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To take the throne

To take the throne


From the corners of this land warriors and others have been chosen by the gods to rise against the Dark emperor. The come from the lands of the elves and humans, fearies and more. There are 7 gods who have chosen to pick warriors from these people.

1,080 readers have visited To take the throne since Dandan created it.


From the corners of this land warriors and others have been chosen by the gods to rise against the Dark emperor. The come from the lands of the elves and humans, fearies and more. There are 7 gods who have chosen to pick warriors from these people. First of the chosen shall be the warrior of Aran. This person shall be strong in heart and soul and of the mountains area. Second shall be the chosen of Kigore. This warrior shall know strife and the hardships that come from this time. They will also be from the Wastelands. Thirdly shall be the warrior of Shorit. This chosen shall be a very religous person and shall be a glint of hope in this world. They will born from the plains. Fourthly is the chosen warrior of Arcanin. Arcanin shall chose a warrior of knowledge and be from the forests of the world. Fifth is the chosen warrior of Demon. the chosen shall know much of the ways of death and shadows and hail from the emperors forces. Lastly is the chosen warrior of Teikaya. Her chosen shall be of the more magical forest and shall know mysticism.

For the Emperor
The emperor fearing the new tide of enemies has chosen the best warriors from the many beastly tribes of his army.

Characters:(each chosen willl have a divine power message me if you want the part and i'll work on the power with you)
Chosen of Aran (human berserker)-Serik Averking
Chosen of Kigore (Nomadic Human)-Mira Sandor
Chosen of Shorit (Human Knight)-Lloyd Exburna
Chosen of Arcanin (Elf magic user)- Sylvina Nidow
Chosen of Teikaya (Fearie)-Angelie Marlis
Chosen of Demon (any of the Beast races)-

The Emperor(human)-Azazel Throne
The Emperors Personal Guard (human)-Vokura Prime
The Empress(human)-Morrigan Throne
The Emperors Daughter 1(human Against her father)- Ileana Throne
The Emperors Daughter 2(human for her father)Lillith Throne

"Beast" guards:
Dark Elf-
Lizard Folk-


NO god modding
Auto hit will happen from me no one else and i won't murder your character.
Curseing is allowed but use it in moderation
sex is best left to PM's romance is fine just nothing more then kissing

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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#, as written by Corvan
((whoops! sorry wrong idea why it came here..thought i was in the occ channel ignore!!)


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#, as written by Dandan
A man appears in your dreams of each of you and you feel a tug on you heart strings as if this was something that needed to be remembered. He starts his speech like this. "Ladies and gentlemen. Yes you i am talking to you. In order to understand this present you must understand the past. In the begining the gods chose the Emperor and he became the ruler of all the known races but a man can only embrace power so much before he wants to control it. The first to try to do this was Holy Emperor Jackal Maler and he made the rule of the lands be the king was chosen by blood. Those loyal to the gods were run from the capital and Jackal chose his son to take over. His son Augustine Maler choose to ban humans from the army and forced the beast races into servitude under him. The gods enraged with him had chosen from the free races warriors to fight against the emperor. Though the eventually succeeded the chosen lost their lifes and the gods were brought back into the fold. The emperor Was the reformed guard of Augustine and the emperors daugther. The ruled in peace for many generations until a Knight by the name of Thaddues Marshall Throne rose against the weak son of the line. He overthrew and once agian removed religion from his palace. History has a way of repeating itself doesn't it." The man smiles and twirls as he dissappears into a poof of smoke and within the smoke are shaopes a war.


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Character Portrait: Azazel Throne
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#, as written by Uriel
A voice that meant nothing entered the king’s dreamless sleep. Never had he heard someone speak into his dreams before, but, what it said was slightly amusing. In the shape of time, the past did not mean a thing to the cruel man; the time that did matter was the future. The future was always happening and he was intended to keep up with.

Rays of the sun dropped onto the king, his eyes fluttered open as he felt the glow of the fire ball. His eyes locked on to the dwarven prisoner, he had sparred the tiny man’s life just for his own amusement. It was just yesterday that he had launched one of his attacks on the dwarf city, yet he and his beast guard brought it down in less than six hours. It was a remarkable thing, but how fast the done it did not matter it was the results.

β€œTell me little man,” Azazel said in a silky smooth voice, β€œwhat are your thoughts on this little predicament?”


