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Assassin's Pledge: Ragnarok

The Five Nations

a part of “Assassin's Pledge: Ragnarok”, a fictional universe by KumoriRyuu.

The secret is out, and a nation-wide war has begun between forces in the shadows. Now without a creed, Te'i Sai's wrath and cruelty know no bounds. Now caught between two nightmares brought to life, how will you survive?

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Assassin's Pledge: Ragnarok”.
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The Five Nations

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KumoriRyuu on Sat Dec 21, 2019 3:35 pm

Okay, so this is the BIG one! (Probably ^^;)

(Also, it's a work in progress so please forgive me if I update it in chunks. There's A LOT of info to put here.)

Cre' Est

Cre' Est was the first nation founded on the continent (which is why she shares its name) and boasts the largest population among her siblings. She occupies a central location on the continent, and this is not an accident. The original settlers had a beef with the inhabitants of Mar' Valoa at the time of the continent's settling millennia ago, and they wanted to be as far from the coast and as close to high ground as possible. Settling along the central mountain range was ideal, as it gave them an advantageous position against the occasional war parties which tried to reconquer them.

Cre' Est's culture in the present time is eclectic, and has adopted numerous traits of the cultures which have emerged around them throughout the centuries.

Cre' Est's landscape is largely comprised of open rolling hills and lightly forested pockets along the border with Veilbrand and near the central passageway in the mountains (the upper passageway on the map). Along the mountains, there are many cliff side villages and towns which are breathtaking and boast some of the finest views in the world as they look out over the land below for dozens of miles. Towards Triveila, the land grows a bit softer and more marshy, but not nearly as bad as it does once you actually cross the border.

Cre' Est's language is what we know as English in the real world, but there are several phrases and sayings which are commonplace amongst the populace and unique to Cre' Est as a nation which include (but aren't limited to) the following (and I'm open to discussing creating more such phrases with you!):

* By The Gods - This phrase is used in times of shock, exasperation, boredom, and rage. And in most cases, it's a nice way of saying "Dammit" or "God Dammit." This phrase is used by people from Gweynura, Triveila, and Veilbrand as well. Shaharan is the only nation which doesn't use this phrase naturally, but some individuals have adopted it depending on their exposure to other cultures.

* Smiles Be With You - This phrase is a short and ultra-polite way of saying "the Gods smile upon and bless your journey," and is used almost exclusively by women. The reason it's considered "ultra-polite" is because it's inherently mindful of the fact that the recipient might not be monotheistic (most of Cre' Est is monotheistic), and acknowledges the potential that the recipient's faith includes multiple Gods by making "smile" plural instead of singular.

* Kro'lahk - This is a derogatory phrase (yes, it's a phrase, not a word) used exclusively by men, and comes from Cre' Est's "Old Tongue." The phrase translates to one of two things depending on the context of the situation: "Fuck it all," or "Burn in Hell."

* To The Heavens - This phrase has three meanings depending on the context:

1) In war time, it's used by commanders who know a battle is lost, but seek to boost morale and ensure one last brave charge. In this instance, it means "Fight well and prepare to meet the Gods!"

2) In a positive situation, such as the death of a loved one, it means "May the Gods welcome you home."

3) In a negative situation, such as during an execution of a convicted felon, or when you kill someone you deem to be wicked, it means "Divine judgement awaits."

Cre' Est's core cultural beliefs are as follows:

1) Cooperation and Community - Every settlement in Cre' Est, be it a tiny village to a sprawling city like the nation's capital, Valkyom, has a sense of community. People value the concept of getting to know their neighbors, and it's considered a custom to participate in public events like festivals or artistic performances. Many families in Cre' Est have strong inter-family bonds with several other families in their area, and some even have bonds with families in other villages/towns/cities across the nation or even the continent. Cre' Est's people are almost always willing to go out of their way to help a stranger, as it's part of the culture to "think for others before yourself," a mantra taught from an early age in schools and churches.

