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Letters from home...

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Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Fri Nov 11, 2011 12:41 am

A soldier signs up for a military pen pal type program where someone at home sends letters, packages etc. The girl talks to this character like she knows him, gives him news updates and sends all his favorite things. They become close and she seems to think they’re falling in love. He gets leave in 2 weeks and doesn’t have much to go home too. She sends a plane ticket in the mail, will he take it?

Character Sheet: ... =419&h=314 ... oming1.jpg

Justin Shipp
Age: 21
Air Defense Us Army

A little harder than most men due to being deployed in the military not much family back at home and very lonely overseas. Likes everything about the army, but is happy to be getting home soon. He's sick of being cut off from the world and missing his favorite things from home.
"And when someone apologizes to you enough times for things they’ll never stop doing, I think it’s FEARLESS to stop believing them. It’s FEARLESS to say “you’re NOT sorry”, and walk away. I think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is FEARLESS. Letting go is FEARLESS. Then, moving on and being alright…That’s FEARLESS too." - Taylor Swift

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:08 am


Name: Emily Bronte
Age: 21
Occupation: Secrety for a law firm

Emily was an only child growing up so she can appreciate being alone. At the same time she was always jealous of others. Now that she is living on her own, alone, in New York City she doesn't really know what she wants any longer and has begun to look for something more than the hand she had dealt to her.

Dear Soldier,

This is rather awkward for me to do as we have never met. I was encouraged by a friend to start myself in this pen pal program. I was told this letter is given out randomly to a soldier signed up with the program. I would like to thank you for your service and your courage for staying over there to keep us at home safe.

The first few things I suppose you should know about me is that I am a woman. I am 21 and I am a secretary in a law firm in New York City. I have a small apartment, a goldfish named Donovan, and I am a voracious reader.

I wish I could say more, but I do not know what else to say. I do hope that you are in good spirits.

Emily Bronte

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:20 am

Justin was kind of shocked to get someone writing to him his own age. He expected to get a school kid writing because they had to or something like that but maybe it would be nice to talk to a girl his own age. He quickly pulled out some paper and wrote back to the letter he received and sent it off the next day.

Dear Emily,

I suppose these are kind of awkward. Thank you for signing up as it can get quite lonely over here, especially for the soldiers who don't have much family writing or sending care packages from home. Thank you for your support in my time serving.

My name is Justin, I am 21 as well and work in the air defense sector of my base. Basically, I fly around a lot, and if we're ever attack I would be flying while the other guys shot to the ground or other aircrafts. I live here on base, in the barracks - which means I share a rickety bed in a room with 12 other men, we have a dog here on base and in my spare time I also enjoy reading.

In the same boat, not sure what more to say besides thank you again. Spirits are good here and sending my best to you.

Justin Shipp

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:35 pm

It had been a little over a week since Emily had sent her letter off when she received a response from him. She was rather pleased to see that so far they seemed a bit similar. At least for now it would be nice exchanging letters and getting to know him.

Dear Justin,

I am rather sorry to hear that things get lonely. If you do not mind my asking, but does your family write you a lot? I was an only child growing up and I left home right after my high school graduation. I certainly can understand getting lonely but then I realize I might not even be great company since I've always been more of a loner.

I can't even imagine sharing quarters with twelve people, let alone twelve men. I suppose it must be loud and rowdy with them around.

I have never actually flown in a plane. Is that strange? Flying for the air force must be different then a commercial flight. How long have you flown?

How long have you been out there?


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:41 am

There's not very many people waiting for me at home, just my dad. No brothers or sisters. He tends to be stubborn and hated that I joined the military. He sends gifts for holidays and the occasional letter. I get lonely, but then think about what I'm doing and it's not so bad. I also pick on the scraps from other people's care packages, from their wives etc.

You're right, it is roudy, and loud. The majority of them love to drink and usually stumble back here late at night from the bars on base. However, you will never find a guy cleaner than a military guy, so it stays neat.

