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Under the White Sheet (IC)

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Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Echo on Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:43 pm

Under the White Sheet

This RP is not open join, if you would like to participate please look for the OoC. If your character gets approved, you are more than welcome to join in here.

William looked around his dorm and smiled. It was going to be a great year at the school, the first place that was truly designed for people like him. Hopping over to his computer, William found himself searching for any clubs on the virtual map of the town. He found one in particular that seemed to stand out to him, one place where his kind and others could mix.

Changing into a black 'Slipknot' t-shirt and throwing on some dark blue jeans, William headed out the front door. He walked through the cool night air, enjoying the refreshingly chilled atmosphere. In only moments he found himself crossing the highway, on his way to Club Shimmer. The full moon was out, the night was young, and William was enjoying himself. A good start.

The young vampire passed by a few undeveloped lots, a hospital, and a general supply store after passing over the highway. It was quite a small town, but it was not small enough to be a village. The concept was making his head swim with possibilities. Most of the thoughts included what he could get away with around here, like stealing vials of blood from the hospital, or doing worse things to the citizens of the town...

Once the boy arrived at the club, he payed the cover charge and wandered inside. Finding his way to the dance floor, William meandered through the small crowd. He took a spot in front of the DJ booth and began to dance. The strobe lights were flashing in his face, and the techno beat was rough at best, but after a day of unpacking and saying goodbye to rich parents, William was ready to unwind.
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Under The White Sheet - Vampire RP - We need serious, long posting, RPers! Join now!

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xGoodxGirlxGonexBadx on Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:17 pm

Wilhelmina had been surprised at the fact that she was going to a college designed for her kind. She was glad because she was tired of having to pretend to be human all of the time. She was standing in her dorm, hands planted on her hips. She had finished unpacking almost all of her things. She had yet to unpack any of her posters or pictures. She figured that they could wait because she wanted to get out and explore the town more. She looked down at herself, shrugging. She was dressed in a black off the shoulder long sleeve shirt and a jean skirt that had a frayed hem. Her outfit was simple but it worked for her. She had always been able to pull almost any look off. She pulled her long brown hair up into a messy yet stylish bun.

She was ready to go out and have fun. She made sure that the old bite marks on her neck weren't totally visible. She knew that there was a high chance she could run into some humans. She didn't want any of them to know what she really was. That would just end in disaster. She slipped on a pair of black calf high boots, the heels were three inches. She had to lace them up and tie them even though it was just for decoration. She was soon walking through the dark streets of the somewhat small town. It was very different from where she was from, New York. She found the small town to be oddly endearing. She decided that she was going to try and get used to it. She just hoped that they had some sort of club or she might just go insane.

She finally spotted one and her lip gloss covered lips curved into a smirk. She had found the place where she would be spending a lot of her time. She walked towards the entrance and payed the fee before heading inside. It was filled with people, human and vampires alike. She weaved her way through the crowd as she tried not to push anyone. She finally reached the bar after muttering the words excuse me over a million times. Or that was what it seemed like. She lowered herself onto one of the stools at the far end. She moved her body slightly to the music but didn't go to dance. She looked around as she took everything in. She was going to be able to get used to her new life in the small town.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Echo on Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:19 pm

(Read the top of the page. You must be accepted to join. Please go find the IC and get approved.)

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xGoodxGirlxGonexBadx on Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:21 pm

[I was actually approved already. You can go check.]

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CleverScreenNameHere on Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:35 pm

Branden Davis strolled across the enormous and beautiful campus of Sangre Cazador University. He had never seen a place like this before, especially for his kind. Usually, establishments of this grand scale were meant for humans. Pretty much everything in this world was for humans but never for vampires. That was why Branden had been so surprised to get the letter from SCU. He thought that it was a practical joke, probably from his younger brother, Alex, who had always seemed to enjoy messing with him. But now that he was actually at the prestigious vampire university, it was all starting to feel real to him.

Branden was certainly not done unpacking his things. Back in his dorm room, his suitcases were all still locked and haven't been touched. He couldn't help but peek in the other bedroom and saw that some of the things had already been set up. By the looks of it, it seemed as if he was going to be living with a girl. That could be a huge recipe for disaster, but he tried to forget about his new roommate and instead focused on trying to find a decent place to hang out for the night.

