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The Resistance. (Unknown location)

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CHain_Way on Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:11 pm

Sable glanced up quickly as the creaking of the door was heard, his back streightning in the chair as his eyes fixed on the undeniably beautiful woman who stepped into the room. He was silent and still as a statue as she spoke, having learned that to speak out of turn was a gross misconduct, and so waited patiently until she had finished before moving, glancing round the room at the others that were assembled. Deciding to be brave and be the first to speak, he raised a hand in the air before standing and speaking in a clear voice.

"Hello to everyone here... My name is Sable Iskis, and I thank our Hostess for allowing me to be here." He gave a slight bow before continuing; politness was important, of course. "As for my abilities, and what I have to offer... I am fairly apt with my blade-" He gently tapped the silver rapier slung on his waist, "-And I am also used to remaining undetected, meaning I think I would be usefull for infiltration, as well as information gathering..." After saying this much he paused, thinking for a moment before continuing once again, "But also, not many know that I am one of your kin as I tend to keep a low profile... I think this could be used to our advantage also, as I could perhaps get closer to those who would never speak with a vampire." Closing his eyes for a moment he nodded slowly and gave another bow, first to the Hostess, then smaller ones to the others around him. "I hope that I can be of some help to you... If only a little."

With that, the young vampire sat down and awaited others to stand and speak.
Orsa of Terminus

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kunoichi Himeko on Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:32 pm

Little Rena listened to the woman in the crimson dress. The woman's speaking set her heart ablaze with inspiration. She must be a good modivational speaker. After she was finished speaking, she heard the voice of a male speaking. She listened to his name, Sable Iskis, and she liked how he put his words together. She giggled cutely after he finished speaking and shot up above the crowd of adult vampires.
She looked out of place as a vampire whom appeared only five or six years old. Her small bat wings beat as fast as a hummingbird's as she flew above the heads of everyone else just barely and fluttered over to Neferata. She liked to stand out. her blond curls moved slightly from the gust made by her wings. Her little devilish tail stuck out cutely from her pretty pink dress with white lace. She hovered a few inches above the floor.
"Hiya! I'z Rena Bandit!" she said in a cute chiming voice. "I'z a good girl. I make people feel." she chimed simply. "People also see my thoughts. Wanna see?" she asked. She didn't wait for an answer. She held her small hand out to Neferata and touched her skin lightly. As their skin touched, Neferata had the image of Rena coming into the castle and signing her name in pink ink. The image was very detailed, like an HD movie. "And I make feelings." she said. As she said that, she looked over at the man, Sable, and shot a wave of joyful emotion into him. "It works on more than one person at a time too!" she added proudly. "Makin' people feel nothing is fun. Their sight is whited out and they stay still like they're dolls." she explained.
"I knew I didn't carry enough faith in myself. I am to blame. I was afraid that even if there had been no gate, we would someday go our separate ways, but I have to put that behind me now and live in the present believing in the future." ~Ah! My Goddess!~

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nisei on Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:17 pm

Niseis ears picked up a faint click from behind him and he let his left eye, which was at the moment utilizing Soul Sight, gaze in the general direction. At that moment through the door which had opened stepped a woman dressed in a Crimson Red Gown that flowed along the ground as she moved, it was a wonder how beautiful this woman was. Niseis mouth dropped open almost intantly as her entrance was made, her beautiful legs taking her along her way towards the silver throne in the middle. Nisei watched her nearly the entire time that she had been moving, making sure that his right eye stay trained on the throne that sat infront of him. While he was using his soul sight it was nearly impossible for someone to know they were being watched unless they were watching him at the moment.

As the words left her lips in a tone that was as equally beautiful as the creator, Nisei was barely paying attention. He gotten lost among his thoughts and the look of the woman that was infront of him, though thankfully he was able to bring himself back near the end. He was able to catch the last few sentences of her speach, at which point he brought himself out of his chair so that he was standing up right, his hair still covering his left eye. He let his voice become a bit deeper than it was normally, so that it would be able to carry throughout the entire room without having to speak to loud. "My name is Nisei Veoxintine." His right arm threw the cloak on his shoulders out to the side and from inside a weapon was taken, the handle of which was angled to fit perfectly at an angled position while resting level with the ground. The weapon was white and black, more white than black, and was 2 foot in length. It was the Black Drake. "And my skill of inventing is one that could prove very beneficial to this resistance."

