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The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby River-Koi on Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:25 pm

Matsumi frowned slightly at the amount of blood seeping from various places on Ishmal's skin, wondering exactly how much of it he actually felt. However, as she sat up he was already tossing something over towards the group of soldiers. Luckily for her she heard her acquaintance whisper to her in time to lower her head into her palms and cover her eyes with her fingers. But even still, through her fingers and eyelids, she could make out a flash of some sorts and a few shouts from the men not too far away. By then she heard Ishmal speak again, and remained silent as she closely followed his silhouette towards the soldiers' vehicle. She had an idea of what Ishmal was probably planning to do, but pushed it to the back of her mind in hopes of it turning out to be something else. But, she was proved wrong as he broke the glass on one of the doors. "Are you crazy?" Matsumi finally blurted out in a whisper. "Do you know how much trouble we could get into if they catch us?"

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The_Lone_SOLDIER on Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:59 pm

Reaching the top of the ridge above him, Grayeson slowly climbed himself up till he was fully on top. His SMG slung up as he scanned the area with his eyes, exaiming the landscape before him. Sure that he was free of any patrols or scouts, he started sprinting towards a small rocky hill for cover. In mid-step, a blast of dirt and sand erupted from the ground followed with a thunderous crack of a rifle. Flipping over a rock big enough to cover him, Grayeson landed on his back and quickly crawled with his back against the rock. That was definately a scout sniper team, probably fitted with the high-powered anti-material .50 calibur rifle Kyn'tul used. If that round would have hit him in his chest, he would have been in pieces right now.

"Lone Wolf calling Wolf Den, respond!" Grayeson said into his com-link.

"Wolf Den responding, whats your situation Lone Wolf?"

"Ran into a Kyn'tul armored patrol, managed to disable their vehicles. Dived into the valley below and eluded a few more patrols before hearing your call. Managed to scale a mountainside and dodged a scout sniper, now reporting to you."

"Roger that. We will send in a gunship to take out the sniper, hang tight. Wolf Den out."

Grayeson shook his head as he heard the report to stay-put. It wasn't something he liked to do, especially when it involved snipers. Kyn'tul were renowned for their snipers ability to conceal themselves and outmaneuver their enemy. But as seen before, they didn't have the proper training to handle their high cailbur weapons or how to aim accuratly.

The man who is really serious, with the urge to find out what truth is, has no style at all. He lives only in what is. ~Bruce Lee Philosphy~

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikey Wheels on Tue Aug 18, 2009 2:13 pm

Ishmal continued to brush away broken glass on the door of the jeep as Matsumi spoke. What was he doing? It seemed like he was opposing most of what he believed in... but, no. These were not real soldiers of Kyn'tul- these were just school yard bullies dressed in uniforms.
"Do you know what kind of danger we'd be in if we just stayed?" Ishmal replied to Matsumi's question. This is what she wanted anyway, right? A little action, a little bit more excitement away from people... essential treason covered most of those qualifications.
"We need a way out of here. I'm doing my best to find one. Are you going to get in, or will I be driving away on my own?"


