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The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past


After the defeat of Ulfric Stormcloak and his rebel army, the Thalmor are feeling more powerful than ever. They have gathered together a group of skilled warriors, and have sent them to collect treasures sealed away by the Ayleids.

2,758 readers have visited The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past since Flexar created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Do'Khaj regained conciousness in a, small, tight, stone walled cell with a large steel door directly in front of him. There was a small opening in the door, large enough to see someone's face through. Do'Khaj wasn't surprised they hadn't put him in a normal cell, the Thalmor obviously realised whenever a guard came to give him his meals, he'd reach through the bars, slit the guard's throat with his claws and take the key he needed to free himself from the cell. He remembered yesterday well, it had taken an arrow tipped with a special paralytic poison to stop his onslaught. His shoulder still stung from where the arrow his pierced him. Do'Khaj stood up from the uncomfortable, wolfskin bed, attempting to use his hands but unable to do so due to their iron shackles placed around his wrists, and walked over to the door to peer through the opening. There were two Thalmor soldiers guarding his cell, both of whom noticed he was awake. One pulled a key from his pocket and carefully unlocked the door. Summoning a bound sword, he spoke.
"You're coming with us, rebel. Try anything funny, and we'll kill you on the spot." The guard ordered, getting the response he had expected.
The two guards marched Do'Khaj from his cell, both bearing bound swords and a readied destruction spell. Do'Khaj could easily have killed them both here and now with his bear hands, but that would cause commotion and more guards would come, more than he'd be able to handle like this.

Do'Khaj was finally pushed into a room where an especially tall Altmer wearing typical Thalmor robes was sitting behind a desk. Behind him were two flame atronachs, obviously there to defend him against Do'Khaj.
"Dismissed." He told his two subordinates, resulting in sighs of relief from both of them as they left the room, glad to be relieved of the task of handling Do'Khaj.
"Why have me dragged up here instead of leaving me to await execution in my cell?" Do'Khaj hissed.
"Because, I have something better planned for you." The Thalmor chuckled to himself, "Something that will benefit both of us."
"I'm not doing a damned thing for you!" Do'Khaj snarled, "Not after what you did to Ishmael!"
"You haven't even heard what I'm offering yet." The Thalmor smiled.
"Alright, what do you want from me?" Do'Khaj sighed.
"I want you to join a group of adventurers like you we have assembled to travel across Tamriel in search of 5 ancient artefacts, the keys to an ancient Ayleid sanctuary beneath Cyrodiil. Once you have retrieved the four keys, you must journey to the catacombs beneath the white gold tower and find the passage to the ancient Ayleid sanctuary. We know not what is in that sanctuary, but it must be extremely valuable, considering the Ayleids took the trouble of scattering the four keys across Tamriel."
"And what makes you think I'll take all this trouble so you can do things I'd rather you didn't?" Do'Khaj asked incredulously.
"Because," The Thalmor began, grinning with triumph and malice, "I'll kill your wife and children if you refuse."
"You wouldn't dare!" Do'Khaj roared, surging forward but slammed backwards by a wave of energy from the Thalmor's hand.
"Oh I would." The Thalmor chuckled, "We have your family in custody."
"Fine." Do'Khaj grimaced as a sob built up in his throat.
He had just agreed to help the Thalmor gain dominion over all Tamriel, all because he didn't want 3 people he knew to die. But no-one mattered as much to him as his family. Surely he could find a way to defy the Thalmor, free his family and escape to Hammerfell, Black Marsh or Morrowind. However, know was not the time to plot his betrayal, he should just follow the Thalmor's orders for now.
"Splendid." The Thalmor chuckled, "My name is General Atalil, should ever need to contact me. You'll be given your belongings back and placed aboard a ship to Black Marsh with your new companions. Don't dissapoint us."


In the year 4E 250, after the death of the Dovahkiin and crushing of the Stormcloak inserruction, the Thalmor have become even more arrogant, and have set their goals on all of Tamriel. They have gathered a group of 5 warriors who are to set out on a journey across the whole of Tamriel in search of the 5 keys to an ancient Ayleid ruin bound by a magical seal that would only yield to the five keys. You are one of the 5 adventurers chosen by the Aldmeri Dominion, good luck.

Character Bio





Skills: (5 at the most)





Toggle Rules

1. No godmodding.
2. No powerplaying.
3. No autohitting.
4. If you are a beast race, please note your subspecies (Argonians Khajiit).
5. You may be an Imga.
6. You may not own any artefacts, but you may owned enchanted equipment.
7. If you wish to start a subplot, which I'm sure there are many oppurtunities for, PM me about it before putting it into action.
8. The skills in this roleplay are the same as those in Skyrim.
9. Have fun!

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in


Argonia by RolePlayGateway

The most alien land in all of Tamriel, considered uninhabitable by all but the Argonians and Dark Elves.

Black Marsh

Black Marsh by RolePlayGateway

The boggy swamps in the south-west of mainland Tamriel, once home to many native races, but the only one that remains is the Argonian.

