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Save the Princess IC

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Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby cancerparady on Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:25 pm

Nicholas awoke as the first lights of day made it into his window. He got up and put a rough leather shirt on. He looked down at his hands. They were dark and rough from the work he has dine over the years. He lived in the kingdom of Warren on top of a blacksmith given to him by an Orc. He went down stairs and lit a fire for use later. Nicholas than went through the shop inspecting unsold swords and axes. He was still looking through his inventory when an Orc came through the front door."I'm not open yet," Nicholas yelled.

"Well good."Said an Orc's deep voice. "This won't take long Nicholas." Nicholas stopped and walked to the counter of his shop to relize he knew the Orc. Not by Name he called them all noble's. He was a guard for the King of Warren.

"Sorry to say your axe isn't ready I told you three more days Noble." He wasn't sorry and now he was goona make it for days.

"This is concernig the king."

"Well I thought we had a deal my debt would start for another year."Nicholas was pissed.

"Watch your tongue Blacksmith. The king is good on his word!" The Orc seemed made and Nicholas didn't need to be on his bad side, so he kept quite. "I asure you this is good the king is having me hand deliver it after all." The Noble dropped a letter on the counter. When Nicholas grabbed it the Orc was out the door.

The letter read;
To whom it may concerns,
The fabled princess has sent word of her existence. Any one who brings the princess will resieve a favor from your king.
All who are intrested are told to meet in the small town Dalgret. It is in between the to elven Kingdoms at the Western edge of the forest.
There is a tavern called The Leaky Barrel,
Your King.

Nicholas saw this to get rid of his debt for good. He was fine with leaving for a while.He closed down his shop and gathered his things. Nicholas put on his chainmail and helmet and grabbed his spear. When he made it outside his shop He could see the busy streets of Warren. Many people going to shops or chatting amongst them selves. News spread fast as he watched as even the few elves that lived here were talking up a storm. The stone buildings were all made of orc mined materials. Very strong building and great defense.

Nicholas Liked Warren It was a strong city and very proud people. He wanted to work here cause of their needs for strength. Though he might not see the city again.He was out side the large castle walls and began walking south towards the forest.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alise120 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:33 pm

Twenty-one years ago....
"Things aren't the same. I can never sleep at body aches from endless pains. Even my soul isn't free", young King Luis sulked sitting on his throne with his head held down. It had been two months since Princess Christelle disappeared and Luis couldn't know how to accept the fact that she was gone. He continued to look out the open large oval shaped window that was next to where he sat aimlessly, "Baltimore....fetch me Baltimore!", he shouted demanding to see him all of a sudden. The guard who stood next to the door immediately went to get him obediently. A few minutes later, Lord Baltimore huddled in with his armor and weaponry shinning aglow from the sun light peering into the throne room, "Yes your Majesty ?", he asked him calmly feeling no impatience toward him. "Did you find any trace of my wife ?", he asked sitting up straight more with his head held high. "We looked every inch of the kingdom and faraway kingdoms as well....but alas we came short", he replied hesitantly. Luis' eyes lit up in fury as he thrashed up out his seat and stormed down his throne grabbing Baltimore by the throat, "You worthless piece of animal waste. How dare you not find her", he whispered threateningly to him.

Every one present in the court watched in fear as the most highest rank in the militia was held helpless by the neck from his King's Majesty, "Sir....please....accept....", he choked but was stripped from air when the King grasped him harder. "You have twenty-four hours more to find Christelle and within that time frame you don't find her, so help me God, I will knock you down to the lowest creature on this planet called earth", He said finally releasing Baltimore making him fall to the ground breathlessly. He nodded, "I you...wish", he replied standing up to attention but with a stagger and a horrible cough. Baltimore then saluted Luis and left hastily out the court prepared to do his mission. Every thing happened so fast from Baltimore coming in triumphantly to Luis embarrassing his status in front of the whole royal court. It certainly would be circulated in the papers outside the kingdom later on.

