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All in (dis)Order

All in (dis)Order


For longer than any can remember the fey&human citizens of Serroc have lived in fear, under the oppressive fist of their leader. But now, no longer. A change is beginning...

1,021 readers have visited All in (dis)Order since mindless_invalid created it.


In the city of Serroc, order is everything.
Governed and run by a formidable woman known only by her title - The Grand Sensibility, and her cruel, unforgiving reputation, the citizens of Serroc know their place, and the consequences of stepping out of it.

Serroc is seperated into 5 regions, seperated by a long, winding river which springs from somewhere beneath the centre of the city and has been made to run in four circular moats. This centrepoint island is home to Sensibility, most of the island taken up with a large, menacing tower that at least gives the impression that the Sensibility has eyes everywhere, overlooking all. None enter here save the highest ranking of her Orderlies, the 'peace-keepers' of the city, or so named by Sensibility (and few others.) It is accessible only by one large bridge which runs between it and the second region, guarded day and night by Orderlies. Sensibility herself seldom leaves here, prefering to govern the city from a distance, through her minions.
The second region, circling the first, is where these Orderlies dwell and work in their Courts of Order. Citizens visit this region only to report chaotic activity, or, more frequently, to be judged and punished for some disorderly activity they are said to have been involved in. The dissapearance of a family member or friend in the dead of night is not an uncommon occurence, and questions about it can lead to the same fate for the asker. Few who are dragged to the courts of order return. Of the punishments themselves little is known, save vicious and vile rumours and the occasional screaming through the darkness.
The third, middle region is given to the upper-class citizens of Serroc, judged to be strict followers of order, or born into a family judged so. Fraternization between these and the lower-class is discouraged, though not strictly prohibited, and may cast doubt on an otherwise clean record.
The business district lies snugly around the third, frequented by all citizens and even the civilised fey, if they have significant reason to do so. Behavior is guarded here, however, for the orderlies patrol everywhere.
Travel between these three is easier, with a number of ferries travelling back and forth through the day as well as private boats and rafts. Only one ferry is available for passage between the business district and the last region, a community scattered around the outskirts of the city, bordered on almost all edges by Hyde Woods, a forbidden place that houses all manner of fey creatures.
The shambles community is home to the lower-class citizens of Serroc, placed there for being fey sympathisers or simply too poor to move to the more respectable third region, and a number of 'civilised fey,' creatures who have agreed to live by the rules of The Grand Sensibility to live in the city, albeit on the limits of it, with very little freedom to travel around, for leaving the city shows a chaotic spirit and no fey creature is permitted any deeper into the city than the business district, with the exception of those who have been hobbled so as to render them unable to use their abilities and serve as servants for the Orderlies, Upper-class citizens and, it is rumoured, Sensibility herself. Slaves would probably be a more appropriate, if unspoken term for it is not necessary to pay the creatures for their services, save providing them enough food that they do not starve and are able to do their duties.

For far longer than anyone can remember, the city has been run this way, and none have questioned it, or those who did were dragged to the Courts of Order before their question could be voiced.
But a number of citizens, fey and human alike, growing weary of the oppression, have come together in secret, the beginnings of a rebellion.
For too long, anything 'disorderly' has been judged with fear or violence, and the people are stirring.
A change is beginning to occur....

((ooc} I know this is more an explanation of how Serroc works than a plotline, but I don't like to hamper anyone's creativity, just prefer to give the starting point and see where people take it!
As you can see above, character possibilities are vast, from a human or fey citizen (fey = any magical/fantastical creature you care to be) to an outsider in the woods, to an Orderly of any rank to Sensibility herself. That said, I am willing to play her for the time being, as the city may need it's leader, but if someone can show me they'll do a good job I'm happy to relinquish the role.
I'll also be joining as twins Alys and Samael, who are, to all appearances human (but things are not always as they seem) and live in the outlying community of the city, and introducing one or two more characters when it seems fitting for them to appear.

I would prefer a written intro for your character but will accept lists if they provide enough detail.))

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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As the sun rose over the streets and buildings, the cold, proud ruler of Serroc stood by the window of the watching room in her tower, a vast and mostly empty room, though lavishly decorated, with one wide window running along all of the walls, almost spanning their height. Heavy green curtains were tied up neatly at regular intervals across the window, having already been drawn by the tiny pixie fae man, now cringing in a corner as far from the formidable woman he served as possible.
Dark, cruel emerald eyes scanned the city far below, and Sensibility lip curled silkily upward in a self-gratifying smile. This was her morning ritual, to come and stand at this window in the topmost room of her tower, looking down on the city she so completely controlled, imagining the fear, mixed with heart-wrenching loyalty in the hearts of her people.

All hers.


Alys yawned, groaning loudly as she stretched long, slender arms into the air above her head.
"Good morning, dearest."
"Morni' Sa-aaaa," another yawn cut short her greeting, and her brother laughed, his green eyes twinkling with amusement.
"I'm sorry," he said seriously, "It's just that you always awake in such a refreshingly energised state."
She glared at him with eyes that were half shut anyway, wiping the sleep from the corner of her right one as she did so, and stifling another yawn. The result wasn't as scathing and respect-imbuing as she'd intended, and Samael laughed again.
She stuck out her tongue, regretting it imediately and 'humph'ed, stalking across the room to the privvy.

When she returned, Sam's laughter was replaced by a purposeful look.
"I'm sorry, darling-heart. We have important things to do today."
"Oh yes." She'd forgotten. Today they would go to the woods, when it was later and darker and noone would see them slip between the trees, of course, for entry into the woods was strictly forbidden. She knew the consequences if the wrong person spoke of her breaking that law, but she must see Jia. He was unimaginably wise, and if any move for freedom was to be made, he would know how to begin it.

She shuddered.
Sam was here, safe. But for how long?
And how, why was he released?
No one was judged in the Courts of Order and found innocent, if that was even where he'd been taken.
She shook her head. Of course it was. Where else would he have gone?
He never actually said he was taken there, though, did he? a niggling voice, one that had perpetually annoyed her since not long after her twins' return, spoke softly in the back of her mind, never talks about it at all. Won't. Anything could have happened when he dissapeared...
"Of course he doesn't want to talk about it," she said aloud, chasing the voice into the shadows of her brain where it would be silent, "Who would want to reminisce on that?"
"What did you say, love?" Sam asked, and she reddened.
"Just talking to myself."
"Hmm. First sign of insanity, you know."
She forced herself to laugh, still trying to shake the suspicious murmur of her mindvoice.
"Come on, let's eat. Big day today."

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Character Portrait: Alys & Samael Sunder
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Character Portrait: Alys & Samael Sunder
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Sae stood in the middle of the busy streets; people raced by her unendlessly, almost seeming to ignore her completely. Of course, there were those few that could never tire of staring at her glistening white hair. Everything seemed so blurry; she hadn't completely woken up yet and had a hard time focusing on anything. Turning around; almost like she was in slow motion, she saw a women drop an apple. The only one she had and another man didn't waste any time picking it up and running off with it. Slowly, just like all her others motions she reached out to him and attempted to yell but her voice only came out as a gentle whisper. Looking in that direction she saw a familiar face; she saw long, silver, and somewhat dirty hair blowing gently. She saw a scarred face evident from vast torture; a pained face that she was incapable of shaking off. Sae blinked and the man was gone; no where did she see even a hint of white hair aside from her own.