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#, as written by Belynta
Mira sandor

Mira woke suddenly, yanked from sleep by a sudden noise nearby. She and the rest of the merc group.were camped out in a clearing. They had just finished a successful job infiltrating a fort nearby and taking down its current occupiers. None of the group particularly cared about a feud between the lords in the area, they had took the job for the money only, and hadn't flinched at killing those in the fort. Mira lay in a makeshift shelter under two drooping trees a little distance away from the others. The others in the group knew her well enough to know that she liked to keep to herself and wasn't one for socialising. Only one of the group knew why but he wasn't about to tell the others. Mira wasn't one you crossed not unless you were planning to leave in a hurry.

Mira sat up and rubbed her eyes feeling sluggish, she should have felt fresh and well rested but dreaming had prevented that. She was used to bad dreams, being in her line of work usually meant it was unavoidable unless you were inhuman. Mira dreamt of blood and death most nights and had become resigned to it. But this dream had been different, it felt far too vivid to be anything less than real. That and the fact that whoever it was that had spoken to her talked of things that she did not know. Though what she was supposed to do with the information she had no idea. But whatever the reason the dream had come to her she was not going to ignore it.

She stood and stretched her muscles working out the kinks from sleeping on the hard ground. Around her the others were also stirring. Though still early, the suns rays were only just appearing, all of them were eager to return for their payment. Though successful this job had been tough and they were all tired and in need of a break. Mira said nothing as Rafe joined her in warming up her muscles. Thoric, Dirk and Sable quickly and efficiently packed up the camp knowing the routine inside out. They had worked together for a long time and knew the job. Knowing each other so well had been the reason Mira had. Chosen to rejoin their group and some others and also why they had accepted her back with no questions asked.
"Ready?" Rafe asked.

She nodded quickly packing up her own belongings and checking her weapons were clean and undamaged. Together the group set out on foot following the small river towards the town nearby. As they travelled Mira found her mind going back to the dream. What did it mean?


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Character Portrait: Ileana Throne
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Ileana Throne

The eldest princess woke up from her dream with a start, sweat beading on her brow. She honestly couldn't remember the last time she had a peaceful night sleep, her nightmares always taking over her slumber. They were never the same dream, though they all were about the same thing. This one in particular was not as harsh as the rest, but it was still hard to sit through and watch. She was always so powerless in her dreams; they took over her. But, it was over now, and there was no need to fuss. Dreams had never meant much to Ileana anyway because they didn't matter. Even if for once she could save him in her dreams, he would still be dead in the morning.

Ileana just got up out of bed with the intention to go about her day like normal. She went about her business as normal. She washed up, brushed her hair, put on her robes, and eventually made her way down to breakfast with her family. Being the silent "black sheep" of the family always made meal times awkward for her. Sure she loved her mother and sister dearly, but like the angsty teenager she was, she felt that no one understood her. Of course, how could they? Her mother had everything she wanted with the power she held, and her sister... Well, don't get her started on why her sister couldn't understand her. Mostly, though she couldn't talk to them because being arrested for suspected treason would ruin her morning. If she could speak her opinions freely, everyone in this empire would know her position and what she thought of her father's policies. Unfortunately, her freedom of speech was non-existent.

The ginger sat down at the breakfast table alone; she was the first one there, but she figured the others wouldn't be long.


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#, as written by Corvan
Serik Averking

Serik awoke with a start and shouted as he grabbed the large one handed sword from the side of his bed and swung the large blade as he rushed out of bed. The only thing there was now a chair cut in half. Breathing heavily Serik looked around his house. having come back from a job recently Serik was always a little jumpy, but this dream had made him almost paranoid to start. He was never a fan of the emperor himself, and truth be told..had a chance to take him out. He would..but the rumors of his power was troubling.

Still this spoke to him..what to do? WIth that Serik walked outside after dressing in his heavy fur and headed for his forge. When he could not sleep, he would forge. His constant forging habits had allowed him a powerfully built body and was much larger then most men of the mountains. The forge was always warm and after dumping a bucket of coal into it and using a hand held blower to pump air into it, the forge was hot and ready. Picking through the unfinished iron and steel, Serik grabbed the largest blade out of the rack and started to heat it up. For hours he would pound the weapon, heat it, add it and cool it over and over.

"hopefully this dream will not finish and just go away.."Serik said to himself.


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Character Portrait: Vokura Prime
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Vokura Prime

Vokura sat up on his pallet. What an odd dream that had been... That old man had addressed not only him, but a larger audience it seemed. Who else was there? The content of the old man's speech had been concerning as well. It sounded almost like a prediction of doom for the empire, not that he typically took such claims seriously. After all, people had been forecasting doom for a long time now. Still, dreams could be funny things. This one seemed to reference how the last tyrannical emperor had been overthrown by his own daughter and personal guard. Laughable, his loyalty to the empire was absolute, no dream would call that into question.