His left hand now came out of the other side of the cloak, causing it to roll from his shoulders and slump to the floor just behind his feet. After it had fallenit gave sight to yet another weapon on his back, this one was white aside from the hilt of the weapon and a few design pieces placed along the flat of the blade. The blade had a few curves placed along its edge, the design of which allowed for rougher yet easier cuts through whatever the blade met. Up the center of the two blades was the barrel of a gun, though both of these weapons would be explained in much more detail once they were asked about, for now it was his skills and powers that needed explaining. Now Nisei gripped the edge of his black shirt and removed it from his body, revealing a finely toned yet rather pale chest, his shirt was tossed aside.

He had removed his shirt for one reason only, and that single reason could already be seen to those who were standing infront of him while he spoke, the Fiammante Cicatrice was now visible on his body.
"What you see upon my chest is something that is only common among those that are born into my clan of people, not the vampires that are around you, nor the Wraiths, no at the moment I speak of Realta Guerrieros, or Reality Warriors. This is what has been come to be known as the Fiammante Cicatrice, or Flaming Scar for apparent reasons." The mark upon his chest was in the form of a roaring flame that stretched from his left shoulder to his bottom right hip. "When this mark fills up to the final tip at my shoulder, I am able to do as I please with the reality which surrounds me, though this does not come without repricussion upon myself, for each time I do anything that exerts a great deal of energy, my life energy lessens."

"I have many many more skills, though for now I would like to introduce to you a man whom can be at the side of every one of you should you provide me with a lab to create them." With those words he motioned to the side of him where Notent still stood upright next to his chair, a small smile upon his face at his just LOVELY entrance. Notent took a single step forward so that he was now closer to the throne than Nisei had been and he spoke while keeping his hands behind his back "Hello Everyone. My name is Notent and I have been clean and sober for 8 Mon- Oh! Wrong setting! Ok my bad." He looked aorund him for a brief moment to see if his joke would have been picked up by those around him. After a few moments he continued his speach. "Well let's start off with the basics. I am a cyborg, currently the only of my kind, and I was created by Nisei over here just a few weeks ago. He was able to incorporate into my system well over 100,000,000,000,000 nanites that allow me to do a number of things."

While he spoke he held his right hand out to the side of his body and it could be seen that the skin of the limb seemed to be plagued by ripples as would a lake in which a pebble had been thrown. Soon the hand that rested at the end of the outstretched limb began to shrink in on itself before it expanded outwards, creating a barrel that resembled that of the weapon which Nisei had held just moments before. "As you can see I am basically one big weapon. The nanites in my body can create blades, guns, hammers and almost anything that has a metallic base. Though everything I can do will take to long to explain here and should be asked at another time, should our help be asked for." Notent turned to walk back to Nisei as Nisei took his seat after bowing only to the woman who now sat in the silver throne.

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby pantalimon on Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:21 am

Syrica's eyes narrowed at the woman that took the stage; this woman who acted as though she owned the world. Which, quite possibly, she might. Ms. Hart shook her head as the first man hesitantly shared his abilities, opened her mouth as the small child flew at Nefereta, and allowed an expression of horror to overtake her face when the third man's companion attempted to make a joke. As she looked back to her left to see who was next, she realized that nobody sat between Nisei and her.

She rose gracefully to her feet, in one motion drawing the dark cloak's hood from her black hair. She did not wish to speak, but seemed to have no choice. "I am Syrica Hart." Her voice was somehow musical; deep undertones combining with light piano keys that were constantly pressed down at one time. "I have many abilities I could demonstrate...many things that would stun you and make you gasp. Mayhap I am the one creating these emotions, but what difference would that make? You'd still be feeling them." She finished her sentence, her today silver eyes looking out over those present with a reflective quality. "I have an ability commonly refered to as 'Soul's Song'; it is my ability and mine alone. Only one other posseses this power, and that is my twin sister Malyssa." Once again she opened her mouth, but this time not to speak. Colors flowed from her mouth, drifting through the air and blanketing everything in the beautiful harmony her voice created. Now, a glorious siren song came from her lips; one that captured the hearts and minds of all watching and set them to stare.

She stopped, the colors disappearing and the room seeming to now be black and white. "Other than that, i am skilled with a crossbow, and can create matter." She demonstrated both abilities in a matter of seconds, a crossbow materialized in her left hand and she quickly shot five arrows in a ring around the head of Nefereta. The gasps in the room were too loud for her to ignore, and so she stopped the sixth projectile by grabbing it with her hand around the base. She did this while it was flying through mid air, and allowed both the crossbow and all six arrows to disappear. "And, obviously," She began, allowing her cloak to fall to the floor. "I can fly." She was attired in a thigh-length dress the color of her eyes, a pair of boots that disappeared under her skirt and were deep blue, gloves that came to her wrists and matched her shoes, and a tophat that agreed in color with her dress; which had short sleeves and a ruffled skirt.

