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Aurora's Plight. (OOC/Sign-Ups!) (Looking for more RPers!)

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Aurora's Plight. (OOC/Sign-Ups!) (Looking for more RPers!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Brovo on Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:03 pm

Aurora's Plight

Update: The in character thread is located here: post560376.html#p560376

Slot Status: There are three slots for people to join in! Please join?

Please be aware that the plot line is simple. Why? Because it's street knowledge. I'm also trying not to give away too much of what is going on, because this story has a lot more depth then what it shows on the surface.

Note: This is just a brief synopsis of what is going on at the moment. This isn't a full blown story; this is basic knowledge which the street knows in the first paragraph. The second paragraph is just trying to get you to join. I'm not putting much information in here so that you can be as creative as you like when making your characters. :)

Storyline: The very wealthy riverside town of Gethendral has many people who live in happiness and prosperity. The town itself is more like a city, housing hundreds of thousands of people at any one given moment. Everything seems peaceful.. Except of course for one problem. Gethendral's king is offering a reward for anyone who can rescue his daughter, Aurora, from the clutches of the evil prince Duran! It sounds like such a classic tale of rescue the princess. Except instead of an evil tower, it's an evil kingdom called Gendaril. Worse yet, Gendaril is located in the middle of a mountain range. Or at least, it's surrounded by mountains far, far to the east of Gethendral. The king doesn't want to risk a massive war across such a large distance, but he doesn't want to just abandon his daughter to die. So he has offered a reward for any person or group of people who can get his daughter and bring her safely to him.

Of course, nothing is as it seems anymore. The only information that the public of Gethendral knows is what their king has told them. Therefore, the only information you know is what the king (and the people) have told you. Myria, on the other hand, didn't really care what what the truth was at this point. After all, she was a rather cute young Bard with a heart full of greed she had a small flute and a plan. She was the first to volunteer for this dangerous task, as she needed the money badly and she was probably going to head out that way anyway. Of course, a Bard can't operate on her own. So really.. Will the rest of you join her on this quest or attempt to stop her? Why don't you find out where your place is in destiny's little web..

1. No Godmoding.
2. At least have one paragraph per post. Thank you. :)
3. No characters that are perfection incarnate. Be good at one thing and bad at another. If you get confused or if you don't know how to remain balanced then go by this old age Roleplaying rule: For every one strength you have, give yourself one weakness of equal fault.
4. Everything has to make sense in some way. Like for instance if you have superhuman strength yet you look just like a Human, explain why. If you can fly through the sky like Goku or Superman, you better have a dammed good reason why.
5. Obey all the rules of Roleplaygateway. We are not farm animals. (I hope.)
6. This Roleplay is a Romance-Plot based Roleplay. Please do not start fighting for no apparent reason, but at the same time don't make every post a love struck poem.
7. I apologize but at this time I have a maximum Roleplayer limit of eight. (Including myself.) The reason for this is so that we don't get eighteen Roleplayers all posting at the same time, confusing one another and likely posting from wickedly different timezones. So while some people would post once a day, others would post fourteen times a day. Etc etc.
8. Lastly (Assuming I don't update these Rules) If you don't think you'll be able to stick around for at least 5 months of the roleplay, don't join.
9. These rules are bound to be updated. I will do my best to inform you if they are, but it is ultimately your responsibility to check up on them from time to time.

Black List:
Nobody is on the Black List.. Yet.

