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a topic in Interest Checks, a part of the RPG forum.

Thinking about starting a roleplay, but don't have the idea completely finished? Post it here, not in the main OOC forum!


Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AxelZero93 on Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:19 am

Work in Progress. Feel free to lurk.


Hot damn, It's been a LONG time since I've last been here here on RPG... Well... Here's what's up.

I have an RP that I am running in another site, it would go much smoother if people would just Post more! But, then again, I can't blame them, it's not an RP site, its an Anime site that just happens to have a forum with people who are interested in roleplaying.
Now, I am happy with the people who are in the RP, but, only two of them can even compare to the amazing talented players right here on RolePlayGateway. So I've decided, now that I have the plot and story line pretty set, that it would be a good thing to give it a go, so here it is:



New Almeida, 2031 A.D.
Population: 50,370,210


Super-villainry is a commonplace in New Almeida, and to combat that, Superheroics.
but for some reason, someone, or something, has been killing superheroes and super-villains alike. Super-humans have gone into hiding, and of the ones who did not, very few are lucky not to been found dead; impaled on a lightning rod, spattered against a wall, crushed by an iron beam, charred, drowned, broken, dismembered, eaten alive, skinned, exploded, imploded, organs melted, and many more gruesome ends. But the one positive side, whoever this superhuman assassin is, he does not seem to be targeting the humans.
The anti-superhuman fanatics call him a savior. The humans are not part of this war...
until [Exact date to be worked with] 2031, "D-Day".

An explosion in the old industrial district next to R401 (Residential district 401) wracks the entire city.
The cause: The Darwin machine, a machine that, when loaded with the Darwin Serum, explodes, releasing a DNA altering pulse that has one of four effects on humans.

  • Kills them immediately
  • Causes sores, cancers, tumors, and many deformations and body complications, ultimately crippling or killing the victim
  • Does nothing
  • Changes the physiology of the affected human, serving it's true purpose: Advancing the evolution of the target. The target will develop superpowers or some other advantage that will change there classification from "human" to "superhuman".

The explosion has catastrophic effects:
  • The old industrial district and R401 are wiped off the map
  • about 10,200,000 are killed by the pulse and/or the blast
  • about 630,000 are injured by the blast
  • about 7,000,000 are affected negatively to some degree by the Darwin pulse
  • The rest are unchanged

But there have been cases, no more than a thousand reported, of new super-humans being spotted across the entirety of New Almeida...

My character Axel, for reasons which will be revealed pretty much at the beginning of the RP, will be helping the new superheroes learn how to control their powers. They will have very little control of their powers to the point where you most likely wont even be able to use it unless put under the right circumstance. But that will change.

I know there is quite a bit of information missing or slightly unclear, I am just trying not to reveal too much of the underlying plot so QUESTIONS ARE VERY MUCH WELCOME

Where YOU come in

You will play one of the new superheroes that have been found. You will have be a good guy (boohoo) but you can be an asshole if you want, I won't really stop you, but the thing is, being a bad guy will get you assassinated quickly, so yeah there's that.

Along with key NPC characters, with I will play Axel Crowley, one of the last few pre-"D-Day" superheroes, who has managed to fight crime yet stay low enough on the radar where he was not assassinated by the assassin before "D-Day". In fact, he was low enough where despite the fact that he has made a lot of rescues and had a great part in many Heroic activities (fanfare), nobody knows his true identity, so he was still able to live a relatively normal life, from what other people see.

I might have to railroad your first few posts to set things going, but once we are in, alot of how you react will decide whether you live or die and how things will go from that point on.

Quick little overview

More detail if and when we actually begin
  • You will in one way or another be joining my "team" as we try to act as damage control, stopping the new super-villains taking advantage of their new abilities,
  • We will also try to find out who the super-human assassin is since he is still alive and assassinating the new super-humans.
  • The majority of you will live in or near R237, and attend PA237-B ( Public Academy 401 B ) the school has little to no functionality in the storyline, other than to give an excuse as to why the characters would know each other, should two players choose to be in-game friends. And if some of you choose to have characters going to school, then it would be where you go during those hours.

Who am I looking for?

The type of RPers I am looking for would be experienced people (for example on a scale of 1-10, 1 being lowest skill level, 10 being the highest, i would say between 7-8) and who have no qualms with the following:
  • 1000+ words per post
  • posting often
  • Descriptive posts that will give the next player plenty of material to work with and continue

    This will not be your typical superhero RP. There is a plot, and an underlying plot, and an underlying plot below that, and an underlying plot below that Along with many subplots.

    I also want players who are creative and willing to collaborate to further the advancement of the RP, perhaps give ideas on what may be good for the plot, or suggestions. Anything is welcome.