2) Acceptance of Differences - Cre' Est has a very strong belief in respecting the religious faith, personal beliefs, and attitudes of those not like yourself. Attacking someone, be it verbally or physically, over differences in such aspects is considered dishonorable and will almost immediately result in a public report (if someone's around to see it and make the report) leading to a public trial. During this trial, depending on the severity of the offense, you could receive community service, temporary or permanent confiscation of personal assets (like property), prison time, or even death (if the offense is particularly egregious such as murdering someone over an ethnic grudge).

3) Weapons - Cre' Est has a tolerance for weapon ownership, but discourages public brandishing of weapons by the general populace in response to any public disputes. Drawing a weapon on someone over a mere disagreement, for example, is considered Attempted Intimidation, which is a minor crime punishable by a fine up to 500 Gold and potential confiscation of personal assets depending on the severity of the offense.

If a major dispute erupts in public, it's encouraged to do what you can to resolve it with peaceful means. If the patrol guards have to intervene, they are authorized to use force at their own discretion to resolve the issue in whatever way is most efficient. This has caused public unrest among the populace in recent years, as there seems to be fewer and fewer punishments upon guards who take it too far.

A recent example (recent by the RP's start time, anyway) is a woman who had an argument with a market fruit stand owner, and she was given ten lashings for simply pointing at and touching his chest. The guard who issued the order was a personal friend of the stand owner, and thus many have cried "foul" about this incident. But as yet, no punishment has been given to said guard for stepping over the line.

4) Art - Cre' Est is the artistic hub of the entire continent, and boasts more artists across all mediums than all four of her siblings combined! Be it sculpture, painting, pastels, charcoal, pottery, fashion, metal work, or what have you, Cre' Est is the place to be if you want to make a name for yourself.

As promised, it's time to discuss Cre' Est's adopted cultural elements (there are more, but these are the main ones):

1) Strong military and diplomacy before conflict - This was adopted after losing a war to Veilbrand in the year 1184 2.E. Veilbrand's military, despite being fewer in number, were better trained and had the advantage of knowing the terrain and used it to their advantage to route Cre' Est's forces time and again until they ultimately surrendered. Thankfully for Cre' Est, this war didn't yield them losing anything significant. However, they were forced to recognize Veilbrand's sovereignty and draw up borders on their map. Following this, Cre' Est stopped relying on numbers and started relying more on proper training, tactics, and smarter diplomacy before physical conflict.

2) Artistic freedom - Before the year 73 3.E, Cre' Est enforced massive nationwide censorship of artwork depicting the human body or any suggestive and/or sexual themes. But during a renaissance period around this time, and thanks in no small part to the efforts of a Gweynuran artist known only by her signature of Ha'kti, freedom of artistic expression and fascination with any and all themes was finally accepted into Cre' Itian law. However, there were still some restrictions. Art depicting overtly sexual themes, such as intercourse, was kept to private residencies or private art shows and out of the public eye. And it remains so to this day. However, artists no longer need fear being arrested for sexually themed artistic endeavors as they did before.

3) Polytheism - Before the year 373 2.E, polytheism was illegal in Cre' Est as the Monarchy's faith was monotheistic at the time and they were highly devout, almost to the point of being zealots. However, when this particular Monarchy came to an end with the mysterious deaths of the King and Queen, and no successor to take over, a new King was named who was far more lenient and opened the way for legislation allowing for the freedom of faith nationwide. He was previously a resident of Triveila, which is polytheistic, and thus implemented this acceptance into Cre' Itian culture. It took over a decade for it to become widely accepted by the populace, but once it had it was there to stay. However, most Cre' Itians are still monotheistic.


Shaharan was one of two regions on the continent with native peoples who had existed here long before Cre' Itian settlers arrived. Sporting darker skin tones due to their desert home's harsh climate, when the light skinned Cre' Itian settlers arrived there were, at first hostilities. Over time, agreements were made to respect each other's space. But it took centuries for trade and socio-political relations to develop between them and the light-skinned intruders.

In the present day, Shaharan and her people are known for their toughness, discipline, and survival instincts. The Shaharan military is the largest by volume in the five nations, with almost 60% of its population officially being enlisted from the age of 14+. Service is largely obligatory, including mandatory hand-to-hand combat training, weapons training, and at least two years of border patrol service before you're allowed to return home. Come time for actual combat service during war time, you're only required to participate if the war effort is within 20 miles of your home. If not, service is optional. However, due to the Clan-focused nature of their culture, and their emphasis on inter-Clan bonds and oaths of aid and cooperation, the chances of Shaharanians not serving in war time is slim to none.

