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The City of Chains

Important NPCs

a part of “The City of Chains”, a fictional universe by AugustArria.

{Completed} These are the stories of nine lives in the city of Kirkwall, intertwined in the midst of magic, prejudice, war, and strife.

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Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AugustArria on Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:35 pm


This thread contains brief descriptions of the important NPC characters in Kirkwall. None of these characters may be killed without my permission, and I will be controlling them when necessary, as they often have important roles in quests. This thread will be updated as more characters become known.

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Knight-Commander Meredith Stannard

The leader of Kirkwall’s Templars, Meredith rose through the ranks of the Order quickly and became a powerful, accomplished warrior, skilled with the two-handed greatsword and anti-mage combat. When the former Viscount, Perrin Threnhold, attempted to oust the Order from the city ten years ago, Meredith strongly retaliated. The current Knight-Commander, Guylian, had been hung, and so Meredith led the Templars to an eventual arrest of the Viscount, after the city guard abandoned him. The Grand Cleric then promoted her to Knight-Commander. She has since governed the Templars with an iron fist. Her influence is not merely contained to the Order, however, as the current Viscount has no wishes to end up like his predecessor, and typically heeds her counsel. She deeply distrusts mages, for reasons unknown, but it is obvious that the Circle will not be receiving any further freedoms whilst Meredith leads the Templars.

First Enchanter Orsino

The Circle is one of the few places in which elves are not discriminated. This is evidenced by the fact that the First Enchanter of Kirkwall’s Circle is an elf, and a man in good standing among his peers. He is typically kind to all he encounters, not wishing to give the mages a worse name than they already have, but he is firm in his efforts to improve his organization’s lot in the city. He’s rarely seen outside of the Gallows, however, as he fears too much venturing into the city will lead to accusations of inciting rebellion from Meredith, and he is well aware that his actions reflect upon the Circle, as well as all mages.

Viscount Marlowe Dumar

Assuming power after a man who was eliminated for seeking to expel the Templar Order is no easy task, and Marlowe Dumar has certainly struggled with it. His chief concern has been simply keeping order, but with all the varying tensions building in his city, it is proving an impossible task. Combine this with the fact that the Templar Order cut off his ability to effectively inact his will, and the Viscount ends up pleasing no one. The recent arrival of the Qunari in the city has only served to add another problem, and the Viscount fears events will spiral out of control soon if something is not done. His reputation has weakened as rumors of family struggles have surfaced, and with his lack of military authority, Viscount Dumar seems little more than a warm body to sit on the throne while the Templars rule the city.

The Arishok

The Arishok is a member of the Qunari triumvirate, one of the three leaders of their people. While the Arigena leads the craftsmen, and the Ariqun leads the priesthood, the Arishok leads the armies and fleets of the Qunari people. He represents the body of the Qunari, and is one of the most respected individuals among all the Qunari. So it’s no wonder the Viscount dreads having him stuck in his city, waiting for a ship to take him home along with his warriors. Like all Qunari, he is referred to by his rank, which becomes his name. The Arishok currently resides in the compound the Qunari established within the Docks after his fleet was shipwrecked off the Wounded Coast. His reasons for being in the area are unknown, but for the time being, the Arishok and his warriors are stuck in Kirkwall. He is a supreme warrior, far beyond the capabilities of perhaps anyone in the city, and he is utterly devoted to the Qun. He views Kirkwall as a disgusting place filled with pathetic individuals who lead pointless lives. He is not hostile to outsiders without provocation, but he typically keeps his gates shut, preferring the company of his own people.

Grand Cleric Elthina

As Grand Cleric of the Free Marches, which consist of major population centers such as Kirkwall, Starkhaven, and Tantervale, Elthina is one of the most powerful people in the region, though she is most often very cautious with how she uses that power. She was taken in by the Chantry after her parents died of fever, and she became a lay sister in time. After rising through the ranks, and proving to be a very devout Andrastian, Elthina was appointed Grand Cleric by the Divine herself. She resides within the Kirkwall Chantry, where she is well-loved by the majority of the city. She is a mother to those within the city’s Chantry, but some within the city claim she is too inactive to serve much of a purpose, and quietly call for the Divine to appoint a replacement. There are no signs, however, that the Divine plans to do so.

