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Falsum Duomum

Character Submission

a part of “Falsum Duomum”, a fictional universe by Igari.

Isallia, a parallel world of technological advancement, where steam rules as king. Here is where your alternate self resides, where battle royales are held to entertain royals and kill off flawed and where a darker plot to the apocalyptic world resides.

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Falsum Duomum”.
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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ellipsis of Gothique on Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:41 am

I guess I lean towards self-deprecation that I have such anxious tendencies ^^;; I have to submit a writing sample! It's the GM's protocol so allow me to fulfill your requirements!
I hope it is alright that I submitted the character profile >_< Thank you for looking after me :3

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ezarael on Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:04 am

Name: Luther Gottfried von Krieger


Age: 20
Gender: Male
Role: Royal
Height: 1.93 m
Weight: 83.91 kg

Appearance: “What do I look like? Oh dear me, are you one of those blind folks whom must ask, or merely dense? If you must then I am somewhat of a singular appearance when put with the rest of my family. Not a one of them tops 1.7 meters in height, and they’re nearly as round as well, one could compare them to pumpkins if one wanted. Of course they are also extremely dark, mostly orange to keep with the whole gourd theme, and stiff as well.”

“Now as for myself, I am of a moderate height and one could consider me as to being thin, but I would prefer the term lean, for aesthetic reasons you see. Not to say I am scrawny though, by far that would be impossible with the great Gottfried Wilhelm von Krieger as a father. You see, generals are so insistent that their sons take after them in every which way possible, such a pity it was the family heir who turned out so…different. It’s nearly abominable to be different amongst the royals though, so naturally I do get to enjoy making my father squirm at banquets.”

“Where were we again? Oh yes. Thanks to my vigorous exercise routines I am what one might refer to as “in shape” and do enjoy staying that way I might add. My hair you say? Oh yes it is stupendous. It’s a rich mane of extensive, fluid, silver hair with a braided lock on the right side. It infuriates my father so when he sees me sparring with it let free. Something about, “Women in frocks and men in helmets,” you should have seen his face the week I pulled that stunt, I believe a beet would not be able to match the same depth of color.”

“If you must know I also have this horrid scar stretching from underneath my left eye and travelling across my nose and to my jaw on the right-side of my face. The frock incident if I must explain. Of course some say it has added a dash of rugged handsomeness to these already fetching features. Luckily it did nothing to my dashing smile. Some refer to is as eerie at times, but I beg to differ on this opinion.”

Personality: In case you might be wondering Luther can be somewhat verbose at times and effusive for the most part. He has always been considered an eccentric, to say the least about him at any given time, what with the nearly consistent mumbling and speaking to himself and the overly grandiose ways he tends to exhibit in the public. For as reserved and esteemed a family as the von Krieger’s it is a surprise Luther has not been disowned or stripped of his right as heir, but there are reasons for that though.

Despite playing an obvious fool the young nobleman has a sharp wit about him for the nobility and warfare, which is what his father wants in an heir for the most part. While he may not have taken many other courses very seriously those concerning philosophy, governance, and warfare could tickle his fancy for hours on end. Thanks to these few serious and consistent positives to Luther’s somewhat obscure disposition his father tends to believe that he is merely being a young, if somewhat strange, man who will soon grow out of his extravagant ways.

It is hard to describe Luther as either “good” or “evil” and if I had the answer I would definitely tell you, because honestly he is as much an enigma to me as he is to you. Luther is very pragmatic when it comes to his own well-being, and sometimes for others as well, but this does not necessarily mean what he considers pragmatic at any given point in time is what any one of us would consider to be pragmatic. Luckily enough though he seems to exhibit the traits of a considerate and helpful person, for the most part, especially when it concerns women, he does love women.

Did I mention that Luther loves women? Once he sets his sights upon a particular damsel there really is not much choice but to give in, or try to completely isolate yourself from the rest of society. This is where his persistent and innovative side can be best observed. He is very outgoing and people-loving, enjoys having a good-time somewhat frequently, and so many more things it would be best just to let you discover them all as you become more acquainted with him.

Abilities/Forte: Luther is, if anything, completely unpredictable and a cunning strategist in the ways of war, love, and politics, of all forms. He heartily enjoys diving into the midst of any conflict to sort things out and do what he can, mostly for the kicks he obtains from problem-solving more-so than ending strife, just as he was raised to do. At times when either his exuberance or persistent nature lands him in trouble Luther carries a dagger approximately one-quarter of a meter long in a sheath between his right-arm and ribcage.

Like most of the royals Luther’s life was filled with the same ghastly routines and procedures day in and day out. There was tutoring, feasting, training, and all sorts of fancy-thing-a-doing for the first many years of his life. Sometimes he enjoyed spending time with others of the royal class, and sometimes he preferred to spend his days roaming the city and taking in the atmosphere of the common-folk and the, relatively, unknown world.

