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Tower In the Sky

Tower In the Sky


The Gods have fallen victim to the Titans and are banished to Earth to perish along with the rest of the humans; unless they can take their Tower back.

3,747 readers have visited Tower In the Sky since Masquerade (Skye) created it.



"You disgust me," the words were like a slap against the face, but it wasn't as if she hadn't heard them before. The Goddess turned away from her only ally, the floor around her freezing.

"Envying the humans and their pitiful lives. I should strip you of your power and make you one of them."

"You won't do it." She hissed, turning around, her cape flying in a magnificent arc behind her. "You speak as though you are the most mightiest God in the land, but in truth, you are a coward!"

"You dare defy me!" Darkness stood before Frost, dark clouds forming behind him as he stepped down from his throne and ran at her with a dark bolt in his hand; similar to a lightning bolt only it contained much more power.

"Yes." He stopped, an odd laugh bubbling from inside and spilling out from his lips in a most wretched way. "I'll show you Frost, you can rot below on earth with the rest of those humans."

"Then what will you tell Fire and-" she was cut short by a burst of light, the Tower of the Gods vigorously shaking. Light, Fire, Wind, and Earth appeared at the entrance to the grand hall wearing expressions of concern.

"They are coming," Light spoke first, her hair hair shining in a halo around her head.


"The Titans." The tower shook with a strapping force as Darkness strode towards the doors.

"What are you doing!" Fire screamed, running towards Darkness in a fiery streak. He side stepped her attack and looked at Frost who simply shook her head. Wind looked nervous, he flitted around in the room in energetic bursts, checking every window to make sure that the reinforcements were in place. Earth was the one who saw it though, but was too late to warn the Gods because suddenly the roof caved in and the Tower of the Gods fell to the Titan's hand.


The Gods have been banished to earth. Or at least, five of them have. Frost was taken captive by the Titans as the others were evicted from their home and given not only new lives, but new memories to match. Their abilities have been locked inside of them and can only be awoken with the defeat of a monster.

Five teenagers believe they have been friends since they were in kindergarten. Things have been going so well for them, from new relationships to getting the best college scholarships. Luck seems to be on the five children's's side until they take a hike and stumble upon a woman in need of help. It is in that moment that their lives are shattered. Everything they have ever known, have ever experienced, is false and now the fate of not only the world, but the universe, is at stake.

It is up to these five children and a badly damaged Goddess to save the Earth from the wrath of the Titans.

1: Frost/Female: Played by Masquerade (Skye)

2. Wind/Male:

3. Fire/Female: Played by AvalonKnight

4. Earth/Male: Played by Lufia

5. Darkness/Male: Played by ICryForFamily

6. Light/Female: Open


1.Titaness to Oppose Earth: Played by Miss_Dreamer

2.Titaness to Oppose Wind: Played by Masquerade (Skye)

3.Titan to Oppose Fire: Played by LeNarcissus

4.Titaness to Oppose Darkness: Played by Purpl3_Flam3s

5.Titan to Oppose Light: Played by RagnarokHellFire

6.Titan to Oppose Frost: Played by Eddy V. Sovorov

Titan's do not have to be the opposite of the God they're opposing, for example, if you are opposing Darkness you do not have to be Light. You can be the Titan of Love or Kindness, if you are the Titan to oppose Earth, you can be the Titan of metal, etc.

When the Titans and Gods are all taken does not mean you can't join! There are two options.



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[quote][color=COLOR OF CHOICE] QUOTE HERE [/color][/quote]


Theme || [url=URL]THEME SONG | ARTIST[/url] ||

[right][img]URL[/img][/right][color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Full Name:[/color]

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Nicknames/Human name:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Age:[/color]

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Gender:[/color]

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Race:[/color] (Titan, God, Monster)

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Sexuality:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Face Claim:[/color]

[left][img]URL[/img][/left][color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Physical Description/Clothing Preference:[/color] (Please describe how they would look as a human and how they look as a God)

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Birthmark/Piercing/Tattoo/Scar/Noticeable Features:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Weapons/Abilities:[/color] Try your best to make this unique as I suspect there will be plenty of swords and scythes!

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Personality:[/color]

[right][img]URL[/img][/right][color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Likes:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Dislikes:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Talents:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Flaws:[/color] *

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Fears:[/color] *

[left][img]URL[/img][/left][color=COLOR OF CHOICE]History:[/color]

[color=COLOR OF CHOICE]Other:[/color] *


All Gods have humanoid appearances, however they do have shape shifting abilities so they can change their looks at will. They are banished to the 21st century, but if you want to use photos from other time periods that is fine.

