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a topic in Out of Character, a part of the RPG forum.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mtzetuki on Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:13 pm

So the original one of these is also by me but it's on animenation.. Some technical glitch got me permantly booted from there, so I thought, what better place to redo it then here?! :D
So I hope everyone joins! :)
(PS: this is a ctrl-c and ctrl-v of the original post by me)
-No Godmodding:
"As the rage crept up into his mind, he lost control.. Through fear, he killed him. And there Guy lay.. ."

-Basic rules apply
"You little @#$&%*!!"
"And forced her into the room.."
"YOU GUYS SUCK! You’re horrible at this game!"
"You know what this game reminds me of? NEW tide detergent! Only $4.99 at a retailer near you!"

-No cancelling out another person’s post
Guy 1: "Night fell. The moon crept up slowly.. Guy1 felt his veins pulsing. His fangs grew longer. He turned around. " 'now to finish my meal..' "
Guy2: " ‘Rise and shine sleepyhead!’ guy2 says to guy1. ‘You’re in vegas! Let’s PAAAARTAY!’ "

-Same rules apply from last UHS.
Quote:You may have more than one character, but no more than three, please. Also, keep OOC speak to a minimum if possible. NO GODMODDING! BTW, this is a boarding school, but no male/female roomates please!

Now even though there really is no one denied..

How to Enroll
Unlike the last one, yours can be completely original (unless I read their rules wrong, in which it’s the same) and does not have to be from a manga, comic book, etc.. So this part will differ slightly from the original UHS.

Name: Last, First
Origin: Name of planet, universe, country, state, comic book, tv show, etc..
Age: 00(0)
Gender: Female/Male
Grade: 9th-12th
Hair: color(s)
Eyes: color(s)
Height: 0′0
Weight: 000
Do you smoke? Yes/No (this effects who you are put in a room with)
Why do you want to join UHS? I want to join UHS because..
What are your parents names? Bob and Bobetta
Bio(The one you give the school can be fake or true): I was born in a room with this guy in a place and I grew up in a place with this dude with this hair, and it was like, awesome.
Have you enrolled in school before? Yes/No
If yes, how long? If no, why? 8 years/travelling circus
Special Interests(SCHOOL RELATED OR HOBBIES, anything magic related or anything personal write in personal info below): Reading, Guitar, Math, etc..
Are you social? Yes/No/Maybe/custom (a custom answer can show your low or high self esteem, self hatred or hatred of others, or anything)
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Do you want one, and why? I want one because.. Hekks to the no! I need meh friends! (If you want to have a secluded character, but still want to be social, you can apply for a private room then pm me not to give it to you, to maintain your image. On the other hand, I might just not give one to you.:-" )

Powers: (if applicable) I can shoot monkeys out of my.. Never mind.
Bio: Actually a run away, I’ve come to this school to find my way.
personality: funky
Element: (if applicable) fire/darkness/light/earth/waer/air/ice

How to enroll as a teacher:

Name: Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr./Professor/Mz./none Last name, First Name,
Origin: Name of planet, universe, country, state, comic book, tv show, etc..
Age: 00(0)
Gender: Female/Male
Subjects taught: English (9-12), literature , and creative writing (example)
Hair: color(s)
Eyes: color(s)
Height: 0′0
Weight: 000
Powers(this doesn’t have to be private–show em off in class):
Bio: (personal, the school has already accepted you so they don’t see this)

Subjects: English, History, P.E., Language (you can make one up), Science, Art, Drama, Computer, Music, Dance, Martial Arts, Math, ESL,
(feel free to add sub-subjects, like History: Medieval Greece, or English: Creative writing)

You can have best friends, friends, friends, boyfriends, etc.
You can absolutely start a rumor (IN GAME) about another character, such as they are , gay, a liar, going out with someone else, etc.. And you do not have to say that it is or isn’t true. On the other hand, if you’re figured out by other characters, they have the right to you, are start rumors about YOU. After all, it IS highschool.

Updates, like new clubs, cheerleading, sports, festivals, or special events coming up will be posted by me, or, if someone enrolls to be the DEAN, they will, but PM me asking permission first. You can most certainly pm the dean or me about what you want to happen, and that is fine.

