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Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

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Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr D on Thu Dec 25, 2008 1:36 pm

Dark Messiah

OOC thread is here

In the depths of Tokyo’s downtown a man stood sheltered beneath a bridge, the sound of cars rumbling overhead drowning out any stray noises. He glanced down at his wrist, pulling back the sleeve of his tailored grey suit to reveal his watch. The sudden sound of footsteps alerted him to the presence of an observer in the shadows and he turned with a gasp.

“It’s me.” The other man seemed out of breath. There was an agitated look in his eyes as they darted to and fro. He wore a beaten trench coat drenched in rain with a wide brimmed fedora. The first man relaxed slightly, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

“What took you so long?” He asked, allowing a relieved smile to cross his face.

“They found me. But I think I shook them.” The second man looked behind him as he descended the steps to the underside of the bridge.

“But you got it right?” The first man asked tentatively, looking into the other’s eyes.


“Good.” The man’s expression dropped into one of neutrality. His eyes became cold and apathetic. He snapped his fingers and the trench coated man toppled suddenly, a fountain of blood erupting from the top of his neck where his head had once been. His body slumped to the ground with a thud. The suited man immediately moved to the corpse and began to rifle through its pockets before removing something from the coat pocket.

“Impressive. You crushed his head under its own weight. Gravity manipulation, correct?” The voice came from the shadows and the suited man looked over his shoulder as he stood. “That is your contract, is it not?” In the shadows of the bridge a tall figure in a black overcoat and white mask stood. The suited man took a step back and raised his hand. The figure in black lunged forward, his movements lost in a blur as he moved through the darkness with ferocious speed. The man stumbled backwards and collapsed, the same empty expression never leaving his face even as the knife sliced through his jugular in a thick spray of blood. The black coated man stooped to retrieve the item in the body’s hand. A small, thin plastic strip. A memory stick.

A few streets away and Ein dialled a number into his phone. He peered over the edge of the roof off into the brightly lit neon streets of Tokyo. The densely packed skyscrapers jagged against the skyline, the stars glittering in the night sky. It was beautiful, not that he noticed. His appreciation for such things had left him long ago. He removed his mask, allowing the cold night air to cool his skin.

“I have the Objective. Mission Accomplished.” He intoned coldly.


The next day Juste ambled through the university campus. He held a book in front of him, reading as he walked. His topcoat was unbuttoned and his shirt loose despite the season. Even in the middle of winter Japan was warmer than England, or at least it seemed that way to him. He took a moment to look up from his book. It was a beautiful day with clear skies and a bright sun. A cool breeze blew through the trees of the campus, evergreens, their rustling drowned out by the laughter and chatter of the other students.
There was a signature here.

It's gone now.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kædai on Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:12 pm

Tael sighed heavily, rubbing his chin with his left hand, his right holding a suspended ball of light. Standing, the man let the light dissipate, dropping his left hand in the process. It was dark, and cool. The morning hours were devoid of all life, save for the group of three men behind him. Tael turned to them, and they all gave him shrugs. "I can't track anything." Another man spoke up. "There's nothing. Just blood, and bodies." Tael nodded silently.

Walking to the first body, Tael examined the headless corpse. It was male, and middle-aged. Other than that, he looked like an ordinary businessman. Tael stood and moved to the second corpse. This one had a face. But, it didn't say anything. It was blank. Rubbing his chin again, Tael looked out to the water under the bridge, thinking.

"Sir? What do we do?" It was the third man. "We leave. There's nothing here." Tael's deep voice rumbled throughout his body. "Sir?" The second man. "We cant do anything here. We've lost another lead. We leave." The three men bowed slightly, each grabbing a glowing blue crystal from a pocket on their armor. Muttering a few words, each of them disappeared, fading into nothingness. Tael stood there, in silence, thinking again. Finally, the armor-clad mage followed his subordinates, and disappeared into the night.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr D on Tue Dec 30, 2008 3:35 pm

Juste continued to stroll through the campus on his way towards the lecture hall.

