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Hais, The Avatars (IC)

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Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby iowa90 on Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:06 pm

And Thus it Begins…

The Capital of Hais… Novectus. Named after the once great King Novectus Tidus, Father to the War King and Grandfather to the current king. The walls are tall and pearly white as if crafted by angles. Every five hundred feet, a tower spirals up towards the heavens, keeping watch over the walls that protect the inner courtyards which, in turn, circled the majestic Castle. Thousands of men and women; servants, cooks, maids, guardsmen, scientist, priests, and even the royal family… all under one roof. Even in the dark, the Castle illuminated the surroundings area like a bright star in the night. However, the star seemed to be… a bit dimmer tonight then usual. At least, that was how it seemed to the party approaching from the north. As darkness quickly enveloped Hais, the group continued steadily onwards to the castle.

Grall grimaced upon view of his home. He could feel the deception in the air… something was different. He scanned the walls of the castle and commented quietly to himself,

“The guard hasn’t changed…” This meant one of two things; either the guards where slow tonight, or something was prohibiting them from changing. Grall turned to look at the entourage. The young and bold Prince Tidus, a burr in his side since charged with protecting him. The two Aves, the blacksmith and elf, whom they picked up after stopping a fire in the fields. Then a young shade whom was taken prisoner and the cause of the supposed fire. An interesting group indeed.

“General…” Tidus spoke softly, a worried look on his face. It was obvious he sensed something was off as well. Perhaps he did have a bit of wits about him.

“Yes. I know,” was the General’s only response. The closer they got to the Walls, the more they realized that there was ropes hanging from the North side and the Foreman’s Gate (North Gate) was cracked open.

Grall calmly unstrapped his axe from his back.

“Stay close…”

The group entered the city and was surprised to see nothing but a sleeping courtyard. Lights were out and the commoners where in their homes, but there was no patrolling guards. Grall proceeded with the others close on his heels. It didn’t take long before they saw the first body. A night watch with a peculiar hole sliced through his chest. It was certain now… someone was here that wasn’t suppose to be.

Then… the peaks of each and every tower on the wall erupted in flames. Not because they were burning but because the signal flames were lit and with those lit, it would be mere moments before the castle unleashed the force of the Hais upon the intruders.

“Good. The infiltrators have been spotted. Quickly, we must reach the Castle now.” Grall gave his instructions right as a three men appeared upon a nearby hut. They were hard to distinguish in the night sky but one thing was certain, they were not friendly and they were most likely agile. Assassins. The three men hurled a barrage of knives down on the group right as the Elf pointed. She would be the first to notice but Grall was the first to act. He slammed his foot in the ground and a wall of stone shot upward, shielding the group from the hail of knives.
"Truth be told... I couldn't lay a finger on the man."

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dex on Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:46 pm

Aiden was resting in his quarters, finding it difficult to sleep. He closed his eyes and then heard someone climbing through the window. Instead of opening them and confronting the intruder, he laid still and motionless. As the person walked, Aiden counted the steps in his head. As he approached seven, the footsteps stopped. He slightly opened his right eye to see a person slowly pulling their dagger out. As the blade was thrusted by the intruder, Aiden grabbed the persons arms right before it hit his chest. Aiden tightened his grip and forced the dagger up with the blunt of it hitting the intruders head. The person let go of the blade and Aiden stabbed him with it, taking off the persons mask. "I am the Captain of the Hais army, Aiden Renric. The man who killed you." Aiden let go of the dagger as the man fell to the ground. Aiden put on his armor and grabbed his massive sword before exiting the room and running to the King's side.
Last edited by Dex on Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Mon Dec 21, 2009 12:42 am

Lucas sighed softly, he job was to attack this castle. It was easy, the threat was non and the battle was easy to win, or more likely for him to sneak in and finish the job. He let out a deep sigh as he began to walk without a care down the main halls his mismatched steel armor in places that were vulnerable to him, his legs were the most covered his boots plated over with steel as was his gauntlet on his left arm that led all the way up to his shoulder ending an a guard, his sword resting on his back as he sighed continuing his walk.

"Yes run protect the king don't let him die..." He said nonchalantly, he could careless, though then again this man was paying him. "crap.." He said out loud with another exhausted sigh. He fought off a few guards with his Gauntlet covered arm cutting their throats with the clawed fingers of his gauntlet. Hre let them fall to the ground gurgling, and sputtering on their own blood. "Sorry this is just business and you got in my way.." He said with a shrug as the eyes of the guards grew lifeless and he smirked laughing softly. "So pitiful makes me almost wanna switch sides.." He said as he kicked the large door of the Throne room open. "Hunny I'm home!" He let out loudly and smiled, most of the guards were already fighting the assassins that tagged along with him. " fun for me...well I'll just take your king's head then and be on my way to get my pay.."