Now that we have the general gist of it.. I’ll start by adding my profile:
Name: Unknown, Aaron
Origin: Unknown
Age: 17 (as far as they know!)
Gender: Male
Grade: 11th
Hair: Black
Eyes: red halos with streaks of black (Here’s a pic.. But the red and black is all the way through, not just on the outsides.…prod97201.html)
Height: 5′8
Weight: 122 (thin)
Do you smoke? No
Why do you want to join UHS? I know all that I need to know. This is merely a distraction from the important things in life. This was not my choice.
What are your parents names? John and Mary
Bio(The one you give the school can be fake or true): New to this area, I have come seeking a greater knowledge of life
Have you enrolled in school before? Yes
If yes, how long? 12 Years.. Offered a skip for every grade.
Special Interests(SCHOOL RELATED OR HOBBIES, anything magic related or anything personal write in PERSONAL info below, not here): Guitar, Nature, Dice, Poetry, Reading,
Are you social? (Custom) An interesting question. I am very social. Not with those that don’t deserve attention. Little high schoolers and pesky scholars are nothing. I speak to the animals.
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Yes. Absolutely. Now.

Powers AND bio: Dicemaster: Not much is known about the dicemaster. They carry pouches with them full of their tricks. This particular dicemaster is very well equipped: Endless stack of blank cards (an illusion makes them look like a simple deck), a pouch (it only accepts certain items), green contacts (to hide eyecolor), endless book of blank pages (yet another illusion. Full of unknown tricks. This includes spells, recipes, traps, pranks, etc. The most common one known is used on the mouth to hide fangs. In this particular dicemaster, fangs are hidden until midnight, and are hidden again at 1:00.), and extensive knowledge of illusions and mind manipulation (this does not mean mind control. That would be godmodding. This dicemaster only knows how to use it for learning academic knowledge. This is a major cheat, causing him to be better than everyone else at many things– though an arrogant and pompous boy, he chooses not to do so at all times.) And many little items in their pouch. A lone and rogue dicemaster, not much is known about his past. Although very powerful and seemingly ‘wise’ most of it is an illusion. He is very arrogant and it is very possible to hurt his feelings–he hides it with sarcasm and other petty tricks.
personality: Secluded
Element: Luck, Darkness, Dice,
Real name kept hidden
doesn’t know how old he really is
would never admit to not knowing something
very arrogant
Very powerful, very smart, very strong

I will also add the first professor:
Name: Madamousielle Rosa
Origin: Unknown. Rumor is she is a vampire.
Age: 27 (indefinitely)
Gender: Female
Subjects taught: Gymnastics, Martial arts, Literature, substitute for P.E., every grade level at different times during the year
Hair: dark red, sometimes worn down, usually spiky (in an Alice Cullen way)
Eyes: emerald green
Height: 5′8
Weight: 117 (model thin.. not anorexic)
Powers: Super swiftness without sound, strength, etc.
Bio: Very chipper and happy, she is very alice cullen-like. The essence of beauty, most boys secretly hope to be in her class. Always bouncing around, she has a very thick ccent.. Though often mistaken for french, she speaks with perfect clarity, and it is more exotic then that. Her voice can be deep and slow (very transylvanian) or high and fast (ALICE CULLEN!). Pixie-like and loving to teach, there’s something about her..

Join now!

Oh.. and unlike a normal school day, there are 9 periods. Don’t worry. I’ll be the school bell.

Sort it like this:
Mon: P.1:,P.2:,P.3:,P.4:,P.5:,P.6:,P.7:,P.8:, P.9:,. Lunch is inbetween 5 and 6.
Tues: P.1:,P.2:,P.3:,P.4:,P.5:,P.6:,P.7:,P.8:, P.9:,.
Wed: P.1:,P.2:,P.3:,P.4:,P.5:,P.6:,P.7:,P.8:, P.9:,.
Thu: P.1:,P.2:,P.3:,P.4:,P.5:,P.6:,P.7:,P.8:, P.9:,.
Fri: P.1:,P.2:,P.3:,P.4:,P.5:,P.6:,P.7:,P.8:, P.9:,.
Feel free to add any sort of elective I haven’t mentioned, like cooking or something.
Have fun!!