Keeper Marethari

Marethari is the Keeper of the Sabrae Clan of Dalish elves, the ones currently camped at the base of Sundermount a ways outside of Kirkwall. She led her clan north from Ferelden in order to escape the Blight, as well as growing tensions with a neighboring human settlement. As is the case with all Dalish Keepers, Marethari has knowledge of magic, and the ability to use it. She is perhaps the kindest and most caring individual within the clan, and is like a mother to many of the Dalish. Her patience can sometimes put her at odds with more action-oriented individuals, but typically her logical approach to things wins out in the end.

Knight-Captain Cullen

Being one of the few Templars to survive the disaster that occurred at the Circle Tower in Ferelden, it's no wonder that Cullen has developed a stricter attitude towards mages than most of his brethren, but all things considered, it's actually surprising how reasonable he is. He was imprisoned, tortured physically and psychologically, and forced to watch the slaughter of his fellow Templars at the hands of the possessed blood mage Uldred and those working with him. It was only due to the Warden's intervention that he survived at all. His zeal alarmed the Ferelden Knight-Commander somewhat, and thus he was sent to serve under Kirkwall's Knight-Commander, Meredith, where he has served loyally and effectively. In essence, he is perhaps the ideal of the Templar: strong, faithful, devoted, but not without mercy or reason. He firmly believes it is the Templars duty to protect the mages from themselves as much as others.

Saemus Dumar

Viscount Marlowe Dumar's second child and only son is intelligent, strong-willed, and highly rebellious. He also possesses just as much, if not more, of a sensitive side than his sister does. He is very open-minded, which tends to land him in trouble among the strict lifestyles of the Hightown nobility. He and his father disagree on just about everything, and Saemus has come to greatly resent his position as the Viscount's son, and respects anyone who can see him as a person rather than a title.

He was recently reported missing, and a mercenary group tracked him to the Wounded Coast, claiming to have seen a Qunari with him, likely his captor.

Seneschal Bran

The administrative assistant and chief advisor to Viscount Marlowe Dumar, as well as being responsible for the management of Kirkwall's bureaucratic establishment, Bran is a very busy man, one who is rarely seen out of his office in the Viscount's Keep in Hightown, though he has been known to make the occasional trip to the Blooming Rose. Arrogant, vain, and disdainful towards his social lessers, Bran is the very picture of the Hightown nobleman in personality. He is an excellent politician, and typically a cynical realist with his views, always attempting to find the course of action that benefits the office of the Viscount the most, sometimes regardless of what would be best for the city. He has been seen to have a bit of a soft spot for the members of the Viscount's family, however.


Ser Thrask is a Templar under the command of Knight-Commander Meredith. He's been known for being a moderate among the Order, being oddly supportive of mages where some of his brothers and sisters are fanatical in their views. Not much else is known about him yet, other than that he has been seen about the Alienage as of let, inquiring about the missing elven boy, Feynriel.
The Canticle of Fate: Silver Lion Stanza
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And those I have called, they remember,
And they shall endure."

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:19 pm

Lady Aurelie Montblanc

Lady Aurelie is a master bard, both an expert performer and assassin in her own right and also a trainer of other bards. She has enough apprentices to run her own guild, or something close to it, (called Le Nichoir, or sometimes just The Nest) and her protĂ©gĂ©es are known for their exceptional talent as much as their unusual qualities. She is notorious for taking strange or particular types and using them to exploit the fetishes and exoticism of the Orlesian court. In doing so, she gained substantial power and influence, though not quite enough that she can flout the rules of the Game. She was, in fact, Rilien’s bardmaster, though the circumstances under which that arrangement came about and dissolved are unknown to any but Lucien and the Tranquil himself.

Ser Tristan O’Donaghue (Deceased)

Tristan was a young man inducted to the Templar order partly from religious devotion and partly from the desperation of his poor parents to have one less mouth to feed. The child of peasant farmers in Starkhaven, he settled into the Circle with little difficulty, and was recognized by his instructors both as particularly devout but also very good with people, including the mages. As a young man of bright demeanor and easy kindness, it was feared that he might one day prove too soft for the order, but he was far too promising to let go for this reason alone. He became a fixture in the Circle at a young age, capable of winning the respect of the youngsters and Senior Enchanters alike, as he was often to be found reading their books or asking for information on how magic worked. In the summer of his twentieth year, he met the then-sixteen-year-old Nostariel Turtega, who had just passed her Harrowing and moved up to the mages’ quarters proper. Their friendship started with a mutual love of books, and ended as a doomed romance, when he died as a consequence of attempting the Grey Wardens’ Joining.