In the evening time, Luis walked into the nursery room more calm then earlier. He made his way over to the crib where sweet little Marie lain sleeping soundlessly. Luis smiled, being a proud parent, "If only I could find your mother, things wouldn't be so much chaos", he whispered peering to gaze at her gently. He picked up Marie with much sensitivity and cradled her in his muscular but gentle arms, "Little one, promise me that you will never leave your father's side" he softly said half smiling.

Twenty-one years later....
The sun rose in the land of Teos east of the kingdom of Vail. Everyone was still sound asleep and the market place wasn't yet bustling around with life. Sitting near the water fountain, which was at the edge of town, Marie silently hummed to herself. Her light platinum blond hair gently flowed in the breeze that had offer for her. She adjusted herself so she could look further in the fountain, "Little one, promise me that you will never leave your father's side", a subconscious voice echoed in her mind giving her some regret. It had been two years since she left the kingdom of Vail without warning. She couldn't stand her father's temper that he later developed when he couldn't locate Christelle. He would throw fits with everyone he came in contact to. Marie couldn't stand the pressure behind it anymore. So she ran away with Alf seeking to find herself in the process and to fulfill her father's dream in finding his wife, her mother. Even though she disliked her father a lot, she still had a heart for him regarding the woman they both loved and wanted to love even more. Marie hoped it would change his heart drastically.

Marie continued to peer into the fountain when out of nowhere Alf came back out of breath from the market, "Why did you go to the market Alf. The stores are closed you know", she said standing up from the fountain. The old man dusted himself off from dirt being flown up in the air when he tread fast down the road, "I have exciting news for you Princess Marie. Here you read it", he handed her the letter happily. For an old man, Alf sure had great agility far more better from a man in health.

Marie raised one eyebrow but took the parchment anyway. It stated:
To whom it may concerns,
The fabled Princess has sent word of her existence. Any one who brings the Princess will receive a favor from your king.
All who are interested are told to meet in the small town of Dalgret. It is in between the to elven Kingdoms at the Western edge of the forest.
There is a tavern called The Leaky Barrel,
Your King.

After reading it, Marie's eyes lit up in excitement, "Where was this lying around ?", she asked. "It was stapled on a sakura. I just had to get it before anyone else snatched it", he replied fixing his posture. "Princess Marie, do you know what this mean, the princess might be your long lost mother", Alf added brightly. Marie's smile began to fade away as she sat back down on the stone brim of the fountain. "It can not be. They never said her name", she replied pushing her strands of hair out of her face. "No one knows her name and that's why every kingdom now is putting up a search party for her", he said sitting down next to her. Marie looked up at the sky, "It's been too long and my father has long gone stopped the search party for her. Why is it that every other kingdom is now on the hunt for her ?", she asked questionably. Alf shrugged his rickety old-bone shoulders, "That's the part I don't get either", he replied. "But it wouldn't hurt to go on this quest. If you find the princess, you will win a favor. That means you can find your mother more easier", he explained persuading her to go. With a little thought, Marie finally gave in, "Alright. Let's get going then", she smiled standing up. Alf jumped up with her, "That's the spirit", he chimed in.

They began their walk what seemed like for hours only took 10 minutes since Teos was right next store to Dalgret. Upon nearing the town, it began to pour of rain. They both hastily ran for settler, "We're almost there", Alf shouted seeing that the rain hit the ground noisily. They saw the gates for Dalgret and entered them quickly. The streets were almost empty because all of the people were mainly in shops trying to keep dry. They then saw a tavern that had a sign on top of the entrance, "Do you think that it is the Leaky Barrel ?", Marie asked out loud as they walked their way up closer. "I think so", Alf replied squinting his eyes to see. One man stumbled out of the tavern drunken, "Excuse me sir, but is this the Leaky Barrel ?", Marie asked him politely. "", he replied with a slur as he walked pass her wobbly, "Let's leave this man alone, he's drunk for goodness sakes", Alf said very wary of those kind of men seeing he had got into a brawl once with one when he was a lad. Of course he won but he didn't want to deal with that kind anymore.