Teacher positions wanted/need/possible:
Art, History of

Celtic Studies
Classical Civilizations
Classical Languages

Theater, Dance and Performance Studies

Integrative Biology
Molecular and Cell Biology
Plan I
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Plan II
Cell and Developmental Biology
Public Health


Atmospheric Science
Environmental Earth Science
Marine Science
Applied Mathematics
Gender and Women's Studies
Native Earth-ian Studies
Political Science
Social Welfare
Peace and Conflict Studies
Political Economy of Industrial Societies
Religious Studies
Legal Studies

Add more!

Languages: Make them up before hand. If you teach a language, write down the origins of the language and stuff below.

9th grade students:
10th grade students
11th grade students
12th grade students



head librarian-
student librarian-
library workers-


Oh, btw.. Soon there'll be after-school jobs if you want them.^^
Keep joining!
Last edited by Mtzetuki on Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:39 pm, edited 6 times in total.
Please click on these eggs! If you click on all three of these eggs, then PM me asking for a riddle, and get THAT right (there'll be a different one for each person) then I will give you a special prize! I promise, it's not a 'hug' or something. It's tangible, and you'll WUVZ it! There's also a special test to see if you actually clicked all the eggs.. >:)
Image Image Image

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby castersage on Sun Mar 29, 2009 11:48 pm

Name: Colour, Khaki
Origin: The World That Never Was.(made up character.)
Age: 16
Gender: Male(ish)
Grade: 10th
Hair: Dark brown..

((Description- Tan, pale brown skin, but has a Carmel glow. His facial features are young, elegant, knave and bold, he could easily be mistaken for a twenty-three year old or a thirteen year old, for he has no facial hair, his face is soft and clean, without any blemishes, cuts, or marks . He is tall for his age, and he is very skinny, he has only a little muscle, and looks like he barely eats, but manages a six pack that barley shows. His hair is long and dark brown, soft and though its thin there is enough on his head to look as if his hair was thick, it ends to the bottom of his neck, and then it layers up in big incision to were it reaches eye level, laying on his eyes. His eyes show innocents to all that gets close enough to him to actually see them, They are round, and he has naturally long curled eyelashes, The most particular thing about his eyes is that they are a odd color. His eye color is like glassy threads of yellow, Harlequin (light) green, dodger blue, and silver, with a barrier of teal. His teeth are pearly white, that hides behind thin but full lips, that don't look chapped what so ever. He has a lip piercing on the right side of his bottom lip, and his earlobes are pierced on both sides, including one cartilage piercing on his right ear, that can be seen though his thin hair. He only has one tattoo, and that is the one of a blue rose that petals look to be falling off, which is located on his upper thigh, southwest from his navel.))

Eyes: Witches hazel (Explains in description)
Height: 5'8
Weight: 124.5
Do you smoke? No
Why do you want to join UHS? Well, I was hoping that it would help me figure out who I really am. If I was ever really destined to amount to anything...If I'm truly human.
What are your parents names? The World...that's all I know.
Bio(The one you give the school can be fake or true): Um, I was born on The World That Never Was, and born from it. I believe that I am its child, since I know nothing of my parents. If I had any.
Have you enrolled in school before? No
If yes, how long? If no, why? Because, I didn't have the opportunity to find my way off of the World. One day, Hearts started flying everywhere, and I blinked and i found out about something called "school".
Special Interests(SCHOOL RELATED OR HOBBIES, anything magic related or anything personal write in personal info below): I like singing and making Coffee. Magical stuff? Um, well I have Blue Magic...otherwise, I learn from others.
Are you social? No...ish. I don't know really. I might be socially awkward.
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Do you want one, and why? I just want someone to room with. Whose nice?

Powers: Blue Magic and some White Magic. Blue magic like I learn through survival of being attacked, so far I've survived being Poisoned, Cursed, and Shocked(Lightning)...therefore I can perform these...Blue magic only works if I'm not afraid of the attack. White magic, as such Healing wounds and aliments.
Bio: I can't explain how I got to this world...
personality: Quiet..To myself? I try to branch out though...
Element: Holy...and whatever doesn't kill me.
Name: I made it up but...Khaki Colour...
Etc: I'm not that strong...but I'm not defenseless..I try to get to know someone before i make judgments.