Here is my own character, Myria.
Name: Myria The Songwriter.
Age: Twenty Five/25.
Gender: Female.
Race: Summer Elf.
Personality: Naturally sociable and kind on the outside, greedy and desperate on the inside. Money is Myria's second highest priority, only second to her love for song and dance. Myria is also extremely curious and naturally a pleasant person to be around. (Usually.)
History: Myria was born on a bright summer day, as most Summer Elves are. Most of her kind are a rather seclusive lot, but ever since Myria was born she sought out adventures and to explore the land. After a while she learned how song and dance can be deceptive and both help and harm opponents. Of course not physically, but mentally it can be damaging. So off she learned how to do song and dance, and how to funnel just a little bit of magical energy into it so that she could do a variety of effects. Once turning twenty one Myria quickly took off from her Summer Elven home. She had a destiny! Except.. She realized that she wouldn't get anywhere without money. So her immediate goal was to collect the wealth of nations so that she could just go exploring everywhere. Yup. That's right. No ulterior motives. No death defying stunts or vengeful quests. She just wanted to amass enough money to be able to explore the world for the rest of her life.
Description: Myria has long, soft green hair that ends at her mid back. Her brown eyes and long (but not ridiculously long) pointy ears reveal her Summer Elven descent. Being 5'9” and 125 Pounds Myria is skinny and short. Just like a Summer Elf. She wears light brown, hard leather wrist guards and wears a white T-Shirt. On top of this T-Shirt is a soft leather vest, more for protection against bad weather then against a blade or bow. Long white pants and hard leather boots complete her look of being a wanderer. On her back Myria has a typical oak bow with a white bowstring and a moderately sized quiver made out of leather. The arrows themselves are also made out of oak and have iron arrowheads. Myria also keeps a flute in her packing bag along with a few food and water supplies. The packing bag itself is rather small and compact, and is carried around via a shoulder strap. All in all Myria looks like the typical wandering minstrel with really nothing to lose but a lot to gain.
Weapons/Tools: An oak bow with no magical abilities whatsoever. In fact, it really is just the typical 4'5” oak bow. Really. Her flute is small, but is well crafted and able to reach just about any pitch with a slight movement of her fingers. It's less then 1' long and is a light gray in colour.
Powers/Abilities: When singing or dancing or using her flute, Myria is able to slowly use her magical energy to change a variety of things in a person. It can make them feel tired, make them feel filled with energy. It can sap away bravery, and give bravery to the cowardly. Basically Myria is able to change the emotional state of an enemy or an ally based on what song she sings, plays on her flute, or whatever dance she happens to perform. However this is all mentally based: This does not actually affect a person's physical being, just their mental comprehension of it. In English: It's all an illusionary tactic.

*Subjects marked with this asterisk, you do not have to read.

Name: Prince Duran.
Age: Believed to be in his late twenties, early thirties.
Gender: Male without a doubt.
Race: Believed to be Human.
Lore: The lore around this man is rather foggy, but in Gethendral he is known as a terrible curse upon the entire world that deserves to be exterminated. I'll leave it up to you what you want to think of this man.

Name: Princess Aurora.
Age: 23.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human.
Lore: The lore around this woman is rather clear in Gethendral. She is known as a wonderful woman who shows deep care and compassion for all things living. Whoever would want to steal away this person would have to be a real bastard supposedly.

At long last, your journey through this brick wall of text was not for naught! The character sheet is what follows now!
Note: There are only six public slots available. Myria takes one slot, and I'm reserving a slot for a user named “Safisan” as his insight and jubilant attitude helped me in the process of making this Roleplay.
Name: (What is your name.)
Age: (How many years have you existed on this plane of existence?)
Gender: (Male? Female? Neither?)
Race: (What are you? Elf, Dwarf, Human?)
Personality: (What is your character's personality? This is optional, and please keep it brief.)
History: (Your character's history. One paragraph minimum please.)
Description: (What does your character look like?)
Weapons/Tools: (Here is where you describe your weapons and such. What they look like, what magical effects they may or may not have, etc etc.)
Powers/Abilities: (What magical powers does your character have? If any.)
Last edited by Brovo on Sat Apr 25, 2009 4:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I only teach those willing to learn.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:53 pm

Got your pm after refreshing to post my sheet :O. This looks damn nice, mate.

Name: Patrick of Golgoth

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Personality: "Life is just for those too cowardly to die." Patrick holds strict to that belief, though not suicidal, he's certainly not a cheery person. This pessimistic view on life takes a toll on his mind, and despite being intelligent and collected, decisions that don't involve missions are usually clouded.

History: Born in a colony of Gendaril, a little north of their own kingdom. It was a somewhat nice childhood until age six: playing, making a mess out of shops, stealing the ocassional treat. Alas, his family became too poor to pay taxes and effectively sold Patrick to a traveling merchant, it was a few months of advertising the boy as a 'future spy', during which he learned a few tricks behind bartering and overall abusing people to drain their wallet.

