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Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

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Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadowWake on Sat Oct 18, 2008 10:48 am

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In this age we live a tentative existence.

Humans are slaves, very few rising to a rank wothy of acknowledgement, and our masters have long lives – their memories even longer. They are the Vampyre – Vampires in our own tongue – and they bear much cruelty and little kindness, though as time ticks its steady way, some have learnt to treat their slaves with small respect.

The Lycan – Werewolves – are freer than us, choosing either to dominate, to submit or simply to live unteathered to the ideals of the immortal realm that the Vampires reside within.

But now there is unrest among this cursed species. The Vampires have called upon a Code to claim all mortal lives – both the humans and the werewolves – as their own. Some of the werewolves have sided themselves with the immortals – bargaining, bribing – in a craving for power that both races share.

However, some – a small few – have protested against this blatant want to dominate all life and have risen up against the injustice against our people. The humans have little in the way of resistance, but with the aid of the werewolves – and those few vampires clutching the remains of a heart – our strength becomes greater.

And our time of slavery may finally end.


"Raine? Where are you, you godforsaken child? Raine?"

Heeled boots alternately clicking softly upon the grey stone and padding against the long persian rugs, Anaia breezed through the corridors of the manor, black cloak billowing behind her and the soft leather of her outfit glinting gently in the candlelight. Arched red brows furrowed in a frown, these only served to highlight her vibrant blue eyes - glittering sapphires in the pale alabaster of her skin - sweeping across each room perfunctorily as she searched for her servant.

True, she had others, but none of them she valued more than the young human and tonight she could not afford to cut corners. Why on earth the clan had called a meeting, she could only guess, but as a respected peer, she need must answer the summons... and arrive as though the short notice had caused her no bother.


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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:25 pm

I had another long night. Couldn't sleep for the oncoming dreams. Constantly, they were there, shaking me from the pleasant slumber I so desperately desired. But it was no longer that choice for me. It was evening. The sun was setting behind the rich trees in a distance I could no longer see for these walls.

I remember running free. Standing in the open wilderness, and just admiring the wind in my hair- knowing that no one could take that from me. But no more. I had given in. I had a weakness to me I couldn't explain, but with that weakness came a strength. In my age of sixteen, I had been much abused for being so opinionated against a vampire. Thus, I had been traded off to Kuro.

Kuro was nicer, though I did much to stay out of his way. I did, truly, fear his strength though I could not truly remember a time upon which he honestly gave me a vigorous beating. But still, it is never useless to be careful.

I frittered away the last drop of sunlight by toying my fingers with the small mica vial holding crystallized blood like ruby shards. I truly missed my mother. And honestly, I had a lot more to miss than just her.

In my being alone, I had been found by my father's clan of werewolves, and thus found a mate named Jakob. Jakob was tall, the next in line to be the alpha male of the pack. But, before such a time could come, I had dwindled away one day in my daydreaming, and been found by vampires. And at the time, I didn't have any fight in me. Only the screams for my mate who'd be long gone by now.

I sat up on the smoothly embellished black chair, coming to a stand. I was utterly tired, because, out of boredom, I wasted my daylight cleaning the home and making sure all was in order for Kuro's wake upon the sun's disappearence.

Finally the sun set. I moved onward to the kitchen and opened up a bottle that appeared as Merlot, though was instead blood. I poured it into a fine crystal glass, and placed it upon a tray of silver. I had to get two black leather gloves to hold the tray with, but it worked. I flipped my hair back as to not let it hide my blue hues and olive face, as I made my way to Kuro.

Knocking upon the door, I leaned close to it and spoke.

"Sir, I have your nightly drink."
One who knows nothing, can understand nothing.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zoneoni on Sat Oct 18, 2008 10:58 pm

The sound of dust kicking upon wooden floorboard awoke me before her red purple voice peeked through the cracks of my door. My eyes adjusted to the castle rock ceiling darkness, even though the windows were covered from the sun and it mimicked the nights aura, the dissipating phenol odor from the evaporating sun told me exactly what time it was. A soft knock.

"Sir, I have your nightly drink."

I rose vain-fully attempting to forget the transpirations of the previous night's dream. Always the same. It was dark and the foul stench of dying's breath enveloped my vision as I ran in the darkness. I was alone yet followed; I could feel a certain presence about me. As my eyes were covered in darkness her voice filled the engravings of my heart like blood thrown to stone and my chest cavity grew morbid love like an old flower nourished in my chest. A dark looming corpse sketching the horizon of my dark void, coming closer as her voice grew louder and more shrill. First her face and then her ivory soaked body; until instantly she was on top of me coaxing her teeth over my skin. A strange sensation climbed into me, it was like a gripping fear dressed inside of pathetic loathing in the color of pleasure. It always ended the same, my body covered in blood and my limbs contorted conspicuously.

300 years since but the same recurring dream haunted me and plagued all of my thoughts, every time I spoke, every time I looked at another women, and every time I was by myself; most of all. I can feel it, like a subconscious vein under my skull pumping her memory into me, I quiver from it and love it.

I un-latch my door greeted by the sight of her. Her red hair curling down to her waist and her midnight black eyes seem to suck and pull at my chest. For a moment I felt like running out and jumping out of the room in fright but not before making her mine again. But her eyes slowly changed color from black voids to azure shards and her red hair started to dye and straighten to a mellow black. It isn't her, slow realization claims me to reality; cementing my chest again and coloring my face back from pale. Her face now filled with curious glow begs my imagination until the glass of blood registers logical intent. I briskly pick up the glass and drink all of it in fast gorge. The cloud of hallucination fades as the warmth spreads down my spine and it's lingering fresh taste kindles my consciousness. As my eyes danced the outline of her shadow, the voluminous fragrance of her sweat and body oil mingling with the castle-humid air and neatly pressed kirtle and undergarmenting petticoats dulled out the sound of the messenger at the front castle walls. Without exposing the betraying convictions lay-ed on my face I turned from her and dully said.

