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The Association of the Abnormal.

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The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KatsuXGuujin on Sat May 03, 2008 8:53 pm

This is yet another one of my lovely Roleplays that fell flat on it's face in another Roleplaying Guild. The summary is below, join if you wish. ^^ Thanks. Please post your characters in the OOC! Here is the link!

The Association or the Abnormal is a group of colleges who have been labeled freaks for the rejects in their schools. The students have very unusual abilities that tend to make people uneasy. It is a total secret to the government. They have no knowledge of the college known as Shikyo Oushou Karejji In other words 'Death King College'.

The area is a very depressing place, the sky is usually grey, the weather is a constant combination of the Summer Solstice and the Autumnal Equinox, it's usually rainy or there is a thick mist/fog around. But somehow they tend to remain happy and cheerful. Anyone who happens to visit thinks they have gone mad and try to report them, only to have gone 'missing' the next day.

These students and teachers have abilities similar to X-Men powers, but they can have more than one ability. And though they may seem dangerous they are usually very odd and downright....different. Every so often a normal human student gets into this college, but they usually have their memories erased so they cannot tell the outside world.

This college is hidden high up inside the Appalachian Mountains and is only accessible by a secret entrance and a very long set of staircases that lead all the way from down on the ground to the castle-like college. Not many choose to go here because they do not want to have to trek all the way up there. If you try to fly or hike up the side of the mountains you will encounter beasts they have left as security measures, like a Phoenix, a Griffin, and a few lion-like beasts.

Inside Shikyo Oushou Karejji it is an elaborate, beautiful, and breath-taking place. It's main colors are gold, red, and silver. There are large curtains that are almost as a tall as the ceiling. There are banisters on the sides of the black and gold swirled marble staircases, which the staff encourage the students not to slide down. There is a large dining hall just like in Harry Potter, and there are also four different groups:

Kengen [Power]

Metsubou [Destruction]

Ranmyaku [Chaos]

Kiken [Peril]

If you are willing to join you may have [But you don't have to]the following:
= Two Teachers
= One other staff member [Like...a janitor, a nurse or something.]
= Four students. [And I mean FOUR.]
*[In the matter of students this is what you can have.]
*There can only be ONE person with ONE human. So you'd better haul arse [Lmao I love that word] if you want to get it.
*You may have two or three mutants/college students with powers in other words.

You can either jump right in or follow this character sheet, which you must post in the OOC And please. Follow it the way it is written, only add things if you must.

Character Sheet:
Distinct Traits:
History: [Optional]
Rank: *Student, Teacher, Etc.*
Reason: *as to why you are here, if you have been sentenced by the law of mutant government and so on.*

So if you are to join you CANNOT LEAVE THIS FORUM UNLESS YOU ASK ME, otherwise I will be extremely upset! Please don't do that to me! Thanks!

Watch. The clock is ticking as the bomb inside prepares to explode. I need to reach that clock before the time runs out. But will this match reach that hand? Will it burst into flames, if so, what then? Will I be melting time? Will I be bending reality? Sinking into the remedy to self insanity? As I stand and watch that little hand hit twelve I am Melting Time. Melting Time, into nothing.
-Melting Time- By PuppetFox

My Roleplaying Site, I'm just seeing if anyone would be willing to join. That's all.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KatsuXGuujin on Sat May 03, 2008 9:01 pm

A young man with large black wings was pushed into the building by a woman and a man that resembled him slightly, minus the wings. He tried to push them away with his strong wings.

He gave them an annoyed look like 'BACK OFF!' And looked at the staff. His lavender eyes pierced their boring gazes and they shivered in....fear? He looked around and noticed all of the people staring at him.

Jake nodded at the students he caught staring at him like any normal person would do. After all, he was an odd person. He didn't talk much, he didn't like to socialize, he didn't like anyone period. The only person he ever cared for was dead now, due to that shooting at his old school. He looked around once more and licked his dry lips, spotting the secretary.