Summerset Isle

Summerset Isle by RolePlayGateway

The home of the Thalmor and nation of the Altmer.


Tamriel by Flexar


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Elevainia saw as Do'Khaj approched her. His tall stature frightened her, but his voice was calm as he complemented her kill. As she spoke to her about life being precious and she shouldn't waste it. She felt bad, but she had intentions for the deer. As Do'Khaj slung it over his shoulder and asked what was to be done with it, she said, "I actually intended her to be eaten. Jeelus-Tei has shown us great hospitality, so I figured we should do something nice for him." She gave the great cat a small smile. Elevainia heard Allena call to her, "Elevainia! Come here, I have a suprise for you!" Elevainia grew a huge smile, she loved suprises. She began to run to her, but turned around and yelled out to Do'Khaj, "Thank you Do'Khaj! Your words have given me comfort."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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As Elevainia neared me I grabbed her hand and led her back down to the basement, where hundreds of beautiful articles of clothing awaited her arrival. Upon descending the stairs into the dimly lit room, Jeelus-Tei let out another laugh, observing the expression of joy stamped on Elevainia's face.

Her happiness also tickled my heart, and in response I let out a small giggle. I observed as the hundreds of clothes sent Elevainia spiraling into some sort of animalistic frenzy. As I stood and waited for Elevainia to decide upon her favorite garb I politely conversed with Jeelus-Tei, maintaining a comfortable distance, for even as warm as the man seemed, I did not know him entirely.

I recounted the events that had befallen us ever since our departure from Alinor, evoking a series of pitying expressions from the elder. Although, by the time we had began to talk of my time in Argonia my mood was greatly improved.

Although, my happiness had only one flaw, a profound flaw, and the longer I considered it, the more discontented I grew, until I realized I was no longer satisfied; I deeply wished that I could share the day with my father once more. It was an emotion that had took me completely by suprise, yet it hung over me like a black shroud.

I tried my best to veil my feelings, but the Argonian was very perceptive. "Ah... You have family you miss in Alinor, do you not?" He asked me very delicately.

"My father. I was never given the opportunity to say my goodbyes." I answered him in a meek voice, my glassy eyes staring downwards. The Argonian put a comforting hand on my shoulder, and must have decided it best to stay silent. Instead, he directed his gaze to Elevainia, who had finished and was ready to showcase her choices.


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Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Nirrarien is complacent the rest of the way back to the house, though keeps his silence throughout the greetings of the Argonian. A hand lifts apologetically at the offer of a seat, the Altmer giving a mutter of, β€œI prefer to stand,” in response. Though he betrays this preference when mugs are delivered, and it becomes apparent that they may be here for some hours. With a heavy sigh the firemage accepts that proceedings are now beyond his immediate control, and sets both himself and his mug down upon the table.

β€œI have wonder how great the threat of the Dark Brotherhood is,” the elven noble comments, removing from the folds of his robes a small vial of a clear liquid, the contents of which are tipped into Nirrarien's mug in their entirety, β€œDo'Khaj tipped the smoking corpse of one would-be assassin onto the deck of our ship. Granted, it is concerning that an Argonian agent was able to infiltrate the ship, especially while it was docked in Alinor, but... And if you have slain as many as you say,” a nod goes to Kairos, β€œthen their attempts thus far have been quite clumsy.” Having given his mixture time to settle, the male lifts the mug to his lips in a long draught. The taste is unpleasant, but it does not burn as spirits do. Brewed from the swamp water, no doubt... But admittedly it is cool, and refreshing, and safe now that his cleansing mixture had purged the brew of any alchemical poisons that may have been slipped into it. β€œIn truth,” continues the mage, after wiping the foam from his lips onto his sleeve, β€œI am disappointed. They will learn quickly, and assail us in groups, or one-by-one find themselves short on Brothers.”

Nirrarien likes to think himself a good judge of character, and even he cannot find reason not to trust the kind Argonian. β€œI have all the thread I require, my good sir, though do thank you nonetheless,” he responds to the offer and indication of clothing, though stretches his lips into a grateful smile, β€œthough if I may be so bold, Jeelus-Tei... I would request to see those journals. It sounds as if you know more of our journey than we do.”


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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The ale moistened the Nord's lips as he listened to the comments being spoken by the others. Not being a man of many words, Kairos had decided to seek information about his new companions through their actions. Blue eyes scanned carefully as the young Bosmer quietly began to make her way outside of the dwelling. Having wondered why he was so bemused by beautiful elf, Kairos quickly turned his attention to Nirrarien, who had began to inquire about the posing threat of the Dark Brotherhood. β€œI have wonder how great the threat of the Dark Brotherhood is,” the man started, speaking more to himself rather than anyone around him. As the mage continued his conversation, Kairos noticed the Khajiit slip out the entrance as well. He payed it no mind and continued to converse with the mage that sat before him. β€œDo'Khaj tipped the smoking corpse of one would-be assassin onto the deck of our ship. Granted, it is concerning that an Argonian agent was able to infiltrate the ship, especially while it was docked in Alinor, but... And if you have slain as many as you say,” he nodded towards Kairos, β€œthen their attempts thus far have been quite clumsy.” Kairos laced his fingers around the shiny handle of the tankard. "I find these agents are more of a minor nuisance than a fatal threat," the man agreed as he sipped the strong liquid, "but I'd rather have our party aware of all around us than take foolish chances."