Toggle Rules


1. When you join this roleplay you are making a commitment! I expect you to reply at least three times a week! If you cannot meet the expected quota then please do not sign up. If you do sign up and cannot meet the quota, your position will be given away.

2. Once you make your reservation you have forty eight hours to submit a WIP and three days to complete it.

3. Anime pictures only.

4. Plot twists are great! However, I like to know what is going on in my own RP, so please PM me if you want to create a plot twist.

5. PM me with the character you would like and their favorite food if you have read all the rules.

6. Have fun!

7. Correct grammar and spelling is a must, if you do not know the difference between through and threw, then this is not the RP for you.

8. No Godmods, Mary Sues, killing characters off without permission, etc.

9. Check back every once in a while in case I have updated the rules!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Rudy Hanez Character Portrait: Arthur Camdin Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet Character Portrait: Raidon Character Portrait: Faust Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Necholas Dusk
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"This is it? This, is what I get?"
Frost was confused, but she didn't not allow it to show. She stood her ground, hands shaking; what was he waiting for? He wanted to end her life, right? "You know what Frost," she stood normally now, her sword still raised in case he had any ideas. "This is not what I want. No Frost, when we fight, when I turn you into a bloody mess of pulp and bone, I want it to actually be a fight." She laughed, quietly at first, then it got louder until it scared the birds away. It almost sounded like a giggle but really it was the laugh of someone gone mad. Frost sunk to her knees, relief shaking through her body. Her sword melted into a puddle that splashed her blue dress and refreshed her skin. She choked on the blood that had pooled into her mouth and the mad giggle slowly turned into a sob that made her look like a brain washed Robin from a Batman movie (not that she knew what that was[Batman Beyond]).

"If you want to avoid the large amount of destruction that is going to occur soon, you best get out of here. Someone has to keep my siblings distracted." Frost nodded her head in understanding, wiped the blood from her chin and the tears from her eyes before she stood to stumble back towards the cabin. It was at that moment that a flaming arrow whisked through the air and landed in a chink in Orsus's armor. "Oh no," she whispered as Orsus roared with rage and started towards the humans. She tried to go after him, following the wake of destruction that Orsus left in his path. "No!" Frost screamed as she watched in horror at Orsus cutting clean through Esme's arm, but the arm didn't fall off, there wasn't even blood. "What?" She got to her feet and stepped back as realization hit her. Esme was a monster! Yes, that was it! That meant that there were two monsters against three Titans! But then the one called Attlas came out with his hammer and started yelling about Gaia. Three monsters against three Titans? Frost started to turn back when Miri decided to join in and she grit her teeth, summoning up every inch of power left and pushing it all out to freeze the Titan of Empathy.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Rudy Hanez Character Portrait: Arthur Camdin Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet Character Portrait: Raidon Character Portrait: Faust Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Necholas Dusk
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Before the young girl had any chance of answering, Rudy heard a loud sound coming from outside that sounded like the yell of a man. She stood up and approached the window, her eyes widening at the site. The warm cloth slipped from her hand and landed on the floor with a 'plop'. She moved out of site of the window and slumped to the ground so not to be spotted, however before she could even open her mouth to warn the child the door was being opened and the little girl was stepping outside.

"I believe I'm the one you're looking for! Leave the humans alone!"

She jumped up from where she was sitting and made an attempt to follow the girl outside but stopped in her tracks as a blade of ice formed in the girls hand. Rudy had experienced confusion many times in her life, but this was the most confusing thing she had ever witnessed. The man she was facing was huge, like someone out of a wrestling movie, and looked like he belonged in an old ancient war history book. Her heart was racing as she stood in the doorway and watched the other students around her run for their lives. Part of her wanted to run with them. She wanted to run and hide and wait for all the bad things to go away, but she more so wanted to protect the little girl.

She was saved from grabbing her and running when the man mentioned something about not fighting her just yet. Rudy fell to her knees in relief, however her relief was short lived when an arrow flew out of nowhere and shot itself into the back of the large mans knee.

'That's...from Esme's..'

She took in a small breath of air and forced herself to stand up despite her shaky knees. Her dear friend was in trouble. Any second that man would reach her and who knows what he would do to her. "Esme!!" She screamed, launching into a run, however she topped beside the small girl abruptly. Too late. From where she was standing she could do nothing but watch the man's blade slice into her friend's arm, or rather...through?