Sarra Slaighere

A Senior Enchanter in the Starkhaven Circle at the time of Nostariel’s life there, Sarra is in fact the first person—aside from the unnamed archers—of whom the Warden has a memory. As an Enchanter, Sarra was placed in charge of tutoring the children because of her patience and tolerant, calm demeanor. Easily the closest thing Nostariel had to a mother, it is from Sarra that she acquired many of her own mannerisms. Sarra was promoted to Senior Enchanter at about the same time young Nostariel took her Harrowing, and was assigned to be her teacher thereafter, and arrangement that both of them enjoyed immensely. From Sarra, Nostariel learned not only healing, but the reason one heals, and she has not forgotten the lessons to this day. It was Sarra that suggested that Tristan and Nostariel attempt to join the Wardens, warning them that it would be a long shot, but the only way they could have a chance at a life together.
The Canticle of Fate: Silver Lion Stanza
"Though I am flesh, Your Light is ever present,
And those I have called, they remember,
And they shall endure."

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Valkyrie on Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:08 am

Lord Guy Drakon

Lord-General of the Orlesian army and a noted Chevalier, Guy has not been as successful off the battlefield as he is on it. He has little sense of tact or decorum, preferring to speak plainly and bluntly, whatever ire that may earn him. His no-bullshit attitude has made him something of a pariah at court, but the Chevaliers respect him immensely for it, and he is a figure of singular divisiveness in his homeland. Outside of it, those that know of him either fear or revere him, depending on whether or not they believe they have cause to be his enemies or not. During Maric’s rebellion, Guy alone of all the Orlesian commanders never lost a battle, and it was largely at his insistence that Celene agreed to end the conflict. This was, among other things, his first negative brush with the Chantry. Though he was often busy when Lucien was growing up, he always made time for his only son, and much of the man’s character is directly attributable to his near-legendary father.

Lady Veronique Drakon (Deceased)

Lucien has often been told he favors his mother, though that might be as much to do with his patience and politeness than any particular feature of his physicality. Veronique was the younger sister of Empress Celene, and much-beloved of the Orlesian people for her mild demeanor, inner strength, and artistic talent, which was often showcased at court functions. How someone with a soul that sensitive even fell in love with a man like Guy Drakon is something upon which gossips still idly speculate, but it was certainly mutual. In the waning years of her life, she was well-attended by both husband and son.

Ser Violette Routhier

An Orlesian Chevalier, currently at the rank of lieutenant on the Order. Was a student at the Academie des Chevaliers at around the same time as Lucien.

Ser Liliane Routhier

An Orlesian Chevalier, younger sister to Violette. Presently a Sergeant in the Order. Attended the Academie around the same time as Lucien did.

Marcus Alesius

A Tevinter Magister, rather young for the position but well-regarded by his peers for his innovative uses for magics and the invention of several unique spells.
The Canticle of Fate: Silver Lion Stanza
"Though I am flesh, Your Light is ever present,
And those I have called, they remember,
And they shall endure."

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AugustArria on Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:57 pm


A young elven girl from the Alienage in Kirkwall. Led a mostly quiet life with her father, Elren, at least until being kidnapped by the insane son of a Magistrate, and held captive in an abandoned mine for being too beautiful. She was twelve years of age at the time. Lia was rescued by Ithilian and Amalia, and returned to the Alienage with her father. She has kept in contact with Ithilian since then, and for a time he allowed it, even going so far as to teach her to hunt. Now, however, he pushes her away, for she is a reminder of all that Ithilian has lost. She seems unaffected by the cold shoulder he's presented her with.

Adahlen Tael (Deceased)

Ithilian's wife during his time in Clan Mordallis. An expert huntress and warrior-woman, and perhaps the calmest soul among the clan. She helped to soothe Ithilian's innate aggression, and give him direction and focus. She lasted longer than most when the darkspawn horde hit the clan, but was eventually dragged off in the night after a battle that caused her to collapse from exhaustion earlier that day. Wherever or whatever she is now, Ithilian knows that she is gone.