Mounted on her shoulderblades were the most beautiful pair of night blue wings, her long azure hair pulled up in a bun on her head so that the feathers would be viewed from all sides. These extra appendages beat softly, sending currents of air to both sides of the room, so that they went in a circle and the two drafts colided in front of Nefereta. "But it all comes at a cost." She grabbed her cloak from the back of her chair, and swung it over her shoulders without pulling up the hood. "I must be careful with my uses; for I only have a certain amount of power per day. If I overuse it....well, it won't be pretty." She sat back down, and gracefully folded her arms back over her chest.
Too bad love is just a game.
But, I've had too much fun playing to quit now.
Maybe I'm addicted.
I don't think I care.
My tokens are all across the board...
And I'm winning.
>The Loveless Victor<

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FizzGig on Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:46 pm

The evening was impossibly silent, inky black clouds obscuring the face of the moon as the pinpoints of stars were swallowed up by the thickening darkness. She cut through the air like a skilled predator, her wings moving noiselessly at her sides as she steadily made her way toward the castle that loomed in the distance. It towered like a mountain, separated from the surrounding landscape only by the dim glow of the higher windows. Her summons was clutched tightly in her hand, crumpled by her grasp, almost forgotten as she prepared to make her landing at the front gate. She could have flown over it, forgoing formality, but it wasn’t her objective to make a scene. Not just yet.

Her trenchcoat billowed out behind her as she swung her legs forward, hovering ten feet above the ground before folding her wings in and dropping, bending her knees to absorb the impact before she straightened to brush herself off. Her black, feathered wings folded seamlessly into the skin of her back, leaving no trace of their presence.

Darkness loomed ahead of her, disappearing for instances as lightning forked across the sky. She looked up, her lavender eyes absorbing and reflecting the light as she strode forward. Her black leather boots made no sound as she strode toward the gate, her cloak concealing an enviable figure wrapped in a white, billowing blouse and form-fitting black slacks. A single cross was visible through the opening of the trenchcoat, encrusted with rubies and dangling at her breast. A gift.

The gates swung open for her, and she passed through them uninhibited. ‘Good’. She thought, ‘They do not know my intentions.’.

The castle doors swung open for her of their own accord, as the gate had done previously. She found herself standing in the middle of a large, glossy foyer, dimly lit by weeping candles that cast eerie shadows on the walls. Mirrors lined the halls, incapable of capturing her reflection. She smiled at this, reaching up and pulling a pin from her long black hair. It tumbled down her back in a luxurious wave, moving with her stride as she ascended the spiral staircase, the lectern at its peak.

She stood before the scroll, her brow furrowed as she regarded the paper that had already taken on several other signatures. She didn’t deign to sign, however. It was not in her best interest to be broadly known to anyone. So she remained, waiting patiently for the arrival of her escort.

“You must sign.” Came a voice from the darkness. Veronica smiled.

“Actually, the details of the letter explain that a signature is not necessary. My presence here is testament to my intentions. Take me to the antechamber, miss. I’m late for a meeting.”

The vampyress strode forward, concealed in a black hood, a pale hand extended from the folds of her cloak to motion Veronica forward. The taller vampyress immediately followed, not the least bit intimidated by the other. She followed the guide through multiple tunnels and corridors lit by dripping wax candles, the damp and cold environment not affecting the aged vampyre in the least. The guide did not stop to wait as they approached an amethyst vortex, and neither did Veronica. There was a moment of weightlessness, and Veronica was left standing alone in front of another heavily carved wooden door.

She smiled again, her lavender eyes narrowing as the door opened and allowed her through. Her tardiness was not missed by the other attendants or her hostess, but she hardly cared. She did not sit as the others did, but stood at the back, quiet, patient. If Neferata decided to call her out, which wouldn’t surprise her at all, then she would be honest.