Something rather odd began occurring around his 16th birthday though. He began having these strange, and somewhat, alternating dreams. Sometimes they took place on another world which was barren, desolate, and devoid of nearly all life, but at others times he was merely in the von Krieger villa courtyard. At first he thought it was somewhat odd that innumerable damsels were not waiting on his every need, well even if he was located on some strange world in every few dreams it still seemed rather odd.

Things felt off somehow, as if he was not alone in his dreams. It always felt as if someone was watching him, but unfortunately it was not some buxom maiden of his dreams. Someone else soon began to make an appearance, and naturally darted away whenever the friendly Luther attempted to make contact with the individual. From what he could tell it was a devilishly handsome being, how could he not be with the striking resemblance he bore to Luther, but apparently was a “flawed”.
It was quite exasperating for poor Luther to finally make the young man’s acquaintance, and he finally learned had a name, Nobunaga. He was not the most talkative of people, or friendly for that matter, but Luther was settled upon the idea of communicating with him. He did not really see much of a choice since they apparently shared dreams with one another.

Eventually Luther discovered the being inhabited another world, one which seemed to run parallel to Isallia that lay desolate after an apocalyptic turn of events. He could only deduce that this Nobunaga character was an alternate version of himself in the other world, and oh so naturally he grinned at the concept that he was still dashing and debonair in an alternate universe. The only problem was the man was too dark and brooding. Could you imagine someone as magnificent as Luther being so dull and drab? Of course he has made it a mission to brighten up Nobunaga’s personality somewhat.
Isn't it strange how Decidedly we
will chasE such an iNdefinable concept
That cannot truly descrIbe us no
maTter how hard we trY?
-Insert Credit Here

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ezarael on Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:07 am

(Sorry for the cut off picture.)

Name: Nobunaga


Age: 20
Gender: Male
Role: Flawed
Height: 1.93 m
Weight: 99.79 kg

Appearance: “Fuck off.”

…So I see you’ve finally met Mr. Friendly. Before we begin let me just warn you in advance that there was actually a verbal response there. Usually strangers don’t receive just generous treatment.

If you haven’t noticed by now our friend Nobunaga bears a striking resemblance to someone else whom you have had the pleasure of meeting, but with a few noticeable, and somewhat glaring, differences between the two of them. It’s probably best to narrow the differences down first so as to avoid repetition.

Yes, the horns are real, but thanks to the brilliant positioning of the warrior’s headband they appear is if part of an outfit, an unfortunate assumption made by more than a few. You might also notice the distinct lack of an iris in either of his eyes, and a serious inspection would reveal the same lack of humanoid eyelids. They aren’t non-existent though, merely…different. Nobunaga has, instead, a clear membrane covering his eyes, in a sense they are more like eye-covers than anything. The terrifying implication of this is the fact that two vacant eyes are constantly gazing in space with practically no hint as to their target.

Next you might notice certain differences amongst respective, visible, appendages. An extensive, black, serpentine tongue can be seen flickering in and out occasionally; maybe it has some auxiliary purpose for its existence. His fingers and toes also have a fascinating mutation about them. Instead of rounding out in a traditional human sense they curve more into a point, with the end tipped with insidious, obsidian claws. All in all you might say he looks a bit…unique.

Of course besides all of that he does bear a striking resemblance to Luther. They both have long, silver hair, are of an equal height and weight, and both might seem like the kind of people you would rather not be near.

Personality: “Hello, it’s me again, Luther! I see you have met Mr. Happy have you not? No need to fear he won’t bite, at least I am not of the opinion he will… So good luck my dear friend. Oh yes, you want to know a bit about the fellow do you not? Obviously you do not require any assistance as to his appearance, unless you happen to be that blind fellow I ran into not long ago, obviously not!”

“From what I can tell of the lad and I do believe I know him well enough by this point, is that he is quite the unsociable type. Maybe it has something to do with the apocalyptic world from which he hails, but I doubt that. Why you ask? Because he hasn’t been with any women! Okay, sure that may be because the apocalyptic wasteland is lacking in fine damsels, but honestly he isn’t that big of a talker. Why I feel like I am talking to myself most of the time we converse. On second thought I do that most of the time anyway.”

“If you couldn’t tell by now he’s not exactly the friendly-kind of guy when you come down to it. Most of the time it seems he’s a little more worried about the, “I need to save myself,” mumbo-jumbo all those flawed keep spouting about. I couldn’t imagine him going out of his way to help anyone, even himself as hilarious as the idea sounds. Naturally there are quite a few things a gallant royal such as I might be able to teach the young man!”

“I can’t recall ever hearing him laugh. I do believe he is made of stone. He must be not to laugh at any of my jokes, which are many and generously donated for a good cause if I might add. Even recalling my exploits doesn’t seem to make that grim face budge an inch. Honestly, what is a fine fellow such as I to do with begrudging spoil-sport such as he? Probably get him drunk on wine and in the sheets with a fine damsel if you ask me and the sooner the better.”

“Oh well, hopefully that was of some help. When I can think of anything else I’ll be sure to let you know. Oh, and by the by, if you happen to run into a blind-man please be a gent and show him the way home will you? Tootle-doo!”