Rudy could barely keep up with everything that was happening. Esme's arm had been cut off, yet it was still attached and there wasn't even any blood? Now Attlas had joined in and was swinging his hammer at the large man, while another girl whom she didn't know was on top of Esme. Rudy could do nothing. She couldn't understand anything at all. Never had she been so confused before.

She swallowed dryly, holding back the tears that were beginning to form at the corner of her eyes. She was so scared, but she wanted to help her friends. They were in trouble and she couldn't do anything. How could they be fighting like that? Taking in a deep breath she quickly but carefully picked up the small child, interrupting her attack against the female stranger.

"Frost, was it? These people are after you, aren't they?" She said, her voice cracking as she spoke. "I won't let them hurt you! Esme entrusted you to me, so I'll keep you safe!" She stared up the hill where her friends were fighting and then, reluctantly, turned in the opposite direction and began to run as fast as she could. Running was the only thing she could do right now.

~ ~ ~


The situation had escalated at an alarming rate the second Esme had shot a flame lit arrow straight passed him. He hadn't realized the commotion down the hill in camp, but he could see clearly now that something huge was unfolding. Esme's arrow had made it's mark, but now her target was charging up the mountain straight towards them, breaking down branches and bushes as he charged. Arthur quickly put space between himself and the charging man; a good fifteen feet or so. Anyone could see that the large man was thoroughly displeased with Esme and he didn't want to get in the way. However he was also quite impressed with Esme's boldness, not something she had a short supply in, but dang. She just shot someone with an arrow.

What had happened next was equally as impressive. Who knew Esme was secretly an immortal this entire time? After all normal human beings don't usually survive a severed arm, let alone not even have a severed arm after having a blade slice right through it. Two more had joined in the battle, a strange word to use in this day and age. One was a fairly beautiful girl who proved to be on the side of the larger man, and the other was Attlas who was now swinging a hammer at the large man.

Arthur seemed to be stuck with another difficult decision. He could step in and help, but that would likely get him killed, or he could follow Rudy who he'd noticed had run off with the child from before wrapped in her arms. Really, one decision like this a day was more than enough. He hated complicated choices like these. Esme and Attlas looked like they could handle themselves, plus they were accompanied by Neko, another strange girl and a boy he'd never seen before either, though he wasn't really sure what team those two were on.

If one of them decided to follow Rudy, assuming that the toddler was who these strange people were after in the first place, she would be in quite a bit of trouble. Right, he would go after Rudy, not that he'd be capable of doing much if one of the 'evil' people decided to chase after her. However he'd feel guilty leaving a girl and a child to fend for themselves. He circled around, trying to stay as clear as possible from the fighting, and hurried down the hillside and into the campsite to pursue Rudy.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet
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It was odd what the world became for Orsus when in the state of madness he was so infamous for. Some may wonder if he ends up truly "seeing red" as the phrase goes, others wonder if he really is aware of what he is doing when his rage consumed him. Honestly, Orsus could never really describe what it was like to be in this state, to try and explain to the people just what happened to his senses in this world of his. They did not shut off, like some may think they do, rather what they perceive only changed. The world was still there, he could see the trees swaying in the wind, the ground covered by the dead leaves and sticks, the occasional rock that stuck out from the mud and dirt. But their seemed to be no color what so ever, as everything seemed to be monochrome and there was no real detail to any of these things. His eye only perceived as much as was needed for him fight.

His hearing was but the same, there were sounds, but nothing ever actually stood out. He could hear the individual running towards his side, he could hear them shouting and he could even understand each word that they spoke, but everything simply went in one ear and out the other. He only gave enough attention to sounds to discern where they may be coming from and what they were, but nothing else beyond that. Even his own roars of rage and hatred were not noticed by him, despite the fact he let out a shout almost every time he attacked something.

Even touch and pain existed for him. He could feel the singe of fire on his arm and the pain receptors light up to warn him, but he never headed those warnings. Even the heavy blow to his side, despite the eruption of pain that came from the attack meant nothing to him. All it did was alert him to something new in which to attack.

He didn't even notice how his sword did nothing to the bow user in front of him. Hell to his eyes the bow user had lost all detail and most of its form. Now it was just...a black and white humanoid shape wielding a black rod that vaguely resembled a bow. He turned his head to look at the source of the attack that just hit, seeing another androgynous humanoid shape, wielding a long black rod with a heavy head on it, tipped with a spike.

