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Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy-Open!

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Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy-Open!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keikeiya on Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:03 am

The IC is located here Blood Heroes In Character

Thump-thump, thump-thump.

You can hear your heart clearly beating in your head. A bead of sweat rolls down the side of your face; your weapon is heavy, your armor is stifling. You look to the sky to give one last forsaken prayer to the gods, but it is thick and heavy with black smoke rolling up from the merciless fires crashing upon your city walls.

Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump.

You can hear your heart speed up. You are told not to be afraid, but you can’t shake the lingering fear with each ghostly scream coming from your attackers. You have done what you can, held them off as long as possible. But while you stare hopelessly at the city gates cracking and splintering underneath the constant crashing and pounding from the opposing army, you swallow a hard lump in your throat and breathe in slowly.

Thump-thump thump-thump thump-thump

So it has come to this. The inhuman growling and scratching heard clearly on the opposite side of the gate. A few other men stand beside you, and you can see the fear written on their faces. You slaughter ten thousand and ten thousand more came. Unstoppable, they said. Unbreakable, they whispered. So it has come to this. The gates have broken, and you grit your teeth and tighten your hand on your spear. The undead army floods through the narrow gates at you.

It is time to fight the hopeless battle. You charge forward.

Thump thump thump thump thump...thump-thump-thump....thump-thump....thump......



Over a thousand years ago, an altar was created in the Hidden Groves as a place of worship and sacrifice to the dragon of Turu, and his preceding Gods. Infused with Turu’s power, it was used to bring peace and bounty to every clan who brought an offering. With this magic the time period was calm and strengthened as most people lived happy fulfilled lives. This place was holy and sanctified, that was until a necromancer began to infuse their offerings with dark and black magic. This was done in secret, and when the monks finally realized what had been going on it was too late.

Overtime the altar became a place of blood and hatred, and became overpowering, forcing any who would try to fight back the evil, out. The necromancer began to literally suck the blackened powers from the altar itself, and in no time at all, he was virtually invincible. This began the era of terror and destruction. In waves of catastrophic horror the Necromancer commanded hundreds of thousands of men, sweeping over the lands and destroying any in their path.
The gods could not allow this.

In one last desperate final stand, all of the old races led by three heroes of the gods fought against the army of the death. One by one they fell, until a small group and the heroes themselves remained. Using whatever divinity the gods have given them, they purified the Necromancer of his powers permanently, destroying him and within seconds turning his army to dust.

Unable to destroy his powers though, they sealed them back into the unsanctified altar, and sealed it with a gate of holy divine impenetrable magic. The key used to lock this gate was divided up into 5 fragments, and given to each old clan for protection. These fragments were passed between their rulers ever since.

The heroes themselves signed a blood contract in a new alter, dedicated to them built underground where the city of Nor now stands. Within three tablets they sealed their souls between this life and the next, unable to die, and the tablets and altar were sealed. These tablets were created to be used to resummon the three heroes if a new threat were to surface. Once resummoned they are mortal until the blood contract is signed again.

A new threat has indeed risen. With time the black powers hidden within the altar has grown, and a new overlord intends to infuse himself with them, regardless of already how frightfully powerful he is. This is why you cannot allow him to gain any more power. He must gain all five of the key fragments and open the holy gates in order to gain them. The gods cannot help them this time, it is up to you.

All characters will begin in the human city of Nor while it is under a light attack.

Clans and Races

• Crimson Dawn • ★

Represented By• The Noble Lion
Majority Race• Humans
Major City• Nor
Government Type: A Ruling Lord governing the kingdom.

Location• Northwest of the Globe
Biome Type: Grassland

Status• Thriving, a point of refuge for other cities that have been laid siege to.
Key Fragment• The fifth key fragment, safely kept within the city walls on the
person of the king himself.

The Crimson Dawn is a representative clan name for the Humans. Their major city, Nor,
is among the second most powerful of all race cities, and would be ranked first when it
comes to protection. Nor has strong massive outer walls outlining the entirety of the city, in
what appears a glimmering yellow stone when the sun rises in the horizon, along with a touch
metal iron and concrete oak gate securely tucked in. No one has ever penetrated the holy
fortress of Nor, which is why most would flock here for refuge. The surrounding is thick
with grass and oak trees, and the weather here is almost always fair.


• Aldarians • ★

Represented By• The Dignified Stallion
Majority Race• High Elves
Major City• Aldar
Government Type: A Ruling Lord and Lady

Location• Southeast of the Globe
Biome Type: Forest

Status• Besieged, and utterly destroyed. The first to fall. Lord and Lady have
both been killed. Surviors have flocked to the city of Nor.
Key Fragment• The First Key Fragment, stolen.

The Aldarians is a representative clan name for the High Elves. Their major city, Aldar,
as among the first most powerful of all race cities, and would have been ranked second
when it came to protection. Aldar was the first to be cut down mercilessly by the power of
The Abandoned. Overrun more quickly than the elves could handle, they began to flee
as fast as possible away from the area, a good number escaping, though many slaughtered.
The surrounding was thick with grass and many many oak trees, now being cut down
and set fire to. The air here is now thick and black, not capable of supporting much life.


• Ironhides • ★

Represented By• The Rugged Bear
Majority Race• Dwarves
Major City• Undragh
Government Type: A Ruling King

Location• South of the Globe
Biome Type: Artic

Status• Besieged, and utterly destroyed. The second to fall. King and surviors
escaped to the city of Nor.
Key Fragment• The Second Key Fragment, stolen.