He said this with such an evil smile that most humans would look at him with horror, he brushed abit of his Black and silver hair out of his face his mismatched eyes locking on a guard charging him as he pulled his Dai-katana from his back stabbing it through the man's chest cavity. "No no no,...shame.." He said as he kicked the body of the blade a disturbing aura flooded from the body into the swords blade as he made a tsk, tsk, sound. "Feeding on such lowly souls, you'll get a tummy ache.." He said with a soft chuckle and continued his study walk towards the king.

"Suggest that we escape by putting fish in our mouths so we can breath while under water AGAIN I will Ninja punch you so hardcore it will knock you out and when you wake up? the force of it will knock you out a second time before you wake up!"

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Noctemwolf on Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:03 am

The Capital Novectus. The great city of Hais. The gleaming windows of the castle illuminated the surroundings, and just like last time, Iaetus was caught in awe. He had been a young boy on his first visit to the city. He and his father had traveled here alongside a merchant caravan to sell their supply of weapons and blacksmithing goods. "Remember my boy; someday you could come back as more than what you are..." His father's words rung in his head as they entered the gates of the city. Grall and Tidus were nervous, and the tension in the air affected Iaetus too. He wasn't sure why they were tense, but he was careful not to disturb them.
Then, the fires on the towers lit up. Iaetus could hear the yells of the guard as three men appeared on a nearby roof. A wall of stone suddenly shot up between them and their attackers, courtesy of Grall. There wouldn't be much he could do to help, and indeed, he wasn't even sure what was going on. He kneeled down, hammer in hand, and asked to anyone who was listening, "What's going on?"
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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dex on Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:03 pm

Aiden was running down the hall to the thrown room when three assassins jumped in front of him. His massive sword over his back, he pulled it out with one hand and pointed it straight at them. Aiden charged at the assassins and swung his sword slicing all three. Dragging his sword behind him as he ran, he entered the throne room to see a guard being stabbed by someone of a different look then the rest of the intruders. Aiden wanted to avenge his fallen comrade but protecting the king was top priority. He ran straight through the fight, taking a few small blows every now and then. He approached the throne and helped the king to his feet. "We must leave," was all Aiden said as he went over to the wall and hit it revealing a small passage. As they went through he looked back seeing his comrades fight. He reluctantly closed the passage and they continued to walk through the dark tunnel/

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:12 pm

Luke's eyes widened. "Oh no you don't.." He growled and followed close behind only to have it shut in his face as he growled loudly, he punched at the wall hard. "Blast...foolish soldier...I see you again I'll kill you with my bare hands.." He said as he turned beginning to walk to the exit, he had no reason to stay here and the men he came with weren't his problem.

He sighed softly as he sheathed his sword, it was boring here anyways and it'd only get more boring as the battle carried on. He smiled, maybe he could find entertainment in the city, as he began to head towards the entrance.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Celedia on Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:10 pm

Ilara laid a hand upon Iaetus' shoulder as he kneeled, her eyes inspecting the earthen wall that had been built in front of them. "The castle is under attack. The King is the most likely target." She turned to the Prince and Grall, arching her eyebrow inquisitively. "I assume there are ways to protect your king. Do you lead him away from the castle, I wonder? To somewhere far away yet protected? Or do you hide him deep within the castle itself, hoping the enormity of the building will keep the enemies away?" She held tightly onto her staff, not wanting to engage in a fight but not about to let innocent people die at the hands of assassins either. The rock wall would protect their small group, but what would protect the hundreds of other people that were in the castle?

The elven lass extended her hand so that it lay open, palm up, in front of her. Praying softly to her Avatar, flecks of moisture were pulled from the very air itself and melding together to form a sphere above her hand. She needed a weapon in hand, if anyone should attack, and not many people knew just how deadly water could be.
" know we've fuckin' broken down as a society when people just explode in forests." ~Gasmask in The Unexplainable.


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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby iowa90 on Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:46 pm

The slab of rock didn't so much as dint against the steely knives and with a thrust of his palm, the stone protection shattered and flew upwards in retalitation to the assasins attack. The hail of rock easily crushed them and Grall then turned his attention back to his fellow companions.

"We have many safe guards for our king for moments like these. Captian Renric should be on guard for the Old King and is more then capable in protecting him, however, we shoul head for the castle regardless." Grall grunted towards the Elf.

