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The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

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The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:52 am

The Masquerade Ball

Warner Michaelson, a kindly, wealthy but eccentric old man, and his rather attractive grandchildren, Philip and Belle, who you happen to be good friends with, are throwing a masquerade ball on Halloween night. Those who were invited were told to dress in those old masquerade ball gowns or suits and bring along a mask, whether it be full or half or whatever, and you actually marvel at the idea of a ball. You picture yourself in a grand ballroom, all the matter of fancy hair, fancy gowns, dashing young men dressed for the occasion and to conceal their identities, each one wears a mask. Exciting, no? Yes. This is a masquerade ball. And one day, a strangely old-style envelope sealed with red wax with the seal of the Michaelson family turns up in your mailbox one day and find that you're invited.

More character driven goodness! :D Alrighty then. You can fall in love, you can be old flames... Yes. But I'm only allowing some sort of limit. Yuss. Limits. Good, good. Now for the rules : Follow RPG rules at all times, please be literate, follow the set code, post at least a paragraph or more with five or more sentences, be creative and have fun! :D
Oh yeah, and one more thing. If you're vying for a spot and another one comes along, don't fret. I'll be comparing profiles. :)

About relationships, do PM the user if you want your characters to be connected in some way. This is after all a place where anything could happen. Maybe a jealous fight? Rekindling old flames? Starting new relationships? Meeting new friends? It could go anywhere.

Walter Michaelson
The patriarch of the Michaelson family. People often fear him because they don't really know what Walter Michaelson is really like. Walter, or Grandpa Walter as the youngsters call him, is unusually... Unusual. He has a weird taste in things, although his mansion seems to be in order, it's all thanks to his level-headed wife, Bridget, that his mansion isn't filled with melting clocks or an Easter island head. He also likes to mingle with youngsters, trying to see what's cool in the 21st century, what with all the iPhones and Motorola Droids and Facebook and Myspace and Shutter Shades which he happens to love, but can only wear considering he can't live without his bifocals... Oh, old man Michaelson has a lot to learn.

Bridget Michaelson
With every patriarch of the family -- in this case, a nutty patriarch -- there's always a loving, supporting and equally amused and-slash-or disappointed matriarch. Mrs. Bridget Michaelson is a kind, sweet lady, but if you get on her bad side, she'll be like Mrs. Crumplebottom on a very, very horrible day. Don't underestimate this little old lady.

Played characters
Note: You can sign up as Michaelson kin or just strangers who were invited by friends of the hosts.

Philip Michaelson

Belle Michaelson

Laurena Josephine Michaelson

{more to be added}

Lyssa Daphne Lewellyn

Poppy Darling and Angel Christopher Silverstone

Salem Jericho Earni

Sydney ...

Lindsey Marie Petit

Annabella Rose

Code: Select all
[right][img]REAL PHOTOS ONLY. feel free to add more if you wish.[/img][/right]
name here. full name, if you please.

any number of nicknames.

does your character pee standing up or sitting down?

age range is about... nineteen onwards. for a reference, Phil is 21 and Belle is 19.

[b]How do you know the Michaelsons?[/b]
put how you're connected to the Michaelsons. you could be Phil's ex girlfriend, Belle's ex boyfriend, Grandpa Warner's mistress... or you could be a friend of a friend.

just give a sneak preview. the rest is to be revealed in the RP.

your character's background, basically.

[b]What're you wearing to the event?[/b]
your gown/suit and your mask! pictures, please.

anything you feel doesn't belong in the history. like likes or dislikes, pet peeves, all that.[/justify][/size]
Last edited by wednesdaysun on Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:52 am, edited 5 times in total.
"Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind."

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby White.Lie. on Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:54 am

I'll make a character sheet out of this post when I get home from school, but I just wanted to say Im interested!
I--------i don't wanna have to make you cry,
I don't wanna leave with you tonight.
I don't give a----

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SilentButterflies on Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:09 am

Lyssa Daphne Lewellyn


Sitting down. xD She's female.