Then she woke up.

It had happened again; another dream that wasn't anything like the ones she had before her premonitions started. Of course, she had no way of knowing when or where this would happen, or even if she would be there when it did. For all she knew she could have been seeing someone elses future, but this wasn't the first time she had this dream. So maybe, maybe if was for her.

Sae had other dreams that predicted the future, this wasn't the first. All of them she had been present in and had happened to her. However, though she has seen this dream countless times it had yet to happen. Why was it tempting her so? She wished that she didn't have to worry about this any longer. Sae wished she was normal. The fact that she couldn't be sure of her own past but yet could see some of her future scared her. It also seemed unfair. If anything she would much rather be sure of past instead of her future. Everything was backwards for her and she hated it.

Still laying in her bed she clutched her head and pulled on her hair. Frustration always gripped her everytime she woke up, because everytime she dreamed it seemed to be like this. No longer could she rest in peace. Was it alright for her to hate dreaming? Isn't that what kept many people going in this hell on earth? Did that mean nothing was keeping her going? No, there was something. Her revenge. She would achieve it, or at least she hoped she would be able to but her fear somehow got in the way. A coward, that is what she was. No way did she want to become like him. He who got taken away, he that occupied so many of her dreams, he that had evidently been tortured, he that had so many scars.

Finally getting out of her bed, she proceeded with her morning ritual. Which contained all the necessary items in order to be clean and well dress; making sure to remember her jewelry. In her eyes the jewels seemed obsolete but her parents insisted upon it and thus she had no choice. Once finished she left her room and made her way to the front door. At which point she entered the closest thing she had to freedom; the business part of the third district.

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Lenora woke with the sun, as always, and plodded, or as much as elves can plod, to her small kitchen area, which was really more of a firepit, as always.

She gathered some firewood and kindling from outside the back door, the one leading into the woods, and restarted the fire from the still-glowing embers from the night. It seems the log that she had put on before bed yester-day had not been big enough, burning down into embers before she woke up. Either way, after she go her fire going well enough she hung a kettle on the spit so that the water would boil for her daily tea, making more than usual, for she had a feeling deep in her being that she would have guests by the end of the day.

The tea revived her, in a way, reminding her of a time when all of the Earth sung with joy for there had not been enough of the blasted 'civilization' of the humans to corrupt even the very air the plants and animals breathed. However, she could also remember when the race of Men started multiplying more and more rapidly, she knew then that the fae doom had come. Soon, they were outnumbered, as the fae cannot reproduce at such a rate as Men- she had once heard the quickness of the growth being likened to rats; breeding quickly, growing quickly, and dieing quicker.

Man was rising and they soon found that the fae could be 'hobbled' and their powers taken from them. And so, they made items of cold iron and other such things that bound the fae to themselves and forced them into slavery. Many of her hind, and of all the fae kinds, died under such conditions, the sense chains and the inablilty to be free as before broke many of them and they faded to oblivion. Wasting away in their grief and heartbrokeness.

Many were lost to the world. And so, Men took over. Forcing her kind to the slums and ghettos. And so, the fae waited, and are waiting for their time to come, the time that they might rise against thair opression, a time where they are free once more.

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"Come on, Sam," Alys walked purposefully, but not so swiftly as to attract attention, down the busy main street of the 5th district.
She kept her eyes forward, avoiding direct eye contact with the passers-by, while Sam dawdled behind her, stopping to peruse the shabby, makeshift stalls that citizens deemed too uncivilised to enter the business district sometimes erected either side of the road. Their wares were mostly of questionable workmanship, trinkets and lucky charms and dodgy clothing made by hand with whatever sparse materials could be found. Anything sourced from the woods had to be disguised in case of random checks by the orderlies, who discouraged the stalls and lookede down on those seen buying from them.
The stallholders payed Sam no attention, calling in needy, persuasive tones to others who passed about the finesse of their crafts.
"Sam!" Alys called again, her raised voice attracting a few strange looks, and she backtracked to grab his arm, gently steering him between the people till they came to a quieter area, "Why can't you ever display just a little caution?"
"These people live the same as we do, they fear the same things, Al," Sam chided her gently, "Will you ever let go of your suspicions?"
"How can you know they can be trusted? Someone here must be the reason for..." she trailed off at the look her brother gave her. As always he was closed to any conversation surrounding that particular subject.

"Have it your way, then. Go make friends with the flipping Orderlies! Invite Sensibility for dinner, while you're at it!" She strode forward in a huff, nearing the trees that bordered the settlement. With a quick glance around herself, she made to walk into the woods, but Sam's restraining hand on her arm stopped her.
"What are you doing, my love?" he asked, "All this talk of caution and you will stride into the trees in broad daylight?"
"I don't want to wait! We do nothing but sit and wait for the right time! The right time to act was years ago, nothing happens because everybody waits for some opportune moment that will never come. If something is going to change it will be because we make it!"
"Very well," Sam nodded gravely, "Let us take precautions, though, darling."
She bobbed her head in agreement, and closed her eyes, reaching for his hand. A small gasp escaped her lips as she felt the tendrils of his mind find hers, entwine so they thought as one. It was a feeling she'd experienced many times, but the sheer openess of her mind, even to her twin, always came as a shock. In this state they could hide nothing from each other.
Together, when their minds were firmly joined, they both pushed gently outwards, sending out power in a fan around them, just the suggestion of a thought that would implant itself in the mind of anyone nearby, persuasively telling them to look away from the wood, that there was nothing there.
Slowly, keeping a tight hold on the energy she was pushing from her brain and a tighter hold on her brothers hand, they crossed the short empty space between the outermost huts and houses and the trees, dissapearing quickly through the trees. Only when the woods made a shield impenatrable enough that the dwellings faded from view did they release their hold on their power and each other, Alys sinking to her knees, panting.
"Just... a moment," she said breathily, her heart racing as it always did when she purposefully used her power.
Sam laid his hand on hers again, sitting down beside her, breathing with her till her heartbeat slowed.
"We'll sit for a moment," he said kindly, "Then we must seek out Jia."

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Sae didn't waste time getting as deep into the city as she could; she moved with speed that could be considered dangerous in some ways, simply due to the severely crowded streets. The crowds, something she always found entertaining. It was amazing how there could be so many people in a shopping districts and the vast majority of the shops never get visited. Mainly because the majority of the people here were far to poor to actually buy anything. As was evident due to the fact many of them were terribly dressed, barely covered actually, and even more looked as though they hadn't eaten in months; which was probably the case.

This girl however was on a mission, there was a place just at the border between districts that no one ever seemed to visit, well aside from her and one 'other'. However, she had to make a stop first. Specifically at a butcher's shop. The one she always stopped at was one that never got alot of business; after all she felt it was her duty to support those who truly needed it. It was run by a rather large family and she was greeted with the utmost warmth. "Ms. Cruor, it is certainly good to see you again today," an older man behind the counter said as he turned around and immediately recognized the white hair.