The Ironhides is a representative clan name for the Dwarves. Their major city, Undragh,
was among the third most powerful of all race cities, and would have been ranked third
when it came to protection. Undragh was the second to be cut down mercilessly by the power of
The Abandoned. Trapped without honor in their own mountain, it was thanks to a small
escape which led to the ability to allow some of this race to flee the mountain, though they did
not give up without a bloody battle. The surrounding was cold and rigid, the mountain filled with
many gems to be mined. The air here is now thick and black, the snow tainted, not capable of
supporting much life.


• The Sun Reavers •

Represented By• The Nimble Hawk
Majority Race• Atavian (People whom appear like humans, but have wings on their backs)
Major City• Vakarian
Government Type: A council of three atavians, called Valkyries

Location• North of the Globe
Biome Type: An offland island surrounded by water

Status• Besieged, and utterly destroyed. The third to fall. Two of three Valkyries
slaughtered. One Valykrie and only 8 other surviors have travelled to the city of Nor.
Race has been almost completely anhilated.
Key Fragment• The Fourth Key Fragment, taken with the Valkyrie, safe for now.

The Sun Reavers are a representative clan name for the Atavians. Their major city,
Vakarian, was the hardest to overtake because of its location of an island in the water.
Vakarian took the longest to destroy, the Atavians not giving up without a fight. At
one point they actually winning, until all full form wryms bearing fire rained down
upon them, attacked by The Abandoned. This race was almost completely
destroyed. The air here is now thick and black, and the water is polluted, not
capable of supporting much life.


• The Gilded Ones •

Represented By• The Untamed Wolf
Majority Race• Tribal Elves (A form of Wood Elves)
Major City• Whisper Wind
Government Type: A ruling council of Elders

Location• Northeast of the Globe
Biome Type: Forest

Status• Besieged, and utterly destroyed. The forth to fall. Elders have
been slaughtered, race has been almost completely anhilated.
Survivors have fled to Nor.
Key Fragment• The third Key Fragment, stolen.

The Gilded Ones is a representative clan name for the Tribal Elves. Their major city,
Whisper Wind, was hidden away within their forest somewherein the Northeast part of
the globe. This is why their defensive and strength cannot be rated. Whisper Wind was
easily destroyed by the power of The Abandoned. These people gave a strong hell
of a fight, and refused to back down and release their independence and their lands, which
is why so many died before the last few Tribal Elves remaining could escape. The
surrounding was beautiful, a nearby waterfall marking the beginningof their forest territory,
thick with ash and oak trees, being burned now at this very moment. The air here is now
thick and black, water and forestsoil tainted, not capable of supporting much life.


• The Abandoned • This clan is unjoinable.

Represented By• The Deadly Skull
Majority Race• Undead
Major City• N/A
Government Type: A Necromancing Overlord and Second in Command Drone

Location• N/A
Biome Type: N/A

Status• A massive undead army to the controling will of the Overlord.
Key Fragment• Possesses 3 of the 5 pieces

This army has so far proven indestructible. Only holy magic or specific spells
can permanently destroy an undead being, but for the most part they can be
resummoned. The Overlord wishes to possess the 5 pieces of the key fragments in order
to gain control and access to the Dragon Altar.


**If you read above, you understand what a blood hero is. I am allowing two other heroes alongside my own. Please take a look below and view age. If you want to play a bloodhero, add that with your original race. For example:
Race: Dwarf, Bloodhero

**If a clan name is marked with a ★ next to it, that means your race can come from that clan, regardless of what it's majority race is.

**Lastly, I have a widescreen monitor. The images should appear NEXT TO their family of words. : ) Sorry if its messed up. Letme know so I can fix it?

Map of the Realm


Created by Bithack

Rules and Boring Stuff

1.I will have no form of godmodding, this includes but is not limited to
a.Auto-hitting and forcing damage
c.Ignoring damage

2.Literacy please
3.No one liner posts
4.Cussing is allowed
5.Romance is encouraged, but if you go too far take it to the PMs. This means pg-13.
6.Bithack will be my co-gm, and has permission to enforce rules himself. If there is a dispute then I will be the final judge.
7.I am your GM, therefore I will enforce the rules however I see fit. If you have a problem, bring it to me. If I am not available at the moment, bring it to my co-gm Bithack.
8.Post at least in minimum once every 2 days. If you are going to be gone, let me know. If you are going to drop, tell me.
9. I have the full intention of this being a long term roleplay, so therefore when you join I hope you are in full awareness of this. If it gets boring, then you the writer are tasked with making it unboring!
10.You are going to have fun. You don’t have a choice. DO IT!
11.Wait to post until I approve you.
12. You may have 2 characters maximum.

Character Sheets

First Name: Your characters first name.
Last Name: Your characters last name.
Age: How old is your character? If you are not playing human, you need to put in your real age, and an 'appears as' age. See below.
Gender: Male/female

Race: What race is your character
Clan: what clan is your character apart of?

Weaponry: If you have a 95ft battle axe that can wipe out the entire army within seconds, I dont wana read it. Realistic! Key words here : D But feel free to be creative!
Magic: A rather touchy subject, but seeing as how I have added both holy and black magic, how can I not add this? If your an absolutely amazing fighter, spells to a minimum. If your character relies on spells rather than a blade, keep a nice variety. You can also balance these out nicely. But if you play Mr.All-Mighty-Badass Magic Man, you better convince me you have Gandalf status. Just like it takes stamina to swing a sword, it takes mana to cast spells.

Appearance: A description or image of your character

Personality: How does your character act in society
Back story: What has happened to your character in the past? Here you can describe more about your charaters reactions and feelings, plus an awesome story.

Extra: Anything else we need to know.


