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A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starwinter on Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:27 pm

Sahren's eyes went wide as she witnessed the exchange. Sheer horror played upon her delicate features. Never once in her life had she seen her brother so angry. She simply couldn't take any of it anymore.

"Stop it both of you!" Sahren screamed, her chest heaving from the sheer energy it took to create such a noise. "God both of you, just stop. Please." she said, quieter this time, feeling overwhelmed.

Sahren turned to her brother, her hazel eyes pleading. "Please Xander," said asked, using his childhood nickname. "just lose your pride for one second before he really does kill you. Losing you would kill me, so please, stop."

This whole conversation confused Sahren. What were they even fighting over? Though there words seemed clear enough, she sensed she was missing something. A hidden innuendo crept under their words, just out of her grasp.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Damien Silverwing on Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:02 pm

Surprised, Alexander looked over at her and his expression softened. He smiled at her and gave in. "Alright. I won't fight anymore. I'll do as you ask Sahren. I promise I won't argue with him. How are are you feeling? Any better?" Instead of bickering, he deicided that he would just ignore the man until he would say something that directly hurt his sister. He would do anything for her. "Are you hungry? And thirsty? I am sure you are. maybe the captain here could get you something to drink at the very least."
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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Beany-Baby on Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:57 am

Aidan turned and looked at Sahren, such an outburst from her was uncommon. He held back a chuckle when she used Alexanders childhood nickname to plead with him to stop arguing. She was obviously worried about her brothers life, worried he would kill him. Aidan looked at Alexander slightly confused his sudden change of expression caught him off guard. The new gentleness his voice had and the caring way he looked at Sahren, there was certainly some sisterly love there.
Aidan nodded quietly at Alexanders suggestion of drink, on the other side of the brigs bars there were crates of wine. The wine had been taken from a few of the many ships his crew had taken. Aidan unlocked the door and closing it behind him just for good measures, he made his way to one of the wine crates and pulled out a bottle of the fine wine they had stolen. Once back in the brig he popped the top off and walked over to the siblings huddled together.
Sahren looked so troubled and he wanted to comfort her to hold her and tell her everything would be alright, but that could not happen. No he had to trust Alexander to take care of her, anyway he tried to help would just cause more problems down the road. He held the bottle out toward her mouth so she could drink some if she wished "There you go Princess some of Englands finest wine, took this one from a little beauty of ship called the Diamond." he said smiling as he held the bottle close to her lips.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starwinter on Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:34 am

Anyone who believed Alexander to be completely unreasonable had clearly never seen him with his sister. Upon his compliance, Sahren let out an audible sigh of relief. She was grateful she had been able to defuse that fight before it had time to explode. When she next looked at Aidan, she expected to see him scoffing at her, or to hear him say something about how she had no power of command on this ship. She expected him to say he would do what he wanted, and fight who he wanted. However, that wasn't the case at all. If anything, he just looked amused. Maybe even a little calm.

Sahren was surprised to be offered wine by the captain. It didn't exactly mesh with their surroundings, and up to this point she hadn't thought him to be so hospitable. In truth, this hot and cold act was just giving her a headache. However, it came to no surprise to the princess that the wine had been stolen from another ship. They were pirates after all.

"I'm fine." Sahren said simply, shaking her head at the bottle. Her stomach was still rather uneasy, and truthfully she just didn't trust putting anything into it. Plus, there was no way she was taking anything from the man who held her captive.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Damien Silverwing on Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:43 pm

Alexander sighed at his sister. "You need to drink something. I don't want you to die from thirst. If you don't want a lot, just take a sip or to. Wet your throat and your mouth. It will do you some good I am sure," he explained, trying to reason with her. He hated the way shew as being treated, but he could do nothing about it. The least he could do was try to make her comfortable. This man obviously had some affection for his sister. he clamped his mouth shut before he had a chance to say anything to the man. If he spoke agian, he would start an argument and displease his sister again.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Beany-Baby on Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:58 pm