Abilities/Forte: Passive: Muscular Density- Nobunaga has an increased muscular density of approximately 20%. This allows for a decent increase in both his strength and speed, but the unfortunate downside is that his metabolism is nearly twice that of a human of the same approximate size. Such a negative side-effect can have drastic repercussions if he has not managed to find food for a period of time.

Active: Transformation- Nobunaga has the capabilities of transforming his body into something a bit more durable if the need ever arise. Doing so does have certain repercussions though, his metabolism begins operating on overdrive, exponentially draining him as the time frame wears on, and his mind tends to revert to something a bit more primitive. He only transforms into his other form if truly it’s necessary to save his life, the danger he runs of his mind regressing is too great.

His transformed state offers the added benefits of increased strength, speed, and robustness, but natural instinct takes over immediately, nearly forcing out the sentient and separate conscience completely. It takes extreme amounts of willpower to maintain even the smallest ounce of humanity when in this state.


History: Growing up in the post-apocalyptic Earth was cruel, soul-shattering, and completely necessary if one was to survive in the harsh environ. Nobunaga was taught to fight as soon as he was big enough to handle a sword which, thanks to his flawed characteristics, was much earlier than most. He had been lucky enough to be given to a master who could train him properly, how kind people still existed in such a harsh world was a mystery, but that happened when he was still much too young to remember his parents.

Unfortunately life happens on Earth, and as the years passed people came, went, disappeared, and died while Nobunaga continuously roamed the barren wasteland. All he could do was live from day to day and take whatever was necessary for survival, sometimes no one was killed. There was no education to rely upon, no trust you could risk rewarding, and definitely no time you could let your guard down, pure instinct was the driving force for most of the wanderers.

Several years after he left his master, too many to count since there was practically no need to keep time; Nobunaga began experiencing these strange dreams. In them he would watch this man of a similar age speaking to himself as he had observed many of the lost ones do. It was odd though, he felt a pull towards the stranger to whom he bore some resemblance, at least he thought he did, and there were few times when he would stop to gaze at his own reflection.

After some time he finally began to test and see if this other person was a worthy opponent, someone who could fight if necessary. The fool seemed alert, but still weak and slow, like he had grown up on another world. Whatever had happened he must have been abandoned or left out to die in the sun with how talkative a creature he was, never stopping for even a breath. There were quite a few things he learned from the fool, Luther, but he really wished the man would stop talking for five breaths, he might learn something from the silence.

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Igari on Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:23 am

Ahhhh~ //blushes lightly in happiness .///. The history fits in very well--this is an excellent addition to the already excellent work you've been having me oversee. Undoubtedly, //stamps his forehead with giggles You can most certainly move on to the written sample~ Oh and Gothique, honey, I'm waiting to accept your character once I see a written sample. ^ ^

Ah! This goes for everyone~ We're awaiting two more characters who should be here by tomorrow which means... First post will be tomorrow night! Celebration, what not, just go throw the balloons around and try not to get too much confetti on the couch~
I fell into that purgatory between waking and dreaming, the transient space existing between conscious and subconscious. It was beautiful... ephemeral. And I could not help but wish to stay forever.


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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ellipsis of Gothique on Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:32 am

Hai, Igari-chan! *salutes* XD

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Diarmuid O'Dyna on Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:36 pm

My computer is starting to act normal again, so I can finally post. Sorry for the wait, Igari.

Name: Theodosius Constantine

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Role: Flawed

Appearance: Image

Constantine stands at about six feet and one inch tall, making him above average in height. His athletic-to-muscular physique had been obtained in order to keep the man as healthy as possible. Although, his smoking doesn't exactly help his quest for physical dominance, but old habits do indeed die hard. There are various scars on Constantine's body that he has collected over the years, many are due to his ability.

Dyed white hair now sits upon the warrior's head after he gave up his black hair, a symbol that represented his father. Theo's father was a good man over all, thus is why he doesn't want anything to do with him. Eliminating the things that bound them together was a fool's idea of destroying the pressure Theo had to become his father. But he is his father's son, no matter how much he wants to ignore it.

Constantine possesses judging slate grey eyes, a memento of the mother he never met. Well, the grey color is the likeness of his mother, the judging aspect belongs to his father. Don't mistake the look for coldness. It's a neutral look more than anything else.

Personality: Constantine's personality isn't all that out of the ordinary. Like most of the other flawed, he has become desensitized by the world around him. The things he thought was horrible and evil as a child has become his everyday life. But even if his personality has become colder, his father served as a reminder to keep himself in check.

Theo's father has crafted his son's personality and mind to what it is today. The man taught his son to do all he could for other people, even if it endangered his own life. After all, how can you expect to protect yourself if you can't even protect the ones around you. And it's not like Theo could refuse this small philosophy; his father saved him even though the boy was a monster.

Although his personality is much colder than before, Constantine is sociable and joking when the situation isn't so serious. It isn't that he's bipolar, it's just that he doesn't think being cold and stoic all the time is the best way to go through life.