How do you know the Michaelsons?
She's mainly one of Belle's best friends, but she did have a thing with Philip once. But that's all it really was. A thing. <-- (If that fits in with your character o'course. :])

Ah, Lyssa. Where to begin. Lyssa Daphne Lewellyn's the kind of girl that mother's warn their sons to stay away from. She's flirtatious, cheeky and pretty dangerous, especially when it comes to the opposite gender. Having always had a fiesty side, she's the kind of the girl that you can't tame, the kind of girl that will go against what anyone will tell her to do and she doesn't worry about who might be hurt in the process.
A little like a black widow spider, Lyssa weaves her web of enchantment and awaits whoever might be willing to get caught up in it. She'll pounce where their blood flows the strongest and use whoever it is to her advantage before dropping them again when she's finished. Cold and really quite careless, as long as she gets what she wants you'll find Lyssa to be reasonably happy. And if she can't then she'll go to any lengths to get it. She is not the kind of girl that will let you say no to her without putting up some kind of fight.
Quick and witty with her words, Lyssa holds an almost unmatchable intelligence and has a way of putting things that would put her parents to shame. Despite how society might frown upon her views, she would not be afraid to voice them or speak the truth, nor would she hold her tongue unless she deemed it necessary. The twenty year old is a woman that knows herself well and knows her limits, thus resulting in fantastic self-control and a coolness about her that could freeze a crackling fire. And with her almost innocent and childlike facial features creating a false sense of security for those around her, most people are unsuspecting of the danger that seems to come as a package deal with the wealthy daughter of a Mayor.
I guess I could give her one thing though; she doesn't pretend to be something she's not. Lyssa is not the kind of girl to blaspheme behind someone's back and then smile sweetly to their faces. She won't hide her opinions, rather she likes to offer them around.
See, the question with Lyssa is not, does she has a good side? But more like, who has the patience to try and find it?

Born on the 21st of June, to wealthy couple Marissa and Barry Lewellyn, it immediately became evident from a young age that Lyssa would not grow up with all of the loving care and support that a child should have.
Marissa Lewellyn had never wanted children, she did not want to spoil her glorious figure, it was in fact Barry that had forced the woman into it as he wanted a male heir to continue his family's legacy. However, much to both parent's dismay, the boy that they had been hoping for actually turned out to be a little girl, resulting in divorce and a whole lot of unhappiness. Marissa refused to give Barry another child in fear of too many stretch marks and he got frustrated in more ways than one and filed for the end of their marriage, leaving mother and daughter alone in a large family mansion with too much space to know what to do with.
It was from here onwards that Marissa went on a downwards spiral, resulting to nothing without her husband and day after day drowned her sorrows in a bottle of Vodka, whilst Barry took his sperm elsewhere and found another woman, Melanie who is now pregnant with her first child and it is rumored to be the boy that Lyssa's dad always wanted.
So, as you can imagine, Lyssa did not have a very happy upbringing. Always being in the care of her nanny rather than her mother, she was always a child who played on her own and didn't earn herself many friends at school, simply because kids were too scared to her approach her. At a young age she became immune to her mother's drunken rants and saw her father probably only once a month at the most.

It was when Lyssa hit high school did she meet her first love, Simon and you wouldn't believe it now, but she really did madly fall for him. So surprisingly for the first years of her private school life, she became the kind of star student that a lot of other kids looked up too. She was talented in terms of music and dance, with the voice of an angel and the fluidity of a calm ocean, she earnt herself fantastic academic grades and had an all round happy life. Except for the escalating problems at home as her mother became worse and her father still didn't give a damn because he was off trying to find himself a new wife.
And as these problems reached their climax, Lyssa's world fell apart. Simon was found in bed with another girl, breaking his girlfriend's already cracked up heart, her mother was taken to hospital with liver disease and her father found his god awful new wife, a woman that Lyssa could not stand.
And so, the sixteen year old cracked up from there. She dabbled with drink, drugs, self-harm, anything to try and cry out for help. But it didn't work and still nobody took any notice, which ultimately led to where she is today, the bitch with a nasty sting.

After leaving high school and attending college where she furthered her music and dance studies, Lyssa met her now best friend Belle and her brother Philip. For some known reason, Lyssa found it kind of easy to open up to them, more so than anybody else but that could have simply been because it had been so long since she had anybody to talk to, it got to the point where she'd have spoken to anybody and the two just happened to be there.
As for the thing with Philip.. That's all it was really, a thing. Lyssa found herself with developing feelings that she let slip at one point but quickly, very quickly pulled away again and stamped them out. She's terrified of feeling and at the slightest hint of something in her chest she scarpers quicker than a rabbit that's just heard an unusual sound. And even though it was a couple of years ago, she still avoids him like the plague.