OCA22 tightened her gloves around her hand as she observed Drex Karnigan. The boy was indeed a boy- she breifly contemplated how this young man was supposed to aid the Oteaga Corporation in finding the Arcanum, but only briefly. Her programming for this mission involved assesing Karnigan's skills, not requesting his aid for the Corporation. Karnigan needed to be tested, to see if he could be trusted.
"The Republic welcomes you, and hopes that you will become an associate of ours. There are several matters that require our attention that your assistance would be obliged."
The boy cocked his head to the side. OCA22 recognized this as the quirk that is visible in many biological humanoids when they are processing information- although the boy did not appear as if many thoughts were running through his head.
"So... you're from the Republic?"
OCA22 felt it necessary to lie.
"So what's going on? Why do you want my help?"
The chessboard was laid out in front of her again, the white pieces lined up neatly on the other side. The pawn on her side needed a bit of a nudge to get moving. She would need to move conservatively this time around... OCA22 accessed a broad database of the recent history of Kyn, relating events with a bias towards the Republic.
"Territory disputes broke out over a chain of islands between the Republic and the Kyn'tul Union shortly after the tribes of Kyn'tul united. This particular batch of islands is valued for its natural resources. The Republic had a fair claim to the islands, yet the Union moved in troops to occupy it. Fighting broke out as tensions escalated, and full fledged war broke out when the Union assassinated the subject known on-file as War Minister Cullock and bombed several seaside cities. Since then more territories have been called into question by the Union, all of which are rightfully under the control of the Talnak Republic."
OCA22 tightened her gloves again. The Union did not have anything to do with the death of Minister Cullock or the coastal bombings. The bullet buried in the head of the War Minister had been her own handywork, and the 'bombings' the work of a close associate. Whatever it took to serve the needs of the Oteaga Corporation. So long as Karnigan believed what everyone else believed, there would be no problems.
"Sufficient data transmitted, discontinuing data flow," OCA22 muttered out loud. Drex leaned back in his chair slightly, staring at OCA22 with a quizzical and nervous look. OCA22 continued to speak without any tone variation.
"We require your assistance because the Republic must force Union invaders out of a chain of islands off the coast. We understand that you are well-versed in Phsyics and Mechanics. You are to build a weapon, or weapons, that will push the Union back, by whatever means necessary."
The boy's tattoos swelled with a blue hue, the telltale sign of a Danis-Turuk becoming agitated. OCA22 ran her chess application to find that the white pieces had moved against her slightly.
"I didn't agree to anything yet!"
The boy's energy swelled, and his threat level increased exponentially. An angered Danis-Turuk is dangerous to anyone, even if OCA22 was programmed and prepared to deal with that type of confrontation. Flares of blue light arced across Drex's skin as he continued.
"I'm not going to make anything thats going to be killing people, just because I can!"
The boy's energy levels continued to surge, and OCA22's hand gave an electric twitch. Her programming advised her to reach into her coat and retrieve her .50 calibur custom revolver, but her mission outline instructed not to kill Drex Karnigan. So instead OCA22 reached for one of her bartering chips.
"We understand that you are curious as to what race of people you belong to, and how your powers work. The Republic and its associates have libaries of literature about your people- the Danis-Turuk."
The fire vanished immediately from Drex Karnigan's eyes, replaced by a shine of intrigue and longing. OCA22's face betrayed nothing, yet on this inside it was her move. The black pieces advanced onto the board.
"If you create a weapon that can turn the tide of this war, then you will be granted all the knowledge of the Danis-Turuk that is in our possesion. That is our offer."
Anything can be accomplished with sufficient quantities of both boldness and ammunition.

Join the Utopian Arcanum War!

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby River-Koi on Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:02 pm

Matsumi visibly frowned, feeling a muscle in her cheek twitch from the stress of the current situation. Quickly, she considered her options: If she did in fact stay behind, perhaps the punishment for treason would be a bit lenient due to her gender... No, that wouldn't make any sense at all. At least not to a horde of drunken, and most likely pissed off soldiers. Certainly that option was out of the question. Looking over at Ishmal, the girl squinted at his last question. "After you," she replied with a hint of attitude, bowing exaggeratedly. The man had a point, but she wasn't going to be to first one ejected fifty feet into the air out of the jeep in case it was booby-trapped-- A silly notion, but a notion nonetheless. "As if you would leave me behind anyway," Matsumi grumbled under her breath.

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikey Wheels on Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:56 pm

Ishmal only grunted at Matsumi's display of angst, quickly shifting the jeep into gear and spinning out the tires in the loose sand before speeding off. He took the vehicle in an arc around Gemesh, putting as much distance between themselves and the drunken troop of soldiers.
As for what to do now... he had no idea. They could easily go back into Gemesh and the whole incident would probably boil over by the next day... maybe...
Ishmal took a sidelong glance at Matsumi and allowed himself a half-grin. Funny how she wanted to have her life be a little more adventurous and how adventure butted its way in.
"So..." Ishmal said, rubbing his forehead as the jeep leaped over sand dunes. He had promised to escort Matsumi where ever, and she hand't yet left his charge. "What should we do now?"


