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Seven children are taken from their home during the night. They spend the next 13 years in a Goverment agency, injected and tested. One day, they have had enough... (NEED SCIENTIST)

1,515 readers have visited Infected since LittlexVamp created it.


Open your eyes... It's time to wake up...

On the night of September 14, 2016, seven select children are taken from their homes. They are thrown into the back of a military van, and taken to the fabled Area 51. There, they are injected with a special serum, knocking out all memory of their previous life... or so the scientist thought. Thinking the children are now under their control, the scientist begin their main experiments.

Each child is injected with a different colored syrum, each morphing and contorting the body in some strange way. The results often varied from powers, to animal like appendages.

13 years later, the children begin to 'wake up' or remember the life they had. In a fit of fury and revenge they are now fighting for their lives in an attempt to escape this hell. But, who will make it out alive?



Alexander Zaltana
Evania Sylbr
Annalise Garibaldi
Judas Levine
Samuel Downs


Dr. Kaoru Merrow
Dr. Akira Macarius
Dr. Daniel Orderly
Jane Mizusaki

Jefferson "JJ" Jackson

We Still need a scientist~ And more experiments.


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I.D. Number:
Age: (14-24)
Effect from Serum: (Please, I don't need 5 nekos. Other animals, or powers, would be loved and appreciated.)

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Tray's face lit up in a fit of humor. Reaching around his neck, he un-did the leather collar and held it out. Grabbing the circular pendant he approached the number-pad and turned the pendant over, revealing a classic 7 digit number. Looking from the pendant to the pad, he looked back to the imposter with a slight smile and handed him the collar. "The pad won't work for me. I'm still in the system, you'll have to do it Ma'am." He said, head tilting innocently as he kept a close eye on his collar, still hoping to get it back.


Tori smiled down to the young Cat-girl and nodded, gently placing a hand on her head.
"Very safe, little one." She said, grabbing the girls hand and looking to the boy. "You are coming, yes?" She asked, not giving the boy time to respond as she heard that peircing howl of her companion. His time was running out and she needed to find the others.


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Alex bolted after her, refusing to get separated. Luckily, he was quite fast so he was beside them in a few seconds.
"What is your name?" He asked the new girl. "Who was that who screamed?"


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Jefferson gave a sigh of relief as the dog-boy took off his collar, revealing a 7-digit passcode of the opposite side of the pendent. "Thank you," the feminine voice said, taking the collar, taking a moment to memorize the passcode. Before he could enter the digits on the keypad, a young girl appeared from thin air, asking him about escape. He was a bit nervous about the dog-boy--Tray, the pendant said--for the boy had come to him in relief and recognition.

To make matters worse, a half-human half-robot approached, stating that the children should stay. This woman made him very nervous. "Of course we shouldn't leave," he calmly lied to the woman, "But Experiment 0003 has escaped...I fear for the safety of the other experiments." He then entered the passcode, unlocking it with a beep. He opened the door, ushering the children through, handing back the collar. "I am simply going to take take them somewhere safer. I think that the Experiment was in cell 13...with Jane!"


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The "elf" Smiled.
"My name is Tori. And that was my companion. We must find the others and get out of here." She said, her feet soundless as she ran.


Tray smiled as he took his collar back, his attention turning to Nova. "Miss Nova. If Dr. Katherine feels the safety of the Experiments is in jeopardy, they need to leave. And you need to go find a safe place as well. We'll have time to play later, okay?" The dog barked as he snapped the collar back around his neck.


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Nova turned her head to both of them who addressed her. "You are clearly mistaken..." she said to the child. "This is not Dr Katherine..this is experiment 0003." she said rerunning a scan check with her eyes. "He is using a body that does not belong to him" she said tilting her head. "In conclusion he must come with me and so will you" she said with one strong arm suddenly grabbing the experiment and the other arm grabbing the child. "Back to our rooms we will go" she said dragging both of them behind her forcefully so their feet dragged along the floor. "Calculated two captured" she said to herself tilting her head as she walked down the hall.


