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A New Era (Death Note) IC

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A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:45 pm

In the Shinigami Realm, there is a shadowed figure sitting in front of a portal to the Human world and suddenly throws a white notebook into the place and it falls onto the grass of a front lawn.

The Next Day...

A man with black hair and a white hat on walks out and gets his mail. When he turns around, he notices the notebook on the grass and picks it up with one hand and letting it dangle as he inspects the writing. "Hmmm... Seems to be English." he says as he reads across, DEATH NOTE. "Wonder who dropped this?" he asks himself and opens the first page and reads it. "The person whose name is written in this notebook shall die." "Hah, a book that can kill, rediculous." he responded and walked into the house with the book. When he entered he locked the front door with 3 sliding locks and 2 chain locks, then walked over to a table and threw his mail, which was mainly composed of invalid checks and overdue rent, and the notebook on the kitchen counter. The blinds were all closed and revealed no light into the building, but the man turned around and looked at the notebook. "Curiousity did kill the cat." he said and grabbed the book and walked upstaris. He logged onto a computer and the background was white and had a Stylized W on it.
"Welcome back Wolf." said a twisted voice which was a scrambled female voice which could be identified by mostly anyone.
"Thank you, P. Do you have a report on the Kinikashi Murderer?" Wolf asked and leaned over to grab a chocolate bar from a counter, then he sat down in front of the computer screen.
"Nothing so far, Wolf. He hasn't attacked anyone since he heard that Wolf has been investigating him." said P and Wolf grinned.
"Who told him that lie? It is you, P, who's working on his case, not I!" Wolf responded and took a bite out of the chocolate bar. "I must report on another case now, though. Sayonara, P!" Wolf said and a blissful voice and disconnected from the communication, then looked over at the Death Note. "Anyone whose name is written, shall die." he said and picked up the book and read some more rules. "Both the first and last name must be written In order for the effects to take place. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person’s face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected." "Hmmm... A name and a face." said Wolf as he opened the internet and searched the most wanted criminals. "No. That won't do. I need to know of their death immediately." he said and grabbed the notebook and left the house through the backdoor which only had 4 locks, 2 chain one normal, and one sliding. He only had 2 keys with him, but that was enough. He wandered around town when he came across a chocolate shop. "A treat I never miss!" he said as he walked towards the building and saw a man harassing a woman.
"Hey, baby! Just give it to me already. No one's gunna stop me. Hee hee hee." said the slime of a person. Wolf noticed his actions and recognized him as the Kinikashi Murderer who plays with his victims before slaughtering them. Wolf walked into the building and smiled at the woman behind the counter.
"Uh, the usual." he said and watched as she began to fill a gallon bag with candies. Wolf walked over to the window and grinned. "You're mine now, slime ball." he thought as he pulled out the notebook and began to write the persons name down. JIN KENASHI. Wolf then looked at the rules again and noticed that it took 40 seconds to kill someone with a heart attack. He walked back over to the counter and pulled out a black mastercard and gave it to the lady and smiled. "It's a special occassion." he said and she rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Hah, yeah. It ALWAYS is." she said and Wolf chuckled a little. He walked back over to the window and looked back at his watch. "35 seconds went by..." he thought thinking, "What if this actually kills him?"
"Sir, you're credit card." said the lady and Wolf jumped a couple feet back to the counter, grabbed his sweets, and his credit card, and dashed out the door. As soon as he opened the door, the man was grabbing his chest and foaming at the mouth. He fell over and suddenly died. Wolf looked at his actions shockingly, yet very pleased at the same time. "It... It worked." He returned through the backdoor quickly and logged back onto his computer. "P. The Kinikashi Murderer is dead."
If you can't read this, you probably need glasses!!!

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Slave_2 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:31 am