Drex grit his teeth at the suited woman. To think that he would use his talents to build weapons of war for them! Drex didn't have any place interfering in a war that had nothing to do with him. He grimaced as the woman tightened her gloves and stared at him with eyes that contained no luster. She was most definitely a bitch, Drex decided. He had met this type before- people who loved to bend wildcards to their own will so that they can further their own aims... despicable.
"We understand that you are curious as to what race of people you belong to, and how your powers work. The Republic and its associates have libaries of literature about your people- the Danis-Turuk."
Drex's eyes became wide, the woman's words tickling his mind and his curiosity just so.
Well played, you crafty bitch... well played...
Now this war had something to do with him. Drex reached into his knapsack and withdrew his journal, flipping open to a blank page. After checking all of his pockets for a pen, he found one in his shoe and scribbled some notes in the book. This was the first real development on discovering more about his race besides his own experimental research.
"So, Mrs. Textbook, what exactly can you tell me about my race... the Danis-Turuk?"
"The conduit etchings in your skin channel energy through your body and allow for discharges of raw force and heat, which originates from rapidly-moving cathode-like cells in your basic biological structure."
Drex's pen moved along the paper, easily keeping up with the uptight lady's words. She paused, and his pen hovered above the paper, waiting for the next word. Drex glanced up at her expectantly.
"Sufficient data transmitted," the woman said, folding her hands behind her back.
The machine-like speech concerned Drex. It seemed like she really was a textbook.
"Who are you?" he asked, leaning forward in his chair. The woman nonchalantly straightened her tie as she responded.
"My name is of little importance. Do you wish to hear more information about the Danis-Turuk and other related subjects?"
Drex nodded, narrowing his eyes at the pristine bitch.
"Then construct a weapon," she said simply, brushing off her suit.
Drex propped his chin up on his hands, pondering his options. The itch for knowledge... that little bug bite that he could never reach... he could scratch that right now, and learn everything that he'd hoped for. The opportunity to learn was too enticing for Drex to say no.
And to think that all he had to do was construct a new toy for their military...
"I'll do it."

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ulysess on Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:36 pm

“I have a report, sir.”

“At ease. Give me your report.”

“It's some little glowing bastard, sir.”

“A Danis-Turuk.”

“Yes indeed, sir.”

“Are you going to finish every sentence with sir?”

“Yes sir. Uh… I mean, would you rather I not… s…si…”

The soldier was left completely in the dark, with no idea whether the intelligence officer liked being called sir or not. He desperately searched the man’s face for any sign of emotion – but there was none. It was like trying to find expression in a boulder or a cloud. Yuri smiled. He liked watching the soldier squirm. Eventually he laughed and clapped the young man on the shoulder with his black gloved hand. “No harm done, my friend.” The kid laughed nervously; his high voice contrasting with Yuri’s. “It was a joke. We have to keep our spirits up in the barracks, yes?” Another nervous laugh from the young soldier. Yuri had an indefinable lilt to his voice, almost an accent. It was both pleasant and sinister.

“Come here, comrade. Cigarette?” He offered. “You will tell me more about this ‘little glowing bastard’.” Yuri had a feeling he would be needed soon. He expected a mission briefing at any moment, if things went well with the D-T. He lit his cigarette and waited for the sound of a transmission in his earpiece as the soldeir gave him a brief report.
..._...l..________________, ,
....../ '---_______----______l] POW!
.....), ---.(_(__)/
....// (..) ) ,----"

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby River-Koi on Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:41 pm

Matsumi let a slight frown play on her features for quite a while after she climbed into the jeep. It wasn't only the fact that she was now an accomplice in stealing a military vehicle that had her discomforted, but also the fact that she didn't particularly care for speeding over sand dunes in a haphazard manner. The young woman clenched the edge of her seat with both hands, teeth grinding. Thank heavens she hadn't eaten anything prior to this little 'adventure'. Especially when she felt her entire body lifting a few centimeters from the seat and plopping back into it with each leap the jeep made.

"...Find you doctor," Matsumi finally replied after taking a long look at Ishmal's face. "I already have one felony to worry about keeping under wraps. I don't need you bleeding to death as well." Of course, she was exaggerating, but his injuries did have a hand in giving her a bit of an uneasy feeling.

