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Ye Ole Character Bio's

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Ye Ole Character Bio's

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:37 pm

Name: Viktor Elven-Blade
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Species: Dwarf
Weapon: An elven shortsword named Red Bloom.
Class: Thug
Appearance: Stands 4'11" Blue eyes. Long blonde hair. Long beard and mustache that almost completely covers his mouth. Has a scar running along his left eyeridge.
Bio: At the age of twelve, Viktor was found deep in a forest by a travelling elven couple. He was unconscious and starving, with no recollection of his past. The elves took him into their home within a great elven city and tried to raise him as a son.

Viktor was never satisfied living among the elves. He often got into fights with neighboring children, and failed to understand the woodlore his parents tried to teach him. Instead, he learned to fight. He was different, and children--even elven children--often detest that. He learned quickly that people he injured did not make fun of him for being short and hairy.

At the age of seventeen, Viktor left the elven community. Just as he discreetly--or so he thought--snuck off, the local prince (whom he had managed to befriend) appeared to him. He gave Viktor Red Bloom, an ever-sharp shortsword, and wished him good luck on his travels.

For three years, Viktor roamed the Magical World working odd jobs as a mercenary. Eventually he found himself in the mining community of Malthamorgia, where he found himself a job keeping the dwarven miners "efficiency high."

Origin: Magical World.
Aura-pet: An armadillo named Jandar.
The armadillo represents a withdrawn person, hiding behind a cold exterior and never letting others see who he really is.

Race: Elf

Age: thirty-four

Appearance: Stands 4'2", skinny. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and the ubiquitous Massive Elf Ears(tm). Wears a green-died wool robe with many bags, pouches, and such hanging all over him. (No pic' as I don't have a scanner)

Gender: Male

Occupation: Alchemist

Ernest Wilkes was born in a village on the coast mainland Balanbar. His parents were elves from the foreign land of Tearengarde, where they had been persecuted as monotheist heretics among the polytheist elves. In human lands, they happily embraced the more accepting Narmese culture and gave their son a human name; Ernest, the name of the ship captain who had transported them away from Tearengarde, and Wilkes, after the town they settled in.

As a child, Wilkes spent many hours wandering about the forests of Balanbar, which his Wood Elf parents thought perfectly normal. He became affluent with the flora of Balanbar, and at some point aquired an interest in alchemy. At the age of sixteen, he went to Goldwood Monostary to study alchemy. At twenty-one, he became a paying member of the Alchemists' Guild and opened a shop in Narm City.

Wilkes often felt out of place among the humans of Narm, and eventually decided to visit his parent's homeland of Tearengarde. After spending two months there, he returned, but would not discuss his experience with his friends other than saying that he was "disgusted." From then on, he refused to identify himself as an elf.
Name: Tuvis Venoth
Age: 153
Gender: Male
Class: Nightblade
Race: Dunmer

Bio: Venoth was born to two members of the Commona Tong in the village of Gnaar Mok. His parents taught him the ways of stealth and illusion, and he grew up to be a skilled nightblade. At the age of twenty, he signed up with House Hlaalu as a mercenary. Eventually, one Hlaalu lord hired him to kill the queen of an Indoril eggmine near Mournhold. He was caught in this act, and his employer denied being involved. So Venoth was hauled off to prison, where he is now.
Full name: Tarvs"Digits" Llerku
Name for other RPers to call your character: Digits, Tarvs, Tarvs Llerku, Llerku, or Mister Llerku
Race: Dark Elf
Age: 211
Focus: Stealth
Skills: Mercantile, arithmatic, short blade(he wields his quill pin with deadly percision!)
Class: Scribe

General appearance: Tall, even for a Dark Elf, and very skinny

Hair: Red
Eye colour: Orange
Height: 6"9'
Mental description: He had a very troubled childhood which has left him with a disdane for people in general. Off the job, he tends to lock himself up in his apartment reading. When he is in public on his free time, he is a consistant pain in the ass, constantly insulting...bugging...snorting....being a typically uptight Dunmer
Weapon: He wields his quill pen with deadly precision!