The Forge: Constantine's body had been altered in a way that he has always lamented, as it causes great pain to his body. Once in danger, his adrenaline starts pumping faster and faster, allowing his reflexes to be sharper, his body more resistant to pain and his strength almost super-human. But once he starts taking damage is where his mutation really kicks in. The iron in his blood begins to solidify and once it touches the air, it actually does turn solid.

Inside Constantine's body, once the adrenaline starts pumping throughout his veins, it's almost a sign for the iron to start. His blood begins to raise in temperature, making Constantine's body temperature rise. Once an opening is created to the outside, the iron starts to cool, solidifying into a kind of defense to protect him. It creates an armored shell where the damage was taken, and also makes the rest of his body more resistant to damage as the iron solidifies inside his body.

When he was younger, Constantine wasn't able to control his ability very well; he still has trouble controlling it. Now Constantine can shape the iron once it is created, although, he can't shape it once the iron has completely solidified. He is able to make weapons with it as well, but his powers are nowhere near as strong when using them as an offense as it is when using the Forge as a defense.

Of course, this mutation creates major health risks in which Constantine has faced in the past. The most frequent condition is migrating thrombophlebitis, in which his veins and arteries suffer inflammation related to serious blood clots. Sometimes the iron blocks the whole vein or artery in which it is protruding from, causing blood clots. Constantine has passed out on more than one occasion due to his mutation.

Equipment: Constantine only resorts to his mutation as a last resort, so he carries around a large sword with him, that is almost the same the length as him. If the warrior stood next to the sword, it would reach to around his chin.

History: Theo's mother died, giving birth to him. And for an unexplained reason, at the time, she was suffering from Iron Deficiency Anemia. Constantine was born into a middle class family, and soon enough, both Theo and his father were tested to see if they were flawed. As a lot of cases went, Theo tested negative, even though his body did carry the mutation. When the boy was around eight years old, the Constantine household burnt down due to some rampaging flawed. In the fire is when Theo learned of his curse. Their was a gas explosion, burning the left side of the boy's face. Once his father dragged him out of the fire, he saw metal protecting the side of the boy's face. Although, the metal really only proved to leave a white scar.

Theo's father then ran away with the boy, fearing that his being a flawed would be discovered. After five years of surviving together, the two family members were hunted down by steambots, killing Theo's father and creating a guilt inside the boy. Fearing what he might have to do to live up to his father's heroism, he tried to destroy their likeness. Constantine felt that dying his hair and trying to distance himself from how his father wanted him to be would make living easier, but it isn't that easy. He couldn't just throw away his father's teachings, and is still unknowingly becoming a shadow of his late father.

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Igari on Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:14 pm

Don't worry about it, Diarmuid, we all suffer from technical issues. Can we say, "eye candeh"? //shot to a million and one pieces Heh--excellent character as always~ You can go right on ahead and submit in his character form to me :3

With this newest submission, I will be making the first post in the roleplay later tonight! THROW THE CONFETTI AROUND. And other such jibber jabber~

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HansenetteHeart on Mon Jan 21, 2013 4:26 pm

Have people always been this angry? I’ve got a funny idea that before the internet people were just writing ‘fuck you’ and attaching it to pigeons.

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby jukuma on Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:04 am

Ah, am I perhaps too late? I'm really sorry I took so long, had I known I would meet so many inconvenients on my end I would've said something about it. If it's not too late, I'll swiftly make any necessary corrections. If it is, I'll understand :P

Aedyn Nadeau.



Rogue Scientist.


Standing relatively tall at 6'2'' and weighting roughly 180 lbs, Aedyn has a very healthy body for a person who spends the vast majority of his time in a laboratory performing research; though, to be fair, this is in great part attributed to the government's preparation program for him rather than his nonexistent dedication or self-discipline. His skin, on the other hand, makes his reclusive lifestyle as a scientist far more evident and is quite pale. He has medium-length, light brown hair, which seems to have been brushed to the side once upon a time only to remain a royal mess forever after, merely keeping a similar general direction in comparison. Since he doesn't seem to show much concern about it, this appears to be attributed more to a complete disregard for his looks rather than the pursuit of a particular style. Though he has rather wide eyes, this is easily missed by others due to he fact that he normally keeps them half-shut in an evident expression of indifference, though in some instances his face can become more communicative and his eyes more vivid and large. This is further enhanced by the fact that he wears glasses, these consisting on a pair of round spectacles with no legs that remain in place through pressure on the nose. His eyes are hazel-colored, but with a very dark shade that leads to the color being hard to distinguish from a distance, even when wearing his glasses. Finally, it is rather common for him to have some stubble on his face; again, this is mainly due to the fact that he is lazy and just doesn't feel like going through the trouble of shaving on a regular basis.