Speaking of inter-Clan bonds, that's the social structure of Shaharan. The Clan is "family" in Shaharan. Though not directly related by blood to most of your clan, they are family nonetheless. Family in Shaharan looks out for one another, fights for one another, bleeds for one another, and dies for one another. Inter-Clan bonds are often established in order to ensure peace between territories owned by each respective Clan. Conflict within Shaharan's borders are met with serious consequences for its citizenry, and even more so for non-citizens. It's highly dishonorable to engage in combat outside of wartime, be it an inter-familial skirmish or a Clan vs Clan affair. Inter-Clan diplomacy is encouraged and enforced with the goal being a unified nation as its young government works towards establishing a more stable socio-political structure in order to keep pace with the rest of the five Nations.

The government of Shaharan is a Monarchy, with a single Clan of "noble" birth serving as the Royal Family. It's a crude mimicry of Cre' Est's governmental model, but unlike Cre' Est it doesn't have a Senate to help further divide and distribute political power and balance its decision-making process. What the Royal Family says goes in Shaharan, like it or not. And while they are an honorable bunch, as stated before the government is young, and their skills with international diplomacy are... Somewhat lacking.

Some of Shaharan's most commonly used phrases include:

* Heresta take you! - Heresta is the Goddess of War and Glory in Shaharan culture, and this phrase is used in numerous ways from exasperation with someone who's frustrating you, to a battle cry in a duel to the death.

* Your spine's made of sand - This is an insult meaning the recipient is a coward.

* Tame yourself - This phrase indicates that the recipient is too eager to accomplish something, and needs to chill out and get their head on straight.

* A mere morsel - This phrase is used to show confidence in hunting, and indicates that even the ferocious beast in your sights, powerful as it may be, is no match for you as the hunter.

Shaharan's core cultural beliefs are as follows:

1) Family - It was stated before, but the Clan is family. And family is everything in Shaharan. Family will die before allowing anything bad to happen to one another. And something in Shaharan which isn't really understood by others is that Shaharan families never ostracize or disown one another, no matter how serious the disagreements or inter-family feuds may become. To cause any fracture in the family is to bring shame and dishonor upon yourself, and also smear the family's name and status in society.

2) Survival - Shaharanians are desert hunters, survivors, and they thrive in the harsh climates therein. At a young age, usually age 5, Shaharan children are left alone for exactly 72 hours in the desert to fend for themselves. Before this, however, they are taught the basics of survival such as how to locate water, hunt for food, etc. But it is up to the children once their parents leave to survive the next three days. If the children survive, they are returned home, tended to if need be, and honored as a survivor. To survive this rite of passage brings honor to the family and to oneself, and is a foundational piece of the respect you'll have for the remainder of your life.

From time to time, children do not survive this rite of passage. When this is so, their bodies are retrieved (if possible), and they are given a burial in a specialized cemetery for those who weren't strong enough to make it. It's not dishonorable, but it is disappointing.

3) Marriage and Children - Marriage does not exist in Shaharanian culture. The primary focus of this section is children, as women of Shaharan are very particular about the men they choose to be with. The goal is to give birth to healthy, strong children who will have the greatest chance to make their bloodlines proud. To that end, they will take measures to ensure that their mates are worthy of siring a child, and this usually means a duel to first blood. If she can draw first blood, he's not worthy. If he draws first blood, she will test him in other, less obvious ways to ensure that strength is not his only desirable quality in being a sire.

4) Honor - Honor is everything to the Clan as a whole, and there are numerous ways to ensure honor is achieved throughout one's lifetime. To name but a few: having strong and healthy children, serving in wartime efforts, earning scars of battle, surviving hunts for the most dangerous game in the desert, forging bonds with other Clans, eliminating rival clans from national competitions of strength, endurance, and survival prowess, etc.