Armor: None
Clothing: An expensive blue robe with golden tassles, and typical expensive clothes underneath, with curly Elven shoes.
Name : Andrew Bylunson
Age : 26
Instrument : traveller's guitar
Special skill : Teleportation. When a new song is played on the guitar, it is "anchored" to the place it is played in. If the same song is played again somewhere else, the musician may be magically transported back to the "anchor." The song, however, must have some connection to the culture or enviroment of that area (Jazz won't work in Singapore, country western won't work in London, etc.)
Favourite genre : western
Appearance : 5'9", lean build, white, blue eyes, long dirty-blonde hair. A small, closely-trimmed mustache. A long scar running the lenght of his left bicep.
Personality : Continuously restless, feeling an irrepresable urge to travel. Bylunson is of minor noble upbringing, and has kept the code of chivilry his father instilled upon him as a child.
Name: Uknurak Fvelvrdson, goes by the shorter name "Ukun."

Age: 32

Race: Thröngii (Dawn Caste)

Appearance: (ignore the fluffy white thing above his head!)
Occupation: Crusader of Peace

Bio: Raised in Elkhrryndor City, he joined the Crusaders of Peace and came to the Thröngii colonies in Verde at the age of nineteen to work as a guard at a missionary outpost. Three years later the River Moths, who took offense at colonies being built so close to their territory, went to war with the Thröngii Empire. In the proceeding battles, Ukun proved himself a great warrior, and was eventually promoted to the rank of leutinant. He is currently stationed at the Thröngii emabssy in Gadhuvi, the large Verdene trading city on Lake Vedali. He has been tasked with the hireing of mercenaries or bounty hunters to track down the Codices.
Name: Edgaar Hardign
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Race: Highlander
Height: 4'11
Weight: 90lbs.
Build: Thin and wirey, but with decently muscled arms and legs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair length: Very Short
Eye Color: Brown
Weapons: Two steel daggers, one ornately carved and stolen; the other more plain, crafted and given to him as a gift by his late older brother. He also has a plain iron kitchen knife.
Background: Edgaar's family was the wealthy head of a prosperous brokering company in Kryzantine. Constantly coddled and protected from outside influence at home, Edgaar spent as much free time as he could engaging in escapist forays into the seedier parts of the city. He knows the ettiquite and literacy of a merchant-noble as well as the down-to-earth streetwise of a slumdweller. When the plague escaped the slums, the Hardigns were one of the first families to be stricken down. Edgaar and his younger brother, Eirok, were the only surviving members. Eirok was soonthereafter killed by wolves that had wandered into town. Edgaar now survives as a petty theif and looter but does the best he can to avoid trouble.
Personality: Mischevious and crafty. Tries to be "tough," but the blue-blood in him shines through like a lighthouse whenever he does.
Name: Luscious Heinman
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Wendigo

Powers: Immune to cold and pain. Immune to viral and bacterial infections. Does not require sleep. However, his hunger is never satiated and he must constantly seek out sustanance, preferably meat. Despite his neverending feasting, his body absorbs very little of the nutrients he takes in, leaving him eternally hungry and frail.

Physical Description: His curse has stunted his growth, and he stands roughtly 5'4." He is unnaturally pale. Unable to concentrate on much besides food, he has let his hair and nails grow long and dishevelled. He wears baggy clothes to hide his condition, but nude he practically looks like a skeleton with skin hung loosely on it. His blue eyes are sunken deep into his skull, and his hair is brown.

Personality: Luscious constantly tries his best to subdue his unnatural cravings. Constant hunger has left him with a short attention span, as part of his conciousness is always thinking about his next meal. He is uncomfortable dealing with females in any non-professional context, fearing that his curse will drive him to harm them. He is also not skilled at socialization, for reasons discussed in the next section of his profile.