The fire crackles loudly in the spacious room as Allena emerges from the the dark stairway, a bright smile dancing on her lips sporting new attire. The woman quickly inquires if she may bring her female companion to change her garb as well. When the two women return, Do'Khaj enters the home carrying on his back a large doe. It appeared to be shot directly in the heart, a quick and precise kill. It was an excellent skill indeed, Kairos noted. The tall man rose from his seat and beckoned for the large cat to follow him into the kitchen area. The Nord removed his gloves revealing his large hands as he cleared a space for the deer to be prepared. He stood aside as the Khajiit careful placed the deer on it's side. "I am sure that you do not want such a magnificent kill to become wasted, but Nirrarien has begun to look at Jeelus-Tei's journals and I believe you would much rather have a look at them yourself than have the information relayed back to you." The Nord spoke and turned his head towards the Argonian who had produced a set of worn books on the table. "I will prepare the doe for us to dine on. I have already looked through the journals myself and it is best we stay here for the night." Shadows cast by the evening sun spilled into a near-by window. "The sun has begun to set and the swamp is home to many creatures of the night."

Do'Khaj agreed and made his way back to the elderly Argonian. The Nord's hands began to unfasten the binds of his armour which he lay delicately on a wooden chest. Now free from the restricting metal, Kairos removed his ebony dagger and began to slice at the deer. He skillfully removed the skin and the arrow that had pierced the animals heart. Placing the arrow on the counter before him, the Nord could only admire precision of the kill. Perhaps the four were more capable than he had initially thought.


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Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Elevainia felt as if she would have heart failure, seeing all the clothes around her. They were very beautiful, even more so than the Elven dresses Atalil provided for her. The circlets were polished flawlessly, the gems cut from the finest stones. She scurried over to the attire and gazed at them for what seemed like an eternity, before actually going through them.

Elevainia loved many of the things she had seen, but one particularly caught her interest. The gown was very thin in material as it was silk. The sleeves resembled that of mage robes, but had small, fine, emeralds lining the bottom of the dress, the sleeves, and neck. The dress was a lavender purple, which was calming, and the emeralds made it stand out. She looked to Allena who sat and watched her with a smile on her face the entire time.

As Elevainia placed the dress on her body, the rags she wore residing to the floor, she made her way over to the circlets. It was not hard to find the perfect one as it matched perfectly. The circlet was made of fine silver, and three flawless emeralds were embedded into it. Elevainia quickly untied her hair, the golden strands falling to fit her body. She placed the circlet on her head and smiled. She felt like a young noble. Elevainia preferred to keep her Fur boots, for they were comfortable and kept her feet warm, the dress was long enough to cover them as well.

As Elevainia was about to announce she was done, she saw something from the corner of her eye. She made her way to it, to see it was a Pitch Black cloak. She picked it up to feel it was made of soft velvet. She usually didn't like wearing black, but she figured it would come in handy as she was a thief and she relied on the shadows. She draped it over her shoulders, the weight increased, but nothing she couldn't handle. She smiled to Allena, "I am finished, what do you think?" She gave a giggle and a twirl to follow.

Elevainia had placed her rags back in her satchel, they would come in handy when she needed flexibility and speed. She had taken her favorite Elven dress and circlet out and carried them upstairs. When she had found Jeelus-Tei, she presented her clothes to him and spoke very politely, "I am grateful that you have let me have your wares. Please except these items to replace the ones I have taken. I know they are not as valuable as the ones I have taken, but I want you to have them as a token of my gratitude." Jeelus-Tei looked puzzled for a moment, but quickly smiled and nodded his head, "Very well, I am grateful that you offered." He took the clothes and began his decent down the stairs.

As everyone gathered around the table, reading journals, Elevainia found it more of interest to give Kairos company. She found since she couldn't read, it was pointless to try and make her self look as if she knew. As she walked lightly to Kairos, she noticed that his Armour had been taken off. She smiled, she took it as a sign that he was comfortable around them. She silently watched him carve the deer she had killed, admiring his work at it. She removed her bangs from her eyes and spoke lighlty to the busy Nord, her shy side emerging as her voice shook a little, "Thank you Kairos, for taking care of my kill. My hands are, very small compared to everyone's here. I am grateful that you are doing it." She found she couldn't find the right words to say. It was common for her to be nervous around new people.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Elevainia was quite a sight to behold, the purple sheen of the fabric accompanied by the glittering emeralds. "You look quite ravishing Elevainia." Allena said with a small laugh. Elevainia giggled a bit, then gave a twirl, and began to ascend the flight of stairs for the second time. At the top of the stairs, Allena gave her a quick hug, and watched as she headed in the direction of the kitchen, where Kairos stood preparing the doe they were to dine on.

