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Love's Bullet

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Love's Bullet

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:01 pm

Joseph Young, or rather, Officer Joseph Young, stared out the passenger side window of the squad car. This was his first real day on the job, and he only hoped it went well. Sitting in the driver's seat was William Bitford, an experienced Highway Patrol officer of six years, was his partner and was supposed to coach him on the basics. They had run through the normal stuff, and if they found someone that needed pulling over, he would instruct him on that. Joseph had some rudimentary knowledge of a traffic stop, but as his old instructor always said, no traffic stop is the same as the last.

He could hear the garbled transmissions on the police radio, and wondered why, with all the technology they had today, they weren't clear as a bell. He looked ahead through the windshield in time to see a car swerving on the road. Eventually, he began moving into other people's lanes, then back into his own, creating a major hazard for other motorists. He saw Officer Bitford reach up and flick the switch that activated the sirens. Within moments, they had the car pulled over. Bitford undid his seatbelt. "All right, rookie, I'm gonna get out and question this guy on why he was all over the road. You get out and watch my back in case he tries anything. Just watch me for now, and I'll go over what I did later. You got it?" Joseph nodded and also undid his seatbelt before they both stepped out of the car. Bitford walked up to the driver's side window, and Joseph went over, hanging out near the right rear bumper.

The driver rolled the window dwn and he could hear the senior officer asking the regular questions. May I see your license, registration and proof of insurance, please? He ran through his head, just to practice. Officer Bitford took the documents back to the car so that he could run them through the computer. Joseph kept an eye on the car and behind him to make sure no other motorist endangered them. He then heard the door on the suspect car open and the driver stepped out, brandishing a Colt .45. Joseph took out his own service weapon, took the safety off, cocked it and aimed it at him. "Drop your weapon and get down on the ground!" The man stared at him and aimed his own gun at him. Joseph was sweating bullets, but he tried to sound authoratative. Oficer Bitford had his own weapon drawn and was also trying to talk him down. "Drop your weapon!" But the man didn't drop his weapon. Instead, he fired two shots, one at him, and one at Officer Bitford.

Bitford had ducked down behind the car door and avoided being hit. He was not so lucky. The shot entred and exited through his waist, but it hurt so bad that he went down onto the asphalt. His breathing became rushed as he started to hyperventilate. He had never been shot before, and his fear grew before he lost consciousness.

Bitford fired two shots at the perp that missed before he jumped in the car and took off. Bitford saw his partner down and grabbed the walkie-talkie in his car. "All units I have an officer down, repeat, I have an officer down! Send an ambulance immediately!" He then rushed over to see if his partner was all right. After checking his vital signs, which were rapid, but good, he looked behind him and waited for the ambulance.
Last edited by CriminalMinds on Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:18 pm

Maggie Bain groaned slightly and picked her phone up. “Hello?” She said over the receiver. It was Carrie Shay, her assistant nurse at the hospital Maggie worked at as a female doctor. “I’m so sorry to interrupt you, Ms. Bain, but we just had word of a shooting and one man was shot, the ambulance just picked him up and they are rushing him here, they told me it doesn’t look too good, he is losing lots of blood.” Carrie said. Maggie sighed and was already up and quickly getting dressed. “Okay, thanks Carrie, I’ll be there in twenty minutes. Make sure you keep him breathing until I get there.” Maggie instructed to Carrie. “Yes ma’am.” Carrie said and then the disconnected beeping noise came over. Maggie brushed through her silky, dark blonde hair and pulled it into a ponytail. She slipped on her white tennis hospital shoes and grabbed her white hospital jacket, the nametag on the corner had Dr. Maggie Bain printed on it, and Maggie’s picture, taken several months ago when she began working here.

Maggie grabbed the keys to her blood red Stallion convertible. She got in and closed the door. Maggie put on the seatbelt and started the engine, she was then rushing, but staying at the speed limit at the same time.

A good fifteen minutes later, Maggie was parking her car in the staff parking lot and just about running inside. When she walked in, Carrie was at the desk, busily answering phone calls. Carrie handed her a clipboard with information on the patient on it.