Eventually a man named Golgoth of Gendaril bought him as an apprentice, teaching him the tricks of the trade that came with assassination. Though still a slave, Patrick caught the eye of this man quite well, and when reaching a more ripe age, he'd be bought drinks and women in celebration of a successful mission; it was hardly anything compared to the money Golgoth received, but for a late teen, it was perfect even if it wasn't freedom.

Roughly five years of mindless killing, it didn't really make him emotionless - just quiet and rather blunt. Patrick earned his freedom by cutting one of Golgoth's limbs after a mission: the renown right arm, common grounds for rumors that it was capable of wielding a pair of glass swords in that single arm against a soldier. Though by 'earn his freedom' it was more along the lines of hit-and-run as Patrick ran away, taking on a modest home in Gethendral where he earns a living by taking on bounties and 'jobs'.

Description: 5'11 and 154 lbs, skin tone is a 19 on Von Luschan's scale. Somewhat muscular, mainly at the arms. Patrick's hair is kept short, it's straight and light brown. His eyes are brown and a little tugged to the sides, the rest of his facial features are rough, such as chapped lips and a sharp, medium nose. There's a vertical scar on his right cheek, though it's just a tiny line in comparison to what it used to be. Patrick usually wears loose, black cotton clothes and sandals with a soft base to prevent them from making noise, along with a white mask when taking on a mission. Twin daggers are kept strapped to a leather belt, whereas a scimitar is usually strapped to his back or kept in a sheath, also on the belt. On ocassion, where traveling with daggers is tough, he'll hide them in a bag strapped across his torso.


A pair of kris daggers. Made of obsidian.

A single scimitar, made of silver and practically ornamental in nature.

The white mask mentioned in my description, if it counts.

Powers/Abilities: Stealth, strength and decent swordplay (decent because his fighting is usually a single attack... Patrick's not as good when the situation's even) but none of these surpass human limits, or even reach them.
Last edited by Safisan on Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Brovo on Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:12 pm

This character is good enough for me. Thanks for joining Safisan, I was watching this Roleplay slowly get drowned as people were not viewing it because other Roleplays were getting bumped ahead of this one. Eh' hehe..

Anyways, your character is accepted and can be used at any time you please.. At least, once the IC thread is up anyway. I'm going to wait for a couple more Roleplayers before I make an IC thread though.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby [Ace] on Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:14 pm

General Information:
First Name: Derikku
Middle Name: N/A
Family Name: [Lost]
Alias(s): None
Title(s): Lupine Assassin

Species: Human, Wolf
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Blood Type: AB+
Primary Arm: Right-handed

Birthday: Born on January 1st, 1671
Birthplace: Venice, Italy
Home Planet: Earth

Ageless: No, however he ages extraordinarily slowly.
Immortal: No
Age Ranking-
Physical Age: 18
Mental Age: 14/29 [Explained further later.]
True Age: 338

Mother: Samantha [Lost Last Name]
Father: James [Lost Last Name]
Siblings: Tsuriko [Lost Last Name]
Children: None.
Other Relatives: Vincent [nephew] [near future]
General Love Life Status: Single

Occupation/Status: Assasin
Current Residence: Unknown. Derikku has no known residence, as he is nomadic.
Religion: Predominantly Christian, though he has given up the trying to stay 'in line'.
Alignment: Neutral
Social Class: Outcast
Economic Class: High Upper Class

Psychological Information:

Main Personality: Derikku suffers from bipolar disorder, causing him to be, for lack of a better term, bouncy. He can change in an instant from a funloving happy-go-lucky best friend to a cold malicious killer in a matter of seconds. Some speculate that this stems from his complications in executing the lycanthropy gene.

Alternate Personality: Wolfie is much more primal, feral. He tends to worry about food, fighting, and senses. He's much more brutal and violent than the ordinary person, and tends to care less for his own safety; he takes advantage of his regenerative abilities far too often.
Likes in General: Fighting, eating, sleeping.
Dislikes in General:N/A
Hobbies: Sparring. He refuses to go a day without any combat at all.

