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Evolution. It happens. Humans evolve too, just slowly. At least, that's what we thought. But one event changed everything....and now. Now comes the real story.

2,317 readers have visited Powers since Mr. Baneling Squishy created it.


(Okay, just some notes. 1: I am looking for people who can at least post a paragraph or two per post. 2: Don't worry about story and plot. I am trying a new dynamic called "Adaptive Story", meaning I am trying to adapt the story to the characters, as well as your input, so feel free to make plot suggestions. I encourage you giving you opinion and ideas. Finally, 3, I want long term RPers, so please, only join this if you want to make an effort of keeping this alive and/or are tired of roleplays dying)

Evolution. Some call it the most powerful force there is. Others call it a myth. Well, those others are wrong, but we can try to be polite and not rub it in their face. It's just a slow process is all.

Or at least, it used to be.

But one event changed everything. World War 2. The first Nuclear Bomb exploded. This one major event did more then we know. It activated a tiny bit more of our DNA, but this tiny bit had a major impact. The change didn't happen immediately though, it only sped up Evolution a bit. Effects only started to surface about 40 years later. people began to develope special abilities and powers. It started subtly at first, people who could handle more pain or were more aware about how people felt. But they soon developed into something much bigger.

Things that were incredible happened. Boy somehow survives crash, girl able to understand and help animals, Mysterious flying object spotted. People gained unique genetic abilities. Cellular Regeneration, Psychic Empathy, Pyrokinesis. All seemingly impossible, but explainable by science. If the scientific knowledge has been developed yet.

But, evolution does not always turn out as expected. There can be side affects, some may actually help, and others can be severely damaging. And it could not go so unnoticed forever, either. Someone has taken notice.

And it's not the government you should be most worried about. Because humans are not the only thing on this planet that can evolve. And not everyone will be good.

List of a few possible powers:

Any mentioned above.

Perceptial Modification. (Illusions)

Cellular Mimicry. (Shapeshifting)

Increased Electrolytes. (Electrokinesis)

And other powers as well. Just nothing overpowered. And don't forget side affects (which could be as passive as increased body temperature to something painful like headaches.

Oh, one more thing. We are starting out in a small town jail being held by federal agents due to our powers. And here is a character sheet!




Age: (Please, let's not have everyone be a teenager please. I will go on a murder fit otherwise :3)


Side affects:



Appearence: (Text, RL, or Anime, but I would prefer real life or text, because they are more detailed and Anime looks like the same face drawn over and over)




Oh, and if you read everything, then tell me: What annoys me the most?

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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Rolando looked at the giant machine that they would be climbing into and operating. To him it was risky. All of them in one confined space made them an easier target, but separating made them easier to pick off one by one. He looked around at everyone and listened to Jericho speak.

"So, either they're long lost lovers or sister and brother?" Rolando questioned as he looked at Hamlet and the female assailant, "that's very interesting!"

Rolando walked over to the APC and touched it softly. It was cold to the touch, and rough. This would surely get them out of here, but first they had to blast their way out.

"Jericho, let's get this over with. I'll blast us a way out of here."

((sorry its so short))


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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(I knew. That's why I stopped tagging her. I found out on the 5 day period when no one posted.)
"Alright, this might sound weird but.....your EM fields are incredibly similar. I've only seen this sort of similar in people who are, could, or will be true lovers......or siblings.....well, and people who were raised in very similar scenarios, but it would be incredibly similar, and would almost definently require having one experience together that's exactly the same.."

What? But we aren't lovers... Siblings? Impossible. My sister was adopted into another family years ago. Experiencing something together...? Hamlet loked at the woman. No. Impossible. Hamlet turned to Jericho. "Hey. I'll search her for weapons.

Eliza was confused. What? The jerk and me? The same EM waves? Perposterous! Then Hamlet searched her for weapons. Her worst fears are close, but Analise doesn't show it. Oh God no... Please. Don't take the dagger... It's my only memento... Analise mentally begged. Then he found it.

Hamlet felt as though something was near her leg, and grabbed it. "A knife...?" It seemed... Familiar. Suddenly, memories of that night had appeared in his mind. The night of his mother's murder. And who was watching the scene unfold at his side? Analise, his younger sister by months. Hamlet got out of the flashback quickly and looked at the woman. "You... Oh God..." Hamlet couldn't believe it. Now he realizes that that woman... Was his long lost sister. Hamlet hugged her and squeezed her, not wanting to let go. He was crying because he was happy... For the first time in his life.