It's strange to me. I've always loved flying and knew when I joined the air force I wanted to fly. It is actually close, just a bit more training they give you before you exit if you decide you want it. Myself? I plan to stay in the military until I retire. One day it will end but until then, I'm taken care of well.

8 months. I am here for 10. Almost home stretch! It really is great hearing from you. Thank you again for writing me.


P.S. I've thrown some pictures of the base here and one of myself into the letter, just so you have an idea. Don't feel obligated to send one back!

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:25 am

[i]Dear Justin,

I am sorry to hear that you don't have many waiting for you at home. Why is he so against you joining the military? I am sorry that you get lonely. Even though your sacrifice is great and what you do is very honorable does not mean you should be left alone.

I suppose it is ironic then to have loud, rowdy, and drunk men only to turn around and see your barrack perfectly clean. I am personally not one for neatness. I do enjoy a clean house but often I am too tired from work or am too busy to bother with cleaning.

Flying must be a thrill. I do hope one day that I can experience it.

Wow! You don't have too long after all then. I actually enjoy writing to you.

The pictures were nice. Thank you for sending them. I do not feel at all obligated to send you one back, but I think that you deserve it.

Oh! I nearly forgot. I was curious as to what they feed you. Is the food good?


PS I want to send you a care package. What do you like?

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:21 pm

We are really all each other had, he thinks my plane is going to get shot down and Im never going to come back, so he doesn't want me to join. He doesn't see the benefits, health insurance, paid schooling and training, brotherhood that I never experienced as a child, etc.

I don't bother at home either, but when it gets messy it's almost habit for me to clean it up.

I get a month and a few days of leave when I get out of here, then decide to re-enlist or exit the military. I will most likely re-enlist. I am enjoying writing as well, and receiving your letters. I find myself checking the mail a little too often now a days.

Your pictures were nice as well! You are beautiful if you don't mind me saying.

Food is okay..not that great when you eat on base, and is usually recycled for a few days. We usually order from a lebanese place here in town, or eat things families send in care packages, cookies, tuna packets, ramen noodles. Ah the life! ha-ha!

If you'd like to send a care package I am a sucker for food! As long as it will stay over shipping (Usually dry stuff, granola bars, instant meals, easy mac. I'd actually kill for some popcorn. And I always go through socks underwear, bug spray eye drops etc. like they're water. We're not allowed to receive liquor. We gotta write that!

I think I covered everything! I think you said you like to read, What is your favorite book?


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:34 pm


When you have your leave are you going to go visit your father?

I enjoy receiving your letters too. I feel a little lame considering it is usually the highlight of my day.

Thank you for saying that. I often feel that I wasn't hired for any of the skills I use. You'd be surprised at the old and bland men that are stuck as lawyers. Too often I think they hired me only because I was young an easier to look at then the old secretary.

That sounds rather frightfully terrible. I'm sure the Lebanese have great food but I think I would miss the conviences of my own kitchen. I enjoy cooking when I have the energy to do so. I actually wanted to be a chef all through high school. I suppose that is my one unlived dream.

I'm glad to hear that your requests were fairly easy to find. I sent this letter before your care package. When you get it I hope you should find what you asked for. I do not know if it will make it through mail security but I hope it does. Hopefully you can enjoy your own bit from home.

I really enjoy reading. I mostly love the classics. While I enjoy a good romance I am not shy when it comes to reading Moby Dick or Les Miserables. I've always retreated to books. I feel it is a safe haven for me in a world that is cruel and cold.


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:48 pm

I tend to read books that are more modern, maybe Augusten Burroughs A wolf at the table or Scott Sigler, Infected have to be my favorites. The second is about a zombie apocalypse and pretty cool. I mostly picked up reading out here, with not much to do it's nice to escape into a good book.