Rising from the pallet, Vokura donned his armor and proceeded down to the chamber where the newly deposed dwarf king was held. The battle before had posed little difficulty, the dwarves no match for the beast onslaught. He was not the first bit weary from the events that had transpired. Emperor Throne was already there, getting an early start interrogating the dwarf. Holding his helmet in the crook of his arm, Vokura was content to look on passively and see what might unfold.


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Lloyd Exburna woke with a start. He found himself back in the castle.


Lloyd roamed the castle. There were many injured knights. He himself wasn't injured. He had already done his morning prayers. Lloyd looked out at the kingdom. Damaged and still in repair. As he was gazing out, the old king's assistant, Korack, was behind him. "Sir, why do you refuse to take the throne?" he asks, "Because I am not worthy of doing so, do you have any idea how many casualties I caused," he shouted back harshly at him. Lloyd was gripping at the wall. "But there is no other heir, and your more worthy than most I know, Sir Lloyd, no, Prince Lloyd." this really irritated him. "Xan is an heir to the throne! Choose him! I am much to young, and Xan is much closer related!" Korack gasped, "Xan may be the king's son, but he is extremely sinful, you know that, he is dangerous and he is still in Quarteria." Lloyd was silent. "Then why don't you be king?" Lloyd told him Korack gasped again, "Sir, that would be a disgrace to a bloodline!" "So what if it is!" he shouted back at him, before storming off. Korack didn't bother following. A knight approached him. Korack whispered him some orders.


Lloyd looked at the Exburna Ring of Sky. A ring that represented the pride of all Exburna, and only the king or an heir to the throne could wear it. It held the will of the first king, Lloyd thought about his dream. He wondered how long ago the first king of Exburna had lived, and wondered if he had something to do with Quarteria.

The gods of Quarteria, Lloyd respected, especially Shorit, Lloyd admired his way of thinking. Though Exburna was represented by other lesser spirits, Shorit had to have been Lloyd's favourite.

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Quarteria by Dandan


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Character Portrait: Mira Sandor
0 sightings Mira Sandor played by Belynta
"Revenge keeps me going, until I have succeeded I will not die!"
Character Portrait: Lloyd Exburna
0 sightings Lloyd Exburna played by Lloyd999
"Exburna, the kingdom of Pride, I will avenge it and it's citizens with our own hands"

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Serik Averking
Character Portrait: Angelie Marlis
Character Portrait: Azazel Throne
Character Portrait: Ileana Throne
Character Portrait: The NPCs
Character Portrait: Sylvina Nidow
Character Portrait: Morrigan Throne
Character Portrait: Lilith Throne


Character Portrait: Lilith Throne
Lilith Throne

"These disloyal subjects get what they deserve."

Character Portrait: Morrigan Throne
Morrigan Throne

"Know your place."

Character Portrait: The NPCs
The NPCs

I run it all hahaha

Character Portrait: Ileana Throne
Ileana Throne

"My father constantly underestimates his people. The citizens of Quarteria are the bravest people I know. They have what it takes to win this war."

Character Portrait: Azazel Throne
Azazel Throne

"This world and all it's riches will be my"

Character Portrait: Angelie Marlis
Angelie Marlis

If you wait and see, the best things will happen.

Character Portrait: Serik Averking
Serik Averking

The blade is life and death..prepare!


Character Portrait: Lilith Throne
Lilith Throne

"These disloyal subjects get what they deserve."

Character Portrait: Azazel Throne
Azazel Throne

"This world and all it's riches will be my"

Character Portrait: Morrigan Throne
Morrigan Throne

"Know your place."

Character Portrait: The NPCs
The NPCs

I run it all hahaha

Character Portrait: Ileana Throne
Ileana Throne

"My father constantly underestimates his people. The citizens of Quarteria are the bravest people I know. They have what it takes to win this war."

Character Portrait: Angelie Marlis
Angelie Marlis

If you wait and see, the best things will happen.

Character Portrait: Serik Averking
Serik Averking

The blade is life and death..prepare!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Azazel Throne
Azazel Throne

"This world and all it's riches will be my"

Character Portrait: Ileana Throne
Ileana Throne

"My father constantly underestimates his people. The citizens of Quarteria are the bravest people I know. They have what it takes to win this war."

Character Portrait: Morrigan Throne
Morrigan Throne

"Know your place."

Character Portrait: The NPCs
The NPCs

I run it all hahaha

Character Portrait: Angelie Marlis
Angelie Marlis

If you wait and see, the best things will happen.

Character Portrait: Lilith Throne
Lilith Throne

"These disloyal subjects get what they deserve."

Character Portrait: Serik Averking
Serik Averking

The blade is life and death..prepare!

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