Aidan rolled his eyes "Fine die of thirst if you want." he said sitting the bottle down beside her bowl of burgoo. "Its there when you want it. That is if you could reach it." he said turning his back on the two. He walked toward the door of the brig, turning his head over his shoulder to glance at them. He opened the door and slipped through closing the door with a loud bang behind him. Before making his way to the door leading out of the ships brig/storage room he stopped and turned around and looked through the brig bars at them. A smirk on his face he mockingly bowed to them "Fair well your Highness' I have duties to attend to. Now now don't look so sad, I shall see you again tomorrow morning." he said smiling. With that Aidan left the room and made his way to his cabin ready for the nap he had just began to take earlier.
Last edited by Beany-Baby on Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Damien Silverwing on Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:41 pm

Alexander glared at him but said nothing. He tried to turn his back towards his sister. "Try untying me. Then I will utnie you." he whispered to her. If she couldn't reach, he would have to squirm around until he found something sharp enough to cut it open. He scanned the room again and saw rusted daggers near a corner. "That's so far..." he barely whispered. It would take forever for him to get to it. He had to hope that his sister could reach it. He turned his head to look at her. If anything he could get her to drink once their hands were free. He swallowed dryly at the drink. Man he was so thristy...

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starwinter on Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:05 pm

Sahren was ultimately relieved when the captain put the bottle down. He seemed almost annoyed that she hadn't taken a sip, and hurried out of the brig. She was surprised when he mentioned that it was nighttime, how long had she been unconscious? Well either way, she was glad he was finally gone. Now she didn't have to worry about trying to keep the peace between him and her brother. The difficult task made even harder by her immobility.

With a twist, Sahren was able to bring herself closer to her brother. She was impressed by herself, the fabric of her gown further limiting her movement. "Hold still." she said, moving around her hands until she felt the warmth of her brother's skin. Her nimble, thin fingers snaked there way into the rope. As she tugged and moved the ropes, he shoulders ached from the awkward angle. The ropes were tied tight, not surprising to Sahren. Anyone who worked on a boat had to know how to make tight knots. Ultimately, Sahren was only able to loosen the ropes around her brother's wrists.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Damien Silverwing on Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:46 pm

"Thanks Sahren," he whispered. He twist his hands around trying to get the rops off of him. It was almost of no use. He took in a breath and forced his wrist to twist around. He nearly yelped at the pain but he managed to get his hands free. He released the air he had held in his lungs and rubbed his wrist. "Your turn." He got onto his knees and started picking at her rops. Damn they were tight! at last the rops were looser than they had been. "Can you slip your hands through it?" he asked before turning to his ankles.

They had to work fast. Anyone could walk in at any moment. He constantly looked up at the door fearfully. "If someone comes in, hide your hands back as if you are still tied. We don't want them to know that we got free," he advised her. He licked his dry and cracked lips. He had to ignore the urge to forget the ropes and grab the drink. His stiff hands weren't helping him at all. He rubbed his hands together to get them working again before he tried to loosen the rops on his ankles.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starwinter on Sun Jul 12, 2009 9:12 pm

Sahren nodded in response to Alexander asking if she could get her wrists free. Quickly, she began moving her wrists around in any way possible, looking for the weak points in the rope. Luckily enough, her wrists were rather slender and her hands were very small. It took about a minute, but eventually she slipped one, then the other, free of her ropes.

Once free, she looked at her hands. They were read and raw from being slipped through the ropes. Her wrists themselves were even slightly bloodied. As she moved them, she begin to sting as blood was finally free to flow freely through her wrists and hands. A pins and needles feeling making it uncomfortable as she bent and unbent her fingers.