So a little overview:
- Lyssa lives with her mother, a ditzy recovering alcoholic. She takes care of her, not that anybody knows this other than Belle.
- Her father is the mayor of a small town in the country and is now married to Melanie who is pregnant with his son.
- She no longer talks to Philip.
- And she's still studying performing arts.

What're you wearing to the event?

Dress - Because it's all about making a statement ;):

Mask (In the same colour as her dress xD):

Lyssa has a flare for art and seeing things. For example, most would look at the dress she's wearing for the ball and laugh, but she knows it's gonna' look good with her dark brown hair and pale skin.
She's afraid to fall in love and runs away from her feelings a lot.
Underneath her awful exterior, Lyssa's actually quite quiet, shy and a little funny, but you have to press the right buttons to get the best out of her.
She's obsessed with reading and she hates rap music.
Ballet is her favourite form of dance.

Oh dear. I hope you don't mind my joining; I just got hit with inspiration for a character when I was reading through. D:
Damn my overactive mind. I should be doing art coursework, but meh. Your idea sounds better to me. xD
Oh and editing! :]
Last edited by SilentButterflies on Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:55 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:17 am

Poppy Darling.

Poppy hates all nicknames given to her.



How do you know the Michaelsons?
Poppy is new in town and was welcomed by a resident who knows the Michaelsons well, this resident offered to take Poppy to the ball as a +1

Now Poppy Darling is not a girl to live in the clouds, she is very much a practical person who doesnā€™t lie, she will tell you horrible truths but not once will she lie to you. She sees the world through criticizing eyes, often finding the bad side of things before she finds the good. She only really engages in things she finds interesting and will not pretend to listen just because it makes someone feel better. She likes attention, so give her lots of it and you will get along just fine.

At first Poppy will come across as snobbish and arrogant, mostly arrogant, but get to know her and she can be bubbly and almost kind hearted. If she feels comfortable around you it will show because she will begin to let herself go a little, but most of the time the girl hides behind a mask. Her gaze stone cold and measuring.

Poppy grew up in a small town where everyone knew everyone else, since turning 13 sheā€™d wanted to escape from it but her family tied her there. During her teenage years she had a close friend, Gabe, who she loved dearly, a sort of typical love story went on between them for the longest time before he went somewhere she could not follow, a hit and run took his life when she was 18. For the next year she moped about in that small town, sort of drifting from job to job, staying in her room most of the time. When her parents decided it was time for the annual clear out Poppy found a letter wedged between the floor board beneath her bed, written in Gabeā€™s distinctive hand writing. It revealed a horrible truth.

Gabe knew there were people after him, heā€™d been into drugs behind her back and lost a lot of money for some big shot dealers. He apologised just once for the drugs, and only then it was for not telling her. He finished the letter with a simple a love you and a hope that if he did die she would pick herself up and get on with her life, he wanted her to get out of the small town.

She did what he asked, feeling torn because she had trusted him to much, she said good bye to her family and left to travel. A few days after her 20th birthday she stopped in another town where she met a young resident who offered to take her to a ball, and something in her clicked, willing her to go.

What're you wearing to the event?

She hates water, she hates being wet, she takes quick showers as a necessity. She also hates fish, she has a small phobia of being in water with them and the smell makes her gag.

Angel Christopher Silverstone.

He despises all nicknames.



How do you know the Michaelsons?
He is a close friend of Phillipā€™s [If thatā€™s ok]

Angel is pretty relaxed most of the time, he likes to be the centre of attention especially when it comes to women. He is charming and knows he has the looks for it. This makes him cocky and arrogant. He often looks down on others, if he finds them unworthy of him then he wont talk to them. However he thinks the human race is pretty amazing, he loves people for their warmth and fun but not if they are uninteresting. He knows that life is short so will not waste his time with pointless babble, instead he chooses to only do things that have a point to them.