Marie nodded and pushed the heavy mahogany wooden door walking inside with Alf close behind. The place was dimly lit and the only people that were there was the bartender and a man sleeping in a booth, probably drunk as well. "What can I do for ya ?", the bartender screeched sounding like a rough seafarer. They both walked over and took a seat on the built-in wooden stools, "We were told to come here by the kings orders", Alf informed him properly. The bartender looked at him weird, "I never got any notice form thy Majesty", he replied wiping another thick glass mug with a raggedy towel. "I think this is a secret mission only for the worthy Alf", Marie whispered. "Let's not tell or the whole universe will be out on the hunt", Marie added folding her hands in her lap sitting up a like a lady. Being taught like a lady meant everything to Marie. That meant smooth words and an easy go attitude would get anyone far. So she used that as a great weapon of kindness. "Your certainly right", Alf obliged with a smile. "I'll be in the back if ya need me", the bartender said walking away disappearing behind a black curtain.

"It be a good idea and wait for others. They might have been given the same quest", Alf said with Marie having somewhat a sour face. She in general wanted to be the one to find the princess. That means more competition for her, "Alright...", she said hesitantly not liking the idea.
Last edited by Alise120 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.



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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby almostinsane on Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:49 pm

Silas Carver decided that he was rather uncomfortable indeed as he walked into the the small town of Dalgret. In the forest, everything had its place. There were herbivores that never stayed in one place, scavenging for grass and other plants to sustain them while avoiding hunters such as wolves and himself. Each smell and sound had a purpose. The birds chirped to declare to others of their kind just what their territory was. Wolves, beers, elk, deer, and, in some cases, humans marked their territory with their bodily fluids. His own family never talked much except in the safety of their homes or campsites. In the wilds, you blended in. Unfamiliar noise and smells only scared your game away or brought you the attention of dangerous predators. This was the most important rule for every woodsmen or woodswoman. Dalgret seemed to delight in the breaking that one rule.

There was all the shouting in the marketplace, for one thing. People at stalls shouted to attractattention to their wares. Then, when they actually had a customer, the two would argue loudly over price, the stallholder demanding an outrageously high price while the customer demanded an outrageously small price. In comparison, Silas' family visited a village near the woods they lived in about twice a year and they never shouted. Meat, especially the salted and preserved kind, was valuable and the Carvers charged only what they needed. It was predictable, routine, like nature. In retrospect, that was what lead to Silas and his father being captured and charged for poaching.

Silas himself decided that he didn't understand poaching laws as he entered "The Leaky Barrel", the tavern he was to meet his packmates for the duration of this quest. Land could not be owned by someone in a far-off castle. It belonged to those that lived off of it. Nor were animals ever "owned". Pets chose their master and an animal's flesh belonged to whoever killed and claimed it.

In retrospect, Silas decided as he ignored the disgusting smell of alcohol and unwashed bodies, he didn't need to understand. In order to free his father and protect his family's way of life, he revealed his skill with the bow, volunteering for the quest and defeating the ranger the King of Amman was going to send in a simple archery contest. Silas sat down in the corner of the tavern and waited, squeezing the papers in his pocket for a second, which were penned by an Amman scribe to prove that he was authorized for the quest.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Tue Jan 26, 2010 6:45 pm

Lucas had been chosen out of the several Elven Knights that had been assembled even his father. He felt honored and the same time fearful. He sighed softly as he returned home and got out of his Knight attire and into his own, once again in his own outfit. He strode out of his gates and on his way. He had never been out of the kingdom and thanks to the horse offered to him at the gates he'd make the trip twice as fast. He left the kingdom on horse back his sword in it's place on his back as he rode on.

Several hours past, before he finally made it to the small City, the Tavern 'the leaky barrel' was where they must meet. He jumped off the horse's back slapping it on the rump to send it on it's way back home. He walked through the small city the smells of stalls and people that walked by was almost overbearing.

He stopped for a moment to take a breath and try and calm himself as he noticed the building he was suppose to be in, he moved on towards it and entered. The small of Stale Ale was stronger then the smell of the Sweating bodies of Men and Orc's in one bar. He shook his head and tried to breath through his mouth. He noticed a Man, that looked out of place at the table by himself as he walked over and tilted his head. "Your part of the quest..?" He asked softly.

