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Fallout NYC (OOC and signups)

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Fallout NYC (OOC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Sun May 31, 2009 11:58 pm


War. War never changes.

Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage.

In the year 2077, after millennium of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could sustain itself no longer. The world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation. But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world. Instead, the apocalypse was simply the prologue to another bloody chapter of human history. For man had succeeded in destroying the world -

but war, war never changes.

A little under 200 years after the conflict, the year is 2252 and New York City like every major US city lies in ruins, parts flooded by radiated water but still settlements and survivors of humanity make their lives in the ruined city. Raider gangs terrorize all in their path, ghouls mindless or otherwise have their hidden enclaves in old sewers or metro tunnels, human settlements try to survive amongst the ruins, a single vault lay near the outskirts of the once great city safe from the outside but some left searching for adventure, scavengers move around the city blocks scraping together what they could and of course... the supermutants.

It seemed they just suddenly appeared in the ruins one day, at first they only were only encountered deep in the city and seemed to be looking for something in the ruins. Then they changed their tactics all of a sudden, sending out raiding parties to nearby settlements, slaver holdings and raider outposts, attacking them and always they would leave with some prisoners, not even the ghoul enclaves were spared. The few rescue parties send into supermutant territory are never heard of again and after each raiding party the supermutant numbers grow.

New York city is transformed in a battleground now and so far the supermutants have the advantage, gaining more numbers after each raid, what is their intend when they have enough strength and could the ones they have captured be saved or are they lost forever. To get the answers the supermutant base must be found and the threat they represent neutralized.

This role play will not follow direct events that happened in the fallout games and lore. Main purpose of this role play? To have fun with fellow role players in the epic setting of the fallout universe.

Large parts of Manhattan are still accessible although some areas are flooded with radiated water . It is here that the Supermutants are holding their ground in the ruins of the buildings and skyscrapers, one of these buildings or perhaps even under one of the buildings is their base of operations.

Before the Supermutants arrived a number of settlements and raider bases could be found in the ruins of Manhattan but all are either abandoned or destroyed when the supermutants decided to make it their playground, save for the settlement the Little Apple and a few scattered ghoul citys. Because the settlements traded with each other and some areas of Manhattan are flooded they created boats, rafts to travel through the city many still usable by adventurers or supermutants.

The supermutants have many outposts throughout Manhattan from where they send out raiding parties into other parts of New York city. At these outposts they also guard their territory and of course their base of operations located somewhere in the middle of Manhattan.

Expect Supermutants, centaurs, feral ghouls and other mutated beasties (deathclaws, etc) around every corner.

The Bronx:
What was left of the Bronx after most of it was flooded is where most of the raiders and slavers started to make their home. The raider gangs and slavers are constantly at war with each other over food, weapons and clean water. Several large raider bases and slaver towns are scattered amongst the ruins. The situation did not really change when supermutant raiding parties arrived.

The raider gangs and slavers still battle each other for control, the supermutants are just a new player on the field to achieve control over what's left of the Bronx.

Here is where most 'peaceful' settlements and towns are situated, living generally in peace with the odd raider or slaver attack from the Bronx but things have changed when the supermutants were added to the mix. Security measures have been taken against the new threat, trade between settlements have been stalled because of it and the people are living on edge and in fear.

Character sheet:

Affiliation/type: former slave, raider, slaver, scavenger, settlement survivor, vault dweller, ghoul or a 'intelligent' supermutant.

note that being a ghoul or supermutant makes you very resistant to radiation... but humans shoot at you first and ask questions later
Appearance: you may use pictures but also type some of the details

Clothing/Armor: don't go taking power armor right at the beginning everyone

Personality: elaborate, one sentence isn't enough

Weapon(s): also be reasonable, don't take out the big guns right away keep it simple at the beginning, and you don't have infinite ammo
Equipment: stimpaks, ammo (150 rounds/shots max), binoculars and the like

Weapon skills: (you can take three, list under character sheet)
Survival skills: (same as weapon skills)