Elves: Elves live around 1000 years. They are on a ratio of one to ten. A 100 year old elf appears 10 in human years. A 200 year old elf appears 20 in human years.
Dwarves: Dwarves live around 400 years. They are on a ratio of one to four. A 40 year old dwarf appears 10 in human years. An 80 year old dwarf appears 20 in human years.
Atavians: Atavians live around 500 years. They are on a ratio of one to five. A 50 year old atavian appears 10 in human years. A 100 year old atavian appears 20 in human years.

Blood Heros: Blood heros have an added 1000 years to their races origianl life. If your elf is 200 years old originally he will appear 20 in human years, then as a blood hero he is 1200 years old, but still appears 20. If you have an 80 year old dwarf appearing 20 in human years, then as a blood hero he is 1080 years old, but still appears 20.
Last edited by Keikeiya on Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Bithack on Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:19 am

My Characters:

First Name: Arandil (Aran for short)
Last Name: Voskel
Age: 1247
Gender: Male

Race: High Elf, Blood Hero
Clan: Aldarians

Weaponry: Aran wields two long elven blades that curve down the length of the two blades, giving them great slicing and hacking potential, but lacking in stabbing and thrusting. The blades have ancient runes inscribed into them along with the hilts and guards of the swords. These were done by Aran’s own hands and have imbued the swords with magical properties. Nothing fancy, just added strength and survivability and to always remain sharp. He may also, at times, carry with him a concealed dagger, just in case the need ever arises for a hidden blade.

Magic: Aran’s magic is an old and ancient one, one that is very rarely seen anymore. It may not be as potent or powerful as others, but it also requires less time to prepare and the part he loves most, there are no spells to memorize and chant perfectly in order to do something. His magic is as simple as wanting something to happen, and then willing it to happen. He may not be able to cast fireballs big enough to obliterate a building, but he can cast one strong enough to stop a man in his tracks. His spells work by him visualizing on what he wants to happen and then offering up his own energy for that something to occur. The only problem with this type of magic is that you really have to know what you want to happen. If you envision a fireball, but not what it is for or what it will do a fireball might just form in your stomach or on the very ground you stand on. It is very hard magic to control and almost impossible to master, which is why it fell from favor of other magic users, but Arandil cannot imagine using any other kind, though he does occasionally.


Personality: He is not afraid to speak his mind, but knows when to hold his tongue. He is a loyal ally and trustworthy friend, but has no qualms about arguing with someone. He is a leader; though he will let others lead if he feels they are well suited for it. He does not anger quickly, but can have short outburst at times.

Back story: Aran lived in the city of Aldar for most of his life. He spent most of his time either studying or practicing with a sword. Over the years, Aran became quite the fighter and his intellect was also sharp, people knew that one day he would be a powerful elven warrior. It did not take long for him to find an interest in magic. His mind was sharp, and the mysteries of magic held him captive. He would study for hours and try to learn as much as he could, but he found himself frustrated with the inner workings of spells and chants. He was about to move on to something new when he stumbled upon an old text. The title simply read, Warmage, and when Aran cracked it opened and read through it he was hooked. This was what he was looking for. Magic that combined sword fighting and spells together to form a powerful combination. From then on he studied the book and learned the ways of the Warmage.

When the dark armies came, Aran went to fight alongside the Humans and Tribal Elves and fought valiantly. When he was given the gift of the gods along with two others, Aran helped to stop the dark armies and seal away the evil power that had formed it. He signed the blood contract along with the others and his fate was sealed to protect.

Extra: Nothing as of now.

First Name: Avis
Last Name: Harvey
Age: 27
Genders: Male

Race: Human
Clan: Crimson Dawn

Weaponry: His main weapon is a 6 foot spear and a round shield. The spear has a hardened steel tip and made from a mighty oak, along with his shield. He also carries a one-handed sword for those up close and personal moments.
Magic: Who needs magic when you can just stab him?


Personality: He is loyal and would do anything for his friends and comrades. He is quiet and observant, thinking everything through before he attempts something, though that does not seem to hinder his quick fighting style and analytical mind during a fight.

Back story: Avis’s parents began training him at a very early age, teaching him courtesy and manners towards others. When he was ten years old, they sent him away to go live with a noble family to train more. Here, he would serve as a kind of waiter and personal servant, entertaining and serving food to his elders. He would learn basic hunting and falconry, and also various battle skills such as taking care of, preparing, and riding horses, as well as use of weapons and armor. At about fourteen years of age, Avis was assigned to a knight to serve as his personal companion and aide, as a squire. This allowed him to observe his master while he was in battle, in order to learn from his techniques. He also acted as a servant to the knight, taking care of his master’s equipment and horse. This was to uphold the knight’s code that promoted generosity, courtesy, compassion, and most importantly, loyalty.

Extra: Nothing at the moment.
Last edited by Bithack on Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:58 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keikeiya on Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:21 am

My Characters

First Name: Nienna
Last Name: Miramir
Age: 1223 Appears 23
Gender: Female

Race: Tribal Elf, Blood Hero
Clan: The Gilded Ones

Weaponry: Longbow made of fine oak in a dark brown color, and plated for support with silver at the ends where the bowstring is connected. The grip is thick leather carved carefully for design. Her quiver which is always on over her back is a black leather with silver edging. Its always full off arrows, naturally, with deep red feathers. On her hip is a shortword crafted of the same silver in a black sheath.
Magic: Nienna is one for a single simple healing spell. Not very powerful, but effective for cuts about an inch deep. If theres too much blood she can't preform the spell correctly, unable to reverse the damage at that point. Nienna also has the ability to bless her arrows to permanetly dispell an undead. Not much for an army, but good for small groups.


