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A Clockwork Orange: The Next Generation

London 2024


a part of A Clockwork Orange: The Next Generation, by MotherDragons.


MotherDragons holds sovereignty over London 2024, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

476 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

this is based on stanley kubrick's a clockwork orange.


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London 2024 is a part of A Clockwork Orange: The Next Generation.

5 Characters Here

Liam Fielding [0] waht we up tah t'day?
Mistu Hitora [0] logically nothing about anything makes sense
Carlisle McDowell [0] "I have a record... Don't make me break my record."
Vincent Corgey [0] Do not say I am like my father! I am nothing like him!
Lacey DeLarge [0] "It's all in good fun."

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Lacey sat at the Milk+ bar. She was by herself for the time being. She took another drink of her milk, her mind wandering back to visiting her father earlier that day.

"Name of Prisoner?" the guard had asked. A half smile, exactly like her father's, crossed her face.
"Alex DeLarge," she replied, making eye contact.
"Purpose of Visit?"
"Visiting and offering moral support to my father," She stated, smoothing down her school uniform in almost a carressing manner, "Can I go back now?" She bit her lip, silently daring him to deny her request. The guard nodded, a bit awestruck, and led her back to the visiting room. Lacey blew a kiss to a random inmate waiting for his visiter. Two guards escorted him in. His hands and feet were shackled. They shoved him in the seat across from her.
"Hello, Darling," he said, taking her hand in his.
"Hi, daddy," she replied, grasping his hand tightly,"They decided to keep me at St. John's." She smiled, the similarities extremely obvious when she sat next to him. She had kept her 'naughtiness' under the radar. She was a "student that other students looked up to" in the headmaster's eyes.
"Well, you should continue showing them what an exemplary student you are," he said, the madness in his eyes evident. A guard chose that moment to take her daddy back into the cell.
"Don't worry, daddy. I'll keep up the good work," she said as she hugged him. He left, the grins on both their faces vanished...

"I'll make you proud, daddy," she muttered, wiping away one solitary tear. She finished off what was her second glass of milk. The psychedelics took a hold of her conscious, a smile back on her face.


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Mistu walked up to the giant school gates with a small frown on her face. She looked around noticed it might rain soon and decided that she had to go in and she couldnt start off on a bad foot at this school since her record wasnt the greatest. She walked around trying to find the school office so she could get her class schedules and her dorm room assignment. As she finally say the school office she ran to it and slows down to a stop at the front door walking in calmly she rang the bell on the desk hearing a soft ting from the bell. he waited a few minutes before a lady walked from the back and to the front with a soft smile the lady asked "hello dear what do you need help with" Mistu smiled and calmly responded "my name is Mistu and im a new student i need my room and classes" the lady nodded and headed to the back filing cabnit to get her information. After a few minutes the lady handed her the class list and her room key and card. Mistu looked down at the number and slowly started to walk toward the dorm room sighing as she noticed that she was sharing a dorm.


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent or Vin to a few stormed out of his fathers brick townhouse in anger... his dad was drinking again and reliving the old days. Vincent hated hearing the tales...he had heard them all his life from his dads old cop buddies and by practically everyone who knew he was the son of Dim Corgey. "...over and over..." he Vincent muttered to himself as he started walking around the town. "Bloody Son of a whore." he muttered between his teeth talking about his father, it was evident he shared no love for his father. But where is the mother in this childs life few would want to know thi. The answer was simple Vincent had no clue who his mother was. Nor did he give a damn fuck and want to find out who she could be. If she wanted to be a part of his life she had time to do so before now. Since she did not visit or even raise him she obviously didn't. He continued his walk through the city seeing the Milk+ bar and shook his head...he did not particpate in there...he knew a few that did, a few friends that he had in fact but he couldn't bring himself to do so, he tried it once and hated the feeling of not being in control of his mind and flipped out reliving the beatings he had taken and feeling like he was drowning. He shook his head to lose the memories as he took out a fag and started to smoke it as he walked inside milk+ bar. They knew who he was and knew he wouldn't cause them any trouble or tell anyone. He was a good secret keeper and a few other things that were not pleasent and more like his father then he'd like to admit. Like the perfect apple that was rotting slowly.