He walked over calmly and whipped out his green notebook, opening it to it's first page, a crisp clean notebook, finally.

"Name and powers please." The secretary said and looked up when he didn't respond. She saw him writing in a notebook and sighed, rolling her eyes. She didn't have time for this....

Jake set the notebook in front of her and smiled lightly, thankful that she was patient enough to wait for a few seconds.

My name is Jake Liearson and my powers are flight and fire. Thank you kindly for waiting.

The secretary looked up at him with a curious look, was he a mute? And why did he have such good behavior? He looked like a troublemaker to her. She then went through the files and placed his in, getting a key card and handing it to him along with his notebook.

"Your room number is 112, you don't have a roommate right now but I assure you that you will eventually. More students are coming in each day." She said and he gave her a smile and a thumbs up. "Oh! And it would be wise to go to the cafeteria and eat first."
A young woman's shoulder-length black hair waved gently as she walked up the steps with a few butterflies trailing behind her. Her yellow-green eyes darted around cautiously as she made her wings appear, shaking them out. A fine silver powder came off of them and the butterflies gladly danced in it, seemingly captivated by the powder. The cross around her neck swayed gently as she glided over to the secretaries desk, a calm look on her face.

"Name and powers please." The secretary said not even looking up. The young woman frowned in disapproval and then cleared her face of emotion.

"My name is Sorcha Swalls and my powers are to melt into shadows, turn things into metal, and super strength.." Sorcha said, her green eyes seemingly glowing.

"You room will be 106, you will be sharing with a young woman by the name of Linda Gregson. Here is your card, your schedule, and the map of the school. Try not to get lost." The secretary said in a bored tone and Sorcha sent a small glare at the woman looking down at the papers. Sorcha began to turn away when the secretary spoke up again. "And I suggest you go to the room first, you may spot the girl there."

"I have no need for your help." Sorcha said and smirked when the secretary visibly flinched at the cold tone of her voice. She then walked up the stairs, getting glances of curiosity and others that made her spine crawl.

'I suppose this is why I decided not to attend a large school when I was younger....' Sorcha thought and felt a chill up her spine. She looked down the hallway to the group of Ranmyaku and saw a young man with short black hair stand up and grab his messenger bag. He had gorgeous black wings perched on his back and he had two snake-bites, one at the corner of each lip, she couldn't see his eyes but she guessed they were gorgeous.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Gilan on Sat May 03, 2008 10:53 pm

Name: David
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Brown hair, extremely bright green eyes.
Distinct Traits: Nothing special, just his ability to make almost anyone laugh or just make anyone mad.
Abilities: Controls light and teleporting powers.
Personality: He's the funny man, can't stand boring or very serious people, loves his powers and uses them as much as possible. He is liked by almost everyone and he likes most people (except the people said above).
Rank: Student
Reason: Cause he thought it would be fun to be somewhere where he was surounded by other people with powers.


Is that good? If it is I'll post my intro post as soon as you clear me.
"A hero need not speak when he is gone, the world will speak for him." -- Halo 3.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KatsuXGuujin on Sun May 04, 2008 5:53 am

[[OOC:Yushes. Tis good, though I'd rather you'd have put that in the OOC, so maybe you could and then you could edit that post to make it your character's entrance? But it's good! Though for appearance you might want to put his build and other physical traits such as if he's scrawny of well muscled. ^^; Thanks!

Two Gothic figures walked into the building, the male's chains on his jeans making small rattling noises, he had a wifebeater on his chest but you could see the muscles hiding underneath, along with a red scar.

The male had black hair, red eyes, and a lean figure, he stayed close to the woman he was with, who held an umbrella in her left hand loosely. Her white hair swayed in an unrealistic fashion, the air becoming thick as she approached the secretary.

"Names and powers please." The secretary said smiling.

"My name is Katsu Grey, my powers are mind corruption and possession, the last one is not needed to be known." Katsu said in a cold monotone voice. His eyes bored into hers and she shivered unknowingly. This fellow was quite scary, especially when his name meant various things such as divide, cut, halve, separate, split, rip, and break, which was very unnerving to her.