Dairren Quinn

Former captain of the Kirkwall City Guard. He was a close friend of Vesenia Dumar, having grown up with her. A hard, oftentimes cold man, but nevertheless honorable and good. An excellent swordsman and tactician, it was he that taught Sophia how to wield a blade, lessons that began without any permission from the Viscount. Sophia always liked him, but she does not remember him fondly, as he was removed from his post and exiled from the city for corruption, apparently conspiring with the Coterie.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yonbibuns on Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:02 pm

Beragail Kilaion

From what Sparrow remembers, Beragail was simply a poor Elven woman who lived in one of Ferelden's decrepit Alienages. Originally, Beragail came from a nearby nomadic clan – always on the move, always shifting from location to location to avoid being exposed to any nearby shemlen. She, too, displayed intricate tattoos etched across her face in favour of the Goddess of the Hunt. Sparrow's curiosity and her flightiness certainly comes from her mother side. She was enthralled, mesmerized by humans, by all they could accomplish, by the large sailing ships that looked similar to their own aravels. Unlike fellow, nearby clansmen, Ven'Sulahn (which means, “people of song”) often traded with smaller human villages, and Beragail's insatiable need to know more about those strange creatures was hardly satisfied, hardly even touched upon. The mid-sized clan often roamed across the Free Marches, Northern Orlais, Rivain and Antiva. It was Antiva where she first met Sparrow's father. Nowadays, even though she still mourns the loss of her only daughter, she's become Keeper of her clan and she continues to roam the lands, seeking ancient Dalish knowledge and further understanding of what they've lost as a people.

Rafael Castellanos

They've always said that the streets of Bastion, in the heartlands of Antiva, was a hive of unbridled passion, of crimes, of freedoms beyond anyone’s imaginations, of adventure and love, lust, fluttering eyelashes. Rafael grew up in those particular streets as a wild, gap-toothed street urchin, though he did well for one so young. Eventually, he'd been taken on as a cabin boy aboard the Black Jewel because he was exceptionally energetic and eager to learn. The majority of his upbringing took place on the Black Jewel – and he continued living out his days serving faithfully as the captain's right-hand before meeting Beragail, snooping around the markets with her inconspicuous tattoos, cowl drawn up over her snowy hair. His approaches were brazen, often humiliatingly bold, but he never gave up his pursuits until she told him, “Yes, yes, fine.” They lived in the nearby Alienage, drawn apart because of her clans strict policies involving their relationship, and returned shortly after their child turned five. Currently, Rafael lives with her and after years of suspicion, has become a welcomed member of Ven'Sulahn.

Sataareth Aqun

Literally meaning, in the Qunari tongue, “That which upholds balance.” Sataareth and his company of Beresaad often traveled the far reaches of Orlais, seeking to expand their territory and gain intelligence on Tevinter and their ilk. It was on one thorough investigation that they stumbled onto a band of humans, likely bandits from the look of them, tottering through the woods with an Elvish little girl in their ranks. It was obvious, even to them, that her compliance was entirely forced. Her disposition was bereft of anything they'd seen in their own children, a hollowed shell of a girl. For whatever reason – one that Sparrow does not know of even to this day, Sataareth and his Beresaad saved her from them, leaving all but two alive, and slaughtering all who dared raise a blade to them. The Qun, he'd said, was a pathway she would walk upon. It was already decided. He was her guardian, her savior, her transformation and her new beginning.

Silian Raunthil

Their pasts are unimportant, entirely insignificant. Sparrow remembers her attackers in minute, descriptive detail. She remembers their names; each and every one, even if the majority of them were killed. Silian survived. She knows this because he was the first to run away. It's his eyes that give him away. Sky-blue, ocean puddles, lidded and deceivingly kind. In spite of all the years that have passed, and whether or not he's actually still sucking in breaths, Sparrow knows that she would recognize him. He might have changed his clothes, his job, his face, but he wouldn't be able to change those eyes of his. She would remember them until she met him again, under different circumstances.