Orsus reached out, grabbing the hammer wielding one by the throat and yanking them forwards. As they came to the titan, Orsus lowered his head and thrust it forward so that his armored forward smashed straight into the face of the hammer user in a powerful headbutt. Once he finished with that, he then threw the individual to the side and spun to face the bow wielder. As he did so, Orsus could see that past the bow wielder was another figure standing not far behind. This humanoid was wielding a sword, and it said something, but again Orsus paid no attention at all to it. In this state he could not recognize even his own sister, Miri.

He decided to tackle two birds with one stone, and drawing his sword back, he then swung it straight at the bow wielder. However, rather than using the edge of the blade, he turned it sideways so that the flat of the blade was leading. Despite the heavy weight of the blade and the drag of the air on the flat side, Orsus swung it like the piece of metal weighed as much as a feather. Like a batter at base, Orsus swung the sword into the bow wielder hard and used the blow to try and lift them off the ground and straight towards the sword user like a human missile.

He did not bother to see what kind of result he had achieved, instead he immediately charged right towards the sword user while easily recovering from the swing of his blade; he let the blade drag across the ground as he moved fast, finally swinging it upwards at an angle to try and cut the sword user in half. He cared not if him smacking the bow wielder towards the sword user would actually achieve any results, he was still going to tear these people apart.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Rudy Hanez Character Portrait: Arthur Camdin Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet Character Portrait: Raidon Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Necholas Dusk
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Raidon was about to start his plan, when everything started down the drain. The two humans abandoned the battle and ran for their camp. He ran after them and saw the most horrible thing to go wrong, Orsus. He could only watch as the two humans fought Orsus and then another discovery made this all worse, they must be the gods. He silently swore, thinking about how they should have actually killed them. He was turning to Miri when she rushed in as well. He silently whispered "Dang you Miri." Knowing she was to far to hear. He saw Frosts attack heading for Miri and completely ignored it, she would survive it. His anger started to overflow in him. Why is there always something going wrong or getting in my way! He thought to himself. This whole time he continued to charge power and everyone would slowly notice a change. The sky continued to darken until the clouds were black and stormy. A few flickers of lightning went of as the sky rumbled. Ignoring that Frost was here and would probably profit from this he charged it to the point it started to rain, giving Frost something to give himself more as well. His own body then charged as well. A blue glow formed around him and grew brighter, his skin crackling with electricity. His eyes were by know red as he stared down upon the battlers, the hill top radiating with the electrical energy coming from his body. He yelled out "This battle stops now!" Drawing his blue sword, he aimed it at Orsus first. Though lightning doesn't usually strike the same place twice, he sent three bolts of lightning from the sky at Orsus. He then used the now wet ground to his advantage, sending electricity along to ground to minorly shock the combatants and probably anyone near the battlefield. "Miri, Orsus, come on. We are getting out of here now, whether you like it or not!"


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Rudy Hanez Character Portrait: Arthur Camdin Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet Character Portrait: Raidon Character Portrait: Faust Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Necholas Dusk Character Portrait: Light
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The day had started rather well, Lin had helped give the orientation and had reconnected with her old friends from grade school. She was having a fantastic day! That is, until a girl named Rudy came running through the camp site with an injured child. Lin had been collecting tinder for the fire when it had happened and following Rudy was a man the size of a giant wielding a buster sword and wearing armor that must have cost him an arm and a leg. She dropped the wood and gawked upwards in awe at this magnificent beast. Things were moving so quickly that by the time Lin caught up to what was going on and had pulled out her knife, lightning struck the ground and the knife fell from her grip as she was blown backwards into one of the cabins. Her head spun and Lin scrambled to her feet and began to run in the direction that Rudy had run off with the child.

Should she get her father? She wondered as she slowed down when the trail grew slippery. "What the...?" Water covered the ground, but it had not rained and the leaves below her were slick with liquid, maybe it was blood? What the hell was going one?! With no time to question it, Lin took off in the direction of Rudy and caught up to her a few seconds later. "I know where we can go to get away from them," the girl said rather breathlessly and leaned over with her hands on her knees in order to make her heart to stop racing. "Please follow me," Lin's cabin was not too far from here and it was hidden and out of sight from the others. Lin her, father, and mother lived in that cabin, tending to this camp almost all year round. In the summer, however, they closed it down and drove up to Maine for a family vacation. Sometimes Lin's grandparents would come as well, but that's not important, at least, not right now.