"R-right. And yours young lady?" The secretary said after typing those things into her computer.

"I have electrical abilities, and my name is Perish Granhall. Some of the students may have heard or have known me. I've been to almost every single school in the Mid-West." Perish said quietly, the tear drop on her eye drawing the secretaries attention.

Perish smiled an odd cruel smile. They received their key cards and their maps, and they went on their way. "These people are quite unusual to be staring...if they knew better they'd look away."

"Hn. You're quite correct with your assumption." Katsu said, a slight upper curve forming on his lips. He could make someone explode if he just thought of it. It was really no big task.

The secretary was looking at their files and she paled. How in all hells did they allow these two into this college?!

Name: Grandhall, Perish
Age: 19
Gender: Female.....

Her eyes scrolled down to what she had just read, hoping that she had saw things earlier.

Crime Record:
Two accounts of assault.
Fifteen accounts of murder by electrocution.
Ten accounts of misdemeanor.
Thirteen Felonies.
Years spent in jail: None.
Excuses: 40.

Were these even correct? How could they let a person this dangerous into the school? Now there were two criminals if not three, she had to check out the other male Grey,Katsu next.

Crime Record:
Twenty accounts of mental assault.
Ten accounts of murder by mental assault.
Five accounts of murder by explosion.
Years spent in jail: None.
Excuses: 35.

[[Amazing right? All of those murders yet no one could pin the blame. Well! *laughs* Oh well!]]
Now there were three criminals! Of course she didn't check the others statuses in the crime world. Though she didn't want to waste her time looking through records. She watched the two walk up the stairs in perfect unison, they weren't twins, but action-wise they could pull it off.

Katsu looked back at her from the corner of his eye and she froze, her eyes widening in horror at what she saw. She saw herself dying, again, and again, and again, in the same exact way each time. The secretary held back a scream, her face now ghost white. She then fainted right there, on the spot.

Katsu smirked in a wicked fashion and looked at Perish.

"You know you shouldn't be doing that to faculty." Perish said messing with a strand of her hair as they walked up the large staircase. It was entertaining though, no matter how many times he invaded and corrupted minds, each time was always different. The reaction was different, and the looks on their faces were different.

"I understand." Katsu said shortly and they reached the top of the stairs.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kargoth on Sun May 04, 2008 11:05 am

While the new students were being sent to whatever quarters they were assigned-hopefully peacefully, the young man known as Raymond Killroy was beating on a lead filled punching bag-clse to two tons of it, considering the last time he used a normal bag it nearly dissinigrated under his first blow..and he'd only gotten stronger since then.
His black gloved fists worked in a hypnotic blur, dissrupted occassionally by a powerful elbow,knee, or shin-since in kickboxing you were taught never to kick with your foot-you used your shin instead. His ebony eyes narrowed as he pushed himself to his current limit, blows that could tear through solid steel rammed home at a speed no natural being could achive.
As he wound down from his attacks, he stepped back and wiped a thin sheen of sweat from his forehead and laughed, his voice like a speeding tank. "Time to check on the newbies" he chuckeled.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby muketsu_bara on Sun May 04, 2008 9:49 pm

Landing on the doorstep, a young woman of twenty-three flips her long midnight blue hair over her slender shoulder and folds two giant black wings with red tips closed. Danleea "Danny" Smith pushed open the door to the school, fixing the bag on her shoulder.
Before the secertary could say anything, Danny answered, "Danleea Smith, mind telepathy and animal speak." Danny took the paper that the secertary gave her and started to leave the office, humming softly to herself. There was a bounce in each of her steps as she walked to join the rest of the students.
Groaning lightly, James took a deep breath and slowly walked up the steps to the front doors. He did not want to be there, he wanted to sleep some more, but schooling called. He ran a slender pale hand through his short spikey black hair and scratched at his head roughly.
"State your name and your powers, please," the secretary said as soon as James pushed open the door to her office.
"James Finnely, Pyrotechnesis," he said with a sleepy tone. He yawned as she searched through the papers and handed him some. "Thank you," he said politely and left her office to join the others.