Angel likes to be in charge, he has a very dominant personality that has gotten him into and out of trouble many times in his 22 years. He is used to getting his own way and is not afraid of getting into fights, he claims to have never started a fight in his life, itā€™s simply the fault of his outgoing and sometimes snappy personality. You will find that Angel is always in motion, he finds ways to keep himself moving through what can appear to be nervous habits.

Angel is your classic kid who has always wanted adventure, when he was young he used to play at being a pirate who looted a thousand different worlds, or a space man who entered a black hole to find himself elsewhere without a second thought. He was even the prince who saved the princess from a fire breathing dragon, or a band of thieves or an ogre. Anything his mind could imagine.

He lived with both of his parents and is the youngest of four brothers, this means that he has had to grow up tough. His brothers often left him out as he was 5 years younger than the third oldest so had to entertain himself, as he began to rebel against his parents and get into fights his brothers began to pick on him more and more until he hit back, he always lost any fights against his brothers and they have never fought one for him yet heā€™d still protect any of them with his life.

He lives on his own now in a small one bedroom flat, a good few storeys up, with his pet fish Pinocchio.

What're you wearing to the event?

Last edited by Waste. on Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:42 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirai-chan on Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:05 am

I definitely want to take part in this roleplay, but I don't have time to write up a character sheet right now so I'll write one out at school then type it out and post it when I get back.
BTF Fanatic Girls: Angel(Craig)~Kirai(Mike)~Puppy(Matt) <333

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:37 am

Another one.
Why do I choose Jared Padalecki? Good question. XD I don't know.
Philip Chandler Michaelson

Phil, Picky, Mike

He pees standing up.


How do you know the Michaelsons?
He is a Michaelson.

Ever since he was a young boy, Phil has been the unusually quiet and shy one, tending not to talk unless necessary or if you give him a reason to talk. At parties, you'll find him being forcibly introduced by Grandpa Walter or Grandma Bridget to other people, possibly perspective girlfriends or new friends and perhaps links to other families. You'd often find him in quiet places, taking solace in the peace that is being alone. If you catch him alone, he can be as talkative as his other friends are, which can be quite surprising. He finds confidence in being isolated but occasionally, he needs company to keep him sane. Phil is also pretty much a people protector, looking out for the people he cares about the most and making sure that they are okay.

Like his grandfather, he's also known to be quite silly and funny. If he's caught alone, that is.

Phil was born to Robert, the heir to the Michaelson ship manufacturing company and his wife Melissa on a chilly March day. The environment was calm and quiet, as his parents marveled at their first son. They were young then -- his mother was in her early twenties working for a bank and his father was only an apprentice to his father, trying to gain ranks to be one day in a high position like his father. Little Phil was their pride and joy, but his parents would often find him early in the morning looking and taking care of all the different plants in the garden, and eventually they let him go hiking with his older cousin, Bernard, who was a teenager at the time. He also exhibited some talent in music and art and when he was bored, he'd take in all the information he could possibly take in in his parent's library. Then the end of his boredom came when his beloved little sister was brought into this world.

He and his sister were brought up normally despite their status in society, which made them both quite level-headed and sensible, not dabbling in drugs or sex or alcohol (Although he does still drink). Both he and his sister are in college, he studying to become an engineer and his sister wanting to become a musician and artist. He did want to follow that field, but he felt that it was up to him to live up to the family name and took Engineering instead, taking a minor in Mathematics as it was one of his interests.

Along the way, he met his friends Angel, Joey and Salem and several of Belle's friends, especially Lyssa. Yes, he did fall for her, but strange how everything fell apart just as quickly as it had started. Now that she's stopped talking to him, he's been especially curious about her.

What're you wearing to the event?
Coat, what's inside that coat, the mask, his hat... And don't forget the trousers and shoes! :)

Phil was called Picky as a child because the boys in his neighborhood picked fights with him but he never seemed to budge. Strange, yes, but it was true. He was a black belt in Aikido and is an 8th dan in Judo, but he's never really practiced much considering that he's busy with college. He strangely knows how to knit and crochet, and when he's not busy reading tonnes and tonnes of books on industrial engineering, he knits himself toques and those cute knitted hats for him and his sister, and little teddies for his nieces. Phil is currently single, but is interested in someone from his college named Fianna Holbrook.

Going to add in that other profile soon. :)
Last edited by wednesdaysun on Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:17 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby &Analissa on Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:49 am


Belle Nichollete Michaelson

Bells, Nikki, etc.


