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If the World Would Be Our Enemy

If the World Would Be Our Enemy


I can't do it justice in this small little box. Just check it out.

1,148 readers have visited If the World Would Be Our Enemy since Chari created it.


A man who won't die for something is not fit to live.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Man has always been afraid of what they do not know. They have always been curious of that which they don't understand.

The year is 2010 A.D., on a little blue planet know as Earth. But this isn't our world. From the dawn of civilization, a cryptic prophecy has been handed down through the generations. No one knows how or where it originated, but it has been repeated and retold so often that it has always been considered fact. It is written in history books, school books, the internet, in stone, anywhere it can be recorded. It has been the topic of college thesis, lecture tours, and many forms of social discourse. It's very ironic that so much thought was put into the prophecy; for it is a prophecy of humanities demise.

The topic of the prophecy is someone know as "The Child of the Dark" or "the Dark One," a figure that is harbinger of the end said to be marked by a sign somewhere on their body. Exactly how the end comes isn't said directly, but it is generally excepted to be some major cataclysm that would wipe civilization of the face of the Earth. The year was also only vaguely stated, but it assumed to be somewhere around ten thousand years after the date it was written. It was estimated that date is around 8000 B.C. The time of the prophecy is here.

The world governments are so concerned about this that they have set up a U.N. agency just to attempt to locate and "remove" the Dark One. The agency, know as the U.P.A., or the United Prevention Agency, is throwing all the world's might at solving the problem, trying to find the Child and save the world. But for now, the Dark One stays hidden.

But this is all seems unimportant it a group of seven friends at a boarding school in New York City. Six of the group are famous as a group of true prodigies, extremely skilled in there respective fields, all from very rich families, and all pretty athletic. The seventh is a New York resident, who is neither particularly rich or skilled. She was accepted under special circumstances, but has been pals with all six of the others on an internet chat room for years. They all agreed to go to this school so that they could meet for the first time in real life. Since then, the group has been thicker than thieves.

Oh yes, one more thing before I move on to a more boring part of the introduction. You might think that it is strange that a modern society such as ours, and you'd be right. It would be very strange for us to accept something as far-fetched and supernatural as a prophecy. But as said before, this is not our world. In their world, the supernatural has been accepted as fact ever since ancient times, and was proven by scientific study. There are people born into the world with ESP and other psychic abilities (although it is exceedingly rare) and it is absolutely accepted as normal. But other than a few idiosyncrasies, their world isn't so different from our own.


Well, now it is time to say what I want to say outside the form of a semi-narrative. In English, I suppose that means I should get down to business. The main characters are the seven friends, of which I am the useless one. This will not be a highschool roleplay, so I am either A) sorry to disappoint you or B) glad to reassure you. It will start off in the school, but I have no intention of describing classes or staying there longer than to start the plot. I will also be playing as an agent in the UPA, and positions in there are always welcome as well. I am going to shot ahead a bit and tell you the two sides will be against each other for a good while, so you should probably pick a side and stay with it.

I also realize I was very vague with the description of the friends, but that was intentional. I did that to leave you all plenty of room for customization within the characters. You can decide exactly what they are skilled in, but remember they are all rich and in shape (that doesn't mean you can't have a brainiac, though). And all I ask is that two people can't be good at the same thing, unless you want to collaborate with someone else to have a pair of twins or something, which I think would be really cool but seriously doubt it could ever happen. Whatever you do, just remember that you can only have one of the friends in the group, or just one of the UPA agents. Well, anyway, just enjoy this final quote.

Friendship... is not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.
-Muhammad Ali

Toggle Rules

Grr, my rules disappeared. Well, I guess I'll write them again. *sigh*

1) Thou shalt not godmod.

2) Thou shalt not use bad grammar and spelling.

3) Neither shalt thou write one line nor one thousand lines.

4) Thou shalt follow all other rules of Roleplaygateway

Oh, and I suppose I should post some of what I want to see in the profiles too.

I want, explicitly stated (ie bolded or under a heading) your ESP, if you have one. This is so I don't have to got picking it out.

For the friend characters, I would like your skill outlined clearly too.

And for UPA agents, please post your agency or origin (ie FBI, CIA, MI5, Interpol, ETC (no, that's not an agency ;) ))

Okay, as of August 3rd, all the friends slots are taken. If you wanted a friend, I am very sorry, but please consider playing as a UPA/UNPA agent instead. We need some. And another idea. If you want to have a bad guy, please PM me about it. I already have enemies in mind, and while you couldn't be the first in command, you could pretty much take any other position in them.

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#, as written by fumeii
The everlasting grin still lit on her face, a soft giggle flew out as Mikael was out of hearing vicinity. "He's all over her. Spooky kid," she mused, releasing her grasp on the "living weapon"'s arm. Quite frankly, of course, Emery didn't mean it with full seriousness. She rarely meant anything given her full attention; everything was freedom and she could live in all the jokes she wished. All meant with a good-will, the happy-go-lucky nature that loved to tease and taunt was what made Emery simply Emery. Turning to Mako, a wide grin placed on her lips, she nudged her head towards the school and sauntered towards the building for homeroom. "Guess we should get going to! Don't wanna be late."

And thus, weaving in and out of the crowds formed in the hallways, sat herself second row to the back in class and did the usual. Hum the latest routine music, stare out the window, and peacefully ignore the teacher's lessons. She'd get it out of a classmate or Mako or something, depending whoever seemed to be listening to the educational lectures. Eventually, time would soon pass by, each class would be over and she would be permitted to learn the best form of education for her. The art of dance.