Branden wandered along the streets of the small town before finally coming to a place that was called Club Shimmer. The place looked interesting enough, and Branden was of age. He was immediately let in, and the young vampire looked around, trying to spot anyone that he might know, although he knew that it would be unlikely. He suddenly felt thirsty, so he walked over to the bar, flopping down on a stool, next to a beautiful girl. He could immediately tell that she was also a vampire for her beauty was something that no human girl could ever match. "May I buy you a drink?" he offered to the pretty girl, his flirtatious side getting the best of him. He was definitely hoping she'd say yes.
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweet Angel Jocelyn on Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:37 pm

Phoenix looked around her dorm room and had to smile. It was about time that she got away from her home. Ever since Matthew had turned her... He'd been hovering. Like he was afraid something was going to happen. Well, now, her after life could begin. With a soft laugh, she slowly started to change.

Before she'd gotten to the university, she saw that there were night clubs, and all sorts of different things. It would be fun, on her own for the first time in her life (and afterlife), with no responsibilities, except for school, but she was smart. So, things were able to go however she wanted.

As she thought about the fun she would have, Phoenix began to go through her clothes. She would be able to stay out all night, and eat whoever she wanted- There was that skirt!- and of course spend time with whoever she wanted.

Finally dressed in her favorite black, pleated mini-skirt, and purple tank top that matched her eyes, along with a pair of black stiletto boots, she made her way out of her dorm. The black haired beauty made her way out of her door and down the street. She'd seen the club on her way there. She found it quickly, and had to smile as she was let in without charge. Being a beautiful woman had it's advantages.

Plenty of vampires meant plenty of fun for her. She made her way around the bar and to the front. People were dancing, the strobe light was doing it's job, lighting up her beautiful white skin, and the music was awesome! She started to dance, her hips swaying seductively with the rhythm.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yuina on Sun Aug 02, 2009 10:20 pm

Constantly moving here and there while carrying some and most of her belongings, Reiko was just about done getting settled in. All the while she was thinking of finally being free from the Himeno mansion walls and actually getting enrolled in a College that strictly catered to the higher breed -their breed. Reiko couldn't help but feel excited about the beginning of her "exploration of the outside world".

Unpacking was a cumbersome job for someone who had been sheltered all her life and had multiple servants left and right to do her bidding. This was a first for Reiko, having to unpack and arrange her things on her own that is. She let out a light sigh of relief after neatly placing the last of her books on the small bookshelf the dorm provided. She was done at last. Reiko took a quick glance around the spacious dormitory room D3. It was pleasing yet knowing the fact that her roommate was a male, prevented Reiko's lips from forming a light smile. She has not seen her roommate ever since he finished unpacking, not that she cared but it would be better for her like this. She plopped down on her new bed and measured it's comfort level. Not as comfortable as her own bed in the Himeno mansion but this would suffice.

Her treasured silver pocket watch began to play a soft melody, an indication that the night has begun. Although she had seen a couple establishments that caught her interest, Reiko had convinced herself that she would just stay indoors for tonight and read a book instead. She remembered her father's words that she should keep the secret of her bloodline unknown to humans. She thought that a lady prancing in the night is a very suspicious act. Little did she know that it was an everyday sight for humans.

Irking at the discomfort she felt after realizing that she was still wearing one of her dark blue formal dresses, she turned her head to her closet and closed the distance with inhuman speed. She flung open the doors revealing... more formal dresses. She sighed and picked out her nighties instead. Reading a book wearing these would be much more comfortable.
An age is called dark not because the light fails to shine, but because the people refuse to see it.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Echo on Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:27 pm

(Sorry. Had a long night, you are absolutely right x. My bad.)

William slowed his dancing after about half an hour, getting tired. He turned and headed to the bar, but not without noticing the club's new main attraction. A woman that appeared about his age was swaying in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by gawking men. Some of the men were even part of a couple, and received "Hmph"s and slaps from their partners.

The vampire boy winked at the girl, just in case she'd somehow noticed him off to the side, then continued toward the bar. He could tell by her look that she was most likely a vampire and he didn't feel like getting involved with girls from his school this early in the night. So, when he reached the bar, he sat down and called the bartender over. "Hey man, grab me a coke."