History: Luscious's mother was a high-positioned member in a small satanic cult. On one occasion while she was unknowingly pregnant with another cultist's child, her cults sacrificed a kidnapped human to the powers of darkness, and she was asked to eat the remains. Complying, she was striken with the Curse of the Wendigo, driving her mad. She was unable to cope with her newfound powers and needs, so her fellowship was forced to lock her in a cell for the safety of herself and others. Soon she gave birth to Luscious. The cult was at first to frightened by this to allow the baby outside of his mother's cell, fearing that he would share the same cannabalistic urges. Observing him, however, the leader of the cult released him, seeing that unlike his mother he had some control over himself. Now the brotherhood was delighted at Luscious's "unholy gift," and the young wendigo was treated like a prince.

When he was four years old, however, the local police discovered that the cult had been sacrificing human lives to their evil master. Their chapterhouse was raided, and most of the cultists arrested. Luscious was sent to an orphanage.

Within months, the staff of the orphanage had given up trying to tame him. Cursed with unnatural hunger and spoiled by his former caretakers, they could not keep the boy from harming his peers. He was sent to a child mental asylum, where he lived until the age of fifteen.

Then, showing sufficient self-control to live in a less secure setting, he was sent to Anthanool High School. Unfortunately, he was not psychologically prepared to deal with the narcotics epidemic there, and quickly became addicted to several drugs.
Name: Bailoch Parker

Age: 19

Appearance: Stands 5'2", muscular but lean. Short, black hair and green eyes. Pale.

Faction: Colonist

Personality: Unfortunately for his commanding officers, it is clearly difficult to raise a rebel army without getting a lot of Parker's kind: rebels. Though devoted to the cause of American independence, he has trouble following orders if he thinks he has a better idea. And, ultimately, he just wants to win this war so he can go home to southeast Viginia and his fiance.

Weapons: A flintcock musket and pistol
Name: Noletac
Age: 27
Race: Ezo
Occupation: Travelling Bard
Noletac was born in the province of Ezotacolpar, in Fiádwood, to a single peasant mother. He never met his father, but his mother informed him that he was a bard---which Noletac found impossibly cool. So it was that he spent much of his youth studying prose, ancient stories, and music, and set off to travel Orom dispensing stories and songs.
Name: Jonothan

Gender: Male.

Age: 14

Race: Caucasian. ("Human" is a species, not a race!!!)

Occupation: Altar Boy

Physical Description: Brown eyes; short, greasy black hair combed backwards; a very mild tan; protruding cheek bones; stands 4'1", skinny

Skills/Talents: Can roughly speak several languages, new and ancient. In his native tongue, he is soft-spoken and eloquent. He is learned in mythical lore and theology. Though he cannot use magic himself, he understands a bit of how it works, and how to protect oneself against it.

Goals/Ambitions: Jonothan's parents were freakishly (I-Mean-insane-WtF-ishly) religious, though neither of them were clergyfolk themselves. They want him to become a priest, and have gotten him to be very involved in religious studies. Jonothan is not especially interested in that lifestyle, but he is obeying his parents and following that path. Secretly, he would much rather be off travelling, having awesome adventures. But in his own words, "Whatever. What is, is."
[Name: Bjorn
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Heavyset (measurments of weight are not my friends. If I tried to give you a number, it would be waay off, just 'cuz I have no sense of weight.)
Race: Human
Faction: Barbarian Horde
Class: Berserker
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Weaponry: A double-edged iron battleaxe and basic dagger
Personality: Typically silent, and often comes across as brooding. Bound heavily to his own rather arbitrary idea of honor. In battle, he sheds his humanity like a lizard does his skin, and puts out all thought of anything but destroying the enemy.
Physical Description: He had lean legs that are just strong enough to propel the rest of his body into battle, but from the waist up he is a gigantic mass of muscle. His hair is scruffy and unshaven. His left arm was horribly burned long ago, and this still shows.
Background: Raised in the deepest parts of the mountains (Could we get a name for the barbarians' territory, please?) He felt detached from the conflicts with the Elves, as that was far from his home. He learned to fight against rival tribes instead. It was not until he was a respected warrior in his local area that the Alxean army came through his part of the forest, destroying anything that opposed them. Divided and unprepared, his isolated tribal group was easily pushed to the brink of extinction.