I didn't have the chance to write for a few days but got your package the day after your letter. It is great! Thanks so much. I definitely enjoyed a big bag of popcorn as soon as I got it. I am a fairly good cook which makes it hard out here, if only we had a kitchen I'd probably cook for everyone.

I am not quite sure for leave yet, I know I will have to visit my dad at some point but might also take a vacation or something crazy. I've been wanting to just escape and lay on the beach now for 8 months.

Go for the cooking dream! Take a class or something.

He packaged his letter this time with a little bit of his own care package in an oversized envelope. Copies of his 2 favorite books and a spatula he managed to snag from the depot on base and sent it off.

Thanks again for the care package! It was great.

Justin [/i]

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:56 pm


I haven't really read those before. Zombie apocolypse has never really been my thing, though I did once have a dream about it. I was very happy when my alarm went off that morning. The whole zombie thing is rather frightening when you think about it. Do you suppose there might ever be one?

I'm glad you enjoyed the package.

You should visit your father. I'm sure that he misses you more than he would care to admit outloud.

I don't have time for cooking. Right now my boss has a big case and has me on the clock nearly 24/7. It's actually three in the morning right now. This was honestly the only time I've found to write you.


PS Thanks for the books and the spatula. The spatula actually assisted me in making an omelet the other day and I have to say I was impressed. I'll try to find time to read the books.

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:12 pm

I doubt it. I imagine something similar though. Some kind of plague, a disease where you walk around like a zombie for a few days, and then eventually die. Like the Ebola virus or something. If there is though, I've got hours of zombie killing skills via x-box.

I definitely plan to visit him, don't know if I can take him trying to talk me out of re-enlisting for a whole month though. Every conversation with him will ultimately end in that whether it's about kittens or about the war.

It's 3AM here too.. got your letter tonight when I went to post and couldn't sleep so decided to wake up and write you.

I'm glad the spatula came in handy. Keep the books for a rainy day - after your cooking class!


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:18 pm


I suppose that makes more sense. It makes you wonder if that is where they originally got the zombie apocaplyse in the first place. I'm sure all of that wasted time shooting zombies on your xbox will definitely come in handy when we do have a mass zombie outbreak.

You said there aren't many people back here in the states for you. I know this isn't much, but if you need somewhere to stay before you re-enlist and you can't stand your father anymore I have a spare bedroom. I only offer because I think everyone deserves to have a place to stay where they can feel welcomed.

Have you been in very many fights over there?

I will definitely save them for a rainy day. Thanks again!


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:35 pm

Thanks for the offer, maybe I'll take you up on it! Maybe I will come visit either way. That is... if you can still stand me after another month of writing. Can't believe it's been a month since we started writing. But that means I'm in the home stretch.. 28 days left.

Only one surprisingly, I try not to be a part of the drunken crazyness that my barracks participate in. A few beers every now and then after a long day, that's all. The fight I got in was with another barrack who was trash talking the AF to my friend. They started and I felt the need to jump in.

Thinking about it more. I'd love to visit. Even if for a few days you seem like a great girl! I think we'd get along.


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:39 pm


I'm sure I won't be tired of you between now and then. I immensely enjoy your letters. The month feels as though it has flown by. The case I told you we were working on went on to an appeal. That means more work for me.

Just one? That is surprising.

I agree. I have a feeling we would get along very well outside of these letters. It might be fun to have someone else around other than my goldfish. Let me know when you want to come and I'll make sure my apartment isn't a complete and utter disaster.

I've got to finish this letter now. My boss thinks I'm taking notes in our meeting...maybe I should do that.


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Sat Nov 12, 2011 2:04 pm

Justin was really starting to enjoy getting these letters and found himself checking the mail constantly for one. He couldn't believe he was going to fly out and meet a girl he met through a pen pal program, but the more he thought about it more he was sure he wanted to and excited.