Amber at the end of her bed rearranging the manny stuffed animals she had on it. When she felt she'd done a good enough job, she sat back admiring what she had done. She had at least four rows of animals she arranged daily, but some say it's a waste of time. Every night when she went to bed they were all pushed onto the floor, and every morning she set them back up again but in a different order. Since she had been doing this for so long, it had become a force of habit.
Today was going to be a very boring one. Amber had absolutely nothing to do, no mangers to talk to, no new outfits to try on...nothing. This was different to her now. She was used to working every day lately, it seemed she was always busy with something and now...she wasn't. She decided she would just watch tv for a while, and when she was sick of it she'd gind something else to do. So she sat on the edge of her bed and turned on her tv. There was really nothing intresting to watch but the news. As soon as she turned it on there was a crime report. It seemed like that was all the news was used for, telling people about dangerous criminals roaming the streets or ones that had been cought. To Amber it was amazing how many more bad people there were in the world than there were good...or maybe it was just her opinoin.
Even though she was a lot younger then, she could still remember when Kira was around. In her opinion he was doing a much better job with crime than the cops or anybody. One day though he just....dissappeared. Like many she wondered what happened to him, but no one knew. She didn't know why she had liked Kira so much, he hadn't really done anything for her personally. Maybe it was the fact that she felt that what he was doing was right, that all criminals should be punished for what they did. Murder, kidnap, arson, rarely was anyone really punished for their crimes. They were only put to death if their crime was bad enough. But she felt that a world without crime would be best for everyone, especially when there were so many criminals running around...
More than anything she wished she could help catch these people, but that required her to besome a cop or something like that and she was not willing to do that no matter what it would do for the world.
You can't sleep with me...........because



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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nezzera on Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:40 pm

Sam sighed, leaning on the counter of the front desk of Penti's Pets. It had been an oddly slow day: only two people had come in, and only one had actually bought anything. Stretching, she yawned loudly and reached for a bag of pet food. She pulled the bag out and set it on the counter, then turned it around to see the label. Well, she thought, picking the bag back up and weaving her way through the isles of animals and various pet products, guess I'll feed the dogs, then. She unlocked and pushed open a small door, kneeling down to greet the excited little puppies. Her favorite, a small black one she called 'Bear' because of how his face looked to her, jumped up and licked her face, wagging his tail so hard his entire body wiggled. Sam giggled, and scratched the puppies ear before grabbing a few bowls and scooping kibble into them.

The puppies surrounded the bowls, all yipping quietly and wagging their tails, practically climbing on top of each other in the race for food. While they were busy eating, Sam went over and sat in the corner with their mama. Tora Penti, the owner of the shop, had found the dog, sick, tired, and pregnant in an ally a short while back. When Tora brought her in, the dog looked like she was about to die. Sam and Tora nursed her back to perfect health and through her pregnancy, and were now raising her puppies; slowly but surely, each one was being bought and sent to a better home. The mama was appropriately named by Tora and Sam: Miracle.

"Hey, Mira, baby...." she said quietly, petting the dog's soft fur slowly. Miracle moved to lick Sam's hand, and rested her head on the girl's lap. Sam rubbed the dog's tummy gently, and closed her eyes, a small, soft smile spread across her lips. She could probably fall asleep right then if she wanted to; she was tired enough. She wouldn't, though- because doing so was potential for a big problem. Judging from the days events, or lack there of, though, she doubted anything would go wrong if she did happen to drift into unconsciousness. Still; she couldn't help but wish something, anything to liven up her boring life, would happen.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:24 pm

"What? When did this happen, Wolf?" asked P from the other line.
"It just happened recently," began Wolf staying calm and not showing it in his voice, "he seemed to have had a heart attack or a stroke. I did not want to put myself in danger so I left the premises. It may be just a stroke of luck, though." Wolf finished and giggle at the end. He pulled up a chart from one of his files and looked it over. "His death seems to be the only one that matches the records."
"What records?" asked P quickly.
Wolf didn't respond at first as he was intensly studying the file, then laughed in his head. "Nothing. I'll report back with a new assignment." he said and logged off the communication and sat back. He laid down on the floor and rubbed his eyes. "Damn... a notebook that kills. It could have been just a coincidence, though. I need a more suitible test subject." Wolf said and got up. He grabbed the notebook from the kitchen counter and returned to the computer and opened a Live news feed and waited for a crime report worthy of his attention to pop up. While he waited he worked on a report about the Kinikashi Murderer and listened to the news. After completing the report, he closed the file and watched the news. Still nothing. He had worked for hours now and nothing was on. Then when he finally gave up hope, something struck.
"This just in! A ruthless killer has taken a bank hostage!" A picture of the man who had a rough beard and black sunglasses showed up. "His name is James Johnson aka the Crimson Killer!" said the announcer as the camera showed an overview of the bank and had the picture of James in the corner.
"James Johnson..." thought Wolf as he watched the screen for a few more seconds, then he whipped out the Death Note and pulled a pen from his pocket. JAMES JOHNSON. A few gun shots were heard seconds after writing the name down and people began to storm in. "What? It's only been 15 seconds?" Wolf questioned. No police entered the building yet, but then the Crimson Killer was on top of the building and laughing hysterically.
"I want everyone to leave! Give me 3 million yen and I'll release everyone! Hah hah hah!" he screamed and Wolf checked his digital clock on the floor nearby and checked the time.
"37 seconds!"
"Hah hah hah hah ha! Now, If you don't follow my orders I'll- ugh..." He stopped and grabbed his chest. The police were aiming their guns at James' chest and watched closely as he dropped to his knees and fell forward off the building. The screen blacked out before he hit the ground and all that was heard was screaming.
"Dear god! James Johnson, the Crimson Killer, has died. The cause is unknown but from the looks of it he had a heart attack." said the announcer as the screen went to the studio and showed him in shock.
"No..." said Wolf again with his jaw dropped, then he grinned. "It works... heh..." he grinned enough to reveal his canine teeth on one side and took a bite out of a chocolate bar. "Well... just to make sure..." he said and double clicked on a Most Wanted File and revealed column after column of criminal's picture and names. 30 of them filled the screen and the scroll bar was almost a centimeter tall. Wolf spent the next hour killing a hundred criminals; all of different countries and heart attacks.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby cancerparady on Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:11 am

