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Rising Moon

Rising Moon


Despite the name, this is not a vampire RP. Really inspired from my own work, so this is all original.

2,153 readers have visited Rising Moon since Hinasil created it.


The last of the free kingdoms have fallen to the Rising Sun. They were all crushed mercilessly under the Emperor's fist. The Rising Sun, clad in blood red armor, came from nowhere; fully armed and trained they acted like they were a threat years before. They were a blitzkrieg, striking with lightning speed but such coordination. Rilma had been in peace for years and had let guard down just enough for the Emperor to begin his attacks, catching the world off guard.

The first kingdom, Falles, was the unlucky one. They were the first to be struck by the Rising Sun, and were never prepared for the battles they fought. They fought as long as they could to give the others time to prepare. Falles lasted the longest, but their fall hurt the moral of every other nation and gave way to the sea of blood that was the Rising Sun. That is why they are still remembered even now, but they are only mentioned once in every history book.

The Rising Sun seemed to have everything planned, everything marked, every single possibility covered. They destroyed every royal heirloom, all the records kept in the most secret of places, basically erased everyone from off the face of the earth. No birth records, no criminal records, no dental records; nothing. Only piles of rubble from once great and shining cities.

You will be dropped off 70 years from these events, where civilization has rebuilt itself under a new rule. You can be either apart of the small rebel group, a wandering hand that does whatever they're hired for, or possibly apart of the Rising Sun. The world is now a joke of a life style, the weak are put down into the slums where they fight to survive by joining a gang, the rich and powerful buy their way into a life and gain more by stepping over everyone in their path to form a powerful organization and gain a side by the ruling Emperor. Everything you do has it's advantages and disadvantages, some less/more than others.

Job Ideas

Street Urchin
Cop (With giant robots, just a heads up.)
Gang Member/Leader
Hacker (supplies mercenaries and others with information about important targets to take down and such)
Anything else, just as long as it's reasonable. That means these are not the only ones, just ideas that are stereotypical.

Code: Select all
[b]*First Name: [/b]
[b]*Last Name:[/b]
[b]*Nickname(s):[/b] (optional)
[b]*Sexual Orientation:[/b]
[b]*Appearance:[/b] (Picture and description, anime or real)
[b]*Personality:[/b] (Remember no one is perfect)
[b]*Transportation:[/b] (Mercenaries usually have a cheap vehicle like a motorcycle or car to get around.  Street Urchins might have a scooter or something extremely cheap, maybe even handmade.  Very few cops have robots.  To have a robot you must be apart of the cities top police organization, and those are very few and far between.  Gang leaders, depending on how rich most likely have some sort of air travel, but all gang members and leaders have vehicles either normal or pimped out.  Hackers rarely leave their residence, so they might not have one.  Please give a picture using this information.  Sorry this is so long.)
[b]*Residence:[/b] (Mercs have small hideouts that they use during their off time until they get a tip to do something else.  Street Urchins live mostly on the streets or shanty towns.  Cops have above average houses that are nice and comfortable.  Gang leaders have mansions and such while members houses vary from suburb houses to top class.  Hackers can't appear too noticeable to they would most likely live in inconspicuous houses.  These are all in the future so that means they look futuristic and very tall, but not in all cases.)
[b]*Brief History:[/b]
[b]*Extra:[/b] (Anything extra that needs to be known: song, heirloom, picture.  Optional.)

(Will add more as I can, it's pretty late here and I tend to forget things at this time)

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Rilma by Hinasil



Pella by RolePlayGateway

A place of dreams


Talka by RolePlayGateway

Headquarters of the largest gangs

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Character Portrait: Kaito Dawson Character Portrait: Ziran Rayt
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Ziran didn't mind Kaito hugging him. "Okay" he said in a small voice. It took Ziran a little while but he ended up hugging Kaito back. He was unsure of how things were suppose to go or even ifthey were suppose to be doing this. He smile and then broke the hug off after a few minutes. This kid was the reason that he even stuck around this town in the first place. He chuckled a bit. "You always know that i've got your back. Through thick and thin i'd walk through the a frozen tundra to make sure you were safe." He then took a step back and sat on the stairs. He already had a long day, he just kinda wanted to go back to work. Ziran was waiting for Kaito to leave he didn't want to be rude and just leave him in the middle of the room.