The man nodded and responded with "Sure thing kid. I can't believe you're not taking a crack at the new ass over there." as he motioned to the girl William had noticed only seconds prior. "All the other guys would drool over that girl."

William shrugged when the man came back with his drink. "I don't...well, I'm a college kid. I'm sure there'll be plenty of girls in the town for the rest of the semester. She's nice, but I don't wanna get wrapped up in that shit yet." He took a sip from the glass and then continued. "You got me?"

"Amen, kid." The bartender responded with a nod. "A-fucking-men."

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xGoodxGirlxGonexBadx on Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:20 am

[It's fine, I figured that you didn't see it or something.]

Wilhelmina glanced around as she tried to decide what she could do to her entertain herself. She knew that dancing was an option. She wasn't half bad and she knew that she could get any guy to dance with her in a second. Or she could just hang out at the bar and flirt with the somewhat cute bar tender. She knew that she could also just head back to her dorm and get the rest of her things unpacked. She was about to try and make a choice when she noticed someone sitting down beside her. She tried not to roll her eyes as she prayed it wasn't some stupid human boy that was drunk and wanted to get some action that night. She had been down that road before and needless to say it hadn't ended well for the boy. She could be a bitch and she usually let that be known if she didn't like the person.

She heard the person offering to buy her a drink. She turned to face him, ready to make some retort and get him to go crawling back to his friends. She closed her mouth as soon as she saw who was sitting next to her. There was no doubt in her mind that he was a vampire. She could sense it right off the bat. Plus he actually didn't seem scared to talk to her. Where as, most humans were because apparently she was intimidating or something along those lines. It wasn't like she paid attention to what people said about her. That had stopped after she was changed into a vampire. Nothing that humans thought mattered to her anymore.

"Well, since you asked so nicely, sure," she said with a small smirk. She shifted on the stool so that was turned more towards him. She crossed one leg over the other as she rested her arm on the bar. She figured that he was attending the university as well. She leaned her head against her hand as she waited for him to say or do something. In the back of her mind she was wondering when she was going to meet her new roommate. She had the feeling that it was a boy but that didn't bother her in the slightest. She tended to get along with boys more then she did girls.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CleverScreenNameHere on Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:07 am

Branden had always been good with girls, especially ever since he was changed into a vampire. Women practically flocked to him, and he continued to have his infamous one-night stands with these women. Of course, human women couldn't really satisfy him. For vampire males, only the blood of a person really could satisfy them, but this woman next to him at the bar seemed pretty promising. She was undoubtedly a vampire, one that attended his school, and he was looking forward to getting to know her a little better, especially over the drink that she had just agreed to let him buy for her.

Branden turned to the bartender. He raised his hand and caught the guy's attention. "May I have a glass of scotch and an apple martini for the lady?" He smiled warmly at the bartender, not to seem flirtatious because the guy seemed straight, and Branden was unquestionably heterosexual as well. He loved women, especially vampire ones. They were just much more gorgeous than their mortal counterparts. He glanced back at the girl, continuing to smile as he patiently waited for their drinks.

The bartender eventually came back with their drinks. He handed both glasses to Branden with a smile, which Branden gladly returned. Then, he turned to the beautiful girl beside him and handed her the glass. He raised his own glass of scotch and began to speak. "I propose a toast to new beginnings." He was obviously referring to their time at the university. He clinked glasses with her and downed the whole glass of scotch, sighing as he finished and setting the empty glass down onto the counter of the bar. "What's your name?" he asked, getting straight to the point. There was no use in beating around the bush.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweet Angel Jocelyn on Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:17 am

Phoenix laughed and pushed a man's hand off her waist. She was a flirt, and didn't really feel like being saddled down just yet. The men around her were practically drooling as they watched her dance. It was always a thrill when men were fighting just for the chance to touch her.

After another dance, she made her way to the bar, waving off men as they tried to follow her. Looking at the bartender, she smiled beguilingly. "Hello, Darlin'." She said, pulling a recently vacated stool under her. "Can I get a bottle of water?" She asked. She could probably get a drink out of him, but she didn't feel like it. As she waited, she looked around and saw the man that had winked at her.