Triveila began as nothing more than a modest fishing port town on the Northwestern coast, established by Cre' Itian vagabonds around the year 3026 2.E in search of a spot to call home. What began as nothing more than a simple and humble fishing village rapidly blossomed into a prosperous town within the first five years of her founding, thanks to the bounty of the sea and the fact that the people adapted quickly to the landscape and water-focused lifestyle. Guided by a longtime man of the sea and expert deep-water diver and hunter, Aasui Koa, the town's name was changed to Triveila, meaning "Heart of the Ocean," and once trade was established between her and Valkyom, the rest was, as we say, history.

Today, Triveila enjoys the calmest socio-political atmosphere among her siblings, and has the most laid back life style. Nobody's ever in a hurry, and everybody gives regular thanks to the sea and her bounty at every meal. To neglect your payment of respects to the sea during meal time is tantamount to slapping someone in the face, and is considered bad luck among the populace.

Triveila has outlawed the use of weapons in public, the only exception being the National Guard, of which there are detachments at every major town and city across her landscape. Thankfully, threats in this land are minimal thanks to the marshy terrain and fertile lands which produce aplenty. Take care of the land, and it takes care of you. The largest threat to Triveilans are the large predators that roam the marshes or those which hunt at the water's edge along the coastline. However, Triveilans have largely figured out how to live with/alongside them without much conflict. But when conflict occurs, the creature usually ends up as a trophy for the hunter who slew it. Thanks and grace are given to the creature, and the trophy mounted not in honor of the conquest, but the honor of the cycle of life. Nothing goes to waste.

Speaking of, that's another thing about Triveila. Nothing goes to waste. Everything about the creatures they hunt are put to use. The bones, skin, scales, flesh, etc all have a purpose and are all used in Triveilan culture. Jewelry, dream catchers, clothing, ornaments, artwork, and more are all crafted using the remains of the sea's plentiful bounty.

Triveila lives in Polytheism, with the centerpiece of their worship being Auxereilla, Queen of the Gods. Legends say that it was from her mighty trident that the Gods of Trifecta were born. Yu'ku Ta (female), the left Trifecta, whose long, graceful limbs create the push and pull of the tides. Merunh (male), the right Trifecta, whose icy white gaze guides the path of the moon through the sky. And Ho'li (female), the center Trifecta, whose exciteable temper transforms the waters of the world from a calm lull to a raging maelstrom and back again at the snap of a finger.

Beneath Auxereilla and the Gods of Trifecta are three more Gods. Lathu'um, Goddess of the harvest, and the only Goddess in Triveilan religion linked to the land instead of the sea. Gahkti, God of the Skies, who controls the clouds and precipitation throughout the year. It's said that whenever a storm rages, it's a squabble between Gahkti and Ho'li. And finally, Fehran, Harbinger of Luck and Misfortune, whose mischievous antics change the fate of those caught in his path daily.

Some of the more common phrases used in Triveila (in combination with the core cultural beliefs) are:

* Flow well - To "flow well" is a wish of good tidings for the spirit of the recipient in that it wishes not for an easy path forward, but for the strength to "go with the flow" and ride out the good and bad to the best conclusion possible.

* It's ice to water - This phrase is a gentle way of saying "it's just the way things are," and implies a sense of hope in that water flows ever forward along its path and will not stop until it reaches its true destination (and even then, there is still a sense of flow to it).

* Tempest claim you/me, and/or Tempest, lay claim to me - (This phrase is used in honor, recognition, and appreciation for the contributions to a previous Assassin's Pledge RP by another role-player) "Tempest claim you/me" is used in exasperation and anger, and is essentially a nice way of saying what for us is the equivalent of "Fuck my life!" or "Goddamn it, you moron!" "Tempest lay claim to me" is a phrase used with a sexual partner, and is a very provocative invitation to not hold back in the sheets.

Triveila's core cultural beliefs are as follows:

1) Harmony with the sea - This is a given, and should come as no surprise. Take care of the sea, and the Gods will take care of you.