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Lacey's spotted Vin. She got up, more steadily than other's at her state of drugginess. She sauntered over, hugging him around the middle.
"Where've you been, Brother? Seems like I've been waiting for you all night, I have," she said, pulling away, "Has big, bad daddykins been up your arse all night? That's what it looks like." She smiled, the look in her eyes mischievous. She grabbed his hand delicately in her own.
"Ready for a night of debauchery?"


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#, as written by Zenia
Vin smiled at Lacey, "you could phrase it like that I suppose. He has been a dick and drinking again remembering the 'golden' days." he said with a shrug as he took another drag from his cigarette. He looked at Lacey and saw the empty glass of milk, not commenting on it. "Debauchery does sound fun in all honesty, I suppose I'd be the look out again eh?" he asked her with a grin that resembled his fathers at times. "But before that how have you been?" he asked her as he gently slid his hand out of hers. "Don't want to burn you in case I need to flick this out." he explained softly as he sat down on a table.


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"You can do whatever you want," she replied, slipping out her pack of smokes, "I went and visited my dad today. I've been better. I have a new roommate at St. John's, but you're more then welcome to spend the night." Lacey's tone was slightly seductive. Lacey really liked Vin, but if her dad found out she liked Dim's kid... Dim and Georgie had been the reason her dad had been arrested. They also tried to drown him after her father had been cured the first time. She had to bite her tongue constantly when she was at Vin's house. He constantly made nasty comments about her dad.
"We could always kill your dad tonight," she stated, half-joking, half serious. She lit her smoke and inhaled deeply off of it. She blew a smoke ring in the shape of heart.


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent shrugged, "New roomie eh? SOmetimes I wished I lived at the dorm...too suspicious though I think. After all Dad plays the caring part very well...when sober." he said as he blew some smoke, he didn't do any smoke rings or anything fancy, not that he couldn't just that he didn't care to do so. "As for spending the tempting as that is well don't want to scar the roomie their first night or ruin your perfect reputation of being a 'role model' student." he said with a smirk. "Ya dad still hate my dad I assume? Still talking trash?" he asked slightly caring but not really. "Oh and no killing my dad yet. Still need the money he shells out sometimes." he stated simply. "Maybe next time though." he remarked as he twirled his cigerette in between his fingers before putting it out. "Need to buy another pack soon."


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"New roomie eh? Sometimes I wished I lived at the dorm...too suspicious though I think. After all Dad plays the caring part very well...when sober," Vin said as he exhaled, "As for spending the tempting as that is well don't want to scar the roomie their first night or ruin your perfect reputation of being a 'role model' student." He smirked.
"Ya dad still hate my dad I assume? Still talking trash?" he asked her, "Oh and no killing my dad yet. Still need the money he shells out sometimes. Maybe next time though. Need to buy another pack soon."
"Everyone hates your dad, and let's just say, if my dad weren't incarcerated, your dad would be six feet under," she said with a smirk, "why would you buy another pack when we can nick 'em?" The barkeep came over.
"Excuse me, sir, but I need to see some ID," he stated, not noticing Lacey.
"Actually, he's with me and no ID is necessary," she replied, making direct eye contact. The barkeep looked like he had been slapped. He scurried away like a puppy with its tail in between his legs. Lacey chuckled.
"Every time. He always gets the same response," she said, "I don't know why he still bothers."


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent shrugged, "Wouldn't mind him six feet under myself. Alas not yet..." he shook his head, "Let me guess your dad would probably kill me as well if he wasn't in prison...ain't gonna say 'sorry my dad bottled you.' to him ever even if a gun is pressed against my head. No offense but I ain't fond of your dad either, wouldn't kill him though." he told her. He thought about nicking cigarettes and shrugged, "Every time I nick 'em they never have the right brand... s'like I am cursed in that area." he remarked. He smirked at the bar keep. "You'd think he'd remember a six foot skinny ass ginger more often... s'like he has brain damage there." he said with a chuckle.