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Character Portrait: Kaito Dawson Character Portrait: Ziran Rayt
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Kaito smiled to himself contently when he felt Ziran hugging him back, he felt as though he'd just done something important. After a few minutes he allowed himself to be pushed back knowing that he had to get going soon. As he was about to turn and walk away he was a bit surprised when he chuckled and became red at what he said not knowing how to respond to that but honestly. "I know, and I'd do the same for you, Ziran. I have to go now, but be sure to look after yourself. Remember to get some sleep, and I mean in your bed, that's what it's there for so use it and try to eat every meal," Kaito teased as he walked out the door, not saying 'good-bye' as usual. He never said that to Ziran, thinking that if he did then he would lose him like all the other friends that he'd made on the street and lost only a couple of days later.


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Character Portrait: Cecelie Nightray
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#, as written by Bani
Cecelie was quite sure she would die of boredom if this went on any longer when she returned to her den.

She started by checking her e-mail and the messages on her phone. A few offers, nothing she could find interest in. She had had a good haul from the last job and so didn't need to take a job for simply money right now.

"Hmmm, what's this?" she mused as a piece of paper caught her eyes.

'500 West. Amusement Park.'

Cecelie narrowed her eyes.

While it might be a trap, why would anyone who knew where she lived bother with a trap in a public, crowded place? They could have just blown up her den with her in it.

"At any rate, this might alleviate some of the boredom." she muttered, quickly grabbing her gupti, tonfas and a couple of throwing knives, arranging them carefully inside her dress so she could whip them out at any given time. She hesitated a minute before strapping two guns to her thighs. Guns would stand a better chance against guns and other long-range weapons.

"Off to 500 West now~" she sang out. She was rather curious to see who this person was and why they had bothered to call her to 500 West even though they could just have met her here. Unfamiliar turf? That may be so.
Cece would show them why nobody ordered her around, after she had found out the reasons behind their behaviour, of course.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lauwee Rathmeson Character Portrait: Grayson Rongin
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#, as written by warthog
"I understand the woman has her work but she can't keep a loaf of bread in the damn house?" Grayson walked around Lauwee's apartment checking everything out. It was rather empty but he couldn't say anything, he himself didn't even remember what the inside of his apartment looked like. Being a agent for a secret company kept you on the run, there was always information to gather and always people to kill. It was a sick world they lived in but he really believed that EyePatch and the Rebels were going to try and make this world a lot less horrible. Though right now it wasn't needed, you had to be hard in a harder world. His next mission was on a murderous merc, she had quite the record with kill after kill. There was some info on her childhood but nothing to interesting. She did good, she was able to cover her tracks enough to were there was a lot of holes in the record which made some parts make no sense.
Grayson laid on the couch with a sigh looking at the ceiling. He thought where he would be if he hadn't been found by EyePatch. He probably would be dead but who could really tell. He was alive and getting whatever he wanted, he should be happy. His hand fell down to the couch pillow, under it hid his beautiful pistol, Hollow tip'd, 45. caliber, match trigger, flash muzzle tip, flat green. She was his baby, something he had for years, growing up a murderer, you have to attach yourself to something. He sat up and flipped open the file, picking up a picture of her about a year ago. She was really pretty, but you could tell just by the glare in her eyes that she was cold, cold in the mind. "Hmph...well maybe I can help, nothing like a stud to make a girl change her ways." Grayson turned his head at the click on the door. "Before you open that we both know I'm in here. We both have percautions to make sure we don't die. Let's just talk, I'm sure your curious about a few things!" Grayson kept his seat on the couch and put his hand on his pistol under the pillow. As his new "best friend" came through the door he greeted her with a smile. "Bout time honey, I was getting worried! You should really call you know. Did you bring dinner?" Grayson nodded at the folder as he got up showing her the gun but having it pointed at the sealing as he let the hammer settle down on the gun. He put the gun in his holster as he walked to the window, showing the confidence to show his back to her. The file laid out on the table with pictures, documents, all the info that could be found on Lauwee. "I work for a organization named EyePatch, they diddle in information. You see Ms. Rathmeson, you have quite the record. No real reason behind some, others to take down the rising sun. We have a common enemy, my bosses want to offer you a high role in their organization and if not that, they can get you in with the rebels. One way or the other you could be killing Sun soldiers every second you please." Grayson turned to face her, eyeing her up and down out of reflex and flashing a grin when he got to her face. He moved to the couch and sat down looking up at her. "We understand it's a big thing to choose on within a few minutes, so the suits want me to stay with you for a few days, give you a chance to think about it." With a wink Grayson shoot a smile at her. "I'm your partner chicka."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lauwee Rathmeson Character Portrait: Grayson Rongin
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#, as written by Hinasil
Lauwee zoomed on her motorcycle down the streets. Her down time was boring enough that she wanted anything to happen. Troopers were everywhere but killing them out in the open was dangerous. She could only handle a certain amount of the red, the amount nearby might push it a little. They had their jobs to patrol and none could possibly notice it was her when the time frame was less than a second. She didn't bother them and they didn't bother her, it was a nice agreement.