One answer would be all he needed and then he'd find his own table if needed, he didn't know why this male gave him the feeling of not being here because of his own freewill, but more of because something drove him. He cleared his mind of any thought and awaited the answer of the man.

"Suggest that we escape by putting fish in our mouths so we can breath while under water AGAIN I will Ninja punch you so hardcore it will knock you out and when you wake up? the force of it will knock you out a second time before you wake up!"

RM:"Please promise to kill me with your pants on" BM:"I PROMISE NOTHING!"


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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby almostinsane on Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:09 pm

Silas looked across the bar thoughtfully, searching for potential packmates. Most here were simply drunken orcs and men. An occasional fight broke out between patrons and it was only the presence of the barman's crossbow that kept order. He observed a woman about his age walk in, followed by someone that looked oddly subservient. Strange. Neither of them walked like the rest of the patrons of the tavern. Their footsteps were light and not as tired. They didn't appear to seek relief from the poison that was sold here.

Soon, however, his attention was caught by a man that approached him. No, not a man. It was an elf. He sized him up before answering his question. He had seen elves a few times before and this male elf wasn't like other elves. For one, he was bigger and stronger-looking. For another, he carried a sword, a huge one. Elves usually carried bows like he himself did. There was nothing else different, though. Years of growing in the wild had attuned Silas to nature. There was a sense of wrongness about him, something unnatural. It wasn't magic that he knew this. Any inhabitant of the forest knew when something was off.

"Yes. You are one of my packmates?" Silas asked at last. His tone was different than the elf's or, indeed, any other man's. His family, it was whispered, had voices that belonged to wolves. It was gruff and had an element of the woods within it, wild and untamed.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alise120 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:22 pm

Alf and Marie scanned the bar attentively seeing if they could find other people on the same adventure, "Let's quit. Who would want to be on this quest", Marie said trying to forget the rest. Alf, of course, ignored what she said and saw a elf-like man and another man who looked like the type to be out doors.

"I think there are two right now. Let's go over", Alf said getting up and taking Marie with him, "Come on Alf, how can you possibly think that they are on this quest that is written down on parchment sent and ordered by the king", she stated with her usual "high society" voice. Alf reached the men and greeted himself immediately with Marie, "Hello fellows. Are you on a quest for thy Majesty ?", he asked them both wanting to know.

Marie kept her posture up, "If so you must have gotten the same letter", she added showing them the paper she had taken from her white small purse.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby almostinsane on Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:46 pm

Silas eyed the man and the woman that approached them warily. Their openness about their task and the female's loud voice was attracting stares. He glanced around. This tavern was filled with potential predators. Attention was not good. He looked at the servant, Alf, and the loud female. He glanced at the paper and looked to have been written by the same scribe that wrote his papers.

"I am on a quest for my family, not the king. He and his pack of followers are the ones that gave me no choice," Silas stated, his hands reaching for his daggers to be on the safe side. He eyed the female, "You are loud and weak. Prey. You would attract unwanted attention from predators. This is a temporary pack, not a permanent one. Childbearing is unneeded and unwanted, not that you will bear strong children. For your own safety and this pack's, go home. Only predators should join."