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"Wouldn't mind him six feet under myself. Alas not yet..." he said with a shake of his head, "Let me guess your dad would probably kill me as well if he wasn't in prison...ain't gonna say 'sorry my dad bottled you.' to him ever even if a gun is pressed against my head. No offense but I ain't fond of your dad either, wouldn't kill him though."
"My dad wouldn't try to kill you if he didn't know who you were," she stated, emotionless.
"Every time I nick 'em they never have the right brand... s'like I am cursed in that area," he remarked, "You'd think he'd remember a six foot skinny ass ginger more often... s'like he has brain damage there."
"Perhaps," she replied and lit another smoke, "maybe that's because he has. I've watched him get beaten over the head a couple of times by crazed milk drinkers."
I'm singin' in the rain. I'm singin' in the rain...


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent took out another cigerette and tried to light it his lighter guttered out though and failed, "Damn...can I bum a light off of ya?" he asked her calmly. "Probably right...doubt it'd take him long to figure out who I am though..." he shook his head and dropped the subject. "He's been hit in the head? Huh did not know that. Welp you learn something new everyday. Ain't that fan-fucking-tastic?" he said with a bored tone. "So what's the plan for tonight oh great leader?" he asked her with the michivious smirk that sometimes graced his face. It was rare to see, but most people knew they did not wish to be on the recieving end of that grin if they crossed him. It did not end well for them, Lacey was safe though, he'd never hurt a friend...


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"Damn...can I bum a light off of ya?" he asked her calmly. She pulled out her lighter and handed it to him.
"Probably right...doubt it'd take him long to figure out who I am though..." Vincent said before dropping the subject.
"He's been hit in the head? Huh did not know that. Well, you learn something new everyday. Ain't that fan-fucking-tastic?" he asked, his tone bored.
"So what's the plan for tonight, oh great leader?" he asked, a rare mischievous smirk on his features. Her eyes narrowed as she studied the room. She was deep in thought.
"I love that smile," she stated, mischief clear in her eyes, "are you sure you don't want to spend the night?" She was left alone in her mind, again.
"Let's go to Huntsfield manor," she said, her signature half smile crossed her face, "see what the old broad is up to. We'll nick you a new pack of smokes while we're at it."
She stood up and slipped her mask on. Time to make Daddy proud.


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent took the cigerette from her and lit his cigerette, "Thanks Lace." he remarked as he handed it to her, "This smile gets me in loads of trouble Lovelace." he told her using a nickname for her. "I'll think about spending the night with ya, but again we don't know what type of roomie you got. Could be a goody goody who will tell, which will give all the headmaster needs to make our lives miserable...well even more so." he commented as he gently blew out smoke with a shrug. "Her manor huh? Sure okay...what time and should I bring my knife and costume?" he asked her as if this was usual to him and it had become usual since he had met and joined with Lacey.


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"I'll think about spending the night with ya, but again we don't know what type of roomie you got. Could be a goody goody who will tell, which will give all the headmaster needs to make our lives miserable...well even more so." he said with a shrug.
"Carlisle?" she asked, feigning confusion, "he doesn't make my life miserable." She chuckled.
"Her manor huh? Sure okay...what time and should I bring my knife and costume?" he asked.
"As soon as we can. I'll stop by the school to get some of my things," she replied, "why don'tcha come with me? We can meet my new roommate while we're at it." She stood up and headed towards the door. She grabbed his hand in her's again and gently tugged him.


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent laughed, "Ol' Carsilie is so slow...thinks he runs the place and everything is pumpkin pie." he remarked as he shook his head the same grin on his face. He let himself be dragged along as he removed his hand and gently wrapped it around her shoulder taking another drag from his cig. "Sure we can meet her. Then I need to grab my things...hopefully dad will be passed out on the couch by then." he remarked as he walked with her flicking away the spent cigerette. "Can't make your roomie see my bad side just yet...she gets me angry though and there is no question it will pop up." he stated softly as he looked up at the sky.