As far as clothing goes, his dislike for formalities and preference for comfortable attires is made quite evident by his choice of wear in everyday occasions. When he is working, he wears his commonly employed and horribly stereotypical scientific coat, but keeps it open, clearly revealing whatever he is wearing underneath. This usually consists on an open shirt (mostly Hawaiian, but sometimes with different yet always similar patterns) and a plain, mono-colored t-shirt under it, having a darker shade to it. He also tends to keep a long necklace with three metal plates attached to it that somewhat resemble fishing baits, which he keeps around even in his workplace. Finally, he favors wearing jeans for pants and a pair of black shoes.

Due to an odd combination of a military-involved upbringing and a constant encouragement to exercise creativity in addition to a mental breakdown during his late studies, Aedyn has grown to be extremely eccentric with capital negative connotations. He is fascinated with anything new and unusual and will always explore it in every possible way, not being convinced with just reading about them in books and preferring to see and feel them for himself. This could be considered a virtue if it wasn't for the fact that he will usually disregard all other affairs in his life for the sake of that one fleeting interest. Of course, he is very aware that his job is far more important than his own amusement and will always keep his entertainment in check... if only barely. He is also prone to lose his curiosity as easily as it appeared which, to him, is more the reason to instantly jump straight into whatever recently attracted his attention. Hence, even though most people would label him as a lazy person, he is actually very diligent in what he truly wants to do. He usually carries himself with an air of tranquility yet amiable disposition, which instantly gives away his easygoing and carefree personality. Not only is his complacency genuine, but in fact is far more pronounced than what others would think, as despite the fact that he is an infiltrated scientist from the government and is responsible for orchestrated deaths amongst Flawed individuals, who he regards equal to humans, he doesn't exactly lose any hours of sleep nor does he seem to be affected by any form of stress. He tends to behave in a rather clumsy and humorous (in a “not funny at all” kind of way) at all times, suddenly becoming more expressive in some occasions. Even in dire situations, he is capable of maintaining his composure and will even voice ridiculous claims to further ascertain his comfortableness or play along with others even if it is entirely clear that he is not in a position of power. He often complains about monotonous and continuous work and will mention how he can't wait to grow old, retire and live an easy life next to a beach.

He likes to be in control of things and is frighteningly good at it, if only for his advantageous position as a scientist allied with the government. Since he is fully aware of the true nature of the Battle Royale, frequently receives updates from the government officials and is also head of the research group of scientists, he has a very wide and complete view of the whole spectrum of the world and, with the aid of some intuition, is usually one of the first people to learn of any new occurrings and their direct effects on each world. While remaining mostly as a practically omniscient spectator, this allows him to move fast and effectively into action when he is required to intervene due to the appearance of an escapee or any other moderating task. In fact, the reason why he was chosen by the government to be the one in charge of secretly supervising the going-ons during the Battle Royale despite not being the most brilliant engineer available was his ability to quickly analyze and respond to sudden events and, to top it all off, he seems to be very effective in his judgment or at least has shown as much to the present day. While not a particularly good long-term strategist, he is a cunning tactician that can come up with an efficacious course of action for sudden problems, but refrains from taking final action until he has fully ascertained that his success is guaranteed.

Despite his usually unresentful and somewhat amiable self, there is a much colder side to him. He has a very pessimistic and nihilistic view on the world and doesn't believe that anything good can last for an extended period of time, which has led to him not growing too attached to anything or anyone to the point he can't let go of them. Also, as much as he enjoys conversing and exchanging opinions with other people, he is entirely capable of killing another person, Flawed or not, whether it be by turning them in to the government or directly putting a bullet through their head and is fully conscious of what he is doing at those times. He regards no moral code as universal, entirely denying the existence of right or wrong and any compensation or punishment these could bring forth; he instead believes that there is order and chaos and that neither side can work effectively without dirtying their hands. It could thus be said that Aedyn either holds little moral value or is entirely amoral, choosing instead to aid the side he deems more appropriate to avoid anarchy. Overall, he just fits the profile of an acute cynical and detached individual, but is also extremely good at disguising this aspect of his persona.

He likes reggae music, enjoys watching single player sports, has an admitted addiction for spicy food and wine and is a heavy smoker. 

Handgun – Aedyn owns a gun he keeps concealed in the laboratory; this consists on a simple, standard and small gun. He has been trained for many years in the use of firearms and is capable of employing it as well as any experienced soldier could, having the ability to quickly disarm and rearm it, load it fast and effectively, aim rapidly and accurately and draw it on fast reflex. He is actually capable of using a much wider variety of firearms and has shown preference for long-range and sniping rifles, but since he must avoid drawing much unneeded attention from his fellow scientist companions, it was decided that he would only be allowed to take one small weapon in case he was required to take out a target himself. Nonetheless, there are scientists who have spotted the gun and there is a rumor about it, despite the vast majority of them not believing the hearsay to be true. It should be noted that, despite his skills with firearms, he has no ability whatsoever for physical combat.

Modified Glasses – A pair of large and thick glasses that have a very similar function to that of binoculars, albeit being more effective and faster to use than common ones. The pair has several lens that can be pulled up or down so that they provide different combinations for different magnitude augmentations, having a maximum of a x20 magnification. They can also be used for closer distances, which has become its main use since Aedyn doesn't leave the laboratories very often.