"Thanks, but how many times do I have to tell you to call me Sae," her nose flared and scrunched, "I can't stand the name Cruor, something about makes me cringe."

"So sorry ma'am."

She couldn't really help her laughter so she attempted to speak between chuckles, "I wasn't critisizing you, I would never do that.."

"Of course, your usually I take it?" Sae simply nodded still trying to catch her breath, "One large rib of swine, just for you."

"No, not really for me." Sae reached to her leather bag of gold coins and paid the man what she was due, plus a little extra just as she always did. After which, she exited with a smile and a very heavy bag. Continuing on her way she once more began her process of swaying back and forth inbetween people and on the rare occasion fae. The process had become harder, however due to all the experience she possessed in this field of 'work' she had become very good at this. Finally, after what one could argue as an hour, she came to the opening she was looking for. She believed with all her heart it was among the prettiest places within the whole city and what was even better was that it was as if no one acknowledged its existance and thus was always empty.

Well almost empty.

Within this little opening was a small river, more likely a stream than river, that was kept in check by a stone wall. There was also a rather large and very old oak tree that laid in the small open field. Sae could remember when it stood tall and proud, but age finally got the best of it and it came to the point that it could not withstands the winds of a severe storm. One good thing came from its death however, a family of dogs. The whole reason for her daily journey here and the reason for the raw ribs. "Yoohoo, doggies! I brought lunch, dinner, and breakfast." Almost imediately three dogs came running out from the rotted out trunk of the tree. Two were smaller dogs but the third one was about as tall as her thighs. Laying out the meat the literally began to devour the meat bone and all.

Sae watched with a pleased smile on her face as she watched her friends eat. She had named the little one with a freckled nose Nori, the large black one Saki, and the little brown one Tonny. Apparently she had a thing for names that ended with an 'ee' sound.

However there would be one not so pleased with such a scene, not necessarily because he disliked dogs but mainly because he had been sleeping in the shade of the fallen tree. This little thing had woken up and he was certainly even more displeased to see the young lady seemed to appear to be of fae descent. Onemi despised fae. His name illustrated this, eighty-nine i will kill. Sitting up from behind the tree his dark clothing, dark hair, and dark face paint gave a stark contrast to his gleaming blue eyes. A smile, a devious one at that, struck his face but quickly turned charming; would hate to scare away ones prey. "Excuse me young lady," Sae shot up and her strangely beautiful grey eyes met his gorgeous blue ones and a breath of shock escaped her lips. Blue eyes was not a common accurrance in the city and most of the few that had them had grown dim but these, these were enchanting. They almost seemed to glow.

"Eh, y-yes." Her eyes finally refocused on all of the man and she returned his charming smile with one of her own; another thing she was taught, "How can I help you?"

Onemi smile faded slightly and he spoke, "I don't really need help per say, I was just wondering if you would join me for a game of 21."


"Yes it's a card game."

"A gambling game, no doubt."


"Sure, I should be allowed to try my hand on some occasions." Sae walked over to the man, whom had readjusted himself on the grass and in front of the tree, and took a seat herself while he shuffled.

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"Imagine there is someone pulling a string from the top of your head upward," Sensibility ordered, negating the need for imagination completely by grabbing a handful of her daughters' hair and yanking upward.
"Oww," Cal complained, her back instantly becoming a good deal straighter.
"Yes, now shoulders up... and back, Up, girl, and back," the woman continued, ignoring her daughters wince of pain.
"Good, hold it.. HOLD it, yes. Now go get dressed."
Cal relaxed, only for a moment, and recieved a hard thwack across the shoulders.
"I didn't say slouch, and get dressed. For chrissakes, girl. Carry yourself!"
"Yes, mother," Cal replied in a monotone, reluctantly crossing the room where two fae maidservants, fairy women by the looks of it, waited to dress her.
"Good morning," she said politely, if very quietly, as they drew the dress, light violet 'to match those ungodly eyes,' as her mother would say, laced with a dark purple, over her head. They didn't respond to her greeting. The couldn't, as her mother had any servant capable of creating spoken magic muted. Yes, she cut out their tongues. Lovely.
Cal winced as the strings, crossing corset style over her stomach were pulled far too tight.
"Mm. I wasn't planning on breathing today, anyway."
"Oh, quiet, child. You look lovely."
Cal snorted, thinking she'd prefer to be able to breath, but she must look the part, her mother insisted on it.
"One day you will take my place as Grand Sensibility, and you must be prepared for it!"

Except Cal didn't want to be Grand anything, much less Grandly cruel and horrible leader of Serroc, as her mother wanted, though she would call it 'stern' or 'strong.'

She excused herself, and the servants left the room, her mother following shortly after, saying she would expect her at sundown for dinner.
As soon as they'd left, Cal loosened the ties on her dress, taking a deep breath of relief. She'd been planning this for a while now, and her heart was already racing as she crossed the room, opening the door a crack and peering out to make sure noone stood beyond it.
She struggled to control her pace as she walked down through the halls toward the front gate, knowing that going to fast would give her away.
As she left the tower and approached the bridge, her spirits lifted. Almost there!

The orderly posted on her side of the bridge stepped forward to bar her way, demanding gruffly to know where she thought she was going.
Cal stood up straight, adorning the steely gaze she'd learned from her mother.
"You think to question me? Do you think I would be out here without mothers' permission? Stand aside, you fool, lest you suffer for your disobedience!"
She didn't let her face drop the haughty expression till she was past him on the bridge, then a wide grin spread across her face.
She was almost there, and she resumed the cold expression till some time later, when she finally reached the business district. She went into a narrow lane, concealed from the street, and pulled a pair of plain, somewhat ragged breeches from the small pack she carried, slipping them on beneath her dress and then pulling off the horrible thing, leaving only the light violet undershirt.
She ruffled a hand through her hair, messing the intricate braids and stuffed the dress into the pack, sliding her dagger higher up her leg so it was once more concealed by her pants.
She had done it! Her face was flushed with excitement, as she made her way back out into the street and amongst the crowds. For the first time, she was in the real world, free, if only for a little while from her mothers controlling gaze.

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Slowly but surely, cards were shuffled by the young man dressed in dark atire; while the young girl dressed in some of the brighter and higher quality cloth watched with a curious intent. The two parties both laid down their starting bets all the while watching the other; almost as if they were sure the other would cheat. The stark contrast between the two alone were enough to draw the eye to that particualar scene. One side dreary and the other bright. Then the simply idea of an exchange in money would draw even further eyes. That is, if there were any eyes to draw. No these two were completely alone, aside from the three dogs that sat at a safe distance away from the two. Anything could happen and no one would be the wiser because there would be no witnesses. A scary thought.

The first to break the deadly silence was the young man, "So, what brings you out to the borderline? Returning home perhaps?"

Sae responded with an inquisitive smile, "No. Something far less dull."

"Do you always answer questions with vague statements or is this a first for you?" Onemi asked with well hidden annoyance, specifically hidden by his lack of eye contact. He also began to deal out the two cards for each person, the young 'fae' woman watched eached card dealt and then mirrorred the man when he glanced at the singular face down card.