Allena was disinclined to speak with the newcomer at the moment, the allure of the journals that Nirarrien studied furiously too much for her to resist. As she neared the table she grasped one, tracing the spine of the book with her fingers. "Have you found anything of significance?" Allena asked pleasantly, trying not to disturb the mage in his concentration.

Allena replaced the book with a mug of ale and took a small sip, then had to force it down her throat as she resisted the desire to spew the foul brew upon Nirarrien. After the odd expression on her face had subsided, she peacefully sat the mug down, and then retreated into one of the chairs lining the round wooden table, pulling one of the dusty tomes closer to her.

As the dust settled, Allena opened the book and began to pour over it's contents, discovering a few scraps of information on the first page.

The setting changes from Tamriel to Black Marsh


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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#, as written by Flexar
Do'Khaj left Kairos to carve and cook the slain doe while he went to join Nirrarien in scrolling through the tomes. Many appeared to be mythological books as opposed to factual books, but after skimming through a few, it seemed that they all pointed to the same place, the Vaults of Gemin, near Stormhold in the north of Black Marsh. They claimed that within the vaults was hidden an Elder Scroll that would reveal the location of Murkwood, a strange, magical forest that moves around Black Marsh. The books claimed that within the Murkwood was one of "The Old Gods"; beings worshipped by the Aldmer that were neither Aedra nor Daedra, but beings such as the Dragons. The books revealed little about this Old God, only that it was known as Kehrok and that it owned one of the 5 keys.

Do'Khaj's study was interupted by Allena and Elevainia running upstairs wearing expensive dresses and circelts. Do'Khaj never understood why women were so obsessed with clothes, surely as long as they were clean and didn't look stupid they were fine, they didn't need a million different pairs that were laced with expensive furs and jewels. One thing Do'Khaj liked about his wife was that she shared his taste in fashion. He heard Allena ask if Nirrarien had discovered anything, so he decided that now would be a good time to share his findings with the group.
"According to what I've read, we need to find the ruins of the Vaults of Gemin where there is an Elder Scroll that will guide us to the key." Do'Khaj announced, "It's only mid-day, we can probably reach Targus by nightfall. It's a small town between here and Gideon that is unlikely to be as dangerous as where we are now, considering its remoteness. If we are to leave for Targus, we should leave soon."

The setting changes from Black Marsh to Tamriel


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Skilled hands carefully sliced through the doe, when the sound of faint foot steps quietly enter the room. The fire danced playfully nearby as shadows emerged outlining the fabric that draped the young Bosmer. "Thank you Kairos, for taking care of my kill. My hands are, very small compared to everyone's here. I am grateful that you are doing it," the young elf's voice trembled from behind him. Kairos finished the cut he was making before turning to face her.

"I wasn't aware that it was you who had slain this doe. Your marksmanship is incredible." he stated before turning around and placing the skinned doe over the warmth of the fire to cook. He cleaned his hands and began to wash his bloodied dagger as he turned back towards Elevainia. "You're not interested in looking over the tomes?" the Nord inquired to her softly. She seemed quite nervous, though she had been rather quiet since she had arrived. "Jeelus-Tei has already given me the pleasure of looking over them, so I see no reason to intrude on the others readings."

Kairos examined the girl with softened eyes. She had changed out of her fur attire into a beautiful lavender gown, shrouded in a black cloak. Her long hair was now freely flowing over her shoulders and her snow-white skin was hinted with a faint blush. Kairos noticed the young woman trembling and instinctively set down the dagger and approached her. She was rather tall, but the man still seemed to loom over her with his height. Her pale lips were tinted with a hint of pink, his moistened from ale. With one hand, he reached out and clasped the tooth hanging from her neck. His fingers traced the small object as he briefly studied it. "I know this may seem odd," he started, "but have we met before?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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The possibility of leaving the warm house, in exchange for the cold swamp nights brought forth a sour taste to my senses. "You are far too hasteful to remove yourself from the warm arms of hospitality. Let us rest our heads here for the night Do'Khaj. Just as Jeelus-Tei said, the swamp is home to many distasteful creatures that I would not ordain to have our party meet." I answered the Khajiit, a faint smile playing across my lips.

We had only been sheltered by Jeelus-Tei but a few short hours, and I was not sure why Do'Khaj seemed so keen on leaving during the stormy cold night. Out of the corner of my eye, I glimpsed a tall man hovering next to Elevainia. A few moments later I realized that this man was Kairos. He stood intimately close, his hands wrapped around the odd tooth that hung suspended above Elevainia's chest.

I could see his mouth moving, but could not hear the words that he spoke above the crackle of the fire. I examined Elevainia, who's cheeks were slightly blushed, who stood in a shy pose, and who was completely obvious. A Nord and a Bosmer? It was completely absurd to me, for inter-racial marriages were very uncommon in Alinor. What bewildered me even more was the fact that most Nords completely despised all species of Mer. What was different about Kairos?