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Evania drew a breath as the door opened, curiousity and apprehension filling her small form. This couldn't end well. "This is not Dr Katherine..this is experiment 0003. He is using a body that does not belong to him. In conclusion he must come with me and so will you." "No!" She screamed, attempting to twist out of her grasp. "No, damnit!" Yanking herself away from the humanoid, she had almost made it to the door before remembering her campanions. Turning back, anger boiling in her eyes for all to see, she stared as water began to flow from the walls, pooling near the robot's feet. It crawled up her form, mist clouding her eyes and entering in every possible way. Temporarily disabled, the stranger loosened her grip. "Run!" Evania came to attention, grabbing her companions and desperately pulling them towards the door. "Run!"


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Krystal could hear voices yelling, as she was forced to be running behind the lady. She started to get scared, and from her emotions, her hands and arms turned to light blue color again, along with her tail becoming ice cold. As her hand became cold, the lady let go of her hand. Krystal started getting scared of what was happening to her. Krystal looked at herself again, thinking what was happening, she then got too scared and began to run away, the opposite direction of the running the opposite way. She didnt know why she was running, she just wanted to get away from everything.

While running, everything Krystal's tail touched turned to ice, she then finally stopped, and looked around. Looking at everything she had caused, she just backed up until she accidently bumped into a scienctist, and when her tail touched him, he froze. Krystal was confused so she went to poke the frozen sciencetist, he fell over and broke into millions of pieces.

Krystal them screamed from what she jsut did, her scream was very loud, and sounded more like a cat screeching. She then ran into a room, which she didnt know someone was in, and that someone was Dr. Macarius. As she ran her, she calmed down and her powers went away, and then noticing Dr. Macarius, but she didnt get scared, she jsut starred up at him. She actually didnt know who it was, Krystal wasnt good at recognizing people, but knew names really well.

As Krystal looked up at Dr. Macarius she mumbled something to him. "He-help?" She questioned looking up at him, and holding his lab coat, accidently scratching it and making little holes in it with her claws.


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"Krystal!" Alex shouted as the cat-girl ran off. He stopped and watched her run away and freeze everything her tail touched. Alexander snapped out of his daze and searched around him for the leader of the little group.
"Dammit!" He stood there thinking of where to go. "Why am I always left behind?" Alex did a quick mental search and found no-one near him. Standing there, he considered going after Krystal, but she was long gone by now. "Dammit!" he shouted again.


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As the humanoid robot grabbed Jefferson, stating who he was and such, he began to laugh. It began as a giggle, but as the child the robot grabbed slipped away by using water, it grew into the laugh of a madman. "NOT mine?" Jefferson screeched, ripping away from the clamped hand. The voice grew deeper, back into Jefferson's true voice. "She IS me! Her! The guard!" As he stated the male, his face contorted to that thereof. "And good old Doctor Mizusaki!" Again, his face contorted, the voice matching the face.

Black tendrils exploded from Jefferson, enveloping the screaming man, creating a howling beast. It towered over the robotic woman, appearance that of a skinned animal, pulsating with muscles of black. The beast growled, first to the woman. "All. Me." He then turned to the children by the door. "Run." He then turned back to the woman; though she was partly metal, he smelled meat and flesh.



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Alexander heard the scream and started running towards it. When he reached the room from which the scream had emanated, stepped back in horror. It was experiment 0003 ready to start munching down on a robot. A robot...?!
"Wait! No!"


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Tray yelped softly as he was grabbed, his arms flailing slightly at his side. "M-Miss nova! Let me go!" He yelped, squirming in her arms. He looked to the body-snatcher and growled, dissapointed that his senses had failed him. His face fell as he watched the boy..woman.. thing devour the guard, a look of terror taking him over. The poor pup whined and wiggled as he tried to escape, tail tucked between his legs.


Tori couldn't believe she lost the child. Her mind was lost untill she heard the scream. Running towards it, her mind went to ease as she saw Alex. "There you are!" She said, panting as she gripped to his arm, her eyes widening as she caught the black entity.


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Evania stood back for a moment, to dazed to assess the situation. Gaining some perspective, she screamed at her companion. "No! No, no, no, no, no!" Calming down a bit, she attempted to talk him out of his violent intentions. "Now... uh... oh, oh, oh... ah..." All water ceased its action as she took at a dramatically deep breath and sighed. "We don't want to kill anybody, now do we? No, we wouldn't want that. You know what? Just let her go, alright? Just drop the girl, and we can get out of here. If you stay to hurt her, bad things will happen. More will come... we'll all be captured and severely punished. Now, can we please just get out of here? Please?" Evania reached out, gently grabbing his shoulder.As he turned slightly toward her, stray tentacle caught her upside the head, throwing her against the wall with such furiousity that she blacked out the instant she hit the concrete.