Analise was confused. Why would this man hug him? She looked at him and studied his face. It was all too familiar. She would recognize that face anywhere. It was her brother. Despite living a life full of bastards who want their way, Analise was finally happy that she had gotten to her brother after all those years of serperation. However, the reunion was cut short by an explosion. The sound of military boots echoed down the hall, and Jericho said "We need to go."

Hamlet and Analise stood up and followed the group to the APC.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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Arach watched as the scene unfolded before him in a mixture of shame, pride, and shock. He was glad his new friends managed to resolve the situation without him, but he was ashamed that all he could do was watch as Jericho was put in and out of danger. While the Old Dragon wouldn't run from a fight, the mental battles completely frustrated him. Strength meant nothing if your opponent could hold you all hostage with telepathic might. He recognized that his new friends had those strengths, he would stick to his. He was getting used to the feeling of not being needed, but it still felt odd to him. Further, the woman who had held Jericho hostage was Hamlet's sister. He was glad that they were reunited after such a long time. Arach too knew the pain of being separated from someone you loved. He was still waiting for his tear-filled reunion. Shaking off his reminiscence, Arach felt himself shift back into action mode. There were lots of soldiers coming, the jail itself was surrounded, and they needed to move now. "Alright everyone, we need to move now! Rolando blow the door on my mark, everyone else, into the APC, now!" He herded everyone into the truck, making sure to get Luci into the driver's seat, as she seemed to be the only one capable of driving. "Gas pedal, steering wheel, accelerometer." Arach said, pointing out the different mechanisms. "I need you to slam the gas pedal as soon as Rolando blows the door, if you're uncomfortable driving after that, Rolando can do it. Everyone ok? Good, let's move." Hopping into the turret, Arach signaled Rolando to blow the door. "Time to go!" Arach then sliced his palm again and drank as much of the blood as he could. He channeled the Draconic Scales, expecting full riot police. The Scales would ignore the bullets. Their munitions would bounce off his hide. Everything except explosives, that is. The APC roared to life, and their escape was just beginning.

(Sorry for the short post and the long wait. We needed to just get going so I did it.)


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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Arcanando, followed by Analise, went into the garage and turned around to see if the soldiers are here yet. If they get here before we leave, this whole party is as good as dead. analise thought. Suddenly, she thought up a plan. "Arcanando. You still have enough energy for an illusion?"

Hamlet didn't question how she knew about his power, but he still replied. "Yeah. I still don't get how I'm going to hide this whole party if we are going to make so much noise."

"I can do what you do, but it's supposed to effect the other senses." Analise explained quickly. The sounds of military boots grew louder.

"I see what you mean! Let's just get in the car first." Hamlet said as he caught on. He saw Arach bringing up his scales and going to the turret. "Arach!" Hamlet yelled. "Analise and I are going to hide this whole party! You won't need those scales for a little while!" Then Hamlet and Analise hopped into the APC and strapped their seatbelts. They focused their power in making sure that the APC won't be seen, heard, or smelled. Anyone who touches it will only feel air as well, but they can still touch it. The APC started and the great escape had begun.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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Jericho quickly made ways towards the APC, but then felt something inside the wall and stopped. He raised his arm forwards, and did....something. "All right, I just made every metal support magnetic. We have about two..." there was then a large noise interrupting him " minuet untill this place collapses!". He then got into the passenger seat of the APC, then shyly noting, somewhat embarrassed "I...can't reach the pedals...".

(sorry for short post, iPhone hard to use and limited battery)


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Reason was so confused. Hamlet was only moments away from killing this woman only find that she is related. Oddly, enough that wasn't the strangest thing she'd seen. Jericho thanked her she smiled and touched his cheek. She stood up with her body still swore. Running was going to prove problematic seeing as moving made her want to scream. She was glad she was more of a Fight person then a Flight one. She ran with the others as the made their escape. She heard the building crumpling around her but her body was not allowing her to move faster. She watched them piled into the vehicle and as she made her way there. She tripped and the building crumbled on top of her.

She blinked awake to find her body had bonded with the stone that had fallen ontop of her. She was alive but She was unable to move the stone because her arms were pinned down. She could hear them out there still. She only prayed they could hear her and that they didn't think she died. Most people would not have survived but then again, she was not most people. "Help!" She coughed. "Guys! I'm stuck."She called out.