" 'Tis would seem that your presence is warranted, my Lutheria.
Be not too tame, but let discretion be your tutor for the hour seems
most prevalent for thee who compels demanding demeanor.
The ambition seeks the ambiguous at all times, my dear."

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Sun Oct 19, 2008 10:05 am

Onward came my master. I would easily say that he was surely the strangest of any. But- he was kinder than any. And, of course, he was a vampire. So he was the purest enigma to me. I could never imagine deciphering such a man, for he was always lost in some sort of delusional longing. I could tell that, at the least, something was haunting him. Deep in this chest, lingered a wish. A wish that I could help him, as a bargain of course, in turn for his help. But how could you heal an immortal?
If something haunts his mind, than surely I cannot aid him of that suffering. Something as well haunts my own mind, and every morning, when I try to lay myself to sleep, I recall thinking that noone could ever heal that. And knowing deep down, that it may just be true.

As Master Kuro spoke, I but nodded. What to say to that? He was a riddle of riddles- a rhyme to remember. He was most definitely the fall of me. If only because he did not challenge me in ways my previous owner had. Ah, Leonardo, my previous vampire, beat me with every word spoken until I was silent. The lashings were so horrid that their representation still lay across my back in thin pink wisps. Scars.
And he had pushed me to be angry, pushed me over the edge. It was then that I gained the most ambition. But here, with Kuro, I wonder if I would just be better off cleaning his house and fetching his nightly drink.

I wouldn't lie, I had the slave's dream, but I couldn't help but suffer from some unspeakable pain. Some longing for freedom, and love. Jakob...

I turned away from Kuro carefully, closing my eyes.

"A dog's best survival is made in silence, and behavioral temperance. Sir, I am but trained to be like so. I can only wish to be the spirit I once was. Tame is not the word. Trained fits better to my scenario. I am thus abandoned, leaving you as my only ember of guiding light. I've nothing, but obediance and fading opalescent dreams."

I moved away, carrying the silver tray carefully back to the long kitchen. I would not dare lie, for this castle was truly a dream of dreams. But it was, as well, a nightmare for the lonely.

I went to sit the tray upon the island counter, and accidently let it touch my inner arm.

"Sss!!!" I hissed loudly, dropping it onto the counter and backing into the wall. Blood trickled from the wound that steamed from the silver platter's touch. A long stretch of black stirred with vibrant blood as the smell of marred flesh filled my nostrils. I closed my eyes, the scent so reminiscent, throwing me into retrospect of times long past.

I clenched my teeth and gripped my arm, the little bit of blood running from between my fingers.

I reached for a towel, and a glass. Wiping up the blood, and draining it into the glass, I made sure none was wasted. I would not tell Kuro that it was my blood he drank every so often, but it was far better than letting blood stain his floor, garments, or embellishments. His sense of scent was so brilliantly strong, and I could only cover my accidents with a trail of feathers.

I sighed, staring down at the pink and black wound, looking somewhat dangerous. And it hurt badly, sitting along the outer layer of skin upon my inner left arm. I gathered a handful of water from the trinkets along the counter, and rinsed the wound with a stinging pain.

I whimpered, and silenced myself, as I turned away from the kitchen to head back to my room, leaving the crystal glass of werewolf's blood upon the counter.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BlueRoseJibril on Sun Oct 19, 2008 11:25 am

Having heard her mistress' call out to her Raine emerged from one of the various rooms and quickly made her way to her. On her way to her she quickly made sure that she was presentable. There was nothing worse than being unkempt in the presence of her mistress. Well, maybe there was one thing worse. Being in such a state while in company of other people who respected her owner. For that she was always cognizant of her appearance and constantly made check of herself. Having made her way to Anaia she was quick to respond to her. "What is it that you need of me Mistress you seem mildly distraught." Raine couldn't help but make notice of that so she realized that something important was probably going on.
Vinan yor, noglle yor
Presia messe noce yor tes mea.

Whether you are beautiful or you are ugly
Show me your true self.

Excerpt from

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadowWake on Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:55 pm

Raine appeared promptly, her pale form emerging around the approaching corner with the grace of one constantly picking up on both her appearance and her movements. Good, Anaia thought, A slave who knows what it is to have some respect.

Not ceasing in her stride, the vampiress continued on to her chambers, her servant slipping into step easily beside her despite the immortal's speed. "Gracious, girl - whatever do you do with yourself during the daytime? Normal people sleep but you always seem to be doing something when I wake in the evening."

"What is it that you need of me Mistress?" the young woman asked, her enquiring tone polite as always, "You seem mildly distraught."

Anaia gave her a sidelong glance, bright eyes almost flashing. "Distraught?" she snapped in return, her gaze fixed once more ahead of her as they finally neared her bedchamber, "You need to untangle emotions more clearly, child: I'm simply furious!"

She reached out for the round brass handle, gripping it firmly with pale fingers and twisting, storming through the mahogany doorway before it had a chance to fully open and moving swiftly across to her wardrobe. Pulling open the doors, she tugged at the garments within, wrenching them from their hangers to toss them upon the bed.