Dan Thomas watched a fearie and a guy walk into the school building. His shoulder length brown hair hiding his eyes lightly. A tiger's tail twitched behind him as he shoved his hands into his pockets and walked up the stairs. Shouldering the door open to the secertary office, he sighed lightly, "Let me guess. Name and powers, right?"
"You know the drill, then," she said with a slight smile.
"Daniel Thomas, shapeshifting," he said softly and quietly.
"The other students are waiting," the secertary called after him.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lorki on Sun May 04, 2008 10:34 pm

Uneasy, alone, with a look of confusion and loss on her face. The blood seemed to have drained from her visible skin, the light gray tank top that clung to her form looked like the most colorful bit about her. Behind her, pressed close against her body her wings almost ached with the pressure she was using to keep them as close to her as possible. Her choppy dark hair hung over her face, her golden eyes were wide, scared. As she moved towards the office she crossed one arm over her navel, the other was dragging along a duffel-bag. There was a hold up in the line, she peered ahead but couldn't see quite what had happened. A voice called for an emergency switch of shifts for secretary. She moved forward as the new lady seated herself.
"Eh... Uh, Keiray... Keiray Allson." She said, her voice small and quiet.
"Keiray, Powers please?"
"Uh.. yeah, well flight, agility and uh... control over feelings."
The secretary looked at her, almost quizzically. "Thats new, they'll have to get a name for that one."
Keiray laughed awkwardly at the joke. Keiray took the papers she was offered and smiled, the secretary said something that Keiray didn't hear, rather then ask what had been said she just nodded and turned away. Confused about the process, confused about where exactly she was going and feeling horribly out of place she wandered, glancing at a map of the campus and attempting to head to the cafeteria.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArdentFalchion on Mon May 05, 2008 4:33 am

{{My bio's on the OOC page. I apologize for my impatience.}}

No carrot had ever done anything to deserve being cut up by Echelon.

He found cutting boring, so he always got it done as fast as possible. Not that he got clumsier while moving faster, but he found it so boring he never concentrated on what he was doing. Carrots and any other foodstuff that required cutting ended up looking like mosaic tiles. The other cooks found it rather annoying.

Echelon moved quickly through the kitchen, stirring soups and adding ingredients at mind-numbing speeds. An oven was turned on, a kettle was taken off the stove and some stew was sloshed into one the tureens in the space of a few seconds, the stew making a humorous clong as it dented the the shiny tin.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aslin on Mon May 05, 2008 4:50 am

Anastasia removed her headphones and settled them around her neck as she approached the secretary.

"Name and powers?" the secretary asked her without actually looking up.

"Anastasia Crimson. Powers, atmokinesis and flight," she answered confidently. Anastasia was not one to feel awkward no matter how alien the situation.

"Hmmmm atmokinesis. There are only a handful of you'll in this school. Alright then, here's your key. You're in room 108 with another girl. You may want to go find your room first or..." the secretary began but Anastasia politely cut her off.

"Actually I am kind of hungry and I really need to get some food. So..if you could point me in the direction of the cafeteria, I would be grateful Miss...Hannah." Anastasia grinned as she read of the secretary's name from her tag on her shirt. Miss Hannah looked up at Anastasia and for just a second, got distracted by her eyes. Anastasia was used to people staring at her eyes. It was a strange feature; those green eyes that seemed to have a tinge of gold in them.

"Well of course. Here's a map of the campus and the cafeteria's that way," Miss Hannah recovered and pointed to the right."

"Thanks." Anastasia took the map and moved toward the direction she had been pointed to. All about her were students both new and old. Just for a second, Anastasia's sparkling eyes dimmed as a frown formed upon her face. She faltered in her steps as she thought of what she had left behind; the people that she had lost. But as quickly as that frown had appeared, it was gone and was now replaced by her usual smling face.