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ICryForAFamily on Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:39 am

Name: Crystal, Claire (made up)
Origin: Im not sure where i actualy came from
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Grade: 10th
Hair: length until my weights, long and Jet black with red highlight streak on my bangs
Eyes: jet black
Height: 5 exact
Weight: 110.5
Do you smoke? no
Why do you want to join UHS? well not really...i was forced to...
What are your parents names? (Foster) Ruby and Coal Crystal
Bio(The one you give the school can be fake or true): I don't know where I came from but i ended up at the door way of my foster parents. They took me in and raised me and raised as if i was tier own daughter. I had just found out that they adopted me; they never told me i just found out and i they lost my trust in them.
Have you enrolled in school before? No
If yes, how long? If no, why? I had issues with the other kids and adults around me. So Ruby and Coal decided to home school me.
Special Interests(SCHOOL RELATED OR HOBBIES, anything magic related or anything personal write in personal info below): Writing, Music, and Dark magic
Are you social? Not really; I don’t usually make the first move in any relationship (Friends, Love etc.) but once i get use to someone i guess i become less shy. I have really low self esteem , trust issues and little hatred for others. I usually like to be left alone...
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Do you want one, and why? No thanks. I’d like to try to gain some friends if its possible...
Powers: I have the ability to control some one’s shadow and use it to monitor / spy someone. I also have slight control of the darkness and can transfer someone‘s pain to another person.
Bio: I don’t know who my real parents are or where i came from. I just know my foster parents found me in the woods when i was 5.
personality: Shy and quiet
Element: Shadow
Name: Real name unknown
Seems weak but I’m powerful
Veteran rolepayer.
-sigh- I should be ashamed

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MaliceInWonderland on Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:46 am

Name: Marcfu,Lanae
Origin: Second Solar System
Age: 17 ( In Second Solar System), 3017 (in First Solar System, which is this one)
Gender: Female
Grade: 12th
Hair: color(s) Silver
Eyes: color(s) Grey
Height: 5'6
Weight: 150
Do you smoke? No, It will make me bleed from every pores in my skin
Why do you want to join UHS? I want to join UHS because.. I am interested in the many cultures of the First Solar System
What are your parents names? Sanla and Marton Marcuf
Bio(The one you give the school can be fake or true): I was born on in Second Solar System, I became interested in the First when myparent landed on Earth many years ago and brought back interesting things like music, books and other things. They sent me to the school so I could learn more of this world and possibly teach those from my solar system
Have you enrolled in school before? Yes
If yes, how long? If no, why? Yes/ The School of Rah'Shee for Gifted Girls
Special Interests; Music, Dancing, Singing, Drawing, Math, Reading, Science, but mainly History
Are you social? Yes but a little shy
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Do you want one, and why? No I would not I would like to have other people to share a room with

Powers: super strength, super speed, the power to create illusions and control over shadows, regeneration, Nerve gas emission, Phasing, Poison Emission ,Primal Rage, Shatter, and Telescopic Vision ( All Dark Magic)
Bio: Actually a run away, I’ve come to this school to find my way.
personality: Sweet, Kind heart and Graceful.
Element: Darkness
Name: Lanae
"I run in triangles, I'm a rebel, I don't do circles"

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mtzetuki on Mon Mar 30, 2009 5:53 pm

Guys.. All magic relates stuff write in PERSONAL page.. :]
Oh, I would also like to mention that powers that are very strong (such as lanae's) should remain undiscovered until later in the game (by other people, at the least). Just a mentioning.. The dean is the only one with no clue about powers so keep away anything from him. Need more people before we can start, keep em coming :]

We need teachers! Keep in mind that a witch could do cooking class, a technopath could be a computer teacher, a vampire could do p.e, etc! You can be a stupid no-one likes teacher, a teacher everyone likes, or an old fashioned teacher that some appreciate and others don't. Please, join! I'm going to check off positions in the first post. Come on guys, hurry! :]

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Blackenedheart on Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:07 pm