"Damnit Kira!" Loki said in class when defense attorney and his teacher announced the fate of the Crimson Killer.

"Shut up Loki!" His teacher yelled. His teacher had a voice and was deffinetly heard in court. Not that he had ever seen him in there. Of course this wasn't the first time Loki had yelled out in class. Like his teacher Loki will always be heard.

How can he be back L had killed hadn't he. If he is back I'll be there to stop him. He can not kill the untried. Not giving someone a chance is NOT justice. When I find you Kira you will go to court. Then you will rot in jail and hope Kira kills you. In the end you should kill yourself. Kira you is worst then all those criminals who you have never judged. You just looked at their face and that was all the time you took.

Loki grabbed his stuff and walked out of class. "Loki!" He heard his teacher yell as he went away. He needed to find L or better yet some one who can actually stop Kira.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rasche on Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:20 pm


Akira sat at the foot of the Shinigami realm. He looked down into the Human world and watched as humans one by one went into different directions. They scattered themselves everywhere. He took special attention to a man in particular...Wolf. Looks like someone finally got the Death Note... He had dropped it 3 days ago. Finally someone had picked it up. A man named Wolf was already having his fun with it, but who did this boy take the pleasure in killing? Criminals...of course. The Shinigami looked down into the deep vortex. Looking around the purple shaded room, he unlatched his Death Note from his back. Flipping through the pages with one flick of his murky colored fingers, he turned to the next open spot on the Death Note's snow white sheets. He wrote the name of the first Human he had seen that day in the vortex. Robert O'Connor. Today wasn't his lucky day.

"Hey, Akira, what are you doing?" Another Shinigami had seen him sitting there. This Shinigami was covered in a dark colored fur, and stunk of the smell of wet blood.

"Nothing..." He got up, spread his black wings, and dove into the portal. This world was full of light from buildings and cars. He watched as Humans frolicked in the snow. He was told by Ryuk that Humans were interesting creatures. Ryuk had once dropped a Death Note onto the Human world...picked up by a boy named...Light, so had Midora. Unlike Midora's failed attempts, Ryuk's had begun the entire Human-Shinigami relations. That is why he was trying it, but he was sure his actions were not going to fail. He didn't know what the purpose of this entire thing was. He didn't like seeing Humans die, but he had become...numb to it. It was part of his everyday life.

He looked an saw a Human fall from a building, and come down to earth, diving into a concrete sidewalk. The seen was horrific. The man's blood covered what was once the walkway. His head was smashed into to two major parts and various little minor parts. He continued onward. The Human who had gotten the Death Note truly was despicably...even for a Shinigami.
What's the FUCKING point?