Following suit, Sahren began to work on the ropes round her ankles. She knew she should be working quickly, but the ropes were thick and difficult. Her arms had little strength left in them from freeing her wrists, making it even more of a challenge.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:20 am

Blake Hollins swung from the ropes from the mast with ease. After spending most of his life on this ship, he knew every part of it, every nook and cranny. Swinging from one rope to another, he saw his Captain, Aiden leave the room which held the prisoners. While most of the pirates had been attacking the land, Blake was the one pirate that stayed aboard and watched the ship, in case the Navy were to show up. Blake landed easily on the balls of his feet on the warm wooden deck of his home. Might as well go talk to the captives, besides, Captain Aiden looked a bit pleased when he left them, maybe they were nice to talk to. Smiling, Blake, along with his monkey Jack, who was sitting on his shoulder, walked towards the room. Grabbing a lantern that hung outside it, the pirate made his way down the stairs and towards the cells. "Ello," he said, sitting on a wooden crate outside the cells, Jack staring at the new comers intently, "How are you on this fine day?"

((ooc-Obviously Blake isn't the brightest pirate there ever was, Hehe, he never got an education))

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starwinter on Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:57 pm

The sound of the door opening had Sahren swinging her head in the direction of the noise. Instinctively, she began to shove her hands behind her back, tucking her feet with the half undone ropes into the fabric of her dress at the same time. However, she was too late and she knew that whomever was entering clearly saw that she was no longer bound.

The figure illuminated was not the captain. Sahren didn't know whether to be happy about this, as the boy who entered could be far worse. She could see him clearly in the lantern light. He was around her age, possibly only a few years younger. Just by the way he moved and looked, Sahren could guess he probably had lived on a boat most, if not all, of his life.

When he spoke, all Sahren's fears about him washed away. He seemed oddly... pleasant, like he was looking to make new friends.
"All things considered, I could be worse," Sahren said. As she spoke, she wondered if that was the truth. Could she be in a worse predicament? "things would be better if I could get the rest of these ropes off..." Sahren said, her voice soft and friendly. It was risky, so blatantly pointing out that she had gotten most of the way out of her ropes. However, she knew that he had already seen that her hands were free, so it was no use hiding the fact that she wanted to get her feet free as well. Who knows, maybe he would even help her.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Mon Jul 13, 2009 10:05 pm

Blake saw now that the girl's ropes had been untied. Shrugging, Blake just thought the captain might have done it, the two captives were still in their cells though, black iron bars preventing them from fully escaping. "Hmm, well that's nice." he said politely. Jack jumped from Blakes shoulder onto the ground, making a soft *thump*. The small monkey went up to the cells, watching the two new comers intently. "He must like you." Blake said sweetly. For the first time he saw the face of the girl captive. my, she was beatiful, but Blake reminded himself he must not fall in love with her. Shaking his head roughly, Blake looked back up at the girl. He saw her slightly bloodied wrists and mentally slapped himself for not asking about her earlier. "Miss are you alright?" he asked, looking at her wrists.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Damien Silverwing on Tue Jul 14, 2009 1:39 am

Alexander had hid his own hands behinds his back when the door opened. His blinked a few times as they were bathed in light. He glared at the boy until his sister started to speak. He turned toward her wide eyed. How could she tell him they had gotten through the ropes? He tensed, waititng to see what the boy would do. His response shocked him even more. He wasn't going to tie them again? Think there was no point in faking anymore, he let his hands come back to the front and rubbed his own wrists. He touched his sister's shoulder protectively. He wasn't going to let him hurt her if he decided to do something else. Other than that, he remained silent.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starwinter on Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:13 am

Sahren grew reassured when Alexander's hand rested on her shoulder. It was nice to know that if this went poorly, he was there. She did not, by any means, consider herself to be a good manipulator. Matter of fact, she wasn't even capable of telling a believable lie. Her conscious always got in the way.

A smile played upon her lips when the monkey approached the cage. The princess had always been an animal lover, owning many rare and exotic pets back home.

"Well," she said responding to the mans statement about his monkey. "I like him too." Sahren stuck a hand out to beckon over the monkey, revealing her slightly bloodied wrists. She had almost forgotten about them until he had said something. By this time she was used to the ever present dull ache.