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#, as written by Black
The alarm went off and Akira sighed deeply to himself, exiting the room swiftly and proceeding down the hallway. He turned into a different room and began preparing a serum which would nullify an experiment's powers. He had just about finished when Krystal bumped into him, latching herself onto his clothes and staring up at him. "He-help?" she questioned him. Akira put the serum on the side and pulled her hands off of his clothes, a small smile cracked upon his face as he thought up a plan. A way to use Krystal to his advantage, though he wasn't sure what her powers were. "0000," he said in a soft tone, turning around and taking a different serum and filling a syringe with it. "Relax, this won't hurt," he plunged the needle into the side of her neck and smiled deviously "Much." once all of the contents was inside Krystal he threw the syringe in a nearby bin. The injection was to bring Krystal under his control, to make her do as he instructed. "Now then 0000, I want you to find our escaped experiments and inject them with this," he gave the serum he made earlier to her and took a small step back. "It will nullify their powers and knock them unconscious, think you can do that for me? After all, we don't want anyone escaping now do we?"

Judas groaned as the alarm sounded, running towards the iron door and banging on it. It wouldn't prove to be any good though, he wasn't exactly the strongest experiment around, actually he was probably one of the weakest. The banging would just be heard as a small tap. Despite it being useless he continued to do it, hoping that someone would at least hear and let him out. He was tired of being locked up for so long, with no freedom. In fact he hadn't seen the other experiments during his time here. Just locked up in one of the rooms, many people didn't even know he existed.


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Alex didn't even flinch when the girl from earlier found him. That's until a new whisper appeared. He heard the minds of other as whispers until he concentrated on them and this was a new whisper.
Escaped experiment must be found...
Escaped experiment must be found...
Escaped experiment must be found...
Escaped experiment must be found...
Escaped experiment must be found...

"Krystal isn't herself anymore..." He called for all to hear. "...She has been taken over by something and she is coming this way! She has a serum tat nulls an experiments powers so if you see a cat lady, stay away from he!" He turned and ran, hoping that he wouldn't bump into her.


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Krystal let out a little squeke when Akira gave her the shot, then she almost fell over, she didn tlike shots very much. But as the effects came in, her hands turned not only to a light blue, but to basically ice. She then looked up at Akira and nodded, and left. She walked down the hall unti she eaheard someone say stuff about her name. "...She has been taken over by something and she is coming this way! She has a serum tat nulls an experiments powers so if you see a cat lady, stay away from her!" Then she saw the group of everyone, and put the syring to her tail to hold them.

Krystal then walked up to one of the experiments that were on the floor, knocked out, Evania. SHe then knelt down and put the syrunge into the back of her neck and then looked back up at the others. "Nullify powers..." She then ran and jumped at Tori like an attacking cat, but with one syringe in each of her hands. Jumping right by Jackson, and almost getting caught by one of the tentacles.

But if Krystal was injected with this syringe, it wouldnt kock her out, becuase of the other one. It would jsut make her powers come fully out, and her not be able to cotnrol them.


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Alexander could hear the different voice entering his mind. He kept on running, focusing on Krystal , hoping that she was too distracted to pick up his scent. She was a cat after all. Alex stopped for a second then saw a door that led outside. He needed a code. I'll search through the minds, someone has too have it...
escaped prisoner must-
It's working...
the door-
He had found Jefferson. His mind was open enough for Alex to search. He opened the front door and walked in. The room he was in, in Jefferson's mind, was weird. On one side there was the usual grey but on the other was a deep black color. He ran into the next room and found the same. And again, and again, and again. He finally found a room where Jefferson was the doctor and the dog boy, Tray, was pulling off his collar which had a 7-digit code. Damn it! Tray entered the code! He focused on Krystal, keep away from her as best as he could while traveling back for the collar.


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Tori didn't move as the girl jumped at her. Side-stepping the attack, she raised her arms. "Do not harm her!" She warned the group, her silver eyes almost turning white as a flurry of darkness swept from her hand. If the girl hadn't moved, the matter would envelop her, and suspend her in mid-air, away from the experiments. Tori's mind was whirling. She not only had to concentrate on the tenticles, on Krystal, and on the other experiments.