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikey Wheels on Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:58 pm

Ishmal blinked, not fully understanding what Matsumi was telling him.
Drip, drip, drip...
He looked at his lap, where droplets of bloods were falling on his pants, staining the linen. He hadn't realized how much he had been bleeding. A doctor probably would be a prudent decision. And Ishmal thought that he knew just the person to see.
"Hang on," he said. With a quick flick of the wheel and little to no warning, Ishmal veered the jeep towards Gemesh. The sharpness of his turn caused the jeep to hover on two wheels for a moment, allowing Ishmal the adrenaline to ignore his pain. He turned to Matsumi, who was gripping the seat of the car in terror, and he laughed a little bit, another couple drops of blood falling off Ishmal's nose as a natural smile crept across his face.


OCA22 had Drex Karnigan escorted to the secure laboratories with the guarantee that he would have access to all information regarding Danis-Turuk that the 'Republic' had to offer. If OCA22 had a sense of humor, she may have laughed. Maybe.
The Republic had little to no information about the Danis-Turuk... the Oteaga Corporation enjoyed protecting its wildcards very closely. As such, Karnigan would require special care and overseeing... but there were other moves to be made across the board.
To anyone standing and watching, OCA22 would have just disappeared into air with a flicker.
A soft patt was the only sound that marked her arrival into a dimly lit room containing two men, one of them a common solider, the other a powerful asset on the chessboard.
As the dust settled around her feet, OCA22 stepped forward and interrupted the common soldier's report.
"Intelligence Officer Yuri, I hope that your trip was comfortable?"

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ulysess on Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:08 am

Yuri was speaking, pleasantly from his view, to the soldier when OCA22 appeared in the room. The soldier, on the other hand, was scared shitless. Yuri was friendly, but that’s just not the way an officer was supposed to be. His character went against everything that the young man was familiar with. He wasn’t the only one in the room with a ‘programming’. And, on a more subtle, disturbing level, Yuri was completely aware of this.

"Intelligence Officer Yuri, I hope that your trip was comfortable?" The cool voice of OCA22 almost resonated. Yuri gave a nod to the soldier, who gladly jumped at the dismissal.

“It never is, OCA22.” A fierce grin spread across his face. He was willing to test a human’s programming, but not hers. She was too much like him. “But at least there is consistency, yes?” And when the soldier was out of earshot: “You have just missed my psychological experiment. I think you would have quite enjoyed it. Speaking of which, how is our little wildcard? He has struck my interest.”

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikey Wheels on Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:00 am

OCA22 briefly considered Officer Yuri's psychological experiment.
"I'm certain that the completed results of your experiment will expand our knowledge of the human condition."
The android tightened her white gloves, unblinking grey eyes never leaving Yuri. His Corporation function was not research of theory, but Yuri's natural ability for science can still be utilized. "You should record your findings to the computer database so that I may download them."
OCA22 processed the Intelligence Officer's inquiry about Subject Drex Karnigan. A nanosecond later she responded.
"Drex Karnigan will be working in the secure laboratories of this facility, building us a new weapon to sell. Observing him should allow for a proper assesment of his abilities and his value to the Corporation."
She referenced the chessboard, taking a second note of the several white pieces that had been marked for removal. OCA22 accessed the Oteaga Database and referenced the targets- Talnak Republic leaders that were planning to meet with Kyn'tul representatives to speak about ending the war. The faction was small, unspeakably out-voiced by the general Talnak population- but they were still a notable threat to Sir Oteaga's interests.
"We have a new mission for you, Intelligence Officer Yuri," the android said flatly, dismissing the chessboard program. "A progressive Talnak representative named Hagen Joyce is going to attempt to meet with Kyn'tul representaives about a common interest of peace." OCA22 clasped her hands behind her back, allowing a second-long pause so that Yuri could soak the information in. "The Corporation cannot have it's two biggest customers to cooperate. You are to disguise, kill, and replace Hagen Joyce. From that point forward associates of the Corporation will control the progressive faction. I will accompany you on this mission for support."
OCA22 seemed to be looking past Yuri, scanning through the database with all processing speed.
"Mission briefing end. Connection to database: terminated."
The android reached in to her coat pocket and drew a fresh cigarillo. She put the tobacco in her mouth and lightly touched the tip of it, electricity visibly sparking the cigarillo end into a blaze. OCA22 turned her gaze to Yuri once more, puffing her cigarillo at fixed intervals.
"Do you have any questions?"