“Joseph Young…” Maggie mumbled to herself as she walked to the room he was in. Maggie sat the clipboard down and headed over to him, the utensils she needed already sitting out. “Okay, let’s get started.” Maggie said, putting on a pair of rubber gloves and a mask, she was then beginning surgery on him.

Several hours later, Maggie had finished stitching him up. “Okay, that is about all we can do for him now.” Maggie said as she threw away the bloody gloves. “We should keep a watch on him throughout the night, though, just in case something goes wrong. You guys go ahead and go home, you did good, I’ll stay.” Maggie said, addressing her other assistants. They all nodded and threw away their gloves and left. Maggie glanced back over at the man and sighed as she walked out, going over to Carrie. “Well, that is about all we can do for him, just have to wait for him to wake up.” Maggie said and smiled. “Go ahead and go come, Carrie.” Maggie said. Carrie smiled and nodded as she stood up and gathered her things and left.

Maggie sat down at the desk and sighed softly. Maggie’s blue-green eyes scanned the empty hospital room, her blond hair falling loosely around her face. She sighed, happy that she, at least she hoped, that she saved someone’s life.
Kill Them With Kindness :D

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:47 pm

Officer Bitford had followed the ambulance to the hospital and went inside. The bullet had gone clean through, but unfortunately, it had hit a vein and Joseph was losing blood fast. He had been wheeled into the OR and a female doctor whose nametag said Maggie Bain, along with a group of surgeons, had been able to mend the grazed vein and hopefully save his life. The EKG readings were good, but he was being kept overnight, in case he suddenly took a turn for the worse. The seasoned officer leaned against the doorframe and looked at his young partner as he lay in the hospital bed. Wires were running up his nose and attached to his wrists. "I'm sorry I didn't look out for you better, kid. I should have shot that bastard when I had the chance. He's gotten away for now, but he can't stay hidden forever. We'll find him, and I hope you're there with me when we do." He took a deep breath and turned to Dr. Bain.

"Thanks for taking good care of him, Dr. Bain. I've seen wounds like this before, and 99% of the time, they live and are able to recover successfully. Let's hope Officer Young won't be one of the 1% who doesn't. Good day, ma'am." He tipped his hat and left the hospital before heading back to his car and driving away. Something like this should not have happened on his first day...

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:18 pm

Maggie glanced up at the second officer and she smiled. "Just doing my job." Maggie said as she nodded when he left. She blew out a deep breath and glanced at the clock, it was almost three in the morning. She stood up and let her hair come out of its messy ponytail. She ran a hand through it and made her way into Joesph's room. She checked all the wires and made sure that everything was still in him good and that it all was working.

Very few workers were still there, including Maggie. It was inching slowly to five in the morning, he still hadn't woke up, but everything seemed to be going very good so far.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Sat Feb 14, 2009 4:03 pm

Joseph Young awoke, and wasn't surprised by where he was. He was in a hospital, and his head was spinning. He closed his eyes to let it pass, then reopened them. Checking his watch, he discovered that it was noon. Apparently, he had spent the night here, which was fine since it was customary for a gunshot wound patient. He felt a little embarrassed that he had been shot his first day, but it rolled off soon as his head started to spin again and his hip faled up. He felt nauseous and looked around for a bedpan to throw up in. Not seeing one, he decided to swallow the bile and close his eyes tight. After the lesser of two evils had passed, he hit the 'Nurse' button next to his bedside, hoping they had some kind of painkiller for his aching hip.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:17 pm

Maggie moved her tired eyes to the computer and the man who was shot room number showed up. Maggie stood up, pain killers in the tiny cup and a slightly larger cup of ice cold water in her other hand. She walked to the man and smiled. "Hey, are you feeling any better?" Maggie asked him, handing him the cup with the four white pills in it, then handing him the cup of water, a friendly smile on her face.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Fri Feb 20, 2009 9:16 pm