Tray growled softly as he finally wiggled free of Nova's arms. Getting on all fours, he howled as he raced after Alex. One, for his duty to the scientists, and two.. There was no way he was going to be left with the others. He only skid to a halt as he spotted Akira. Though his hearing was being damaged by the minuet, his sense of smell had returned. and he had sensed the new serum in Krystal. "S-Sir! Do you need any assistance?" It was an instinctive question. Tray approached the man on all fours, his ears folded back, and tail slightly perked. A submissive act on his part. After the incident with Mrs. Katherine, he wasn't quite sure if Akira was well... Akira.


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Alex finally reached Tray to see him meet Akira. Alex could hear and see what Akira had done to Krystal so he decided to send a flurry of distracting messages and pictures to Akira so that he would forget about the dog boy. Alexander ran up to Tray.
"I WILL be taking off your collar and you WILL let me. I have got no time to mess around." Alex started to undo Trays collar and pulled it off.
"If you want to live then get everyone else and make them follow you to me. I could kill you at any second so I suggest you do it. Doctor or not, I'm still giving you an order now go!"
Alex turned on his heels and started running back towards the door, making sure that Nova wasn't following. Satisfied, he entered the code into the door and opened it to reveal another corridor.
"There's no way like onward..." Then started running.


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Tray yelped as his collar was pulled from his neck, the metal bit scraping against his neck. Landing on the cool floor beneith him, whimpering he rubbed the scratch. Watching Alex run off, a new fear swept into him. What was he supposed to do? He was loyal to the scientist's... But, he didn't want to die. Gulping lightly he stood and turned, running back for the others, freezing as a sudden thought ran into his mind. He turned once more and approached Judas' room. Looking at the access pad infront of the room, he quickly entered the digits and stood aside.
"Please, you have to follow me." The dog boy said as he looked into the room for the boy, his voice almost cracking.


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#, as written by Black
Akira smiled pleasantly as he took a few steps out of the room and began to wander down the hallways, confident that Krystal would get the job done. "S-Sir! Do you need any assistance?" Akira turned sharply to look down at the small dog boy. One of the first experiments they had done, no real powers, at least, none what they knew of. He opened his mouth to reply before his head began to hurt, being filled with many images. He growled under his breath and clutched his head, turning around and walking away. He got inside a room and his head stopped hurting. Leaning back against the desk he took a deep breath and scoured the room for anything which could be of use. He took a few pills and sighed deeply in relief. They should stop the pain for now at least. He then stood up straight once again and exited the room, continuing down the hallway.

Judas had given up by now and sat slumped against the wall to the side of the door. He sighed deeply realizing that he wouldn't be getting out any time soon. What's worse was he was hungry and thirsty, not enough energy to do much. The door suddenly opened and Judas' head perked up, crawling on his hands and knees to appear around at the doorway. Trey was there, a nice experiment who always seemed to visit Judas, he had always been the one to bring food and water too since no one else wanted to. Judas smiled faintly and scrambled to his feet, looking down upon the smaller experiment. "Please, you have to follow me." Trey told him, Judas gave a nod in reply and followed the him out of the room.


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Tray looked up to Judas, tears filling his eyes.
"They didn't feed you again... didn't they?" He asked. The other experiments could wait. He needed to get Judas some help. Gently grabbing Judas' arm, he began to lead the boy down the hall, towards the staff dining hall. That boy would understand, right? He wouldn't die for helping another experment.. right?


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Alex had been looking through the minds of other people for a while, all the while waiting for the dog-boy to bring the others.
"That boy will understand, right? I won't die for helping another experment.. right?" When Alex heard this, he felt a little bad for scaring Tray so much. He tried sending a message to Tray.
"Of course not. You help the boy, I understand."

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Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Orderly
Character Portrait: Tori
Character Portrait: Tray


Character Portrait: Tray

No. Your wrong. I'm not like you...

Character Portrait: Dr. Daniel Orderly
Dr. Daniel Orderly

"Oh damn! You bit me, you genetically altered brat. I hate children"

Character Portrait: Tori

"Please don't be angry..."


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