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Lost links [ic, closed]

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Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:06 pm

Based on 'Sinners & Saints' by Ariki.
Do not post if you are not Ariki or wednesdaysun.

"I have yet to understand what lies ahead. I've lived more than three hundred years trying to find even just one of them, but I haven't. It seems that this search is pointless, and yet every time I think about it, I know I must. It is why I am still here. Alive. Or barely. Without a beating heart. He marred my flesh, and gave me a second chance at life so I could fulfill my duty. Thinking of the good thing that would come out of it, however, does not remove my thoughts of defeat, my thoughts of anguish, and my recurring nightmares about my past life. It makes them worse every day that I still stand here on this Earth. But I am not frightened."

The sounds of the news playing on the television seemingly echoed in the apartment where Samuel lived in. The cityscape was dulled by the gray skies looming over it, and even darker clouds threatening to bring rain to the people. From where he sat next to the window, he pressed his face gently against the cool glass as he looked at life going on nine stories below him; bustling people, cabs and what not. Looking down, day by day, he could see the occasional arguments coming from the Pizzinis, who threw stuff off their window for no particular reason. Shaking his head, he instead muttered a curse under his breath, hoping the rain would just come down and patter against his window. The world was senseless now. It had been much different before, when he actually experienced life. Joy. Happiness. Love. None of that could ever come back to him anymore. It seemed that everyday was a reminder of what he'd done, and all of his regrets.

As the anchorwoman on the news mentioned news of yet another armed robbery not far from where he was living, he merely shook his head as he remained quiet. The apartment was shrouded in emptiness, save for the buzzer that nearly knocked Samuel off his chair. Clutching at his chest, and eventually feeling the scar that had been left there, he got up and with a deep exhale, dragged his way to the door and, partially stopped by the chain lock, opened it.

"Good day to you, my child," a familiar voice rung out.
"Josiah," Samuel gasped. He promptly unlocked the chain lock and swung the door open, to find a man several inches shorter than him with a grin that seemed about a mix of smug and wily, and a face that seemed to exude benevolence.
"So it may seem," Josiah chuckled.
"Come in," he said with hesitation and embarrassment in his voice, making room for the man to come in.

"How is your search?" Josiah asked as he took a sip of some steaming hot tea. "Surely you must be making progress."
"It is hard to find them in a city like this," Samuel replied, looking down as if he'd done something wrong.
"Child, Patience. Patience is a virtue."

Samuel choked on his tea in amusement.

"Sire, I can never be her," he said with a small laugh. "Sometimes I would like to think that she has enough patience to sit through an entire century without batting an eyelash."

The two men laughed for a moment, before it died out and the apartment grew silent again.

"I give you my word on this one," Josiah said, putting down his cup on the coffee table. "One of them is nearby. I can sense it. Bright navy blue."
"That's someone else's--"
"My child, I have created the Virtues to help them. It does not matter," Josiah said with a slightly firm tone of voice.
"Yes, sire," Samuel immediately affirmed.
"Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind."

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:27 pm

"Lust, my child; soon, very soon, the pain will disappear and you will only be left with what life is supposed to feel like."
The stillness was something Alaina had not expected in her death. She had expected a writhing unparalleled by anything that day and age had grown to witness. But, alas, she lay there, still and seemingly peaceful as her head of black silk rested in the woman's lap, skin as pale as bone, lips stained red. Though peace and serenity held her features in eternal bliss, Alaina felt anything but. She could feel her veins begin to fill with liquid fire as she burned alive, every part of her being scorched from the inside, only to then be frozen in time, hanging in the balance between life and death. She could physically feel the ache of her heart as it slowly grew heavier and heavier against her chest, the beating going from that of a locomotive engine to that of a baby bird, first learning to fly. Until, finally, nothing. Her heart had rang it's final beat, her veins frozen with death licking at her lips, wanting to taste more, but hesitateing as if it were afraid. Yet, though Alaina had sat and felt her body freeze and die, she was still able to feel her cool fingertips against her neck, hear her soothing voice, smell the stench of blood and death that filled the air surronding her.
"Open your eyes, my child. See what eternity sees..."
She did as she was told, and opened her eyes, welcoming the world into her mind, the colors brighter and more complex.
Then...she was blinded. Not by light or by the sharpness of her new world.
But, by the agonizing pain she felt as her heart and soul were being ripped from her body.