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby River-Koi on Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:57 pm

Matsumi folded her arms and scoffed. Yet still she wasn't quite sure why she was upset at Ishmal. It could have been the fact that he was so reckless in this rather uncomfortable situation they were in, or that he had failed to acknowledge his own need of medical assistance. However, she didn't even have a chance to tell him such things before he swerved the jeep towards Gemesh, causing her to slide a few inches to the other side of her seat and flail one hand up to claw at the headrest behind her while the other shot forward to grip the handle of the door. "Where are we going?!" she managed to grunt loudly through her clenched teeth, glaring daggers at the driver of the jeep. She would get her payback later, that was for sure.


General Mantorak arrived at the little 'crime-scene' amongst the dunes with a stiff face. Soldiers of Gemesh were simply lying in the sand like a bunch of beaten dogs. Mantorak scowled after a while, the soldiers who had driven him out to the location in an armored vehicle easing closer to their so-called comrades. "No major injuries, General," one called later.

"What the hell is this city coming to?" the middle-aged man grumbled under his breath, rubbing his temples and knitting his eyebrows. "Dammit..."

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ulysess on Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:39 pm

((Sorry for the delay guys!))

Yuri listened silently as OCA22 spoke.

"Do you have any questions?" she finally asked.

He grinned. “When do we begin?”

* * *

He began work immediately. His black boots, just a few inches short of his knees, made a hollow clack as he walked down the white corridor. The preparation for the mission would take time. Most men would be excited, afraid, thrilled… Yuri felt a cool hostility. He received the complete mission briefing from the computer, and it turned out this Hagen Joyce was just north of Central, the place Yuri had been born. I suppose, he thought, it is time for a reunion.

The lab was a uniform white, save for the occasional green and blue hues of lights and computer screens. It was simple, shockingly so, with the centrepiece being a rectangular table. In the middle of the room a large metal orb, covered in mechanical appendages, hovered silently. Yuri took off his overcoat and hung it on a peg attached to the wall.

OCA22 had the appearance of a human being thanks to silicrin, an element similar to silicon. At first, people had used the ‘artificial skin’ for medical and robotic studies, but its military capabilities had never been realized. Or rather, only Yuri had realized them. In his training to become a scientist, he had suggested this, and was laughed at. “What are you going to do? Wear a mask of a guy and get into his base?” his commander once told him. “Stick to spying.” He clenched his fist at the memory. Talnak would not fund him, but Oteaga did.

He removed his shirt and lay down on the platform.

“KIRIS14, Activate.”

The hum of the machine above him became louder until it was a whir. Its metal plating was covered in a matrix of lights that flashed on and off, seemingly at random. After only a moment a cool, metallic voice asked: “Name?”

“Your mother.”
There was a pause. “Restate.”
“Yuri Connors.”

He always got a bit of a thrill doing that.

He verbally entered a string of commands to KIRIS14, and finally, the operation began. Afterwards, Yuri would leave the lab not as an Oteaga Intelligence Officer, but as Hagen Joyce.

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikey Wheels on Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:20 pm

Ishmal craned his neck, looking for any more wayward patrols. Luckily the little bit of desert left between the city and the jeep was quiet.
"We're going to a doctor. I happen to know one that should live in the Mason District of Gemesh..."
Blood trickled into his mouth, and the sudden steely taste made him cough droplets onto the jeep's dashboard. His vision was slightly woozy, and he was a little lightheaded.
At least I hope he still lives there... How much have I been bleeding?
The Jeep veered for a second as Ishmal's eyes drooped, but he quickly shook himself awake and righted the course.
"It shouldn't be far!" he said optimistically, albeit weakly. "Just a little further into the city..."