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Rolando watched as Arach rounded everyone up and herded them into the APC. He was given orders to blow the door on Arach's signal. Once everyone was in the APC, including Jericho, Rolando inhaled and exhaled before noticing Arach's signal. There was a shimmering of light that filled the area in front of Rolando. It seemed that all the light in the area was focusing on that one point in front of Rolando. Extending his hands, he hovered them around this light that began to form into an orb. The orb was so bright, but Rolando looked at it unmoved as he concentrated. He heard the footsteps of the soldiers growing closer, and when the stopped, he looked back, their guns raised.

"Now!" he said softly as he released the orb. It shot straight towards the exit, gathering more light as it traveled, and when it collided with the metal, it tore it asunder, exploding on contact. Shrapnel shot in every direction, killing most of the soldiers while the others dodged.

Rolando had protected himself with a forcefield and quickly jumped like a deer into the APC. Someone was missing, that much was certain, and when he realized it, it was too late. Reason had been pinned down by falling debris.

"REASON!" He yelled as he heard the engine fire. Analise looked at Rolando and nodded. She was going to go get Reason and help her into the APC. A sigh of relief escaped Rolando.

They had done it. They had made it to the APC and it pleased him to know that they did it as a group, but he still wondered what would happen when they all departed. He sighed as they waited for Analise to retrieve Reason, hoping that there were no complications. Soon they would depart and be out of this place. Soon he would be back to his old way of life, at least he hoped.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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0.00 INK

Analise had felt that someone was missing the moment she got into the APC, and her sixth sense was correct. Reason lay under some rubble, but she had survived. To Analise, time had slowed down around her. The ball of light was about 5 seconds away from hitting the garage door. The soldiers were just getting through the doorway. This was the effect of having so much adrenaline being pumped everywhere in her body.

First, Analise had got off the APC and drew her sword. Next, she slashed away at the rubble that held Reason down. After a few strong and fast well-placed slashes, the rubble had practically become dust. Analise quickly picked Reason up and ran back into the car. However, the ball of light had destroyed the garage door, and debris flew everywhere. It killed most of the soldiers while the rear quickly took cover. Analise blocked all but one. The last one had made a large gash on her side, but Analise didn't seem to notice that much. Analise managed to get Reason into the car, then herself.... Just before nearly losing consciousness in her brother's arms.

"Analise! Are you okay?" Hamlet asked. Then he saw the gash and mentally facepalmed himself. That was such a stupid question. Of course she's not okay!" Hamlet mentally scolded himself. Hamlet took a piece of cloth from his clothes, ripped it, then covered the wound with it. "Sorry sis... That's the best I can do." Hamlet apologized as he hugged his sister close. The APC burst out of the garage at that moment.


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Jericho turned on the GPS, and then set it to the nearest city, before turning it off instantly. "Ummmm.....whatever you do, don't go east......Las Vegas may be in that direction......"

Jericho then noted "So, who votes on fleecing the country? Anyone? Or at least finding palace to hide?"

(Sorty, low on creativity due to blackout)


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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0.00 INK

Hamlet instinctively said "Japan." Before covering his mouth. What if there are authorities still in my father's place? No... It's been two years! They should already have left the place alone... Considering all the bombs wired up, they wouldn't go near the front lawn. "My dad has a safe house in an a city in Kyoto. We will have food, shelter, and weapons if they are needed. Of course, how will we get to the airports? Aren't we considered runaways or something?"

Analise suddenly remembered about the last thing he said. "Actually.... I've seen files about all of you. You're all considered to be dead."

Hamlet stared at his sister. "What? Is this true?"

Analise was hesitant, but she nodded nevertheless. "If you're going to the airport, you need new IDs, Visas, and new looks. The government took everything from you. You're lucky that the government spared your families and friends..."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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As they rode, Rolando kept quiet. He listened to the conversations being held, but he did not partake. He was glad to be out of the facility, and most of all he was glad to be out of that cramped cell. He looked at each of them that were in the APC. As they spoke, Rolando could only smile. They were already getting along so well. Perhaps this could be his new family. They were all on the run from the government, so they might as well form some type of friendship. When Analise informed them that they were all considered dead, Rolando's eyes widened in surprise.

" home, my pets, everything that I worked so hard for.........."

He quieted as he looked at her, watching her nod in response to Hamlet's question. The government had taken everything from him, and he was determined to get it back.

He pulled out random items from his bag he had obtained out of the facility. Throwing knives, smoke bombs, a leather outfit which happened to be very form fitting, and even a special sword. Rolando looked at all of it before sighing.