Unfortunately, it was still the beginning of the day with a few more classes ahead for her to ignore.


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#, as written by fumeii
Ignore...stupid double posts >.>


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Alex watched his friends scatter like leaves in the wind, Emery latching herself to Mako and dragging her off to class, Mikael doing his stoic writer routine and sauntering off his own way, and the rest scattering in ways Alex had no time to watch. After a few seconds he rose and started walking towards his next class. His friends were relegated to the back of his mind as he walked, he caught a glimpse of Mikael still sauntering, though he was swallowed by the crowds before Alex could do anything but nod at him and blurt out the first syllable of a hello. He wafted his way through the crowds, slipping in and out of the cracks that the groups of people made as they flowed out of and into the classrooms, mindless chatter filling the air until finally he dragged himself into class with the sound of shoes squeaking on linoleum permanently etched into his psyche. Then he muttered a low curse.

Alex wanted to be an ESP researcher, that was evident in everything he did, everyone knew that he could list just about every part of the brain so well it had practically become a reflex for him. On the other hand, in order to study the extra-normal parts of the brain you had to be well versed in the occult as well as neurology. Generally if he was asked by someone to explain the otherworldly he would readily divulge all he knew and proceed to bore them to death in most cases. One extremely common query, common enough that it made Alex grind his teeth every time he heard the words The Dark One (pronounced with capitalization) was the question "Is The Dark One real?". He believed in the dark one and in the end of the world but when it came it came and generally trying to stop prophecies tended to fulfill them. So it was with ever growing dread that Alex stared at the words on th blackboard and sighed in an exasperated manner, The Dark One had been scrawled onto the board in large letters with a question mark at the end. Today was not going to be good, not at all.

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He's all over her. Emery's words rang in her mind. She obviously had no idea what she'd said and that saying it to Mako was a huge mistake. No one knew. Mako wasn't even sure she should be upset by those words, but she was. If it was one thing the girl hated most it was being a hormonal seventeen year old. Normally very relaxed and inattentive in class, Mako found herself writing down every word the teacher spoke. Her penmanship didn't leave much to be desired. Mako knew only she could read it, but it didn't matter. She had already read the textbook, and her ability to go back into the mind made it easy for her to just find the chapter they were on.

Was he really "all over her"?

Mako groaned loudly and grabbed at her hair. She couldn't take it anymore. Her idiotic mind was working overtime. The room was stifling and she needed to blow off some steam.

"I'm leaving!" She stood up and stomped passed a protesting teacher and out the door. Yeah, she would definitely be called to the Head Master's office soon. It was worth it though. The hallways were empty and quiet. It was only two hallways to the music room. Music Theory was her next class anyway and she really needed some time alone.

As soon as her fingers hit the ivory her whole mind fell away. Something started flowing through her. Camille Saint-Saen. Danse Macabre. A song meant for fear. A haunting, beautiful chorus of flats. Was that how she felt? Her fingers twisting, bending. It echoed through the poorly sound-proofed room. Slowly, Makoto's head lowered feeling the music gain potency in her blood. It kept falling, her ears growing closer to the hammers and strings. Soon her forehead was resting on the cool stained wood, spidery fingers playing smoothly over the piano.

These feelings weren't from what Emery had said. The notion hit Mako suddenly and she lifted her head quickly, her fingers still playing the dangerous symphony. Something was happening? Something was going to happen? Makoto had to force her fingers from the keys and she rested them on her knees. What was happening?

The setting changes from New York City to Earth


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Being around a few people at a time meant a lesser chance of actually feeling what others felt. Unfortunately, being amongst a crowd of talkative and irritated students meant that his mind was in danger of being somewhat overwhelmed. He turned his music up louder in an attempt to fill his brain with music and not whatever else the other students were feeling. Mikael barely even registered arriving at his class. He pulled his earphones out of both his ears and iPod before stuffing them both back into his pocket. He made his way to a seat near the back of the class, but one next to a window. The student in the seat next to his was sleeping. He pulled out a notebook from his satchel and as he sat down he slapped the student sitting next to him on the head.

He sat up instantly and blinked before glaring at Mikael, "Hey, lay off, okay?"

Mikael opened his notebook and laughed, "Be more attentive." he chastised. "Maybe the teacher will like you more." he said, casting a wry smile at him.

"What about you? You spend the whole hour writing!"

Mikael tapped his pen against the side of his head, "Eidetic tonal memory."

"That doesn't make much sense when you look at the definitions of each word you just used." the boy scoffed.

"Oh? Really?" Mikael slowly looked up at him. "Then explain my grade." the boy rolled his eyes and pulled out a notebook. "There we go." the writer chuckled teasingly as he looked back at his notebook.


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When the cursed monotone ring of the bell rang Chris cursed under his breath. He was smart enough to get by here, but still, he hated school. He knew that people just thought of him as some loose cannon gun nut. Which, he would not deny the gun nut part, but a loose cannon, not really.

Anyway, when Amy ran off yelling to them to go to their class, he sighed. He had just gotten here and now he's got to leave again. He'd much rather hang out with his friends than go to some boring class. And it wasn't like he was in most of their classes. I mean, who would put a gun nut into a class of artists, writers, and scientists? On paper, it was a recipe for him to become a bully. So instead he had solitary confinement in some boring classrooms for the rest of the day with about 30 other people.

What a drag.

Instead he was really just wanting to pull out his ipod, drown out the class and curl up into a hole in the ground until his ultimate liberation by the same sound that sentenced him.

He wondered what his friends were doing.