She reached the cafeteria.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonspirit22 on Mon May 05, 2008 8:07 am

(sorry for posting without approval, but I just couldn't wait for it to start!!!)

Vada was patiently waiting in line, listening to the other students names and powers. "Hmmm, Anastasia Crimson, atmokinesis and flight. I might become friendly with her." She thought, as she approached the secretary. "Name and powers please." "Well, my name is Vada, and My powers list is kinda long so if you don't mind waiting..." Vada said, staring at the secretary, who stared back at her . Unlike Katsu's name, Vada meant Water, which was both pleasant and disturbing when you think of what water can do. The secretary sighed and simply said "Just get on with it.". "Well, I can control Fire, including lava and lightning only under the sun. Water, which includes ice, steam, mist, clouds, plants, healing, and I can control animals only under the full moon. Earth, including sand and metal, and Air, plus Climate and Hurricanes/tornadoes." Vada stopped for a breath of air, while the secretary stared at her once more. An elemental? Interesting she thought. "OK, here is your-" "Wait, I'm not done yet." Vada said. "I also have an ability called the Avatar state, best for you not to know. I also have immunities to anything except all forms of non-magical physical household items, physical contact and primitive weaponry." She concluded, smiling. The secretary stared at her with wide eyes. That's Quite A long list. Let me see her record, I hope she isn't a fourth criminal. The secretary thought, and looked at the computer.

Name: Vada

The secretary scrolled down to the criminal record, ignoring everything else.

Crime record:
Years spent in jail: None
Excuses: 0

She sighed. Good. Not a criminal. She picked up a key and said to Vada "Here is your room key. You don't have a roommate, but you will soon." She said. "Here is a map of the school and You should go to the cafeteria to eat." And Vada walked of. However, she didn't go to the cafeteria. She went straight to her room. As she opened the door, she smiled at the golden wallpaper and the four-poster bed. She put down her suitcase and started to decorate the room with tapestries that had strange symbols of them. But in reality, they meant Water, Earth, Air and Fire.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kargoth on Mon May 05, 2008 12:51 pm

Raymond strode down the hallway in his exercise clothes, wich consisted of some black cloth shorts decorated with skull & crossbones. He had'nt seen any of the newbies yet, but he figured he would soon enough.
He came to his room, and after entering got dressed in more appropritae clothes, a grey t-shirt and some jeans..along with some shoes and socks.
He left soon after geting dressed, and headed towards the lunch room.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lorki on Mon May 05, 2008 2:32 pm

Keiray Shuffled through the papers, her golden eyes darting across the words, taking in bits of the information on them. Out of the pile a key fell to the ground, she bent and picked it up, the number 110 was engraved on it. She'd forgotten to ask about the rooms, she wondered halfheartedly if she'd have a room mate or not. A slight ripple almost seemed to run through her body, the feathers on her wings ruffled. A pulse, she like to call it, the way she manipulated emotion and feeling. She was attempting to calm her nerves, to suck up her uneasiness, but she had found many times that the only persons emotions she could not manipulate at all were her own.
"They'd better have decent food." She mumbled to herself as she entered the cafeteria.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArdentFalchion on Tue May 06, 2008 6:30 am

As the new students entered the hall, Echelon rushed to their side excitedly. He was currently in the process of tenderizing some meat, and was now gesturing wildly with a bloody mallet while a rump steak that had seen better days flopped around in his other hand.

"New blood, I see. Welcome! Welcome. Always good to see fresh minds. Behave, or you'll end up in the soup, yes?"

In complete deference to his personality, Echelon had the clear and clipped tones of a university professor. Pretty impressive, for a man wearing an apron stained with miscellaneous substances.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aslin on Tue May 06, 2008 10:17 am

ArdentFalchion wrote:As the new students entered the hall, Echelon rushed to their side excitedly. He was currently in the process of tenderizing some meat, and was now gesturing wildly with a bloody mallet while a rump steak that had seen better days flopped around in his other hand.