Born to Arsen Heimik and Mira Nadeau, a couple that reached a high-class status in great part due to the husband's heavy involvement in the military, eventually reaching a high rank as an officer; Mira was a lawyer. Aedyn arrived as the first long expected son of the couple, which had had trouble throughout the years to conceive; hence, he instantly became the family's little treasure and subject to much attention from not only his parents, but even grandparents, uncles and aunts and as far as close friends of the family. And hence, he grew through his early years as a spoiled and somewhat ill-natured kid, which was a condition further worsened by his father's obligations as a member of the military, which made his prolonged absences become a normality and also required the family to move in various occasions. As a result, even though he didn't have any particular difficulties in making new acquaintances at each instance, he did become rather unattached to most people he met (with his mother perhaps being the only exception), developing a rather cynical view on the world and a firmly established belief that everything, good or bad, is entirely transient, which would haunt him for long, even during a good part of his adult life. Even at the age of 8, after the birth of his younger sister, Tris, in whom he found a bond that would last longer than most of the ones he had had so far, his behavior and mentality was not altered for the most part.

Upon his arrival to school, Aedyn entered a much more rebellious state, performing poorly in practically all subjects and showing an uninterested and generally negative predisposition. Nonetheless, time and again he demonstrated to be a quick and very intuitive learner. When he was 12, many of his teachers and personal tutors, including his mother, described him as ”reflexive and philosophically brilliant almost to the point of wise, but lacking in motivation and drive to learn, which hinders him in the acquisition of more technical knowledge”. Some also raised concerns about his occasional apathetic behavior and a lack of empathy unbecoming even for child of his age. While his mother tried to reason with him, fearing the early phases of Asperger disorder, his father opted to take on a much more direct and confrontational approach, convinced that Aedyn was only trying to draw attention from people, but mostly out of frustration as he perceived his conduct as a sign of weakness. None of these theories were on the right path, but both parents attempted their own techniques, one consisting on communication and the other being a strict set of codes and orders. Since neither one of the methods were on the right, this did little aid for Aedyn's mental adaptation, but it did subconsciously prompt him to pour more dedication on his studies in order to prevent his parent's awkward approaches from escalating. Ultimately, this simply accomplished to further alienate him from his family, particularly his father.

It was only once he finished his primary studies and entered college at the age of 18 that he would move away from his house and truly shine. To the surprise of many, he decided to study mechanical engineering and would prove to be very successful, earning a few merits in his first years. It was during his third year that the government took an interest in him along with a few other engineering students, as they needed an entirely new face in the world of science to use, and put them up for a psychological aptitude test. Amongst all the tested, Aedyn showed to match the desired profile the most, and so, unbeknownst to anybody else, he was scouted and his studies became supervised from that point on. In the next six years, he completed his studies in mechanical engineering and psychology, wrote two thesis, learned another language and received mental and physical preparation from the government for his future job as a “rogue” scientist. However, while he did complete all of these trainings successfully, the psychic stress he had to go through during those years had a hard effect on his psychological health, turning him into the unstable person he is nowadays. He spent the next three years working under laboratories of some prestige, earning himself a respectable career so that, when he was 30, it didn't come as a surprise to anyone that he became part of the group of scientists in charge of the development of the bridge between worlds. Though the government did in fact play a hand in his involvement in the project, Aedyn's ties to the authorities have been well disguised so far.

During that same year, he also took part in the moderation of the Battle Royale, taking directions from the government. There were no major events and he was able to carry out his job quite efficiently, hence not only keeping his position with the government for the next couple of years, but even being promoted to head of the scientific research group after only a year of work. It is known that this period of time meant a lot of personal turmoil for him, including some family issues (the most evident proof being him changing his last name from Heimik to Nadeau), but little detail has been disclosed. In the scientific world, he is both a promising figure and a mysterious individual.
Last edited by jukuma on Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Igari on Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:31 am

No, jukuma--you are not too late. ^ ^ Though my message to you may have been very direct, it does not mean I didn't want you to be included in our budding family of RP'rs. I am very pleased with Aedyn--the only change I would deign necessary is that perhaps instead of being a part of the team, he could be the head of the team. Perhaps promoted during the time of the project or the leader straight off but with that kind of status, he would definitely have much sway in the group of scientists as well. But for everything else, this made a pleasant surprise to see in the morning. You are alright to go ahead and continue on to the writing sample.

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby jukuma on Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:35 am

Awesome! I have made the changes to specify that he got promoted soon after joining the group of scientists. I think I edited all instances in which his position is mentioned, but if I notice I missed one I'll fix it :P

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheFinalOne on Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:10 pm

Forty year ago:

"But sir, he was with the Fallen. Even if he was deemed not Fallen, he may be contaminated with their ideologies."
The man glared into the eyes of the boy, but the boy didn't flinch. "This one wishes to live. let him try."



Man 1: "Have you heard of the Lightning Thief?"