    This Rp will work on a chapter system, chapters can be short or long, their purpose is to keep the pacing in the storyline. Each tie a chapter begins, a quick rundown of what has happened and what is the problem now at hand if any will be given, along with the whereabouts of each player. The first few chapters are already set in stone, because I will need to nudge that along to get the Actual RP on track. so it would go this way:
    • Prologue: The day of the darwin blast (This would be where the characters are introduced, and you play your character living daily life, so we can get a feel for who your character is.)
    • Chapter 1 minutes after the darwin blast
    • -Skip 2 months- (the recovery process of the city, and how the blast and the after effects has affected your character, which provides a contrast to who your character was, to how the loss of friends and family, along with many other innocent lives, has taken its toll on them)
    • Chapter 2 (My character will begin to meet all of your characters, and ask them to meet a certain time, day, and place
    • Chapter 3 (Characters meet)
and so on and so forth.

The Following Are
Key Characters in the RP Which will be played by me. Axel Will be my main character, Darrell will be a key NPC played exclusively by me.

Name: Axel Crowley
Age: 19
Gender: Male
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 190 lbs
  • Eyes: Piercing yellow, Glow dimly in the dark
  • Hair: Jet black, Messy, Two white streaks
  • Markings/Tattoos/Scars/Notable Features:
    • Strange markings around his body, look like tribal tattoos, actually ferro-organic markings that vibrate the light around him when charged with electricity, granting him invisibility, except from heat sensors and electromagnetic sensors.
    • Black Feathered wings, Extremely durable, can easily stop blunt force trauma from Blunt weaponry such as hammers, bats, 2x4's, etc.
  • Clothing: Usually wheres long sleeve, hooded dark clothing, black jeans. when superhero-ing (lol not a word). He usually wears a black T shirt, Black Jeans, Black Sneakers, A harness full of his explosive throwing blades and a cloak made entirely of Electromagnetic Ferro-Fluid, which he can use as a weapon.
    Electromagnetic ferrofluid is a combination of Oil, Magnetic Ink, Iron Shavings, and other chemicals that responds and warps to the shape of an electromagnetic field, However, Axel can use this like waterbending, only, with ferrofluids.

Grade and School: Senior | PA237-B
Occupation: Pre-"D-Day" Super-Hero
Personality: Axel is very quiet. He doesn't speak much, which is why he is a loner at school, he tends to stay invisible (not literally) in crowds, so those that do know who he is usually have him at the back of their minds. He is incredibly patient and kind, and when people get to know him, he is incredibly likable.
  • Electrokinesis: Can control electricity and magnetism
    I'll be adding a few, not all, of the many ways axel uses his electro kinesis at the bottom.
  • Flight: Can fly, using his wings.
  • Invisibility: The markings around his body vibrate the photons around him, giving
    him something not unlike invisibility
  • Heightened intelligence: He is very smart at computers and engineering, to the
    point of making his own weapons.
  • Superhuman Senses: Hears, Sees, and Smells better than the average human.
  • Enhanced Strength, durability, and agility: This is an ability that every super
    human has.

Bio: Axel was a superhero before the events of D-Day, although he was considered one of the "lesser" heroes, not even earning himself a superhero alias. Due to this, he managed to evade assassination. Despite his loner status, he is good friends with Darrell Masters, The most well known and strongest super-hero in New Almeida, Whom everyone knows of. He also had an unintended part in causing the destruction of D-Day, and suffers greatly for it.
ElectroKinesis specifications.

  • Electrogenesis: He is a source of electricity, he does not need to charge.
  • Electrolocation Can see electricity in anything that contains electricity, including living beings. This can be seen through solid objects.
  • Static Discharge (Contact): Using direct or indirect contact (if target is in contact with a conductor). Axel can send a current into the target, shocking them or activating machinery.
  • Arc Discharge: Can shoot electricity in bolts
  • Magnetism: Can magnetize/Demagnetize objects, which he can then attract, repel, or manipulate their movement. Perfect for working with his ferro-fluids.
  • Ionize: Can polarize or change the charge of an object, person, or the atmosphere.
  • EMP: Can send out an electromagnetic pulse that will knock out electrical appliances and if exceptionally strong, can disorient or knock out people.
  • ElectroMuscular Stimulation Can stimulate muscles to increase speed, strength and endurance by a certain amount proportional to the amount of stimulation.
      *Over stimulation (a.k.a OverDrive) can have negative effects on the body including temporary or permanent paralysis, muscle spasms, and loss of consciousness and death
  • Lightning: Calls down lightning. Only works in places with either weak roofs or places open to the sky.
  • Electromanipulation Can manipulate electricity into plasmic weapons and objects.
  • Charge:Can absorb electricity from external sources to sped up charge process. over charging can cause him to accidentally overdrive. continued charge can cause him to involuntarily expulse, however his capacity increases with experience.
  • Rapid transit: Flashes from one point to another a short distance away in a bolt of lightning.
  • Expulse: Last ditch resort. Becomes a human weapon of mass destruction. will hurt enemy, ally, and bystander alike. After absorbing mass amounts of electricity, Sam releases all of it at one time. afterwards he will be unconscious for a long period of time.
  • Lightning warp: Can warp anywhere in a bolt of lightning as long as his current location and the desired location is open to the sky. Not good for times when stealth is needed, since the lightning and thunder are loud and flashy.
  • Flash: Creates a light using the tattoos at the palms of his hands
  • EM Sheild: Can deflect bullets and other things except rounds shot from a gaussian accelerator (Railgun)
  • More but It would take too long to list them all