"Well since we are going to be together for a while, I feel I should tell you all a little about me," Rolando began as he looked at each of them, "my father was one of the world's highest paid assassins of our time. As such he taught me his skills. I don't want pity or anything like that, but I do want you all to know that that was how I made my living as well. I was a mercenary for hire. I received targets and when I received the money I fulfilled the job. It was more of a thrill seeking thing for me than anything else. I was also a bank teller, but my life history isn't up for discussion. I just thought I'd let you all know who I really am before we go any further. Maybe that explains some of my skills and the reason I have this bag full of gear that the guards of that facility took from me upon my arrival. Being 26 and following in a master assassin's footsteps is a chore that I fulfilled beautifully until my capture. I wonder if my father has been looking for me all this time. I'm sure he has.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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Hamlet listened to Rolando's story. So his father was an assassin too? At least we have something in common. Hamlet thought. "Hey, Imouto-san?"

"Yes, Aniki?" So she DOES know a little Japanese.

"Should we tell them our story?" I asked.

"Yeah... Maybe we can tell them while we're in the safe zone..." Her voice made her appear to be hisitant, but Hamlet had already begun to spoke.

"... Now is my and Analise's story... We lived in a family made up of a father, a mother, a cousin, and the two of us. Our father killed our mother after suspecting of having an affair with another man ... My cousin tried to kill me, but he was sent away to prison... Dad was prisoned after that... I lived with a guardian in the duration of his punishment." Hamlet explained.

"And I was adopted into a new family because Hamlet thought I was emotionally scarred..." Analise said. She was telling her own side now. "I was adopted into a family involved with underground killings. I eventually got caught up with all the money that... I took over the family business early... And I became a popular assassin. I took any job at any time... No matter who it was. The only thing that kept my old self was this dagger." Analise showed a dagger. It said her full name and Hamlet's original full name... But the last name was still different. It showed Hamlet's first fullname, "Daniel Avon". "I found out about this name when I searched him up on confidential files. That's how I found you guys as well."

"Now it's my turn." Hamlet said a few moments after his sister became silent. "After Analise was adopted, our father had gotten out of prison. He took me to Japan and started an assassination business. He taught me various weapons, especially the way of the sword. Then... Two years ago... He was charged with killing me. I managed to kill him, but the US government found out and, for my powers, they made Interpol catch me and imprisoned me here...

"Now I'm sure we all are going to stick together for a long time, as Rolando said. We should tell each other our backgrounds so we know each other better..." Hamlet quieted down and closed his eyes, waiting for someone to tell their story. Analise leaned into him and whispered "You know... Since we aren't legal siblings anymore... Maybe we can..."

Hamlet put a hand on her muoth before she finished the sentence. "Let me get used to being around you first. Besides, I really don't want to do that yet... Maybe give it a few days or a couple of weeks. I'm still used to the cells..." Hamlet pecked her on the cheek, just a little. A quick kiss on the cheek from sibling to sibling isn't bad at least. That's understandable. He doesn't really want to be in a relationship with her without thinking about it yet, so he might as well hide it.


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Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho)
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Jericho sighed, but then noted "Actually, my parents know I'm still alive. I checked their regular cell phone. It's disconnected. This means that there is some sort of emergency. They will be safe somewhere, and the only way to contact them will be to get to any of my families houses and call the emergency phone from there. Oh, and they would normally call the Navy Seals in.....they may know a fleet commander......but considering they are probably already searching for us, they might call in Spetznaz instead.....".

Jericho was half thoughtful, half ashamed. It was clear on his face. He was ashamed because he was trying to work so hard not to be considered "The Spoiled Rich Kid", but thoughtful because this gave them some chance. The irony of this was that in several video games, the Russians were the enemy and the Americans the allies, but now it's reversed.

"Isn't Japan close with America? They might just hand us over if we go to Japan". He then added "Also, Japan has more Cameras.....".

(no time to add all character tags)


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho) Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson Character Portrait: Reason McClain Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
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Arach shot down a hellicopter or two, figuring out the controls of the mounted gun relatively quickly. He was glad that they'd escaped, even happier still that no one had been left behind. When the choppers stopped pursuing, getting tired of being shot down and being able to do nothing to kill Arach, due to his scaly hide, they quickly retreated. Jumping down from the turret, Arach said to the whole party, "All clear up top." His scales melted back into his body and he felt his skin tighten and prickle. He knew he'd be sensitive for another half an hour or so, so staying inside the relatively dark APC until it was needed was the best option. Pulling his sleeping bag and the food out from his bag while he listened to the stories of his friends, Arach tucked Reason into the sleeping bag, ignoring her complaints, "You need to rest," he said, "You've really pushed yourself. I'll be fine without it, and everyone else will be ok too." Waiting until a break in the stories, Arach said, "Here, all of you should eat, I pulled this from the cafeteria, we'll have enough to last about 3-4 days for all of us. However, we will need to get more from other sources. As much as I like the idea of leaving the country, airports are a nightmare. Too much security, and way too many cameras. However, it does seem like the best option." When the stories had finished, Arach looked up. "Guess it's my turn."