Sorry It's been so long since I got a letter out. We went out for a few days and just got back. It's currently 5:32AM here and again, I can't sleep. Maybe it's the excitement of a mission and just getting back, or maybe I just couldn't wait to write you back.

That case sure sounds like a lot of work, I hope your boss makes good money on it! Ha.

I am looking at coming home on December 1st, which means, 2 weeks with dad, 2 weeks vacation and possibly a week with you? Then I will get re-stationed and know where I go from there, when I re-enlist.

If email is easier, and faster we could save postage JMSHIPP@AF.MIL
Hope to hear from you soon and that by now your work is a little less,

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Nov 12, 2011 8:36 pm

Emily was rather distracted with her work as she was looking forward to him coming out to visit her. She also decided to email him as it would be quicker than mail.


I think that email is a fabulous idea. Save the trees right?

That should work out just fine. We are usually slow during December so I could show you around New York some if that is something you'd like.

I finally cracked open one of the books you sent me. I'm only a couple chapters in but I've found it to be intriguing. Thanks again for it.


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:59 pm

Glad you emailed me! now I don't have to walk to the post and check that damn mailbox everyday.. oh and save the trees too!

That would be great! I've never been to New York so that will be great, especially during December. You'll have to take me to that giant Christmas tree in the Home Alone movies. Know what I'm talking about?

I'm glad you like it. Hopefully you can manage through it.


It was just two weeks until Justin was being deployed back home. He couldn't wait honestly, mostly to see Emily for the first time, the weeks vacation before was pretty exciting as well. He decided to go out on a limb and send another email.

Would work be slow enough for you to come on vacation with me the week before? I can send you a flight. Seems like you need to get away! Think about it.

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:50 pm


It's the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center that you're thinking about. It is quite impressive and something to behold. I'll definitely take you and make sure that you see it. It's much more grand in person than any picture or movie you've seen it on.

Also, if you don't mind ice-skating they have an arena here in the city that's really fun. Maybe we could go do that for when you come up?


Emily had kept on e-mailing Justin about her work, books, and other silliness. It wasn't until he was on his last two weeks that she received an e-mail from him asking if she wanted to go on vacation. Emily hadn't been on an actual vacation for over a year. She had a hard time saying no to her boss and usually worked through holidays even.

It was a couple days before Emily replied. She only knew Justin through their letters and e-mails. He seemed like a great guy, and even though she would never admit it outloud, she had developed a silly crushed for him. It wasn't until one particular hard day at work where her boss yelled at her that she decided she would go.


I apologize for not replying sooner. Your offer was rather surprising to get. I didn't know how to write back. I thought about it long and hard, and you're right. I do need to get away and I definitely deserve a break. I think it would be fun to go on vacation with you. Where is it you're thinking of?


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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby maddenbaby on Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:02 pm

Justin took a big breath and tried to regain his computer. It was pure relief when he got the email back from Emily. He hadn't heard from her in almost a week and he was worried he'd scared her off. He had developed almost.. a crush on the girl.. even though he hadn't met her he truly felt like he knew her.

Way to give me a heart attack. I thought I scared you off. I'm sorry if I came off creepy at all.

I was thinking somewhere warm, maybe the bahamas? What are your thoughts. Try to let me know so I can get you a ticket before I leave here next week. Talk to you soon.

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Re: Letters from home...

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sun Nov 13, 2011 7:16 pm


I really do apologize for waiting so long. It's just that I haven't even had a decent date for over a year and now you offer to take me with you on your vacation. You can imagine it was quite a bit to think about. Though I feel I can trust you, and I don't think you would try to crazy murder me. :)

Warm sounds wonderful. We have had a couple snow storms here and I definitely am wishing for warmer temperatures. I do love the snow, but it makes me feel terribly lonely. I haven't spent Christmas with anyone since I was a kid. It is positively the worst time of year to have no friends or family.

I think the Bahamas is a good idea. Just tell me the time and place and I'll get my own ticket. I would hate for you to have to deal with that.


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