The child was shaking and coughing and looked so pathetic that Lin felt a pang in her chest. Not only was her home going to be destroyed by these people, but they had killed an innocent child as well. Where had the kid even come from? "Do you think you can bring me up to speed on what's going on? Lin asked and began to walk towards her cabin.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Rudy Hanez Character Portrait: Arthur Camdin Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet Character Portrait: Raidon Character Portrait: Faust Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Light
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#, as written by Renmiri


"Well, shit."

She stood unmoving, largely unaffected, as whatever bloodthirsty titan or suicidal human went off to bash each others' heads in-- the picture of indifference, for the most part. Faust had never particularly been one to interfere excessively when she didn't have to, and wasn't about to start now; 'Especially not when I don't owe them anything to begin with.' It was this kind of apathy that made her scoff, almost laugh, at Storm's (this identity she realized later) thinly veiled threat to reveal her true nature; she didn't fucking care and probably said as much, right before things began to escalate in an exponential manner. Since then Faust had simply just... watched, staying if only to see who came up on top; after all, Death had never specified which side to associate with. She only needed to stay involved.

Not that it seemed like Frost's recapture was any less inevitable than it had been from the start. Even with the appearance of the Excessively Angry Titan (or, that is, she assumed-- if the other two's half-anxious reactions meant anything), surely Storm and Questionable Other were well enough to take care of him. And the humans, well, they would probably be crushed or cleaved in the crossfire with no one the wiser--

'Wait, no, what the fuck, her arm?'

Faust thought that she had almost seen something-- felt something-- so close to fire (that which sang in her blood, the flames) where Esme had almost been maimed. It was strange, almost nostalgic like a fair bit of deja vu, but logically enough the human seemed to be some sort of dormant monster; 'maybe an elemental of some sort, if only that felt right...' It made her mildly sympathetic, appealing to Faust's thing with fire, so much so that she was pushed to not be an asshole in something like the next few seconds.

It had been Storm, originally, that had made her realize that it would be best to run the fuck away-- those clouds were as ominous as they got, and the humans (or, correction, whatever they were) were, predictably, not doing so well. Faust's sudden pang of sympathy had caught just as Excessively Angry had begun with Attlas, and she managed to shift into her hellhound form just as he turned to Esme. By the time he had launched her into the air, Faust was a scorching blur cutting through the field-- enough so that she could leap, perhaps a split second after Esme had been thrown, and slam into the girl to force them both onto the sidelines. However, while the 'human missile' theoretically would have been relatively unscathed, sans bruises and perhaps a few small burns, Faust's flank mid-flight had been unprotected-- should Aggressively Angry have reacted fast enough to score damage there.

Wounded or not, Frost's ice magic hit right about then-- although not aimed at her, Faust's fire easily negated what little could touch (and, by extension, on Esme). It was then that she made to fully get the fuck out of there, transforming back into a 'human' for easier transportation and lifting both remaining humans (struggling or not) on her shoulders sack-style. Which, mind you, she did with relative ease; then made a running start, flying leap down the hill, and continued until they were with Frost. (For convenience's sake, it is possible to shift back and be fully clothed.)

While she could've been stopped, hopefully Storm's subsequent lightning attack on Aggressively Angry and Frost's magic on Questionable Other was distracting enough. By then, they should've been sufficiently far away to be mostly unaffected by Storm's area shock, anyway.

As soon as she could, Faust put the two down rather unceremoniously: not dropping, but not lightly either. The rain rose as mist and steam about her --god, she hated the downpour--, eyes almost glowing, and she sighed heavily; 'and this, like all things, will end up biting me in the ass.' She ignored the cluster of humans gathered and instead watched the hilltop moodily, addressing Frost with a hint of unease (and with a hand at a bloody side, if wounded). "This would be about the time to run the fuck away-- you, and probably the rest of them," Faust glanced at those that Questionable Other had called 'Gods', "if the Titans were right. They're retreating, but they'll be back for your heads; and next time you won't be this lucky."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet Character Portrait: Raidon Character Portrait: Faust
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Orsus was closing in fast on the sword user, his own blade digging into the dirt as he lowered it to set up the strike. Then he heard the sound of rapid footsteps coming towards his direction. Skidding to a stop, turned slightly so he could move his blade in position to slash the approaching target. Whatever it was, it was fast and Orsus was barely able to turn his head enough to get a look at the target as it jumped through the air. He didn't finish the swing though as it came into focus, as strangely something held him back. When he saw the figure knock the bow user out of the air and to the side, Orsus followed its movement with his head.