"We are to be at a clan meeting for the stroke of ten!" she said indignantly, holding a pair of black dresses beside each other and frowning at them critically, "How does he expect me to prepare for such circumstances when he gives me a mere hour's notice?" Sighing with an exasperated shrug, she threw both garments on the pile of outfits and unclasped her cloak, letting it slide from her bare shoulders.

"Help me into one of these, Raine," she sighed again, pressing her fingertips to her forehead in consternation, "You have a better idea of such matters. One of the best, mind: it would not do to appear before the elders underdressed. Goodness knows what Acheron wants this time... last time it was to do with the Southern werewolves, do you remember? Horrible things - hardly any personality left in them at all... killed everyone, they did: men, women and children, vampires and humans... the lot. The stars help us if we have to deal with an uprising like that again."

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Pegitty on Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:05 pm

Joel was bent placidly on the marble floor of Acheron's castle, wiping it with a steady motion. He looked up quickly, nervously, as the shadows of several residents passed over him, but as soon as they were gone he visibly relaxed.

What he was supposed to be doing was cleaning; which, technically, he was. He made sure that everyone who saw him thought so, too. But it far from held his full attention - as he sat there, wiping, with the same steady motion, he thought of bed, and food, and maybe some warmth; he thought of the trees just outside and wondered how he might create them on paper. Joel was certainly not planning on making the floor sparkle, but hopefully it would be good enough.

Joel was a werewolf slave, but did not belong exclusively to anyone. He wasn't sure if this was a bad thing. The stories he'd heard from some of the other slaves made chills tumble down his spine.

But he pushed these thoughts out of his mind, and continued to wipe the floor as mundanely as he could.
Last edited by Pegitty on Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zoneoni on Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:55 pm

"A dog's best survival is made in silence, and behavioral temperance. Sir, I am but trained to be like so. I can only wish to be the spirit I once was. Tame is not the word. Trained fits better to my scenario. I am thus abandoned, leaving you as my only ember of guiding light. I've nothing, but obedience and fading opalescent dreams."

The corners of my mouth shaded away as she reminded me of her suppressive nature. She was not bound to my likelihood because of her own will which made many of our exchanges meaningless. It begs the question if the circumstances were different would she choose to stay in my abode or is her fleeting mind a superfication of intentions kept hidden. Before I could put theory to application her step brisked away my empty glass and her back met my gaze as she disappeared down the hallway and into the kitchen. I wonder what can I really do for her other then keep her out of inquisitional damnation by my peers. Meaning is sometimes lost in translation between a slave and her master and one so lost in thought as I, did little to settle her roaming gazes and half-frighten shades to her face.

The scent of burning metal left a soft sting in my breath. Consoling her would be a more fitting for the meandering closure that I sought, but if I wished to keep distance between a living slave and a dead one; then it would be imperative that no such lines be crossed no matter how much my mind beseeched me for it. I let it pass as my mind turned to the slight tapping on the window. The night contrasted the outlines of a small rodent perched upon my castle window, a small parchment held grimly in his jaw. Walking over to it in despised calmness, it seemed unreasonable to be surprised as that was how the clan handled things; on a whim. No matter how coordinated and abysmal the situation may find itself, they always managed somehow to wait until the last possible moment in which to send their summons. Opening the sill gently, the little creature hoped into my palm and placed the sealed letter in my hand, quietly he disappeared through the window and back into the night. I read the summons and called for her to my chambers.

"Lutheria, come hither." I shouted to the hallway. Walking back to my room I pulled out something formal as what would be expected from my wardrobe.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Sun Oct 19, 2008 9:15 pm

Upon entering my room, I grabbed a wrap and immediately began wrapping the marred flesh. Slowly, I worked to wind the white cloth around it, biting down on my tongue to refrain from whimpering or howling out in pain.
After a moment, I took a small metal hair clip, and clipped the bandage into place. I sighed, reclining against the sheets of my small bed, reaching for my notebook. I began writing, when I heard my Master's voice calling. I rose up, taking the feather pen and ink and setting it back into a small drawer. Setting the notebook on its open page, into the drawer, I shut it...

And the words rang through my head...

Dear Jakob
It has been three years at best now. And I know the pack travels, but you never came back for me. Those nights with the vampire were long, and intrusive. I called your name deep into the moonlit nights, until my voice betrayed me and held only raspy whispers.
Why have you not come for me, my love?

I raced through the halls, immediate to action. There, stood Kuro. I would easily be one to as well admit, that he was handsome. Unlike what I was use to though- by measures of attractiveness. For Jakob was dark-skinned with black curls and rich brown eyes. He looked Native American in first appearences. His wolven form was solid black with a blue-silver streak between his eyes. He was beautiful in many ways, but not one in common with Kuro.

"Yes sir, I am here." I nodded carefully, walking more like a patron of his castle, than his slave- for my mind was elsewhere, it was upon Jakob, and such was written on my face, within these longing eyes.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zoneoni on Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:50 pm

"I have been summoned. Dress me and prepare the vice in which my bounds shall be carried. Haste is bought with good welcome, Lutheria."

She looked discomforted but not by my presence but by some kinetic perversion within her mind. It was as if a ghost had just finished chasing her or a limelight was being shun straight into her face and the irritation of the light was causing her eyes to look me in such a fashion. Fashion that would befit only a dying heart or a drowning fish. Such small colloquies where part of what my mind chose to entertain itself; even though her seat in slavery to me made her shortcomings template-d and her own will in conversation scarce. Lutheria was a shine in the veiling darkness of my soul. I secretly wished to catch every one of her reactions as if it would predict tomorrow's future and help explain yesterday's past. Which is why I knew there was much she wasn't telling me and I feared asking so as to not give deceit an opportunity in which to stab. Much was left unsaid, so it wasn't awkward when I would simply walk to the feet of my chamber bed and wait to be dressed by the garments laid before her. I was always careful so as not to let my intentions claw out of my skin; if she ever discovered how much of my weakness was accredited to her. I could only fear what tempulations would lay before me. As her hands unintentionally stroked my cold clouded skin; I pretend it was her. It was habit, it was glory. It was all I could do to keep her in my memory as what I wished to remember her by and not what she eventually became to mean.