Joseph took the painkillers and swallowed them with the water before placing both cups beside his bed. The nausea subsided and his eyes were able to focus. Apparently, a pretty doctor had answered his page. Her friendly smile made him feel better, and he smiled back. "I'm feeling much better. I'm also hoping I can leave the hospital today and get back to work. Have to serve and protect after all." His eyes then lost focus and he had to lay back. "On second thought, it may be a bit longer." He chuckled and closed his eyes to let them rest. It surprised him a bit that a licensed M.D. would answer his page like a common RN. It certainly warranted a question, but right now, he was too exhausted to ask it.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:01 pm

Maggie laughed softly. "You won't be able to leave for at least two weeks." She said and threw the cups away. She took out a blood pressure device and took hold of his arm, she then took his blood pressure. After it was done, she wrote the info down onto a clipboard. After that, she took out a needle. "Alright, I'm going to have to take your blood sample." Maggie said.

She then took out a capful of alcohol and poured it onto a white cottonball, she then swabbed it on a spot on his upper arm and she then puncered the needle into his arm and drew some blood, she then put it into a little cup and smiled. "Alright, if you need anything, just press the button and someone will be in here to help you." Maggie said as she applied a band-aid on where she took his blood. She then walked out and sent the sample through the lap and put the clipboard in his file.

Maggie than packed all her stuff up and went home, feeling exhausted and tired.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:47 pm

Joseph was incredulous as the doctor walked out of the room. Two weeks?! How was he going to do his job with two weeks out of it? Surely the bullet wound couldn't be that bad. He sighed and laid his head on the pillow. He didn't know if he was going to be able to take a full two weeks in the hospital. The doctor was nice, though, so that would make things easier. Rolling over, he closed his eyes and began to rest, wishing instead that he was on duty alongside Officer Bitford.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:01 pm

Maggie groaned in pure pleasure as she threw herself down on her soft, feathery bed. She didn't bother changing out of her work clothes, but just fell asleep.

Several hours later, she sat up, gasping for air. Another nightmare. She sighed softly and glanced at the time than groaned once more, almost three in the afternoon, she had a hour to get ready and get back to work. Maggei stood up and took off all her clothes as she laid out a pair of blue jeans and a white tank-top, along with her white jacket she was required to wear all the time, she than took a shower, dried her hair, put on all her clothes, put her hair in a ponytail, and gathered all her stuff up, she was than driving back to the hospital.

Fifteen minutes later, she was out of her car and walking to the desk where se put everything away. "How is Mr. Young doing?" Maggie asked Carrie, who was busiely typing away at the computer. "Oh, he has been sleeping all day, wouldn't eat anything, maybe you could try." Carrie said. Maggie nodded and walked into Joesph's room after knocking on the door twice. He was sitting up in bed, his lunch in front of him. "You know, the food isn't all that bad here." Maggie said with a smiled as she walked over to him.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:34 pm

Joseph turned as Dr. Bain entered the room. "Maybe so, but I'm not really hungry anyway." He put the tray of food on a table next to him and laid back. The whole hospital stint was really starting to depress him. He felt like a louse, sitting in a hospital bed while the other cops did something to help clean up the streets. He'd even take a desk job right now if it meant doing something other than laying down on the job. He placed his arms at his side and let out a sigh. He then turned to her. "So, what do you need, doc? Need to give a shot or anything?" He then turned his gaze back up to the ceiling and waited.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:45 pm

Maggie let out a gust of air as she shook her head. "No, you are a stubborn one, aren't you?" Maggie asked and smiled as she sat down, pushing the food back to him. "We'll have to put you on a food tube, than you will have no choice but to eat it." Maggie said, laughing softly as she took off the dark brown lid covering the food. "Now, eat." She said and stood up, walking out of the room and to Carrie.