Nighteen years of age.

How do you know the Michaelsons?
Belle is a Michealson herself! Born and raised in the Michealson family, Belle is the hostess of this Masquerade event.

Being raised in a wealthy family, Belle is expected to act proper and preform the proper entique around others in her class. A fun loving girl inside, Belle has no problem in acting polite and using her manners in front of her family. Those who know Belle better, however, know she is a frivolous, outgoing teenager at heart. Belle has many friends, both wealthy and poor. She doesn't care what class the person is, she likes to have friends with different personalities and appreances- they make her life exciting.

The second born child in the Michealson family, Belle was said to be a miracle child. Her older brother, Philip, was only a mere two years old when beloved Belle was born. The only daughter of Melissa and Robert Michealson, the name Belle was chosen symbolizing a start of new life. Growing up, Belle had developed a certain liking to animals. When Philip and Belle were still kids, Belle would often escape the mansion to spend time outside with their neighbors dog, Rusty. At school, Belle would often beg her parents to let her stay after school to help out at the pet adoption center. Belle was often spoiled as a child, and was expected to grow self centered and concieted. She did not, however. During the year she turned 14, Belle went through a stage where she was often rebellious and started to become fiesty, thankfully, she quickly outgrew that stage.

When she entered high school, Belle was beginning to find her true self. She started to major in music and arts, where she practiced her vocals and played a variety of intruments. She continued to have an interest in animals, and her parents suprised her with a dog on her 16th birthday.

Some sports Belle likes to play in her spare time include; swiming, volleyball, track and iceskating.

What're you wearing to the event?


-One thing Belle doesn't tell most people is that she dreams to go bunge jumping one day before she dies.
-She is currently single.
-Belle likes going rock climbing.
-She still helps out in the pet center every Saturday afternoon.
-Belle loves to watch comedy movies.
Last edited by &Analissa on Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lego's Apex Predator on Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:50 am

ImageƉen Twee Drie Vier
Phoenix Michelle Dragomir

Phoenix, Kitten, Michelle, Dragomir Princess

Last time she checked she peed sitting down.


How do you know the Michaelsons?
My family is in good standing and I'm friends with Belle. I'm not that close of friends with her but I'm one of her outer friends.

Phoenix is different then her name suggests. She's not fiery but more calm and quite. She likes to watch things to help her learn how people work. Phoenix is also sweet and caring and she can be somewhat protective over what is hers. Phoenix was raised to mind her manners no matter what she does. She isn't overly jealous of anyone or anything very often.

Phoenix is the daughter of Aleksei and Marielle. Aleksei is Russian and Marielle is French/Italian. Phoenix is also the twin sister of Joey. Phoenix and her brother are the oldest in her family but they are closely followed by their younger sister. Phoenix was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on May 14, 1990. Phoenix and her family moved when she was five and they quickly settled into life. Phoenix's parents were excited when they found out they were going to have another baby when Phoenix was nine going on ten. Phoenix and her brother understood and they were happy they just weren't sure they wanted to share.

When their little sister Maryse was born it was a lot of adjustment for Phoenix and Joey but they soon grew to love their little sister. Maryse didn't push Phoenix and Joey out of the spotlight like they had expected but there were equally loved. Phoenix took over a lot of the duties when it came to caring for Maryse because their mother was traveling a lot. Of course Marielle left when Maryse didn't depend on her. Tragically when Phoenix was seventeen and Maryse was seven Marielle died in an accident over in France. Since then Aleksei has been raising his kids on his own.

What're you wearing to the event?
Image gloves, shoes
Image White feathers instead of black.

Phoenix speaks fluent Russian, French, and Italian. Phoenix likes to hang with both her brother and younger sister even if it seems like a lot of work. Maryse is almost like a daughter to Phoenix. Phoenix has a pet calico kitten named Michelle. Phoenix likes to sing.

ImageƉen Twee Drie
Joey Dimitri Dragomir

Jo, Dimitri, Dragomir Prince

Last time he checked he peed standing up


How do you know the Michaelsons?
Like my sister my family is in good standing. I'm also a close friend of Philip. Unlike my sister though I'm slightly closer to Philip then she is to Belle.