He watched it land, and he was staring at one of the only things that still seemed to retain its details, as he could make out all the red lines across its skin as it settled near the bow user it had knocked aside. Orsus stared for a moment, watching as the hound transformed into the form of a female human. She too still retained details, though with how white her hair was Orsus could probably have mistaken it for just a part of the monochrome world he was still seeing. He watched as she easily lifted both the hammer and bow user onto her shoulder before bolting away from the mess. Orsus snorted, Hellhound was all he thought as he watched them go.

He was pulled back to the battle at hand though when he felt his body convulse for but a moment, accompanied by a deafening boom of super-heated air from the lightning bolt that struck Orsus. He stumbled some from the powerful hit, managing to stay on his feet as he turned to look towards the sword user he had originally been charging towards, however he felt another massive surge of pain as another bolt struck him; Orsus falling to a knee as his body began to give way. A third and final one hit him once more and this time Orsus collapsed to both of his knees, catching himself from falling face first into the dirt with his left hand. He still had a tight grip on his sword in his right hand, despite the massive amount of pain that was surging through his entire body. He could feel the burns that was all over him, and it felt like pins and needles were going through his body as his nervous system had been thrown out of whack by the large amount of electricity that had flowed through him.

Breathing heavily, he sat there for a moment before growling low and deep, slowly beginning to push himself to his feet. He could not hear the sound of rain evaporating the moment it touched the plates of his armor, which had been super-heated by the lightning bolts, nor could he possibly feel the chill of Frost's attack going past him. His entire body was screaming for him to stop, to finally just collapse and cease its activities; he didn't listen though, despite how much pain he was in. He ignored all of it, stumbling to his feet, his posture now slacked as he was only standing by sheer willpower now. He turned to look towards the sword user, and now he could see another figure that had joined the fight.

This one stood at the top of the hill, and something was flowing around it in jagged and seemingly random patterns though Orsus could not tell what it was. The figure was pointing a sword directly at the titan, and on it was another sword that remained sheathed. Taking several rapid breaths, Orsus' anger surged up once more. He summoned up what strength he had left, and with a slight twist of his body and arm, and a feral roar to accompany it, Orsus threw his sword at the dual-sword figure that stood atop the hill. The blade spun rapidly, smashing and cutting through any tree that was unfortunate to be between it and its target. Orsus then turned to charge and finish his attack on the one-sword user he had originally gone after, stumbling as he was struggling to simply stand now, let alone sprint. He then lowered his shoulder, hoping to simply use his own body weight as a weapon by ramming into it, then follow up that attack by pummeling the figure senseless with his hands and whatever else he decided to use for a weapon.


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Rudy Hanez Character Portrait: Arthur Camdin Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Sora Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet Character Portrait: Raidon Character Portrait: Faust Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Light
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ImageFrost was so surprised when Rudy picked her up that she nearly jumped out of the human's arms. "Frost, was it? These people are after you, aren't they?" Slowly, Frost nodded her head, wondering how the girl knew her name if she had never told it to her. "I won't let them hurt you! Esme entrusted you to me, so I'll keep you safe!" Frost wanted to laugh, not because it was funny, but because this girl had just met her and yet she felt some sense of responsibility for the Goddess. Was it because of her appearance? Or something else? By now the poison from Sora's attack earlier was beginning to wear off and slowly, Frost's strength returned to her. She could feel the broken ribs mending and the soreness receding, but it was still too slow for her liking.

Faust had caught up to them and dumped Attlas and Esme on the wet, hard, ground and it was only then that Frost realized another character had popped up seemingly out of nowhere and was telling them to follow her, but Faust interrupted saying "This would be about the time to run the fuck away-- you, and probably the rest of them," Frost couldn't agree more, but the way Faust said it suddenly struck her. "If the Titans were right. They're retreating, but they'll be back for your heads; and next time you won't be this lucky."

"You're not coming?" She asked, trying to wiggle out of Rudy's arms with no such luck. The girl had assumed responsibility over her and Frost had a feeling that she wouldn't let her go. This was not Faust's fight, she remembered and with a sigh gave up trying to break free of the human's grip. "Thank you for your assistance, I would try to repay you, but I don't think hellhounds take ice as payment."