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:06 pm

Wolf finished writing down the hundreth name in the notebook and closed it. He filled two pages and was pleased with the deaths. He shut down the computer and looked through the blinds to see that it had begun to rain. "Great." he said and let the blinds swing back to place and walked over to his bag of candy he had gotten earlier. He reached in an grabbed a cookie which he nibbled on for a fre seconds before shoving it in his mouth and chewing on it. "It seems this Death Note could come in handy when I eliminate all the criminals in the world." he thought and swallowed the cookie. He walked back over to the computer and sat on the floor, staring at the black screen, until his cell phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and used his thumb, middle, and index fingers to hold the phone by his ear, but a few inches away from his face.
"Wolf, this is P. I've just gotten word that... will shock you." she said in a frantic voice.
"P? She didn't scramble her voice," Wolf began to think, "This is... truely a sight." he thought and smiled. He leaned over and plugged in a wire to the phone and pressed a button on a machine as he responded. "Yeah, go ahead." The machine began to record the conversation as P began to talk.
"Over 70 criminals just died of heart attacks! I fear the worst, that Kira might've came back from hidding." she said and Wolf grinned.
"Kira?" he asked. He never knew about Kira being that he lived in America when Kira had just died. Wolf was 4 at that time, but he moved to Whammy's House days prior to Kira's death. Wolf only knew that his father was in a car accident and his mother had a heart attack in jail.
"KIRA! He was the God of our new world... that was until he stopped punishing criminals. I'm a fan, myself, but he needs to be stopped for the greater good!" P exclaimed and Wolf leaned over and stopped the machine.
"This Kira... how does he kill? What are his motives? Do have info on Kira in the database?" Wolf asked and P just gasped on the other line.
"YES! All the data is under KIRA: 6x11." said P and Wolf turned on his computer and checked went onto the database and searched for KIRA: 6x11. When Wolf found it, he thought of something only a killer could conjure up.
"P. We need to meet. I know it's against regulations, but where are you and how close are you to the police station?" Wolf asked and pulled out his Death Note. He opened the internet and waited for her answer.
"I'm at the Laguna Hotel and I'm about 20 minutes from the station. I can be there a few minutes earlier if you want." she said and Wolf grinned.
"No. 20 minutes is more than enough time." then he searched the hotel online and found their phone number. P hung up the phone, as did Wolf, and he reached in the bag of candy and ate some Apollo. We looked at the clock on the computer and waited 4 minutes before calling the hotel.
"Hello. Laguna Hotel, how may I help you?" asked a lady.
"I'm looking for a woman who might've just left the building a minute or two ago. This is the police and we need to find her whereabouts immedeately. Not much is known about her, but if you could send us a picture along with the names of all females that are staying in your hotel, that would serve us great help." began Wolf, then looked over at the machine. "We actually have evidence of what her voice sounds like. Here, tell me if you can identify the person speaking." Wolf said and rewinded the machine and played it.
"KIRA! He was the God of our new world... that was until he stopped punishing criminals. I'm a fan, myself..." then he stopped the tape and listened to the woman on the other line think to herself.
"Hmmm... that sounds an awful lot like Pamela." she said and Wolf grinned.
"Got ya!" "Could you please send a picture and full name to This will be vital to our investigation." he said and the woman could be heard typing on the computer.
"Right away sir, but I must ask your name, please. For reference." she said and Wolf shoved 5 Apollo's in his mouth and chewed on them.
"Call me L." he said and disconnected the phone line and checked his E-mail. Sure enough, it was sent and a picture of a blonde, middle-aged woman appeared along with a name. Wolf opened the death note and began to write:
Dies of a car crash
She is driving to her destination when she makes a last second error and turns right where she is meant to turn ONLY left. She will crash into a building and die on impact.
"Perfect." Wolf said as he closed the note book and put it in a coat pocket and went out through the back door. He brought his keys with and ocked them when he left. He only lived a few minutes from the station and knew where the left turn ONLY was so he waited at the corner and watched for his victim to come driving down. minutes after minutes passed when finally a white van came rushing down the street and turned right and went flying off the road and fell one story into a concrete building and the front of the car was smashed against the wall. Wolf watched this unfold in front of him and gave a shocked look, when really he was exsctatic. He returned home and locked the doors and went upstairs to the computer whcih was still on the database. He highlighed everything and deleted it all. He then logged off and ate a victory Pockey.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rasche on Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:46 pm


Akira saw what had happened next. The man who had gotten his Death Note killed a woman that went by the name Pamela Nichols. He saw the car make an "accidental" wrong turn. She crashed into the hotel to her right. Knowing that the hotel was already empty in the rooms the car had crashed into, he set off in another direction. The direction that the man went.