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Elevainia couldn't help but blush at the comment Kairos made about her kill. She gave a small smile but it faded as he asked why she was not looking over the Tomes with the others. She stuttered for the right words, "U-ummm, I- I can't really-" Elevainia stopped her sentence as the tall Nord loomed over her frail body. She had noticed that his blue eyes were indeed the same shade as her blue eye was. "I know this may seem odd," the Nord said with a pause as his hand reached out to Elevainia's choker, his fingers trailing over the wolf's tooth that hung from it, "but have we met before?"

Elevainia's heart gave a sigh as this man had obviously had that same question as she. She didn't know the right words to say to him. It wasn't just a casual thing to say Nope sorry, I can't remember a thing. Elevainia searched through her mind for something to say, but the truth was all she could find, "Kairos, I really do wish I could give you an answer, but I am afraid that I have no memories beyond last season. Please if I do look familiar to you, I am trying to find out who I used to be." She searched his eyes for hope, but as she searched, she lost herself in his gaze.

The setting changes from Tamriel to Black Marsh


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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#, as written by Flexar
"Why am I not surprised..." Do'Khaj sighed, "I can't expect anyone who isn't a seasoned veteran like me to bear having their feet sink an inch into mud. I was under the impression that you were a soldier, you should be able to take on a Hackwing or two. I don't want to turn down Jeelus-Tei's hospitality, but neither do I want to drag this damned mission out for longer than it need be. The sooner I can go home with my family, the better."
Do'Khaj turned his attention to the fire, first examining the roasting deer, it looked cooked enough for him, then quickly glanced at Kairos and Elevainia sharing an intimate moment. They looked a rather odd couple, Kairos looming over Elevainia, but who was he to judge? He was taller than both of them, and his wife was over a foot shorter than he was. Do'Khaj then stood and slipped behind the couple, removing the doe from its place above the fire, where it would have burned had it been left there much longer. Drawing one of the ebony daggers he had obtained from the Argonian assassin, he sliced the doe into 6 equal pieces, placed those pieces on plates and gave everyone in the group a piece, as well as Jeelus-Tei. He sat down and devoured his quickly, his breakfast of a small loaf of bread had hardly been sufficient to keep a man of his stature going for long.
"Well, I'm going to spend the time I was going to have spent earlier had I not carried Elevainia's kill for her, outside." Do'Khaj announced, making sure to say so in such a tone that Elevainia would understand that he was in no way annoyed with her.

Now was the time to make a name for himself lest he got in trouble and needed more support than Jeelus-Tei could provide. The most obvious place to go to would be a tavern, the barkeeps would surely have worthwhile information. So to a tavern he went.

The Tavern he entered was named "The Deathbell and the Bottle", not an attractive name for alchoholics. Never the less, Do'Khaj entered to see a young Argonian man staggering around and shouting angrily. He made the mistake of shouting at Do'Khaj.
"Get out of my bar, furball!"
With that, he hurled his empty tankard at Do'Khaj, which Do'Khaj expertly caught, to the surprise of the spectators. He then hurled the tankard to the floor angrily. The drunk Argonian was next. Do'Khaj hurled himself at the young man, hurling him backwards into the wall, causing him to loose conciousness and crumple to the floor like a sack of spuds.
"Who was that?" Do'Khaj asked the bartender.
"My best customer." He sighed, "I really wish he'd stop doing this. I should thank you for putting him in his place. Have a drink, on the house."
Do'Khaj didn't pass up the offer, so he sat down at the bar and downed the tankard of ale the bartender gave him.
"I'm new here." Do'Khaj told the bartender, "Is there anything I should know about the city?"
"Not much has happened until recently." The bartender replied, "There's some strange Imperial man who says he wants to go to the Murkwood, who's staying here. Dark Brotherhood activity has increased recently, many innocent people have been killed recently for supposed affiliations with the Empire and the Dominion. I wouldn't be surprised if that Imperial was killed by them."

The setting changes from Black Marsh to Tamriel


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Allena weathered Do'Khaj's retort with a deep scowl impressed upon her face, and though she would have liked to tell the Khajiit a few choice words she decided to stay silent, and thus keeping intact the newlyfound peace her party had retrieved. In fact, things were so peaceful that a relationship between two unlikely people seemed to be flourishing.

The night was a short one in Allena's perspective. After a wonderful dinner of roasted deer meat, and an arduous chat with Elevainia about priorities, Allena silently trudged off to bed. If she thought that the night had gone by quickly, she was in complete awe of how fast the morning rushed to them. The morning was a good one. As she wet her throat with an odd bottle of wine she had found stashed in the drawer of her nightstand Allena was content to sit in the old oak dining chair, and ask Jeelus-Tei many questions about the journey ahead of them.

In the midst of their excited talk Do'Khaj stood and excused himself from the table, as well as the house. As he sidled past Allena, who sat next to Nirarrien, across from Elevainia and Kairos, she thought to herself, Going to a tavern most likely. Damn drunk... She afforded the Khajiit no more attention than a child leaving the room, and continued to breakfast with her companions, finding that Kairos was not as cold a man as she had initially thought. Word was that their party would leave at noon, in the direction of Stormhold.