Joey is much like his sister in most of his respect of his personality except there is a distinct difference. Joey can sometimes be a little more hard headed and has the fiery ability that his sister seems to lack. Which means he can snap when he doesn't mean to.

Joey grew up much the same was as Phoenix but he got into fights more often. When his mother past away Joey grew away from his family a little and got into fights because the kids made fun of him because of the accent that can be heard after he's gotten done speaking in Russian or French. Joey was snapped out of his depression when Maryse flashed him a look and told him that she needed her brother. Joey helps up around the house to help their father and sister.

What're you wearing to the event?

Joey speaks fluent Russian, French, and Italian. Joey has a Akita Inu named Chris. When Joey has free time he likes to listen to music and he can play the guitar.
Last edited by Lego's Apex Predator on Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Image Thank you to gloomysunday for the awesome new banner. It goes to a story I'm writing.

My Photobucket

Image Thanks to Myth for the awesome signature.


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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Fallen on Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:13 am

Annabella Rose

Anna & Bella..some guys call her Dolly.



How do you know the Michaelsons?
Annabella knows Belle from when they were younger. Preteens to be exact. They were close friends, spending a lot of time together, but eventually they grew apart, and Annabella and her family moved away. Now, some years later, Annabella moved back, and ran into none other than Belle. Turns out they still get along, though very different now.

[Sneak Peak]
Annabella is a very kindhearted person, who genuinely cares about her friends and family. She is a very loving and nurturing type of person. For the most part, she is one of those people who will try anything at least once. And she loves a challenge. Annabella doesn't favor being the center of attention, but can be a lot of times due to the fact she can be a bit...extreme. She likes to do things differently, becuase who wants to be like everyone else? She is someone you would expect to see in an action or ninja type movie maybe. She is also a little bit of a helpless romantic.

Annabella had a troubled upbringing. Her mother did drugs, drank, and brought "strange men" home at night. While her father, was helpless and did the only thing he could do and what was take care of her. They never had much money, all they did was seem to get by. No one seemed to understand either because her father was a businessman and worked hard for his money, little did they know the things it would end up buying. Annabella spent most of her time in her room watching movies, drawing, writing, or playing video games. Anything to get away from her mother. Her father always used to tell her that she's not a bad person she just has "problems." When things hit rock bottom Annabella met Belle. She was around twelve then. She immediately got along with her, as well as her family. She couldn't believe the things she had, though she more just liked being with someone and taking refuge in a "normal" house. The two of them were friends for a couple of years, until her mother eventually overdosed. Leaving her father depressed thinking it was his fault for enabling her. Because he seemed to lack all drive and initiative to do anything, they ended up moving away and with his mother, away from Belle and her family.

A couple years passed and finally, her father got better, apologizing to her. He told her "do what makes you happy." Being she was in a rut herself. And from then on, that was what she did. She got weird hobbies, playing with swords, knives, daggers, collecting them. She became a blackbelt in karate, she skydived, snorkled, she learned to breakdance. She went to battles. She cosplayed, she dyed her hair white. Started her funky dresses. But she was happy. And this made her father happy. Now some years later, the two of them moved back, to the neighborhood with bittersweet memories.

While Annabella was throwing daggers one day, she daw Belle. She was surprised. And thought it funny that she was throwing sharp objects when they talked. Seems they are different now, but they still get along. She got invited to the ball as a lets catch up welcome back type thing.

What're you wearing to the event?
Lastly, a sword. She thought it would be cool.

Annabella can seem...different sometimes. While she does like the basic things such as drawing, writing, reading, music, singing photography and all that, she also has a different side to her that's hard for some people to quite grasp. Almost like what you would see in those action adventure movies, Annabella is the girl that will be seen throwing daggers at apples on people's heads or slashing bags of rice, shooting cans or targets, with both a gun and a bow. She'll challenge you to a swordfight, but be warned, she means the real deal. She can be seen doing tai chi on the front lawn, or karate inside the house. She's the one who will jump out of planes, or challenge herself to get out of chains underwater. She's the girl who can't dance in a sensual or seductive way, unless you call breakdancing sexy. She sleeps with pink fluffy stuffed animals on one side and a sword on the other. Clearly not someone you want to attempt to rob or anything. She's not wild and crazy or anything, she's just different. She does her own thing and is happy with it. When people think she's weird, she just thinks it's a good thing. Because who wants to be like everybody else?