The door of the house was locked. A very safe man aren't you? floating up into the ceiling, Akira mustered a word out of thought, "Having fun? You're using my Note quite a bit aren't you?" He saw this boy named Wolf constantly writing names one after another into His Death Note.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:12 pm

Wolf heard the voice and turned around and looked all over trying to find the source of the mysterious question. "Who's there?" he asked quickly and took a piece of Pocky and bit it in half. "My note... Death Note... is this yours?" he asked pulling out the white Death Note from his coat and waving it in the air, then noticed the shinigami floating nearby. By the features on the creature, Wolf knew he was in for a surprise, but what kind. Wolf just grinned and asked a simple question, "What's your name, shinigami?"

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rasche on Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:31 pm


"Heheheheheheh! My name? Are you stupid? If you really want to's Akira. So go ahead write my name." He stared at the boy...he had decided to call himself order for someone's true name they have to completely accept the name they want...a simple name change will not do. They have to accept the name by heart and Akira could see this boy's name start to change, but not completely...this was a rare case indeed.

"Well, hurry up with this if your gonna do it!" He gazed into the boy's eyes. The misguided justice and determination seemed oddly familiar...

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:39 pm

Wolf opened the notebook and took out a pen from his pocket and uncapped it. He looked at the shinigami and smirked. "Akira was it?" he said and put the pen to the paper, then pulled it away and closed the book. "Nah, I know better than that. By giving me your name you are confident that I was going to write your name down, but little known to you, I'm Wolf. I know there must be something fishy if a shinigami is trying to encourage me to attempt to kill it. You must be unaffected by the Death Note, correct? That would explain why you don't seem to fear a little human like me who wields one of the most potentially deadliest weapons to human existance. Tell me Akira, why did you come here? To make me a shinigami or something? I may be smart, but this is newly exposed to me, so I need some explanation as to why a god of death is in my residence." Wolf said and sat down, cross legged, and grabbed a Pocky from a box and bit it in half, then shoved the rest in his mouth. He pulled out another one and pointed it at Akira, a gesture of politeness. "Want one?"

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rasche on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:12 pm


"Hm?" He stared at the Candy Bar..."Sure, but remember...I like Barbecue Chips more..." He took the Candy Bar from the boy and swallowed it whole. It had been a while since he had had anything other that rotten apples, and the sweet taste of the Candy was soothing.

"So why I'm here right? Well, I'm here because remember the old Kira incident? You must have heard about it? I'm curious...cause the Shinigami who started that told me that you Humans were Interesting things. So far, I've yet to see it." He put his hand out for another Sweet Treat...maybe these things did taste better than barbecue chips.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:24 pm

(Btb, Pocky isn't a "bar." It's a little gramcracker stick with chocolate, or strawberry, flavoring on it)

Wolf pulled out another Pockey and gave it to Akira and smiled. "Yeah, we are interesting. And that Kira incident, I don't know about it. I was far too young to remember it and even so Kira was at the decline of his power. Why? This Kira person, was he evil?" asked Wolf pulling out a Pocky stick for himself and placing it on his lips. "I'm just curious as to... wait. Is this your Death Note?" asked Wolf sudennly realizing that this book of death might've belonged to this shinigami that appeared out of the blue. "Hah... I always knew Heaven wasn't up there," Wolf began looking up at the cieling, "but I never knew Gods of death lived up there." He then took a bit out of the Pocky and went to grab another when he felt the box was empty, then threw the box towards a corner and grabbed another box from the bag. He also got up and stretched, then walked towards the stairs to go down to the kitchen.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Game Slave_2 on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:33 pm

Amber could have died when she saw that criminal die of a heart attack. After that she turned off the tv. She knew people didn't just die like that naturally, so she was sure it was Kira! After all those years could he be back? She sat there for hours just thinking about the fact that Kira was back. Just a while ago, her friend Theo called. He asked her if she was intrested in going for a walk or something, and of course she had said yes ven though it was pretty late. Theo and Amber acted as if they had known eachother since childhood when they had really just met.
So thats where she was now, walking down the sidewalk with Theo. She tried to keep the Kira subject quiet until they were in a place with less people. She didn't want people to hear about it when she herself wasn't absolutely sure of it. Suprisingly Amber wasn't the kind of person to start rumors...unless of course she didn't like the person then she'd start tons of them.
Finally when they came to part of the town where less people were at the time, she had to say something. "Theo were you watching the news today?" she asked. He shook his head, "No. Why what happened?" he asked casualy not even looking at her. "Well there was this guy...a criminal acually that died of a heart attack. I think it may have been the work of Kira!" she said relatively quiet. The platinum blonde stopped dead in his tracks causing Amber to do the same. "It can't be, he's been gone for years now, what makes you think he'd just come back?" he asked in a semi-stern yet inquisitive tone. "Don't you like Kira?" Amber asked completely ignoring his question. She could tell by the way he said it that he wasn't a big fan. "No. I have my reasons and even though we tell eachother everything, I'd perfer if they stayed private." he said and started walking. Things were a litle awkward now, neither of them said anything to eachother for at least ten minutes after that. But the Kira subject was dropped and they started talking about other things, though Amber couldn't help but wonder why he didn't like Kira....
Last edited by Game Slave_2 on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rasche on Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:41 pm