"Hey Juste!" A voice called out and he looked up from his book before an arm was thrown arund his shoulders, jerking him forward. A tall, musclebound boy stood beside him.

"Oh. Saitou." Juste said in recognition, looking up at the grinning boy. His short, dark hair was styled up into jagged spikes and his thick, square jaw and dark skin gave him a rugged, strong appearance.

"You shouldn't be walking around with your nose in a book." He snatched the book from Juste's hands and the smaller boy attempted to grab it back, struggling in Saitou's powerful grip. "You should be paying attention to all the fine women around here!" Juste managed an easy smile back at him.

"I suppose so." He carried on walking, allowing Saitou to guide him.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SammyxForever on Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:29 pm

Bailey frowned, walking slowly as she carried her drink across the college campus. You would think that they would have enough sense to put a stupid lid on, she thought, her eyes flashing in annoyance.

Her free hand searched through her bag, and quickly drew out a small watch. Bailey groaned, changing her gait from walking to jogging toward the building. The liquid splashed dangerously near her white t-shirt, making Bailey grimace.

Maybe I should just throw it away. I could run faster. The thought occurred too late.

Suddenly she felt herself falling, her bag spilling its contents and the liquid drenching her shirt and skin. Bailey thudded against the ground, too shocked to catch herself. A blush crept up her face as the people laughed.

Bailey stood up, brushing herself off. So what? I completely embarassed myself in front of everyone on campus. It doesn't matter because something else will be talked about tomorrow. Hopefully. She began to pick up her things, becomming more relaxed as she collected her things.
Click Please!!!!

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr D on Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:05 pm

"Saitou, leave him alone." A female voice called out from behind the two of them, chiding the larger of the two. They both turned, stopping in their tracks. Juste took advantage of the distraction to swipe back his book from Saitou's hand. The girl approached them, a motorcycle helmet slung under one arm, her black biker's jacket unzipped half way revealing a red t shirt. Stonewashed jeans hugged her legs. Saki beamed at the two, brushing the brown hair of her fringe from her eyes and adjusting her ponytail.

"Oh, hey Saki." Saitou nodded at the girl, dropping his arm from Juste's shoulder.

"I didn't expect to see you here so early." Juste commented, straightening the collar of his coat.

"I've got an early lecture today, then the rest of the day's free for me to enjoy." She grinned excitably. "Besides, the others said they'd be here. They must be lurking about somewhere." She looked around, trying to find a familiar face in the crowd. It was at that point that the three of them heard a commotion and, looking over, spotted a young girl sprawled out on the floor.

"Ouch. That looked like it hurt." Saitou winced in empathy.

"Maybe she's a first year." Saki shrugged, the two of them looked on.

"I believe this is yours." Juste held out a notebook, kneeling down to help the girl retrieve her belongings.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SammyxForever on Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:19 pm

Bailey sighed, taking the notebook. "Thank you..."She looked over the boy, trying to remember if she had seen him before."Juste Ashford, right? Um, you don't have to help me any more. You probably have better things to do." She held her bag tightly, adding under her breath," Unlike me, who is going sit in my dorm tonight, studying like I'm supposed to."

She looked at her shirt in disdain, closing her eyes slightly as she thought of how it looked like before the incident. If she had opened her eyes, she would have seen her shirt without the large stain. "Yeah, anyway, thanks again. Uh, see you... around." Bailey opened her eyes, a tiny part of her wishing the stain really had disappeared.

She walked away , knowing that she wouldn't see Juste Ashford around, let alone talk to him. She was just one of those faces you saw in the crowd, only recieving a second glance for her eyes.