"Guys we should really go, I know a place that would be safe for you all to hide in." The new human said and gestured wildly towards the storm clouds that were gathering over them.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Sora Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Raidon
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The annoyance sunk in similar to the way her black stiletto boots sunk into the dirt of the camp site. Filthy humans couldn't even kill grass correctly, there were patches of yellow and green scattered about, trampled by the pesky infestation of slightly intelligent beings. "Failure, failure, failure!" The Titan screeched like a banshee, her pigtails flying in the wind as she stomped towards the battle. She didn't need to go far, she simply had to follow the broken trail of trees. "Idiots!" Sora was right in the line of fire of Orsus's attack but quite frankly she didn't care. The air teemed with poison, plants wilting and rotting instantly. Her gray eyes were filled with hatred and rage, her features contorted in anger. Sora's tongue flickered across her pink lips, black droplets sizzling when they hit the dirt.

Sora turned towards Raidon "I've given you such a simple task! One you were so well prepared for and you!" She whirled on Orsus, jabbing one perfectly manicured finger in his direction. "You came here and messed things up! You... Ugh!" Sora screeched in frustration. "You couldn't stay calm for once instead of flying off the handle! I hope you're happy!" She tugged on her pigtails, a habit born from frustration. She paced the small grassy space, only just noticing that Miri was frozen and paused, walking up to the Titan popsical with narrowed eyes. Sora flicked the glassy surface, trying to determined how thick it was. It was also only just then that she noticed the humans poking their heads out of their wooden hovels with mixed looks of nervousness and excitement. "Take Miri to the elevator, She ordered the two trying to remain calm in front of their subjects. They would regroup in the Tower and track Frost's movements from there; this time Sora would be the one who brought Frost back, maybe with the help of Valerie or Galahad.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Sora Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Raidon
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Raidon was pleased with the results of his attack on Orsus, maybe his brother would even learn not to fight him while wearing his armor. Then, however, Orsus threw his sword at him. He dashed in between Sora and the attack, electrically stuck his feet to the ground, and drew his second sword, and right before it hit him he swung downwards, spinning the sword so the blunt edge was the thing to hit him. He coughed blood as the force of the hit broke a rib or two. He directed one final lightning bolt at Orsus before returning attention to Sora. "Well Sora, if you wanted to have this succeed you should have kept watch on Orsus, we all knew he wasn't just going to stay in the tower." He then stomped over to Miri and used his electricity to make her float slightly and began to pull her towards the location of the elevator.


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Inferno Character Portrait: Rudy Hanez Character Portrait: Arthur Camdin Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Sora Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet Character Portrait: Galahad Character Portrait: Faust Character Portrait: Frost Character Portrait: Valerie Character Portrait: Light
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Sora sighed and shook her head in aggravation when they didn't follow right away, instead Raidon threw another punch at Orsus. She clicked her heels as she waited for him to finish and used his lightning to make Miri float. The Titan would thaw soon enough, but in the meantime it would be a nuisance to drag her everywhere. "Orsus! The Titan of Pain snapped and whirled around from the elevator, the dirt sizzling as she leaked off toxic fumes. "You cna join us in the Tower when you're done with your temper tantrum! Sora stepped into the elevator and smoothed down her shirt, trying to compose herself. She flicked her tongue across her lips again, this time keeping the poison in check so that it did not hit Raidon or Miri when they joined her in the elevator.


[font=avenir light]Frost stared at her reflection in the mirror of the bathroom, wringing out her damp white hair with a towel. She touched the skin on her face, the droplets of water following her finger off of her body and into the sink. "I wonder how little water it would take to drown someone." Frost mused.

She hadn't had a bath in so long, it had been so nice to just sit and relax and watch her cracked skin re-hydrate. Frost allowed the towel to drop from her body and watched in the mirror as she shrunk, changing from a Goddess into a little girl. She did it to protect the mortals so that they would not go blind when they looked upon her. Frost pulled the dress that Lin's mother had lent her off of the hanger and slipped it over her head, doing the buttons and heading out of the bathroom to see what was for breakfast. Lin had taken them to her home in the woods after the battle the day before and her family had been so kind to them. They had tried to call the police and take her to the hospital, but Frost had quickly but that notion down when she revealed her water magic.