‘Why, my dearest Neferata, I’m here to exact justice. The same as you are.’ She thought with a cruel smile.
Writing is a socially acceptable form of Multiple-Personality-Disorder--C.S.Lewis

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dakara on Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:39 am

John had heard a click and did not turn around right away, assuming it was just another person arriving and not anything of real importance. Though he could not have been more wrong. A woman of stunning beauty had walked by and made her way to the throne, which she sat on. John then realized she must be the reason he was here. He didn't see why though the Vampire who had sent him in his stead had chosen to do so. It wasn't any of his business anyways. He was here for information on his master in return for his services. She addressed them all, then asked them to stand and state their names and abilities.

John had been more than a little hesitant to stand up. He was more afraid of these vampires than most people would be. He had always been taught to fear the undead, and to stay as far away as humanly possible from them. Yet here he was. In the middle of a room with them. Too add even more surprise he was on what appeared to be somewhat friendly terms with them. He shook a bit after the last vampire that had spoken , Syrica Hart, finished their... introduction. Standing up slowly, and leaning on his his staff, to avoid any back pains he spoke.

"I am John Conner, son of William Conner. I come from a place you have probably never heard of so I won't even bother with that. I have a great deal of skills and professions. I am an Alchemist, an herbalist, and most of all, I am a Wizard." He stopped looking around for a moment.

"But I am not important, I have not even finished my apprenticeship to my Master. I am a novice, but this novice would be glad to help you in any way he can." John then sat back down, easing himself into the chair. His staff planted firmly on the ground. He now felt a bit more relaxed than he had before. Maybe it was the fact that he had spoken and no one had tried to kill him for his blood.
(10:24:35) CriminalMinds: I had this fight today. The thing was to fat to go in the hole even when pushing. So I had to get my fingers in and poke around until it hit the right places inside. It was so hard D:

Ahh Crim, will you ever learn? Spread the love people! Copy a Crimfail into your siggy today!

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ryand-Smith on Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:45 pm

Now that lone probe had finally entered the lower atmosphere, its appearance like that of a shooting star. It would crash into a field near the castle, but it would not look like any normal probe. Instead, it was round, with a proper heatshield, and a body of a cylindrical creature. Its base, pointed down, would actually open up, as from the new “head” section, a small series of machines moved out, the first a basic walker, the second a trip dial observer, the third a hovering scout machine. These three would take a decent while to warm up, but their transmitting functions were as clear as they could, the probes mostly transmitting basic test information.

As the probes then started up, the tripod would scan for any signs of life, to confirm if this unknown world had activity that would be of interest, the tripod about the size of a Earth Giraffe, the walker the size of a small dog, and the scout the middle, at the size of a normal person. The last container was the most unusual part, a custom Motoko series android, the Motoko Type SP. Of course, that would wake up after the others had set up their operations.
It would be an interesting day for the man who owned this field, if he had not already headed out to the source of the incursion, as the machines started what some could call an invasion, but would be better defined as advanced reconnaissance. Scenes like this started all over the galaxy

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lamentations on Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:29 pm

"Numberless are the world's wonders, but none more wonderful than man; the storm-gray sea yields to his prows, the huge crests bear him high; earth, holy and inexhaustible, is graven with shining furrows where his plows have gone year after year, the timeless labor of stallions.

The light-boned birds and beasts that cling to cover, the lithe fish lighting their reaches of dim water, all are taken, tamed in the net of his mind; the lion on the hill, the wild horse windy-maned, resign to him; and blunt yoke has broken the sultry shoulders of the mountain bull.

Words also, and thought as rapid as air, he fashions to his good use; statecraft is his, and his the skill that deflects the arrows of snow, the spears of winder rain: from every wind he has made himself secure -- from all but one: In the late wind of death he cannot stand.

O clear intelligence, for beyond all measure! O fate of man, working both good and evil! When the laws are kept, how proudly his city stands! When the laws are broken, what of his city then. Never may the anarchic man find rest at my hearth, never be it said that my thoughts are his thoughts."

Choir of Absolute


Waves rippled through the grassy expanse as playful winds raced their way across the plains of Nirvana. The air briskly continued on, caressing the final strands before crashing upon the tree line like the tide on the beach, swimming between enormous, breathtakingly beautiful trees. Enchanted by the lighthearted wind’s windswept song, Nirvana’s breath singing through the forest, whistling as it continued it’s endless journey, leaves fell away, dancing to the natural pied piper’s tune. Greenery fluttered through the air, the last vestige of the planet’s innate beauty hovering as the world of nature gave way willingly to the elegant architecture of the creatures who resided upon it.

Shinning majestically in the sun’s warmth, basking in the loving smile of Mother Nature, breathtakingly gorgeous, sweeping structures of ivory jutted skyward. Stretching ever higher, desperate to dip into the clear blue sea hanging overhead, the technocratic civilization went about it’s marry way, taking for granted the simple exquisiteness of each and every shimmering building about them whose image could still the hearts of man.