I remember it the way a child remembers the taste of chocolate and the way a plank of wood remembers the feeling of a nail penetrating it's core. Margret. A night as cold as the belly of Satan and as proud as a vase of roses. She laid in my arms breathing slightly looking venomously up into my eyes. She was life and death and the lost soul of my spirit. I could feel her warmth grow into me as the night rolled on and her eyes kept pacifying my heart into heighten passion. I remember how life had meaning because there was an end to it. Every minute that passed by meant a lifetime of desire and love as we spent our extinguishing flames of light with each other. Or so I thought. Life had a plan, love, marriage, a house, kids, and growing old. But her lies stripped me of all reason. It was as if I had been pulled straight off the face of the earth and then placed in a shrewed and dark phantom of the hour. As she laid there in my bed, there was no escape when she reached up and slithered into my neck, egging into the perfect spot. There was no escape when she sunk her fangs into my neck reaching all the way into my anterior cervical lymph node. The barbaric pain shaved all the nerves in my body like a razor and would later be the reason that would not let me forget.
I was a coward, even though she had taken my existence and robbed me of love and desire; I still loved her. All I could do was disappear from her.

Slowly her memories disappeared and I remebered that I was in my chambers with Lutheria. I realized that I was substituting Margret for Lutheria and I could do nothing to stop it.

However, the later part of the summons filled my mind. A rather peculiar excerpt. It was a summons not only for me, but for Lutheria as well. It was not something unprecedented but intriguingly rare and the implications of it would not be something to look forward to. Not for Lutheria...and especially not for me.

Perversion set in as I contemplated the reason in which Lutheria was being summoned.

She needed something to wear. It was common knowledge that the attire of a slave determined the level in class that her master was bestowed. The thought of getting Lutheria to dress in whatever I wanted crossed my mind. But self-restrain is a powerful tool in the heart of a broken man.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:20 pm

I stepped into the room, my eyes rolling over his cold pale skin as I watched Kuro. Almost as if he were a man I knew for centuries, but had seen for the first time again. It was like this every time. He was nothing like Jakob, he was the opposite. Sometimes I wondered if, even though I was a slave, Kuro may abandon me too, someday. For one thing I'd learned, is that love is only as strong as the hearts that behold it. And apparently I had a strong more vicious than fire, and Jakob... Jakob's love was a warming candle flame, that flickered into a cold darkness all too soon.

I blinked, moving closer again with long smooth strides. I wouldn't deny that, at the least, the meals and exercise provided her kept my stamina at great height, and my body lean and flexible. I was at least proud to say that I was in a fighting condition- regardless that such was uncalled for with a Master as strangely kind as Kuro...

"Yes sir." I said, approaching the bed and lifting his garments. I moved around his body with precision- for this was a ritual I had memorized. Before- dressing someone seemed ridiculous, and I thought him immobile for his inability to do so himself. But I supposed, after due time, that it was a luxury. If I had someone to dress me, I... might...

I slid the garments over his skin, feeling the odd tingling chill to his skin. But I did not flinch like I once had. My warm blood-filled fingertips moved in gracious motions over his skin, fixating the embellishments of his usual astonishing attire.
Standing before him, I brushed my hands upon his neck. There- I could feel something. Every time my fingers slid over the tiny little spots where his Sire bit him, I stopped. A second passed- feeling eternal as my pulsating fingers stayed there- memorizing the pain he had once experienced, some odd time in his life that he had never spoken of.

Closing my eyes, a tiny whimper dwelled in my throat for another second, remembering the bite marks lower upon my body, where my previous Master had fed from me, leaving me at death's door, and letting me heal on my own, a wolf, lone and cold, bleeded in the forest.
That day, I was given freedom, but at the price of knowing my true vulnerability...

I cleared my throat, opening my eyes as I folded his collar back, fixing the back and pulling the ends of his hair from his collar.

"There you are, Master." I said softly, stepping back, and summoning a smile upon my lips- trying to push away the stench of the past- and seeing only the kind attractive appearence of the only person of my life as it was now.
"Handsome, if I must say so." I said a little more loudly, smiling a bit more- trying to lighten the mood, lifting my own spirit from its slum of thought.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zoneoni on Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:32 pm

Her respite at sarcasm was cute and well cherished. Even though she was complimenting me, the reality of her disposition was far too vivid for such a displacement in encouragement to hold true to it's vanity. Still I let it linger in the air for a while hoping that it's resonance would somehow bring it out of imaginary context before I rose in the royal battle armor insignia that was so accustomed and fashionable for male vampire clan heads to wear and disappeared in my wardrobe hall. I had been saving something for such an occasion, I had spent the better part of the last few months trying to find venue of which to present this to her. It was Margert's old evening column dress. A long midnight embroidery dress with sharp cuffs in the front of the dress and intertwining webs of silk holding the lower spine. I fetched it and placed it in front of her along with several ornamented stones of black jewelry. A chained black heart necklace that hung roman-like on thin coils of silver chains, along with a small onyx rose hair pin. I smiled at her wearily hoping that my concern did not show on my face only the restlessness of the night.