Name: Winter Summers
Origin: New York City
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearence: Image (This is the form she usually chooses, refer to personal for info)
Height: 5ft (subject to change)
Weight:110 (subject to change)
Do you smoke?: No
Why do you want o join UHS?: Winter wants to join UHS to gain knowledge, meet new friends, and to get away from her old life.
What are your parents names?: Unknown
Bio(The one you give the school can be fake or true): Winter's mother died giving birth to her, and her father put her in an orphange, blaming her for his love's death. When she was 5 years old, scientists 'adopted' her, and took her away to their facility. There they preformed cruel and exceedingly painful experiments and showed no mercy for her tears. Finally, the goverment got a hold of what was going on and intervened, giving her a LOT of money to keep quiet. She moved to New York City and lived there for a time.
Have you enrolled in school before? Yes
If yes, how long?: 2 years
Special Interests:reading, writing, long walks, studying nature, singing and writing music.
Are you social?: Winter wants to have friends, but was raised to be wary of other people.
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Do you want one, and why?: Winter wants a private room so she doesn't have to worry about people watching her all the time.-

Powers: (if applicable):Can transform into any mammal, and therefore change her appearence at will
Image Image

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zarian on Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:17 pm

Name: Landin, Charles
Origin: Cincinnati, Ohio - Earth
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: 11th
Appearance: Image
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 139
Do you smoke? No
Why do you want to join UHS? I want to join UHS because of the opportunity for a better educational experience to further my chances of being successful in the future.
What are your parents names? Michelle and Thomas Landin
Bio: I was born in Cincinnati Ohio, at Fort Hamilton Hospital. I was raised an only child, and attended normal school until I hit highschool. I became a little rebellious after I reached my teenage years, and have had to move from school to school because of this.
Have you enrolled in school before? Yes
If yes, how long? If no, why? I was enrolled for nine years. My tenth year was done as home schooling.
Special Interests: Playing the saxophone and games. I love to read stories, and write them as well.
Are you social? Yes, I am.
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Do you want one, and why?: No, I do not need a private room. I tend to like social situations.

Powers: He is able to strengthen the base element of any object, making it more impervious to breaking.
Bio: He always felt like an outcast as he grew up. He was always made fun of for his extra-ordinary appearance. He was never really liked by anybody growing up, which made him act out in strange ways, eventually leading to his year of home schooling. He decided to try school once more, and put in an enrollment paper at this new High School.
personality: He's pretty sociable, with guys. He hasn't had many good experiences with girls, so he tends to shy away from them.
Element: None
(I didn't know what to put for Etc, so I just got rid of it. I'll edit it back in if you absolutely need it.)
Last edited by Zarian on Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Over the hills and far away, he swears he will return one day.
Far from the mountains and the seas, back in her arms is where he'll be.

Over the hills and far away, she prays he will return one day.
As sure as the rivers reach the seas, back in his arms is where she'll be.

-Nightwish, Over the Hills and Far Away

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby dannigrl on Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:33 pm

Name: Sycthe, Miranda
Origin: Unknown
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Looks: ... mo/Mad.jpg
Grade: 11
Hair: Dark brown w/ light brown hightlights
Eyes: Solid brown
Height: 5' 6
Weight: 127
Do you smoke? No
Why do you want to join UHS? I want to join UHS because..I need to expand my powers, I like to be around more simple-minded people, its easier to tell them riddles and puzzles.
What are your parents names? Unknown, always been alone, even her foster parents gave me up.
Bio.: Was given up as a child, after a year with foster parents, they too abandoned her. She took up gambling and riddles, and has earned a little cash because of it.
Have you enrolled in school before? No
If yes, how long? If no, why? Always been alone, just now tricked the head master into letting me stay here.
Special Interests(SCHOOL RELATED OR HOBBIES, anything magic related or anything personal write in personal info below): Math, Puzzles, People.
Are you social? Yes & No. I like to be around people so I can trick them & tell riddles. No, i'd rather be learning more riddles & puzzles rather then go on with mindless chatter.
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Yes. If someone shared the room, they might figure out the answer to the riddles.
Powers: Extremely smart, I'm full of tricks and puzzles. You want something you'll have to solve a puzzle first. I always keep more cards with questions on them incase for some insane, rare reason, you get the question right. Most of the questions I have for you are trick questions.
Bio: Abandoned at birth, has schemed her way through life up 2 this point.
personality: Mysterious, and curious. Always ready to learn a new puzzle or riddle.
Element: Trickery, deceit
Name: dannigrl
Etc: ?