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#, as written by Circus
In moments from his orders, Eddie had his phone out calling the Brit, Lidvia. He left a message. "Mornin', Lidvia. It's Agent Eddie Dawn. We need you here in New York asap. Report back when ready." Eddie paused. "Watch out for car accidents today, too." He closed his phone and placed it back into his pocket. Eddie mentally took down all the relevant information on the briefing as he sped up to walk alongside his commanding officer. "We are on the tail of a lead now?" The recruit asked, half-knowing the answer already.

The setting changes from Earth to New York City


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#, as written by VoidSun
Lidvia could understand why the travel was not directly to New York, instead they landed on Massachusetts. It was a good tactic to help the foreign U.P.A. agents to get used to America, specially for the ones thinking this was the opportunity to get a promotion, and to help the MI5 and MI6 to bond faster while traveling to New York a bad idea from... who thought about it. The MI5 blamed the MI6 for not being able to avoid the problems to reach the homeland, to them all the MI6 agents acted like James Bond, an agent from old movies that liked to make all explode, and the MI6 blamed the MI5 for not being able to solve the simplest troubles.

What Lidvia could not understand why the superiors of the MI6 acted so high in front of other agents or even civilians, to her good luck she was placed in another group free of MI, 5 or 6, agents as soon as she introduced herself to the U.P.A., quickly she abandoned or burned most of her possessions, fearing a bug in them, and bought all what she need from scratch.

Now the sound of the cellphone was making her return from the world of memories as she walked in the sidewalk full of people, instead of answering right away Lidvia let it continuing ringing until the call pass to a voice message, so she could take her time to hear the content instead of fighting the noise trying to talk, after some minutes of thinking she sent a text mail in answer to the call.

"Good day to you too. Agent Lidvia reporting to duty as ask. Ready to move when ordered. Pardon me, but in which part of the big city should we meet? And donΒ΄t worry I will look for cars... or at least half of them."

Lidvia placed the cell phone in a holder near her pocket, while moving her free eye through the street looking for cars and also trying to spot something that would let her move quickly to wherever the Agent Dawn and the superior were.


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#, as written by Chari
Ed nodded as Agent Dawn placed the call to the new agent. He said, "Rook, don't forget to tell her to meet us in front of the Chrysler Building at around 0900 hours. And tell her to bring some comfortable shoes. Once we meet up, there will be plenty of walking to do. I just hope it's not a waste of time."

*time warp initiated. New time; 1503 hours, aka 3:03 PM.*

Ding dong dang dong

Amy had been sleeping on a bench in the when the sound woke her. That had been the final bell of the day, marking the end of all her friends special lessons and her hours of boredom. In the end, no one had been able to let her watch their lesson, so she had sat down here, done her homework, and promptly fell asleep. She had stayed up late last night, and the time between twelve and three was a good time to catch up on her sleep. And she was also in a good place to sleep. The courtyard was nicely shaded by numerous trees, had a terrific breeze, and had yet another fountain in the middle of it all. It had been lucky that the school provided scholarships, because it otherwise would have very expensive to attend.

Yawning and stretching, Amy finally pushed herself up to a sitting position. She pulled her sleeves down, noticing that they had started to come up her arm. As she rubbed her eyes, trying to stay awake, she noticed some people coming out across the lawn. Must have been the others.

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Alex had long since fazed his teacher's natter out, he had a notebook in front of him and between drawing odd beasts with tentacles and limbs that twisted in unnatural ways and learning to discreetly juggle his pen armada he was writing out an article for Science Magazine concerning the effects of red meat on IQ. The seriousness of the piece was ruined a bit by the doodle of Cthulhu giving a thumbs up at the top of the page but this was only the first draft. He glanced up at the clock and let out a small sigh of relief, five minutes to go. I wonder if Amy's sleeping out on the benches again? Maybe I should go check on her? Would that seem a bit overbearing, no I'm just trying to be nice aren't I? He peered out of the window and bit his lower lip. It wasn't raining so she should be alright, his guilt once again diminished Alex sneaked a look at the clock, two minutes left.

"Now if you'll look right over here we have a diagram of Lolo the chimpanzee's brain, if you'll notice you can that the planum temporale of both are positioned..." Alex diverted attention from the teacher and stared at the clock again, it was still two minutes to go. His feet started to shake, hitting his knee on the top of the desk until the medieval sounding bell rang and they all scattered. "I wonder who the bell tolls for?" He whispered quietly, chuckling at his little joke. He got up and walked from class, the only people left were those in the special classes and Amy who was sitting on a bench, wreathed in trees and looking like she'd just woken up from a nap.

See, she's alright. It would have been silly to check up on her.

He continued forward, her blank silhouette coming into more and more detail as came closer, a wry smile crossing his face as he got closer. "Hello Em-Amy." He faltered as he spoke, Their names were so similar it just sort of slipped out. "Thank you for waiting."

The setting changes from Earth to New York City


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Christopher ran as he was released from his prison for the day. He was finally OUT! Granted he really didn't have anything planned for that night yet, but anything was better than sitting through some boring classes all day. It's not like there was much he was interested in. He'd much rather bo out on the goddamn range than hearing about the latest and greatest in bullets and firearms. There's so much more that you could learn about a gun just from the feel on a range than in some stuffy classroom As he ran across the courtyard he spied Alex and Amy talking in the courtyard.

Honestly, he didn't know why Amy stayed every day. Well, he got the part that they were her friends and all and she wanted to hang out with them after their extra torture, but still. This WAS good, ol NY after all and while they were in campus, you had to figure that most of the enrolees here were hometown boys. Not exactly the crowd you wanna trust hanging around sleeping on a bench.