OCA22 watched the display of Yuri's tranformation without expression. She had seen the operation before, and there was new data to be gleaned by intensive investigation a second time. She instead chartered a Republic helicopter to pick them up outside the base to take them to Joyce's office estate, which was (like all Officers of the Republic) well guarded.
Well guarded by Talnakas standards, at least.
OCA22 briefly considered the chessboard again before dismissing the program all together. The pieces were set. This was a simple operation- it would only take several key moves to defeat her opponent. She simply stood perfectly still with her hands clasped together behind her back as Yuri had his face manipulated.


Drex's jaw dropped open as the two goons thrust him forward into the laboratory.
"Hoe-lee shit!"
The machinery in the lab was nothing like he had ever seen. When he was studying under his tutor, he did most of his diagrams and calculations with pencil and paper. Now he had these wild computers and other mechanical devices at his disposal. Anything could be possible!
Drex ran up to one of the terminals and touched it, smiling with glee as the screen lit up. His flicked through the on screen options quickly, then slowed slighty. He narrowed his eyes at the terminal.
I don't...
He could read the language, but... where to start? How did he even use this thing?
I don't have any idea what I'm going to do with this....
He moved away from the terminal and examined some of the other machines and trinkets in the lab. Some of the machines were actually half-completed weapons. Drex took out his note book and began taking stock of what kinds of materials he had at his disposal. After several minutes of looking around and thinking about versatile weaponry, he thought he had enough inspiration for his first rough concept. Drex moved back to the computer terminal and eyed it quizzically. He glanced towards a simple bench, then back to the terminal.
"May as well just do it the easy way..."
Drex walked over the the bench with his notebook and tore out a sheet. He sat down at the table, produced a pencil from his sleeve, and began to write.

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby River-Koi on Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:53 pm

(Sorry for the SERIOUS delay. As I might have said before, school is a big fat pain in the butt. However, I assure you, I am still one-hundred percent in.)

Matsumi finally managed to calm her nerves, now only gripping the seat belt strapping her in. She and her new 'partner-in-crime' seemed to be in a safe position at the moment, if Ishmal's navigational skills remained at an acceptable level. "You'd better be right," she sighed out, closing her eyes for a few moments. "You're in pretty bad shape..." The young woman was tired, and she tilted her head back to rest, if at least for a few minutes. That was, until the jeep swerved a bit, sending her leaning shoulder-first, hard, into the side of the inside of the vehicle. The side of her face followed, causing her to let out a loud grunt before quickly turning to glance over at Ishmal. "I hope so," she added nervously to his exclamation, beginning to feel a little worried again.

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikey Wheels on Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:46 pm

"Almost there..."
Ishmal's head sagged to the wheel as his vision began to blur. The houses and buildings that passed by seemed to blur together. Had he passed the one he had been looking for? He glanced down for a moment, panic beginning to rise in his mind. Blood soaked his pants were it had dripped from his face. He would bleed to death if he didn't find is doctor soon...
As Ishmal glanced up again, he spotted a tan hut-looking structure with a small garage attached to it. Relief spread across his pained body as he pulled up to the hut and slammed the gear of the jeep into park. Without turning it off, Ishmal opened the door of the jeep and jumped out, immediately losing his footing as he hit the ground. He was dizzy and lightheaded, and had trouble scrambling to his feet. He managed to stumble to the door and hit it several times, leaving a streak of blood as he tried to prop himself up. The sun would be up soon... very soon...
The door opened, revealing an old, grayed man with dark Kyn'tulan skin. The sight of the bloody Ishmal caused his mouth to fall open and his round glasses to slip down to the end of his nose.
"Doctor... Doctor Kuritz..."
Ishmal muttered the doctor's name before slumping down into the threshold, completely unconscious. The Doctor stood still in shock for a moment, looking from Ishmal's body to the jeep, still holding Matsumi.
"Put the car in the garage, I'll open the door," the Doctor said to Matsumi. "He needs medical attention immediately."
The old man suprisingly heaved Ishmal's large frame into the hut and out of sight, closing the door behind him. Several seconds later, the garage door slowly crawled open on grinding gears.