A beeping came up in her ear, "Intruder has broken into the house, would you like to initiate the self-destruct sequence?" The voice said, it was rather manly and the noise it emitted was calming.

"No." She had already lost houses before, relocating was a pain also. She could handle a mere spy.

Coming up to the building she got off her bike and walked up to the door. A voice from inside said, "Before you open that we both know I'm in here. We both have percautions to make sure we don't die. Let's just talk, I'm sure your curious about a few things!" the moment it cracked open. She walked inside and saw an annoying man on her couch with a smile.

What kind of person is this? Some kind of parasite? He nodded to a file on her table and pulled out a gun, but before she drew hers, he let the hammer back up. She stood with folded arms as he started to go off about some group called EyePatch. Of all the recruitment ploys, this had to be the worst. If they knew so much about her they would have sent someone she didn't want to strangle to death.

She grew really annoyed when he said she'd have to suffer him for a few days. She lost it when he said, "I'm your partner chicka." Without a word she walked over to her computer nearby. She inserted a password to get inside, located the house system, and entered in her password again to access the self-destruct option.

Standing back up again she said to the man, "I only have a moment to explain myself so listen. I have been talked to by the 'highest ranked officials' in the rebellion, and just about every other single organization. They have done exactly as you have, broken into my house and said the exact same things. You wanna know how I respond? With a boom. So if you will excuse me, I have to find someway to get back the last minute of my life."

Without another word she opened the door and walked out. Getting back on her motorcycle she drove right back onto the street. A few seconds later, her house exploded in a fiery ball of flames. She didn't know if that idiot got out and she didn't care.

Accessing her helmet's internet she began her search for yet another house.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grayson Rongin
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#, as written by warthog
Grayson kept his seat as she walked out the house. As she closed the door he got up and walked to the computer. "Damn technology, I swear more bad than good come from these things. Scout, you got this?" The beeping stopped after he finished his statement. Grayson winked at the window and a girly voice came into his headset. "Without machinery though you would've never met me. Do you regret that Agent Apple?" Grayson shook his head and looked around the place a little bit grabbing a small simcard off the counter. "It's treetop, you were the one that gave it to me, said I'm always running along the trees. I haven't seen trees in years, god I wonder if vegetation even exist anymore." Grayson headed out the door and down the steps making sure that the blast radius wasn't going to affect some of the other residents. "Only I can call you Apple, you're juicy, just like a apple." "You're a perve Scout, and that's why I love you." The explosion boom'd in their mics as Grayson exited the building with a giggle in his ear. "Now if you're done checking me out, send me the feed from the satellite and lock it onto her." "She's not even that good looking, and she tried to kill you." "You've tried to kill me on multiple occasions." "Yea but I never was actually going to do it, just shoot you in the arm or something." "Yea love you to hun, can I please have the feed?" She sighs as a feed pops up on the back of his glove, visible through goggles, looking down on the city, zoom'd in on his buddy, zooming away on her bike. "Thank you honey, you know, you could get the pit for a week for helping me on a solo opp. like this." "I couldn't leave my apple out to dry, you stay safe hun. You know the frequency to reach me on." With that his ear com went dead. Grayson headed down one block and spotted a car parked on the side of the street. Letting his hand comp do it's job as it broke into the car. Grayson looked back at the fire, he was a little shocked. The woman's record had her as a natural genocide with cleavage. Though while he was looking to make sure that any apartment with in reach of the blast radius was safe. He noticed that all the apartments were vacant besides the bottom level. It made no sense, why would no one live on those levels. Could she have maybe prevented it? Impossible to know, he smiled to see the families file out safely. As the door clicked open behind him he started it up with a button push and started down the road after his partner. It was going to be a interesting relationship.