The same nightmare that had haunted her dreams for the past three hundred years. This, is what Alaina had awoken to. Though the faint light streaming in from the pane glass window dusted her face with rays of warmth and ignited her body with a sense of awareness, her inner being was still frozen solid, her body breaking into a cold sweat. Each time she had this dream, it was as if she were reliving the memory, the pain so real and tangible that she felt an ache in her throat from where she had been screaming in the night. It were moments like these where Alaina was thankful that she and her brother and sisters lived apart from one another. They had their own demons to deal with, much less having to hear the reprecutions of the damage her own had dealt.

Running her fingers through her mess of curls then, Alaina pulled herself into a sitting position, her face turning to the grey haze that filled her apartment complex with it's brooding light. Below, she witnessed the hustle and bustle of daily life as it was now in the present day and age. How odd it seemed, for her to have sat and witnessed the birth and growth of the nation these citizens now called home. The thought invoked a crease to form between Alaina's eyebrows, her mouth twisted into that of a scowl. How she hated herself for making such a decision. She should have died on that table that day. She should have never witnessed anything that ever happened over the last three centuries. But, instead, she chose this.

Easing herself from the pluch matress that sat at the far side of the tiny room, Alaina sashayed towards the chest of drawers that sat at the ready, her selective bits of clothing folded precisely and placed in an orderly manner. As was her daily routine, Alaina simply grabbed the first few garments that rested ontop of the pile, and pulled them over her barely clothed body. The motions that led to her finding herself locking the door behind her and easing her way out into the corridor of her apartment complex were all very robotic and routine; it was something she had grown accustomed to with her many years of life. Just different places and diferent faces.

Stepping out into the street then, Alaina felt the first indications of rain fall as droplets of water brushed against her cheeks and tangled in her now managable mess of hair. Peering up into the gloomy sky then, Alaina couldn't help by smile sadly at the sight that rested before her. On the days that Marissa asked for them all to assemble, a rain would always find it's way to Alaina, soaking her to the bone, only enhancing the deep chill that never really released it's grip on her spine. Perhaps it was some sort of twisted sign from a Creator she no longer believed in. Or, perhaps, it was just a coincedence. Either way, the grey gloom always settled over these days in particular. Pulling the collar of her coat closer to her neck and cheeks, Alaina shook her head a bit as she made her way down the crowded sidewalk, her eyes focused on her feet, a simple sentence playing across her lips.

"Rain, rain...go away..."
Proud mommy of Eli James.
Born June 15, 2015.

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:50 pm

"Pardon me, sire, but... Would you like a bite to eat?" Samuel asked, slowly beginning to get up.
"Yes please. A bite, however, would not suffice. I am quite famished."
"I do not understand the point of modern lexicon," Samuel muttered. He dragged himself to the kitchen, and to the refrigerator, which contained little but a sandwich, half of the whole meatloaf Mrs Stewart gave him yesterday (The mode of delivery to his doorstep was creepy, as she seemed to adjust her bosom area as she looked at him; he was perfectly aware that she was coming onto him), a carton of orange juice and several fruits he'd gotten from the grocery store not far from the complex.
"Excuse me, but may I leave you here for a moment? I must pick up some things from the grocery store," he said in a rather apologetic tone.
"Not at all. Do take your time," Josiah said with a smile. He then turned to the television where he immediately switched to a channel playing reruns of CSI.
"Oh, goody, CSI. Do take your time," he said again, this time rather mockingly, delight evident in his tone of voice.

Perhaps today was a bad time to go out. The minute he set out of the complex, the rain had begun to fall. He zipped up his hoodie, walking through the streets with his hands in his pockets, and felt the rain fall gently on his head as he went. Mr Walker, the owner of the grocery store, had noticed him and told him to come in immediately, and of course he followed.
"What are yeh doin' out there, kid?" Mr Walker asked, getting back to his counter. "Ya tryin' ta get yerself sick or somethin'?"
"No, I'm not," Samuel said, adjusting to a more suitable vocabulary. "Don't worry, Ern, I'm only here to get some things."
"Ei!" Mr Walker called again, this time to a young woman who was practically drenching herself in the rain. "You, lady, get in 'ere! Ya gonna get yerself sick without an umbreller!"