2) Give back Twice what you receive - This one is confusing for foreigners, as it's usually taken to mean that if someone gives you something you have to give them back something twice as valuable. But this is not so. What this means is to give thanks not only to the sea as an entity and child of the Gods, but to the Gods themselves each in turn for providing you with your gifts. Always Auxereilla is the first to receive thanks, followed by the Trifecta from left to right, and the final three in any order desired. Most who are superstitious will thank Fehran first in hopes of gaining his good grace, and to not receive the butt end of misfortune from his antics in the near future.

3) Sheath your blade - This is a saying among the people of Triveila, but it's also a core belief system as well. To "sheath your blade" means to cease aggressive verbal conversation, or calm yourself before what is likely to become a physical altercation if nothing changes. The "blade" is your body and your words, as both are capable of inflicting wounds as deep as any cut from a blade, and which last longer than any poison. Sheath your blade, my friends.

4) Honor Your Fortune - Like the previous entry, this is both a saying among the people, and a core belief system of Triveila. The "fortune" in question is your life, and the phrase quite literally means to live a life worth living, which is how Triveilans believe they honor the Gods who watch over them. To throw one's life away is to dishonor and disrespect the Gods who gave it to you. And while many foreigners believe this clashes with the "typical" understanding of honor and chivalry such as sacrificing your safety and well being to save another, this is not so. In Triveila, to throw your life away means to waste it doing nothing, or to waste it on trivial and otherwise empty pursuits such as a life of crime or isolation from society.


Veilbrand has a very turbulent history, to put it nicely.

It began during the time of its founding, around the year 2309, 2.E. From the beginning it was bathed in the blood of war, as two warring factions of Cre' Itian vagabond colonies fought over the prime real estate that would become Valoc, the nation's Mountainside capital city. The victorious colony, led by General Eigrus Veilbrand, conquered and vanquished their rivals outright, leaving none alive. Many didn't agree with this "cleansing," as he called it. But none dared challenge him .

Today, not much has changed.

Veilbrand has always had its social and political troubles, ruled in a Dictatorship that has always favored the ruling individual over the many (aka the people). But things in Veilbrand found stability around the year 0736, 2.E. Since that time, it's mostly been a life of peace despite constant struggles against Cre' Est whose cultural beliefs just won't let them leave the selfish dictators of Veilbrand alone. Over 20 individual wars have been fought between the two, nearly all ending in a stalemate and ceasefire agreement, soon after resulting in uneasy peace treaties. Trade between Cre' Est and Veilbrand is heavily moderated, and tariffs have been placed on Veilbrand by Cre' Est due to numerous disagreements between their respective ruling powers throughout the centuries on the prices and volumes of goods.

The current dictator is Egruus To' Veilbrand, and if his name sounds familiar, that's no accident. His birth name was Erego To' Kohlad. His father was a Commander in the Veilbrand military, and his mother a nurse at a local clinic. Raised in the Monotheistic church worshiping the God Saumn, Erego was a devout believer and follower of his faith which demanded obedience to one's parents, respect of one's elders, and humility in the face of fortune (know your place beneath those wealthier than you). Growing up under his father, he served in the Veilbrand military himself and rose to the rank of Lieutenant. Not long afterwards, on a routine scouting mission, his best friend, Ja'nli Deurte, was killed by a blade to the throat, thrown from the darkness. Erego fought to save his friend, to no avail. With his best friend's blood seeping from between his fingers, Erego, alone and isolated, began to change.

Nobody knows exactly when or why it is that Erego seemed to snap, but snap he did. Twelve years ago (from the RP's start time of year 574, 3.E), Erego challenged the then ruler of Veilbrand to single combat for the right to rule. It was viewed by many as a foolish effort on Erego's part, as he was both smaller and leaner than the dictator whose imposing figure made him tower over his challenger. And the fact that the ruler himself had been a military veteran didn't help the matter. But to everyone's shock, Erego emerged victorious and decapitated the previous ruler with two mighty swings of his sword. The first broke through half the spinal cord, the second severed it through, splashing blood everywhere, including Erego's face.