It didn't really matter anyway. She, like the others like herself, had gotten used to it. And if anyone recognized her, either she had played a prank on them or they were one of her few friends.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kædai on Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:18 am

"Guardian, step forward." Tael did so. His boots clacked against the hard stone floor of the Council Chambers. Around him in the circular room, several prominent figures of the Mage's Circle looked down upon him. The person who'd told him to step forward, an old woman, was the head of them. However, it was a man to her left that spoke next. "We have received the reports, however, I am doubtful that here was nothing." Tael breathed deep and calmed himself. It was a great honor to speak directly to the Council, but when one of them was displeased, it bade ill for you. "The report was correct. The killer left nothing at the scene." The man raised an eyebrow, but was silent. It was the old woman who spoke again. "There were no marks of who could have done it? No indications of what happened?" Tael shook his head. "No, ma'am. Just the two bodies and a lot of blood." The woman nodded and sighed heavily. "Thank you, Guardian. That will be all." Tael bowed in the Guardian fashion, and walked out of the Council Chambers. He needed some water.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr D on Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:58 am

"It seems you have your work cut out for you, Mr Marcai." Seta spoke to the guardian as he left the room. He was leaning against the wall of the chamber next to the door. "A rather peculiar case you've gotten yourself involved with. Two dead bodies and no sign of a perpetrator." His manner was warm and friendly, almost overly familiar. A surprisingly tall asian man of average build in a sharp black suit, his icy blue eyes and calm smile gave him a strangely serene appearance.


Juste watched in confusion as the girl walked off. She seemed a little strange, he thought. But he was certain he'd seen her before. Somewhere. He tried to place her in his mind.

"Friend of yours?" Saitou threw his arm around Juste's shoulders once more, catching the boy by surprise. Juste coughed, stumbling at the impact.

"Just an acquaintance." Juste replied, still puzzling over the girl's appearance.


Tap tap tap. Ein rapped on the door to the apartment complex. A dark haired woman answered, a cigarette hanging loosely from her lips. Her half lidded eyes regarded him with suspicion. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail and she wore a large t shrt which hung almost down to her knees.

"What do you want?" She asked him with a stifled yawn.

"My name's Guy. Guy Clarke. We spoke on the phone earlier." He said, giving his assumed name. The woman continued to stare at him uncomprehendingly. "I came about the advertisement in the newspaper." He said, unfurling the paper and pointing to the classified's section in case his Japanese wasn't good enough to get the point across. The woman closed the door on him, leavng Guy standing there confused. A few moments later the door opened again and she emerged wearing a dressing gown.

"Follow me." She sighed wearily, making her way up the steps to the second floor apartments, the keys rattling in her hand. "You're lucky. I don't normally get up this early." She said, unlocking the door she let out another yawn before walking away and tossing Guy the key. He looekd down at his watch. It was nearly midday.

"Don't make too much noise and keep the place clean. Pay your rent on time and we'll get along just fine." She said as she returned downstairs.

"Thank you, miss..." Guy waited for her to give him her name before hearing the door slam. Alone again he let his features fall into his usual expression, a dull, blank frown bordering on a scowl. He entered the room, locking the door behind himself. The room itself was small, at least by his standards. Perhaps eight or nine feet across. An equally tiny bathroom sat behind a small door and a kitchen area lay behind a thin partition. There wee to doors, one to the outside and another to the inside corridor of the building. A window provided some light from the outside world.

After unpacking his belongings Guy headed out the back door, wondering if he might bump into one of the other tenants along the way.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alz on Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:16 pm

What's a little heat to a demon? The sunlight and the bustling city's suffocating air shouldn't bother him...

Shouldn't, but it did.

"Aaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!" Aeish howled in frustration as he sat on the rooftop of some human apartment. People down the street glanced around with a start at the sudden noise but most merely shrugged and went on with their pathetic useless lives. With a heavy sigh, Aeish scratched his head near his horn. A small spider like demon, who had been living on him for some time, squeaked in surprise at this and delved further into the larger demon's hair.

"Aww, aren't you so scared?" with a cruel chuckle, Aeish pulled out the lesser demon out of his hair and glared at it as it squirmed in his hand. "It's hot enough around already, I'm not going to let you leech off on me like that anymore, you know what, I feel like some good lesser demon stew, how about you?" The ram demon continued rant on and vent his stress on the flea like demon while slightly squishing on it.