In one battle, he found himself fighting alongside a former rival, another berserker named Einar. An Elven swordsman pushed Einar into a flaming hovel. Bjorn quickly slew the invader, and reached his left hand into the building to try and pull Einar out. Proudful Einar would not take his rival's hand, and burned to death instead.

In a berserker blood-rage, Bjorn ignored his pain and went on to slay a dozen more Elves. In spite of his efforts, the Barbarians lost that battle; a dozen Elves pushed back the rest of the human warriors. Had there been two berserkers fighting, the battle would have been won.

Bjorn took this as a lesson: they had lost because of Einar's inhumility. To defeat this enemy, the berserker decided, the Barbarians would have to stop seeing themselves as different groups of people, but as one race that had to stand against this threat. He joined the forming Barbarian Horde later on, swearing vengence against the Empire that had destroyed his tribe.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: Amad of Hanishor
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Northman
Occupation: Trapper
Appearance: Very tall, grey eyes and blonde hair. Dressed in a coat, shirt, and pants, all made of animal pelt.
Bio: Amad was born in the countryside of the Northman kingdom of Hanishor. From his youth, he felt an inbound connection with the wild forests and mountains. This, coupled with the fact that he could make a lot of money, resulted in his starting a carreer as a trapper and fur trader at the age of 21. He spends his summers in the Lion Mountains, and travels downstream in the winter to avoid the coming snow and to sell the fruits of his labor.
Name: Manyl Rikim
Age: 35
Rank: Lieutenant
Class: pikeman
Nationality: Admmor
Appearance: Stands 5'9." Green eyes, tanned skin. Short, curly, brown hair. A scar running up the back of his right hand.
Weapons: A pike. (woah, really?!) A lightweight saber at his belt for backup.
Bio: Rikim was conscripted into the Admmor military at the age of sixteen for an inconsequential war against Delen. After coming home victorious after three years, he retired for a short time. War, however, had left its mark upon the young man, and he became restless. He joined the Steel Wolves at the age of twenty-one, and is now a lieutenant in that faction.
Name: Ah Yitan. That's two parts of the same name, not a first name and last name.
Class: Wood Brave
Age: 28
Appearance: Stands five feet, seven inches tall. Tanned skin, green eyes, and black hair down almost to his shoulders. Lean but fit. Missing one fingernail on his right hand, lost to an infection.
Bio: Ah Yitan was born in the more civilized western foothills of the Angalisi Mountains. Though no true wood braves still served the Angalisi tribes, Ah Yitan developed some of the same skills in his youth by hunting in the woods. At the age of 17, he joined the Imperial Legion as a scout, fighting against a small inssurection by some Ilumbi War Dancer tribes. After the conflict was over, he found employ back home in a local arena, and there eventually gained enough wealth--a large part of it resulting from betting on himself--to move to Kelm City and participate in the great arena there.
NAME: Bubuket et Khurshem et Shisming. This translates out of the Rakhmeti Tounge as "Ketem's Eagle, of the Insightful Clan, of Where the Rivers Meet." Ketem being a lesser god, patron of knowledge-seekers; the Insightful Clan being his family; Where the Rivers Meet being the city of Shisming. People just call him "Bubuket" or "Mr. Khurshem."

AGE: 28

RACE: Rakhmeti


BIO: Khurshem was born in the city of Shisming in the Rakhmeti kingdom of Northreach. His parents were priests of Ketem, and he was the only one of six children to follow in their footsteps. At the Church of Ketem in Shisming, Khurshem was well-educated and learned much about theology, history, other cultures, and the (monarchially propogandized) sciences. He even knows a bit of magecraft, but has remained nothing more than a dabbler in that art.

At the age of twenty he set out on a pilgrimage. The cult of Ketem is unusual; while most religious organizations try to help their local community, Ketem priests prefer more grandiose goals: each is expected to spend ten years of his or her life researching something, and bringing previously unknown knowledge to his or her people. Khurshem set out to study biology and left Shisming to travel the world, researching its plants and animals.

Today, he is on his way to Rohugh. He has heard of the recent uktena sightings and feels the need to investigate. He is intrigued by the thought of an immortal animal, as well as interested in the nature of the stone supposedly lodged in its forhead.

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