"Good morning," Frost said as to Lin and her mother as she sat down at the table in the kitchen. Today Frost would set out on her own to find other Gods that could help her retake the tower. Once she took back her home Frost would repay these humans for their kindness and trouble. She didn't really know what she could do for them though besides give them a quick, painless winter. "Morning," Lin replied with a tight lipped smile as she sipped her orange juice. A chill ran up Frost's back, but it wasn't from the draft in the room. "What's wrong? Frost asked, her nerves instantly set on edge. Lin shook her head and pointed to a tiny box displaying pictures of people speaking, the image moved and revealed the part of the forest Frost had decimated when she fell from the sky. "What is it? Frost asked, wide eyed. She slipped out of the chair and walked over to the metal device, touching it and pulling her hand away with a yelp. The box had shocked her! "What kind of magic is this! The girl demanded, drawing a giggle from Lin and an odd look from the mother. Frost hoped that the others would come down so that they could explain this trick.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Orsus Zoktavir Character Portrait: Sora Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo Character Portrait: Raidon
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Orsus knocked his target to the side with a body rush, as it seemed unresponsive to his attack. However, he was not able to finish his pummeling of it because his body couldn't keep him up as he stumbled and fell over to a knee and hand. Breathing heavily now, he gritted his teeth as he slowly pushed himself back onto his feet, using his rage to fuel him and keep him going. He then heard more voices in the direction he had thrown his sword, and he turned his head to look at what it was. Another figure stood nearby, pointing at him and making some loud, annoying, screeching of a sound. The two-sword wielder stood near the screeching figure and looked to have taken a hard hit from Orsus' own sword.

With another roar of anger, Orsus began to charge forwards towards them; his movement was stopped though when another bolt of lighting slammed into him. His body seized up from the bolt and not even his own willpower could keep his body from finally collapsing. He slammed into the dirt with a heavy thud, his momentum causing him to skid for a moment before he finally came to a stop in the mud. He continued to snort and growl like an animal, trying desperately to push himself back onto his feet; he shakily planted one hand into the mud and began pushing himself up, his body quivering the whole time as it tried to support the heavy weight of the armored titan. His body was in immense pain at this point, his muscles were fatigued and sore beyond levels that would normally be tolerable, but still he tried. He couldn't stop, he had to kill these beings, he needed to rip them apart limb by limb.

He mustered one more roar of anger, finally getting his second arm under him to try and support his weight. He saw the screechy figure shout something towards him, and it was finally then that his body completely gave out on him. His arms just went limp as he fell straight into the mud once more, lying there as the rain continued to sizzle off his armor. He lied there, breathing heavily and it loud gasps of air, his vision slowly fading away. the last thing he managed was to clench his hand into a fist, the mud oozing between his fingers as they dug through it to form that fist. With that, his world finally went black as Orsus' body quit on him, leaving the Titan of Rage out cold on the muddy ground.

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"We are the sins you fear. The madness that haunts your dreams. The chaos that is etched in you memory. We are the Titans."


"We are the sins you fear. The madness that haunts your dreams. The chaos that is etched in you memory. We are the Titans."



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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo
Character Portrait: Necholas Dusk
Character Portrait: Inferno
Character Portrait: Faust
Character Portrait: Galahad
Character Portrait: Raidon
Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet


Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet
Attlas Minuet

"The earth is much more complex than most think."

Character Portrait: Raidon

"I am the titan of storms, one of the mightiest forces on this planet. Do you really think I can be fought?"

Character Portrait: Galahad

Even gods decay.

Character Portrait: Faust

"This isn't my war, don't mistake me for your pawn or champion. I work for Death."

Character Portrait: Inferno

"Don't play with fire or you'll get burned"

Character Portrait: Necholas Dusk
Necholas Dusk

"Me? Dark? Nah!"

Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo
Miriami Tatsuyo

"Fierce determination is what keeps me going."


Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet
Attlas Minuet

"The earth is much more complex than most think."

Character Portrait: Faust

"This isn't my war, don't mistake me for your pawn or champion. I work for Death."

Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo
Miriami Tatsuyo

"Fierce determination is what keeps me going."

Character Portrait: Inferno

"Don't play with fire or you'll get burned"

Character Portrait: Galahad

Even gods decay.

Character Portrait: Necholas Dusk
Necholas Dusk

"Me? Dark? Nah!"

Character Portrait: Raidon

"I am the titan of storms, one of the mightiest forces on this planet. Do you really think I can be fought?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Attlas Minuet
Attlas Minuet

"The earth is much more complex than most think."

Character Portrait: Inferno

"Don't play with fire or you'll get burned"

Character Portrait: Miriami Tatsuyo
Miriami Tatsuyo

"Fierce determination is what keeps me going."

Character Portrait: Galahad

Even gods decay.

Character Portrait: Faust

"This isn't my war, don't mistake me for your pawn or champion. I work for Death."

Character Portrait: Necholas Dusk
Necholas Dusk

"Me? Dark? Nah!"

Character Portrait: Raidon

"I am the titan of storms, one of the mightiest forces on this planet. Do you really think I can be fought?"

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