The setting changes from Tamriel to Black Marsh


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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"Kairos, I really do wish I could give you an answer, but I am afraid that I have no memories beyond last season. Please if I do look familiar to you, I am trying to find out who I used to be." the young elf quietly whispered. The Nord held her gaze for a few moments before the pair heard the sound of footsteps approach. It was Do'Khaj, who had seemingly decided the doe was readily cooked. He removed the the doe from behind them and began to slice it. Kairos was not impressed, the Khajiit clearly needed to have some kind of control within the group, as Kairos could have handled the deer himself. Though he was conversing with Elevainia, he still kept a sharp eye on the deer.

Kairos let the tooth from the Bosmer's neck fall gently against her collarbone. The man shook his head, "I'm sorry," he began as his eyes softened, "I do not know of your identity." He felt the need to not say more in front of the others as Do'Khaj promptly served the party with the doe. Kairos accepted the plate before giving a slight nod and making his way to the main room where he sat and feasted on the kill. "Well, I'm going to spend the time I was going to have spent earlier had I not carried Elevainia's kill for her, outside." The Khajiit decided to announce as he promptly left through the wooden door. It didn't sound as if he minded about the kill, but the way he said it made Kairos wonder if there was an underlying annoyance in the comment.

As the evening grew colder, Kairos prepared the sleeping quarters. Despite the Khajiit wanting to leave earlier, he had not returned from the tavern. The Nord sighed as he gulped down a drink of ale. He stepped out from the small room and made his way to the front of the house. He informed the group of their awaiting beds and Allena quickly stood from her chair and bid the others goodnight. Kairos sat next to Jeelus-Tei and began to inquire about the groups next destination. Before long, the rest of the party had retreated to their rooms, as well as the Argonian. Left alone, the Nord rifled through his satchel producing an old journal. He flipped through the creased pages long into the early hours of the morn before finally falling asleep in the wooden chair.

The sound of frogs croaking and birds chirping awoke Kairos from his sleep. He turned his head towards the window to see the morning sun begin to fill the sky. Luckily, no one had awakened to find him fast asleep in the old chair. He rose from his sleeping position and proceeded to prepare his armour and blades. As the morning drifted on, the others awoke and made their way to the kitchen area for breakfast. Much to Kairos' surprise, the Khajiit had appeared from the bedroom. He must've arrived late in the night and settled in. While continuing the meal, the Khajiit again left the dwelling and ventured into town. He must have found some information in town that would prove useful to the party's quest, the Nord thought to himself. Kairos payed no mind an began to inform the others of the journey they would take to Stormhold.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: AllΓ«na Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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#, as written by Flexar
"Which room is this Imperial in?" Do'Khaj asked, "He sounds interesting, I'd like to talk to him."
"First room on the left, upstairs." The bartender told Do'Khaj.
Do'Khaj thanked him, left the bar, ascended the stairs and walked into the room.

He was greeted by a scene of horror. There was a large splatter of blood on the wall, and a decapitated body was lying in a pool of his own blood. The body was covered in mutiple gashes and was wearing bloodied, orange mage's robes. Into his chest the shape of a human hand had been carved, proving that this murder had been commited by the Dark Brotherhood. Do'Khaj rummaged around the room for evidence as to how recent the killing was and why it had happened. He couldn't find anything, all he had to go by was the hand carved into the victim's chest.

Once Do'Khaj was downstairs, he immediately alerted the bartender of the recent murder, who hurtled upstairs to investigate. Once he was outside, he alerted the nearest guard so that investigations would begin. The guard questioned him as to how much he knew about the murder then went to investigate.

By the time he returned to Jeelus-Tei's house it was late night, and all the others were soundly asleep. He slipped upstairs silently where he entered his room and changed into clothes approriate to sleep in.

He awoke earlier than the others, so he prepared his own breakfast of eggs, venison and a sweetroll made using moon sugar that he had brought with him. He was just finishing as the others arrived, so he greeted them and bid them goodbye as he finished off his plate then made his way outside. He neglected to tell them about last night's affairs lest it dampen the party's morale and make them fear for their lives even more.

There was one man Do'Khaj suspected greatly of hiring the assassin, a preacher of Sithis who looked after the Hist and despised all other nations. He made his way to the nearest Hist he could find, where, luck would have it, the preacher was resting.
"You're coming with me." Do'Khaj snarled as he lifted the man up by his collar.
The preacher hissed multiple insults in Jel at Do'Khaj before he was knocked out by Do'Khaj's gauntleted fist. Hoisting him over his left shoulder in a fireman's lift, Do'Khaj carried him the the barracks and informed the guards that he was a likely suspect, since he preached against the other nations of Tamriel, and would get extremely worried if he knew a foreigner was trying to make his way to the Murkwood.

Do'Khaj returned to Jeelus-Tei's house and took a seat by the crackling fire, he was tired and needed a good rest.

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Argonia by RolePlayGateway

The most alien land in all of Tamriel, considered uninhabitable by all but the Argonians and Dark Elves.