"Ward hath requested thy presence, my Lutheria
They are not known for their patience.
Please find vacancy in my gesture, and leave me not with ill ale.
Wear these tonight so that the Clan may find both you and I in good graces.
I shall await in the living quarters. Haste."

I turned to leave hoping she would stop me to stay. Hoping but knowing that the implication of such an act would condemn us all.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:00 pm

I let out a long sigh and fell limply to the floor in as silent a motion as I could. He was a mental black box upon my imagination. He was the shade of grey without name to classify. Kuro was the immortal mystery, one upon which I condemned myself a slave. A slave to Kuro...

As he stepped out, I snapped back up into a clean strong stance before his eyes could witness such. And as he held out the gorgeous garment of a gown, I felt my chest lock up. There was no stronger a beauty in its perilous fashion, so amazingly profound in stunning quality. The silken layers and dangling jewels- it was a fantasy not even this yearning mind could conjure. I placed my hands over my lips, still without breathing. My lungs were to explode if this astonishment were kept here! I was but a statue, to be blessed in stillness to see such a dress, and to know it would be my own, for this night at least.

As he turned to leave, my body pivoted in place, and was thrust forward. It was amazing how quickly and suddenly an impetuous thought could be put into play.

"Wait!" I said, perhaps too loud for my own good. I froze, closing my eyes, and hovering back as if to be slapped. But no, I was not with Leonardo. I relaxed instantly, situating myself to stand again, walking in long wondrous strides before him.

"Wait, please. I know we are to make haste, but you... I've..." I bit my lip, closing my eyes as I nibbled on the warm plush flesh.
"I know you do not want my silence, for I see, sire, that it makes you wonder. I know that you wish of me, some flickering ember of hope- that deep down I shall live again, but I feel so... lost in ways unspoken. A thousand dark secrets dance through my mind with the grace of angels, but the stinging singe of a werewolve's bite. I'm locked into my own mind, and thus I do not speak. I do not know if I have strength to be myself with you, sire. Within me dwells so much... confusion, that I've no righting to the wrongs of my past...."

I stopped myself, no time for a far-longing explanation. I paused, taking a deep breath, and opened my eyes.

"Why did you bring such beauty for me to bare?" I said in a whisper, looking briefly at the dress.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zoneoni on Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:41 pm

"Wait". The mind is a terrible thing. I have grown accustomed ever since I left Margret to the constant images of her and the sounds of voices railing in the night in sweet abandonment that would never come. This was no different. No different than...

"Wait, please. I know we are to make haste, but you... I've..."
I turned to catch her suppering on the sweet delights of her own mouth. Oh, how I wished to partake in such a meal. No, she wasn't Margret. My sweet Margret. But how they resembled each other. So alike and yet so different, if Margret could tame the Heavens and the Angels, then surely Lutheria could charm the demons of hell to fight against the Lord of the Underworld himself.

"I know you do not want my silence, for I see, sire, that it makes you wonder. I know that you wish of me, some flickering ember of hope- that deep down I shall live again, but I feel so... lost in ways unspoken. A thousand dark secrets dance through my mind with the grace of angels, but the stinging singe of a werewolve's bite. I'm locked into my own mind, and thus I do not speak. I do not know if I have strength to be myself with you, sire. Within me dwells so much... confusion, that I've no righting to the wrongs of my past...."

The Lord of the Dead had heard my call and had sent me a gift. The fountain of sensation had been unlocked from underneath the gyre of her throat. The sheer thrill of her dancing voice covered in the sweet sugars of her own dictation in will sent my heart riving over the cliffs of sensual passion. My body became a suffocating house of fire, my eyes fumed smoke and it became difficult to stay still, but it became impossible to let go of the sight of her. She had gambled her life on just a single moment, a single breath. She was fascinatingly amazing, the stories of her previous master made any doubt that she might not understand the underlying implications of her actions vanish, as did the scars that peeked from under her clothing. She had decorated herself with un-professed strength and virtue in a matter of seconds. I did the only thing I could think of. I raced up to her and enveloped her body with my arms, as if to squeeze the very essence of her soul. I wasn't sure if the shaking in my arms was from her own small body or from my own arms. I silently whispered into her ear in the most comforting voice I could ever conjure.

"My dear Lutheria, ever since these castle walls shed their impregnating darkness upon you. I have ever so wished for your tongue. I have wished to relight you, relight your passion and hopes; your dignity and loyalty; your love and courage. If you are lost, then I shall lead your way. If your mind is plagued in a crowd of dark fillings then I shall cleanse it. If your a prisoner in your own mind, then I shall free you. I shall give you strength to be your own person and clairvoyance to battle confusion. I burn to wisp away that which has kept you docile and benevolent. I want to break the shackles that are hoisting you upon the cieling of the dominated and give you a choice. I want you to chose me but chose, my sweet Lutheria."

Her eyes open and I could see a sea of infinity shape her gaze. A lurid wanton valley of blue threw me in the depths of azure, far and deep where no one could ever rescue me from; as I had no intention of being rescued.

"Why did you bring such beauty for me to bare?"

And just like that, a veil of morbid reality engulfed my consciousness. As if the room grew a little darker and the air a little heavier, I let go of her and faced the sill-shut windows of the dark midnight moon.**

"You remind me of my former wife, my sire. Your faces are different but that sense of wild and bounded freedom. Your spirits, your aura, they are all the same. She was beautiful just as you are; my love for her is a strong limb of passion that holds me steady even today. You may have unknowingly dipped into that part of me. That sense of rooted despair. But it doesn't matter why. I am yours to discard for as long as my chest can hold breath. I don't care if you take advantage of my despair. My reasons are my own to take, you can sit on a clear consciousness. You are my last chance at the acclimations of my life. If you desire it, you may leave. Find that which is holding you back and reclaim yourself and your freedom once again."