He was a vampire, very much. Good looking, and around her age. Or at least he looked like it. In case he looked her way, she flashed him a smile as she pushed her hair from her face. He probably went to school with her. As she had that thought, her water came to her. Taking the top off, she sipped slowly, going back to looking around.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alexxxcali on Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:27 am

Alex's Chanel high heels clicked on the pavement, as she breathed in the cold fresh mountain air. Her hands gripped her Versace suitcases tightly as she unlocked and stepped into her dorm. She already smelt another odor in the room, a male, and instantly her body grew tense. Her scents were confirmed as she looked into the other bedroom, that was neatly scattered with boy belongings. Alex rolled her eyes, and sighed, if this boy is anything like the other 90%, i might have to kill him.. She hoped for an intelligent boy who would give her her space, but be kind and understanding as well. She knew she was difficult sometimes, and she didn't want to make this boy think of her as a nuisance. But as well, if this boy was lewd and took peeks on her, he would get it. Alex plopped her suitcases on her bed, and unlocked both of them, flipping the covers up. She had a lot of unpacking to do, and after the long plane ride, she didn't really feel like doing it. She sat down between her luggage and looked around the room. It was nice, and she was happy to be here. She didn't really know what to expect, she basically just jumped into all of it. The vampire world was definitely new to her, and she was scared in a way. But at the same time she knew she could handle anything, even the afterlife, whatever that meant. Alex slowly got up and looked in a mirror. Her bold blond hair went down her bust to the middle of her stomach in long envious waves. Her eyes and skin reflected the dim lighting. It was definitely a lot easier in the afterlife to stay ravishing. She took off her trench coat, and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore some of her best black high heels, and a sleek tight black dress. It was casual yet it made a statement on her perfect curves. Alex patted out her dress, and tousled her hair a little. She decided packing could wait till tonight and slipped her coat on, heading out to take a look around the town next to the campus.

The town seemed quaint and cute, unlike the city, and it was refreshing for once. That was until she saw a flashing nightclub. She knew it was a nightclub because of the bouncer looking man outside the door, and people waiting to get in, wearing flashy but everyday clothes. Alex decided to take a look and carefully walked across the street, taking off her coat and holding it in front of her. She walked to the entrance after she waited in the very short line, and handed the man his money. He looked her up and down, and handed her half her money back, "Buy yourself a drink, on me." He said as he winked.
Alex resisted rolling her eyes, and gave him a small fake smile, then walked in. The place was crowded and people danced on the floor, while others sat at the bar and conversed. Alex was never one for dancing, and slowly walked over to the bar. She sat down at the only empty seat at the edge of the bar next to a black haired boy. He seemed about her age, and he wore a band t-shirt, but she couldn't see the name of the band. Alex looked forward as the bartender spoke, "And what can i get for you blondie?"
Alex didn't smile, and simply said, "I'll have an orange juice."
The bartender looked at her for a second then moved to the middle of the bar. Alex watched as he poured her orange juice, then a bit of vodka. He slid her drink down to her and gave her a smirk. Alex didn't say anything, but looked at her orange juice and didn't touch it. Then she sighed and looked around, carefully examining every last detail of the room.
Carpe Diem

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xGoodxGirlxGonexBadx on Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:27 am

Wilhelmina heard the boy asking the bar tender for scotch and an apple martini. She sort of found it funny how no matter what guys always thought girls liked fruity drinks. She didn't mind one every know and then but she preferred vodka or something along those lines usually. She decided that she wouldn't say that out loud though. He would learn more about her soon enough. She watched as the bar tender made their drinks and handed them to the boy. She took the martini when he held it out to her. She looked at the glass for a few seconds as he proposed a toast. She clinked her glass against his before downing the drink. She had to admit that it did taste a little too fruity. Then again she hadn't had an apple martini in what she guessed was ages.

She heard him asking her what her name was and set the now empty glass next to his. She looked up at him since he was a bit taller then her," Wilhelmina but you can call me Mina." She smiled at him before turning towards the bar tender," I'll have coke and rum please." The bar tender nodded and went to work on her drink. He hadn't bothered to ask for any sort of ID. She was glad because she hated dealing with stupid humans. She looked back at the boy whose name she had yet to find out. She studied him for a few minutes and realized that there was a chance he was a womanizer.