"New blood, I see. Welcome! Welcome. Always good to see fresh minds. Behave, or you'll end up in the soup, yes?"

In complete deference to his personality, Echelon had the clear and clipped tones of a university professor. Pretty impressive, for a man wearing an apron stained with miscellaneous substances.

Her eyes widened at the picture the man made. She could not help but laugh. The tone of his voice contradicted his appearance. Eccentric was the first word that popped into her mind.

Eager to get some food, Anastasia picked the nearest table and dumped her duffel bag onto the chair. Her fringe fell forward onto her face. Using her right hand, she brushed it away from her face and walked towards the man who had all but shouted to the newcomers.

Standing before him, she asked, "What's on the menu?" She smiled at the man. He seemed not much older than her and had a very friendly face. "I haven't eaten in awhile and really need a bite."

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kargoth on Tue May 06, 2008 10:32 am

Raymond looked around the as he entered the lunch room.."Interesting" he said to himself as he moved through the line.."How're the newbies looking?" he asked Echelon, the schools quasi-cook as he picked up his tray..pepperoni pizza, cheese fries, and a cherry pepsi.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ArdentFalchion on Tue May 06, 2008 4:28 pm

"Pretty clean, pretty clean. Should be a good year, yes? Very promising."

Here he dashed into the kitchen and came back out brandishing a small chalk board. He handed it to Anastasia. On the chalk board was a hastily written menu.

"Of course, names mean nothing. As a wise man once said, what we really have is protein in all the colours of the rainbow. Maybe some food colouring."

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lorki on Tue May 06, 2008 5:33 pm

Keiray steered around what appeared to be the cook, talking hastily to a few students. She avoided glancing around the crowded noisy area, rather she steered herself directly towards the food, as she did she tied back her hair, although most of it was too short to fit in a pony tail it got some of it at least out of her way. She picked up a few things, a burger, and apple, water and wondered away from it, she didn't look as bluntly confused as she had before, but a slight unease still clung to her.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KatsuXGuujin on Tue May 06, 2008 6:34 pm

Jake walked over to the cafeteria line, a look of nervousness on his face as he took a tray and passed the meat completely, he almost jumped when the man greeted everyone and he waved, the man didn't notice he supposed. But he went over to the vegetables and fruit, taking a variety of each, including a Caesar salad. He then walked over to the cash register and pulled out a considerably large wad of cash, pulling out a ten from the bundle.

"Is that all? Would you like a water?" The lunch-lady asked him with a curious look. He nodded and she got it, adding it to the total, the cash register then made a ding noise and popped open, she put the ten in and collected a certain amount before setting it in his open hand, which went into his pocket. "Seven fifty is your change. Have a nice meal!"

Jake nodded and smiled sweetly, his snakebites glinting as did his wings. He walked over to a table near the back and sat down, beginning to eat his salad neatly.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonspirit22 on Tue May 06, 2008 7:11 pm

Vada finished decorating, and as she did she collapsed onto the bed. Touching her necklace, she wondered about her past life, back at her own world. The past she left 3 years ago... what has happened? The war is over, and she is sure the Zuko is keeping the peace. Azula burned up, unlike her, when she was falling into this world, so she is no longer a threat. But she has left her people, it is her duty to protect the world. But how can she return? Vada pushed aside these questions as her stomach began to growl. She took to hide cases filled with water from her suitcase, and attached them to her back with leather straps. And with that, she left her room and made her way to the cafeteria.

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Re: The Association of the Abnormal.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lorki on Tue May 06, 2008 7:41 pm

Keiray trailed after a boy with wings, they didn't seem specifically rare in this place but feeling uneasy she still kept hers pinned and folded stiffly against her back. She took a seat at a small and lonely table near the back, finally relaxing a bit her wings feathers ruffled, a glint of rusty red on the underside of each feather shone through. She leaned on the table with her elbows and took a bite of her apple, glancing about the room, taking in every face and situation.

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