I closed my eyes and slumped up against the bedpost with my eyes closed. I had already made up my mind to love her unrequitedly, but in order to do that I knew it meant giving her the option to escape. I chuckled vehemently at myself, what foolish indignation. Anyone under the prison grapes of servitude would have the right-mind to leave the castle the moment he showed any sign of weakness, even if it meant jumping out of the window. My last chance at finding peace within myself had just squeezed out the corners of my weak-willed grip. Tonight I will dream of her in earthquaking passion and it will suck life and logic straight from under me. I wonder what the clan will say when I don't show up with her. I can always claim that I killed her. Then I remembered that the clan was expecting us...I mean me in a matter of minutes.

**Just wanted to point out that in this sentence, the meaning is that the windows are part of the sky and the moon and not part of the castle. In other words, if the windows are not part of the room but part of the outside which inclines the moon and the sky then it does a couple of things. Describes the state in which Kuroi is. At that moment he is hoping that existence does not extend past his chambers because he refuses to acknowledge the outside and views it as an identity and not a state of existence. It would be impossible to do both, that's like looking at a talking ocean. It also lets us know that he is already thinking about his betrayal to his clan. The moon serving as a witness to the exchange. He is also afraid of not only the Clan condemning him but Margret as well, since his acts of passion for Lutheria are betraying his love for Margret. I wanted to phrase all of that in one sentence, so it took me a long time to get it right which is why I'm pointing it out. In really tiny letters so as to not be cocky, lol.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:15 pm

Before this simple mind could register his thoughts, his actions, that recurring look that dwelled in the depths of his unfathomable eyes- he was before me. The speed of a storm's lashing gust carried him to me, and his arms were like cold fire against me. From his skin, I felt the heat of something that could not be taken in through a sense, but a heat that burned brightly- triggered within the core of my being. My heart thudded in my chest as if it were to bound out and hit the floor with a diverging burst! I wasn't sure what had happened, in minutes just passing, to Master Kuro, but something surely happened.

His voice was the chime of a harp's golden strings to grace my ears. So quiet, but so loud. I felt as if my mind were reaching out to wrap around his words, take them in and wallow in each individual sound and unrelinquished meaning. I held my breath, only letting it out in tiny muffled gasps, closing my eyes and melting against him. How long had I wanted to only be held!
Jakob, in his own manner, had held me before- but never like this. Never with the supple whispers of desire waltzing from his lips with such amazing grace.

"Kuro?" I managed in a whisper, as his silence ensued for some odd moment. But he did not miss a thing, for those quizzical and riddling lips began to move again, foretelling more of this man's mystery. And to me, it was almost compassionate; one man's pain foretold to me like so- and his previous words began to register.

To unlock me. To unwind me. To soothe me from self-damnation. I closed my eyes, as if I could see the words slinking around the inside of my lids. Deep in my mind, I could replay the embrace, and it was fargone- to some point that I still could not help but wonder what led him to do so. I was but a slave... But he, he was the epitome of what I'd desired without Jakob.

Taking a deep breath, I walked forward, my limbs shaky from the sudden overwhelming emotion surging through every limb with this heart of mine betraying me. I felt as if the world could listen in on the thundering of this heart.

"Mast-..." I stepped closer, kneeling, reaching a warm, slender hand out to caress his cheek. Blue hues searched his own, falling over him with some new longing and curiosity.

"Kuro." I said, his voice rolling off my lips in a new way that I wouldn't have previously thought it could. "How cruel of me, to leave you. It is I, that attends this home, and it is you, who made a home of this place, for me. I cannot... For my dreams and desires have taken a turn unlike any other. Twisting and uncoiling from their previous wars, for you, sir. I wish, that you can understand, but we ... need to leave. Further, we can discuss this. When we are home once more." I stood up, drawing my hand unwillingly away from his cheek.

Stepping to the bed's edge, I lifted the dress just barely. Then, I began to undress. Staring into the large mirror across from me, did I re-assess this body that I had not taken into personal view in so long. My skin was still its perfect olive tone- a rich tan with a tint unknown. My limbs still toned and lengthy, I had not changed all that much. All that changed were the occasional burn scars, lash scars, and the two teeth marks upon the top of my left breast from my previous Master.

I lifted the dress once more, and began to put it on, watching in the mirror as I transformed from a slave, to a goddess of women. I didn't even know, that myself, could be so beautiful. But I was. I felt the silk against my skin, and it was the most glorifying moment of my life. I almost felt like a small child in my Sunday gown, lingering in the shades of my mother's garden. A beauty unexplainable, though we can feel it around us.

I combed my hair up, and slid the clip into it, holding it up into a beautifully created bun.
Again, I was still within the mirror, turning just barely to draw my eyes to Kuro.

"Come hither, and tell me, if you would mind having me here, as whatever you please me to be, for the years to come?" I said gently, taking another steady breath as I ran my fingers over the black jewels upon the bed.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zoneoni on Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:17 pm

Her voice rolled out my name in a soft whispered honey colored hue. It was magical and beckoning, if she willed it she could command any mans loins to quench away at the spirals of her voice raking away at the spine. But nothing could have prepared me for the soft gentle hands that stroked my cheek. Softness that could dull the Sword of Valhalla and sooth the heart of a dragon with one gentle kiss of it's fingers. Trade my own life for a few more seconds of being in her gentle grasp. My cheek did everything it could to inform me that it would conquer legions of my own kin so as to be able to call that hand it's own. So did my eyes when her blue hovering eyes caught my own and held them firmly in place. Once again her voice almost caused me to unconsciously stand to my feet as she called my name. I needed to hear it a thousand times more before I could claim blissful satisfaction.