History: (where's your character from, how did he became to be what he is today, etc)
Super mutant enemies:
Common/Brutes: armed with assault rifles, hunting rifles, grenades and heavy weaponry like miniguns or missle launchers
Supermutant master: armed with chinese assault rifles or a minigun and leads usually over a few supermutants
supermutant Behemoth: Rarely seen and usually armed with... well something heavy to smash your skull in
Centaur: the 'watchdogs' of the supermutants
Use the fallout 3 stuff only

armor and clothing
drugs and edibles

Weapon skills:
Big Guns - you know how to best use the big weaponry (Minigun, Fat Man, Missile Launcher, Flamer, and Rock-It Launcher)
Energy Weapons - you know how to best use laser and plasma weaponry (laser pistol/rifle, plasma pistol/rifle and the Gatling laser)
Explosives - everything that goes boom (grenades, mines) and you know how to disarm them
Melee Weapons - everything that is blunt, pointy or sharp (sledge hammers, swords, etc)
Small Guns - all pistols, rifles and assault rifles (chinese pistol, assault rifle, hunting rifle, etc)
Unarmed - your fists and related weaponry (knuckles, power fist, deathclaw gauntlet)
Fast reload - like it says reload your weapons faster
Dual wielding - you can handle two pistols with ease or a melee weapon and pistol at the same time

Survival skills:
Lock pick - opens locks nice and quiet
Medicine - you know how to best use stimpaks to heal yourself and others and not to mention how to keep your radiation levels in check
Repair - you know how to fix up broken equipment, machinery and equipment (weapons and armor)
Science - you can hack into terminals and fix up or disable droids
Sneak - you can get closer to enemies to deliver that nice, fatal headshot
Scavenger - able to find weapons, ammo, supplies more
Survivalist - tougher in a fight
Radiation sponge - you are able to resist radiation more than the average human being
Runner - Running is no chore for this waste lander, after all; danger lurks around every superhighway

Important Notes: It doesn't necessarily mean that if you, let's say pick Small guns and Big guns you don't know how to use Energy weapons you're just not so good at using them. Same counts with the other skills, if you take Lock pick and sneak you can still do some (minor) repairs to your weapons and armor. The skills are just a way of being better at something.
oh and if you take the following skills:
Big guns - you may start with a Flamer
Energy weapons - you may start with a laser pistol
Explosives - you may start with a dozen (frag) grenades
Melee weapons - you may start with a super sledge
Small guns - you may start with a Chinese assault rifle or infiltrator
Unarmed - you may start with a power fist or deathclaw gauntlet

Use commons sense when picking weapons in the beginning, a magnum is way more powerful than a 10mm pistol and a sniper rifle is more powerful than a hunting rifle

Better weaponry will be available later in the RP

1) No god modes.
2) No hijacking of other people's characters (unless you ask them if it's allowed).
4) Use common sense (your ammo isn't infinite, you need to reload, radiation, etc).
5) Try to get a post up at least once or twice per day (if not available to do so please post something here and maybe ask someone else to take over your character until you return).
6) respect your fellow role players

That is all

i though up an idea after reading and watching other rpers role play in a fallout 3
Last edited by CriminalMinds on Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:34 pm

Name: Doctor Barbara Docker
Gender: Female
Age: 31
Affiliation/type: Commonwealth exile (see below)

Clothing/Armor: A very worn and dirty scientist outfit

Personality: Doctor Docker has a strong sense of morallity, but this will often end up taking a backseat in favor of her curiosity. She is a very intuitive person, always eager to learn new things. However, she is prejudiced against mutants of all kinds; while they may interest her scientifically, they also are revolting to her.

Weapon(s): A laser pistol, and a 10 millimeter conventional pistol.
Equipment: A single stimpack, 4 energy cells for the laser pistol, and 16 bullets for the 10 millimeter.