Tidus looked around at the chaos of yells and shouts from the commoners. They were unsure what to do in a time like this. The captial had never been attacked before. "Aiden is a smart man and will realize this is not an army he is facing but a small group of elites. More then likely, he will use the tunnels that lead to the "Safe" underneath the throne. The room is nearly impossible to open once closed expect from the inside. Althought it is air tight so they will only be able to have enough oxygen for perhaps a couple hours. We should head that way first."

Grall gave a slight grin upon seeing the young prince using his logic. It was nice to know he could take certain situtations realistically and level headed.

"This way then..."

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Wed Dec 23, 2009 2:28 pm

Luke smirked softly as he cut through more of the guards. He stepped out of the entrance to the castle as he smiled softly looking around. He began to walk through the town as he stopped watching a few of the assassins attacking this new group of people. He smirked as they were crushed, he thought about it for a minute and smirked. He could probably use this to his advantage.

He walked towards the group and smirked. "You...all of you? what are you doing here it's dangerous here." he shook his head calmly, "You are in a dangerous area shouldn't you be here..." He said calmly as he walked alittle closer as he gripped the hilt of one of his swords. "You should get out while you can.." He said as he just bowed to the prince, "sire your father's safe He's in the tunnel's below the throne room..most of the Assassins are retreating.." He said calmly, hopefully his lies would carry through.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ZonMato on Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:04 pm

Irina watched the action, crouched in an alleyway, surrounded by shadows, she preferred to stay hidden, alone. She could sense much destruction throughout the castle, and she saw this battle being the beginning of something much greater. The assassins were quickly slain by the party, but soon a different kind of person walked up. As he spoke, Irina could feel the havoc wreaked by his weapons.

"Don't believe him," She said faintly, " I can sense the destruction he intends to create." She stepped out of the shadows, Her eyes frozen upon the man. "You see, if we do not move forward, the King may die." She pointed at Luke, "And that's what he is aiming for. It seems as though we must force our way through this mercenary, in order to defend the King. She looked at the ground and began to mutter some ancient words as the shadows across the ground lengthened and reached towards Luke.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby iowa90 on Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:54 pm

Tidus instinctively drew his sword and stood rigged while facing the supposed impostor. Not that he would need to do anything... Grall would never allow it. If the General were ever in his presence, he was required to sit back in watch. Sure he managed to sneak around and join the fray anyways, but with just one soldier, what was the point in trying to sneak you way into the fight? The sword was more of just a precaution measure.

Grall let out a low snort and heaved his mighty battle axe upwards. The axe surely had to be heavy for the double blades easily spanned the length of Grall's entire chest.

"If you wish to live, creature, then leave now and never return." He could care less if the girl was telling the truth about the man. Until Grall could see familiar faces and knew the Prince was safe, he would not be taking any chances.

"This is your only warning."

The battle was dying out but this would surely spark a terrible war.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:01 pm

Luke side-stepped the shadow as he cast about of his own magic which cut off the shadow from it's caster as he smiled. "This 'Creature' has a name and would enjoy it if you showed him some respect.." he smiled some. "I'd rather like to see your threats carried through my giant look alittle slow and those axes aren't exactly fast weapons to counteract mine.." He said as he put his swords away.

he smiled more as he laughed alittle. "come general..Face me in a one on one Duel.." he said calmly as he removed the first of his bounds on his left arm as a surge of Navy blue Energy traveled along his form. "Come face or any one of your pathetic human counterparts..."

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby iowa90 on Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:02 am


"Insolent pup. I am General Grall, feared among even the Avatars. Your little band of assassin's should have struck sooner while I was away. Now none of you will get out alive." He steadied his axe before him and calmly walked forward. Tidus understood Grall's intentions and pushed the others back to give the dual some room. They would be forced to wait till this was over.

Grall spat onto the ground as he closed the distance between his challenger slowly and confidently. No sense and letting the man think Grall was anything other then an oversized baboon. If he wanted to underestimate the General, that would be his mistake and one that he would not be allowed to make again.