Finally Sae responded, "Perhaps. Hit me."

Onemi clenched his teeth and dealt out the card she had asked for, or rather the card on top, "I'll take that as a yes. Well then, answer this at least: what is a small fae girl doing out here in the middle of no where?"

A small smile flickered on Sae's face, "Please point out this fae girl you speak of, I must have missed her on my way in," Silently analyzing the card he had dealt, a seven, she spoke again, "Hit me."

Onemi raised an eyebrow, "Are you coy on purpose, or do you honestly refuse to give me a direct answer?" As he spoke he dealt out another card as she had asked. Quickly he stole a glance at the cards she had revealed before him, a jack and a seven. In his head he calculated the likely hood of her being able to beat his two kings and came to the conclusion he had won. No surprise, he always won.

"I am not being coy, I am simply asking where it is this fay girl you speak of resides because I have yet to be made known of her existance. Hit me."

"Perhaps then you are simply a dunce, for the face person I speak of is you." Laying out another card before her he acknowledge the three of daimonds. He had won, no doubt in his mind. She had gone over twenty one and busted, but no doubt she will attempt to make him believe she had twenty one and get him to give up the game and money they had already laid down.

"I take offense to such words for I am no fae but rather human." Sae responded with anger mixed within her tone. Onemi's face became one of incredible confusion which gave the young girl reason to explain, "When I was being born I was placed under much stress, it even momentarily stopped my heart. The stress thus permanently caused my hair to become silver. Think of it under terms of advanced aging concentrated on my scalp. I'll stay."

Onemi was silent for a moment, "If I were to say I don't believe you?"

"My surname is Cruor. We are among the middle class and one of the most loyal of families. I am their daughter Niveus Saeta Cruor. You can ask an orderly, I am sure they have some kind of record keep in which they keep such information concerning births withing my family."

Onemi sat there wide-eyed for a fraction of a second, he would most definately be checking any and all records they kept. "I'll stay also, I will also raise my bet."

"As will I." The bet raising process continued for a couple of minutes and stopped when quite the pile had accumulated in front of them. Onemi had to admit it was getting easier and easier to believe her story. That was quite a bit of money for a fae to be carrying around. Now it was time to reveal the bottom card. Onemi was the first; with a quick hand he flipped his card over to reveal the two kings he had; both equalling ten points and adding up to twenty. A smile glowed eagerly upon his face as he waited for 'Ms. Cruor' to reveal her card. Shock ripelled through his body when she revealed the glorious ace up her sleave. Literally for she uncovered the Ace of spades, which could be added up as a one or eleven. This meant she had exactly twenty-one and he had lost, for the very first time in his lifetime.

Wide-eyed he reached for her cards and then reached for his own, "You-how-I don't understand."

"You don't have to. I love this game, and thus have had plenty of practice in it myself. Don't worry though, you can keep anything and everything on the table. I have no use for it." With those words, words that sent waves of a mixture of awe and anger through Onemi, she left. While he sat exchanging looks at the exiting figure and the cards once in her hands.

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Cal continued down the busysteet, stopping every now and then to peer at a stall or into a shop window, but didn't linger anywhere for long. There were Orderlies everywhere, and while there was small chance any of them would recognise her, dressed as she was with her hair mussed, the last thing she wanted was to be carted home. ESPECIALLY dressed as she was with her hair in this state. Her mother would kill her.
A small dog approached her, smiffing at her knee and she bent to scratch his eagerly awaiting head, giggling a little as he licked her hand in response. He wandered off a little way, looking back as if waiting for her to follow, and she did so, weaving around people until they, she and the dog, reached a small opening, beyond which laid a stretch of river, bordered by a large hollow log. Two more dogs sat there, and she approached them cautiously, but they seemed friendly enough.
Then she caught sight of the man sitting behind them, a large pile of money in front of him and a confused expression on his face.
What in the world? It was a strange sight, even for a city such as this.
"If you just sit there like that, someone's going to rob you," she commented quietly, not making any move toward him but staying by the dogs, reaching down to scratch another.


Alys stood, edclaring that she was ready to continue, and together the twins walked deeper into the wood, silent now, for many strange things could appear here at the wrong word. After a time, they reached a small clearing, hidden competely by the trees and bushes until youwere standing right at it's entrance, and here they sat, facing one another with legs crossed.Again their minds entwined, and reaching out mentally they sent out a call, this time of beckoning and urgency, wanting to be notciced. They waited, and after a time a small figure wound it's way between the trees, coming to sit beside them.
"Greetings, children," the creature known as Jia said, and the twins responded in like, not taking offense to the cat calling them children, as the small, black creature was far older than any other they had met.
"We have come for council, Jia," Sam said, his voice quiet and respectful.
"Jia knows this," the cat replied, stretching one leg out to start idly cleaning in before he continued speaking, "You have come to ask Jia how to go about creating a change in the city."
"Yes," Alys agreed.
"Jia knows that you cannot do this alone. You must find allies. There are people waiting for you."
"What people? What allies can be found in this place," Alys asked, the disbelief evident in her voice.
"Jia knows not. Only knows, there is one within the walls of the palace. She will help you. The others you must find for yourself. But you must find them, nothing can be done without these friends." The cat stretched, it's back arching on the ground and stood, "Jia must go."
"Wait!" Alys cried, "You haven't told us who this girl is, in the palace? Noone is in the palace, besides that wretched Sensibility and her stuck-up daughter!"
"Then you already know who you seek," Jia responded, "But you need others too. Find others. Girl will find you."
Then the cat was gone, invisible in the darkness of the trees, and Sam stood, ready to leave.
"But we don't know anything more than before!" Alys' voice was full of frustration as she spoke, "That was no help at all!"
"You know how these creatures are, Al. They'll tell you exactly what they want you to know, and nothing more. But Jia is good, if that's what he says we must do, we have to try to find these people, these friends."
Alys nodded, no choice but to agree for now, and they made their way back through the trees, cautiously crossing the gap and into the fifth district.

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Onemi regained his normal state of mind seconds after hearing a somewhat familiar voice. The face of complete distain and crude humor as though he hated but also found something hilarious about you reappeared upon his features. It was the kind of face that if you found it staring at you it would cause shivers to rumble through out your spine.

Then their was his eyes which caught sight of the figure in front of him. The blistering heat of his brilliant blue gaze could seemingly burn a hole directly through your chest and straight to your soul. A beautiful but deadly gaze. Honestly, he has found that many people who do lay eyes on him are unable to describe anything past his fiery gaze. His blue eyes were his mask of sort, what kept him hidden, what made people unaware of his existance.

Directing that gaze at the young woman in front of him a small smile flickered upon his face. This was a priceless moment for him. Ms. Calamity herself made an appearance in front of the orderly that -if any of them- could most definately tell when she was lying and when she had truly been given the necessary permision to leave the castle. Which he knew right away she did not. The way she was dressed, and the fact she was unescorted gave way to that. "Whatever is Princess Sensibility in the flesh doing out here without permission? And more importantly why would she find it necessary to adress an orderly such as myself. Or perhaps you did not recognize me?" A teasing smirk danced upon his lips revealing parts of his pearly whites, "Do you wish to be turned in? I'd be quite happy to oblige."