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:50 pm

Marielle Silverstar was curious. She'd been passing through the village of Dalgret when she heard a large commotion. A crowd had gathered outside a small tavern in the center of town. They were babbling excitedly about something. Thier voices were confusing enough just to her ears, and Marielle wasn't about to skim thier thoughts which were no doubt just as garbled as thier speech. She observed several individuals entering the tavern, but no one from the crowd dared to follow them. Instead, they just clustered together and gossiped. What's all this about? Marielle asked herself. She walked up to an old woman and tugged on her shirt. "Excuse me ma'am, what seems to be going on around this tavern? How come so few people are going in, and so many people are standing outside?"
"Oh, you startled me, madam Elf!" the old woman gasped. "It seems the Princess exists. There's a letter out calling for a quest to find her. Here is the mustering point."
Marielle's ears tensed up indignantly at the mention of the word "Elf." I am a Talcarion, she snorted to herself. We really need to get out more so people can learn the distinctions.When the woman began babbling letters and princesses, Marielle's ears cocked with curiosity. Aloud, she said, "I'm not quite sure I understand. A letter? A princess?"
"You know, the fabled Princess?" the woman clarified. Marielle's ears sank with embarrassment, and she shook her head.
"I'm the first of my people to leave our homeland in a long time," Marielle admitted. "I'm a Talcarion."
"One of those so-called 'Sky Elves?'" gasped the old woman.
"I know, it's the ears," Marielle said with a nod, tugging on one of her own ears. "It's hard to tell the difference. But yeah, I'm a Sky Elf."
"Well," the woman said with a grandmotherly smile. "That's interesting. Though I think here and now's hardly the time to tell the tale of the Princess."
"That's okay," Marielle said with a smile of her own. "I'll see for myself."
"You aren't thinking of going yourself, madam Talcarion!" the woman gasped.
"I'm just looking for information, that's all," Marielle said, starting to wedge herself into the crowd. "Maybe I'll go, maybe I won't. From the way you're talking, this quest seems open ended. I just want to see what all this fuss is about." Marielle pushed herself into the crowd, sending a gentle pulse of telekinetic energy ahead of her to nudge people out of her way. Whispers of surprise rose up behind her as she pushed her way into the tavern. As though they don't expect an Elf, much less a Talcarion to investigate this quest in a place where Orcs, Men, and Elves all mingle... She slipped inside the tavern, and looked around. She caught sight of a young human woman and a middle aged man talking with a pair of men seated at a boot(Marie and Alf speaking to Silas and his companion). They looked out of place in such a sleazy joint as a tavern, leading Marielle to logically conclude they were here for the quest, not to get drunk. Marielle approached them and cleared her throat.
"Excuse me," she said to them. "I hope I don't sound awkward, but could you tell me about this Princess everyone's fussing about? There's a huge crowd outside saying this is where people interested in it are to meet. Are you going on this quest? What's it all about?"

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:58 pm

Lucas looked to the man calmly and nodded. "Aye, I am.." He said softly, and then all the sudden, his attention turned and he blinked, he listened to the words of the woodsman and laughed softly as he sat down the sword laid across the table as he turned to the woodsman. "My friend we should not judge her on Appearance if she wishes to risk her life here..then let her, she should just know that this is a pact between kingdoms.." he said with a soft smile. "It is still a battle between us as well..and one less person to worry about...the better.." He said softly.

He hated High Society people anyways, and if this woman should go first, he'd feel no sorrow. "I've come from the Elven Kingdom I need no paper to appearance should be well enough even though I'm only Half elven.." He said calmly, his quick eyes catching soft movement from the woodsman, he smiled as his left gauntleted arm tightened it's grip on the hilt of his sword in retrospect to the man's action. He smiled a slight smile. "My dear companions...let's enjoy ourselves while we can, our pact holds us and binds us for now.." He said and eyed everyone. "Let's keep it a save journey between us.." Then as the woman approached he tilted his head. He did not know everything himself and just kept quiet but kept his eyes on the new person almost like the eyes of a hawk watching it's prey.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alise120 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:00 pm

Alf shook his head, "You must be a woodsman", he quietly said as he looked at the man with his hand guarded on the dagger. "We came to bring you no harm. The paper stated that there will be others and seeing you, you look like the type to take on the quest", he added calmly.

Marie on the other hand, ignored his rude remark as she tried to keep her voice low, "This place is disgusting", she said looking at some of the men wallow around in drunkenness. "Why must we wait around for others", she whispered to Alf.

"Because they will be on the same quest", he replied knowing that they had the paper in their pockets and hands. Marie sighed, "If you must...", she said about to walk back to her stool. "Gentlemen, I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble", he apologized.