Black Marsh

Black Marsh by RolePlayGateway

The boggy swamps in the south-west of mainland Tamriel, once home to many native races, but the only one that remains is the Argonian.

Summerset Isle

Summerset Isle by RolePlayGateway

The home of the Thalmor and nation of the Altmer.


Tamriel by Flexar


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Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae
54 sightings Nirrarien Falirae played by Nasurate6
A seasoned yet ambitious mage, a son of one of Alinor's noble families.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy
Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion


Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
Kairos Black-Lion

"Spinning webs of deceit gives way for attainment..."

Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy
Elevainia TaiMy

'It is hard not to speak a word, but I am grateful to be allowed on this journey. I hope to make new friends and find anything on my past life."


Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
Kairos Black-Lion

"Spinning webs of deceit gives way for attainment..."

Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy
Elevainia TaiMy

'It is hard not to speak a word, but I am grateful to be allowed on this journey. I hope to make new friends and find anything on my past life."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy
Elevainia TaiMy

'It is hard not to speak a word, but I am grateful to be allowed on this journey. I hope to make new friends and find anything on my past life."

Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
Kairos Black-Lion

"Spinning webs of deceit gives way for attainment..."

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Argonia by RolePlayGateway

The most alien land in all of Tamriel, considered uninhabitable by all but the Argonians and Dark Elves.

Black Marsh

Black Marsh by RolePlayGateway

The boggy swamps in the south-west of mainland Tamriel, once home to many native races, but the only one that remains is the Argonian.

Summerset Isle

Summerset Isle by RolePlayGateway

The home of the Thalmor and nation of the Altmer.


Tamriel by Flexar


Black Marsh

Argonia Black Marsh Owner: RolePlayGateway

The boggy swamps in the south-west of mainland Tamriel, once home to many native races, but the only one that remains is the Argonian.

Summerset Isle

Tamriel Summerset Isle Owner: RolePlayGateway

The home of the Thalmor and nation of the Altmer.


Tamriel Argonia Owner: RolePlayGateway

The most alien land in all of Tamriel, considered uninhabitable by all but the Argonians and Dark Elves.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

Is it possible for me to join in, possibly as a companion?

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Flexar I clearly stated as to why I did some minor god-modding, because if you had just gone with the time the rest of us had set, the plot would have made sense. As to your Game Master skills, I would highly recommend that you change your attitude and let the other role-players have some say in where the RP goes plot-wise. Especially in regards to where the party can travel and such.

As for the rest of you, I enjoyed myself and it was a good premise for a role-play but I lost interest after a while. Thank you Arlathina for your kind words ^-^ Your writing style has impressed me as well, especially for your age. I hope to RP with you again soon! Thanks Yuuki and Nasurate, hope to see you around :3

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

Yeah I must agree with Nasurate. This is a good RP, but really Flexar's overbearing attitude has completely ruined it. It has come to my attention that this RP is ran by someone who is completely unfit to have a leadership role, as they can't seem to keep a professional attitude. I believe that the plot, and characters are good, but the RP just wasn't put together well. I will be working on a Skyrim Roleplay soon, so if any of you would like to join, Nasurate and lilwolfygurl in particular, you are welcome to join once you see it. I have seen your posts, and each time they have took my breath away by how poetically you speak. I would just like to let you know that I admire your writing deeply, and as such you have earned my respect. I am really disappointed this RP did not work out, it had alot of potential, but I guess that I will just have to be content hosting my own Skyrim Roleplay! Bye guys! Hope to see you all there! :)

@Flexar I only have one suggestion for you. In future RPs try to be less abrasive, and a bit more understanding with all of your RPers. You have to look at them less as, obligated to stay, and more, could leave at any moment. Cheerio, Good Day, and Have a great one! ^-^

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

Sorry I haven't posted in some time. I was working nightshifts this weekend, so sleeping for most of the day.

That being said, I wasn't thrilled at the thought of coming back to this RP anyway. I am very sorry, but my interest has almost completely collapsed, and things will go much slower if you're sat around waiting for Nirrarien to act under my hand. I'm going to let someone else adopt the character - in the meantime feel free to NPC Nirrarien as fits the needs of the RP. Kill him off even, if it would be easier for you.

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

Speaking of making Do'Khaj go into town, I'd much prefer it if you stopped god-modding other people's characters all together. It may be minor things, but it's breaking the rules.

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

Alright well, since the previous two posts conflict each other, as one is at night and and one in the day, I tried to fill in some gaps with my post. Sorry Flexar, but I made Do'Khaj go to town a couple times to make sense with Arlathina's post. I hope it makes sense.

Side note: I hate when RPG decides to post the same post twice even though I clicked post once. So one of the posts you can ignore >.<

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

Considering the boat arrived in the morning, it would certainly not be dusk by the time they were in Jeelus-Tei's house, and they've stayed there for just over an hour, so putting those together, I decided mid-day seemed like a sensible time. You needn't edit it, we'll just assume it's mid-day as it makes more sense.