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#, as written by Hinasil
"A new message has arrived."

A popup with an email icon appeared in Lauwee's vision. Opening it up she saw it contained a new target. He wasn't nearby though, in a different city even. A new house would have to wait because this was far more exciting. She turned off onto the highway, weaving in an out between cars. Once on, she sped up to over 100 mph which was the speed limit in city limit highways. Once off, as long as you have the right vehicle and equipment, the speed bumped up to over 300 mph.

The city limit was encompassed by a sort of bubble that can break off onto vehicles leaving. Inside a separate bubble the speed had no effect on your body due to clever technology. It felt like zero gravity but you stayed on the ground and kept moving.

The reasoning for the great speeds was to reach the cities in short times. People always had important places to go and unless you had your own aircraft, you were subject to the ground and slow speeds. So somewhere along the line someone proposed a massive speed increase, and it was agreed on. So now driving could get you places in roughly the same amount of time as flying.

In just a couple of hours Lauwee was near her targets location in the city of Talka. She hated this place. It was the definition of filth. If you couldn't handle yourself, or weren't connected to a well known gang, mostly pertaining to women you would be raped and maybe even sold in the slave market.

Once inside she found the parking garage. It was where you went to make sure your transportation wasn't stolen or turned into scraps. She filled out the small amount of paperwork and headed into the town. She kept her helmet on and inflated her clothes to make her look somewhat like a man. She would have to get this done quick, this was not the place to be when you're as valuable as her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lauwee Rathmeson Character Portrait: Grayson Rongin
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#, as written by warthog
As Grayson hit started after Lauwee, a message came up on his hand comp. Thanks to Scout's work, EyePatch infiltrated her tech and was able to send him the mail she was receiving on her new target. The real only advantage of this job was the knowledge, EyePatch knew everything, it was rather terrifying. They wanted something, then within a day at max they had it. The sheer power of will they commanded in a world were even person and their grandmother were packing heat was mind boggling. It really made him wonder why they wanted him to spend so much time Lauwee. They had dabbled in dangerous people before, just as much blood on their rapsheet to. Though the fact that they only sent one agent, alone, and gave him time, time that was never even a choice of curencey to his employers, was needless to say, unsettling.

Nearing the town he checked her location once more and then cut the feed to his hand. He wasn't going through the front entrance, not with a stolen car and tech that the Rising Sun wish they could think of, all in a glove. Grayson pulled the car off the highway and left it at the side, soon enough scavenger would tear it piece by piece and there would be no evidence of the idea of a stolen car. Grayson started what he did best and started his way up the buildings, bouncing off walls climbing pipes, crawling up a building like a spider. It truly was his natural habitat.