It was a typical day for Aeish.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kædai on Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:25 pm

Tael turned at a slightly familiar voice. "Ah, Mr. Sakurazaki, I didn't see you there." He relaxed. "Yes...yes I do." Tael shifted in his boots, holding his helmet underneath his left arm. He stood a bit straighter. "It's a strange case, but the Guardians have had stranger." Tael thought back to one particular case, involving two Mages and a Demon. A shiver quickly ran down his spine. Returning his attention back to Seta, he let go a polite smile. "It's just a matter of the perpetrator making a mistake. And when they do, we'll be on them."

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:32 pm

Arden scratched his head absentmindedly as the toothbrush labored its way across his teeth, he was still in his yukata, the blue on white print faded with frequent use. Sunlight streamed in through the small bathroom window, the dirty panes diffusing it into a hazy glow. Sound of running tap water filled the small apartment, the cramped space surprisingly clean for the type of tenant it held.

Arden walked into the tatami-covered main room, sliding the door of the bathroom closed behind him with his foot. He got dressed quickly in a white long-sleeve shirt and black pants, brushing his messy black hair away from his eyes as he did so. With habitual movements, he picked up his watch from a small coffee table, glancing down at it as he put it on, then let out a soft curse and sped up his morning chores.

Within five minutes he was out the door, struggling to pull a long black coat over one shoulder as he juggled his pack, a laptop, a bottle of milk, and a piece of toast. In his haste, he almost bumped into someone else coming out the same way. He grinned in apology, one gloved hand rising to his forehead in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, I'm really late for school, so uh..." he trailed off and stared for a bit longer than necessary. "You're not mixed blood too are you?" His hand flew to his mouth too late, but did manage to drop the toast in the process. "Damn that was rude of me. Yeah, you know, we look kind of similar, was just wondering... anyway, I live next door, you're new here?"

"I'm Arden," he said, but made no move to extend his hand. "Nice to meet you."

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SammyxForever on Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:39 pm

Bailey strode into the lecture hall, shoving her way into the class that had already started. She frowned, taking one of the few seats left as she quickly decided that trying to reason what the instructer had already said was a lost cause.

Her mind wandered as she stared out the window, contemplating how to get the stain from her shirt to disappear. Without going to her apartment. She personally hated it, often searching for a new building in vain. Maybe it was the other tenants or just the atmosphere.

She stood up as the other students filed out, ready to spit in someone's face. Bailey stormed out of the room and into her last class.

Why did I take this class again? I don't even like astronomy. And what do you know? If the teacher suddenly decides to do a partner assignment, I'm going to be the only one without a buddy. Ceci est grand. A sinking feeling entered Bailey's stomach as the teacher started to pair up the students, leaving her with an empty seat that was supposed to be filled.

At least she would be able to have full control of the project, and hopefully get it done as quickly as possible. And then sit at home. Comme je toujours fait, she thought, narrowing her eyes.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mr D on Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:09 am

"I suppose so." Seta pressed off from the wall. "But if it's you who makes the mistake..." The implication was obvious. "Contractors can be a dangerous lot." He smiled charmingly, but something about his manner was unnerving. False.


Guy stopped, looking at the boy in confusion. He hadn't been paying attention to where he was going either and the two had nearly collided. His shoulders were slouched forward and his expression was one of uncomprehending naivety, almost like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding truck. In all he looked completely unthreatening.

"No. It's me who shoould be apologising." He replied, bowing his head and smiling foolishly. He looked even more confused at the comment about mixed blood. "Huh? I'm sorry. I don't think I understand." He said, managing a nervous smile. "My Japanese is not so good..." He laughed nervously befoe the boy extended his greetings.

"Nice to meet you. I only just moved in. I'm Guy. Guy Clarke." He said with a bow, thinking it was perhaps best way to greet someone in their native manner. His awkward, foolish mannerisms were flawlessly acted out, giving no clue that they may be false.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:41 pm

Arden tilted his head to one side as he watched the man struggle through the introduction, then he grinned, here was someone more awkward than him at first meetings. He nodded as Guy explained that he was a new tenant, both hands now busy with keeping the rest of his stuff from falling. He gave another bright smile to put the new comer at his ease. "I really got to rush, but you know, if you're around later drop in at my place for dinner, I think we live next to each other. I'm a good cook."