"Kuro." I said, his voice rolling off my lips in a new way that I wouldn't have previously thought it could. "How cruel of me, to leave you. It is I, that attends this home, and it is you, who made a home of this place, for me. I cannot... For my dreams and desires have taken a turn unlike any other. Twisting and uncoiling from their previous wars, for you, sir. I wish, that you can understand, but we ... need to leave. Further, we can discuss this. When we are home once more."

As her gliding hand floated away from my cheek, it's cool warmness contrasted the cold castle air as if it had broken a shard of glass on my face. My hand almost flung out and grabbed her wrist demanding more time. But my mind demanded restraint from me once again. My eyes perched up against her as she undressed but the realization of her new found freedom implored the decency of any free women, this painstaking fact peeled away into my eyes as I averted my gaze away from her flesh. Contemplating measure of what would soon be sitting before me toyed with the inner workings of my imagination. I knew what the clan would say if I told them that I had taken on a slave as an equal. I was prepared to give life and limb for what I believed in. I played around with the vision of defending her from these very walls from the swarm of vampirc knights charging in to claim my head. I would be standing at the very gates of my castle, with sword and battle armor gleaning out to the moon, inviting a welcome to them. Charging dead on into a mesh of warlords and steel. Ebbing rage seeping in to my veins at the thought. But if I failed, she would most likely be put to death. She would be put to death because of my selfishness. A darkness trumpeted the vision of watching her lifeless body shrivel at my bedpost. I could feel my mind vomit through the images. I had to protect her more then I had to die for her. A compelling fact that stabbed away at my vindication to take on my clan.

"Come hither, and tell me, if you would mind having me here, as whatever you please me to be, for the years to come?"

Words could describe how beautiful she looked but in order to do it, it would take the lives a thousand men. They would spend every waking energy describing her blinding magnificence until they collapsed and died from exhaustion. Black dress and ivory skin seem to compliment each other as it hugged features long kept locked away in her slave's kirtle garments. It was impossible to tell that she was once a slave, it was more likely to assume that she was Aphrodite incarnate or a manifestation of a divine celestial being. My knees buckled at every step as if they had just learned to walk. A slight breathing and a heavy note of rampant flavor escaped my breath as I said.

"You are my absolution. The greatest discovery of my heart. I want you to be the seconds of my time and the air of my breath. For eternity. Just like this. My heart is your slave to keep."

I gently pressed my fingers up against hers and gently soaped emotion through my fingertips. Gently pressed her hair back and softly pressed my fangs into her neck. Lightly as my nose was filled with her and this memory forever sealed and burned into memory.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Eternity on Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:20 am

Again, he approached with a soft motion, and I was stunned by his immortal way. He seemed almost impetuous to be so informative with me. Just some odd hour ago, I was but his slave- a slave he beckoned to for life. And with the parting of my lips, I had set everything into motion. I had learned of his heart's desire, as well as my own.

He was surely no Jakob, for I had hope that Kuro would not leave me. And this was different, if we shared attractions so devilish and ferocious, it would be nothing like the attraction between Jakob and I.
The physical attraction of a female wolf to a mate.

This was the mindset of longing- for another mind to confide in. A soul to trust and love, to rid of this pathetic loathing for all my sorrows.

As he came forward, he spoke another set of those magical words, falling off of his lips like angelic feathers, floating away from me, though they would never be forgotten.

His touch was again, a flame unspoken, relighting all that he had hoped to. Against my fingertips, I could feel the radiating yearning, his strong emotions that defined him so well. His enigmatic kindness that carried a glow stronger and more gracious than the moon. But then, things began to turn into a direction, I'd never imagined. A direction I feared.

Trembling at the feel of his fangs, I began to flinch away, but so subtly, that it was just a quiver of my body. My lips parted to quickly suck in the cold castle fragrance, and gasp, as my eyes closed.
I had to trust him, I couldn't panic. He was kind to me, this would be an eternity worth this...

But I was a werewolf? What would become of me if I were to be a vampire as well? A superior hybrid, or a sick weakling whose body would fight to eliminate itself?

I didn't know, and could not voice my concern. After the initial pain of the bite, I relaxed, my arms moving along his back and gripping his clothes, tightly. I felt my eyes rolling back, memories swarming through the darkness of my mind. I was still broken, and without repair. No few minutes of marvelous confession could change that. Not right now.

I gripped him more and more, until finally, I was beginning to lose myself in all the thoughts, until only one thing swarmed upon my mind.

"Master... Rain..." I whispered, tilting my head and letting him take from me as he pleased, becoming a meditated marionette for his pleasing...

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BlueRoseJibril on Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:21 am

{Firstly, I just want to apologize for taking so long. Personal issues have made it a bit harder for me to post than usual but I'll try to keep up.}
"I only wish to keep everything in order." she had always been a bit of a perfectionist, she hated having anything out of place so when she could help it she would fix things. Besides, it fit well into the mix of such a job description if one could call it such. She watched her mistress closely and when the woman spoke again of her true emotion in that instant that she had misread she made note of how the woman acted in an attempt to be correct the next time.
Raine never liked it when her mistress was like this even if it was to be expected at times. Just as there are things that bother humans there are things that bother vampires too, after all it is hard to cease having emotions. She followed Anaia through the doorway continuing to note her actions. Raine was oddly calm she had always tried to not be troubled by things, she'd been troubled enough growing up that she found it much easier to avoid those feelings again even if they struck her occasionally.
She looked between the two outfits quite indecisive. Finally she settled on one that was both simple and elegant at the same time. She had always been wary of overdressing for at times it could be worse than putting too little thought. Overdressing always looked labored in her opinion, as if you spent ages trying to figure out what to put on which it could be the case but it was never good to have such show. In fact the most ornate this dress got was probably the lace sleeves which flared out ever so slightly. It was form fitting and the material quite smooth to the touch. This indeed to Raine would do just fine.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zoneoni on Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:30 am

"Master... Rain..."