It was near blasphemy that such fine, wondrous structures, uncomplicated and functional in design yet still capable of leaving a lump in the poet’s throat as he groped for words, could house such power as resided there.

Sun shimmering gloriously in monumentally awe-inspiring splendor, stretching far and long, the Nirvana Cross Dimensional Science and Military Academy sat, daunting in it’s grandeur. One of the most famous institutes in the Multiverse, prestigious beyond compare and stunningly magnificent in stature, it was fitting that such a fantastic place as this housed some of the brightest hopes of the Technocracy. Every day brilliant minds studied on these grounds, striving for greatness and seeking ever more knowledge. Without exception, each person within the confines of its impossibly enormous expanse held a wealth of knowledge and intellect other civilizations could only dream of possessing.

Placed deep in the recesses of the Academy, however, waited a wellspring of wisdom and information unparalleled, dwarfing each and every other being upon the planet; a blazing sun in a sea of twinkling stars.

The Kid

Shelves filled to burst with variously sized books, a rainbow assortment of colors creating a chaotic, unorganized mosaic upon the far-stretching walls, the wealth of information in hardcopy alone could drive away a man’s sanity. Vertical, automated mechanisms shot to and fro, metallic digits liberating hefty tomes for eagerly awaiting scholars and students alike as they waited safely upon the ground. Clusters of view screens broke up the milling crowds at equally spaced intervals, intent patrons studying diligently, digging through larger quarries of facts and data than finite minds could genuinely comprehend.

Seated with a duo of finely dressed older gentlemen, the proprietor of the establishment seemed heavy in conversation, audience clearly awed and intent, hanging on every word to spill forth from the kid’s mouth. He was the mind of the library, a resource incomparable. Within his brain laid dormant more wisdom and knowledge than many galactic empires discovered during their entire course of existence.

Clearly enjoying the camaraderie of conversing with fellow academics, the kid continued to regale his small assembly with information relevant to the conversation at hand. His audience could do nothing but stair in wide-eyed awe of his untouchable scholarly prowess, scarcely blinking. This was why the kid failed to realize that, as he persisted the topic, things simply stopped.

Confusion marred his face momentarily as the kid looked about, his gaze taking in the room in its entirety. The near inaudible whirring of the technological helpers continued as the shining providers of hard-to-reach books soldiered onward and upward about their tasks. That, however, constituted the whole of movement taking place around him. Sitting and standing, faces blank, eyes devoid of comprehension, the inhabitants of the room seemed in a vegetative state.

Twisting to take in the scene behind him, out of the corner of his eye the kid caught movement.

Unseen winds toyed the figure’s cloak, cloth of nebulous perfection cascading about the being’s form, encapsulating it in loose, flowing robes. His hands by his sides, the intruder strode slowly forward, each pace measured and exact, poise flawless as he made his progress onward. An air of power clung to him, weighing heavily on the very reality as he halted his trek some ten feet away from the perplexed kid, a quiet intensity filling the area with a physically felt tension. Righteousness poured from the dark-clad man, power the likes of which men could not truly understand making the space between the two overwhelmingly laden with power.

The Kid’s eyes sought those of his assailants only to fail, helplessly seeking to penetrate the supernatural darkness swirling within the deep cowl and catch a glimpse of what lay within the hood. As he continued to try and discern even a vague impression of what could be beneath the gloom, the figure spoke.

His lips moved soundlessly, secreted within the cavernous darkness as wisps of magic crept from the man’s mouth and into the awaiting ear of the kid.

"The resistance begins, and you are not there to stop it. Perhaps I should intervene to ensure that things do not get out of hand, and to crush the entire conflict all together."

As the words fell into the kid's mind, the cloaked figure bowed deeply before standing straight once more and continuing.

"The climax is soon to come, and the clash between the two brewing forces is inevitable. The patterns of nature which swirls in perfection is soon to be shattered by the conflict of which is not to truly happen. It is time to step out of your daily life for once in the years that you have come into existence, and to do as you promised. To uphold. I am in no position to step out of my line of ethereal perfection to do as such...right now to the multiverse I am not known, they believe me to be dead. I would prefer it stayed that way for now. You however have nothing to lose."

As he continued to talk, the figure began to walk a slow, deliberate circle about the kid.