"My father was lost to cancer when I was very young, just a baby really. My mother got remarried, started a new family with a disgusting pig of a man, who smelled worse than any week-old corpse I've ever encountered. They didn't want me around anymore so they shipped me off to boarding school. It was there that I learned about my powers. One day, while I was locked in a closet, the bullies always like to have fun with me, I remember feeling a change. I accepted it and pushed the door so hard it broke both the hinges and the lock and slammed my assailants into a wall. Of course, it only got worse from there, I couldn't defend myself, lest I get kicked out and have no where to go. However, I finally was ejected from the boarding school. I'd nearly killed a bully when I was trying to defend a friend of mine. I remember getting so angry... However, I learned my 'friend's' true colors soon enough. He didn't even defend me in front of the headmaster, called me a monster and requested my expulsion. As I grew, and my powers strengthened, I was only made more of an outcast. My strength ostracized me from anyone who might have been friendly to me, the only friends I've ever had were animals. I only got stronger as the years went by, roaming from place to place, and only staying in the wilds for any real length of time. During a particularly bad stay in a town not far from the wilderness I went into town one day to replace a broken knife. There I was scouted by the police, then the FBI, the CIA and finally, the governments top secret Nuclear Science Bureau and the Secret Police. I'd been dodging them with limited success for a while but they finally caught me. The negotiations seemed to be going well until they requested my blood. They were simply going to research it, they said, it would have been purely scientific. We all know they truly planned to use it to make soldiers. Draconic Units who disregard bullets and breath flame. So, when they made me an offer I had to refuse, I killed every scout, every agent, and every hired gun that came after me on behalf of the government. I spent even less time in civilized places, remaining solely in the wilds. I became even more feral, losing who I was bit by bit, almost forgetting my own name.. One day, I found a park ranger trapped in a cave. Moving the boulders was no difficult task, but when I rescued her, she wanted to get to know me. To thank me. Her name was Dr. Henriette Skyla. She is a scientist, at the time she told me she was studying rock formations. She and I became very close, almost even lovers. However, one day I found her true plans for me. She was a government spy. Since they couldn't capture me with force, they tried to lure me with love and affection. It nearly worked. She wanted to harness my power for the good of mankind, she told me, but when I saw the name of the organization on her files, I knew she saw me as nothing more than research material. Meat to be dissected on a slab to give my power to soldiers. When she attempted to betray me, I went along with it. I sprung her trap, nearly killing her, and gravely wounding the dozen trained hitmen she planned to ambush me with. However, just as I was about to make my escape, I was picked up by a highly skilled team with prototype grade weaponry and advanced tactics. A contingency plan by the same organization, should Skyla fail. I was being stored in a high security holding cell along with the rest of you when we made our escape. The rest is, as they say, history."

As he finished, Arach grabbed his water and drank a little, feeling slightly parched. Noticing that he hadn't pulled out the water, he grabbed the bottles and tossed them around. He was sure everyone was thirsty. After that, Arach sat back, and listened to the rest of the party's stories. They were quite interesting.

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Character Portrait: Chris
7 sightings Chris played by TheBouquineuse
"Just be quiet!"
Character Portrait: Isabella Fey
19 sightings Isabella Fey played by Haas33
How do you know I'm not a figment of your imagination? It's not like you have a picture to prove it.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Erik C. Partere
Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet
Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho)
Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun
Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques
Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson
Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren


Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
Analise "Eliza" Singren

"I may be young, but even roses have deadly thorns at the earliest age."

Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson
Rolando Kiev Johnson

What is it that makes you tick? Be careful, your mind plays tricks on you.

Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques
Lucia Jacques

"Why should I trust you?"

Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun
Arach Calhoun

"Just leave me alone, all I want is peace."

Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho)
Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho)

"My power is more then just flying...."

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet
Arcanando Hamlet

I may be named after a fictional character, but my sword and your wounds are real.