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mtzetuki on Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:47 pm

Name: Luna, Arabella
Origin: Garden of Tulips
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Grade: 10th
Appearance: ... ao.jpg?o=6
Hair: same style as in picture, except darker, and slightly longer
Eyes: like in pic but more purple
Height: 5'6
Weight: 98
Do you smoke? Nope!
Why do you want to join UHS? Why wouldn't I wanna join? Sounds like fun!
What are your parents names? None!
Bio(The one you give the school can be fake or true): Hi! I came here on a scholarship! They call me smart for some reason.. Anway, I think this year will be FUN!
Have you enrolled in school before? Nope!
If yes, how long? If no, why? There are more important things in life.. Like flower gardens!!
Special Interests(SCHOOL RELATED OR HOBBIES, anything magic related or anything personal write in personal info below): Anything fun!
Are you social? Totally! Friends are my..47th middle name! Right before chipper.
We have a certain amount of private rooms. No way! I LOVE people!

Powers: Keymaster! I love my playing cards.. Especially the hearts. I love the hearts! Oh, and I'm super fast.. and can fly, but I mean, who can't?! Oh yeah, I can talk to animals..
Bio: I'm a fairy! I got my wings taken away which bummed me out.. But I can still fly! Yay me!
personality: Chipper, Happy, Annoying, Jumpy, Excited, Never sleep
Element: Air, Water, Ice
Name: Arabella Luna
Etc: I LOVE fun!


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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:10 pm

Name: Yumi Suzumiya
Origin: Kyoto, Japan Earth
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Grade: 10th
Appearance: Image
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5' 2
Weight: 100
Do you smoke? no
Why do you want to join UHS? Sounds fun.
What are your parents names? Sousuke and Yuki
Bio: Sent to study abroad here because of hi grades and exam averages.
Have you enrolled in school before? No
If yes, how long? If no, why? Personal reasons
Special Interests: Drawing, Science, Math, Cooking, Piano
Are you social? No
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Do you want one, and why? no

Powers: Elemental mage. Can control the elements to a certain extent. Hasn't mastered it yet.
Bio: Above is true
personality: Shy, helpful
Element: Darkness, Light, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Steel
Name: Yumi Suzumiya
There is a place within each of us where we cannot escape the truth; where virtue sits as judge. To admit the truth of our actions is to go before that court, where process is irrelevant. Good and evil are intents, and intent is without excuse.

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nyim on Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:37 pm

Name: Ryleigh Zaphyr
Origin: Unknown
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Grade: 10th
Hair: Raven Black
Eyes: Silverish-purple, deep
Height: 5 '5'
Weight: 116
Do you smoke? No (this effects who you are put in a room with)
Why do you want to join UHS? I want to join UHS because its the only other place I have left to go. I have no refuge against my enemies except for here.
What are your parents names? Unknown
Bio(The one you give the school can be fake or true): I was born in a run down hospital in 'who knows where' and instantly given away to an orphanage. The orphanage was cruel, keeping me locked in my room with nothing but lint to feed upon. I was hungry. In that room I realized my true potential and I attacked the house keepers. Of course the law cam so I ran and ran, until I reached the brink of my own destruction. I kept in hiding for two years in My forest. I knew I wouldn't last my whole life out there so I ran to the nearest town and recieved my first education and now I wish to enroll here.
Have you enrolled in school before? In a way
If yes, how long? If no, why? I have been taught basics of reading, writing, math, science, and histrory for the past 3 years.
Special Interests(SCHOOL RELATED OR HOBBIES, anything magic related or anything personal write in personal info below): Writing, All music, Nature, the unnatural
Are you social? Yes/No/Maybe/custom Shy but social
We have a certain amount of private rooms. Do you want one, and why? I want one because.. Hekks to the no! I need meh friends!

Powers: Shapeshifter, Elemental Beasts
Bio: Real bio unknown, she herself doesn't even know. Where she got her knowledge is unknown as well.
personality: Shy and mysterious
Element: Darkness
Name: Ryleigh Zaphyr
Etc: She has many pets and animals, spell books, and witch craftery stuff.

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zarian on Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:44 pm

YAY! Nyim hath joined us! :D I think I'm the weakest one here. *Checks the list of students, and nods.* Pretty much...