(yeah what I call a Candy Bar lol)


"No...Heaven and Hell do bad you'll never see it. One who writes in the Death Note will be banished from both Heaven and Hell and forever spend eternity in Mu, a world of nothingness." He took the Pocky from the boy and stuffed it into his mouth. This time taking the time to chew it up and savor the flavors, "And as for for Kira being evil...yes...he was. I once heard that a man named...N, say that Kira killed Light, and that's one of my other secrets. The man called Kira was in fact actually named Light Yagami. The man who took over for the murdered L. Can you guess who killed him?"

He reached out his hand and signaled for more. The Shinigami stared outside. It was at the point of the day, Twilight. It reminded him a lot of the Shinigami Realm. Time never changing, as if your stuck on the most unbearable point of the day. The moment of despair, where you begged for the day to end, and unlike this world. The Shinigami Realm didn't move.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Thu Jan 28, 2010 7:51 am

Wolf listened to Akira speak, then handed went to hand him another Pocky, but stopped and just handed him the box. "That's all you get for now." Wolf said and smirked. "Oh, and Kira was Light, you say? And he became L after the original died? I know who killed L then, Light Yagami did, of course. It would only make sense being that L was trying to catch Kira and that Light had to get rid of him, but I don't think taking over as L was part of his plans." Wolf said and pondered the last sentence he said. "But I don't think that was part of his plans..." Wolf then pulled out a box of Apollo from his pocket and shoved 4 of pyramidal shaped candies into his mouth. He opened the fridge door and all that was inside it was rows upon rows of canned root beer. He grabbed one and opened it, then began to chug it. He looked over at Akira and grinned. "How did Light kill L? L, much like the rest of us, would never reveal our names."

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rasche on Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:39 pm


Heh...Hahahaha! Here comes the interesting part...A Shinigami killed L. A girl's Shinigami. Rem. Heheheheheheh! This is the catch. A Shinigami is forbidden from having any emotional relationship with a Human, but Rem did just that. She knew L was on Kira's tail so she killed L in order to keep the girl alive, who was working with Kira at the time. A Shinigami who knowingly increases a Human's natural life span will die. Oh, and one thing you need to know...A Shinigami and the first Human who picks up the Death Note sign a unseen contract. One which the end...I will write your name in my Death Note." Akira looked down at his box of Pockys, took one out and shoved it into place in his mouth. "Well, it's about night-time. So I guess you need to sleep. If you need me I'll be out "getting" a bottle of Ramune." The Shinigami melted through the window, on his way to the nearest department store.
Last edited by Rasche on Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:50 pm

"Night-time... I don't sleep." said Wolf after Akira had phased through the window. Wolf drank the root beer, then threw it into the garbage which was filled with candy wrappers and empty cans of root beer. Wolf returned upstairs and sat down. "I deleted all data about Kira so no one could use what history did against me unless they lived through that time. That was at least 14 years back, though." he thought to himself and stared at the Death Note. "In order to lose anyone on my tail, I'll need to lead them away from me." he said and opened the notebook and went online and searched for anything; Hotels, lawyers, resorts, church times, anything that had a name and a face. Then he wrote their name down and killed them. Innocent people, gone. "If people suspect Kira's resurection, then they're sadly mistaken. I'll do whatever it takes to survive this new world. Sure justice can heal us, but some people need to die for the new cause." Wolf said and spent a good half hour killing 20 random people. He then went to his room across the hall and slept on the king sized mat.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rasche on Thu Jan 28, 2010 6:25 pm


Akira got back at 12:05 P.M., or at least that's what Wolf's clock said. He finally took the time to look around the room...nothing special. Just a normal teenager's room. He looked for Wolf around his home and finally found him sleeping on a King's size mattress.