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:04 pm

It would have been quite difficult for Alaina to ignore the gruff shouts of the man that stood behind the counter of the corner grocery store. Instead of continuing along the sidewalk as she had planned, Alaina decided to cross into the small shop. She had a bit of extra cash on her, and she figured that most of the others weren't being properly fed. She was one of the few that Marissa apparently 'favored'. She recieved monthly allowences from the woman, while most of the others recieved little to nothing. Though they had no relation to her by blood, Alaina still cared deeply for the six lost souls she found solace with. A few items of fresh produce would surely brighten them a bit. Except for Wrath. He was always in a sour mood.

Adjusting her coat some as she heard the small bell above her head ding in welcome, Alaina shot the man a friendly smile before flattening her hands against the moisture that had collected along her coat, smiling sheepishly at the puddle collecting around her feet. "Sorry about that. Weather's not showing any mercy today, is it?"

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:57 am

"Don't it show?" Mr Walker laughed rather sarcastically. What made him stop, though was that Samuel had grabbed a mop from the storage cabinet out back and started mopping. "Ei, Sam-o, leave that ter me. Ei. Sam-o, do you even hear tha words comin' outta my mouth?"
"Yeah, I heard ya, Ern. I'm just helping out," Samuel said as he mopped. When he got to the young woman, though, he managed to catch a glimpse of her eyes. Just then, he stopped mopping. An overwhelming feeling of some sort washed over him. He sensed a strong presence in the area. About the same degree as his. It was a burning sensation, almost as if he could see her being swallowed by something. His light honey eyes widened slightly as he backed up a bit, mop still in his grip as he did so. Navy blue started to echo around in his head as he stared into her eyes. Whatever Josiah had said was now echoing in his head as he saw this young woman who stood in front of him, which he noticed was a beautiful sort of woman. But, determined to keep his facade as normal as possible, he snapped out of it and bit his lip a bit, beginning to mop again.

"Sam-o, c'mon, gimme that. Ya just go right ahead and get whatcha need to get I'll do tha moppin'," Mr Walker hastily said as he approached Samuel. If you had been a bystander, one would've chuckled at the contrasting heights as the two stood next to each other; poor Mr Walker was exactly five feet and looked like he could've been crushed by Sam as easy as pie.
"N-no, hey, Mr Walker, come on, lemme at it," Samuel protested as he kept a firm grip on the mop.
"Ei, ya wanna do me a favor? Get the lady a towel. And some hot cocoa or somethin' like that... Coffee. Whatever. They're upstairs in my apartment," he said in a gruff tone of voice, his graying moustache ruffling about. "And duck when ya see the doorpost. Kinda unpredictable fer a guy of ya height."
"Will do," he said, escorting the lady to the back area, where behind one door, there were stairs leading up to Mr Walker's apartment. It was a messy sort of place, and the first room they'd set foot in was the living room. He cleared some space on the couch for the young woman to sit before he set off for the kitchen, where he tried to find his kettle and whatever hot cocoa he could find in the cupboards.

"What were you doing out in the rain?" asked Samuel as he heated up some water. "You could have caught a cold in that weather."

Finding a canister of hot cocoa, still filled with some, he prepared it on the counter as he waited for the kettle to whistle.

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:18 pm

The very first thing that registered in Alaina's mind was confusion. Though the confrontation between the tiny store clerk and the much taller, attractive young man was quite entertaining, Alaina had been distracted by the deep, rich color of the younger one's eyes. They reminded her of a thick, sweet honey, that had been freshly brewed. She'd even go as far as saying that they reminded her of summer. In those few seconds that passed between the two of them, her navy eyes finding and holding the topaz of his own, Alaina felt that he had established a sense of understanding, as odd as that might sound. But, before she could be sure of the glint of focus that seemed to have highlighted the rich tint of his eyes, he had pulled his own away and went about mopping up the mess she had made.

""Ei, ya wanna do me a favor? Get the lady a towel. And some hot cocoa or somethin' like that... Coffee. Whatever. They're upstairs in my apartment."

