your business."

"Amber is my business."

Taj's laughter evilly in the small space. "The classic lead cheerleader and quarterback love story, how very pathetic. Let me guess, she wears the pants in the relationship because you want in her pants. She calls the shots you bow down to her for the promise of the deed." He jumped down from the counter and picked up his back pack. "She is leading you around by the leash and she will never end your days of being a virgin."

"What?" the guy on the quarterbacks right asked then the two laughed at their fearless leader.

"Oh, now." Taj whispered moving toward the small group. "No laughing you all are in the same boat when it comes to actually scoring it with the girls. I think you boys should stick to playing ball and leave the stories of your conquests to the fiction writers."

The door to the bathroom shut and he laughed. "I love being me," he whispered and moved toward the bank of lockers.

Zita was leaning on hers in what appeared to be a thoughtful mode. He stepped up behind her. "You plan to keep brushing me off with stupid excuses? If you don't want me around have the guts to say so. I mean seriously, we are not that young anymore."

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Tue Oct 04, 2011 3:14 pm

Zita watched people rush by, she was mostly in a daze because of her thoughts just going in every direction. She wasn't in any hurry to leave, she walked home and it wasn't like she had anything she had to do when she got there. People were all just trying to get to the location they needed to be. Amber had passed right by Zita, and glared at her but Zita didn't even recognize it was her, she whispered to her friends who just started to laugh loudly. Zita ignored it all and stared at the wall, since the crowds were starting to clear out and everyone was on their way home, she knew that she should probably head home as well, but she wasn't sure about what they were going to get done. She had nothing really to go home to, just a place to herself with nothing to do but whatever she wanted.

Then came a voice close to her, she shook her head and looked at Taj. "I'm not trying to brush you off, I seriously couldn't be late to class, but about your offer for tonight. I don't think I can, you see my father doesn't exactly like knowing of other vampires being in the area. Especially one going to the same school as I am going to. He's a little strict and I don't want to leave this school or area just yet, it's been a while since I've talked to another vampire. It's not an excuse, I just don't know what would happen if he found out about another vampire being in this area as well." Zita sighed. This whole thing was just too much to think about, it was as if she had to be careful with every step, wasn't this how she was supposed to be when she was human. Her brothers always warning her about being careful with everything she did in case her mother got angry and lashed out at them, but she refused to be careful about anything.

Zita thought about it for a moment, she couldn't believe she was actually trying to do what people told her to do. This wasn't like her at all, she quickly shook her head and looked at Taj. "You know what forget about it, lets go do something." Zita said quickly. She figured that there was no way her father would find out since, he was all the way in england anyways, and she was here. There was no reason for her to be avoiding having fun and actually doing something. She looked at him "Whatever you want to do is fine with me."

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:06 pm

Taj's eyebrow arched up in question as she continued on with her vague reasons not to go out with him this night. Father? So her sire makes her call him father? Odd, at least in his world. He could see an older vampire being denied the whole offspring thing wanting a 'family'. He tried not to judge to harshly, he was pretty sure when he had a few centuries under his belt he would turn toward that thinking.

Zita shook her head and hope bubbled inside his gut. When she accepted his invite, a grin slipped over his lips. "Now you are talking like a true champ," he put his arm around her shoulders and escorted her toward the doors of the school. He wasn't being forward, it is just who he was. He always been a touchy feeling type and that didn't stop with his death. "First thing is first. Leave this box, ditch our stuff somewhere and than we will head toward the park. There is some do-da going on there so there will be tons of people. Oh, Zita we shall cause as much mischief as vampire-ly possible without being caught. And I will teach you a fun little game I like to call 'flirt and smash'." He frowned at the whole title, he and his friends have been trying to come up with a better name. But they seem not very creative when it came to that part, they were good with coming up with ways to make life harder for the human targets.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zitacamron95 on Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:36 pm

Zita fallowed in step with Taj as he spoke about what they were going to do. It seemed like just saying yes for them to go do something made him pretty happy. She wondered what caused this to happen and what they were really going to be doing the whole night. It seemed like Taj already had everything planned, like he was planning on doing this already. It really didn't matter to her, they were going to have a fun night, and she would be able to actually do something other than being trapped inside doing nothing. It was like being trapped in two cages, and there wasn't anything she could do about it. Now she was just going to take risks and get on with her life, it didn't matter if she had to be careful anymore, her life was her life not someone elses. She was the way she was supposed to be, the person that didn't care about what was going on and what would happen in the result of what she did.

"Whatever you want to do, it'll just be good to actually go do something right now." Zita said, she didn't even pay attention to the fact that his arm was around her shoulders. It really didn't matter to her anyways, she was pretty much just excited to get out of the house and go do something for once. Something that was probably going to be fun and exciting, and nobody had to know what she was doing except for Taj anyways. It wasn't like anyone would be able to find out right away and if they did it really didn't matter to her at this point. This time she would actually just have fun and do whatever she wanted to do.

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Re: Unknowing (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:46 pm

Taj lead her his place, an empty house that almost appeared to have humans lived in it. There were even canned food in the cupboards and perishables in the refrigerator, the place was even sloppy like a teenage kid lived there. Books were the dominate force in the living area, as well as a massive flat screen connected to a game playstation, there were a shelf full of DVD's.

He tossed his bag on the sofa and let out a sigh, glancing around the room. "Ready for your night of fun? Do you need a little sip before we go? I don't want you to hungry or anything." He laughed and shook his head. "There will be plenty of refreshments where we are going."

They left the small two story house and made their way through the woods that lead to the park in which he had already announced they were going. The shade of the trees gave the day an even gloomier feel. "You don't have friends, I take it because of this father of yours? Doesn't he know a vampire is just as social as the humans? To put one away from her own kind, is well, evil."

He shook his head jumping over a log landing softly on the forest floor. "That must be very isolating."

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