"I used the tube feeding threat." Maggie said and Carrie laughed softly. "Nice one." She said and Maggie nodded. tending to her other patients.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:02 pm

Joseph sighed as the food was placed back in his hand. He looked at it, out the door, then back at it. "I'm not the only one who's stubborn, doc," he said as he picked up a spoon and began to eat. It really wasn't half bad, but he still felt depressed. What kind of cop gets shot his first actual day on the job? How embarrassing. It would be different if he hadn't een it coming, but he'd had his gun out and everything and still got shot. It was pathetic, and he knew he'd never live it down. The veterans would probably always remember him as the rookie who got shot his first day, and his whole career would be marred by that. Some way to start a career he'd worked very hard to start. Slamming the food down on the plate, he turned over and threw the blanket over him. He just wanted to fade away into sleep and forget that he was in a hospital.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:55 pm

Later on, just about close to five in the afternoon, Maggie went to check on Joseph. She knocked first before just barging in. "Hey, how are you doing?" Maggie asked, she than pulled out two McDonald's bags and two medium sized drinks. "Suprise." Maggie said.

She removed the hospital food off the food tray and took out what she got him. "I hope you like Big Macs." Maggie said. She smiled and stuck the straw in his drink. "Since we're not allowed to give out patients fast food beverages, I just got you some tea." Maggie said, sitting next to him and beginning on her food.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:34 pm

Joseph had been sleeping for a little while, but found that he couldn't stay down for too long. Hesat up and watched a little TV. It was some melodramatic soap opera, but he didn't really care. Watching something monotonous was at least better than doing nothing. He heard a knock on his door and turned to see Dr. Bain. He then saw her holding two McDonald's bags. It was a little surprising, but he couldn't say it was unpleasant.

Joseph took the Big Mac's handed to him and nodded. "Yeah, I love Big Macs. Thank you." A smile crossed his face for the first time in days as he pulled a napkin out of the bag. He then unwrapped a sandwich and bit into it. It tasted heavenly, and he realized how much he missed the outside world. Still, it wasn't all bad with the good doctor around. After taking another bite, he set it down and sipped his tea before looking at the doctor. "So, do you treat all your patients this way, Dr. Bain? If so, I can see why they like you." He leaned back and looked at her with a pleasant look on his face as he awaited her answer.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:49 pm

Maggie smiled and nodded as he soon started eating. She glanced over at the T.V. and saw a soap opera on, it looked familiar, one she probably had seen not too long ago. Maggie turned back over to Joesph and shook her head.

"No, I just felt sorry for you. Your partner explained everything to me, and I'm really sorry that... that you was shot on your first day." Maggie said, staring down. she than cleared her throat and packed away her food. "No matter, you'll be out of here in two days, anyway." Maggie said and threw her trash away, than stared back at him. "If you need anything, just press the button to page us." Maggie said as she walked out.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:56 pm

Joseph nodded and watched her walk out of the room. That conversation was a bit deep, though not deep enough for him not to notice the tiny slip-up in grammar. She felt sorry fro him, so everything about his treatment made sense. However, he sensed something a bit deeper than that, and wondered what it was. Shaking his head, he cleared that from his mind. There is an unfortunate reflex in the male mind that leads to hurt and humiliation when having to do with relations with a female. If she seems to spend enough time with him, be it talking or hanging out, he starts to believe that there is more to it than friendship. Many times this is not the case, and the man ends up hurt, deceived by his own condition.

Joseph was too smart to fall into that trap, instead focusing on what he would do after he got out. He knew he'd have to check in with the precinct Captain, who would probably assign him a temporary desk job. After his wound healed up, he was going to go back out in the streets, much wiser now that he had been shot. Finishing his food, he threw it away and looked at the TV. This soap opera was so melodramatic that it made him want to puke. Looking around for something, he spotted a fork that had left behind when his food had been taken away earlier.

He picked up the fork and looked at the TV. Positioning it in his hand like a dart, he closed his right eye, squinting for better aim. His hand was shaking a bit as he angled it at the 'On' button, but he stopped it, brought his wrist back and tossed the fork at the button. The fork flew straight at the button and hit it. The TV went off, but the fork was stuck in the button. A little worried about that, it soon faded as pride over his accomplishment brought him up. "Bullseye," he said as he laid back and smiled at the ceiling, "Whoever said rookies can't aim?"