Turning to the stout man, Alaina raised her hands a bit in protest, but the store clerk would hear nothing of it. Instead, he simply pointed her in the direction that the man with the honey eyes had taken as he continued with the slowly disappearing puddle at his feet. Following the man that the clerk had labeled as, 'Sam-O', Alaina found herself in a very small, rather messy area at the back of the store, where she assumed the man lived. Though it was difficult to find an actual place to sit, and though laundry and items were thrown about here and there, Alaina found a certain comfort in the small place. It was tiny and a complete mess, but it felt homey. Welcoming.

Gladly taking a seat on the small couch presented to her, Alaina fiddled with her thumbs a bit, frowning at her still damp clothes. She didn't want to ruin the kind man's furniture, but she also didn't want to seem rude and reject the seat offered to her. So, instead, she reached for what she hoped was a clean towel and stood long enough to place it against the cushion on the couch, before reaching for another and running it through her matted waves slowly, gently.

"What were you doing out in the rain? You could have caught a cold in that weather."

Being pulled from the tiny distraction Alaina had found while drying her hair, she placed the towel down against her lap before she slowly started unbuttoning her pea coat, taking the thick fabric and replacing it with the towel, wiping down her arms as she answered,
"I was actually on my way to visit someone. I never expected the rain to come down this quickly, though. If I would have known that, then I surely would have remembered my umbrella."
Leaning back against the sofa then, content with the dryness of her arms and hair, Alaina crossed one leg over the other, making herself comfortable. It wasn't often she was shown such hospitality, so she was determined to make the most of it.
"You seem to know the store clerk quite well. Mr. Walker, was it?" Though she was simply trying to make small conversation to pass the time, Alaina was also very curious about the young man that stood before her.

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:57 pm

"Luckily Ern got you in before you could even sneeze. Imagine, you could get croup, or pneumonia. Something of that degree." Samuel sighed. He returned with a steaming hot cup of cocoa, and handed it to the miss gently and carefully. Wanting to talk, he sat down next to her. Well, this was just one of the opportunities he'd actually get to talk to someone. Usually, they would be driven away by his intimidating appearance, or how his normal face would often be set in something that resembles a scowl, but after what had happened earlier, she was shown how he really was, and he was thankful that happened.

"Ah, yes. Ernie Walker," he groaned. "He owns the place, and I usually come here to do a little grocery shopping. Occasionally, I help the poor guy instead of do groceries. He's running the place by himself and it isn't very good for his age. Almost 65 at that."

But he couldn't help but stare at the young lady's rich blue eyes. He was overwhelmed; the blues reminded him of the depths of the sea far out in the middle of its vast waves. He was amazed, until he found himself staring and looked away for a while before he looked at her properly.

"I'm Samuel."

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:22 pm

Taking the offered mug between her chilled hands, Aliana offered a small mile in thanks before she brought the cup to her nose, deeply inhaling the rich scent of chocolate and hazelnut that seemed to warm her from the inside out. Carefully blowing at the steam that billowed from the hot liquid, Alaina listened intently as this stranger explained his relationship with the man downstairs.

""He owns the place, and I usually come here to do a little grocery shopping. Occasionally, I help the poor guy instead of do groceries. He's running the place by himself and it isn't very good for his age. Almost 65 at that."

At the realization of the man's age, Alaina smiled softly before tipping the mug back slowly, letting the warmth and goodness ease past her tongue and down into the chilled depths of her being. Though the chocolate was only a temporary fix to the chill that settled over her, Alaina was glad to have it to cling to none the less. Not to mention, she didn't mind the company. Turning her attention to him now, she caught the sight of those peculiar eyes of his honing in on her own pair of odd orbs once again. True, it wasn't everyday that you saw someone with bright, navy blue eyes, so she couldn't blame him for staring. But, that wasn't what sent a chill down Alaina's spine. It was as if he knew why her eyes were that color, which was absolutely absurd and impossible. The only ones that knew that were Marissa and her siblings.
Then. a thought struck her; she was born to harness the sin of Lust. Perhaps it wasn't understanding or knowledge that kept his eyes straying to focus on her own, but the allure that she was reborn with. The smile slowly fading from her lips, Alaina coughed a bit under her breath.