He gave another rueful little smile, a flash of loneliness passed over his youthful features, and was gone as quickly as it had shown. Then he turned and rushed down the path to the back gate, pushing his bike out from behind it as he ran. Arden gave a wave to his neighbor as he hopped onto his rickety bicycle and rode for campus.

The sky was fiercely clear and bright in the way a crisp winter can be, the air was sharp and stabbed into his lungs as he labored up the hill. It took him the better part of an hour to get there and his first lecture was over already. Arden slipped into the tutorial lab for Anatomy and gave the demonstrator a sheepish nod. An empty seat was pointed out to him along, its neighbor occupied by a girl.

Arden stared at the stain on her shirt, then realizing where he was looking, clapped his gloved hands over his eyes and bowed in exaggerated apology. "Ah damn it, sorry, I didn't get enough sleep. What's on for class?" He settled into the chair beside her and gave her a warm smile, his pale cheeks reddened by his ride in the cold. "I'm Arden, don't know if we've met, I miss about half my classes to be honest."

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SammyxForever on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:13 pm

"Bon Dieu. Merci pour regarde la tache énorme sur ma chemise. Quel est votre problème ? En retard être-t-il ? Premièrement je trébuche, maintenant j'obtiens un étudiant dernier pour un partenaire qui piquere une crise ? Le monde me déteste ?" Bailey paused from her rant, greeting him angrily."Je devine le fait. Désolé, je n'ai pas obtenu ma caféine de matin, donc je serai une chienne. Je n'écoutais pas vraiment, donc je ne sais pas même que le projet est. Donc s'habituer à lui!" She turned away, seething quietly.

She had always preferred to scream in her native language, sometimes because she hoped they wouldn't understand a word, other times because it was much more easier to rant in French. Bailey looked over at the boy named Arden, feeling only a small amount of sympathy for him. She hadn't meant to vent her rage at a complete stranger.

"I'm Bailey. Sorry for my little episode. I've had a bad day, if you couldn't tell." Her face still turned to the teacher, she added,"To be honest, I have no idea what the project is. I wasn't exactly listening."

She hadn't. Instead, she had been occupied by the thought of having no partner for it. Now she wasn't sure if that had been a bad thing.
Last edited by SammyxForever on Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alz on Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:17 pm

Quickly getting bored of torturing the smaller demon, Aeish looked down to the streets in a hope to find something interesting to do, finding some young human run out the apartment with an old looking bike.

Is that...?

Something about that human caught Aeish's attention. What was it? He couldn't really put his finger to it. Glancing up at the sun to measure the time, he decided to follow the human. After all, the Pandora rarely needed him for anything, preferring to conjure up some stronger demon to make new ones form pact with...

Perhaps if he delved into the human's shadow, he'd learn what it is that interests him. After stretching his limbs a bit, Aeish proceeded to follow.

"I'm Arden, don't know if we've met, I miss about half my classes to be honest." the human went on to introduce himself to the other human with a funny shirt. What's with human and their introductions?

Aeish stared at the two from the window sill outside, making sure to cast shadow over himself so that any regular humans couldn't see him there.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZenMon on Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:36 pm

Kaen stood inside the perimeter the Mage Circle's docks. It had been hell getting to where he stood now. He had do disable two wards and he was pretty sure that he might have tripped a third. He swore silently as his suspicions were confirmed. Two guards slowly approached his position, weapons drawn. He ducked behind one of the shipping containers and waited for them to approach. As soon as he passed the container and went on for a few paces, he struck. Utilizing his demonic strength, he punched one guard in the back, denting his armor severely and snapping his spine, killing him instantly. The other guard whirled around to face Kaen. Kaen chuckled as he and the guard began to circle each other.

"Come on big man, show me what you got!", taunted Kaen.