Eh. He could just be paranoid. Who knew? Mabye the guys here were good ones, after all, they passed the entrance exam to get in. But even a psycho could take a test.

By now he had crossed over to the pair. And he slowed, rounding the bench and leaning against the back of it. "You fall asleep again, Aim? Seriously, you should at least go inside or something when you nod off like that."

"Eh. Whatever. You been in NYC for all your life, so you know what the hell you're doin'. So, we got plans tonight, anyone?"

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Mikael stretched and yawned - which was hard to do in a cramped chair. He looked up at the clock impatiently and then at the teacher. When he had turned his back Mikael closed his notebook and slipped it into his satchel. He slowly closed it and sat back up before the teacher turned around. His blue eyes flicked back to the clock impatiently. He silently willed it to ring. His mouth twisted into a grimace and he let a low groan escape as he slowly sank into his chair. The sounding of the bell seconds later had him shooting back into an upright position. He grabbed his satchel and made for the door before most of the class had stood up. He dodged through the slowly growing crowds as he headed for his dorm. He fumbled to pull his iPod out of his pocket and stuffed his earphones in before cranking up "The Garden of Emotion" by Ayreon.

When he reached his dorm his opened the door just long enough to throw his satchel onto his bed before moving on. He headed outside and into the trees towards the courtyard. He stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets and slowed his pace. He tended to walk in long strides, moving very fast by nature when he walked. He also took stairs two or even three steps at a time. He always needed to be moving fast. That was another reason he was on the track team: He loved to run. When he realized he was near the courtyard he pulled one of his earphones out and heard who he believed to be Alex say, "Hello Em-Amy." he faltered slightly as he spoke. "Thank you for waiting."

"You fall asleep again, Am? Seriously, you should at least go inside or something when you nod off like that." he heard a second voice who he recognized as Christopher. "Eh. Whatever. You been in NYC for all your life, so you know what the hell you're doin'. So, we got plans tonight, anyone?"

Mikael chuckled and paused when the three finally came into view, "Hey, guys!" he called out his greeting. "Hope we haven't kept you waiting too long, Amy."

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The teacher's words went in one of Christian's ears and onto his notepad. He always wrote the important stuff to read at night, allowing himself to faze out during class but be prepared the next day. To tell you the truth, he had no idea what class he was even in right now. Only one thing mattered to him- the end of the day. He suddenly closed the book, and as he slid it into his left pocket the bell rang. He quickly pushed himself out of the room and made his way to the courtyard, where the others were no doubt waiting.

Upon his arrival he noticed that Amy was already awake, and that some of the others were already there. That was good, as he hated waking people up. "Hey Amy, Alex, Chris, Mikael. I am set for tonight- no homework or anything. I guess I'm lucky." He pulled out a pair of clip-on sunglasses and placed them on his regular ones. "I'm open to anything- watching movies, fighting, playing video games, solving mysteries, helping the elderly, thwarting evil- just name it."

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#, as written by fumeii
Finishing the final pirouette of four rotations, Emery halted to a stop of her ballet routine. Receiving a compliment from her instructor, she merely sent a soft grin towards the woman and slung her bag over her shoulder. She bid her goodbyes, bolted out the studio and quit her graceful act. Finally within out of reach, the silverette frowned at stumbled in her walk. "Fuck my legs," she muttered, punching each thigh to loosen up the sore muscles. It was that stretch again, the one where her instructor intensified. She swore, keep this up and by the end of the year, she was going to be a contortionist.

Trudging along awkwardly to avoid any further pain, she headed for the courtyard where the meeting spot would be. Catching quick sight of her group of familiar friends, she gave them a weak smile in her tardiness, and a glare at the few with questioning looks by the way she was walking. "Don't even ask," she said bitterly, rubbing the area just above her knee. Turning to Amy, however, her eyes immediately lit up at the sight of the girl, and of course, greeted her with yet another 'stranglehold'.

"Amy, the savior of my physical pain. Hold me T__T."

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Mako stomped in her boots through the hallway. Anger filled her eyes, she puffed half the cigarette in about 10 seconds. The smoke hung around her inside the school. Other kids coughed and cursed at her rudeness. She paid them no mind. Her thin hands were shoved harshly in her pants pockets. One boot lace had come undone in her passionate rage, but she also, paid it no mind.

"Mako-chan! Makoto, honey, please wait!" Her mother sputtered behind her. Mako kicked a nearby water fountain as her mother's voice rang horrendously in her ears. Some kids whispered at the abuse the parent was receiving from child. Mako hated them. She hated all of them. The Head Master. Her mother. The kids in the hallways staring at her.

"STOP FUCKING STARING AT ME!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. After a few huffs and a glance at her mother's stunned countenance, Mako growled and turned away from her.

"Makoto!" Aoi whispered, harsher this time. The woman was embarrassed by her daughter's outburst. She was always embarrassed by her daughter. That's what made Mako so sick of her. Kicking the doors open to the courtyard, Makoto grabbed her cigarette and flicked it into the rose bush off to the side of the double doors. Crowds of students were gathering, and at one bench, her dearest friends. She could feel their calming presence, but Mako could not be quelled.

If the Head Master had just given her a detention she would have been fine. Missing a day or two of Kendo was cool with Mako. She could practice on her own better anyway. But calling her Mother, threatening to pull her, to take her away from her friends. To have her mother sit there and apologize for her delinquent child and agree with him?! What the hell kind of parent sat there and agreed with someone that she was a bad kid? It disturbed Mako, made her want to kill something, or at least beat the shit out of it.