Intelligence Quotient: 96 (Drops to 74 when consumed by Wolfie.)
Social Intelligence: 141
Emotional Intelligence: Very High.
Systems Intelligence: Very Low.

Words-Per-Minute: 85, Full Comprehension.
Education: Homeschool, Random Self Teaching.

Phobias: None.
Allergies: None
Diseases: Lycanthropy [defected]. Derikku is a werewolf, though the gene that allows him to be so, was defected. Therefore, the gene itself is a seperate being, giving him the aspect of someone with a split personality. The difference, however, lies in the fact that the second personality resides within himself, meaning he can speak with it. (Whether he wants to or not.) This dual being relationship adds to his ability as a fighter, though can become annoying to others when he argues with... himself.

Bipolar disorder:

Split Personality Disorder:

Primary Language: English
Secondary Languages: N/A
Friends: Tsuriko
Friends [In which characters are not mine]: N/A
Enemies: Nearly every country publicly opposes Derikku, though will not take action against him.
Rivals: None


Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 198 Lbs 7 Oz.
Bust: 57 Cm.
Waist: 51 Cm.
Hip: 52 Cm.

General Muscle Build: Extremely Athletic
Skin Tone: Tan
Eye Color: Deep Brown
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Derikku's hairstyle is a wild, set free look. His bangs reach over his eyebrows barely, and curve off to the side past his temples. It is kept short in the back, and longer on top. Just under the length of hair on his sides, which are longer then on top, and in the front, his sideburns lead to his earlobe.
Markings: Small crescent shaped tattoos on the back of his hands, below the wrist.

Primary Attire-
Top: Black undershirt (under armor worn by athletes.) Grey tactical vest over top. (Kevlar)
Waist/Hip: Black or brown cargo pants. Nothing special.
Shoes/etc: Commonly only sneakers, though he does switch to the military standard issue boots from time to time.
Accessories: Often, he'll wear leather or cloth gauntlets to cover the crescent shaped tattoos on the backside of his hands above his wrists.

Secondary Attire- [When primary is not applicable.]
Top: Either shirtless, with a leather neck guard, or a leather vest, tightened over a canvas forearm length shirt.
Wait/Hip: Canvas (dark brown) pants, loosely fitted.
Shoes/Etc: Leather boots, worn and ragged.
Accessories: See Primary Attire.

Battle Information:

Zanbato: A massive sword five feet in length, the zanbato is extremely deadly. It is a foot wide at the base, narrowing to a razor sharp point. The blade, being far too large to create an ordinary hilt and grip, instead has a wooden pole-like grip that extends from the bottom of the blade outward.

Natural Abilities-
Lycanthropy: Derikku's ability to become a wolf allows him several other traits. Based on the fact that two beings reside in one body, he can simply sleep while Wolfie (his other half) runs his actions. He may go months without actually being fully asleep. This also means, upon transforming to Wolfie's body, he shares the stamina of Wolfie as well as himself. (e.x. He may be shot in humanoid form, let Wolfie fight in his form, then become humanoid, good as new and rested.) The only problem with this is regeneration is much slower while in the opposite form. ((The wound would heal as quickly as a werewolf's in human form but doubles when he is not actually in human form.))
Other Abilities: None
Usable Energy Types: None
Spiritual Battle Attributes: Secondary perception from Wolfie.

Combat Styles- Combination of Tsuyoi Zanbato, and self teaching.