Name: Darrell Masters (KEY NPC played exclusively by AxelZero93)
Age: 32?
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image
  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: 210 lbs
  • Eyes: Violet
  • Hair: Full head of spiked, light brown hair, peppered on the lower sides with a bit of grey.
  • Markings/Tattoos/Scars/Notable Features:
    • Eyes are an impossible shade of violet, which is unusual
  • Clothing:Dresses like the debonair he is. Black tuxedo, white shirt, white tie, black slacks, black leather belt, black boots
  • General He is very muscular and leonine, extremely attractive, clean cut and has a quality that causes women to swoon.

Grade and School: N/A
Occupation: Pre-"D-Day" Super-Hero, Founder and CEO of MasterCorp.
    Quite the ladies man, Darrell is confident, suave, and kind. He is known to give kids joy rides for fun, and is quite
    approachable as a neighborhood hero. When he isn't out saving the world, he can often be seen living a normal life,
    hanging out with friends and women (mainly women) and is treated like a big time celeb.
  • Illusionry: Able to create hyper-realistic illusions
  • Flight: Can fly without the use of wings or technology
  • Shapeshifting: Can change his form to be anything or anyone he wants to be.
  • Heightened intelligence: He is very smart at computers and engineering, to the
    point of making his own weapons.
  • Shadow Warping: He can step into one shadow, and appear in another, or just sit in a shadow and become completely invisible.
  • Enhanced Strength, durability, and agility: Even by super-human standards, Darrell's abilities extend to exceptional lengths.

Bio: Since way before D-Day, Darrell masters was the strongest and most well known superhero in the world. When New Almeida was at the brink of destruction at the hand of Nihilion Aliens, it was Darrell who for the most part saved them, killing them by the thousands and taking out their ships single-handedly before driving them off into space, where he followed them. The last they saw of them was the blip in NASA's deep space radar, which showed them as a blip leaving the earth's atmosphere before they dissappeared. It was assumed that Darrell finished them off up high. Darrell maintains a friendly relationship with Axel, often coming to help Axel on missions, and a few times, asking Axel to come help him on a few missions. Darrell also owns MasterCorp, a technological research station that serves as his source of income. During the events of D-Day, Masters was said to be in a business trip to Dubai Industries in a previous engagement with one of the lead technological companies of the world. And therefore was not able to help prevent the event. He returned to New Almeida immediately, trying to save those in the areas most affected by the blast, and researching a way to kill the tumors caused by the Darwin pulse.

Character Skeleton

Code: Select all
[font="Palatino Linotype"][b]Name[/b]: Full name, first and last.
[b]Age[/b]: between 16-24
[b]Gender[/b]: Male/Female
[b]Appearance[/b]: [img]PICTURE, IF ANY[/img][size=85][list]
[*][b]Height[/b]: In  feet' and inches"
[*][b]Weight[/b]: In LBS
[*][b]Eyes[/b]: Eye shape and color
[*][b]Hair[/b]: Hair type, length, color, and style.
[*][b]Markings/Tattoos/Scars/Notable Features[/b]:
[*]Any markings that would be easily noticed by other players, make bullets as needed[/list]
[*][b]General[/b]GENERAL PHYSICAL BODY DESCRIPTION, SUCH AS BODY SHAPE (FAT, HUSKY, SKINNY, LITHE, MUSCULAR, BUILT Etc.) And anything that doesnt fit in with the rest of the list.[/list][/size]


[b]Occupation[/b]: IF STUDENT, JUST WRITE "STUDENT AT PA237-B"

[b]Personality[/b]: [list]

[b]Powers/Abilities[/b]: (No more than ONE main power, and maybe one or two minor sub-powers, I will tell you whether or not they are too much)

[b]Bio[/b]: (INSERT BIO HERE)[/font]