"Makoto Jacquelyn Blakely!" Her mother yelled just as Mako stopped at her mother's black Cadillac. She made it just a few feet from the short girl and was glaring at her. Makoto matched the glare with equal passion.

"How dare you speak to those children that way!" She scolded, getting closer, her tone low. Her brown eyes glanced around.

"Yes, Mother. Everyone's watching!" Mako screamed out, throwing her hands in the air. "Don't you love it?! Isn't it great when everyone knows your business?!" Mako was starting to sound hysterical, but her insides were panicking. She couldn't handle all this rage. The two were quite a ways from her group of friends, but Mako never cared how she looked to anyone. Would her friends think ill of her now? At the moment, she didn't give a flip.

"I let you come here so you would be happy, Mako." Her mother whispered, close to her daughter's face. She smelled of lemongrass. Mako remembered when that smell made her calm and happy. Now it just made her queasy. "But I can see that you're only getting more and more out of hand." She looked like she was going to cry. With a groan of irritation, Mako crossed her arms and backed away from Aoi.

"If you cannot begin acting like a human being and less like a child of Satan, then I will come back here and take you home, where you belong!" Mako growled at her and balled her fists up at her side. She was still trying to hold back her tears. Tears of shame. Aoi was just as sickened by Mako as Mako was of her.

"I can't believe how stupid you are." Mako hissed. "Get in the car and get out of my sight!" She pointed at the door, her green eyes glaring hatefully into her mother's. With a sniffle and a handkerchief at her mouth, Aoi shook her head and got into her car, never looking back as it rolled away. Yelling out like a lioness who's missed their prey, Mako slammed the side of her fist on a nearby concrete post.

"What a waste of my time." She cursed on her way back to the bench.

The closer she got, the more embarrassment she felt. Why did this have to happen today? Quiet and a little mousy, Mako reached the group and waved awkwardly before taking out her pack of cigarettes and lighting another up. The nicotine hit her blood quickly and helped to calm her a little.

"Hey." She spoke quietly, standing on the outskirts of their circle.


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#, as written by Chari
Amy was about to say something when a shouting match caught her attention. As soon as she heard who one of the ends was, she tried to ignore it as best she could. Mako was her friend, and this argument was between her and someone else. Luckily she didn't hear much of it once they went out toward the road, but the anger in her voice had been near hysteric. She had never heard anyone so mad in all her life. She and her mother were naturally calm people, and on the streets of New York you heard more hatred than anger. This actually sent a shiver down her spine before she could get it under control. She knew that Mako was her friend, and that anger would never be directed at her. Would it?

As Amy propped up Em, she started to say what she wanted to earlier. "I can hold you for a little while, but if we're gonna hit the town before we go to my house, then you'll have to walk eventually." She smiled for at everyone gathered there before turning to Mako, who had just joined them. Now that everyone was here, she got up, yawning and stretching a bit, then motioned for everyone to follow her. "Let's get going, everyone. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can catch the subway." She started walking forward (dragging Em along with her) to the bus station nearby. The group hopped on the bus, which led them to the nearest subway station, which they then took all the way to Manhattan. Once they got above ground, Amy deposited her freeloading friend on the nearest bench before sitting down herself. She looked around at them all and merely said, "What do you guys want to do first?"


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The group eventually made their way to the city, and it was obvious that at least a few of them were upset- from their classes, getting engaged in violent arguments, or otherwise. But it was nice that everyone put it aside to enjoy time as a group. Christian stood still next to the bench so others could sit, and smiled humorously at Amy and Emery. "I always wonder how you can bear to physically drag someone around all the time. And I don't care what we do first." He stepped on a beetle that had worked its way onto the sidewalk.

It was in all regards a normal day. The street was extremely hot, steam poured out of vents on the road, pigeons flew and defecated everywhere, and people caught in traffic honked angrily at each other. But... there was something in the air. Some sense of destiny looming in the distance. It was as if their surroundings were trying to lie to them- that everything would be normal from here on. Perhaps he could sense this deception in the back of his head, and that's why he felt this way. Perhaps they would do something special this afternoon. "We should do something different today. Something we've never done before. That's all I'd recommend."

The setting changes from New York City to Earth


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#, as written by Circus
Eddie had taken his phone out and texted the agent. "Chrysler building. 0900. Bring comfortable shoes." His phone was placed back into his pocket and followed his leader to the Chrysler building...

Some time had passed and Eddie and the agent then arrived at the Chrysler building at 0900. On time. Ed had told Eddie to do what he was training to do: tell the future. Eddie walked around toward the quietest side of the building which wasn't all too silent. He sat on a bench and closed his eyes trying to clear his mind and focus on today's events, maybe more would be revealed? There he sat in a trance-like state, trying to foresee what was yet to happen.

Time was passing by, but to Eddie, time almost seemed to not exist. It wasn't on the forefront of his mind, but kept somewhere in the subconscious. Time continued to flow. Then, the Vision appeared...


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#, as written by fumeii
Sending Amy a smile, Emery sighed in relief. "You're my savior, you know that?" She weakly laughed, a defeated expression falling over her face. It was good thing dance today was only stretching and a relaxed run-through of the important elements in her routines. Otherwise, she'd be hanging out with her friends, stuck in sweat and looking like utter...poop. She gave Mako a short-lived wave as she caught sights of her suddenly appearing, and though she looked just as killed from whatever she did as Emery was from dance, she decided not to inquire into her business. Whatever could give Mako a look like that was definitely something you should allow her to bring up, not pry.

"I always wonder how you can bear to physically drag someone around all the time. And I don't care what we do first."