As Grayson stood upon the building he brought up the feed again and set a waypoint on her so he could cut her off. Running and hopping across rooftops, it really made him feel free in a world of depressing chains. Finally after getting about a mile ahead of her he slid down into a alley via rain gutter and headed out to the street, blending in with the crowd until his masked vixen had made her way down the street.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot, don't you?" Grayson said popping up next to Lauwee as they walked side by side through the crowd, not daring to make a scene in a place filled to the brim with every crime organization lackey you could think of. "Let's take it easy this time OK? We get crazy and with my last breath I take your helmet off, now I know that everyone here probably knows your name and face and even though I could tell you'd like to kill me, your file says the last thing you want to do is lose a target." Grayson smirked a little, happy that he could finally get a moment to talk to her without having to worry about combustable couches. "Like I was saying back there, we are on the same side and by me following you that has to show you some interest in who my company is. Look to prove we are on the same side, I'm coming along with you on this one. I don't need any of your bounty on it but everyone can use a extra pair of eyes and another bullet. Maybe after this you can give me enough time to have a tiny conversation without any of us having our lives threatened?" He kept walking with her as his left gloves center started to glow a slight green. "Hey Scout, I might need some blueprints, thermal scans, and facial conformation of the hit's building. Could you work on that for me?"
"Already there Apple." Came a voice as the green changed to a blue confirming file transfer. "Good work, cover my tracks to please." "I always do." The feed cut and with a tap of his finger on the back of her helmet he sent the files to her visual display. "I help you out right here, and you hear me out, deal?" Grayson said stepping in front of her covered face and stopping them both as he stuck out his hand, offering his trust and loyalty in a shake.


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#, as written by Hinasil
Lauwee kept walking when an unpleasant surprise showed up. She got offended when he threatened to take off her helmet, thinking that even if that happened she would be in trouble. He did however make a solid point that having to chase down her mark is the last thing she wanted to do. It was a needless set back that was incredibly annoying and had no point.

He made it seem that following her around everywhere would make her more willing to accept his offer, it was rather like an annoying little brother going along with you and your teenage friends while he's in kindergarten. She wanted him gone and whatever it took to do so, she would do. The way to make him leave though, was just as bad. Her plans only involved her, any other baggage that came along would create more suspicion than the moment warranted. At best he would just be sitting somewhere, as far away from her as possible.

She felt a tap on her helmet but the thought of, "You're dead," went away as pictures of her targets building came up. Along with it were thermal photos, layouts, and face shots. Grayson walked in front of her and put out his hand, indicating a handshake. She instead grabbed his arm and pulled him into an alleyway, and shoved him up against the wall with her hands clenching his shirt. Flipping up the helmet visor and, with an empty stare, looked him in the eyes.

"Look here you little bug. I don't need your help, I don't want to be apart of your after school activity, and I don't, I repeat, don't want you blowing my cover. If all it takes to get rid of you is to give you a back seat ride of what I do, great. If you want to follow me just stay as far away from me as possible and don't get involved. What I'm going to do is buy a hotel room for the both of us, you're going to be in the same room as me. I'm going to try and ignore what you just gave me, and stake him out. You're going to stay in the hotel room and not take a single step outside and not make a sound." Letting him go she put her visor back down and walked back onto the street.

Not too far down was the place of residence of her bounty. It was the largest building with lights all around it that shone as bright as the sun, all day long. The name was El Huego, and it was the living and hangout place of the largest organizations that were apart of the Rising Sun. It was some place you didn't go into if you weren't a member of something big. Conveniently, right across from it, was a small building that served as a hotel. It was the one place Lauwee could stakeout, and with the windows facing El Huego and the extreme blank tint on them, it was the safest place to stakeout. No one could see in, but anyone could see out

Walking in, she booked a room and walked up the flight of stairs to get to it. She never took the elevator, it was the easiest place to die. Once inside she lied down on the bed and took a nice breather. Every once in a while she was able to have the feeling of imminent death come off of her, and this was one of them.


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#, as written by warthog
Grayson whipped his hands down his shirt from the crinkling that he had just gotten. "Now is that how you treat a partner?" Grayson said as he followed behind her. She wasn't happy but he had his window of entry, some door that maybe he could convince her through. Following her to the hotel his hand comp kept lighting, a signal that Scout had something to tell him but he wanted Lauwee to be in a more comfortable place before he started talking to people from EyePatch.