Man 2: "Lightning Thief, huh? Ya, I've heard of him. A man with a face like that? Nobody can forget him. Gargarin Sklave der Lüge is what he calls himself. A fancy name in some old forgotten language, much like his sense of humor."


Man 1: "How old was he?"

Man 3: "The first, and last, record of him comes from a forty year old report of a kid being found when the Police raided a known Fallen hideout. The child was tested and found to be normal, surprising those who thought that the scar on his face was due a botched operation to remove the 'fallen' features. The age was reported as around six. That's all you'll get."

Man 1: "Anything else?"

Man 3: "Like I said, that's all a civilian like you will get."


Man 1: "What's his sex?"

Man 2: "He doesn't talk to women, doesn't like men. I think *whisper*he likes childre-*/whisper* Oh, you mean if he's a man or not? He's male alright. Whether he is a man is another matter altogether *roaring laughter*."

Man 1: "What did he *hands the man a drink* do for a living?"

Man 2: "He was a wacko. A weirdo. If it wasn't for his complete uselessness in a fight, and how old he looks, I'd be tempted to say he was a Fallen. I heard he was kidnapped by the Fallen when he was small, but his father didn't give them any money. *laughs* I guess he wasn't worth much in his father's eyes."

Man 1: "What did he look like?"

Man 2: "Do you know why he is called the Lightning Thief?"

"Man 1: Why?"

Man 2: "It's his face. The entire left half got twisted in some freak accident. They say he was going against the Ruler's wish. He was playing with lightning. He thought lightning was better than steam. Ha! What a fool. He deserved what he got. He once told me he would steal the lightning from the sky, and save the Fallen. *irritated* A dangerous thought, don't you agree?"

Man 1: "Very much so. So did he succeed?"

Man 2: "I guess. He would be called 'Lightning Thief Wannabe' otherwise, wouldn't he?"

Man 1: "*both smile at each other**fills the man's glass*I know I'm asking a lot of questions but you know he lied to me about the money I owed him. Now I understand why he used someone to do his dealings. He screwed me over."

Man 2: "That's him alright. He is a conniving bastard, a thief. He last came here a week ago. If he does visit again, I'll send him your regards."

Man 1:"You'll do? Thank you. Say, apart from his face what did he looked like?"

Man 2: "Hmm, I really don't know. His face grabbed all the attention. Let me think, he was about your height, and umm, wait a minute, he looked just like you. Well, everything except his scar, his twisted face and his bad dressing sense. I remember him once wearing socks of wrong colors. One red, one blue."

Man 1:"That is quite weird. One of the other patrons told me he always wore some paraphernalia with him. A ring?"

Man 2: "You are talking about his wedding ring. That's what he called it. Exchanging rings to show love or something. What a liar. Every married man ogles at beauties. Oh, I just realized something. He told me why he wore those socks that day. He wanted to be different from the masses."

Man 1:"I presume you didn't call him a weirdo just based on his socks."

Man 2: "Not at all. everything about him, was different. Clothes never matched. Buttons were wrongly buttoned. Pant usually unzipped, half torn sometimes. Huh, I thought all I remembered about him was his face."

Man 1:"*looks down at the table*I got fooled by a weirdo. What does that say about me?"

Man 2: "*laughs*Oh, he had his quirks but don't underestimate him. He was a master at poker. His wooden left eye always stared at you. He suffered from regular piss shivers*laughs*. He mumbled and wrongly pronounced curse words. But this was where his greatest strength lied. Whenever a rival gang came here to run amok, they'd spare him. Laugh at him, belittle him, but spare him."


Man 1:"*hands over a paper* Here is the clearance. Now answer me. What did the man create that the information is deemed unnecessary for the public."

Man 2: "Multiple things. He has bombs that can distinguish between friend and foe[Note 1], a weapon that can produce different gases depending on the requirements[Note 2]. He also possesses other weapons, including rifles and wearable weapons."

Man 1:"So, there is more to him than being a six year orphan. Give me his file."


Gargarin spent his early years on the streets. He moved from place to place, a nomadic existence his curse. Years on the street made him what he his today. A man of lies and deceit, of street smartness and a strong will to live, of hatred for the rich and hatred for his fellowmen.

The man was spotted by a government official when he caught Gargarin unfolding his usual drama to steal bread. It was well rehearsed and planned. The officer noticed the deliberations in his movement. He caught Gargarin and offered him a job.

Soon, the years on the street started paying dividends. The man, who was first known for his obsession with individualism, came to be known as a genius with steam. His new valve designs made machines efficient earning him praise.

However, his life was cut short by a cruel twist of fate when he was killed by a Fallen thirteen years ago, on 21st March, 2132. He is survived by no one.


"Thank you," the man (Man 1) said and left. He hurried home. His mirror and his instruments awaited him. Five minutes later, the man with the twisted face and a large scar was ready to face the world as Gargarin, The Lightning Thief.
ImageRespect ma authoritah!
Are you irritated at coming last in every single thing? Don't worry. For just a cookie, I'll be TheFinalOne.