Most vampires that she knew were. Human women seemed to fall under their charms instantly. It went the same way for men, they fell for vampire women in a matter of seconds. She looked over her shoulder to see that they were getting stared at already. It didn't exactly faze her though. She looked over at him as the bar tender handed her the drink she had asked for," So what's your name mystery boy?" She had a teasing look in her eyes.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yuina on Mon Aug 03, 2009 2:21 am

The spirit of being free wandered around Reiko while she was flipping through the pages of her favorite book -Black Arts. The knowledge that there would be no bodyguard or parents to tell her not to do this or that made her feel even more agitated. Why does she have to lock herself up in this room when there's so much to explore outside? IF she continued like this, then surely it would just be the same as being inside the same mansion walls she wanted to break free from. Her earlier resolve to stay indoors and read a book shattered instantly as a new thought graced her mind. A lady prancing in the night, she had never tried that before.

Closing her Black Arts book with a bit of a loud clapping sound -probably due to her excitement getting the best of her- Reiko left the book on her bed and took off her nighties. Again, using her inhuman speed, she found herself in front of the closet once more. Taking on a meticulous look, she browsed along all of her dresses and picked out the most casual one her eyes set upon. An elegant black silk dress that had a slit that would partially expose most of her legs, a gift she received from her tutor on her 18th birthday. She was thankful that the dress still fits her perfectly.

Satisfied with how she looked after posing in front of her whole body mirror, she then pulled out one of her drawers that revealed an expensive line of jewelry. She picked up two small pink butterfly earrings and put them on. After that, she sprayed on a little perfume and combed her long straight silver hair. She was now dressed to kill, not literally though.

Her excitement couldn't be contained, Reiko finds herself almost gliding towards the room's door. Having studied Black Arts with her private tutor, she had mastered these skills at an early age. Usage of them had become her habit when she is alone. Stepping out of the door, a cool night wind brushed against her and mildly swayed her silver hair back. She raised a hand to keep her hair in place while making her way into the first establishment her eyes caught sight of. The one that had numerous lights.

The sight of many people lined up outside made her stop for a moment. The scent of their blood filled her nose which made her wince a little, fighting back a natural thirst her breed has, the thirst for blood. Upon regaining composure, Reiko walks towards the bouncer that had his eyes locked onto her. With just one look, the bouncer opened the doors for her causing the crowd lined up at the back to get into a mild uproar. Once inside, dazzling lights that flew all over the room filled her vision. Music, if it can be called that was being played too loud. She crossed the long crowd of dancing people and found a vacant table for two and sat there alone observing the new environment she has found.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OniIgnasha on Mon Aug 03, 2009 9:49 am

Kira opened her eyes and sighed slowly, sitting up from her bed and scratching the back of her neck. She hated getting up, but she knew she had to. She grabbed new clothing and slipped into it, brushing her hair and grabbing her bag. She paused when she noticed that it was too light. She opened it and rolled her eyes, tossing her bag onto her bed.

"Damn it.. I forgot to pack my bag.." She grumbled, dropping down onto her knees to see if she could find her books. She checked under her bed and sighed, pulling out the books that she had apparently stuffed all the way under. She stood and pushed her books into her bag, tossing it over her shoulder and she headed out of the room, closing her door behind her.

She moved fluently from her dorm, walking down the street with others that were clearly headed for the university. She smiled a bit as she made her way down the street, strands of her hair slipping into her face and dancing around her shoulders. She would brush it out of the way every now and then, but mostly just let it be. Her hair would hide her dark amber eyes, the sparkle in them showing her excitement.
"When you wish upon a star... I will kill you, near or far..."

(01:10:26) [NPC] Bartender: Esari rolls 3d6 and gets 6,6,6.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Echo on Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:45 pm

(I apologize greatly for this, but it needs to be said.

With work, my family, my friends, my girlfriend's upcoming move away, and many other personal issues, I will not be able to be on this site very often. Therefore, I am going to have to drop all of my RPs, which I thoroughly regret. I have other matters to attend to in my life and I will not be able to supply you guys with the activity you deserve from a GM, let alone a player.