"Oh, I'm fine." she said, taking her eyes off the monkey to examine her wrists. They were certainly a little raw from the ropes. A few small spots of blood could seen on them from where she really had to work to get the ropes off. "It isn't anything that won't heal." she finished finally, picking her words carefully.

As she spoke, she couldn't help but think of how helpful this could turn out. Having an ally on the ship could greatly improve things.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Beany-Baby on Tue Jul 14, 2009 11:29 am

Aidan opened the door to the storage room/brig and walked in. In his arms were two thin cots and crudely stitched blanket for each. He whistled to himself as he walked in a happy smile on his face but one glance around the room quickly deteriorated his smile. He looked at Blake but didn't question his appearance in the brig just nodded his head to the boy. He pulled out his keys and went back to his whistling, keys in one hand cots and blankets heaved up on his other shoulder and held in place by his other hand.

He stopped a mere foot from the brig door he had just been about to open then turning to face his fellow pirate he asked "Blake lad did you untie the hostages hands?" he asked slightly annoyed. He knew the boy had never had much education, but common sense should have told him that there was a reason why captives were tied up. He looked back at Sahren and Alexander there wrists were bloody and the ropes were clearly detached from there hands and feet, then glanced back at Blake even more annoyed.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Damien Silverwing on Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:42 pm

Alexander tensed when Aiden returned to the room. He pulled Sahren into his arms and hugged her tightly. He did not respond to him at all. He leaned in close to Sahren and whispered, "No matter what happens, I will protect you from any harm with my life. As you wished, I will say nothing, but I cannot keep quite if he dares raise a hand against you." He never took his eyes off the boy and Aiden. The boy seemed friendly enough so he wasnt' worried about him. Aiden however, was another story. The man looked annoyed, maybe angry. He didn't want him to provoke an attack that would hurt or sadden his sister.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BaneSlayer2 on Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:12 am

Blake was a bit suprised at the sudden appearence of his captain. Giving a stiff salute, Blake seemed to concentrate for moment, the monkey Jack crawling back onto his shoudler. "No sir captain Aiden." Blake looked back at the captives, such nice people that were aboard the ship these days.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Beany-Baby on Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:02 am

Aidan smiled at Blake "Alright lad, just checking." he said then turned his head back to his hostages. He glanced at the far wall of the brig "Alright backs against the far wall back there, just get up and walk back you'll find it soon enough." he said waiting on them to at least stand up and start moving back before opening the brig slightly. He slipped in and pulled the door shut behind him he dropped the cots and the blankets on the floor in one big pile. He then proceeded to take one of the cots and set it up near the door of the brig and neatly draped a blanket over top it for Sahren, leaving the other in a large mess.

He turned toward them "Well I am impressed your highness'. That didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would have. Much credit to you." he said with actual kindness in his voice. "But oh dear look at those wrists. So bloody and dirty, I am sure your father and mother would not approve. Not approve at all." he said shaking his head at them.

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Re: A Love Restrained (A pirate story)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starwinter on Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:16 pm

Sahren was relieved when the captain hadn't gotten mad at the boy. As Alexander grabbed her, she startled. Sahren wasn't expecting the sudden movement from her brother. She looked from Alexander, to the captain. The intensity in both their eyes was startling. If she didn't know any better, she could have guessed that their fued had been going for far longer than it really had.

As the captain unlocked the barred door and entered, Sahren scowled. She stepped back and instructed, her hazel eyes watching the captain intently. When he only dropped off the cots, Sahren felt some tension leave her body. As soon as he mentioned her mother and father, Sahren winced. "Well," she started, her voice low and strained. "you made sure I didn't have a mother or a father anymore, didn't you? Looks like I don't have anything to worry about."

Sahren had a smix of emotions going through her as she spoke. She was furious at the captain for bringing up her parents. At the same time, she was just tired of all the fighting. Not to mention how confused she was by the many shifts in the captains personality.

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