Personality: Nienna is normally soft spoken, and would rather take up the position of being a leader. Shes usually good at formulating troops and commanding forces together, though she also loves the ability to simply be on the front lines fighting. She isnt afraid to make enemies, but has also made good friends along the way.

Back story:
Nienna was born in her clan's major city, Whisper Wind. Around the age of twenty she was enrolled in her villages main training army. The typical purpose is to provide training for Elves to become Protectors and Woodwalkers within their forest. Tribal Elves, being very tied to their nature around them, meant Nienna really never left home. She became very skilled with her bow, and took mentorship underneath one of the council of elders within Whisper Wind. At around her 200 year mark, is when the dark army started to surface. Nienna along with 250 other Tribal Elves took a place alongside the High Elves, and aided the Humans in defending the early stages of the city of Nor. When the largest battle came to take place, Nienna was given the gift of a god's power, for whatever chosen reason, and using this divine magic alongside two other chosen heroes, they were able to surpress the Necromancer's black magic.

Shortly after sealing the evil power back into the altar, the three heroes were crowned in the city of Nor's main plaza. For ten days and ten nights did the city celebrate their victory. But it wasnt until the coming idea that the black magic may be sought after again by another, more powerful being than before, was it that the celebration ended. Willingly, the three heroes helped build a purified altar underneath Nor, where they were orignally crowned. Using their last bit of divine magic they sealed a blood contract on three different tablets, and this altar was locked away while the heroes have since slept in a place between life and death.

Extra: Cant think of much : )

First Name: Groug
Last Name: Taverntale
Age: 168 Appears 48
Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf
Clan: Ironhides

Weaponry: Though Gorug uses a combination of things, really its whatever he can get his hands on to make the monster be smashed. His favorite is the curved axe hanging over his back. He's had it ever since he was a little dwarfling, and would go as far to cut off his beard jsut so he could keep the precious battered thing...okay maybe not that far.
Magic: As Groug would say, BAH. (Teehee, means none)


Personality: Groug is a bit calmer than most dwarves, until you say something aobut him being short. Then you may of well have handed him your head on a pike. His love for ale is only matched by his love for women.

Back story:
Groug was like any dwarf, taught that fighting is fun and mining is your life. Groug hismelf prefers busying himself in the mines rather than fighting, the idea of precious gems making him richer than any dwarf driving him to work hard. Extremely loyal to his clan, his dwarven friends literally had to pull him from the mountain cave in order to save his life. Though appreciative, he will never admit it. Travelling to the city, his companions didn't get five minutes without hearing Groug complain. First about walking, then about the warmth, then about no ale, then about no food, soon about no women...and so on and so forth. Getting into a scarp fight with one of his friends, tehy sorted it out in the end. They had never seen him run faster when the city of Nor appeared on the horizon.
Extra: Groug loves women. Did I mention that?

Known As: The Crone
Age: Timeless
Gender: Female

Race: Undead Summon
Clan: The Abandoned

Weaponry: None
Magic: The Crone is a major summon from the Necromancing god himself. She is creation that maintains a ressurection point for the undead armies. Getting to her is almost impossible.


Personality: Dead and Lifeless. A slave.

Back story:
The Crone was simply known as myth and legend until summoned as a lackey by the Necromancer. Her fable is that she and her husband owned a small priory in a secluded part of the globe. When he was called to war, she refused to let him leave her, knowing he was going to certain death. When her husband did not show up when called to appear at thier summoning, soilders were sent to find the traitor. The broke into the home at night, taking her beloved, and whipped him to death in fornt of her as punishment for betrayal. When she went to save him, the men locked her in the house, and set it on fire. Unable to let go of her vengence she was called from a ghostly form still wandering this world.

Extra:The Crone often floats unnotcied in the back of the flooding armies she can create. She is sent in place of the Necromancer. One has said that if she removes her mask and looks into your eyes, she steals your very soul.
Last edited by Keikeiya on Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zenatsu on Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:34 am

Last edited by Zenatsu on Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.
“Man can live with about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.”


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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hoo on Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:37 am

-fiddles with hair-

Um-um. Are we limited to realistic fighting methods, as in with bows and melees? Or is there a magic factor?

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kædai on Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:57 am

Hm...I'm debating whether or not to join...since Im making another RP...what do you think Keikeiya? =P

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Logarithms on Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:02 am

Sounds cool. I guess I'll post up my character sheet in a few minutes time, after roaming around for a bit.

EDIT- Here it is. Being the first character sheet of the day, with no other character sheets to refer to, I might make some mistakes. Please identify them, and I'll make immediate changes the next time I come on.

First Name: Zephiris
Last Name: Seraphim
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Race: Human
Clan: Crimson Dawn

Weapon: Angel's Wrath. (It's her family's heirloom. Made of the hardest metals, and almost unbreakable, this weapon has served Zephiris well for a very long time now. As seen from the picture, the sword is as tall as her, and is carried around slung over her back. The sword, though big, is rather light weight)

Secondary Weapon: Dagger (For missions that require stealth, Zephiris relies on her handy dagger, which is actually a customized version of a short sword. Shortened to the length of a dagger, it has a curved end suitable for slashing at opponents. This weapon is kept within her metal shoes.)

In case you were wondering how uncomfortable it must be to have the dagger in her shoes, there is a special compartment specially designed to accommodate the weapon. Furthermore, the weapon is so light that there is no evident difference in weight on both legs. Also, the dagger is rather difficult to pull out, which also makes it more difficult for her to lose the weapon. (Just another plus factor)

Magic: The intensive training she had physically, and negligence over her education of the use of magic made it such that she could use no spells at all. That is, until she joined the Royal Defence Force, which required the use of White Magic (Basic). Now, she can manage a simple recovery spell, but nothing offensive, or large scale.