Arcadius Kassim

He'd been the leader of the bandits – the forlorn-looking, dark-eyed devil. It was his idea to entrap the wayward Elven girl, chasing butterflies in the underbrush. Why not? No one would look for her, he'd said. They were far enough from the Dalish camp to sneak away undetected, undeterred by bows and arrows. Everything she'd imagine a shemlen to look like was embodied in this one man. He wore an eye-patch over his right eye, sported mean-looking clothes and a look that sent chills down her spine. If she remembered correctly, she'd seen him battling off the Qunari troupe before hightailing it in the opposite direction, cowardly kicking out his legs to trip one of his own allies to tide the hungry warriors. His name was one she whispered, feverishly, under her breath. His name was one she'd continue saying until she found him dead under her boots, a dept repaid to a little girl who died in those woods.
Ambar: Snow & Ash
"For these words, he won't come around here,
and his eyes won't see."

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Talisman on Thu May 16, 2013 5:57 am

Harlan Jerall

Uncle and all around father figure for a young Ashton Riviera, Harlan served as a sort of mentor for the boy while his parents promptly forgot he even existed. He's a hunter, perhaps even more so than Ashton who hunts to pay the bills, Harlan hunts to survive and his skills are still at the peak of perfection, even as he ages. He's a stout-hearted and stern-faced man, with no time for foolish antics or fanciful games. The man thought that if you weren't busy working your hands to the bone in order to live, then you were digging your own grave. A strict man whom thought much of his trade to young Ashton, he also tried to beat a sense of honor and worth into the man. An utter failure that was, though still he was proud of the budding young man. Even if his antics exasperated him to no end. Last Ashton heard, the man was still hunting and trading to provide for both his aunt and himself.


A face from Ashton's unspoken past. She's unknown, even to the man himself. He tries to not think about it.


Ashton's contact in affairs left in the shadows. First introduced in the Hanged Man with Rilien, the man knows how to come into possession of various... important items. Perhaps the only evidence that Ashton's past was anything but squeaky clean. Little is known about Garrath, other than Ashton believes he's a reliable man. Garrath had never done Ashton any wrong, and neither her. If there is something Ashton needs, but can't quite acquire, it's this man who he calls first.

Milian Randrel

"Milly" as Aurora called her, was an apprentice in the Antivan circle as well. Taken from her parents at a young age, she never truly understood freedom the way that Aurora did, though she did enjoy the idea that her friend painted for her. Perhaps the tightest pair in the Circle, Aurora and Milian were close friends, and perhaps the best of friends. She never did show the natural aptitude for magic that Aurora did, but she made up for it in raw diligence, determination, and an eagerness to learn. Milly was always the star pupil in the Circle. Even so, when Aurora spoke of her experiences outside the Circle, Milly always found herself hanging on to her every word. She spoke of her desires to see the outside world one day when she makes Enchanter. She was also the one who aided Aurora in her escape from the Circle, though not without a certain amount of reluctance. She believed it would have been better to stay at the circle, but there was no changing her mind.


What was an alias given to a Templar once, is an actual person from Aurora's life. Maria is the eldest sister and child of Aurora's family. Maria was the keeper of her siblings, always ready with a stern word or a sweet praise, depending on what you did or didn't do. A sweet woman, with only her family's best interests in mind. She tried her best to protect the red-headed mage, always told her to hide her magic-- if she used it-- well, and not to let anyone see or know about it. Maria loved her family more than herself, and was absolutely devastated when Aurora was taken to the Circle in Antiva. She wrote to her darling sister frequently. Aurora hasn't read a letter from her sister in years. She misses her big sister, she misses her family.

Rosalina DiMerenda

The Matriarch of Aurora's family. Aurora favors her mother intensely, red hair, green airs, though her features undoubtedly have age to them. Age and worry that all of her children cause her. Still a beautiful woman, Rosalina is an unflappable woman, kind, but stern. Gentle praising and kind admonishments were her ways, and she still managed to keep all of her children in check without having to raise her voice. She never knew magic ran in her nor her husband's blood until Aurora was born. When the girl began to display magical skill, Rosalina's heart nearly broke. It meant that Aurora would have to go to the Circle-- at least, if she was found. She tried to keep her daughter's powers a secret, but eventually, they still got out. The last time Aurora saw her mother, she was broken into tears.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AugustArria on Thu Oct 16, 2014 5:47 pm


The Dalish treat those with command of magic as a valuable commodity. Emerion as a child was a budding young mage of the Mordallis clan and a strong childhood friend of Ithilian’s well into their teenage years. However, necessity dictated that he leave the clan and join another, to become First to a Keeper, and begin training to eventually become a Keeper himself. He is charismatic, handsome, and boasts an impressive array of magical ability. His reasons for traveling to Kirkwall, however, remain his own.