Already on the move, Emery shot Christian a bored glance, a wry smirk making its way on her lips.

"Why wonder when you can get a taste," she stated, her tone defeating the purpose of it being a polite question. Loosening herself from Amy, despite the sudden pain jolting through her thighs, she leaped onto the back of her poor detective friend, almost forcing out a piggy-back ride. Before he had any time to protest (if he was even going to), she answered his rather rhetorical question after a laugh. "S'cause Amy's got guns and muscles, you know? Duh." She joked, poking the back of his head, "Which draws me to a conclusion: She's more comfortable than you."

Jumping off his back, Emery almost lost her balance if she hadn't grabbed hold of Amy's arm. "Damn, I'm crippled," she muttered under her breath.

"I can hold you for a little while, but if we're gonna hit the town before we go to my house, then you'll have to walk eventually." Amy informed her. "What do you guys want to do first?"

"Oh, no worries. I'll just hop onto Chris' back again," she replied in sarcasm, helped her way down to a bench. "By the way, I don't really mind, so long as we end up at your house for dinner. Gotta love your mom's cooking."

The setting changes from Earth to New York City


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Christian grunted as Emery's weight suddenly appeared on his back. He would normally be able to carry her, but since he was not prepared it hurt his back. He stumbled forward a few steps before finding stability. He just thanked god she was a dancer and not a football player, and that he was naturally strong. She started poking him in the back of the head, which actually hurt more than you would think.

"AH, get off me, will ya'?" He felt her almost fall off, so he ducked low to the ground so Amy could help her stabilize and sit on the bench. He stood and stretched his back, and three or four vertebrae snapped back into place. "If you are really hurt, I have no problem carrying you. Just ask next time, okay?"


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#, as written by VoidSun
Lidvia had been dragged from one place to another by the strong river of people, on a normal situation she would just step aside to avoid the flow, but since she had no answer yet of where to go she was walking randomly with the rest of the people watching all the buildings around he with interest after all she was still a tourist, the characteristic sound of the cellphone receiving a message force her to stop near to a magazine stand like a shipwrecked would hold to a piece of earth, with her usual patience Lidvia read the short message raising her free eyebrow.

"Comfortable shoes check..." With a quick glance Lidvia double checked her shoes. They were some Vans she had buy recently after all heels didnΒ΄t fit her image, then she read the message once more "The Chrysler building...where is that?"

After a moment of doubt Lidvia entered in a quick talk with the owner of the stand after a moment she had under her power a pair of maps: one of the important places of the city and one the city subway.

"IΒ΄m here and the building is in Lexington Avenue, so I would have to take this line, I guess..." Lidvia was lost, she wasnΒ΄t able to understand the subwayΒ΄s map with itΒ΄s lines mixing with each other and the names of the streets all over each other. "If IΒ΄m correct have to move now before itΒ΄s 0900, just in case..."

LIdivia started her travel to reach the Chrysler building and various minutes later she was grateful for starting right away. After some wrong turns after leaving the subway and even confusing the location with the Empire State Lidvia finally reached the building with a few minutes remaining she started to walk following the street, after some minutes she spot her companion s from the U.P.A. with quick and long steps Lidvia placed herself near Edward and Eddie waving her left arm with excitement, as any girl would do after watching a friend, then she calm herself waiting as she saw the people passing at their side.


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Mako kept quiet for most of the way, sitting beside Emery when they reached a bench.

"What do you guys want to do first?" The question rolled around in her head. Christian recommend they do something they've never done before. Mako thought they'd done a lot since their friendship had begun. Some kids their age could never get away with what they've done, but being rich and powerful, they got away with a lot. Shrugging, Mako draped her arms over the back of the bench and sighed, looking up through the skyscrapers into the bluest of skies.

She was still beat from her argument with her mother, and the threat she'd made loomed over her heart. Mako loved these guys, she couldn't leave them. The girl would die first.

"I don't care what we do," Mako finally grunted out. She grabbed her pack of cigarettes, ready to puff on another, when she realized her pack was empty.

"Fuudddggeee!" She growled and threw the pack down on the already littered and dirty sidewalk. "I need cigarettes!" Pulling at her hair and throwing her hands in the air, Mako looked around.

"I wonder if there's a homeless guy I can get to buy me some?" She said out loud, but mostly to herself. Mako started laughing and looked at her friends. "We've never went hobo hunting, have we? How about we all go and find me a homeless guy who will buy me some cigarettes?" A huge, tooth-filled grin appeared on her once somber countenance. It made her almost comical in a way.