Almost in a taunting manner, Onemi placed his foot on the small table like structure he had previously been playing cards on. In the process countless gold coins fell to the ground and into a creeping shadow. To add to the daunting scene a dark cloud began to cover up the sun casting a shadow over the young man the sat comfortably upon the grass.

Else where, Sae wandered the streets; with nothing else to do for the day she found that boredom was beginning to take grasp of her mind. A small yawn even escaped her lips, not a good sign to say the least. If she was getting sleepy she might have to go home; especially since her usual hang out was occupied by a, no doubt, awe stricken man.

Suddenly time almost seemed to slow down as she caught sight of an all too familiar scene. A feeling dejavu over came her and she took an unwarrented step back. Before her stood a familiar face, not because she had met this person, but rather she had seen that exact look and features upon the woman's face countless times. Not whilst she was awake but rather while she slept. The woman from the dream, and a fumbling apple. Just as her dream had predicted she failed to catch it and it dropped from her hands and to the ground. Niveus watched with widened eyes and trembling lips as a man swooped down and stole the fallen fruit. Unlike in her dream however she did not reach out to him; instead she watched him run with it.

Then she saw him. He who haunted so many of her dreams. He who was envelopped in countless scars. He whose once had eyes filled with life but now had abysmal nothingness replace them. He that could strike her down with a single glance. The one that was taken; the one that she feared to become like. The fae she wished had never existed but did and now brought fury and hatred to her heart.

She blinked.

The man was gone, as though he had been a shadow from her past and not really there. Sae could have chosen to attempt and find the fae, but she knew she wouldn't. Instead she opted to chase down the theif; though perhaps she was simply trying to run from whom may still be in the small square.

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Hod rose from his bed quite early in the morning and idly scratched his snowy white hair as he stretched,before reaching over to his bedside table and putting his helmet in place and locking it on. The rubies set into the sockets seemed to flare for a moment as Hod let out a relieved sigh. He hated the helmet being off,and detested sleep,for he knew he must remove it when he did so.

He moved from his rather firm and blandly upholstered bed,seeming more of a military bed,than that of a noble who was also one of the wealthiest Orderlies in the city. He walked to the middle of his room,which was also sparsely furnished,having only a table with a pair of chairs,an armoire and a desk with another small chair that had random bits of crumpled paper strewn about.
He stretched and went through a long morning routine of various workouts and stretches that kept his large,scar riddled form in peak performance and flexibility.

After performing his morning ritual he left his cell-like room and made his way through the lavishly decorated halls and various sitting rooms and libraries and even a trophy room,which sported a memento of every person he'd ever judge or killed, and into his private study,where a table sat with his food ready for him,having been prepared by his servants. After checking that the doors were closed and the blinds drawn he sat down and removed his beloved helm and began to eat a hearty meal of oats,eggs,and milk.
He was just lifting the glass to his rather fair lips,which none save for the Lady Sensibilty had ever seen,when the door opened.

A young servant,perhaps in his mid teens,made his way into the room,his gaze moving up his master's,now robed,body just before the glass Hod had been about to drink from shattered against his temple as a snarl left Hod's mouth. The result a splattering of milk all over the unfortunate boy as a fell back into the door with a cry of pain.

"I apologize my lord!",the boy wailed as he fell too his knees,keeping his head bowed,"I...I did not think you were yet breaking your fast..."

Helmeted once more Hod loomed over the shaking,bleeding boy,he reached down and grabbed him by the shirt,claw-like finger nails dug into the fine linen as he pulled the boy closer.

"Did you see me?",he inquired,his deep voice holding a cold promise if the answer was not what he desired.

" my lord...I swear I did!",the boy all but shouted in fear.

"Good,now why have you interrupted my meal?"

"B..b...because my lord,you just received this summons from the Grand Sensibility."

In a smooth motion,Hod dropped the boy and snatched the paper from his hand and moved back to his chair.
Glancing back up at the boy he said,"Get out,and go to the infirmary and get those cuts taken care of...I apologize for that sincerely.",he threw the boy a pair of silver coins before looking back and reading the summons.

A bath and a short while later Hod was dressed in his armor,the entire ensemble was well cleaned and taken can of for in truth,Hod was rather vain,even if no one ever saw his face,and he was making his way through the streets on his way to the only person he would ever give life and limb for's abode. Through tangling streets and crowds of people he marched,his only thoughts filled with seeing Sensibility and the strange smile he felt crossing over his face from time to time.

As he neared he noted a girl leaving the grounds but paid little attention to her,she was none of his concern,the only concern he had was what his Lady needed of him. He only hoped it were not his life,for then he'd no longer be able to serve her.

The pair of guards at the entrance saluted,and he followed suit.

"Stay alert men and keep the good work up.",he said as he strode by,not listening to their replies,if any.

He was guided by a lovely young servant through the place he knew so well to stand before the doors he'd seen a handful of times before as the servant girl made her way into the room to announce his arrival.

"My Lady Sensibility,the Orderly Captain Hod has arrived,as per you request.",she said nervously as she bowed before he mistress.

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"I will recieve him now," Sensibility responded, rising from her chair to hold out one slender hand for her faithful soldier to take, her face showing none of the anger and anxiety she was feeling.
"I have called you here for an extremely important task," she said to the man, reseating herself and arranged her robes comfortably around herself.
"My daughter has decided it wise to wander from the grounds. I wish you to go and find her. She is a crafty girl, so be wary, she will most likely not look as though she belongs in the palace," Sensibility sighed, raising one hand to her face in exasperation, "Why she would want to go out amongst the rabble is beyond me. I want you to find out. Don't bring her back straightaway, just find out what she's up to. /Then/ bring her back. And send those Orderlies posted on gate duty to me for punishment. The fools! How could they let her just walk out of here?"

Sensibility rose again, crossing to the long window that covered the majority of the nearest wall and looked down apon her city as she loved to do.
"Find her, Hod. Don't return until you do."


Cal grimaced, kicking herself inwardly for her mistake. How could she not have recognised Onemi? Asking him nicely not to say anthing would do no good at this point, and she knew the man well enough to know there was no point in trying to lie. But..
"You don't want to do that. Not that I care all that much either way, but it would be a minor inconvenience and it's unecessary for mother to hear about it. There must be some kind of exchange we can make. What do you want for your silence? I have money, but from the looks of it you don't need any more. But I'm sure we can come to some form of arrangement. "
She tried not to let the nerves that were shaking her show, knowing if she let any sign of weakness be seen by him there would be little chance of a bargain being struck. But there must be something this man wanted, and the daughter of Sensibility has the means to many things.
Waiting patiently for his response, she leaned down to stroke the dog again, trying to act nonchalant.

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Onemi's eyes glistened with new found humor, "You know me so little your Highness," he said with a mock, half 'curtsy'. "There is little you possess that I could not attain without your-" a thought struck him and thus forced him to cut himself short. The girl he had played earlier said she was human, however he was not thouroughly convinced. Oh, the fun he could have if he found out she was lying. That was means for arrest in of itself.