Lia has had a troublesome childhood in Kirkwall. A kidnapping brought her in contact with a troubled Ithilian, who influenced her development greatly after the passing of her own father. Ithilian and Lia found their own ways through hardship and effort, and while the Dalish hunter has managed to find something of a center to build around, Lia is still largely conflicted, in great part due to what occurred shortly before and during the Qunari attack on Kirkwall.

Miranda Threnhold

The daughter of deceased former Viscount Perrin Threnhold, who attempted to rise up against the Templar Order when she was just a child. The sole remaining member of her family, Miranda has refused to leave Kirkwall, growing up with the stigma of being the daughter of a treacherous and potentially mad leader. Despite her disadvantages she has carved out for herself a notable place in the hierarchy of Kirkwall nobility. Her intelligence and ambition make it obvious that she someday intends to take the city’s throne back, and restore the family name.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AugustArria on Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:55 pm

Jamie Arren

He was once the charming, suave, well-to-do eldest son of one of Kirkwall’s more powerful noble families, but now Jamie Arren is largely forgotten. Locked away in the Gallows ever since his attempt on the Viscount’s life, a task later taken care of by the Qunari, Jamie has been left to rot, with no sentence being passed to execute him, but certainly no move being made to release him. He shows evidence of having a truly troubled mind, but also clearly knows things about Dairren Quinn. Things that Sophia wants to know.

Dairren Quinn

The man himself, the supposed leader of the Coterie, has been utterly silent as of late, the once brutally active crime organization now seemingly content to sit back and allow the city to repair itself. They still cause trouble here and there, but this seems more random than anything, the work of common miscreants who claim Coterie ties, not organized efforts from the guild themselves. Wherever he is, Sophia still wants to find him, so that she might find some answers, and bring some closure to the part of her past she doesn’t yet understand.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Valkyrie on Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:44 pm

Estella Avenarius

A young woman encountered by the Argent Lions on a routine sweep of the Coast. She appeared to be exhausted from travel, and bore several old injuries that had not properly healed. After a visit to Nostariel, she awoke, giving her name only as Estella and explaining that she was a refugee from Tevinter. While initially, she seemed inclined to move on, after spending a fortnight recovering and in the company of the Lions, she requested permission from Lucien to join the company. He granted it, and while she is one of the younger members of the company, she has proven exceedingly diligent and resourceful.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AugustArria on Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:26 pm

Knight-Lieutenant Shay Grath

A distinguished veteran of the Templar Order, Grath joined the order in the Free Marcher city of Ostwick, but requested a transfer upon reaching the rank of Knight-Corporal, citing a desire to distance himself from his family. A fervent Andrastian in a noble line known for its criticism of the Chantry, Grath had to fight to overcome a stigma laid upon him by his peers. He's served in multiple Circle towers, at Harrowings, on patrols beyond, and has experience dealing with both blood mages and abominations. He earned his promotion to Knight-Lieutenant following the battle against the Qunari in Kirkwall, during which he performed several impressive acts in combat, further demonstrating his capability.

Knight-Corporal Eliza Swann

A newer member of the Templar Order than her partner, Swann only joined up with the Chantry's sword arm following the destruction the Qunari brought. She was actually in the process of becoming a lay sister at the time, but acts of courage she witnessed in Hightown the night of the battle persuaded her to take up the sword instead, and serve in the Templars. She believes her order has the best chance of keeping peace in the city, and has shown a natural aptitude for diplomacy, somewhat of a rare trait among Templars. Earning her promotion to Knight-Corporal in her second year of active duty, she is most commonly assigned in the field, on tasks that require interaction with the populace, rather than standard guard work or combat details.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Valkyrie on Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:26 am


Havard Offenberger
Age: 47
Race: Human
Occupation: Mercenary—The Argent Lions

Havard is the oldest of the Lions, a veteran of many a mercenary company before. He grew up in the Anderfels, but moved to the Free Marches in his thirties because his company at the time did the same. He’s bounced between a few since, most recently lending his service to the Red Iron, but he’s found himself perpetually dissatisfied with the way they were run—young people given swords and sent to sink or swim. Lucien likes to remark that he is not quite sure which one of them was really being interviewed when they first met, but he thinks it probably wasn’t Havard. The lifelong merc now holds the position of drillmaster for the Lions, responsible for most of the day-to-day training. He himself is best with an axe in one hand and a shield in the other, though he favors only medium armor, and so leads the lighter fighters of the company.