Levels (In relativity to himself)- [1-10]
[1-3 Poor]
[4 Below Average]
[5 Average]
[6 Above Average]
[7 High]
[8 Abnormally High]
[9-10 Extremely High]

Physical Power Level: {Normal} 8 [Abnormally High]
{Wolf}10 [Extremely High]

Speed Level: {Normal} 7 [High]
{Wolf} 9 [Extremely High]

Agility Level: {Normal} 5 [Average]
{Wolf} 7 [Abnormally High]

Dexterity Level: {Normal} 8 [Abnormally High]
{Wolf} 7 [High]

Flexibility: {Normal} 6 [Above Average]
{Wolf} 5 [Average]

Jumping Ability Level: {Normal} 8 [Abnormally High]
{Wolf} 7 [High]

General Defense Level: {Normal} 7 [High]
{Wolf} 8 [Abnormally High]

General Offense Level: {Normal}8 [Abnormally High]
{Wolf} 9 [Extremely High]

General Skill Level: {Normal} 8 [Abnormally High]
{Wolf} 6 [Above Average]

Teleportation: No
Flight: No

Battle Theme-
Title: Animal I Have Become
Performed By: Three Days Grace
Composed By: Three Days Grace
Arranged By: Three Days Grace
Soundtrack: One-X
Lyrics By: Adam Gontier, Barry Stock

Other Information:

Theme Song One-
Title: Waking Up With Wolves
Performed By: The Black Maria
Composed By: The Black Maria
Arranged By: The Black Maria
Soundtrack: A Shared History of Tragedy
Lyrics By: The Black Maria

Quote: "Peace is all the world wants... I'm here to create it with my sword."

Summarized Biography:
Derikku was born in the year 1671, in an upper class home of Venice, Italy. Her father, a soldier, and her mother, a local seer, gave him an upper class life; and a rich one at that. Though, Derikku has always remained a 'boys will be boys' prodigy; he was mischievous rough, though most of the time, he was good hearted. "All in good fun," remained his preferred quote. Just after his 14th birthday, his parents disappeared, leaving both his younger sister and him in the hands of 'family friends'.

The two were to take a ship from a local port to a European country not listed in the letter. The children boarded the boat, but did not arrive at their destination. Shortly after leaving port, the ship sunk from an unknown cause. The two siblings were separated in the struggle, and though tough even for their age, wound up in opposing currents- the two wouldn't see each other until the end of "Cleanse Part II" the Role Play.

The ship wreck incident was no accident, though. Inspired by a malicious cult, the two unhumans were to be destroyed as per regulation in a 'natural way'. They did not, however account for the abilities of Derikku. Just before the incident, Wolfie revealed himself, and took control of Derikku's body, taking the brunt of the damage caused by the wreck. Though Derikku could only watch from inside his mind, he learned very quickly what he was, and what he could get away with. His strength as a Lycanthrope has only fueled his mischievous, boyish nature. It's unknown exactly why, though Derikku has remained very child like since the incident. It may have originated from the shock of the tragedy, or from a forced and premature transformation, but his psychological disabilities haven't been fully totaled. (Bipolar, Split personality, ???)

[Explained Further In the Cleanse Sagas]

Derikku's quest eventually leads to thus: several years after finding his sister, his nephew, (son of Tsuriko) Vincent, is nearly killed by the antagonists of the Cleanse Saga; though, taking after his mother, his family gift activates: The Supreme Perception gene. There is a complication, however. As seen with many of this family's blood line, the ability defected. Vincent's mind (at such a young age) couldn't handle the stress from the sights he was seeing, often associated with seer's. Snapped, and disturbed, his ability takes him from time's grasp, at the cost of certain imagery. [Described further in his profile].

Vincent, for the start of his life as a seer, spent his time wandering through time. He manipulated the flow, watching the world, and others from start to finish, enjoying the changes he made, eventually leading to the apocalypse from each. Eventually, becoming bored, he chose to insert himself and others into different time strands, examining the endings, and creating life anew. Many of the events Derikku finds himself in, are the direct result of Vincent's happy meddling.

Oh, and applied. :D
Last edited by [Ace] on Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Emptor on Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:40 pm

Albin the Deathhanded
28 is the age of the body
Depends on what body he's stolen
Cold,aloof and calculating he attempts to be the epitome of apathy
Albin being a Chlekopsawn was hatched in the mountains of Peratheya who's fire heated his shell and cracked it.He lived under the teachings of his hatch mother until he reached the age of teaching(7) having been given the ability to choose between the schools of action or thought and he chose the latter.Learning for a while at Peratheya he soon advanced to one of the schools of the world which helped open him to the world of magic.After a few years of training he exited the school and began his external "street" training,in that training he developed an obsession with longevity and after a ridiculous amount of training he had concocted a potion with help from his mentor.The potion would have made him live for thousands of years,but some things went wrong and a few components were accidentally switched or a contamination of the poem happened.The result gave him his greatest wish and let him live forever but stripped him of his corporeal form.