Her subtle body sent thriving piston jolts down into my fingertips. As I held her in sweet delicacy I felt like her spinal cord was connected to the joints in my hand. She was so light, the smell of her hair upon her neck was toxic. A toxic so potent that with both hands it was strangling me by the chest, crushing my lungs in the most wanton grip a pair of lungs could ever imagine. But the taste of her skin delivered crushing blows severing my tongue in two, the half that still belonged to me and the other that had transgressed onto pure bliss and had long departed the mortal realm. Her blood was the divine wine of the gods. The familiar taste reminded me of the nightly drinks she would serve me but it was brought on to deep sensation by a whole new meaning, it was as if my heart was giving it effervescent taste straight from my body, one that sent violent energy into me. My mind could not think, I could only feel. Soon I lost control of it, my ears stopped hearing and began to see and my fingers stopped feeling and began to speak, my eyes began to talk. All my senses defined her as the new reality, the real one. My entire life had been a lie, the world was not the true state of the self but instead it was her arms that could make you feel living. My breathing grew ragged and un-controllable; loud and obnoxious as if the amount of oxygen one could inhale was determined more on the sound and not the actual intake. But my heart was no where near this. It was painfully exalting itself like a wild lion trapped in a cage. It strained to split the linings of my ribs and take my place. It was all I could do to keep myself sane but to sink my fangs deeper. It wasn't until I opened my eyes that I realized that her skin had started to pale and her eyes losing their vigor. Instantly I pulled my mouth away from her neck, hoping that I had not pulled to hard.

I stood and carried her lightly to the bed. My hands swimming deep under her hair as I laid her down and pressed a soft luminous kiss where I had bitten her and then moving passionately up to her throat and mouth before pulling away and flashing urgency into my eyes. It was time to go but if I could squeeze the monkey that controlled time, I would have split his skull and made this last forever. As I watched her regain her breath and color fill her cheeks, a slow ember rose into my mouth and descended the stairs of my throat and neatly rest on the basement of my stomach, burning me slowly and warmly. It was a discomforting yet volatile flame that seemed to ebb into extinguishment before renewing itself alight.

"Rest, I shall prepare the carriage and horses. Be sure to put on the necklace..... It suits you."

Then I remembered that she was no longer a slave but the women of my desires.

"I mean if you like the necklace of course. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

I walked out of the room, replaying the scene I had just witnessed, over and over; replaying my favorite parts. How much just a simple exchange of words could color my mind with such entails. I departed down towards the main gate and into the outside world, where treachery and dark pit holes laid to separate me and my Lutheria. If only I could take this castle away, far away into a deep and black void where no one could find us. If only.
Last edited by zoneoni on Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Warming Her Pearls ~ Slave/Vampire/Werewolf RP (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadowWake on Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:48 am


Running a tapered finger along the mantlepiece of the grand fireplace, Acheron raised it to his golden gaze, inspecting the grey smudge upon the pale tip. Rubbing it against his thumb to remove the layer of dust, the vampire frowned, casting his eyes into hollows dark with shadows as they snapped across to survey the slaves. A young human girl - barely only ten years of age - trembled under his stare, goosebumps rising upon her tender flesh as she clasped the dirty rag in her tiny hands.

"I 'aint done that one yet, m'Lord," she murmured, her slight form virtually shaking as he strode over to stand silently before the child, "I wuz gonna..."

"Why have you not done as I asked, slave?" Acheron purred, his tone calm and yet holding the menace of a hungry predator eyeing its prey, "Pray, tell me."

The girl's brown eyes shimmered, her bottom lip wobbling as she dropped her gaze to the floor. "Can't reach, m'Lord," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet bustle of the castle, "I wuz gonna ask Marie-"

"You will do as I ask, slave," the vampire hissed, gripping the young human's chin in a single taloned hand, yanking her head up to meet his gaze as the corner of his lips curled up in distaste, "The others have plenty enough to do without the whinings of a mere babe to distract them. Now, my guests will be arriving in less than an hour, so you will do as you are told or suffer the consequences. Is that clear?"

Caught like a hare in a hunter's trap, the child merely nodded, wide eyes threatening to spill tears down her freckled cheeks. Baring his fangs in anger, Acheron shook her briefly and she let out a single sob. "I said, is that clear?" he growled.

"Yes, M-master..." the young slave whispered, hiccoughing.

The vampire smiled, letting go of the girl with a flick of his wrist and straightening once more. "Good," he said, already turning to survey the rest of the work as he called over his shoulder, "Now do it. And cover those bite marks - they're unseemly."

Homing in on a young man knelt upon the floor - the stench of werewolf hovering around his prone form - Acheron watched the slave silently for a few moments before nodding once. "I want to see myself in this floor by the time the guests arrive," he told the lad with a smile lacking all warmth - knowing that as a vampire, the task was impossible - "Make it so."

Feeling decidedly more elated, the vampire Elder turned to ascend the stairs, a faint rumble of laughter echoing in his chest.

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