"Alaina." she replied simply. Taking a sip from her mug once more, she licked the remnants from her lips quickly before motioning to his empty hands,"Not much of a cocoa drinker?"

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Aug 30, 2010 6:47 pm

"No," he said with a small chuckle. "Either it's tea, coffee or booze."

The characteristic of her eyes astonished him still. This was to be Chastity's counterpart, not his. Why hadn't Josiah contacted her instead of him? It was all too strange to fathom. She was Lust, but that didn't work on him. Not anymore. He was the virtue of Temperance, and he knew when enough was enough. Beforer that, though, he lived a life of lechery, disdain, inebriation, debauchery, oh, all the trouble in the world and he never seemed to have enough of it. But he wanted out. And now he was here.

"You might think I'm crazy," he began, not looking at her but at the wall just across the room. "But... Are you... Are you Lust?"

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:37 pm

If the question would have passed from anyone's lips besides that of the man named Samuel sitting besides her, then Alaina would have most likely choked on her hot cocoa, her hands having their way with the man's face, slap after incriminating slap. But, in all honestly, the question wasn't really all that surprising. She didn't understand how or why he knew, or what connection he might have with her siblings and Marissa, but she could tell by the depth and years of life hidden behind those honey tinted eyes that he knew something.

Brushing her index finger over the lip of her mug slowly, the deep blues of her eyes reflecting from the murky liquid, Alaina simply smiled. True, it was a smile filled with pain, loss, regret, and sadness, but it was a smile none the less. Now, she had someone else. Someone that did not consist of the seven she had dealt with for over three centuries. Now, someone else knew.

"That's correct. I commend you on your discovery. Though, it does leave me slightly curious." she whispered softly. Lifting her eyes from her mug, they now seeking out the golds of his own, she asked softly,"Who are you? How could you know something like that?"

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:34 pm

"I have told you, my name is Samuel," he said back with a rather enigmatic tone of voice. " But unlike other Samuels, I happen to have a couple of more years on me. Like you, I've lived for over three centuries. That is a long time to endure."

With a smile, he put his arms on his lap and leaned on them as he looked at Alaina with slight amusement.

"I have it that you have seen the eyes of Gluttony," he said rather abruptly. "I am Temperance."

Too short, I apologize. D:
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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:55 pm

"The human name you carry means little to me. It's the name stated after that has my mind boggled." Taking a moment to process what Samuel to revealed to her, Alaina thought back to the eyes that belonged to her sister, Gluttony*. Yes, the eyes were in fact similar, yet total, polar opposites. While his reminded her of summer time and fresh honey, Gluttony's reminded her of rotted peaches, a fruit that appears beautiful and fresh on the outside, but whose core is one of distaste and that of a grotesque quality. Either way, Marissa had never mentioned creating a counterpart for each of them. The only name she ever mentioned was that of a man by the name of Josiah. That name, though, still meant little to Alaina.

Leaning forward then, as well, Alaina placed her mug on the crowded coffee table before she turned to face him head on, her eyes locking onto his, searching for some kind of validation.

"I don't understand. You've been roaming the planet as long as I have, yet I knew nothing of your exsistence..."

It's not biggie :)

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:36 pm

"You all weren't meant to know. I cannot divulge further into the subject, for all shall be revealed in due course. For now, all I know of you and your brothers and sisters is that you all were created by Marissa Langley. That all of you once lived lives like mine, like my brothers and sisters. We were all happy once, and human. Until we were given these lives. And for so long. I did not want to live remembering my past life anymore. And everyday I live with regret. But I live."

Samuel remained quiet for a minute before talking again.

"What was your life like before all of this? How did you live? How did she make you?"
Last edited by wednesdaysun on Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:53 pm

Alaina remained silent for a good length of time as she processed what had just been revealed to her. They knew who her creator was. They knew about thei exsistence, no less, while her brothers and sisters were left in the dark. And, what stung the most, was that they were allowed to remember the life they ahd before this excuse of an exsistence. Alaina remembered nothing, besides fragments here and there.