With his corporeal form gone he found that he could steal the bodies of other creatures in a matter of seconds as he accidentally took control of his teacher's body,because of his transformation Albin was seen as an experiment and not a human being so he did what he could.He hijacked a body and ran off into the world remembering to change bodies every few years.After a while he grew extremely fond of a body that he had stolen from a red mage and he decided to keep it and started to feed it through souls he stole.
surprisingly that's a guy.
The staff in the picture which he uses to help focus his magic,also he has that spinny disc on the side of his leg which can be used to cut his enemies and suck their souls out.Another of his weapons are the two teabags hanging off of his pants which can be dipped in water and drunk as an instant bring back from the brink of death potion.

Albin mainly stays back in the action and heals or buffs the other people but he does have a powerful offensive attack called "Hadoken"
y'know, I like rabbits and all. They're cute and they're horny. And if you're cute and you're horny, then you're probably happy, in that you don't know who you are and why you're even alive. And you just wanna' have sex, as many times as possible, before you die... I mean, I just don't see the point in crying over a dead rabbit! Y'know, who... who never even feared death to begin with.-Donnie Darko

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Brovo on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:06 pm

@Emptor: I can accept your character on the agreement that your disk-like weapon can only suck out a soul of someone who is dying, and by dying I mean more than a papercut I mean they are bloody on the ground and quite literally dying. Last thing I need to see is a disk shaped thing killing half of an enemy encounter/allied party members before I can even say "What the hell." Not that I don't trust you, it's just I don't trust all that power in one person's hands. xD

@Detective D: I'll accept your character I suppose.. as long as he uses the secondary and not the primary attire scheme. (Can't have Kevlar in the past. That doesn't make sense. xD)

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Emptor on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:15 pm

by the way nobody knows about what he really is,they all think he's just a red mage

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby [Ace] on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:17 pm

XD Only for you, Brovo... Only for you...

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Emptor on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:22 pm

so when is the IC going up.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby [Ace] on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:29 pm

My guess is this will end up being opened tomorrow morning, or later this afternoon. It's going to be a very, very impressive topic I surmise, so there's no need to rush it.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gluttony on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:37 pm

Name: Dell Furen
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Personality: Mysterious, boring, reclusive and intelligent.
History: Dell is a mysterious traveler. He has been from the sands of the coast to the black waters of Gendaril. He doesn't talk much about his journeys, but he often likes to relate an anecdote to a current situation. He is known by hundreds of inn keepers and town criers. Truly, no one can say he doesn't have a familiar face. He knows many languages and can write in most of them. Over the years he has also amassed an amazing array of knowledge concerning different animals and plants species.

Nothing has ever kept Dell going on a single or straightforward path. He likes to say "the wind will lead me". He has recently heard of a great prize from the king of Gethendral. He hopes to earn this prize so as to pay back his traveling, drinking, gambling, and lodging debts. After all, what else is a traveler to do in his spare time?

Description: Dell has dark hair that reaches his shoulders. It is straight and well kept...surprisingly. He has a full beard which is also neatly kept. His eyes are of hazel color. He is inbetween skinny and muscular and 5'9" He walks around with a black trench coat always. Under is a white tunic and black leggings.
Weapons/Tools: A jagged dagger that he made himself. Other than that his strength and knowledge.
Powers/Abilities: Immense knowledge of many things.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:40 pm

Emptor, buddy, you're a soul-sucking-body-controlling-epitome-of-apathy-heal-back-from-almost-dying-hadoken-firing-street-fighter-plagiarism red mage. Surely waiting a little bit until the IC is posted shouldn't be a problem for you, right?

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Emptor on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:43 pm

Do you use Derriku for every RP you can?