Thank you all for understanding, it was a pleasure writing with you. May life be happy and prosperous for all of you.

I leave FlySociety as the sole GM of this RP.


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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DCLXVI on Mon Aug 03, 2009 4:47 pm

"Well," Oriel said to himself and, to a lesser degree because she couldn't actually hear him, a writer going by xxPr1nc355xx, glaring at his computer screen, "Will you look at that. She's seventeen, and is already skilled at using a katana. How original of you."
He read on, his thick eyebrows getting closer as his eyes scanned the display. He had specifically stated in his original post that this was a realistic roleplay, and that if your character used a katana---he had specifically mentioned a katana---that they must be Japanese, and look Japanese, as in no white haired six-foot-four seventeen-year-old girls running around with katanas. For another thing, this is the 1800s, women in Japan don't use katanas. And Japan is still isolationist, so nobody from Japan is going to be in this RP anyway.

Oriel rolled his eyes and wrote a reply politely rejecting the character and requesting that the writer make her more believable. He refreshed his tabs, and saw that no new replies had come up in the minute since he'd last checked. For that past fifteen minutes, no replies had been made except some people chatting in an out of character thread and this character. With a sigh, Oriel closed his laptop.

The expectation that college would be one giant snore-fest was not being disproved. Oriel knew nobody, and had nothing to do but mess around on his computer. He didn't even have anything to do with that, because now that he'd graduated high school, he couldn't work on the school's web interface, which he had began in his freshman year, gotten approved by the principal, and had a club made out of in his junior year. No doubt now that he and his dogma were gone, the faculty would be able to get rid of all the references to Portal, Monty Python, and Star Trek. Oriel scowled at the thought.

He closed his computer, deciding to take a walk around the grounds and find his classes, so he wouldn't have to scout around for them the next evening. Donning his jacket and computer bag, he picked up the paper with his schedule on it and exited the dorm.

[[I'll probably be at the club eventually, although Oriel isn't really one to go to them... I'll think of a good reason to put him there.]]

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CleverScreenNameHere on Mon Aug 03, 2009 6:22 pm

Branden had only been in town for about an hour or so, and he was already having a pretty good time. He gave himself a mental pat on the back for mustering enough courage to talk to this girl. She seemed nice enough, and he made a mental note to get to know her better during the year, assuming that she was going to attend the university as well. That was probably the only reason vampires came to this town, besides the fact that the weather was perfect for their kind. He called the bartender back and ordered yet another glass of scotch. While vampires were allowed to eat and drink, food and beverage never really satisfied them, but to keep up appearances in front of humans, they did it anyway. It's not like they could drink too much alcohol, kill brain cells, and die. He scoffed at that thought, taking the glass of scotch from the bartender and making yet another mental note to give a healthy tip to the guy for good service.

Branden brought the glass up to his lips, starting to drink the warm liquid and feeling it burning as it ran down his throat. He was going to finish this glass much slower than he finished the previous one. He heard the girl, who he found out was nicknamed Mina, ask for his name as well. He set the glass down on the counter of the bar and smiled warmly, figuring that he might as well be friendly to this pretty girl. "My birth certificate reads 'Branden Davis'," he replied coolly. He never just told anyone what his name was. He always had to make sound a bit more clever and witty than usual. "And so does my death certificate." He chuckled as he took the glass into his hand once again and drank from it.

Branden had come from a family of vampires. Of course, they had to move around a lot, otherwise people would know them by their records. He had last lived in New York. The city was, of course, as magnificent and fabulous as people had described it, but living in it had been such a wonderful experience. He had to admit that he missed the Big Apple the most out of all the cities that he had lived in. It had really felt like home, but now, it seemed as if this small town near the Alps was his new home for four years, no matter how old he was. He was probably one of the oldest vampires in the university, but he didn't mind. "So from what far away land do you hail from, Mina?" he asked with a curious smile. He loved to learn more about other people, or other vampires, to be more exact.