Weapon skills:
-Energy Weapons (average)
-Unarmed (novice)
-Fast reload (good)
Survival skills:
-Science (excellent)
-Medicine (good)
-Repair (excellent)

History: Barbara Docker was born at the technological Instituate in the Commonwealth, in former Massachusetts. She helped create the Institutes first android slaves; but after a few years she came to regret doing so, seeing the androids' unexpectedly high intelligence and poor living conditions. She secretly allied herself with the "railroad" helping androids escape from the Institute, but was soon busted by her superiors. Doctor Docker was kicked out of the Commonwealth. She tried to formally join the Railroad and live with them, but they ultimately rejected them for her involvement with creating the androids. She wandered south for a fortnight, seeking some new home. With her medical supplies almost gone, her belly aching with hunger, and her laser pistol almost out of shots, she now arrives on the outskirts of New York.

EDIT: Turns out New York is south of Boston. My bad.
Last edited by Village Alchemist on Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby GhaKha on Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:39 pm

OMG. Thank you!!

Reserve me a spot, please. My character sheet will replace this post.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:12 pm

Okay village alchemist your accepted
Okay i will save you a spot GhaKha

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:18 pm

Before I post any more, I must know: what relation does this thread have with this?

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:25 pm

i got the idea from that idea for it being in NYC.
I decided to build a better version based on that one and some other rp that have to do with fallout.
When you read the fine print down at the bottom of the page you can read this.
Also mine does not have to do with earthier the Brotherhood or the Enclave.
Also i came up with a idea with this post 6 day before his with this one

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Tue Jun 02, 2009 10:19 am

Well, I'll stick with yours. Rakiov's RP is filled with power-armored supermen, and I don't know what the Enclave would want with New York City.

I was just wondering is all.

ADDENDUM: Okay, I added a picture to my character sheet. She was meant to come out with brown hair, though. Dang wacky face-generator!

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CR22 on Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:41 pm

Character sheet:

Name: Magnus
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Affiliation/type: Ex-Regulator
Appearance: Bleached white hair, blue eyes, impassive face. Wears hair pulled back, and has a thin beard in the style of Machiavelli.
Clothing/Armor: Regulator Duster, Sunglasses, Wasteland Wanderer Outfit (worn when not active)
Personality: Generally cool and calm. Though he's not too bright, he manages to maintain an illusion of being smarter than most, and keeps this façade by remaining quiet. Has a slight addiction to chems, particularly Mentats and Med X, and drinks vodka whenever possible. He believes that he is a better shot when intoxicated.

Weapon(s): .32 Hunting Rifle (modified with scope), Combat Knife
    Stimpacks (10)
    Rad X (3)
    Rad Away (1)
    Mentats (5)
    Med X (5)
    Vodka (1)
    Purified Water (5)
    Mirelurk Meat (5)
    Repair Kit
    Caps (200)
    .32 Ammo (130)
    Geiger Counter
    Sleeping Bag

    .32 Ammo (20)
    Combat Knife
    Med X

Weapon skills:
    Small Guns (Rifles) (Superior)
    Melee Weapons (Knives) (Average)
    Unarmed (poor)

Survival skills:

History: Born to a family of Wasteland hunters, Magnus was raised with a rifle in his hand. A competent shot at age twelve, he helped his father and brothers hunt for survival in the areas west of the Capital Wasteland up until he was sixteen, when he travelled east in search of wealth and a better life.

Living in Megaton for several years, he worked as a sharpshooter, keeping a lookout for raiders, mercenaries, and super mutants in exchange for caps. It was at this time that he developed a thirst for chems, and when he was nineteen he was approached with a proposition from the Regulators, he happily accepted, bored with town life.

As a Regulator, he worked primarily on minor hit contracts, taking down particularly destructive raiders or hunting down a rogue radscorpion. For the most part, he was content with this lifestyle, as the Regulators payed him for what he loved to do, and he was knee deep in caps by the time he was twenty-four. At around this time he was approached by a man looking for some pre-war tech, fusion pulse charges, which he managed to procure without much hassle. However, when he informed the Regulators of this, they immediately kicked him out of their organization without warning or explanation.