Appearance: Image
For further detail, click this link. It's just a larger version.
Weapons clearly illustrated in the picture. (For more details, refer to Extra)

Melancholic. She detests having to fight, but that is what she was raised for- fighting. Thus, whenever she fights, she rarely seems happy, unlike her behaviour otherwise. In battle, she is calm, and collected, even when the odds are stacked against her. Out of battle, her cheerful nature emerges, friendly and approachable, she enjoys socialising with her associates, fellow defenders of the fortress of Nor.
Back story: Born a child of a soldier, despite her gender, her father insisted on having her master the art of swordsmanship. Although she would have gladly went for the more 'elegant' skills, like cooking, and other more feminine skills, Zephiris had little choice, becoming more skilled with the sword under her father's constant guidance. So obsessed with training Zephiris was her father, that she mastered swordplay at the tender age of 11.

However, she was still too young to be recruited into any form of business, notably the army, so she was promptly sent to the tutelage of a assassin friend. This assassin friend of her father was a nice person, and taught her more than just the skills required of an assassin- he taught her the way to live, that killing never was the way to go. In short, he moulded her personality drastically during the time. By the age of 16, she completes her training with the assassin, becoming, herself, a strong assassin and warrior.

Yet life wasn't smooth upon her return. Her family, whom she doesn't have much relationship with was slain in an attack by unknown causes. She believes this to be of some relation with the forces that wrecked havoc on the other cities, and joins the defence forces of Nor, deciding to help the country with her skills. Thus went 2 years with the defence forces.

At present, she is about to lead her squad to defend Nor against the invaders.

Height: 5'1
Weight: Secret. (No one knows, and she herself doesn't want to know, lest she says it out accidentally. She's rather touchy about this)

Also, her hair is really that long. She keeps it that way, simply because she wants to be more feminine. Also, the headband is not just some ordinary accessory. It's actually Zephiris' requested replacement of a helmet, which she avoids wearing, because it makes breathing difficult. (And she doesn't likes it, anyway)

And, it's not too clear, but her eye colour is actually black. (In the picture, the sun was probably reflected... Whatever, I'll take it as black. As with her hair colour.)
Last edited by Logarithms on Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keikeiya on Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:44 am

Thank you for bringing it to my attention that I hadn't added weapons or magic. They are now included in the character sheet.

EDIT: And Logarithm, your profile seems fine, though my one concern is your squad, seeing as your going to be forced into a group one way or another so really there isnt a need for it. And I did add in weapons and magic for the character sheets, so you'll need to switch the information around accordingly.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hoo on Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:55 pm

Mhn. Question, question.

I feel like I'm walking on thin ice, but I'm going to ask anyway: I'm considering a character that has a bit of coming-of-age to them, or rather, coming to terms with responsibility. Or something like that, I'm not sure. Whatever the case, I figured that this character would need some sense of... Well, not nobility, but some form of inheritance.

It's easier to explain like this: My character, who will most likely be named Katherine, has a generally self centered view on life. She places herself first, and hence feels that the problems of others are not hers to consider. Because of that, she tends to form few bonds, allowing her to concentrate on what she wants rather than what others want.

Normally, this would be a pretty stable character disposition. However, on it's own, it is also very static, with little potential.
But let's imagine this: Katherine is heir to a rather considerable force, be it land, spell, whatever - I'm rather cautious as to what it should be - However, she has yet to obtain it. So, because she will one day possess this currently undecided item, her outlook on society becomes very potent, giving her a bit more initiative to consider her options.

....So, yeah. Now my question:

What should this 'item' be? I'm against nobility, as that gives her a far higher profile than I'd like. But I've considered something more individual, like a small guild, or a powerful summon, something like that. Course she won't actually have access to it - That would take away from the point - but she will still have the fact looming over her.
Last edited by Hoo on Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby 7achary on Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:57 pm

Hola! This looks really cool, I want in. I have two character ideas. I'll probably only want to play one, so if I'm excepted you can choose.

First Name: Gideon
Last Name: N/A
Age: 29
Gender: Male

Race: Human
Clan: Crimson Dawn

Appearance: He stands tall at just around 5'11", he has a shaven head which leaves him with a military haircut. Almost never seen without his armor, steel(era appropriate?) plate mail, he will sometimes wear humble clothing in earth tones. His watery gray eyes over look a hawk nose that's been broken more than once.

Personality: Serious. He doesn't laugh. He's always on a mission for his holy order- the human only sect Hammer of Dawn, so this leaves little time for a personal life. His self righteous demeanor has put off more than one potential friend or suitor.

Back story: Gideon has truly lived a life of service. As a young child he was raised in a monastery for orphans, destined to become a monk himself. At the age fourteen he met his first Paladin, a man named Deitrich. Over the next few years he would meet this same Paladin at the monastery a few more times, learning more and more of his philosophy and the duties inherent of a Holy Knight. At the age of seventeen Gideon would leave the monastery to become the squire of Deitrich. He learned the sword. He learned the lance. Already a student of religion it seemed Gideon would gain his knighthood in only a decade. Deitrich and Gideon's relationship started to become that of a father and son.