However, files were extremely hard to attain no matter what rank you are. After all, the majority of them were either never made or are kept under lock and key in a library within the castle. Getting to the library was cake, breaking into said safe, further cake. Getting away with it, not so much cake.

There was the further problem of getting away with letting her highness go. If he was caught letting her leave he could face severe punishment; something he had experienced before and really did not wish to experience again.

The last time he faced punishment he had helped her highness out of the castle while he was on gaurd duty. Needless to say the Captain himself caught him in the act. Since then he had been off gaurd duty and avoiding said princess; most of the time at least. Honestly, he doubted if Calamity even remembered the incedent or even knew how severely he was punished for it. He really didn't care.

In the process, of thought he finally came to a decision. "Your Highness may leave and I will stay silent, however there is a certain file I want to attain that you could get to. A file on one of the middle class family called the Cruor's specifically there 'daughter' -if they truly have one- named Niveus Saeta." Standing up finally, "That is my last and final offer, my Liege." The last part he once again, mockingly, bowed. Obviously respect was something he had yet to gain; at least for Calamity.

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The servant girl bowed as Sensibility told her she would see the Captain and backed out before turning and smiling at Hod in more than a friendly manner.

"The Lady is ready for you Captain Hod.",she said lightly,her eyes locked on the rubies set where his eyes should be seen.

Hod cared nothing for the promises the servant girl's smile held and simply nodded too her as he walked past and into the Lady he served's room.
He quickly scanned the area in an almost instinctual familiarity before locking his sight on his mistress,to whom he bowed deeply before rising and taking her proffered arm. He walked with her back to wear she was seated and waited quietly and calmly as she began to speak,he himself not sitting,but remained standing,as this would leave him better prepared should he need to act.

'An Orderly is never caught off guard.',he thought too himself as he listened to his beloved mistress.

After she had finished he placed his clawed and spiked fist over his heart and offered her a slight bow.

"I shall have your daughter back within these hallowed walls by fifth bell this evening,and I would also like to reprimand those guards...I had just commended them on my way in,unknowing that they were undeserving. Do not worry yourself on this matter anymore My Lady.",he said in his usual,calmingly deep voice.

As hod straightened he removed his helmet,with it's glowing ruby eyes,and placed it on the table as his mistress walked to her favorite perch. He turned towards her as he also pulled the Orderly over tunic from his chain mail and placed it next to his prized helmet.He then pulled the hood of his cloak low over his head,hiding the face that only the woman before him knew.

"Please safeguard these gifts which you have bestowed me,I will find out what your daughter is up to. None shall recognize me dressed as I am."

With that he turned and made his way back to the gate where he saw the guards,both of which still saluted,having remembered what Hod was wearing on his way in. Hod snarled at the one to his left and viciously backhanded him,the spikes on his gauntlet tore into his cheek and chin as he let out a shriek of agony.

"You fools have dishonored yourselves and the entire Order,and worst of all,have displeased Lady Sensibility! You are to have your watch relieved and report to the Grand Lady's quarters! And after you have been dismissed you will report to the barracks where I shall have words with the two of you personally.",he reprimanded the pair,his voice barely growing above it's usual timbre.

The pair all but ran off as their replacements walked up and saluted their captain as he made his way into the city to find his quarry,hoping that none of the city's parasites had found her yet.

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Sensibility, smiling, agreed that Hod could deal with the guards, advising him that such a betrayal of their duties woul require severe punishment. They both knew that when she said severe, she meant she didn't care if they didn't survive the punishing, though Hod was not required to kill them. They still had their uses, after all.
She took the gifts, and left, leaving orders for the guards to be taken to the lower cells, half-submerged in stagnant water from the lake, and word for Hod to be told where they were held apon his return, and could attend to them as he pleased, after reporting to Sensibilities quarters, where he was to bring her daughter and reclaim the helmet.


Cal considered the guard for a moment, annoyed at his tone
And why the sudden interest in this girl, this Niveus? She thought to herself that she might have a look inside this file before she gave it over, perhaps find out what was so interesting about this girl.
Finally she nodded, "I will do as you ask. But if you speak a word of this to anyone, I will have you severly punished. You know I have that power, though you seem to lack the proper respect for it. You should remember who you are speaking to. Remember that I will command all of you one day.
Meet me tomorrow, this side of the main bridge. I'll have to give you the file outside the palace grounds, obviously, because I can stop the guards from searching me, whereas even Orderlies may be searched on a whim."
She considered for a moment more what she was agreeing too, for even Sensibilities daughter would punished for stealing from the palace, though her kind of punishment would not involve torture. At least not the kind that left physical marks.
"If you are found with this file, I leave it to you to get yourself out of it. You're not to speak to anyone of my involvement. If all that is settled, we have a deal." She held out her hand for him to shake.

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Ah, how easy it was to manipulate those who do not realized they are being manipulated. Not that he was saying he was manipulating her of course, since even considering the idea would make him subject to a terrible punishment. Standing up he took her hand in firm solid shake, "You have youself a deal Cal." Releasing his hold on her hand he walked past her and began to make his way back into the crowded part of the business district.

However, before completely exiting he said one last thing, "Hopefully I will be long dead before you take rule. You're too nice to those diserving of punishment." This was completely to annoy her and frustrate her; however he had his doubts as to whether or not she really wanted to rule at all. Many orderlies did. They were all worried of the disorder that would take grasp upon the city once Sensibility's kind-hearted daughter took reign. Order was everything, and it appeared as though her daughter didn't have any.

It is amazing how far an apple can fall from a tree and still roll a great distance.

The cruel and orderly Sensibility and then her daughter. Calamity, the kind-hearted, disorderly princess. Honestly, Onemi already knew that after he found his parent's murderer he would be long gone. Not necessarily because he disliked his job but rather because he wanted to find that fae's family and murder them before his eyes. See how he would like that. Revenge certainly drives many to preferm strange tasks.

Of course, all that would have to wait until he had led eighty-nine fae to their demise. The Niveus girl, should she be fae, and most likely was, would be his eighty-sixth. However first he would want to challenge her to a rematch; he never did like losing and that hadn't changed in the last ten minutes. He wouldn't say he was a sore loser persay; after all he never lost. More like a sore winner. This 'human' had damaged his pride and no one gets away with doing such things.

Continuing on his way he slowly began to disappear into the crowd of people, making his way to the second district. Where he resided. To anyone looking back on the scene they would notice that by the fallen oak laid a large pile of golden coins, a poor person's paradise.

Sae on the other hand was preforming a much more exciting task. The theif that she had took off after had noticed he was being followed and had began to run. He too was also very skilled at the weaving game. He was also very good at the hiding game. However, this was not the first time Sae chased down a thief; that is not to say she does this on a regular basis only on some occasions. This simply meant she was good at keeping up and finding the man.

However, she did have her occasional issues. As is evident from the one she had just gotten herself in. In her chase she did not notice a baker walking in front of her and ran right into him. This of course knocked him and the flour he was carrying over. Niveus also took a seat on the dirt too. This earned her dirtied hair, a scrape on both her elbows, a cut and bruise on both knees and a 'rug burn' riding up her calf. 'Well that certainly hurt,' she thought. Though the worse had yet to come.