Marie then turned slightly to see Marielle ask a question similar to everyone's quest, "Yes we are. I've just been notified since this morning and I think it should be exhilarating as well as self finding", she replied to her smiling.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby almostinsane on Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:11 pm

Silas relaxed his grip on his daggers and nodded at Lucas' words. His words did make sense and he reminded himself mentally that the way of civilized society weren't his ways. He'd have to remember to keep that in mind when he interacted with people on his quest or at least when he visited settlements like this one. He smirked a little at the female's childishness. She'd be running home soon enough.

"You didn't cause us any trouble," Silas told the one called Alf, "I simply do not want to return your companion to the earth over this quest's course. And yes, myself and my pack are called woodsmen."

His attention, however, was turned to a newcomer. She looked to be elven and, yet, there was also something not elven about her, like the male elf beside him. Unlike the other female, she walked in a way that told him that she was reasonably strong. Her sword also looked like it was used often enough, which pleased him. He nodded at her and spoke simply, "This pack's quest is to recover a princess in the far east. Doing so will earn us a favor from our respective 'kings.'"

He stated the last remark distastefully, as if he didn't think much of monarchs.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:43 pm

"Favors?" asked Marielle. Her ears cocked with curiosity. "I'm not quite sure I follow. The whole thing really. Who is this Princess? What's so important about her that your kings will grant favors to whoever finds her? And what's this about letters? Someone mentioned it outside. I'm not all that familiar with the world of men and elves. I'm a Talcarion. We're pretty much isolated from the outside world in our valleys, plateaus, and ranges." She removed her pack and set it on the floor along with her bow and quiver. She kept her sword still on her back and replaced her shield.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alise120 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:55 pm

"No one really knows who this Princess is or where she is from but the kings from each kingdom has sent out letters to villages, cities, forests, farms, and any other kind of inhabitant of humans and other races like yours", Alf explained, "I hope you do know what the kings stated in the letter, right ?", he then asked Marielle.

Marie wanted to say that it could have been her mother but she kept quiet to herself about it, fearing her identity to be revealed, "So now we are all on this quest to retrieve the Princess in return to have a favor that we would like to indulge in", she added sounding more experienced and elderly. "That's all I know about it but I hope we can learn more", she said pulling a strand of hair out of her face.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:03 pm

"I know only what I have been told," Marielle admitted. "I have yet to see the letter. I have been on the road for many months, so I haven't really had time to look at the post. Besides, no one ever goes to the land of the Talcarians for any reason, much less to deliver any letters about mysterious Princesses." Marielle's ears sank with embarrassment, the tips almost touching her shoulders. "I know as much as you've told me, and I am curious to know more. Perhaps I might stick around to learn more."

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alise120 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:09 pm

"I would be delighted that you would stick around", Alf replied smiling to Marielle, "Don't worry we will all know the truth behind this real soon", he said matter of fact.

Marie handed her the letter that was folded neatly in her white purse again, "Here, read it to the best of your knowledge", she told her so she could have some insight to what was going on.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:20 pm

Marielle accepted the letter and read through it. "Well it's nothing you already told me," she commented, handing the letter back to Marie. "But my curiosity is piqued." She paused and perked up her ears. "By the way, I probably should introduce myself: I am Marielle Silverstar of the Talcarians." As she spoke, Marielle stood up straight to her full height and adjusted her ears proudly.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alise120 on Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:33 pm

"Nice to meet you", Alf replied, "I'm Alf Helix and I have been serving the Vail kingdom for a long time now", he introduced himself briefly. One thing Alf never spoke of was about his race. He felt that no one needed to know, for now anyways.

"I'm Marie Valor and I serve also in the Vail kingdom", she introduced herself with a slight lie. Reason why she kept her real name a secret is the fact that she didn't want anyone to recognize her as a Princess. They would have told King Luis, so she would be sent back to the kingdom. It was to risky for her.

"I wonder how many more others will be partaking in this adventure with us", Marie said in general not speaking to anybody in particular.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby almostinsane on Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:55 pm

"I only hope that they are predators and not prey," Silas stated, still frowning at the thought of Marie joining them, but nodding approvingly at Marielle. There looked to be at least one competent female in their group.