While passing through a small Crimson Dawn settlement called Salem they received word that a cult of heretic mages had created a small undead army of the villagers. Gideon had never fought the undead before and was nervous, Deitrich assured him that it was his duty and he should have conviction in his actions and the righteousness of is cause. If only Deitrich himself had payed heed to his own words. As they came upon the first five shuffling corpses and dispatched them quickly, Deitrich pointed out that these wizards were weak and once again pointed out to Gideon that this was righteous- the Gods were on their side. They rode over the hill, lances poised and shining in the predawn light. They looked over the field on the other side of the hill and saw the shuffling forms of a good dozen undead headed towards them. Deitrich commanded that they leave their horses, it was best to fight larger forces on foot. Gideon hefted his shield with the noble lion emblazoned upon and raised his sword as he ran into the mass. Gideon's sword sang as it passed through zombie after zombie. After a half dozen had fell he turned to find his master on the ground and surrounded by small huddled shapes. His blood screaming with holy fury, Gideon ran them through one by one. He ran to his master's side, kneeling down. There were multiple bite marks and he was near to death. Gideon didn't understand, he couldn't understand. Then his master spoke his final words, "They were children... they were children..."

After putting a dagger in his surrogate father's throat Gideon went to the make shift temple of the death cult only to find the heretics recently fled. Gideon would find a journal with the names of each of the witches.

Eventually Gideon would return to the Hammer of Dawn and gain his Knighthood for his deeds upon the battlefield at the age of nineteen. When asked why he'd taken so long in returning he would only ever answer,"Serving justice."

Extra: After the Battle of Salem Gideon stopped wearing armor and weaponry that was intricately decorated with holy sigils and marking. He now wears battered and unadorned armor that marks him to anyone dabbling in necromancy as Witchbane.

Alright, guy numero dos.

First Name: Jachnyte (pronounced Yok-night)
Last Name: Vykos
Age: 190 (19)
Gender: Male

Race: High Elf
Clan: Aldar

Appearance: Long brown hair held in a top knot. He's just above six feet tall and wears red robes.

Personality: He's generally friendly, but not much of a socialite, preferring to spend his time studying.

Back story: Jachnyte has led a pretty normal life as far as adventures and dramatics are concerned. His father is, or rather was, an official for the government and afforded the best of everything for his son. Although not one to brag, Jachnyte was a bit of a prodigy and his family showed him off at every opportunity both for his magickal skills and his musical ones. It was a well known fact that he'd be a Journeyman Wizard in under a century and he was almost guaranteed to be on the Master's Council before his fourth century, everyone said so. Yes, Jachnyte was living pretty good until recently...

A tired and dirty elf made his way into an inn that had been provided by the city for the refugees. He stumbled upstairs and fell to sleep before he lay his head down.

An ignorant man would comment that the REAL heroes had been the warriors on the walls and the other folk that gave their lives out there, not some circle of girlie mages holding hands and singing. In fact, standing in a perfect circle without moving a hair is really difficult, keeping a physical and mental connection with EVERY mage in the city was even harder, and chanting spells that he wasn't supposed to know about for another century let alone have the skill to cast was nigh impossible. Especially considering that one misspoken syllable could send that gigantic fireball that was hurtling towards the enemy into your own forces instead. It didn't help that whatever magician was on the side of the enemy could best the entire circle and countered almost everything they threw at him, or her. Now, Jach isn't a master yet, but he knows a thing or two about counterspells. They're ridiculously complicated, that's why most mages went the route of "destroy them first."

It was one of the students who broke. When he died it sent a wave through the connection that almost killed everyone and crippled those closest to him. Luckily one of the masters took on the connection himself, taking the brunt of the impact and sparing everyone else's lives. All of the mages were ordered through a portal that was three miles from the city. For some reason the connection between Nor was lost, everyone prayed it wasn't because Nor itself was lost.

Extra: Since we're "blood heroes" and I'm a mage, I was wondering if you'd allow me "bloodmagic?" Not right off the bat of course, it'd have to be learned.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keikeiya on Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:07 pm

Alright to start off lets answer Hoo here:

A summon would be my preferred idea. Something powerful could really help give an epic boost for the ending storyline. So that is totally fine with both me and my co-gm, though considering when and how you are going ot implement such a storyline piece. You seem more than capable as a roleplayer so I have to say Im not too worried regarding this subject. Dont worry, feel free to ask anything you need to know. I dont bite much. : )

To 7achary, your character sheets appear fine, but if you read more carefully I honestly have to say Im confused by the second one. If you meant to be bloodhero, there was an age specified above under the age section as well as a side note under the clans and races section, and there will only be two others alongside my own character. Honestly its up to you which you'd like. My favortie is the first one.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hoo on Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:15 pm

Awesome <3
Summon it is :D . I think this could work out nicely.

This is a work in progress. I ought to be done by tonight.
Done. I'll post a separate profile for her brother, and explain why Rin is born as a 'lone child' in his back ground.

First Name: Katherine (Rin)
Last Name: Amicraft
Age: 18
Gender: Female

Race: Human
Clan: Aldarian

Weaponry: None, but the ethereal outline of a black rose upon both palms indicate that magic is her forte. The two marks are without solid form, and so they quiver over the surface of Rin's skin - distinguishing them from ordinary material. They do not truly change shape, however, as the divergences are slight. The marks are fixed upon her palms.

Needless to say, the dark flower is what represents the art.

Magic: A magician by practice, Rin is heir to the Scelero Filia art, which is exclusively handed down to family members. It's basics are fairly typical, dealing with only non-elemental concussive attacks and supplementary abilities that make up the bulk of it's spells. However, even if it focuses on these supplements, it is better known for it's capacity for summoning.