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:01 pm

Maggie began packing up all her stuff to head home. She glanced up when hearing a crashing sound. Everyone else had already left, and she was waiting on the night doctor to come for his shift, but he would have came in a little more gracefully, right?

Maggie walked to the crashing sound and switched on the light to the main lobby. The glass sliding window was broke, its splinters of glass scattered everywhere. Maggie's heart began to beat fiercely in her chest. She started to turn around to run to the phone, but someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth, keeping her from screaming.

"Don't move, or I'll kill you." the deep voice said. Maggie felt something press hard into her back. She knew right than what it was. A gun.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby True_Grave on Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:36 pm

Joseph was settling in to get comfortable, but his head kept resting against something hard. Reaching under the pillow, he found the hospital remote with a call button for staff and controls for the TV, including an On/Off button. He felt bad about throwing a fork at the button now, and knew he had to get it out before morning. Getting up, he moved his IV machine in a clockwise motion to get it to move with him. Grasping and pulling the fork out, he suddenly heard the sound of a large bit of glass shattering. Knowing that it could possibly be a break-in, his cop instincts took over.

Wheeling the IV machine to the closet right of his bed, Joseph opened it and looked inside. His police uniform was inside, the blood from his gunshot wound dry. Finding his two-way radio, badge, handcuffs and service weapon, he took them out and shut the closet door. Turning on his radio, he kept it down to avoid alerting the perp. After pressing the talk button, he said, "All units, I have a possible 10-64 on my hands, repeat, possible 10-64. Anybody copy?" Removing his hand from the button, Joseph waited for a response. There was no reply, and he knew he had to investigate. Attaching his radio, handcuffs and badge to his hospital gown, he checked his weapon.

Removing the clip, he found his gun was still fully laoded. Putting it back in, he checked the sight and found it perfect. Turning off the safety and pulling back the hammer, he grasped his IV machine and began to wheel it with him out of the room. Looking down the hall to the left, he spotted broken glass that had once been part of a sliding glass door. There was indeed a break in, and Joseph doubted if the perp had gotten off the first floor. Traveling down the hall, he peeked around the corner and saw the perp in the lobby. He had taken Dr. Bain hostage, which was bad. The perp's back was to him, however, which was good. If he could nail the shot perfectly, this perp was going down.

Holding his IV machine horizontally, he stepped out quietly and aimed his gun. Lining up the shot, he took a breath and fired. Blood hit the floor as the shot nailed the perp right in the shoulder blade of his gun arm, making it useless. The gun clattered to the floor and the perp fell, yelling in surprise and pain. Joseph rushed over and unhooked his cuffs. Pinning him to the ground, he hooked the cuffs on him and began reading him his Miranda rights. "You are under arrest on the charges of breaking and entering, assault with a deadly weapon and hostage taking. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be posted for you by the state. Do you understand these rights?" The perp was able to nod. "Good." Joseph pushed him against the wall and turned the safety on before stashing his gun in the waist of his hospital pants.

Reaching for his radio, Joseph pressed the buttons. "All units, I have apprehended the suspect. I need back-up to have him put on ice. Anyone copy?" He let go of the button and then a voice cued in. "Joseph, is that you? This is Officer Bitford. I'm happy to hear that you are OK, and I will be there in five." Joseph nodded. "Copy that." He put away his radio and turned to his doctor. "You all right, Dr. Bain?" He asked with a bit of a smile.

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Re: PRP between True Grave and Twilight01

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:42 pm

Maggie screamed slightly at hearing a gun go off, but knew it had hit the robber instead of it being her, because he had realeased her and fell to the ground, yelling in absoulute pain.

Maggie stared at Joesph as he finished handcuffing the robber. "Wow, you're healing quickly, maybe we should let you out sooner than we expected to." Maggie said, than nodded at his question. "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks, by the way." Maggie said and sighed. "I better clean this mess up and call in for a new glass door." Maggie said, frowning.

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