As they entered the room Lauwee instantly shed away her disguise and went to lay down. It didn't make since to Grayson the point of staking out when they had all the info they did already but he wasn't going to get on her nerves and besides, she seemed to knew what she was doing. When Lauwee went to lay down in the room Grayson answered his comm as he eyed the building across the street. "Where the hell have you been?!" Scout screamed in his ear as Grayson flinched a little. "Buisness, why what's going on?" "The target is set to leave in a few hours, there is some meeting, the damn messeges are encoded to hell but I got out that at 9 he's leaving to a Rising Sun Conference, something about a police mech." Grayson peeked his head in the door to see that Lauwee was all but pass'd out. Maybe this was for the better, if he brought her the target without risking her face and gave her the reward maybe they wouldn't be on such bad terms. Besides getting to know someone on a opp was always bad, your thinking about the job, your minds not straight. "Alright, I got a idea. What's Joystick doing?" Joystick, the groups pilot was the best around. If the thing had a engine, he could drive it. "He's on leave but I see where you're going. I'll send him the job and get him in through some connection." "Make sure it works this time OK, no more panamas." "Yea, yea, air vent on the roof, marked on your com, it will get you into a room three doors to the left of the target. It's vacent but the halls aren't." Grayson cut the feed and walked into Lauwee's bedroom, grabbing her biker helmet. He looked over at her as she laid calmly on the bed, she looked peaceful like someone that he would actually like to get to know. The thought of what happened to such a kind girl to turn her into a killer. The whole thing he fought for, the fact that people didn't have to turn into what they were to survive, he wished, he wished he could help her. "Sleep tight, sleeping beauty." Grayson said as he put on her helm and went out the window, climbing his way to the roof.

After jumping from roof to roof he finally made it to the other side and El Huego. After busting through the ventilation and into the room he recoperated, getting his gun out and preparing his abduction. "Pull me away from my damn vacation to get you and some chick out of a hotel? What the hell is going on Treetop?" Joystick came through the com as Grayson checked his mag. "Good to hear your voice buddy. I need extraction with a live target, he was leaving in a hour on his own aircraft. I need you to connect wirelessly and speed it up, also take out the pilots." "ETA 10 minutes, you better make it fast there's a latina chick that I've been working on." "Scout I need thermal view in her helmet." "Already there." Grayson walked to the door and saw that there were three guys out in the hall. Grayson grabbed a pillow off the chair and opened the door. *Pew Pew Pew!!* Grayson shot through the pillow in three different places, silently killing off the guards as he moved into the hall. "Eh, What the hell is the noise about out here I'm trying to sleep!" Came from the targets door, Grayson quickly took off one of the dead guards shoe and sock and then got against the wall to the door. The curious target opened the door only to be greeted by the butt of Grayson's gun to his face. Grayson quickly came in and stuck the sock in his mouth as he knocked him out with another hit to the dome. "Joystick, I want you to bring the ass to the back window of the targets room. This guy is heavy." With that the jet showed up and the dock door opened. After loading up in the jet they moved to the hotel they were staying in. Grayson came down and back into the room as he moved to her room. He sat down in the chair next to her bed and took off her helmet. After he killed, he was always a different person. It destroyed him to have to kill but, he had to, that's what he told himself. He looked at Lauwee and then back at the floor, just sitting there for a good ten minutes, contemplating. ".....Lauwee, time to go, targets in a aircraft up top. I'll see you there...." Grayson got up a lot more serious and just headed up to the aircraft, he couldn't take killing.


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#, as written by Hinasil
Lauwee slept until she was woken up by Grayson, she opened her eyes to see that he was gone. "Aircraft?" she yelled. She got up and noticed that her hair was out, reaching up with her hand she only felt the skin of her face. Looking around she found her helmet off to the side. Picking it up she nearly blew a gasket. "That idiot!" Sliding the helmet on she ran out of the room, bounding up the staircase, and up to the top level. An aircraft was waiting there just like she thought.