Licking the blood as it fell, Erego declared himself the ruler of Veilbrand, and announced that from this day forward he would be known by a new name: Egruus To' Veilbrand. He also announced that things would change. That Veilbrand's time essentially worshiping those more fortunate than you were over. That the people would finally take center stage in the political system, and that the "dictatorship" was soon to crumble and give way to something new... But these promises were never kept. Whatever caused Egruus to snap before his challenging of the previous ruler drove him to insanity within weeks of his ascension. He began bedding dozens of concubines, siring over twenty children within his first year on the throne. He began hoarding the nation's wealth and increasing the "value" of his already lavish lifestyle (making the entire Master Chambers he slept in out of golden walls, floors, and ceilings). And he essentially abandoned the duties he was duty-bound to uphold, including the overseeing of wealth distribution which, despite whatever problems the people had with previous rulers, there was always just enough to get by. But with Egruus, that changed, as the nobility began hoarding what Egruus didn't take for himself, throwing the rest of the population into extreme poverty.

Today, lawlessness abounds and crime is more heavily concentrated across this nation than the rest of the four nations combined. It's one of the reasons why, 8 years ago, a Revolution began and has been waged ever since. However, progress has slowed considerably in recent years due to the lack of significant success lowering the people's morale and will to fight. Without anyone willing to join the cause, the Revolution is dying. Whether it will die off entirely or not remains to be seen. But its life is, nevertheless, ebbing away.

Common phrases heard in Veilbrand are:

* Gold for blood, then? - This question is used in mockery of an unfair deal, and usually implies that the recipient is viewed as a corrupt, or at least greedy, pig.

* Noble/Nobility (used with an extremely sarcastic tone) - These two words are derogatory to the people of Veilbrand, and are meant to imply that the recipient is just as evil, greedy, and out for blood as the rest of the "nobility" that panders to Egruus and feeds off his scraps. In rare instances, the recipient may be made aware that the one throwing the term at them views them to be as bad as Egruus himself.

* Slip on a red carpet - This phrase is metaphorical for walking on a layer of blood, usually the result of the recipient being guilty of bloodshed in one form or another. For example, if someone you knew snitched on someone else which resulted in their death, you might tell them to slip on a red carpet, meaning "go slip in the blood of the person you got killed."

Veilbrand's cultural beliefs (or at least the first two) come in two parts; One, the beliefs of the nobility, and Egruus. Two, the beliefs of the people:

1) (Egruus + Nobility) Wealth is Power - This is self explanatory, and says everything about who these people are.

1) (The People) Respect Your Neighbors - The people of Veilbrand fight hard for one another because nobody else will. However, this is difficult when the entire social and political structure you've lived by for so long begins to crumble as it has under Egruus' rule. Within a single town, there can be as many as fifty small and tight nit communities which band together for safety and who help one another fight to survive. In larger cities, such as Valoc, the capital, the number of communities can reach upwards of two hundred. And it is within these communities that the phrase "respect your neighbors" is used, "neighbors" meaning those in your community; NOT those outside of it.

2) (Egruus + Nobility) Egruus' word is Law - Do not question Egruus, or death awaits. Fairly straightforward.

2) (The People) Never Forget - The worship of Saumn as the God of Veilbrand remains strong in the hearts of the people. Egruus has attempted to outlaw that faith, as he no longer believes in Saumn and thinks of himself as the "God" of Veilbrand. But you can't so easily strip the faith from the hearts of those who have strength yet to hold onto their faith.

3) (The People) Wealth Corrupts - To have too much money is considered a bad omen among the people, for two reasons: One, it's likely to get stolen or you're likely to be killed for it. Two, wealth in Veilbrand has become synonymous with "evil," and nobody wants to be considered part of the evil "nobility."

4) (The People) Watch Your Back - This phrase is as old as humanity, but in Veilbrand, it takes on a whole new meaning. At any time if you lose focus, you could be stabbed in the back by a murderer, taken by a rapist, or beaten to unconsciousness by a desperate soul seeking their first meal in over a week.