He used most of his caps to purchase supplies, then traveled northward, looking for work, chems, and targets.
Last edited by CR22 on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:09 pm

150 rounds max so edit that
also we are in NYC not DC where Megaton is at.
Other then those two your good
going to post my guy soon

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CR22 on Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:12 pm

He moved north, so he would be a newcomer to the NYC area. How is the story going to start out? I was thinking my character would probably be perched in a windowsill by a hospital/pharmacy somewhere, hunting for raiders/rich merchants and doing chems.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:31 pm

Character sheet:

Name: Jerry Felsar

Gender: Male




RobCo Jumpsuit

Personality: Jerry is a sneaky agile ghoul. He also understand people very easy. He dislikes human that think of him as a lesser person for being a ghoul.

12 Frag Grenades
12 Pulse Grenades
4 Frag mines

Three stimpaks
Four bobby pins

Weapon skills:
Fast reload

Survival skills:
Lock pick

History: Jerry Felser was born in 2105, at the age of 19 he was exposed to a ungodly amount of radiation. Where he fell unconscious, and woke up later in a hospital, in alatis which is the underworld of Manhattan,NYC. There he grew up become a scavenger for the city,where he also set up traps to kill some of the supermutants. Now he wanders NYC for tech and other usefully stuff.
Last edited by Cambons on Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CR22 on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:43 pm

Tweaked my character a bit in terms of survival skills. When's the RP going to start, Cambons?

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:55 pm


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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling on Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:47 pm

Name: Gene Shinsei
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Affiliation/type: Scavenger

Appearance: Gene has short, spikey, brown hair. He has really pale skin and a small scar across his nose. His eyes are a light blue in color, and he has dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. He becomes shakier at night, more cautious, and more aware.

Clothing/Armor: A Roving Trader outfit and a Poplar's Hood.

Personality: Gene is a complex individual. Gene's often quiet, but he enjoys conversation with someone, or will burst out something in an exciting moment. He shows rage towards Supermutants if they are enarby, insulting them if they are within earshot, and if it's safe. He fights like a warrior when the battle gets to that point.

Weapon(s): Hunting rifle w/attached scope, a pool cue (taped up several times from uses.), bottlecap mine (10), frag grenade (2), a frag mine, and a 10mm pistol.
Equipment: 45 10mm bullets, 20 .32 bullets, 150 caps, stimpaks (4), Med-X (2), Rad-X, and bobby pins (20).
Carried in a satchel filled with ice: purified water (7), Nuka-Cola (5, but constantly tries to restock), Noodles (6, also tries to be restocked).

Weapon skills: Explosives (average)
Small Guns (Excellent)
Melee Wepaons (poor)

Survival skills: Lock Pick (Good)
Scavenger (Average)
Survivalist (Excellent)

History: Gene was born in a small settlement in Massachusetts. These were a target of attacks by Raiders and Supermutants north of the settlement. Survivors constantly moved southward as their temporary homes were decimated. They reached New York and they set up a sheltered communty with other survivors in Queens. When Supermutants took absolute controll, the community underwent attacks over and over again. Gene was scared of the Supermutants as a child, listening to violence as he hid in his home. When the Supermutants made a final attack, which destroyed the settlements, they gave Gene his scar. He escaped with his life, but just barely. He grew to hate the Supermutants more and more each day. As he grew into his late teens, he glazed over the hate and repressed memories with a happy-go-lucky outlook on the battles and fight for survival. He travels amongst the city now, but avoids Manhattan as much as possible.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ian32 on Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:11 pm

Name: Jason Fenhaum
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Affiliation/type: Vault Dwelller/ Writer

Appearance: 5 feet ten inches tall, with brown unevenly cut hair, a small stuble, dark green eyes with blue rimmed corneas, and dark racoonish circles under his eyes. He is as muscular as someone under a diet of radieated rats and squirells can get and is rather skinny due to not ever setelling in one place.

Clothing/Armor: A long brown overcoat simliar to the one Vance wears in fallout 3 and leather armor underneath. He usually wears the coat unbuckled except for during the colder days.