Tessa Orkney
Age: 27
Race: Human
Occupation: Mercenary—The Argent Lions

Tessa was originally the daughter of a minor lord in Starkhaven. Her family is well-noted for their ability as foresters, hunters, and breeders of both hounds and horses. As a result, she spent a lot more time outdoors than most noble children do. A younger child, she was not set to inherit, and rather than be pawned off in a loveless (pointless, she’d say) marriage, she chose to leave home, renouncing her title and inheritance and seeking to make her own fortune. She spent a couple of years doing so as a hunter for the Viscount’s table, but in truth it wasn’t very exciting work. When the opportunity arose to interview for the Argent Lions company, she took it—and she’s well on her way to being their scout leader.


Idris Valesti
Age: 42
Race: Human
Occupation: Mercenary—The Argent Lions

Idris is a bald, heavyset Rivaini man with a perpetual smile. As a result, one might not expect him to be well-suited for the jobs the Lions do, but he is assuredly among the most capable members of the company. He is first and foremost a medic, exceptionally talented with alchemy and potionmaking, as well as possessing an amicable, easy bedside manner. That said, he’s also a dangerous foe with a quarterstaff or a spear, and not to be trifled with. His mother was a hedge-witch, explaining the alchemical talents, but she never had much use for her son, as he wasn’t a mage as she was. She likely didn’t even notice when he left home, and peddled medicine for many years before being recruited into the Lions. Unlike most of the company’s members, Idris has a family, namely a wife and son, both of whom also reside in the barracks. His wife makes most of the company’s meals, and his young teenaged son takes care of the horses.


Edwin Donnelly
Age: 22
Race: Human
Occupation: Mercenary—The Argent Lions

Donnelly, who much prefers to be addressed by his last name, is one of the younger Lion’s recruits. Originally a farmer’s boy from Ostwick, he was making a trip to Kirkwall to visit his favorite aunt when he heard purely by chance that a new mercenary company was recruiting. With no fighting experience and an admittedly naïve worldview, he knew he didn’t stand much of a chance of being hired, but
 he knew he had to try. Surprisingly, Lucien hired him, and so after sorting things out at home, he moved permanently to Kirkwall. Being stout of build and sturdy of spirit, Donnelly serves in the Lions’ vanguard team.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Talisman on Mon Feb 09, 2015 12:15 am

Erika Vesper

Formerly a dockworker, Vesper is a woman who values both strength and loyality in equal measure, and essentially acts as the Captain's second of the Kirkwallian Guard. "Ves" joined only a short time after the Captain after having witnessed first-hand the destruction the Qunari caused, and the ineffectiveness the Guard was against stemming the tide. In an attempt to give the Guard some much needed backbone, she enlisted, hoping to add the strength she felt it was sorely lacking. Since then she's proven her herself a fine warrior more than capable of doing that just, with a tendency to lead from the front. It's because of this she's become one of Ashton's most trusted lieutenants.

Donovan McGregor

A tall man thick with muscles, Donovan paints an intimidating silhouette, not helped by the fact that he rarely smiles. However, on the inside he's about as warm and gooey as a teddy bear. Born in a small hamlet in the harsh climate of the Anderfels, when he demonstrated his magical ability, he found his mother torn. Should she turn her one and only son into the Circle like a devout Andrastian, or hide him and his talents away? It was a difficult decision, but in the end, Donovan was kept out of the circle. He was exposed as a mage when his mother came down with an illness, which was then miraculously healed by her son. His options were to stay and be forced into the Circle, or run and stay free. He chose the latter, and eventually landed in Kirkwall, where he found Aurora.