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Flexar Just in regards to your last post, you stated that it's mid-day and the party should leave, but in most post earlier, I stated that it was evening and the sun was setting, therefore we would stay the night. How should we fix it? The two conflict each other XD

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

Sorry! I havent been on since I've been running around like a chicken with her head cut off, trying to get the car I just bought registered and insured and shit like that done, but the most stressful parts are done now!!

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Smileybird I hope you end up joining us in this rp! (:

@Arlathina I was hoping that posts would be more frequent as well, only in hopes that the RP doesn't die, which I don't think it will. I'm waiting on someone else to post since I was the last one to post yesterday. I know it will be slower during the week though, because of school/work. I have work myself and I end up being gone for 9 hours a day, but I'm hoping to post at least once a day. Also, I don't mind you posting more frequently, it seems to fill in gaps and also develops your character ^-^ Hope your internet doesn't keep you!

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

So guys, since there is such a long wait between posts, I mean 22 hours? Come on. Anyways, I have decided that I am gonna take up a second RP, I believe it is Lord of The Rings: The Second Generation, and I may not be posting as often if that RP takes off. I mean, I doubt you guys would care since I pump out post after post all day, if anything I think you guys should be happy you don't have to read so many of my long and pointless posts. So I just wanted to tell you all what my situation is. On top of that my internet is like, disconnected until my mom pays it, but its not disconnected it is just severely slow and it redirects me to my provider's main page demanding a payment every few pages I load. It can get quite tedious, but I will still try to do my best to keep up with the stories in both RPs. So that is all! Thanks! ^-^

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Smiley: You can join, but only as an antagonist or once we reach another province. If you want to be an antagonist, PM me and I'll give you the details about the rival faction.

@Nasurate: I don't wish to reveal too much too early, but if you're really that desperate to know, I'll tell you that the meeting takes place during a storm.

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Smileybird Perhaps if you submit a character as some kind of character that isn't in the group, or maybe joins up with them in one of the surrounding provinces. Flexar never said it had to be ONLY 5 members of the group. A mercenary, a member of the rival faction that is supposed to contend with us for the keys, maybe even the leader, it would only add to fun of the RP! Although, I hope you would be seriously commited, and not just drop out after a few days. RPing in smaller numbers helps prevent this, so please don't be one of those people. :o

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

Damn! Wish I saw this roleplay earlier, I would have submitted a char earlier!

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Flexar Which Prince are you planning to have them encounter first?

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Flexar Sounds good to me, I will leave deciding which way we go to the rest of the group, because it makes no difference to me. Although if I am forced to vote, I would say just go along the countries that border Cyrodiil in a clockwise fashion.

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Arlathina: The group will visit every country bordering Cyrodiil, so Valenwood will be visited. After the group has obtained Black Marsh's key, we could either go west into Elsweyr and then clockwise around Cyrodiil's border and obtain Morrowind's key last or go widdershins and get Elsweyr's key last. I don't really care which way we go.

I'm intending to have the first encounter with a Daedric Prince some time between the group going south from Thorn and reaching Lilmoth's ruins.

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Flexar and Arlathinia It didn't occur to me about the whole beard thing, I honestly was debating on making the character a "human" race, I suppose I still had that picture in my mind when I was writing. I apologize for that.

As for the artifacts, I don't mind if they're obtainable, I thought it would be a good back story at first, but I have decided to take my character in a different direction anyway.

Ps. Flexar, if you have any concerns story-wise just let me know, 'm just trying to drive the plot forward a bit.

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

@Yuukii Awww, I feel bad for Elevainia. Don't worry though, I have a solution.

@Flexar As far as artifacts go, I don't mind getting mine last, if I get one at all. Although your idea works fine, I think we should visit Valenwood so Elevainia could unlock some of the first clues of her past, although I suppose they don't HAVE to be in Valenwood, but I am just assuming due to her heritage. So either Morrowind or Valenwood, maybe not now but just sometime in the story.

@lilwolfygurl I have the same question that Flexar did. I have never seen an Argonian with hair, I mean it is not a big deal, but it just sort of confused me.

Re: The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past

I wasn't intending to offend anyone, just trying point something out. Now we shall speak no more of this in order to stop the OOC thread from spiralling into chaos.

@Wolfy: I was under the impression that Argonians lacked hair of any sort, am I wrong or were you just making an assumption?

I was hoping for you guys to put some input into the storyline of the roleplay and decide in which order we visit different countries. High Rock won't be visited at all in this roleplay and Summerset Isle won't be revisted until the very end of the roleplay, if it is revisited. Cyrodiil will obviously be visited last, due to the fact it lacks a key of its own.

I was intending to have the group spend time travelling to northern Black Marsh, only to discover that the key was in the ruined city of Lilmoth. All the while, the group will be contested by another faction searching for Black Marsh's key, a faction I will not reveal until I deem appropriate, all I will say is that they are not the Dark Brotherhood.

The reason I didn't allow anyone to start with a daedric artefact was because I intended to have the group have interactions with the Daedra as the story progresses, so Wolfy, your character will be able to gain the Ebony Blade at some point. However, I don't want squabbling over artefacts, and if there is any, nobody gets any artefacts.