Wells flexed his arms as he stared down at Drex Karnigan from the high laboratory ramparts. His green circular tattoos brightened and softened with his muscle movement- Wells often toyed with his energy when he was bored.
"What the hell is this guy doing?" he muttered to himself, leaning over to get a better view of his blue-lit kinsman. "He's not even using the damn terminal... how can he expect to design any kind of weapon without the development programs or the database?"
Wells spat on the rampart. This Karnigan guy was a waste of time. He was just like every other Danis-Turuk around here, except he was supposed to be really smart or something. Why the hell did that make him special? Wells even heard he was some kind of goody-two-shoes... he wouldn't last a God-damned day in the Corporation, especially under Oteaga.
Well turned away from Karnigan, crossing his arms, and found himself looking directly into the cold, stale eyes of the Corporation's right-hand dog android. The sight of OCA22 being so close to him nearly sent Wells over the edge of the ramparts to the laboratory floor hundreds of feet below.
"Sweet God, Twenty-two, you need to stop doing that to me..." Wells said as he clutched his heart, the green conduits on his skin pulsing brightly.
"My apologies, Wells," the android said, tightening her gloves like she enjoyed doing. She wasn't sorry- OCA22 didn't have feelings.
"I thought you were with Yuri or something," Wells said, stepping back from her a couple paces. Twenty-two just made him nervous for some reason. He knew it wasn't a very logical fear. She wouldn't hurt him... unless Oteaga told her to.
"I judged it to be more efficient to view the status on the subject Drex Karnigan while associate Yuri is being disguised. Report."
Wells sighed. "He's working on something, all right. But he's not using any of the computers or machinery in the lab. He's just been scribbling on paper for hours... I'm not sure what to make of it."
OCA22 silently walked over the to edge of the rampart to observe Drex for herself, putting her out of Well's view for a moment.
"This is unanticipated," she said, clasping her gloved hands behind her back.
"What's the matter, Twenty-two?"
Wells grinned, turning towards where the android was.
"Surprised that you didn't know someth-"
OCA22 was no longer at the edge of the ramparts. Turning his head in every direction, Wells discovered that she was no longer in his presence at all.
"God fucking damnit!" Wells gripped his hands into fists, a vein appearing on his forehead. "I can't take my eyes off her for two god-damned seconds!"

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Mikey Wheels
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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby River-Koi on Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:17 pm

Matsumi raised a finger as if she wanted to say something until she noticed they must have reached their destination, though was almost sure that she would have rather had Ishmal seeking medical assistance in the city rather than what looked like a hut. She was quickly distracted from her thoughts when she heard his body hit the ground as he got out of the jeep, and quickly unbuckled her seat belt, readying herself to help him back up until he stood back up again and neared the door of the residence. The young woman turned around numerous times to see if anything or anyone was following them, though to her relief that wasn't the case. When she turned back around the last time, she noticed an older man standing in the doorway and Ishmal, again fallen.

She nearly jumped out of the jeep herself until she was instructed by the older man to park the jeep in the garage, and after a while of contemplating, clambered across to the other seat of the vehicle. She eyed the gears for a few moments and then looked back up to see if the old man was still there. He wasn't. The Kyn'tulan gripped the wheel of the jeep awkwardly and shifted the gear back into drive, though just a few moments after her foot pressed the gas pedal she came just a few centimeters away from slamming the vehicle into the back of the garage, causing it to make a bit of a screeching sound when she hit the breaks. After a few nervous pants, she put the gear back into park and turned off the engine, pulled out the keys, and got out of the jeep.

She ran back out of the garage and came to the door the older man had brought Ishmal into, nearly opening it herself out of anxiousness for his well-being. However, she stopped just short of simply yanking the door open and remembered her manners, knocking on it first (albeit in a panicked fashion). She then waited for anyone to answer, her back pressed against the door as she stared out at the horizon.

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikey Wheels on Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:53 pm

The door of the hut swung open quickly, the old doctor appearing with a very agitated face glaring out behind his spectacles. The man's sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows, and his hands were soaked in blood. He ushered Matsumi inside roughly, leaving sticky stains on her clothes.
"You're lucky you managed to get him here when you did, else he would have bled to death," the man said, closing and locking the door behind him. The Doctor stood shorter than Matsumi, grey, grizzled hair dotting his scalp and down his face to a thin goatee. He led Matsumi to a table that Ishmal was sprawled across and covered in bloody rags, looking like some sort of mad experiment. "I've stopped most of the bleeding, but he still needs some care, and lots of rest. The boy needs to get his blood back!"