"Make your move, scum." Grall let out a sneer as he taunted.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dex on Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:23 pm

Aiden led the old king through the tunnel into a large open room with carvings covering the walls. The king stood in the center of the room and held up his hand as his Royal Signet Ring shined in the darkness revealing a passage that led to the catacombs of the previous Palace. The king walked inside and nodded to Aiden, closing the passage. Aiden remained in the large room and bowed before the door. He rose to his feet and climbed the wall of the room to a high up walk way, leading to the King's chambers. After a few minutes of running Aiden opened the passage to the Kings Chamber where assassins were picking amongst the various treasures. Aiden removed his massive sword and cut down the assassins, sometimes two at a time. After they were killed he moved to the hallway where others were still fighting. "Avatar of War... show them my fury." Aiden raised the sword into the air and it became engulfed in a blue flame, never burning its holder. The assassins were stunned and the guards inspired as he charged wielding the sword.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:33 pm

Luke smiled a decent smile. "Oh..I don't want too...My charge was among one of the assassins...So i'm not getting paid.." he said calmly as he looked towards the general and smiled. "but in a way my reward will be knocking you down a peg or two..." he said with a smile as he pulled out a dagger and carved symbols into his right arm all the way the glowing Blue Navy skin as armor like Scales formed around it

he smiled as he left his swords in their places as he shook his head. "By all means dear General you make the first move I'd rather this not be over to quickly.." he said calmly as he began to toss the dagger in the air and catch it as it fell.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Noctemwolf on Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:14 pm

Almost as soon as the fight had started, it was over. The assassins had been defeated. But before anyone could relax, a stranger came out of the dark, telling them it wasn't safe to be here and that the king was safe. As though they didn't already know that they were in danger, but the news of the kings safety was good, except that this man didn't seem quite so trustworthy.

His suspicion was confirmed when another figure came out of nowhere, claiming the first figure was a liar and not to be trusted. Now Grall stood and prepared to fight the first figure one on one, protecting Tidus and the rest of them. Iaetus could do little but watch, listen, and wait for when he was needed.

((eh heh... please excuse the shortness.))

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby iowa90 on Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:35 pm

((Don't worry Wolf, this is only the beginning. You will have your chance to shine soon enough. :P))

Grall didn't need to be asked twice. He assumed the man would be too yellow to strike first anyways. The mountain man shifted his wait to a defensive stance to stead himself as he gripped his axe with both hands. The metal on his armor bounced slightly over his leather tunic as he moved. Then with a sift thrust, he slammed his axe into the ground, resulting in a mini fissure that speed its way towards his opponent. The crack caused the ground nearby to splinter upwards like piercing swords, swords that would rip this man limb from limb if he wasn't quick enough.

Tidus watched and waiting, unaware of the shadows behind them as two assassins waited. They would not strike yet, not until the battle was heated more and the observers completely captive by it. They simply waited...

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:00 am

Luke smiled as he flipped backwards and glad there was a wall there as he landed on it and shot forward, just within a second of one of the spikes bursting from the ground as it nicked his side as he rolled to the side landing on one knee as he smiled and giggled with Delight. "Wonderful wonderful...slow, big, and stupid...I love this~!" He screamed as he polled out his sword and held it tightly in his left hand as he shifted his weight and style of sword fighting as he held the sword tightly in a guard position as he began to gather energy into the blade. "I hope you like this's like a wave of pure energy that will cut through anything it touches.." he said with a smile as he braced himself.

Anyone who was observant would notice that if he didn't brace he'd be hurt just like anyone else who got hit as he swung the blade and in arc and cut through the air as a dark navy colored wave of Energy flew from the blade flying towards the large man, He know it'd be easy to dodge he made it shoot to low to the ground and easy jump over. He sighed. "Drat I always was a bad aim with that attack best two out of three?" He asked with a smile that showed he was completely serious about the offer.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dex on Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:26 am

Aiden had cut through the opposing forces inside the palace and was making quick work of those around the town. "Captain Renric, we have them on the run sir." Aiden nodded his head and moved forward searching for anyone still on the palace grounds. When the all clear for the palace was given he moved into the general population part of the city where there was less likely to be any opposition. Unable to shake the feeling of something being off he quickened his pace to the main gate, catching the ensuing fight between Grall and Luke. He wouldn't dare step in as that would be a violation of dueling courtesy so he flipped the sword to his back, holstering it and watched the battle from a distance. He had not known Grall personally, but knew he was a fighter to be reckoned with. But Aiden knew the man opposing Grall also followed the Avatar of War and was not to be taken lightly by anyone.

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Re: Hais, The Avatars (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby iowa90 on Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:41 am

Grall didn't even bother himself with the fool's last attack. He stomped his right foot forward and the base he stood on trembled then shoot upward at least five feet. The beastly man leapt forward off the rock, easily passing over the blast of energy. He hurled his axe with ease toward the man. It spun gracefully, ready to cleave warrior in half upon contact. Grall tightened his body into a roll as he hit the ground, slamming his left hard into the paved road as if he was punching the earth itself. The effect was a shatter of rocks hurled towards Luke, creating two separate threats for him. One being the deadly spinning Axe and the other the hail of rocks that followed. Grall would come out of his roll in a Bear stance, ready for anything else the scum had to offer.

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