"I am called Silas. My pack is called Carver," the woodsman told the others, realizing that he hadn't introduced himself, "This task is vital to myself and my family. I am not here for 'adventure' or 'excitement'. I will make sure this task is done and protect the rest of you as my pack. I expect the same courtesy."

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:03 pm

Luke blinked as he turned to the man that called himself Silas. "It is an honor Silas..though you should try being more fluent and not so blunt with your words." he said softly, he then looked to the group bowing his head. "I am sir name is not important..I'm an Elven to see that my king get's his wish in order for me to be accepted as I am..and hopefully so i can bring honor to my own family.." He said an air of Determination.

Lucas knew it would be a hard choice between them, and he could tell a battle would ensue but it would be later, right now they'd have to be good to each other and get along. he looked to both woman and tilted his head calmly, One seemed to be a warrior the other smelt and moved of Regal rising. He sighed softly and shuddered, he had been mistreated by so many noble's son's he hated nobles, and yet he himself calm from a noble family.

He closed his eyes gripped the hilt of his sword tighter, mostly to give himself comfort. He then reopened them. "I suggest that we all Make a pact right now to treat each other respect..I'd like to carry on this mission without having to travel with bickering children.." He said coyly. He could already feel heated words between the regal woman and the woodsman.

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Re: Save the Princess IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orion Vryce on Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:12 pm

Orion walked the silent cobble stone streets of Perorcis, a small fortified town and castle about a day’s journey from Amman’s capitol city, conveniently name Amman. It was early dawn and most of the populace was either out in the fields preparing for the planting season or the market district preparing their shops. Only the city guard walked the streets regularly at this time of day, keeping order was a twenty-four seven job. More recently it had become more trying with attacks from bandits, but that is another story.

Making his way towards the town square he stood in front of the fountain centerpiece which was carve from stone into the appearance of three young and beautiful women, each hold a pitcher were the fountains water flowed from. It was an amazing fountain, every detail taken into account. It was probably the most expensive thing in all of Perorcis for its size, but everyone loved it and the fresh water it supplied to them.

From behind a guard dressed in chainmail and a black surcoat approached him, his footsteps echoing through the still air. “Sir Orion.” He said as he drew closer. “I bring news.” Handing over a letter he didn’t waste time staying around, turning around he walked back off into the town, leaving Orion to himself.

To whom it may concern,
The fabled Princess has sent word of her existence. Anyone who brings the Princess will receive a favor from your king.
All who are interested are told to meet in the small town of Dalgret. It is in between the two Elven Kingdoms at the Western edge of the forest.
There is a tavern called The Leaky Barrel,
Your King.
Reading the letter over once more he was shocked to see such a reward being granted. It was the perfect chance for him to reclaim his family’s lost land. Turning from the fountain he made haste to his small manor. Preparing the necessary things needed he loaded his packs onto his White Stallion, the second fastest breed in all the land but first in endurance.


After a three day long journey, much longer than the trip should have taken due to bandit activity, Orion reached the town of Dalgret as a storm began. Galloping through the rain he made his way hastily into the city and to the stables. Paying for a stall he removed all the weight from his horse’s back, placing it on hooks against the stall walls. “Stay here and guard our stuff. I’ll be back shortly… I hope.” He said as he walked out from the stable and headed to the nearby tavern.

As he walked up to the tavern’s door he read the sign… “The Leaky Barrel”. Entering the tavern he wasn’t surprised to see that it wasn’t packed, he rather enjoyed not having to put up with over joyous shouts from drunks and of intoxicated patrons. “Who do I see about the fabled Princess?” He said in a raised voice that rang out in the tavern.
Socrates once said........ To fear death, my friends, is only to think ourselves wise, without being wise: for it is to think that we know what we do not know. For anything that men can tell, death may be the greatest good that can happen to them: but they fear it as if they knew quite well that it was the greatest of evils. And what is this but that shameful ignorance of thinking that we know what we do not know?

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