Annabella hates conceited, disprespectful, mean and rude people. It hits a nerve with her. She also dislikes being around drinking, drugs, or smoking. She thinks they are all bad for you, can hurt you, and it's just not needed so why do it? She hates spiders. She is one of those people who will run out of the house and down the street stripping off their close and spazzing out trying to get rid of one. Then she'll feel like it's on her all day long. She alos hates the sight of spider webs. She doesn't like laziness, she thinks it's wasting time and potential, but she wont hold anything against you. One thing that she despises is messes. If she sees one, she has to clean it.

Currently Editing.....
Last edited by Fallen on Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:19 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:26 pm

I made a guy seeing as most people here are girls, if two characters aren't allowed I'll simply delete Poppy.
Let me know.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby &Analissa on Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:37 pm

Edited my other post. I hope u don't mind me adding a middle name for Belle...

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:38 pm

I will be making a man, ladies and gents, reserve me a spottizle, meanwhile, I gotta go to class right now.

smoke it, feel it, fly it high.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:57 pm

Salem Jericho Earni, sounds kind of like a nickname of the name Ernest, 'Ernie'.

'Sally' as a joke to his buddies, usually just Salem, like the town.

He pees standing up, yes.


How do you know the Michaelsons?
Philip's Best Bud.

A sneak peek? Well, let's see, he's a ladies man, he is slightly cocky but he's an ambitious and self-respecting individual. His intentions are 'usually' genuine, otherwise, he's your regular charmer.

Salem Earni was born to Penelope and Jericho Earni, an average family with a close-knit extended family. In his earlier childhood, he was expected to be an only child, doted upon as the perfect son. Then came a little girl, Argentina, when Salem was only four. Immediately after little Tina, Salem was gifted with a little brother, Dominick. All throughout childhood, Salem was considered Tina's Bodyguard and Dominick's role model.
By the time Salem reached high school, he was the eye candy for any girl in his classes, a star athlete, and basically the Mr. Cool of high school(Ha! I rhymed.)
Now, with Argentine eighteen, just graduated and away at college, Salem and Dominick are left at their home, Dominick still in high school at seventeen. Salem is currently commuting to school to study medicine, his ambition to become the chief of Medicine at a local hospital.
Though Salem has never been seen as self-centered, he might appear a little cocky. What with a good life and no one denying him anything, he's pretty confident in terms of self-actualization.

What're you wearing to the event?
Mask and Suit

-Has his eye on Bella, Philip's little sister.
-His grandfather was good friends with Warner.
-Is thinking of becoming a surgeon instead, no one knows this.
-Brought a gorgeous date to the masquerade (A total narcissistic Bitch.)

Laurena Josephine Michaelson


Sitting down, what a ghastly question!


How do you know the Michaelsons?
Philip and Belle's Aunt, Warner's daughter.

Two words: Shameless Cougar! She's naturally a passionate, determined woman with logical ambitions and an independent attitude. She's sweet, maybe a little flirtatious with handsome men, that often tend to be quite younger than her, it's just that she hasn't met any man older than her that holds as much energy, ambition, and passion as her.

Spoiled rotten, all of her life, her parents, Warner and Bridget loved their daughter and their son, Robert. But while Robert was able to get married and have two gorgeous children, Laura was an aging bachelorette, and although she still, to this day, looks very good, she's getting worried that she won't ever find a man to stay with, someone who matched her in every way, or filled in, in parts she lacked.

Parties were her forte, her habitat, like a wild animal so in control, it seemed hardly possible. She's happier, more social, and can put on the perfect hostess when at parties. This time, she has lent her hosting powers to her niece, quite proud how beautiful her brother's daughter has become, what she needs now is a gorgeous boy and she's be set.

What're you wearing to the event?
The Gown and The Mask

Laura enjoys being called Aunt Laura by Phil and Belle, but she will not, by any means, be called Aunt by their friends, after all, some of Phil's friends are just too cute to handle.
Last edited by Rawrr on Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:01 pm

SilentButterflies, you're most definitely accepted. :)
Waste., your characters are marvelous! Don't take Poppy away! You're accepted too.
&Analissa, you're accepted.
Fallen, Annabella's profile is looking real good! I hope you do finish. You too, Rawrr. :)

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby White.Lie. on Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:24 pm

Sydney Laim Cate

Sid. Sidders. Something along those lines.