The setting changes from New York City to Earth


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#, as written by Epona
JJ tucked strands of silky blonde hair behind her ear as she pour herself a steaming cup of coffee. Her morning routine had been tough to get used to, with the time difference being so large, but the caffine definitely helped. With mug in hand, she left her flat, locking both locks behind her. After a few sips, she was starting to feel energy rise from her very core, but not enough to do much other than head to the Chrysler Building, where she had been told to go earlier in the morning.. Lucky for her, she was only a five minute walk from it, and in heels, that was a good thing.
Taking another sip of joe, she began to push her way through the early crowds of people, all ready agravated with the city and she hadn't been there for more than a week. This is worse than London at tea time, she mused to herself. Being her height, and especially her weight, made it a little more difficult to navigate through the sea of people. After a minute of being stuck in the exact same spot, she reached for the gun in its holster on her belt, not actually going to use it. It was a nice reminder of some power at least.
Jordan stopped at a news stand, where she bought herself a copy of the New York Times, just in case she actually had some time to read it during her working day. She just hoped the guy who was practically the reason she was there, knew who she was. If not, she could always flash a badge. But it's more fun if people know you... She thanked the man behind the register, then dove back into the crowd. Most people had their heads down, so she had to almost yell to finally arrive at the building. It was huge, compartively. She gaped at it in awe for a moment before sitting down on a bench across the sidewalk from it. "Hope this is the place," she mumbled.
By then, her mug full of energy had been drained, and all that was left to do was the paper she held in her hand. With a small sigh, she pulled it out and flipped the world news section, hoping nothing had happened in Britian in her short time away. She was relieved when she saw that it was basically just on the war going on, and some aftermaths of earthquakes. When she flipped to sports, she saw it was covering a New York Yankees game against the Boston Red Sox. She couldn't care less about baseball, but secretly she prefered the Sox. It was best not to speak of it out loud.
JJ glanced at the watch that was upside down, the clock on the inside of her wrist, so see it was only 0847. But, when she looked back up again, she saw some official looking people there, a woman waving her arm at them in excitement. She stood, throwing the paper in the trash and holding the mug in her right hand. She held out her right to the men. "Agent Stoker?" she asked the older-looking one. "I'm Agent Joiner from the SOCA, I believe we spoke on the phone?"

Hours and many coffee runs later, JJ was still wandering around Manhattan looking for leads that could tell her how to find this mysterious 'Dark One'. She had visited countless people claiming that they knew who it was, but she knew none of them were it. They were too old, or just born, or quadrapolegic, or dead. None seemed viable, especially the babies and the ones who were dead. After a little while, her hope for the day had been lost. She so dearly wished that they would just find this son of a bitch just to get it over with.
Patients is a virtue, her mother's voice reminded her in the back of her mind.
Then I'm not a very virtuous person.
From her pocket, her cell phone rang loudly. She excused herself from the older gentleman she had been talking to, and answered her phone. "Joiner... No, I haven't... All right... Of course I have... Yes... Yes I'll keep looking. Fine..." Just as soon as the conversation with the agent on the other end of the line had started, it stopped. "It's like they don't know I have a gun," she muttered to herself as she walked back over to the man. "Thank you for your time, sir. If you can tell us any more, please call the number on that card I gave you." They shook hands, and she left.
Still I have nothing.

The setting changes from Earth to New York City


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#, as written by Chari
Amy smiled at Mako's suggestion, even when she didn't think it was a good idea. Chris suggested that they do something they had never done before, which made sense, but even then that didn't really narrow down anything. There had been plenty of stuff they haven't done, but most of it wasn't here on Manhattan. After a second, she did think of one thing they hadn't done, but she herself did all the time. They had never hung out in Central Park, which was more than a little surprising. It was right there in front of Amy's house, but she had never taken her friends there. Time to go.

She turned from her thoughts and back to her friends. They had waited patiently, and now it was time to get going. She told them, "Well, if you want to do something we've never done, I have somewhere nearby and close to my house. We can go to Central Park for awhile! We can wait there until dinner is ready, and I can stay for about an hour. My mom wants my help with the cooking. Shall we go then?"

After six hours of no success, Ed had been starting to despair of ever finding a lead. But then he had run into something. He had learned that the Society was looking for something. While that was a good start, he didn't have time to follow it up; it was time for them to meet back up in front of the Chrysler building. He sent out a text to his colleagues (yes, an old man like him could do that). It read: To all. Meet up at Chrysler ASAP. Regrouping and re-accessing. Not very descriptive, but it didn't need to be. It was time to go.


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#, as written by VoidSun
After a quick, really quick, brief Lidvia rushed through the city trying to find leads as she was ordered. Ed wanted info or clues that were sure so they would not lose important time, but it wasnΒ΄t s easy as it sounded first the city was too big to cover all of it in one day, or maybe a full year, then the reports of people claiming to have information were many and they needed to be handle with care, one would never know if behind any of those guys was someone trying to trap U.P.A. agents and finally, but no less important, Lidvia got lost once more making her investigation go a little slower.

After the pass of time Lidvia was tired of hearing people talking about crazy theories about diverse prophecies, instead of talking face to face with the people, as she was supposed to do, she would just stand near the person in question using her looks to pass as a teenager interested, when the sound of a text incoming came Lidvia breathed relieved she was not tired of the task , instead she was tired of hearing the people starving for attention, an attention that she was dedicating to the cellphone.

"The Chrysler building... this time I wonΒ΄t get lose in the subway." With a slow move of hands Lidvia wrote back a short "roger" and headed to the subway thinking in the lines that she needed to take to get fast to the buidling.

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Earth by Chari


New York City

New York City by RolePlayGateway

New York City, the crossroads of the world

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Eddie Dawn - Agent
Character Portrait: Christopher Jacobs
Character Portrait: Christian Rothstein
Character Portrait: Amy Myra
Character Portrait: Bram Edward Stoker
Character Portrait: Emery Elise Luvette
Character Portrait: Alexander Valentine
Character Portrait: Lidvia Tsuva
Character Portrait: Jordan "JJ" Joiner


Character Portrait: Jordan "JJ" Joiner
Jordan "JJ" Joiner

A blonde SOCA Agent... with an accent.

Character Portrait: Lidvia Tsuva
Lidvia Tsuva

"There is no luck in my field of work... only skill."

Character Portrait: Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

Me? Problems? HA!

Character Portrait: Emery Elise Luvette
Emery Elise Luvette

At times I'm cold, insensitive, and downright impatient. However, if you can't handle me at my worst, you certainly don't deserve me at best.