Shaking her head some, Alaina's arms soon wrapped in around herself, the chill that lived deep inside of her core returning with a vengence.
"I...don't remember much of it. Just bits and pieces. I do know that I was happy, though. That I had someone that I loved and cared for dearly. At least, what I believe is love. I don't know what that emotion is anymore. Hell, I can't be sure if anything I feel is real anymore. I've become a slave to my demon. A slave to Marissa..." Pauseing then, allowing her words to sink in, Alaina turned to Samuel, her voice low, barely above a whisper.

"Does the name Josiah Meterjean mean anything to you...?"

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Aug 30, 2010 11:30 pm

"He created me," he said blankly, staring off into the distance. "My 'father'. I was his first creation. At first, I thought that I wanted to stay dead. I had lost the woman that I loved. I was waiting for our little one to come into this world, and they'd both been taken from me, much like your memories had been. I did not wish to wake up. But Josiah helped me pull through. He told me everything."

With determination in his eyes, he looked Alaina in the eyes and said, "You can choose not to be. You can pull through. You are already beginning to question her power, Alaina. Your doubt is real. Your longing is real. Even this is real."

He reached out for her hand and felt its softness against his own much rougher hand.

"That is real."

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:50 pm

"He created you. Same as Marissa created us. Yet, he told you things. You remember the live you lived before this. You recall having a woman you loved, and an infant on the way. You can even recall the loss. I can't say the same, on any accounts as far as memory is concerned..."

Samuel's eyes held her in a temporary trance, his words bouncing around inside of her skull, demanding her attention. True, she had questioned Marissa for some time now, but that wasn't much validation for anything. The rest of the Sins questioned her, as well, though they didn't make a habit of voicing it as frequently and as loudly as Alaina did. They feared Marissa and the wrath she would reign down onto any of one that questioned her position as almighty. Alaina didn't. Or did she? Multiple times she had had to deal with the consequences her words held against Marissa, and as the years passed by, Alaina found herself more secretive with her thoughts than she was vocal. But, did that mean she actually feared Marissa? Or was it simply a piece of her old self longing to grasp hold of some kind of knowledge that she was, as Samuel placed it, not a slave trapped in time? Grasping tightly to the rough, strong hand that had found her own, Alaina imagined that this was the last trace of her humanity grasping on to a life she didn't remember, feelings she no longer felt, a reality that felt like the most distant of dreams. And then...she let go.

Allowing her hand to go limp in his own, suddenly too tired to retreat and too tired to return the firm squeeze, Alaina simply shook her head as her free hand picked at the fibers of her pea coat.

"Either way, I'll still be left with nothing. This feeling that's bubbling in the core of my being is nothing more than my demon playing tricks on my mind. I'm not Alaina Venable. I'm not even human. Any memories I have do not belong to me. They belong to her. I'm just a wolf in sheep's skin. You were right, Samuel. I am Lust."

Lifting her head from the obsessive pickings of her sweater, she gave him a soft smile before the digits of her spare hand found his face. Her touch was hesitant, but soft, her fingertips barely pressed to the skin of his cheek, tracing over the length of his jaw. "You do not wear the skin of a man, Temperance. You are Samuel. I can feel the truth in that sentence resonate in my bones. But, saying that I am Alaina simply leaves me cold and empty..."

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:30 pm

"Saying that I am Samuel Winstead may be true. Saying that I am Santa Claus is different. I may very well live the life of the Virtue I have been assigned to, but that does not mean it makes me. I have been forced into it very much like you have, but we have been given the choice. You can give yourself that choice if you let go of your inhibitions. Marissa, she may very well be your creator and master, but creators should respect the beings they bring to life. She... She bastardized life. The life you live under her is not life, but torment. She will use you."

After that rather lengthy lecture, he sighed and broke off eye contact, much like she had let go of his hold on her. Things were as complicated as Josiah had told him they'd be. How would his brothers and his sisters cope with that? How could he let them cope with the same anguish these Sins were experiencing now? These beings... They were heartbroken and Marissa put them under even more lonely circumstances. It aggravated their Sin.

"I have it that you are going to see Marissa," he said softly. "Once you are done with your hot cocoa, I have to buy some things. And come with me. I must introduce you to someone."