The guard replied not with words, but with his sword. After narrowly dodging the sword, Kaen countered with a roundhouse kick, aimed at the head. The guard brought up his shield and caught the blow, shoving off Kaen's leg and throwing him off balance. Where Kaen's leg impacted against the shield, there was a massive dent. Kaen fell to the ground and rolled to dodge a downward slash from his opponent. He got to his feet, just as the guard charged him. He rolled away, and the guard missed. The guard was now standing right next to his fallen companion. Kaen grinned and raised his hand. He barked a short spell in the demonic tongue, and the slain guard began to move. Following Kaen's order, he held the legs of his once former ally. The guard panicked, and began to hack at the armored gauntlets that held his legs. Kaen siezed his opportunity to charge the guard and grab him by the throat. Using his freehand, he broke his sword arm at the elbow with a strong punch. He chuckled darkly at the look of fear in the guard's eyes. Then he snapped the man's neck. The now limp body dropped immediately. He barked another command in demonic, and the resurrected soldier fell limp once again.

Walking back to the perimeter wall, he glanced from side to side, checking for more guards. He saw none. He looked at a piece of printed paper in his hand. It was his assignment from an anonymous figure. He read it over again to make sure of what it said. It read:

" To Mr. Moui,

I am here to offer you work for your exceptional skills. I need you to fix a problem that I have. A Guardian in the Mage Circle has found out about some sensitive information about me, and I need him silenced. He is a low ranking Guardian by the name of Jin Hiram. He needs to be silenced, like I stated earlier, and as soon as possible. Accomplish this, and you will be paid a handsome sum. He spends most of his free time in the courtyard at their fortress. He takes walks there in the evenings. That would probably be the best time to take him out. Hurry!"

The letter was not signed. There was also a picture of a man on the letter, but he didn't need that. He had looked over it so many times already that the image was burnt into his mind.

Eventually, a man came down the path that led to the main part of the docks. There was no mistaking it, this was his man. He was wearing his armor, which would complicate things. Luckily, he wasn't wearing his helmet. Kaen thought of how he should dispose of the man. He eventually decided that he would slit the man's throat. He liked the idea, as it "silenced" the man for good. He watched as he nodded to the guards and wandered off towards Tokyo. As soon as he was out of sight, Kaen struck. Running quickly, he covered the distance between himself and his target. Jin heard his approaching footsteps and turned. He attempted to draw his weapon but it was too late. Kaen pounced on him and pinned him to the ground. In one swift move, he drew his knife and slit the man's throat. Jin started to sputter as the blood flowed from his throat. Kaen watched as the man kept flailing around, then go limp. There was no need to check for a pulse. He knew by looking at him that he was dead. He stooped and cleaned his knife on the man's cloak. He began to walk away, but stopped. He thought for a second. If I just killed a member of the Mage Circle, I will probably need to know who exactly I'm dealing with. I had better stay here and get to know my enemy. Kaen walked towards a pile of shipping containers that were across from where Jin's body lay. He found an empty one that gave him a good view of the scene and crouched in the shadows, waiting for someone to come and find the body.
Last edited by ZenMon on Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skaerin on Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:06 pm

[A brief announcement: I won't be around for about 36 hours from now, since we're going to the country. If you're involved with my character in RP and are impatient, you can control his actions slightly in RP so he is taken along to whatever location is convenient. I will return ASAP]

Arden stared blankly at the girl as he was ranted at in French. He cocked his head to one side, gray eyes showing no sign that he was affected at all, though his features had settled into one of apologetic concern and mild bemusement. He smiled, again his eyes lagging behind in this expression, as if he was slightly distracted. He shook his head and the moment faded, genuine apology entered his gaze as he put down his pack and took out his lecture notes.

"Sorry Bailey, I've been rushed this morning," his replied in fluent Japanese, but his attention flickered away for a moment to the window, he felt a strange sensation, as if the empty air outside held interest. He shrugged, if he started feeling empathy for oxygen he might as well just put himself into a mental hospital right now. He made a show of studying his notes before turning to Bailey again, black hair swaying over his eyes as he moved. "I think we were meant to do a project on an organ of our choice... What about skin?"