Walking over, Grayson and another man were inside. Going up the ramp she angrily said, "What are you doing!" It wasn't a question, more like a statement. "You take my helmet and leave while I'm asleep, go after my mark and only knock him out, and then you bring a giant ship and park in right on top of the building across the street from the one place that everyone inside would do anything to kill me! You didn't even follow the orders that I know you got from me." She pulled out a pistol and walked over to the gagged man. Aiming at the mans head, she pulled the trigger three times. The bullets entered into the mans skulls, leaving blood oozing from the entrance and exit holes.

Looking back at Grayson she finished with, "Everyone I go after is supposed to die! If even one," she held up her index finger, "get's away alive, what do you think they'll do? I'll tell you. They will send out every single person they can to try and kill me. What that will make me do, is go into hiding and kill everyone that finds me. They only really want me dead until I try to kill them, you got that? It doesn't matter if they have some 'secret information that they would tell to make me spare their life.' My job is not to collect information. My job is to kill. Consider out agreement over." She walked out of the aircraft and out onto the streets. Everyone in El Huego will be after whoever was involved in that kidnapping/murder and she wants to be far ahead of anyone that might think it was her.


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#, as written by warthog
"You think your safe?! What the fuck do you think I'm here for?! You're on the top three "Search and Kill" list of the Rising Sun! You can think that your god and will never be touched but if you keep killing with no goal in mind soon enough you'll have the whole army on your ass! You want to keep walking around playing genocide, go ahead, call me when you realise that the life your living is dead."

Lauwee wasn't having any of it, neither was Grayson though. Grayson wasn't him after a murder. He turned back to the inside of the ship and sat at the pilot seat. "Joystick, base echo..." "Hey man yo-" "Not tonight Joystick, just fly."

After a nights rest at the base Grayson was a bit back to himself. "Hey Apple, how you feeling?" came a voice from the bed. Echo apparently came in and slept with him last night, he couldn't remember, he was wasted. He felt the soft hand pet his shoulder. He turned his head to it but stood up and walked to the bathroom. It was mean but Echo understood, she knew what he was like after a mission. Grayson washed his face in the sink, staring at the mirror. He got dressed throwing on some briefs, some jeans, a black t shirt and a white button up unbuttoned over it. After a little a dressed Echo came in behind him and hugged him from behind trying to make him feel better. "You OK Apple?...." "*sigh*...yea, yea I'm alright." He turned around and she laid her head on his chest hugging him tightly. She was really the only thing in the world he had. He gave her a small kiss and then walked out to the balcony. "Joystick, where's the aircraft?" "Bottom of the ocean hanging with a shark." said a tired Joystick over the com. "Echo can you keep a eye on the target? If she actually does wise up I want her to be able to contact me at a moments notice." She nodded and went over to the computer to start working on some survelance. "Where's Tombstone been?" Tombstone was the groups final member, the so called, muscle of the group. "He's on parole from the shit in Toronto." Said Joystick, " Alright, well we can do without him. Joystick I'm gonna need some transportation. I'll have to get back to the same city as her if need be which is a ocean apart." Aircraft in the hanger, I'll prep it and have them put a cycle in it for you." "Your eager." "Well, your doing the dirty work, least I can do is help. No one likes to kill man." "Yea drop it, no need to bring it up, thanks. Have it ready, I may need to leave anytime." With that Grayson cut the com, he turned back to see Echo working away on her computer. He pulled up a seat behind her and wrapped his arms around her stomach and kissed her neck once, leaving his face there as he held her and closed his eyes, trying to forget about the men who were just doing their jobs last night.

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Rilma by Hinasil



Pella by RolePlayGateway

A place of dreams


Talka by RolePlayGateway

Headquarters of the largest gangs

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Character Portrait: Ziran Rayt
19 sightings Ziran Rayt played by Shadetree76
"Give me a minute."
Character Portrait: Aeon Hughes
1 sightings Aeon Hughes played by Seveneleven

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lauwee Rathmeson
Character Portrait: Cecelie Nightray
Character Portrait: Kaito Dawson
Character Portrait: Kzyai Juvoli
Character Portrait: Aziel Nuroy


Character Portrait: Aziel Nuroy
Aziel Nuroy

Smirks* if you want me to fix that for you its goanna cost ya something

Character Portrait: Kzyai Juvoli
Kzyai Juvoli

"Hm? You call that skill?"