Updated: Added Key Characters.
Updated: Added Character Skeleton
Last edited by AxelZero93 on Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BlackIceRocker on Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:35 am

My my, this is quite the interesting set-up you've got here... Don't mind me, I'll just keep lurking until there are some other people that are also interested in this--haven't gotten to play a good superhero RP in a while.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby claw on Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:18 pm

I know I am interested, I can even drag one of my old super heroes out from Champions online.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby WaltJRimmer on Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:36 pm

I... I don't know if I'm interested or not. It's a wonderfully interesting story. Although, some of it reminds me a little of DCUO, it has many original elements and I am intrigued. But I just looked at my average words per post. It rounds out to 525. I honestly don't know if I'd be able to deliver 1000+ words a post. I've heard some people say that using "Write" helps, but I never learned to do that. This isn't a learning roleplay, so I'm not asking anyone for help. Honestly, I'm not sure what I AM asking. If, and only if, there's room in this for me when it starts, would you be willing to audition me to see if I could keep up my end of the bargain in the hypothetical situation of my possible joining?
"And that... Is all I can tell you." - The Bard.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby tehflii on Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:39 pm

This does seem really interesting. My only qualm would be the 1000+ words per post. I can understand sometimes posting that much with lots of details or actions, but if every post is that length wouldn't it limit player interactions? It would be hard to carry on a conversation if you have to add whole bunch of unimportant words.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby WaltJRimmer on Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:20 pm

tehflii wrote:This does seem really interesting. My only qualm would be the 1000+ words per post. I can understand sometimes posting that much with lots of details or actions, but if every post is that length wouldn't it limit player interactions? It would be hard to carry on a conversation if you have to add whole bunch of unimportant words.

As you can see from my post, I have a similar dilemma, though when it comes to conversations, that's not such a big deal. When people have conversations in literate roleplays with high word counts, they often collaborate and post both their characters' entire conversation and actions as one post. Again, I've heard this is done in the RPG Write, which is currently down, but I have never dared go in there.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby tehflii on Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:51 am

WaltJRimmer wrote:As you can see from my post, I have a similar dilemma, though when it comes to conversations, that's not such a big deal. When people have conversations in literate roleplays with high word counts, they often collaborate and post both their characters' entire conversation and actions as one post. Again, I've heard this is done in the RPG Write, which is currently down, but I have never dared go in there.

Oh I see, I hadn't even noticed the RPG Write link until just now. I'll have to check it out when it is up again. Unless there is something I should know about it. Maybe the cause for you never daring to venture there. ;)

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AxelZero93 on Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:44 pm

The 1000+ word per post thing can be over looked as long as there is enough detail. You are right, this isn't a learning roleplay, unfortunately. I would like to have this with people of my own skill level or around that. Im not trying to sound cocky or uppity, because I know for a fact I am not the best Roleplayer in this site, nor do I even compare with the elite writers I've seen on this site. But I do hate it when I watch a roleplay slowly die away because people arent putting effort into their posts. Im not sure how it compares to DC Universe Online, seeing as how I've never played it, but from what I have seen it isnt really like that. See. Your character at first,will not be able to even control their powers. My character, Who was a hero since before then, will group you all up, explain whats going on, and what he will do to help, and he will stick you with a mentor, which will be a superhero of my creation, with similar powers, only fully developed. I Will be putting more detail into this a bit later, hopefully that will help clear things up a bit. And yes I might do the audition thing, Or I will just ask you if it is ok to look at some of the RPs you have been in before and I can judge whether or not you are right for this by that.
Again, thank you all for your interest and questions. I appreciate it.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rdaydreamer on Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:54 pm

I'm interested as well, and thanks for answering all the questions so far :) I'll just lurk in the mean time.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AxelZero93 on Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:58 am

Updated: Added Key Characters.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BlackIceRocker on Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:48 pm

I know you're still sort of fleshing out details, but if we've got ideas for characters, should we just copy/paste the template you used for the characters above and start filling 'em in? Or are you going to make another sheet for potential PCs?

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AxelZero93 on Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:01 pm

._. I though I put in a character skeleton >.< Ill get on it now, sorry :)

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AxelZero93 on Mon Mar 04, 2013 5:13 pm

UPDATED: Added character skeleton

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AxelZero93 on Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:35 pm

Also, Please Inbox the characters, do NOT post them here, the reason being I want the whole Acceptance/denial thing to be confidential to the player at hand. Any accepted characters I will post on the RP Tab I am going to make.

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Re: Darwin

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AxelZero93 on Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:24 am

putting this on hold. I found an RP i am interested in being a part of and I want to be able to focus on it. in the mean time i will fill this out more and make a better interest check and stuff.

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