"You little klutz of a fae. I just bought these bags of flour and now they're useless. Perhaps I should make you a servant in my home so you can pay me back." the rather large and kind of fat baker yelled as he began to stand up.

"Err...I am really sorry sir. I was in persuit of a thief and he is getting away..." getting up and taking off she yelled back, "I will most definately pay you back tomorrow! So sorry!"

The baker of course did not respond well to that promise, "Get back here! This is as good as stealing! I'm not stupid I know fae don't have this kind of mon-"

"Excuse me sir", a teenage boy said stepping out of the shop. He appeared to be about the same age as Sae and had curly blonde locks cut short, "That was the daughter of the Cruor family. She is well known in some parts because of her white hair but human background."

"Yeah! And what gives you the right to speak to me on a whim, eh? What do you know about her?"

"Me? I am her fiance'. She just doesn't realize it yet. My name, sir, is Fils de Fleur." The boy said standing tall and above the short and stubby baker.

"Fleur..." the baker said to himself for a moment before his eyes widened, "Oh, so sorry sir. I did not mean to be rude. I-" the baker was cut short by a bag of silver coins thrown his way. "Eh?"

"That should pay for your lossess, good day sir." With those words Fils left, not really in a recognizable direction, just a direction.

Sae however, was still in hot pursuit of the theif. She had found him once more and was once again on his trail; for a while she thought she would catch up to him but someone or something always got in her way. When that happened a word or two unbefitting of a young lady in her position would escape her lips and she would have to take a detour of some sort. Somehow however, she always found him again. Obviously, someone up there was on her side.

Finally she could almost reach out and touch the theif but once again someone, not paying attention, stepped out in front of her. Frustration took grip of her mind and she decided to do something very unlady like. With a grunt she leaped into the air and grabbed the man in front of her. Pushing herself up with her arms and momentum she managed to get over the person in front of her. Then in a desperate attempt to catch her prey she pushed on the back of her 'obstical' and plunged herself forward. All three creatures involved in this action were on the ground. The unfortunate victim of her annoyance lay face down on the street while she was laying atop the theif whom was also face down on the ground. Reaching out for the hand with the apple she plucked it from his grip before saying, "You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you." Then she stood up and prepared to leave.

Man was she tired.

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Cal nodded, trying not to let herself seem too relieved. She watched as the man slipped away through the crowd, then went purposefully in the opposite direction. She wanted...
She hadn't really thought that far ahead, had she? Just get out, and then figure out the rest.
She decided she would visit the fifth district.
After an hour or so of walking in which, thankfully, noone else recognised her, she reached the ferry, silently applauding herself when her fabricated story convinced the orderlies to let her aboard the ferry.
She found herself amongst the rough, crowded streets of the 'slums' of the city, looking over the shambles of stalls around her, smiling at the passers by, whose general reaction was to stare at the ground, or quicken their pace as they passed her.
It made her heart sink to see it. She continued through the district, but felt more and more regret at doing it.
How coud her mother let people live like this? In this fear?
There was no friendly conversation, or if there was it was hushed and stopped abruptly when anyone came too close, noone smiled.
This was horrible.

(ooc: sorry for short post rpg keeps screwing up and deleting my posts =[ )

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alys & Samael Sunder
Character Portrait: Niveus Saeta (Sae) Cruor
Character Portrait: Ovemi
Character Portrait: Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility.
Character Portrait: Loki "Ghost" Alodis
Character Portrait: Captain Hod the Fist


Character Portrait: Captain Hod the Fist
Captain Hod the Fist

The iron handed orderly known as the Crimson Fist

Character Portrait: Loki "Ghost" Alodis
Loki "Ghost" Alodis

A man whose dark gifts haunts himself as well as his enemies

Character Portrait: Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility.
Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility.

A girl born to rule, who would die to be free.

Character Portrait: Ovemi

An orderly with a deadly name --see history--

Character Portrait: Niveus Saeta (Sae) Cruor
Niveus Saeta (Sae) Cruor

A girl whose past could be true, or could be built upon lies.

Character Portrait: Alys & Samael Sunder
Alys & Samael Sunder

Twins, secretly faerie-born, living in the community on the outskirts of the city.


Character Portrait: Niveus Saeta (Sae) Cruor
Niveus Saeta (Sae) Cruor

A girl whose past could be true, or could be built upon lies.

Character Portrait: Alys & Samael Sunder
Alys & Samael Sunder

Twins, secretly faerie-born, living in the community on the outskirts of the city.

Character Portrait: Ovemi

An orderly with a deadly name --see history--

Character Portrait: Captain Hod the Fist
Captain Hod the Fist

The iron handed orderly known as the Crimson Fist

Character Portrait: Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility.
Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility.

A girl born to rule, who would die to be free.

Character Portrait: Loki "Ghost" Alodis
Loki "Ghost" Alodis

A man whose dark gifts haunts himself as well as his enemies

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Captain Hod the Fist
Captain Hod the Fist

The iron handed orderly known as the Crimson Fist

Character Portrait: Ovemi

An orderly with a deadly name --see history--

Character Portrait: Niveus Saeta (Sae) Cruor
Niveus Saeta (Sae) Cruor

A girl whose past could be true, or could be built upon lies.

Character Portrait: Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility.
Calamity Isis Mae Sensibility.

A girl born to rule, who would die to be free.

Character Portrait: Alys & Samael Sunder
Alys & Samael Sunder

Twins, secretly faerie-born, living in the community on the outskirts of the city.

Character Portrait: Loki "Ghost" Alodis
Loki "Ghost" Alodis

A man whose dark gifts haunts himself as well as his enemies

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Anyone still here? =( Hope this one hasn't died on me ...

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

@ValaunDae'Voth and Reaperz, you've both been accepted. Feel free to post when you think it's appropriate.

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

No problem =]

and *chu* to you also =D

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

I am working on one.

I will have it up as soon as possible. Sorry for and delays.


Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

Yay! Friends! Sinething Cal definitely lacks haha. I posted.

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

tell me about it. I did it once with a character I literally spent two days and seven hours working on, if you were to put it on a word document it would be about ten pages long and then accidently...reset. I was pissed no doubt.

Anyhoo, super excited to write about the card game...and its outcome. nya nya.

Onemi and Calamity could have an interesting relationship, i don't know, they just both seem like they need a close friend that won't get whipped to death if they were to be befriended.*blink blink* Someone he could talk to other than the orderlies that actually know his real name ---which by the way he hates with a passion--- nya nya nya.

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

I've put her up! Man I have the biggest hatred for that little reset button on the character sheet, that I pressed accidentally instead of Submit.
WHY WHY would they put a button at the bottom that irretrievably deletes your whole character? WHAT IS THAT?????

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

thank you much

I still can't believe i spelled his name wrong. I don't think I have ever done that before, you can imagine my shock i am sure. I was positive that v was an m. My computer is messing with my head i think... >.> <.<

can't wait to see yours.


Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

Onemi is great, he's accepted.
He'll make for an excellent and interesting member of the rp I think..

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

Haha the time difference is ridiculous. Before I changed it to australian time (where I'm from) all my posts were at like four or five in the morning default time...