The old man looked Matsumi up and down.
"My name is Doctor Kuritz," he introduced himself professionally. "I've met Ishmal before, some... couple months ago, I believe. He warded off bandits when I was gathering herbs in the mountain ranges nearby, rather haphazardly, might I add..."
Kuritz leaned over the table and prodded at Ishaml's wounds, checking all the rags and replacing several with fresh bandages. Ishmal moaned in protest, but the doctor hushed him with a tsk.
"I have to ask," he said, turning back to Matsumi. "What happened to him this time? Has he dragged you into his wild affairs?"

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby River-Koi on Wed Sep 30, 2009 10:17 pm

Matsumi blinked a few times at the sight of the bloodied Ishmal spread across the table, visually grimacing. She had never seen so much blood coming from one person. Hell, the largest mount of bloodshed she remembered seeing was the result of her younger brother falling off a rock and getting a medium-sized gash on his leg, but even then the boy didn't look so... gory. She shook the thought from her head when the older man introduced himself, pausing for a few moments. "I'm Matsumi," she replied rather emptily as she looked over Ishmal again. "I met him some time last night... out in the valley, and he said he would help me get back to my house, but there were these soldiers, you see, and..." The young woman paused again, recollecting the past events. "They just kept hitting him. But we... he managed to take their jeep and he drove us here. " She realized she probably wasn't making much sense when it came to the specifics, but the reason why they were both there was the least of her worries at that time.

"He's going to be okay, right? I mean, he's not going to..."

...Die? Matsumi figured that wasn't likely, but the thought still lingered disturbingly in the back of her mind, sending a sickly feeling to her stomach.

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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikey Wheels on Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:36 pm

Dr. Kuritz let out a small laugh that matched his stature.
"Oh, no... he won't die... he'll just need to take it easy for a little while."
The doctor regarded the snoozing Ishmal again, triple-checking the bandages. "Yet with Ishmal, resting can be difficult. This old boy doesn't seem to have an off switch on him..."
The old man rested in a wooden chair in front of the table Ishmal was sprawled across, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. His age became apparent on his face as he motioned for Matsumi to sit as well.
"I've been hearing rumors and such about little delinquents entering the military, due to the shortage of real soldiers and the longevity of the war. I'm amazed that they have not accepted Ishmal yet... although I saw some inkling of why when I met the boy." Doctor Kuritz took out a glass bottle of liquor and two pewter cups, pouring liquor into both, as was custom. He took up his own cup and sipped it, leaving the other bowl of bitter alcohol on the table.
"He is a tenacious and aggressive fighter, taking risk when he need not. I'm grateful for that, though. Several months ago he rescued my old bones from bandits when I was gathering herbs at the base of the nearest mountain range... I at least owe him a couple bandages and some healing salve."
The doctor waved his hand at the cup on table.
"Drink! It will calm your nerves."

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Mikey Wheels
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Re: The Utopian Arcanum Wars (IC, Players Wanted)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby River-Koi on Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:09 pm

Matsumi felt her shoulders fall slightly with a short exhale of breath she had been previously holding in, relieved to hear Ishmal wasn't in a fatal position. However, she felt a smirk tugging at the corners of her lip at the doctor's comment, adding in a, "No kidding." She sat down when the older man motioned for her to do so, rubbing one of her aching shoulders. The young woman wasn't surprised to hear of Ishmal's audacity, and had by then found it to be expected. However, she remained silent for a few moments after the doctor finished speaking, letting out a soft sigh.

When the older man suggested she drink something she blinked a few times at him before glancing at the cup on the table. "...Thank you," she murmured as she picked up the cup, staring at the liquid in it for a few minutes. Matsumi's lower eyelids raised slightly when she took a hesitant sip, shortly afterward jerking the cup away from her lips and making a rather wry facial expression at the taste of the liquor. "So," she started after clearing her throat. "How often does Ishmal usually find himself in need of medical assistance?" She smiled a bit, obviously trying to make the question sound as light-hearted as possibly.

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