Character Portrait: Bram Edward Stoker
Bram Edward Stoker

An experienced FBI agent who was recruited in by the UPA

Character Portrait: Amy Myra
Amy Myra

A girl from a group of seven friends who has no talent whatsoever

Character Portrait: Christian Rothstein
Christian Rothstein

15 year old student/detective that can sense deception.

Character Portrait: Christopher Jacobs
Christopher Jacobs

Just because I look young doesn't mean I'm not mature!

Character Portrait: Eddie Dawn - Agent
Eddie Dawn - Agent



Character Portrait: Eddie Dawn - Agent
Eddie Dawn - Agent


Character Portrait: Bram Edward Stoker
Bram Edward Stoker

An experienced FBI agent who was recruited in by the UPA

Character Portrait: Christian Rothstein
Christian Rothstein

15 year old student/detective that can sense deception.

Character Portrait: Amy Myra
Amy Myra

A girl from a group of seven friends who has no talent whatsoever

Character Portrait: Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

Me? Problems? HA!

Character Portrait: Emery Elise Luvette
Emery Elise Luvette

At times I'm cold, insensitive, and downright impatient. However, if you can't handle me at my worst, you certainly don't deserve me at best.

Character Portrait: Lidvia Tsuva
Lidvia Tsuva

"There is no luck in my field of work... only skill."

Character Portrait: Christopher Jacobs
Christopher Jacobs

Just because I look young doesn't mean I'm not mature!

Character Portrait: Jordan "JJ" Joiner
Jordan "JJ" Joiner

A blonde SOCA Agent... with an accent.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Emery Elise Luvette
Emery Elise Luvette

At times I'm cold, insensitive, and downright impatient. However, if you can't handle me at my worst, you certainly don't deserve me at best.

Character Portrait: Bram Edward Stoker
Bram Edward Stoker

An experienced FBI agent who was recruited in by the UPA

Character Portrait: Eddie Dawn - Agent
Eddie Dawn - Agent


Character Portrait: Amy Myra
Amy Myra

A girl from a group of seven friends who has no talent whatsoever

Character Portrait: Lidvia Tsuva
Lidvia Tsuva

"There is no luck in my field of work... only skill."

Character Portrait: Alexander Valentine
Alexander Valentine

Me? Problems? HA!

Character Portrait: Christopher Jacobs
Christopher Jacobs

Just because I look young doesn't mean I'm not mature!

Character Portrait: Christian Rothstein
Christian Rothstein

15 year old student/detective that can sense deception.

Character Portrait: Jordan "JJ" Joiner
Jordan "JJ" Joiner

A blonde SOCA Agent... with an accent.

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Earth by Chari


New York City

New York City by RolePlayGateway

New York City, the crossroads of the world

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Most recent OOC posts in If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

So, just to take a quick tally, how many people would be on board for a revival?

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Same here. Though, maybe instead of starting out at school, maybe we should start at a point after school?

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Unfortunately, that's what I'm thinking. However, If we're going to revive this, count me in.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting lately. I'll whip one up as soon as possible, after I get a few matters out of the way <3

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Well, unless you had a plan for it, I was going to have the agents and kids meet through a certain car accident. At that point some stuff will happen, and from then on the plot starts. You can have the agents be anywhere, really, but the Chrysler Building is as good as any. We could say that after meeting at 9, they all split up to search until 3 and then all met back up there.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

I'll be honest. I'm having trouble with my posts. This is mainly because I don't know what to do next seeing how you have a specific plot outline (it's ironic because Eddie can see the future hahaha). But the setting for my next post should be at the Chrysler Building, correct? And from there we walk the streets until the agents and kids collide?

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Come on peoples, don't let it die.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Well, to affect one it would have to affect both. After all, we really can't have the two groups working on different time frames. What I would imagine happening for the agents is only meeting up and starting to hit the streets, but not finding anything. Eventually (most likely after nightfall in the RP) the two groups will meet do to circumstances that I can't really talk about right now. At any rate, this skip in time was simply to avoid a great bit of monotony in getting to the actual plot line. I don't want it to die in its infancy.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

I'm confused with this timewarp. It it an overall timewarp or does this only affect the students at the school to pick up the pace?

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Yeah, but the problem is just that if all the agents happened to post all at the same time it'll get confusing. I'll just be a sort of "reserve" player for now, in case someone drops out of the RP, that okay?

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Very good, Rincewind.

Tomabird, even with all the characters, you are still more than welcome to join. Most of them are the friends, at any rate, and most of the agents haven't even posted yet.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

I'd really like to join this RP as I PM'd you before, but there seems to be a lot of chars already.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Wasn't it a song on the Rocky Horror Picture Show?

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Sorry for not posting guys, but I was trying to give some of the agents time to say something. Since that doesn't look like it will happen tonight, I'll try and post and skip ahead to after school and the actual story. So all I have to say is...


If you understand the reference, you get a pat on the back.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

But ESP really isn't magic, so I don't know how that could work. Magic is something that is supposed to defy logic and reason, where as ESP is supposed to have its basis it scientific fact, so the two really aren't interchangeable. As I said, ESP is supposed to be more scientific than supernatural, and that's why you could research it. So I would either go with Occult or Esper Research or something to that effect than Veneficology.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

OOH, I just looked up a latin translation of magic and got Veneficus. Veneficology?

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

Hmmm... Well, Occult works, I guess. In our world that does lead to a very speculative and negative connotation, but I suppose there it would have never taken on that baggage as it has always been accepted as true.

Re: [OOC] If the World Would Be Our Enemy

So is there a proper term for the research of the more otherworldly aspects of this world? Or should I just call them the occult?