“Freedom is an important thing, but people like us have a responsibility, a duty to uphold. We are charged with the wellbeing of all those who reside around us. I am here, because you are not living up to that responsibility. Understand that I do not fault you your actions; I too have longed for a life of relative normalcy. However it can never be. We are martyrs for the people and our power is too great to be left amongst mortal beings. Sacrifices must be made.”

Finishing back at his starting point, the intruder turned back to face the kid, the warrior-mage’s shoulders bobbing with an inaudible sigh.

“Please, come with me. You are not meant for this world. Your place is amongst the stars with people like you. This world is to be influenced by those who were born for such. You must leave with me. If you don’t, I will be forced to insist. And if you resist, I can and will, very simply, turn off each and every mind in a hundred miles around us with a thought. For starters"

"Fortunate is the man who has never tasted god's vengeance. Where once the anger of heaven has struck, that world is shaken. Let us be off, for if my destiny is to fight the god's in their plan to strike this world with such conflict, I will surely fight against it."

And then the world, slipped away. They were off to the heart of the resistance.

The warrior-mage was shocked at the suddenness of it, but the kid's nonchalance forced him to bury it. It was like no other teleportation he'd ever encountered. The space between here and there, now and then faded across one another, crossing like threads weaving a pair of seams into a whole, and then fading into the background noise of reality itself. In that brief instant, he swore that he could hear the entirety of the universe shifting several thousand miles away, like a piece of furniture being shoved across a hardwood floor. Yes, that was what it was. They hadn't moved an inch. It was everything else that moved.

With his bearings regained, a new scene was unfolded in front of him.

"...Incredible..." the dark figure whispered, before his figure began to weave within the weaves of space. A hazy display was his body, wavering within and then outside of space as if his existence was coming to an end. No. It was that his time here was short-lived, and he would be forced away from the point in which he longed to travel. The netherverse called his name, faintly longing for his return. Kid realized this certainly, and turned his back to the cloaked figure.

"Go. This is something that I must do alone." Kid's voice was hard to hear over the warping of the man's body, and over the arcane influences which sheered across Kid's skin. The cloaked figure nodded, his head falling beneath his lower torso before his lips spread apart once more, uttering the final words of his existence.

"If you are not able to handle this, then I will come, and raise you I shall to your feet."

Gone. All that remained of his existence was the crumbling rock that his feet once mounted upon. Kid's body shuttered in uneasiness and nervousness. This was his first calling in his life's calling as an Absolute. This meant he could not fail, and the conflict between these two forces could not come into being. Certain things were meant to happen certain ways, and as an Absolute he was to uphold this.

"It is time..."

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Script on Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:01 pm

Alyssia watched silently as the beautiful woman made her way to the silver throne - perhaps to disillusion anyone here who believed silver would harm her, as one of the countless myths about vampires dictated - and sat. The woman was beautiful, there was no denying that, but Alyssia herself thought that she made too much of it, a woman should not flaunt themselves needlessly and indeed, so blatantly. The woman gave a speech, that was admittedly powerful and inspiring, though by now the Lady Damodred was above such trivialities, having dismissed the idealism that such things usually attempted to convey many years past. She did however, respect how the woman got to the point. Normally, ancient immortals seemed to gather dust over the years, turning into shadows of their former selves as the years flew by and finding an unusual talent for talking, but managing to not say anything.

In due course, Neferata finished her speech, leaving the floor open for the assembled vampires to introduce themselves. Several did so, most predictably blusterous and arrogant, as those who stood first usually were. In time, Alyssia judged it to be appropriate to stand herself, and thus she did.

"Greetings, my name is Alyssia Damodred, wife to Lord Damodred and representative of our family. I come with the full support of my husband, and the promise of the full strength of our battlemages for your cause. That is a total of 52 saidar or saidin wielding channelers, forming three circles of thirteen, as well as fifty Everian mages trained by myself and my sister Alanna. We also have a significant number of non-magical troops, but our true strength is in these mages. I myself am a Loremistress of Everian magic, with the ability to cast the highest level summons and elemental control spells."

She then smiled slightly, "My friends should arrive within the week, and then they are at your disposal, my lady. Though I would request that you send orders through me rather than directly to them." she said, before sitting, readjusting her dress once back on her chair.
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(03:04:15) Lialore says: I wanted to be the poo.

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Re: The Resistance. (Unknown location)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LilyRosen on Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:39 pm

silvar stands"i am silvar, all i can say i can give is my fighting abilitly. as well as my fierce loyalty..."

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