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:08 pm

Alaina didn't say much of anything after Samuel's short speech, her empty hands returning to the obsessive fidget at her coat, her eyes transfixed on a rather large button that she was currently twisting about here and there. As the silence stretched on, one word bounced around her skull without any sign of ceasing. Torment. Never had Alaina imagined her current life described in such a way but, in retrospect, it was quite a nice definition. Never had she truly been free of Marissa's icy grasp. True, she was permitted to live on her own, but not without the promise of frequent visits to Marissa's current place of residence. She was not allowed to stray farther then the limits that Marissa had set. She wasn't even allowed decent interaction with normal human beings, out of fear that any humanity left within her would be overpowered by the demon's need to feed on the weak. Torment. Tragedy, regret, sorrow, longing, hopeless, dejected, torment. It was a word she would happily add to the list that described her current state.

"I have it that you are going to see Marissa."

No response. Samuel didn't need conformation on where she planned on going after this short, yet reveling, conversation was over. In the few minutes that the two had spent together, Alaina had already gathered that this man was no fool.

At mention of her hot cocoa, Alaina eyed the mug that sat on the coffee table, it's contents surely cold and tasteless by now. Occupying her hands with the cool ceramic now, she stared into the murky liquid. There wasn't much of it left, but the revelations of the past few moments left her stomach in knots. Standing then, her coat slung over one arm, her eyes still peering into the cup, she whispered softly, barely above a whisper.

"I am done here. When can leave, when ever you like..."

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:59 pm

Samuel merely sighed when she stood up with the mug and left. The conversation had taken its toll on him as well. He didn't anticipate the difficulty there was in trying to convince her that there was still something good out there, despite all that she'd been through. Despite the life she'd been condemned to live by the person who gave her a 'second chance'. She lived in a restrained world. It may have been more easy on the other sins, their lack of emotion, their lack of conscience and their lack of memories from their past lives, but Lust wanted to know why. It wasn't the lust to know more. It was the last bits of humanity still trying to hold on. He could see it in her navy blue eyes; a tempest out at sea. The way she held his hand back was amazing, and yet he couldn't help but think... What if Marissa found out that she could still feel just a little bit? What form of torment would Alaina be subject to by her hands? He knew that it could only be much, much worse.

He hastily went down the stairs, where luckily, Mr Walker was attending to a customer, so he didn't have to blabber on about leaving a young lady in his apartment without making sure that she'd be okay. He did the groceries as he had been intending to do all this time, although he knew that Josiah instructed him to take his time while he delightfully watched television. When he got to check-out, he'd been expecting a tongue-lashing of some sort, but was caught quite unaware by what Mr Walker had to say next.

"Ei, kid, ya look tired. Get back home," he said as he packed in the last of the groceries in the bag. "52.75."
"Here ya go," Samuel said, pulling out a fifty and a ten from his pocket and slid it to him. "Keep the change."

Samuel stared at the door to Mr Walker's apartment longingly, and after some thinking on it, he walked towards it and knocked thrice.

"Alaina, it's time to go," he said.

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Re: Lost links [ic, closed]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ariki on Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:46 pm

First came the knocks. Then came the voice. Starring at the now empty and pristine sink that sat before her, Alaina ran her fingers over the freshly washed dishes, allowing the moisture to collect on her fingers. While Samuel had gone to get his groceries, Alaina had taken it upon herself to wash the load of dishes that had piled in Mr. Walker's sink for God only knew how long. Though it wasn't much, it was all the thanks she could possibly give the man, for the time being. For the hospitality, and for his initial concern. It wasn't often that someone reached out to strangers like that, even if you were a human. The thought that such a wonderful thing still existed brought a smile to Alaina's full, pink lips. It wasn't hope she was feeling, but it was something.

Pulling her now dry coat over her arms, she secured the buttons in place before tying a lose knot around her abdomen. Gripping the doorknob between her cool fingers, Alaina took one last look at the mess of a home Mr. Walker had created for himself, trying to soak in the sense of warmth that radiated in the space and keep it locked deep inside of her core. But, as she opened to door and was welcomed by Samuel's tired, honey eyes, she felt the warmth vanish and disappear as the door was closed behind her.

Stepping out into the store then, she placed a hand on Samuel's arm lightly before walking over to Mr. Walker, a gentle smile playing at her lips. "I appreciate your hospitality, sir. It was greatly appreciated." She said.

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