Character Portrait: Kaito Dawson
Kaito Dawson

"Hey Ziran, got anything you need for me to do for you today?"


Character Portrait: Kzyai Juvoli
Kzyai Juvoli

"Hm? You call that skill?"

Character Portrait: Kaito Dawson
Kaito Dawson

"Hey Ziran, got anything you need for me to do for you today?"

Character Portrait: Aziel Nuroy
Aziel Nuroy

Smirks* if you want me to fix that for you its goanna cost ya something

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kzyai Juvoli
Kzyai Juvoli

"Hm? You call that skill?"

Character Portrait: Aziel Nuroy
Aziel Nuroy

Smirks* if you want me to fix that for you its goanna cost ya something

Character Portrait: Kaito Dawson
Kaito Dawson

"Hey Ziran, got anything you need for me to do for you today?"

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Rilma by Hinasil



Pella by RolePlayGateway

A place of dreams


Talka by RolePlayGateway

Headquarters of the largest gangs


Rilma Pella Owner: RolePlayGateway

A place of dreams


Rilma Talka Owner: RolePlayGateway

Headquarters of the largest gangs

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Most recent OOC posts in Rising Moon

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Sorry it took me ages to get firsst post up was busy with sudden uni work! Got it up though hope you like :)

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Alright this is to everyone out there. Things are about to start happening so if you read my post you'll know exactly what to do.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

First post is up, I also added 2 cities you guys can start in. Don't be ashamed if you can't make posts like mine, I need to get ready for English finals coming up in just a few months. This is a great way for me to get in practice.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Cool and I hope she has a nice b-day cause mine (Which was forevar ago) sucked. I didn't want to be 18 I don't like bills.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Alright since this is everyone, I will have the first post up in a few hours. Gotta go to my nieces b-day party.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Submitted hope you like Aziel :D

I may add to his skills later, but i like him being a mystery in some parts

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

MarchHare you will be allowed to have a street performer as long as you have some ties to something else, like you're an undercover cop, you're a gang member/leader that likes to do stuff, something like that. Just to add some more depth and give you something more than doing stuff on the street.

Alright thanks Lolka.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Alright my charie should be up in an hour :D

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

I'm trying not to die of laughter. That was a good shot though. lol

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Well, I submitted my character.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

lol that's perfectly alright vuv, take your time I can certainly wait for an answer.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

One of the more impressive submitions, and if Shadetree can make it then you're a shoe-in. (You know I'm joking Shadetree right?... Shade?)

MarchHare, you'll have to give me until tomorrow to give you an answer. My brain can't wrap around any kind of concept right now.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

lol! Its my favortie gas station too! SLURPEE!!!!!!! Also I submitted a character, tell me if anything needs correction or not.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

I was thinking of creating a character for this RP, but I was wondering if something like a street performer would be a reasonable occupation.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

I wouldn't dare turn down my favorite gas station.

@Lolka I kinda like that idea. And my mojo powers say you should be male.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Hello. I would like to make a character and see if the character can be approved of. I should have it up soon, if you don't mind that is?

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon


Okay, so, Hinasil, since your charrie is largely robot maybe it would be a good idea to have mine to be made charrie and yours already knowing each other? Like mine is your personal parts supply and 'medic' in terms of fixing your machienery. Dont have to best friends though I think it would be better if she thought my charrie strange, annoying or whatever you wanted once you read over my CS :)

Only havee one question though, I dont mind which I do but would you prefer a male or female charrie I cant decide haha

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

I'm working on a mercenary right now!

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

On one exception... I got nothing. Go ahead Lokla.

Re: [OOC] Rising Moon

Hmmm, if possible could I make a trader? Someone who knows how to get things, where they can be found etc however this trader specilises in tech and is basically an awesome black market mechanic with personal faults naturally (no one is perfect) :D