When Gweynura was founded, around the year 3056, 2.E, it was at first a lumber town shipping its goods to both Shaharan and Cre' Est, as demand for it was high in both. However, this created a rift between the people and the forest, and it became clear to them that nature was fighting back. And it was fighting to win. Nightmarish beasts (Hell Hounds) of the darkness, bears as big as a small house, big cats (black panthers) large enough to tackle and drop a horse, began attacking them in droves and killing them off at a rapid pace. For a three year stretch, they were forced to abandon the forest entirely. But it was around this time that a wise man came and warned them of trying to tame or subdue the forest, and the reaction the Gods would have to such a crime against this world, their Child. While the beliefs of the wise man weren't shared from a religious standpoint, the rationale behind his warning struck home.

Once they began to live alongside the forest, rather than try to take what they could because they could, the beasts began leaving them alone and the forest seemed to accept them. At the time the leader of this community, Gweynna Urios, led them to prosperity and unity with the forest and a new Monotheistic faith in the God of the Forest, Eirhteim, was established. When Gweynna died, the town, which soon after became a full fledged city, was named in her honor.

Today, Gweynura enjoys a life of plenty not unlike Triveila. Its art, music, and woodworking (obviously) are all the envy of the continent. Their ties to the Earth give the people a seemingly never ending supply of enthusiasm for life. And trinkets, charms, or other nick knacks tied to the forest are always close at hand. If there was one thing to be said about Gweynura, it's that its people can sometimes be a little too friendly for the taste of others. Gweynuran culture accepts and encourages physical contact such as hugs, cheek kisses, and a special greeting between good friends where one cups the neck of the other and presses their foreheads together. Be it male or female, these gestures of affection are commonplace and perfectly acceptable to Gweynurans. But to foreigners, it's often a source of discomfort or embarrassment.

Some common phrasings used in Gweynura are:

* Breathe with the wind - This phrase is meant to help someone calm down, and feel the air flow around them and try to synchronize with it in a kind of meditation.

* Don't test the fangs - This phrase is a warning to anyone who tries to tame or control the forest, and hints that the great beasts of old may find and make a meal of them for their arrogance.

* Palm skyward - This phrase is a reminder to remain humble, and be more willing to give than receive.

Gweynura's core cultural beliefs are:

1) Eirhteim's Grace - Eirhteim is a benevolent God who blesses his children daily. When wrong is done either in his name, to his children (the forest and its inhabitants), he reacts with passive aggression. It's said that when the nation was being founded, the beasts which drove them out were not rabid killing machines as thought at the time, but rather messengers whose intended message was not properly understood. The poor reception of their ancestors drove the beasts to defend themselves, as often their ancestors instigated attacks or "defense" measures against them when they arrived. As such, today, when such beasts arrive, they are thought to be Eirhteim warning the people that somewhere there has been a misstep, and that it must be corrected. During such times, they gather and discuss what could be wrong in an attempt to regain good favor with Eirhteim.

2) Nature Is Finite - Gweynurans believe that every tree is as unique an individual among its kind as humans are unique unto theirs. When a tree is cut for lumber, a new tree is planted to take its place. When water is taken from rivers, streams, lakes, etc, new water is carried from deep water wells in the city and dumped into said river, stream, or lake to refill what was taken. To never take nature and its bounty for granted is the heart and soul of Gweynura's daily routine.

3) Music Heals All - Music is absolutely fundamental to life in Gweynura. Wooden flutes, stringed instruments, drums, and more, are all used daily by performers which number in the dozens, if not hundreds, in every city nationwide. Children are taught to play an instrument they fancy from age 3 on up. And to walk the streets without hearing live music is said to be an extreme misfortune, as music played from acoustic instruments are believed to be the closest thing to Eirhteim's heart that humans can get. His voice is, after all, supposedly the epitome of "angelic."

4) Wealth Lies Within - Gweynura is unique among her siblings in that knowledge is the ultimate form of wealth in this culture, and as such they have abandoned all forms of coin-based currency. Their "economy" flows not through money, but through equal material trade. If you want someone to help build your house, you do labor for them in exchange. If you want to receive a special meat at a vendor stand, you bring them produce of your own. Almost every family in Gweynura has a small farm to call their own, a well for water, and access to the rights to cut the lumber they need for personal projects (so long as they replant the trees they cut). To live a fulfilled, healthy life is the ultimate form of "wealth" in Gweynura.
Kumori Ryuu

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