Sitting down :]


How do you know the Michaelsons?
Belle and Sydney have been friends since the diaper ages.

Sydney is very...calm. Quiet. Of course, she loves talking, but only if someone asks her a question or something. Then she'll ramble on forever. Her voice is sort of deep, but very smooth; she usually just makes small remarks that are smart alec-y.
Sydney was born and raised in New York; her mother was a surgeon and her father was a ..well. Her father left Nancy, Sydney's mother, when she was 5 months pregnant. Apparently he had 'Better things to do than watch her belly get bigger and bigger until a spoiled brat popped out.' But he said that when he was drunk-which is all the time- so Sydney didn't really feel offended when she was told this. Of course, she was a spoiled brat; heck she lived in New York..who wouldn't be? Her and her mother lived in a rather roomy and expensive hotel in the top floor. She still lives there, and her mother is still a surgeon. However, she doesn't act near as bad as she used to when she was a teenager. Only because she snuck into the hall and over heard her mother's conversation with one of her sisters; crying over how bad Sydney acted. That pretty much put an end to the brattyness, bringing forth the angel that she is now.Short. I know. I couldn't think of anything.

What're you wearing to the event?
Her Mask Annnd her dress.

Likes: Drawing, Dancing, singing, and track.
Dislikes: Disrespectful people, players.

Done, unless there's anything else you need:}
Last edited by White.Lie. on Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirai-chan on Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:59 pm

Lindsey Marie Petit

Lin Lin, Lindy, and Ree Ree



How do you know the Michaelsons?
She actually is their maid, but sheā€™s also good friends with Belle.

Lindsey is a very sweet and kind girl when she wants to be. More like when she has to be meaning when sheā€™s working. When sheā€™d not working is when she can be herself. Sheā€™s sarcastic and tells you how it is. She speaks her mind frequently and has a sort of strange humour. If she knows you very well sheā€™ll joke around with you, but at the same time sheā€™ll be very kind. Yes at times she enjoys peopleā€™s pain, but if sheā€™s friends with you then sheā€™s ready to kill whoever hurt you. She has a fiery and hyper personality thatā€™ll keep you on your toes.

Lindsey was born in France to Marie and Rauol Petit on July 7, 1990. Her mother is where she got her middle name from. She grew up with a mother who loved her dearly and a father she wasnā€™t very close to. From the time she was six years old her parents relationship had been on the rocks. When she was 16 they finally divorced and she stayed with her mother who moved out of the country. Through school she met Belle Michaelson and instantly became friends with her. Soon she got a job as the Michaelsonā€™s maid and became a closer friend of the family. She was very happy to find the invitation to the masquerade ball that the Michaelsonā€™s were hosting. She couldnā€™t wait since she figured it would be a ton of fun. So with the money she saved up she found a dress that she fell in love with and a mask to match and is now awaiting the night of the ball.

What're you wearing to the event?
Image Dress
Image Mask

Lindsey knows both French and English and actually has a French accent. She loves kittens and isnā€™t a fan of dogs. One of her pet peeves is that she canā€™t have any of her foods touching and if she has candy that are different colors then she has to separate the colors and eat her least favourite first and so on until she has he favourite color left. Sheā€™s also supposed to wear glasses, but she hates her glasses so she doesnā€™t wear them.

I may make a guy soon, idk yet though.
Last edited by Kirai-chan on Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lego's Apex Predator on Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:05 pm

Finished. I also added her brother.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:01 pm

After I finish with Salem's profile, I might just add in another character. Wed, is it fine if Philip and Belle's Aunt comes along to the party? She's quite the cougar. XDDD


Finished with Salem's profile and started on Aunt Laura's.

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:33 am

Cougar? Roarrr, Rawrr. That sounds like an interesting twist. XD Sally's accepted, just so you know.
Citizen Princess, White.Lie. and Kirai-chan, you're good to go. :)

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Re: The Masquerade Ball [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Fallen on Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:21 am

I finished 8D
And my character is bringing a sword >D because shes weird...
(You know, if that's okay with you xD)

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