"Heheheheh! The real L never slept. This boy has a long way to go before he has the right to call himself L. Even if he mastered all of L's mannerisms he'll still be on the side of Evil...what a misguided boy." The Shinigami decided it had been awhile since the last time he slept. Sleeping in the Shinigami Realm was considered laziness. He didn't need to sleep and in fact was too interested in the boy to sleep anyway.

For the next 5 hours Akira searched Wolf's house. Looking for interesting facts about the boy's life. He knew that at least two Death Notes still resided in the Human world...and Near probably had them...if that little twit was even still alive. He knew Near had ignored the Kira that showed himself during Midora's failed attempts at the Human Death Note scene. "Hm...I wonder how long he'll ignore this Kira...if that brat was still alive he'd be older, smarter, and a bigger threat...hopefully. I don't want this new Kira to get through this without him entertaining me a bit." The Shinigami sat, his shining, deep, red eyes staring at the name above the sleeping boy's head...this was going to be fun.

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Re: A New Era (Death Note) IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hirochi-Zangus on Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:45 pm

Wolf woke up to the sun light beaming through one of the few windows that wasn't boarded up and had the curtains closed. "Damn..." he said and moved around in his bed, then reached his hands under the covers and pulled out a couple boxes of Pocky and threw them on the ground. He got out of the bed and scratched his messed hair and went downstairs. He unlocked all 3 sliding locks and 2 chain locks on his front door and walked outside to grab the mail. He opened the mailbox and to his expectations there were 3 letters of notification and 1 junk mail. Wolf walked back into the house and locked the 3 sliding locks and 2 chain locks, then he dragged his feet into the kitchen and grabbed a root beer from the fridge. "Well, Akira, what's the plan today?" he said just in case his shinigami was around. He walked upstairs and logged onto his computer and had 3 new messages: 2 of them conserning the death of P and 1 of them assigning him a new mission.
"Wolf." said a deep, yet scrambled, voice.
"What, Z?" he asked and leaned back reaching into his still plump bag of chocolates and grabbed a package strawberry Pocky. "What a surprise." Wolf said and opened the box. "A one in twenty probability. I do recall eating 18 boxes of chocolate Pocky last night." he said and looked back at the computer. "I'm sorry, Z. I was sidetracked."
"That's quite all right, Wolf. We've assigned you a new task." Z began and Wolf took a bite and gave a moan of acceptance.
"You've heard of the massive killings around the world, correct?" asked Z and Wolf's eyes widened as he stopped chewing on the Pocky.
"No, sir." he lied.
Well, Wolf, there's been over 80 heart attacks all around the world yesterday and we believe it's the work of Kira." said Z and Wolf grinned.
"Well, how do you know it's not just from natural causes?" asked Wolf finishing the last half of the Pocky.
"Because we've looked over the records. They were all criminals. The last time something of this magnitude occured was 11 years ago. That was the last of Kira. Wolf, this is the biggest news of the decade, but the population does not know much since the death's have been international. We will not release news of his return until we have absolute proof." finished Z. Wolf then grabbed 5 Pocky and shoved them into his mouth.
"Soooo, what's this gotta do with me?" he asked and he heard Z laugh under his breath.
"You're going to be working with another detective. He's known as K." finished Z and Wolf just grinned. He looked around the room to see if Akira was around, but sadly enough he must've gotten bored by the conversation.
"K? Where do we meet?" Wolf asked as he chugged the root beer and crushed the can.
"I'll send you data as to where to meet K. Wolf, remember you'll be working with him. I chose you to work with him for a reason." said Z and Wolf laughed.
"Because you are the most intelligent detective that's left Whammy's House since L, and K is also at a high level of intelligence. You two together could essentially catch Kira." explaiend Z and Wolf just ate another Pocky.
"Fine, sir." said Wolf and logged off the chat. "Perfect. Another detective! I can kill him just as easily, huh." he thought and pulled out the white Death Note from his backpack and placed it on his lap. He went onto the criminal database and wrote down 250 names in 1 hour and 23 minutes. After he finished writing down the names, he went downstairs and saw Akira. "Hey, Akira, let's go out. Wait... Can other's see you?" Wolf asked curiously. He brought 4 packs of chocolate Pocky's with him and pulled out a box. "Here, a treat." he said handing Akira the box.

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