The summoning branch of Scelero Filia ties in with it's philosophy of support, as the summon (Referred to as Scelero Servus) is entrusted with protecting the caster. However, Scelero Servus is considered a very potent ability, and is therefore locked away from practitioners of the art, released only when certain conditions have been met. These conditions are not disclosed, but are loosely described as a method of weeding out incapable casters, granting Servus only to those who understand the spell's 'purpose'.

Each practitioner is limited to a single summon.

Rin has not fully mastered these spells, and has not achieved the level of summoner.


Appearance: Flaxen haired and with sickly white skin, Rin's appearance is virtually identical to her twin brother's, with the sole exception being the thin ribbons in her hair (Taken from part of her father's armor) and in their builds. She is about five feet in height, and is frail of body.

Her attire is fairly elaborate, when she is not simply staying at home (as she is in the picture). It consists of the same white dress, but is accompanied by a thin black vest that has been laced with bright yellow material, tied shut by a similarly tinted bind that tightly wraps the vest to her person. Because of this vest's shortness, the dress still flows out from beneath it, extending to around knee length over lax shorts in an obsidian shade. They are designed with mobility in mind, with little aesthetics save for a ring of yellow at their rims.

To complete her wardrobe is a pair of elongated gloves, white at the wrists but black from that point to the elbows. The gloves are fingerless, and have gaps to reveal the Scelero Filia marks upon her palms. The right glove is decorated with yellow thorn designs that span it's entire length, creating a deep contrast with the black material.

Personality: Independent to the point of stubbornness, Rin carries with her the philosophy that life is lived easier when you only care for yourself, with other people being only heavy weights that drag and slow you down. So, she lives in an extremely solitary manner, choosing to limit her circle of friends to... Well, herself, really. She intentionally shrugs off the wants of others, putting her own wishes first.

However, she has a fairly strong bond with her brother - assuming a 'strong bond' refers to them being on speaking terms.

Back story:

Born to noble spell casters, Rin began her life as a lone child under the guidance of her Scelero Filia practicing father and a mother who was most adept in the art of the chain weapons.

Her father enjoyed the use of offensive techniques over supplementary ones, heavily abusing the concussive spells while using support only to protect himself - a habit that Rin has taken up as well. He was not a particularly notable user of the techniques, and not surprisingly, he never developed the ability to summon.

Luckily enough for Rin, her father's predecessor was extremely masterful of Scelero Filia, achieving the level of Summoner years back, and perfecting many of the support abilities that the art emphasized. By receiving her lessons from this practitioner, she too was able to develop her support abilities to a passable level.

At age twelve, Rin had already developed a sense of fatherhood in her teacher, her father's father. Her own father was more of a fighter, who was against the idea of companionship - Hence, he rarely (if ever) spent time with his child, and spent just as little time with the rest of his family. Instead, he chose to live fighting alone, often hunting both Phantom and Ogre to satiate blood lust. This aspect of his life wasn't of much concern for Rin, so it hardly mattered to her - Until her teacher became involved as well.

As usual, Rin's father set out to hunt a particularly powerful beast - A massive Wyrm, the most potent of his challenges. It had taken residence in a mountain side. It was powerful, but because it only attacked when provoked, it did not pose a threat to the nearby villages - although attacking it was extremely ill advised.

Upon hearing of his exploits, Rin's grand father decided to follow.

    "But Daaaaaad." complained a child, a single white ribbon in her hair. The ribbon was a gift from the very person she was now pestering, as a reward for mastering the most basic of basics. It was a recent acquisition, obtained only weeks before this day.

    "Rin, child." chastised an older gentleman, age evident in his face and in his silvery hair. "I'm your grand father - your father is my son... And I won't change my mind about this. He's too reckless, that son of mine... He needs me to help him out."

    The older one slid a small iron key into a heavy lock as he spoke, revealing the contents of a large chest by his bed side. Inside lay an assortment of clothes, all of which bore an elegant design of black roses upon a golden surface. Some of the garments were particularly old, upon which the mark was faded. However, it was clearly recognizable as the mark of the Scelero Filia... The mark of spells of support.

    "But Dad -" piped the young girl once more, ignoring his statement. "...He's never around anyway, and he hates spending time with us..." she continued, describing the man who had fathered her, a blood seeking fighter who somehow actually managed to marry Rin's mother. It's kind of strange as to how that happened, really, although Rin never questioned it - She hardly realized that they were married.

    "Child, it doesn't matter... He's my son." continued her teacher, as if that was reason enough. He spoke while slipping a black cloak over his clothing, portraying clearly a garden of yellow roses on it's sleeves. He seemed content that it actually managed to fit, given how long it had been since he last adorned a spell caster's garments.

    It wasn't enough for Rin, however, demonstrated by a slight pout as she stared at the man who towered over her, who laughed heartily at the sight.

    "It doesn't make any sense... Why should you care about him?" she wondered out loud as her grandfather reached for a long bow hanging from the wall, along with a full quiver of arrows. When she had asked her question, however, he lay the weapon down and smiled deeply, his thoughts nostalgic as they touched upon aging memories. He chuckled to himself, slinging the quiver into place and walking over to Rin once more.

    "...Because I love him, and well, maybe it doesn't make any sense." he said softly, ruffling the hair on her head playfully. "Not to you. But maybe when you're older-"

    Rin shook her head vigorously, shaking away his hand. She hated that phrase, 'when you're older', and she was clearly up for making her irritation known. Once again, however, her grandfather laughed, bending down to talk with her face to face.

    "Rin, child." he repeated. "I'm not good at explaining things to children... Your father knows that best. But just listen to me... When you're older, once you've met someone you can call a 'friend'... Or perhaps something more than that, who knows? But... Well, maybe then you'll understand what I'm doing... And why I'm doing it."