Personality: Jason is a huge idealist and believes the morals and knowledge left behind by the unradiated and less violent past should be upheld regardless of any insignificant loss of life by any who might strive to achieve the goal of a better world. He has written a book which he has left untitled which details his both good and bad experiences in the wasteland which he hopes to use to enlighten the people of the wastes and unite them under the goal of cleaning up the wretched world.

Weapon(s): An Assaulte rifle, a 10mm SMG, seven fragmentation grenades, and a combat knife.
Equipment: Ten stimpacks, three mentats (for those days with writers block and those tricky encounters with highly explosive devices), three Radaways and two Rad X (for when its either irradiated waterways or supermutant infested subways), and two cantines of purified water. A journal, A scrapbook, and the only published copy of his untitled book. All of this is kept in a large over the shoulder satchel.
Ammo: Three magazines filled with 15 rounds of 5.56mm bullets and three clips of about 32 rounds 10mm bullets.

Weapon skills: Small guns, explosives, and melee weapons
Survival skills:
Survivalist, Runner, and Scavenger
History: Jason was born on a completely unradiated island off the coast of Georgia. Back when he was only 17 he started out on and adventure the write a book with his co-writer and teacher, Franklin. For a year they traveled and worked with the brotherhood of steel and other orginaizations to spread knowledge throughout the southern wasteland. For a while their Union stood without challenge and all that they visitied were willing to give thier knowledge of their wastes and their opinions on life their and how willing they were to begin to rebuild. But the enclave and many slaver towns were infuriated by their attempts to revitalize the world, as both were feeding off the terror and confusion like leaches. They both quickly joined together and cracked down hard on the peaceful orginization. Every member at the main headquartes in the town of Raven's Den were executed and Franklin and Jason were captured. In a daring escape from the Enclave facility at Armen city, Georgia (once Atlanta) Franklin was killed and Jason escaped with only his journal and the book. To make a longer story short Jason went back to his Island and convinced the people there to take up arms against the Enclave and with the help of a reunited brotherhood of steel they liberated a part of Georgia and restarted the peaceful orginzation again. Now Jason travels across the Wasteland endorsing his book and his orginization, "The United Front for Peace and Knowledge."
Last edited by Ian32 on Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Reikka on Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:18 pm

Name: Jasmine

Gender: Female

Age: 26

Affiliation/type: Wastelander(Hope thats okay I don't want her to be in any major affiliation)

Clothing/Armor: Talon combat armor,Sunglasses

Personality: Tends to try to talk her way out of situations often. Can have quite a temper sometimes but generally takes to the positive side of things. In combat her personality can almost completely change however to a very serious person with her mind set on only surviving. She also helps anyone who may need it when ever she can. Her mercy is put towards other wastelanders trying to get along and even some mercy for the cursed
Ghouls and Mutants. However this Mercy disappears when it comes to Raiders.

Weapon(s): Trench knife,Scoped .45 Magnum

Equipment: Stimpacks(5)RadX(4).45 rounds(60)Purified water(10)Bobby pins(20)

Weapon skills: Melee Weapons,Small guns,Dual weilding

Survival skills: Sneak,Lockpick,Scavenger

History: Jasmine was born right in the midsts of chaos. From the beginning of life she has had to learn how to survive in the wastelands. Her parents protected her until she was 15 when they where killed by a gang of Raiders. Since then Jasmine has committed herself to killing as many Raiders as she can. Along with helping as many people as she can. Recently her anger has slowly began to calm towards the raiders. Instead her main goals now lie in finding places that need assistance and doing everything in her power to help people around whats left of this world.

((Lemme know if anything is wrong I just figured shes been around awhile so yeah))
It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:58 pm

Falling approved
Ian32 approved nice Char
Reikka approved

You all can start posting

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:11 pm

We can start posting where? Got an IC thread?

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cambons on Fri Jun 05, 2009 2:26 pm

Yes i do thought i posted it

Going to be gone all day tomorrow.

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Re: Fallout NYC (OCC and signups)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling on Mon Jun 08, 2009 1:28 pm

My posts might be bit sparce now. My main computer is out of comission.

Alright, my computer's up again.

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