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

Sorry about the delay in posting guys, Laptop crashed with two uni assignments saved on it so I've been stuck doing a lot of entirely unenjoyable writing.
BleedingCrimson where is your character? From your post I'd guess in the outskirts of the city or the woods?

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

I'm so glad we've started! I'll post asap, hopefully it will be up to par!

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

Glad you like her :D

Also, no problem with the IC thing, can't even count the number of times I've done something, or rather the computer, has done something wierd. XD

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

ooh, wow.
Erm, please ignore the two blank posts in the IC board people, I'm not sure how or why that happened.
I'm way tired haha.

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

Sounds great I really like Sae.
The only time I will place a character limit is if it seems you're getting in over your head, if you can handle playing twenty people I have no problem with it =]

With the foresight thing, if you do want to involve someone else just throw them a line here and get permission, if I have any interesting ideas for her I'll let you know,..

A darker charrie will work great as I said I'll also play Sensibility to begin with.

muchly appreciate how much attention you paid to the intro (:

I'm gonna throw a post in the ic now guys so feel free to whenever you like...
I go to uni so may not be straight on to replying but I check in everyday or two.

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

O.K. thanks a million.

I will be getting to work on the character now. Sorry I couldn't start sooner. With Thanksgiving and all the family I really had zero computer access. ;)

I also have one more question though that wouldn't effect my intro at least not the one I am working on. =.= I was just wondering if there was a character limit. This is of course for future creation and such because for now I really only feel like rping one, but hey you never know, things change and such.

Thanks again and I am sooo sorry for asking more Y-Y,


The secod character I would be making would be this (though I don't know for sure if I will make him):
A male character that works for the ruler and such. I have and idea for motives but that is subject to change and probably will be so I won't bother posting it yet. Plus, I need to sleep. C-ya. Also, I posted my character Sae hope you enjoy her. ;)

Last but not least concerning Sae's ability to see into the future. If I write it of my own free will it will only effect my characters. The only time I will use it to effect others will be when you decide to give her a vision. That is my rule in all rps where I may have a character who can experience premonitions. Otherwise they will be small things like seeing a fruit drop from someone's hand. Or something that only effects my character. ;)


*chu* -if you have ever read a manga you may recognize that as a kissing noise. <.< >.>

******Edit: ok, sooo, due to the unnoying lack of male characters I am feeling the need to create my second character, soooooo I will get to work on it AND with your permission I will submit it. ;) Plus, I have just practically fallen in love with the character in my head *-*

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

bleedingcrimson, nice character, you've been accepted. Waiting for a few more to join before we begin.

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

As I wrote in the rules, which for some reason didn't come through, I would prefer semi lit+ but it's more important to me that you bring a creative and imaginative mind than that your spelling and grammar is correct. With the intro I was meaning I just don't really want to see

sort of thing but the context your intro comes in is up to you, it gives me an example of the style you write in etc.
The only pathway I've created with the intro is that there is some kind of resistance group forming, as for the ''bad'' side of things I'd be interested to see other motives for evil people can construct, but basically they serve Sensibility in her mission to keep magic and ''chaos'' out of the city.
Technologically the city would be more sided to medieval ages and Sensibility wouldn't want the citizens becoming too advanced, but who knows what level of knowledge she and her followers have reached in the secrecy of their parts of the city.
Haha that's still a little vague, isn't it? It wouldn't be up to modern day level, especially amongst the citizens and creatures, but you would have a little more freedom as one of the evil forces.

No probs on the questions, if you don't ask you can't know =]

Re: [OOC] All in (dis)Order

This looks quite interesting, although I do have a few questions.

First things first: exactly what literacy level would you consider this roleplay being?

Also, I know you said there wasn't a real plot line but is there a path (even in its smallest measurement) you wish for our characters to take for both the 'good' (whichever that may be) and 'evil' characters?

And lastly, for the written introduction do you want that to be a description like introduction (I know obviously there needs to be some) or an interaction like introduction....

ok I know I said lastly but...I swear this is my last question: Are their limitations on technology and occupations, ex. could characters range from an alchemist to a genetisists or from medieval knights to modern day snipers.

sorry for the inconvenience.


[OOC] All in (dis)Order

IC & Character applications--> "All in (dis)Order"

In the city of Serroc, order is everything.
Governed and run by a formidable woman known only by her title - The Grand Sensibility, and her cruel, unforgiving reputation, the citizens of Serroc know their place, and the consequences of stepping out of it.

Serroc is divided into 5 regions, separated by a long, winding river which springs from somewhere beneath the center of the city and has been made to run in four circular moats. This centrepoint island is home to Sensibility, most of the island taken up with a large, menacing tower that at least gives the impression that the Sensibility has eyes everywhere, overlooking all. None enter here save the highest ranking of her Orderlies, the 'peace-keepers' of the city, or so named by Sensibility (and few others.) It is accessible only by one large bridge which runs between it and the second region, guarded day and night by Orderlies. Sensibility herself seldom leaves here, preferring to govern the city from a distance, through her minions.
The second region, circling the first, is where these Orderlies dwell and work in their Courts of Order. Citizens visit this region only to report chaotic activity, or, more frequently, to be judged and punished for some disorderly activity they are said to have been involved in. The disappearance of a family member or friend in the dead of night is not an uncommon occurrence, and questions about it can lead to the same fate for the asker. Few who are dragged to the courts of order return. Of the punishments themselves little is known, save vicious and vile rumours and the occasional screaming through the darkness.
The third, middle region is given to the upper-class citizens of Serroc, judged to be strict followers of order, or born into a family judged so. Fraternization between these and the lower-class is discouraged, though not strictly prohibited, and may cast doubt on an otherwise clean record.
The business district lies snugly around the third, frequented by all citizens and even the civilised fey, if they have significant reason to do so. Behavior is guarded here, however, for the orderlies patrol everywhere.
Travel between these three is easier, with a number of ferries travelling back and forth through the day as well as private boats and rafts. Only one ferry is available for passage between the business district and the last region, a community scattered around the outskirts of the city, bordered on almost all edges by Hyde Woods, a forbidden place that houses all manner of fey creatures.
The shambles community is home to the lower-class citizens of Serroc, placed there for being fey sympathisers or simply too poor to move to the more respectable third region, and a number of 'civilised fey,' creatures who have agreed to live by the rules of The Grand Sensibility to live in the city, albeit on the limits of it, with very little freedom to travel around, for leaving the city shows a chaotic spirit and no fey creature is permitted any deeper into the city than the business district, with the exception of those who have been hobbled so as to render them unable to use their abilities and serve as servants for the Orderlies, Upper-class citizens and, it is rumoured, Sensibility herself. Slaves would probably be a more appropriate, if unspoken term for it is not necessary to pay the creatures for their services, save providing them enough food that they do not starve and are able to do their duties.

For far longer than anyone can remember, the city has been run this way, and none have questioned it, or those who did were dragged to the Courts of Order before their question could be voiced.
But a number of citizens, fey and human alike, growing weary of the oppression, have come together in secret, the beginnings of a rebellion.
For too long, anything 'disorderly' has been judged with fear or violence, and the people are stirring.
A change is beginning to occur....