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nyim on Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:48 pm

Yay, I didn't see Zarian there!! YAY! YAY! I can't wait for this to start. Zarian needs to post in the Mutant RPG and join the Gods RP OOC as Poseidon's son :)

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mtzetuki on Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:35 pm

Cool! This is going great. I hope more people can join.. Maybe you guys could help advertise?^^ So don't worry about an OOC form. When the game starts, just write ((OOC: Blah blah blah blah blah blah)).
Also, seeing as no one wants to be the professor, I guess I'll just have to be the professor myself..
And why don't you want Zarian to join? O_O
Remember you can have up to 3 students, so if yours is weak.. Make a stronger one.^^

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Re: High School RPG: A new Year

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:43 pm

Can I play a professor and a student?

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Re: High School RPG:A New Year (MORE BOYS PLZ!OPENS APRIL 5TH!!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mtzetuki on Wed Apr 01, 2009 5:49 pm

Absolutely. You can have up to three characters total, so you can. Keep en mind that you'll have to be very active to keep up with more then one character, especially if they are two different things.
Also, s can have boy characters (Like me!^^) if they want. It's ROLEPLAY! :D

Professor Template:
Name: Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr./Professor/Mz./none Last name, First Name,
Origin: Name of planet, universe, country, state, comic book, tv show, etc..
Age: 00(0)
Gender: Female/Male
Subjects taught: English (9-12), literature , and creative writing (example)
Hair: color(s)
Eyes: color(s)
Height: 0′0
Weight: 000
Powers(this doesn’t have to be private–show em off in class):
Bio: (personal, the school has already accepted you so they don’t see this)

Subjects: English, History, P.E., Language (you can make one up), Science, Art, Drama, Computer, Music, Dance, Martial Arts, Math, ESL,
(feel free to add sub-subjects, like History: Medieval Greece, or English: Creative writing)

Hope this helps! :]

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Re: High School RPG:A New Year (MORE BOYS PLZ!OPENS APRIL 5TH!!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:11 pm

Name: Mr. Curow, Raven
Origin: Gaia 3 of the Orion system
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Subjects taught: English grade 10, P.E., Martial Arts, Power Control {Subject from his planet and other schools that teach the control of powers.)
Appearance: Image
Hair: Raven Black
Eyes: Pitch black save a ring of silver around where the irises should be
Height: 6' 2
Weight: 185
Powers(this doesn’t have to be private–show em off in class): Elemental Control, Various magic, telekinetics, telepathic,
Bio: Raven was put in charge of an observation mission to observe the development of Earth life. Unfortunately, during a routine systems check his ship was struck by an asteroid and plummeted to Earth. At first he only wanted to repair his ship and return home but after observing for a while he came to enjoy the planet. Since he used to be a teacher on his planet he decided to do the same here.

Subjects: English 10, Martial Arts,
Last edited by Vain on Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: High School RPG:A New Year (MORE BOYS PLZ!OPENS APRIL 5TH!!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mtzetuki on Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:52 pm

Vain: Teachers cannot teach anything related to powers. If you want to be that kind of teacher, you will have to do it after school. What I mean by that, is if there is a student who actually calls upon you for help (which is very unlikely) then you will have to do it secretly. The Dean does not know about magic (it's the school joke, that the owner of the school doesn't realize it's a magical school), so you would be fired if he ever saw you using it.

Also, the only powers TEACHERS can't have (it'd make school less fun) is mind reading. if this is what you meant by telekinesis, then I'm afraid you can't have it.. :)

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Re: High School RPG:A New Year (MORE BOYS PLZ!OPENS APRIL 5TH!!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:54 pm

Telekinesis is the power to move objects with the mind. Telepathic is the ability to communicate with the mind. Telepathics can sometimes read minds but he doesn't have that ability.

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Re: High School RPG:A New Year (MORE BOYS PLZ!OPENS APRIL 5TH!!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mtzetuki on Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:40 pm

3 days! You should start writing down your pre-orientation. (ex: I got off the plane. I tasted the air! It tasted like.. Pollution. Great. Another boring run down school where I'm the freak with the powers..) Orientation's a big deal! Start advertising the rp so people who joing won't miss it!

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