    The man smiled, mostly to himself, and walked to the door, swinging it open and beginning his descent to the floor below. As usual, Rin followed, hesitating at the stairs when her teacher made it to the gates. He turned to face her again, beaming at his student and heir before speaking. "I cannot emphasize this enough, child." he said to her in hushed tones. "I wish your father understood me when I told him, but... Well, nevermind. Just promise me you take this to heart."

    As per instruction, Rin focused upon him even more so, gripping the bars on the staircase tightly. Her grand father turned to leave, speaking to her as he left on his way.

    "Do not underestimate what people will do for the people they love."
Last edited by Hoo on Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keikeiya on Wed Jun 24, 2009 7:49 pm

As a fair warning, could we please keep the ages a bit older, unless you can convince me a 16 and 17 year old can be joined on a fellowship of epic porportions and danger. So 18+ please : P

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hoo on Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:17 pm

Fair enough >>

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby 7achary on Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:29 pm

I'll go with the first one then. How are you going to choose Blood Heroes?

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keikeiya on Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:54 pm

Simple ; p First come first serve. I have two now declared: Myself, and Bithack. The next one to add in thier age and race appropriately (I've marked them clearly in the info and you may view my profile as a reference) will be my third blood hero.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zenatsu on Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:43 pm

-------Character sheet---------

First Name:
Last Name:
Appears as:

Sun Reavers

Zenatsu himself isn't much of a combatant, But he dose have skill with a sword. His weapon however, isn't forged in the fashion of an elegant elvish smith, nor the crude harsh and strong strength of a dwarf smith. But rather an elegant display type sword that has been refined and sharpened to its finest cut. However, it is a traditional weapon gift from the Atavian's to the new rise of a Valkyrie
Magic: TBA?

Like all Atavian's, Zenatsu's personality reflects that of a gentle holy man. Highly respectful and generally generous, his actions usually account towards that of the right thing to do, rather than deciding for a selfish cause, but if need be, he will choose to be selfish.
Back story:
Zenatsu had a pretty wild number of years. upon the age of 15, by this time an Atavian wings have matured, an old ceremony and ritual was preformed after a long hunt in search of those Atavian's whom have grown a substantial size of wings, typically 10 feet long wings otterthan the normal 5-6 foot wide wing span of an average mature Atavian Male (Females are shorted by a foot or two). Upon being called out, Zenatsu didn't want to join the ranks of the most respected and powerful Atavian heritage. Instead his sights were locked on discovering what was out beyond their small inhabited island. It wasn't the fact that no one wanted to broaden their horizons, but the fact that everything they have is provided on this large island, and not much else was needed. So, upon completing his ascension ritual, Zenatsu bid-farewell to the other Valkyries, and set flight beyond the sea. Okay, he technically didn't fly, he sailed.

But After reaching the shore, Zenatsu soon found himself in a port with other active species.. and docked himself with the humans. Sadly enough Zenatsu was alone on this expedition. Zenatsu soon made his way, after earning what little respect he could gain from a small group of elven travelers. It was odd, how humans saw zen as an "angel" at first, then soon called him "freak" once they found out he wasn't like the human's had originally thought them to be. So in turned, Zen started out with almost a hated status with the humans. However, while learning the rough hard common language of a human (after quickly catching on to elvish) Zenatsu could now effectively communicate to all the races.

After a long while, Zenatsu was granted an audience with the king himself, in an attempt to negotiate a type of alliance. Being that the Atavian's are hidden enough, The human's were more than happy to oblige. In fact, the king himself took a trip with Zenatsu to the unknown island where the Atavian's thrived... it wasn't a warm welcome, but an awkward one... Atavian's had never seen another race before. And on top of Zenatsu's natural powers, he was able to work with both the king and the other Valkyries to form an alliance with the humans. Thus starting the global alliance with all the races.

Not everything went to well however, the dwarves did not like how righteous the Atavian's appeared. They always smelled some sort of trap. But the true Atavian nature is pure, and no thought of backstabbing or any sort of war was found in their minds. Still, the dwarves sought to right a wrong that never existed, and begun to fight the Atavians. Fearing that this would spark wars with the remaining races, the Atavian's understood the foolish dwarven theory, and never looked at the other races and different than they already had. After a while the conflict ended, the dwarves are still paranoid about the Atavian's yet however, tension's have greatly eased in the past decades.

As in the present, Zenatsu is now the sole surviving Valkyrie, still holding on to the old traditions of the Atavian, he solely leads his survivors in a dictatorship, but not a mean one like you stereotypes would think.

Extra: Zenatsu is the sole surviving Valkyrie.
Last edited by Zenatsu on Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:15 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Logarithms on Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:38 pm

Keikeiya, I've edited my character sheet, to include a slight amount of magical capability, removal of the squad, and age changes. Anything else? (And, the character's not a Blood Hero, just in case.)

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zenatsu on Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:45 pm

i'm surprised. No one else is an Atavian o.O

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Re: Blood Heroes-OOC-Longterm Fantasy

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keikeiya on Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:03 pm

Oh gosh. Alright for everyone accepted...

Myself, I'd hope.
Bithack, of course.
Zenatsu, thank you.
Hoo, absolutely. Wonderful profile.
Logarithms, thank you so much for editing. Accepted of course.
7achary, If you could please get rid of the second profile so its just the one, you're accepted. Just to help make it a bit neater.

And to clarify the bloodhero bit which seems to be confusing people, I wont add you in as our last one unless you have 1000+ years to your original age, and you have Bloodhero next to your original reace in th race part on your character sheet.

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