Elias Pike

One of the mages that was saved by Aurora and her friends in their attempt to rescue Milly. Although the rite of tranquillity claimed her and other mages, it's because of her that he does not bare the sunburst brand. Elias's life otherwise had been unremarkable. Born and raised in Kirkwall, he was taken into the Circle when he displayed the talent, where he remained for a majority of his life. He was content in the Circle, but did not enjoy the oppressive regime ran by the Templars. After speaking out one too many time, he was taken by a rogue sect of Templars with other in order to silence his complaints. This incident has since soured his view of the Circle and the Templars.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kurokiku on Sat Feb 21, 2015 6:47 pm

Enelya Lossëhelin

Child of the former Keeper of the Lotheren Clan, Enelya was a mage herself, and therefore at an early age transferred to another clan, the Varvin. There, she was apprenticed to the Keeper, trained in the lore of her people, and eventually recognized as a full adult of that group. It was shortly after that Enelya, somewhat known for her aloof refusal to accept any suitors, met and fell in love with a Grey Warden, another Dalish, named Garrahel. His lifestyle allowed him to see her only seldom, but in time they were married. Enelya was expecting their first child when the Wardens came to her, asking her to perform blood magic of a specific type in a certain location, to seal something inside it. What happened after that, and what became of herself, Garrahel, and their child, is unclear.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Talisman on Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:56 pm

Comtesse Marceline Élise Benoüt

Lady Marceline is owner of the Lécuyer Vineyards, a brand of wine that is heavily featured throughout many of Orlais's salons and soirées, mostly due to her shrewd negotiations, business tactics, and the quality of wine itself. Middling height, with raven hair and crystal blue eyes, the woman looks the part and even carries herself such that an Orlesian noble should. The woman herself is an avid player of the Game and a pupil of its many nuances. Pragmatic and ambitious, Marceline seeks any advantage that would push herself and her family further up the social ladder, and knowledge is usually that path. Hers is a gift of words, and in the right mouth, the right words can have more of an affect than a sword ever would.

Ser Michaël Lennox Benoßt

It's clear from the size and heft of the man, as well as how proudly he carries him, Ser Michaël is undoubtedly a Chevalier. Married to Lady Marceline, Michaël does not present the same outward appearance as his wife. He laughs easier, smiles more openly, and could not care any less about his social standing as a Comte. Do not be fooloed, however, the man is a Chevalier and is nevertheless dangerous with a weapon in his hands. His skills in the Grand Game are sub-par to put politely, however he leaves all of the social and political posturing to his wife. Once upon a time, Michaël was once a part of Lucien's Chevalier unit and was among those who Lucien's insubordination had saved, the very incident that led to his exile.

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Re: Important NPCs

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Valkyrie on Sun Jun 28, 2015 12:56 am

Farah Tahrir

Age: 37 (Act 3)
Race: Human
Occupation: Mercenary—The Argent Lions

A raider’s illegitimate daughter from Rivain, it surprised no one when Farah followed her mother into the business, least of all Farah herself. The Tahrir outfit was one of the more legitimate operations that ran from Rivain all the way down to the Waking Sea, and they carried legal goods as often, or maybe slightly less often, than they smuggled contraband. They had rules: no slaves, no lyrium and no double-crossing your business partners, but in truth, the rules didn’t always seem to apply when times got tough. Farah blames the fact that she grew a conscience partly on her mother’s first mate Harper and partly on Ainsley, but in any case, she and the latter left the life together when their ship docked in Kirkwall, looking for something else to make of themselves. They found the Lions, and the rest was history.

Ainsley Rockwell

Age: 34 (Act 3)
Race: Human
Occupation: Mercenary—The Argent Lions

Ainsley Rockwell was the child of a well-to-do merchant family in Highever, which she thought was about as interesting as watching mortar dry. From a very young age, she displayed an unmatched thirst for adventure, and at the tender age of fourteen, stowed away on a merchant vessel headed for Rivain. Of course, without any plan for what to do when she got there, she nearly wound up on an entirely different kind of boat to Tevinter. Narrowly escaping this with a bit of help from a man named Harper, she joined his raider crew, where she met her soon-to-be other half Farah. Ainsley was honestly not much suited to raiding, and it was only a matter of time before she decided to do something different, having heard stories of a goodhearted band of mercenaries in Kirkwall. Dragging Farah along with her, she left her crew and sought out these so-called Argent Lions. She was not disappointed.

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