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby [Ace] on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:52 pm

No, most RP's I join require a fantasy based character, and at the moment, of the two I use, he's for fantasy, and Tsuriko's for realism. The only thing is, more often than not realism RP's are romance bases, or failures in the making, so I'm forced to use Derikku. Then again, I enjoy this character, and adding to his history.

I'm writing two more profiles at the moment to replace these two for a while, so I don't get sick of him; one is actually being the offspring of one of these characters. Why do you ask, Emptor?

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Emptor on Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:56 pm

because I checked a few of your posts to get an idea of your roleplaying style and I noticed a lot of Derriku.I have also met you before under another username.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby limegreenpop8 on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:02 pm

Name: Jack the Spirit Leech
Age: Jack appears to be around 18 or 19 but is actually around 8,000 years old
Gender: Female believe it or not.
Race: Jack is a mix between a Necromancer and a rare breed of Vampire
Personality: Jack is usually nice to others but can be a bit mean or defensive at times. Other than that you'll just have to see.
History: Jack was born with the name Rosemarie Willow Oaksley to a well known Vampire named Van Jerald Markonsie Oaksley and a Necromancer named Marie Helen Gerald. She was the first born in the Vampire world that year. She lived happily with her parents until someone decided that it was unnatural for there to be a Vampire that could see and talk to beyond the dead. Appearantly, even Vampires think something's wrong with that. Both her parents were tried and put to dead by a stake through the heart and a burning alive. After that she was old enough and just wondered around not really making a permanent residence and took the name Jackson but went by Jack. She tries to avoid drinking a humans blood but since she's still a new vampire she still needs to learn more about controling her thirst for it.
Description: Image (Except her eyes are a light, jade green and glow when a spirit is near. Height of 6'1" and usually wears a black tunic dress with a leather belt and black tights under that and black leather mocasins.)
Weapons/Tools: Jack, ironically, has a silver stake with her name on the side of it. It can be used to instantly revive someone because of a certain degree of magic that it was made with but after one use it's only good for stabbing someone for it must take an hour rest. She also has a small dagger and a silver blade with a gold and peridot encrusted handle, a gift from a "friend".
Powers/Abilities: Jack has super strength and the ability to jump incredibly high from her vampire side but after preforming any of these she must rest or she will pass out because it taked so much of her mana to do these tasks. She also acute hearing, night vision, and stronger smelling than most but isn't quite unbelieveable,like the smelling power of a dog, also from her vampire side but, sometimes she sneezes after smelling something. From the Necromancer side she can speak to spirits, summon the dead, and have premonitions. The downside to all of this is that she goes blind after premonitions because it takes much of her sense of sight to have these premonitions eventhough she isn't actually witnessing the event, after summoning the dead all she can do is tell them what to do, mentally,and she can only give very simple commands because of the deterierating state of their brains, and sometimes after speaking to spirits her voice changes because that's what her spirit sound like. When a spirit is near her eyes glow and depending on how strong the spirit is they glow very dimmly or very,very bright. A simple stab to the spine will weaken her but only for 20 minutes. If you can stab all the through her heart and out her back from the front, then you can kill her. You may also kill her by giving her the blood of another vampire or necromancer.
Last edited by limegreenpop8 on Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby [Ace] on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:04 pm

Oh, goodness me. If you checked my older post, you'd see more variation. (As I've had more opportunity to use them.) Though it's hard to come across a well put together non-fantasy role play. Check this one for example: Well written, plotted, and arranged; and I still had to add a secondary attire to this character, and explain how he got here in order to join because of my character's 'realistic' functions.

I'll be happy when I can finish my Cleanse RP, though... I'll be able to introduce my third character, play around with Tsuriko, and develop the beginnings of my fourth. Fun, fun, fun...

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Emptor on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:19 pm

Derriku is skirting godmod so closely it's funny,it takes skill not to godmod that kind of power.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby [Ace] on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:32 pm

Oh? He has nothing but kinetic power, physical strength, and stamina. The only addition is senses such as increased hearing and scenting.

I hardly think that it's even close to the average character.

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Re: Aurora's Plight. (Fantasy RP: OOC/Sign-Ups!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gluttony on Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:49 pm

Sounds like your character is closer to god-mod than his Emptor.

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