Character Portrait: Erik C. Partere
Erik C. Partere

"Why should I trust you...? Those loud noises, the bright lights... Everything about you pisses me off."


Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques
Lucia Jacques

"Why should I trust you?"

Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
Analise "Eliza" Singren

"I may be young, but even roses have deadly thorns at the earliest age."

Character Portrait: Erik C. Partere
Erik C. Partere

"Why should I trust you...? Those loud noises, the bright lights... Everything about you pisses me off."

Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson
Rolando Kiev Johnson

What is it that makes you tick? Be careful, your mind plays tricks on you.

Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho)
Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho)

"My power is more then just flying...."

Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun
Arach Calhoun

"Just leave me alone, all I want is peace."

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet
Arcanando Hamlet

I may be named after a fictional character, but my sword and your wounds are real.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Erik C. Partere
Erik C. Partere

"Why should I trust you...? Those loud noises, the bright lights... Everything about you pisses me off."

Character Portrait: Arach Calhoun
Arach Calhoun

"Just leave me alone, all I want is peace."

Character Portrait: Arcanando Hamlet
Arcanando Hamlet

I may be named after a fictional character, but my sword and your wounds are real.

Character Portrait: Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho)
Jeremy Rico (AKA Jericho)

"My power is more then just flying...."

Character Portrait: Analise "Eliza" Singren
Analise "Eliza" Singren

"I may be young, but even roses have deadly thorns at the earliest age."

Character Portrait: Rolando Kiev Johnson
Rolando Kiev Johnson

What is it that makes you tick? Be careful, your mind plays tricks on you.

Character Portrait: Lucia Jacques
Lucia Jacques

"Why should I trust you?"

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Most recent OOC posts in Powers

Re: Powers

I was sort of waiting for you all to get some in. I prefer at least 2 posts before I post again normally......

Re: Powers

Oi. Is anyone gonna continue the posts? I've already done my turn

Re: Powers

Oh yeah. That means that I have to create another character, don't I? :-/ I hate paperwork, and I'm not even old enough to get slammed by it yet. XD

Re: Powers

So did Malice! Q.Q What's wrong with that?

Re: Powers

FunnyGuy wrote:Hey, I was wondering if it was too late to join this :)

You can Join.

That is possible Hamlet. Though this makes your sister also have the power to make Jericho cry (explained in post).

And you posted same time as me. >:O

Re: Powers

That would be an odd twist...............posted by the way....

Re: Powers

You think I could make Jericho's assailant Hamlet's sister?

Re: Powers

Hey, I was wondering if it was too late to join this :)

Re: Powers

Sorry, been very busy but will definitely post tomorrow.

Re: Powers

It means iPhone auto correct trolled me again. It was supposed to say anybody, but for some reason iPhones love to troll me for no reason at all.


Now, the post monster requires posts and cheese

Go feed it, or you become it's food. >:O

Re: Powers

What? What does Ext and resin mean?

Re: Powers

Ext resin who leaves will have a Shadowstrike Team after them

And you will learn what those are soon enough....

Re: Powers

I'm going to have to back of of this as well... There are too many people and (I can't believe I am saying this) but the posts are way to long and confusing.

Erik's out guys. T ^T Sorry.

Re: Powers

Dude! Thanks Rolando! Much appreciated!

Re: Powers

Posted, FINALLY!! Hope it is okay.

Re: Powers

Rolando will appear soon to help.

Re: Powers

Hey, I'm gonna have to drop this. Too fast for my tastes and I'm kinda busy

Re: Powers

I'd like to start this three part post by saying that I'm sorry for any mistakes I've made with anybody's characters and if I may offend anyone during this post. I assure you it's not my intention and I'm sorry if I have. Second, as I said before I'm a little lost cause so much is happening. I'm not really sure how to proceed here. So that brings me to part three. I'd like to collaborate with everyone before I have Arach make a move because I want to say "yes and..." So, I'd like to see if we could be a little more communicative in the OOC forum. To my understanding, Jericho is telling everyone to get ready to move because we've got company. Erik wants everyone to leave him alone, Chris is planning his own escape unless we bring him with us, and our ladies are having a chat waiting for something to happen. Would it be cool if I have Arach already gone and be making a big diversion so you guys can deal with the Germans and I'll rendezvous with you outside?

Re: Powers

And I'm sorry for the message directed towards me. I never asked for it and would just love it if it were possible to delete.

Re: Powers

...I'm not lost, but I think that maybe things have to be read more carefully. I think Chris was just called a blonde man. He has black hair... and looks 10. I'll post tonight