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ReiRyuusei on Mon Aug 03, 2009 8:40 pm

The gigantic oak door of the library closed behind Erik with a long eeriy creak and then a loud, defiant slam. Once again, he had spent another day tucked within the labryinths of the library, browsing it's many wonderous shelves in the search for an interesting read whether it looks the form of fact or fiction. In fact, the Vampire boy still had his square, thin rimmed reading glasses perched on the end of his nose, a book open in his hand and the other buried in his trouser pocket as she descended the steps and turned back towards the winking lights of the dormitories. The night air was cool and fresh, a gently breeze combing his mop of coal black hair and causing the trees around him to whisper. Even so, his concentrated gaze remained glued to the page he was reading.

Unlike the several students who were exitting the dormitories and heading towards the town in hopes of finding a night club or a bar, Erik planned to return to his new home for the school year and get himself settled; he wouldn't feel truely at home otherwise. Also unlike the others, Erik was dressed rather smartly for a university student; formal black pants, a white cotton shirt with the top two buttons undone over a black sleeveless jumper. His shirt was untucked on half a side, revealing a black belt with a rather large silver buckle in the shape of his family insignia. Black loafers scuffed the road as he returned 'home'.

Some may even have been rude enough to jeer at Erik, had they noticed him slinking out of the shadows, and some may even have called him a 'geek' or a 'nerd'. In response, Erik would have simply rolled his eyes and ignored such juvenille and human behaviour or if you annoyed him enough, sent them sprawling across the pavement with a completley rearranged and bloodied face. He could feel such childish antics rising in the minds of the students he passed, but with a swift glance and a flash of his pearly canines, they reconsidered their chances. He may have looked like he was attempting to try very hard, too hard in fact, to look like the perfect student... But the murderous intent that rolled off him like an aura was suffocating even to the weaker ones of his own kind.

After snapping his borrowed book shut, finding his key and letting himself in, Erik disappeared into the now dark dorm and felt the scent of his 'dorm mate' fill his nostrils. She was definately female all right, just like they had told him before he had arrived. Erik's father had only allowed him to be housed with a female after he had learnt of her family's influence. Erik had felt the strong urge to roll his eyes; he may have been young and 'frisky' as his parents suspected, but to be honest he was far more interested in chasing his next victim for a meal rather than chasing a potential mate. Without turning the light on, he continued towards his room, where his family's servants had prepared everything for him under strict instruction.

After brewing himself a strong black coffee, Erik retreated to his room, where he hoped to spend the night reading and plotting on how he could twist the school round his fingers to allow him to hunt humans. Perhaps if he promised to go after criminals only... Well, he would give it a think; he wouldn't be needing a feed for some time anyway. Just so long as the thumping music of the clubs in town didn't reach him, he really didn't care what the outside world had to offer that night.
Give my post a rate, will ya? :3

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Re: Under the White Sheet (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xGoodxGirlxGonexBadx on Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:08 pm

Mina stared at the contents of the glass that the bar tender had given her. She didn't mind eating or drinking human food. She knew that she had to in order to make sure humans thought she was one of them. She was just glad that the food didn't taste like dirt or something equally disgusting. Otherwise she would have had a real problem. She took a few sips of her drink as she decided not to down it all at once. She knew that most men didn't think that women could hold their liquor. She obviously had years of practice to do such a thing. She heard him introducing himself as Branden Davis. She smirked a little when he said that it was also the name on his death certificate as well. She set the glass down on the bar as she thought that she wouldn't mind being around him.

Most people she found she couldn't stand. But she figured that he was different. She could tell from the way that he acted and spoke around her. He probably had been nervous to speak to her at first. Everyone was and she was always highly amused by it. She heard him asking her where she was from and shrugged. She looked over at him," I'm from around." She laughed a little as she wondered if she should tell him where she was from in her human life. She hardly ever told anyone because she didn't think it was of any importance," I was born in Manhattan but I haven't been there in decades." She flashed him a small smile before reaching for her drink once more," I tend to travel around the country and sometimes if I'm in the mood, the world."

Over the years Wilhelmina had traveled from place to place. She had become a nomad in a way. She knew it was dangerous to stay in one place for an extended period of time. That was why she had been so nervous about attending the university. But she had grown weary of moving around constantly and figured she could give it a try. If she didn't like it she could simply just move on and continue with her old ways. There was no harm in that if you asked her. She just wondered how well others were going to cope with the university life style. She really hoped that she would meet her roommate soon. She wanted to find out if she was going to actually get along with him or want to kill him.

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