He seemed a little more tense than when he had first entered, Bailey's outburst earlier had affected him more than he cared to show, the anger and irritation had poured into him like hot lava, making it rather difficult to box away and ignore. Coupled with the odd sense of amusement he could feel through the window, it made him shift uneasily in his seat.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alz on Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:44 pm

Aeish licked his upper lip as he realized what had grabbed his attention of the human. The boy had something of a similar quality to Aeish himself. Perhaps a same field of mastery, of emotions or shadow...? No, humans can't be empathic, they can't even imagine let alone feel other's emotions. They are often one dimensioned, can't fathom to understand or realize the many layers of the world. Those that think themselves otherwise were all the more pathetic, like an ant screaming to get out of their fated death. Of course, this was precisely why they amused him and other demons so much....though...those "humans" in Pandora were a bit...different...

Shaking away the serious subject, he turned back to his object of interest. The best way to learn for sure would be to delve into his shadow and learn from within.

Let's see...

The ram demon slowly melted into the shadows of the window frame, sliding into the other side and re-materializing. Few humans shivered at the natural demonic chill he brought in and one, who was nearest to the window, sneezed. Yet, no one seem to have the ability to fully sense or see him there. Aeish toyed with the idea of revealing himself there and then, causing chaos to these pathetic lives. However, he was no fool to really consider it.

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Re: Dark Messiah IC (Episode 1: After Dark) (Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kohananinja on Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:12 pm

Sora stifled a yawn as she flipped through her notes in her International Literature class on campus. She was having trouble paying attention to the teacher as she dosed off every few minuets only to jerk herself awake again. She really shouldn’t have been up until four in the morning at Devlin’s Casino, but as she had turned fifty dollars into five thousand with her con trick at poker, it was well worth it. She now could pay her monthly tuition bill, rent, food bill, and help Suki with her rent, and meet the new tenant, though this was the lowest on her to do list. She debated with herself whether she’d go to karate club today, and decided since se only had one class today, she’d finish reading the eighth chapter of “A tale of Two Cities”, which the teacher was now lecturing on, by her favorite reading spot on campus. The beautiful old cherry tree always looked magnificent in the spring, and was one of her few indulgences. After that she’d head to her apartment, hopefully say hello to the new tenant, and then head to practice at the campus dojo, or maybe she’d head home first…was her thought as she dosed off again, this time not jerking herself awake.

She nearly jumped out of her skin as a book was slammed down in front of her, ad her lit. teacher really didn’t looked pleased with her. “Asleep again Miss Yakashi, I wonder now, do the highlights of Charles Dickens career really bore you that much?” She asked with a coy smile as her class mates unsuccessfully stifled their laughter. Sora merely looked up with a tired gaze. “Just when he writes about lawyers.” She said with a yawn for emphasis, which earned a few laughs from the class. To her luck the bell rang before Miz Tang could get in a rebuttal, and the class started leaving. Sora was within that crowd, but was quickly called back by Miz Tang, who had a slightly concerned look on her face.

“Sora…honestly, this is the third time this week you’ve come to class half awake. I know you’re having financial trouble living without your parents and all, but you need to get more sleep. Are you working multiple jobs to keep up wit tuition payments?” Miz Tang asked her.

“I’m fine, just studying for an exam in my business course. Big project.” Sora lied. She liked Miz Tang and all, but she wasn’t a charity case, and the last thing she needed was an overly sympathizing teacher butting into her life.

“All right…but just get some more sleep.” Miz Tang said not quite fully believing her. Sora planned to do just that, so it looked like she was heading to her apartment first. She walked out to campus parking, and started the engine on her motorcycle. It wasn’t anything fancy, an early ’90 American model she’d gotten a good deal on last year, but it ran quite smoothly and beat the hell out of a her old bike.

She was soon at her apartment building, and parked her bike in her spot. She then noticed a man she’d not met before standing next to their building. Since she was simply standing there, she assumed he was probably the new tenant she’d been told yesterday was moving into the apartment next to her’s. She casually walked up to him and held her hand out in greeting. It was a completely American move, but she found she preferred quite a lot of American things…except hair, she always though their hair styles looked more horrid by the year.

“Hi, I’m Sora Yakashi. You’re the new tenant Suki was telling me about right?” She asked him casually.

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