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Siryn on Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:33 am

Hello everyone! So without further ado, here is my character for inspection ;) :

Name : Quinn Sari

Age : 17

Gender : Male

Role : Flawed

Appearance : Image

Quinn stands at a solid 5 feet 10 inches. He has piercing pale green eyes that seem to glow an unnatural yellowish color at times. Black leather covers him from head to foot, the only protection his well built body has. Huge black wings sprout from his shoulder blades and are large enough to wrap around his self as a kind of cocoon whenever he needs/wants. Covering a large portion of his right side is silver metal that is almost liquid like, but is entirely apart of his body. A small portion of this liquid like metal is also under his left eye.

Personality : Quinn is far from friendly. He is cold and deadly, considered heartless and intimidating. He will not hesitate to kill anyone he deems to die. Fighting is his life and he's known nothing else, so it's no wonder that he isn't looking for companionship or any friends. He's not a protector and will leave someone to die if they are too wounded to care for themselves.

He dislikes anyone who attempts to help him in anything. Quinn doesn't ask for assistance, nor does he need it. He's more likely to kill the one who helped him along with anyone else who is his target at that moment. Quinn has a deep hatred for Royalty and for Scientists. The Scientists because he was tested on, his mutation being that of the silver liquid on his body. It is also the source of his power. Royalty because they pit the Flawed against one another for no honorable reason.

Quinn, though heartless, cold and ruthless just about all the time, does have honor, though he's slowly forgetting exactly what that was and what 'honor' means. He's lost many of his morals and other ideals since becoming a fighter for one of the Royalty.

Equipment : Quinn's equipment in battle is his own body. The silver liquid on his side is where his power originates. The mutation gives him the ability to manipulate the feathers of his wings. He can sharpen them into deadly points and shoot them in a barrage at his enemy. From there he'll be able to create full on weaponry with his wings feathers, melding them together with the silver substance across his side to give it solid shape and sturdiness. His ability will stop growing once he's mastered the mutation of a long sword.

The silver liquid is his power, but it is also a poison to him. With each use of his mutation, the silver liquid spreads to cover more of his body. It spreads slowly and is very taxing on his strength and so he cannot keep shooting feathers for long periods of time, nor will he be able to keep the form of weapons for very long either. Once he lets go of the mutation's power and returns the silver liquid to it's original state (along with his feathers) the mutation will slowly recede, but it won't recede completely. As it spreads, the longer he keeps the mutation going, the deeper the silver liquid soaks into the new areas it's spread too and will stay. This takes much longer than the silver spreading on the surface.

When he's not using his mutation in a fight, Quinn rely's on his knowledge of hand to hand combat. He can fight very well with a long knife or sword, but as he does not usually carry one on his person, he relies on his lithe body and strength. His wings can carry him some distance into the air (he can't fly very high, nor for very long either. He could, however, scale a wall if need be. It would be a mixture of kicking off the wall and using his wings to push himself up higher till he could reach the top and pull himself over it, a running start helps too), helping for his defensive when dodging and heightens his speed when on the ground. His legs are more powerful than his arms, so Quinn utilizes lots of kicks in his fighting style.

Edit: (forgot this part.. sorry) : The silver liquid on his body is also a big weakness for him. If the metal were to be struck in battle he would be unable to use the mutation to alter his wings feathers. It would cripple his right side as well and he would be reduced to defensive maneuvers for a time until he recovered from the blow. With that in mind, he's always protecting his right side, thus making it difficult to hit there.

History : Quinn doesn't remember much before he was infected with the mutation and considered a 'Flawed'. All he remembers after waking was a lot of pain and confusion. There had been fire as well. Other than that, it was always Scientists labs, tests and drugs, blood drawings and more tests. None of which were pleasant. His abilities were tested, how much could he withstand before collapsing? How much power could he output? How good of a fighter was he? What exactly was his mutation? All those questions were asked and put to the test.

When he wasn't being probed, or put through hell, he was in a small room with a single metal bed and a hard mattress. The room was always cold, that he remembered well. There was no heat there. The air was stale and smelt of chemicals and blood. He grew colder each day, the hatred building in his heart and soul.

Quinn remembered clearly when he was released from the clutches of the Scientists and found himself in the hands of another evil. A royal had bought him, taking him from tests and probing men in white coats, to an even darker scene. He trained with other Flawed, many of which fell under his brutality. At first he did not wish to kill those that shared his fate, however, the Royal who had bought him would punish him for such 'insolence' and he found himself in greater pain than he'd been in with the Scientists.

All sense of feeling left him as he trained to be a fighter in the arena. Quinn tried desperately to hold onto whatever humanity he had left, but as time went on he found it was no longer worth anything to him and is now the cold killer. He doesn't believe in being 'saved' and has succeeded with the reality that he is either going to die in the Battle Royal, or come out on top.
There is Magic all around, you just have to look to see it...

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Re: Character Submission

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Igari on Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:01 pm

//passed out last night @w@ Most definitely approved Qaida~ You can submit in your chara form :3 Y'all welcome Qaida~ She's a friend~

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