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She puts her stuff on her bed and notices a fliervpicking it up reading something on the milk bar. She pull her leather jacket on snd walk out to look for it wondering who her room mate is. She gets there walking inside looki g around as it is almost empty. She walk to the bar her wavy read gair blocking her from being seenbunless you were standing in ftont of her. She looked over seeing some one else in the same school unifor and decides to walk over. She walks over her blue eyes full of peircing curiousity like her fatheres "hey fo you go to saint johns?" she looks at the girl.


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Lacey smirked when Vincent laughed.
"Ol' Carsilie is so slow...thinks he runs the place and everything is pumpkin pie." he remarked as he shook his head, the same grin on his face. She gasped as the cold night's air sent chills down her spine.
"Sure we can meet her. Then I need to grab my things...hopefully dad will be passed out on the couch by then," he said, flicking away his cigarette, "Can't make your roomie see my bad side just yet...she gets me angry though and there is no question it will pop up." He had gotten quieter and was looking up at the sky. She followed his gaze. The sky was peaceful.
"I can always knock him out," she said with a giggle. After a little bit of distance, they were at the school. She looked up at it with disgust. A scoff escaped her lips.


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent grinned softly at that, "Nah leave that to me. I have gotten more skilled at knocking the man out." he remarked as they reached the school he heard her scoff and gently squeezed her shoulder, "It's only for a bit longer then we will be free of this hell hole with them none the wiser of what we do." he told her as he opened the door for her, "Ladies first." he said with a dracmitc bow. "Plus you can scope out the place making sure the dorm mother doesn't see me walk in, hear she has gotten stricter now. And don't want our night of deaubarchy to be ruined by me getting yelled at by her." he stated with a smirk and a friendly peck on the cheek.


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She smirked when he mentioned that he had better practice. He squeezed her shoulders when she had scoffed.
"It's only for a bit longer then we will be free of this hell hole with them none the wiser of what we do," he said as he opened the door, "Ladies first." He bowed. She chuckled.
"Plus you can scope out the place making sure the dorm mother doesn't see me walk in, hear she has gotten stricter now. And don't want our night of deaubarchy to be ruined by me getting yelled at by her," he said, and pecked her on the cheek. She blushed slightly, before she stepped forward. She looked around, not spotting anyone.
"C'mon," she whispered, waving him forward, before running full fledged to the dorm building.


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent followed her in taking off his leather jacket and held it over his shoulder following her carefully keeping an eye out. "So how has life been in the dorm he asked her calmly. "It will be a bit more diffucult for you to sneak out if the gal is a goody goody." he commented as he saw the few girls still out some in their pjs. One blew him a kiss and he rolled his eyes at her not interested in her in the slightest besides she'd cower when she figured out who his father was, most people did. He sniffed the air and sighed, "Crud smoke smell stuck to me as usual. Hope your roomie doesn't mind that." he muttered to himself softly.


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"So how has life been in the dorm? It will be a bit more difficult for you to sneak out if the gal is a goody goody," Vin asked quietly. She noticed him roll her eyes at this girl who blew a kiss at him. She smirked, narrowing her eyes at her. The girl jump slightly. Lacey pulled out her key and unlocked the door.


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent walked into her room noticing the flier for the milk bar. "You left this out?" he asked her in concern. "That ain't good..." he muttered as he looked around spying the girls bag. "Seems she was here recently...wonder if she went to tell anyone..." he muttered softly. "She may have a picture in her bag of herself. We could use it to spy her in the halls." he stated as he unzipped her bag. His mind was working how it usually did in something like this happened or when he was on a job with Lacey he was a calm thinking man most of the time.


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She sighed as the two left she looked around feeling wierd in the bar do dhe left dliely walking back to her dorm. When she walked in she saw two peopke going threw her bag. Dhe dloely dhut the door not wanting to alarm them as she walked over tspping the guy on the shoulder. "i think that is my bag you arr looking threw" she looked at him a slight glare in he eyes.


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#, as written by Zenia
Vincent heard the footsteps and turned around as she tapped his shoulder. He was about to slam her against the wall as a reflex, in fact he raised his arm to do so when he stopped himself, taking a deep breath he sighed, "Ya scared me...sorry about rifling through your belongings." he told her with a grin, he was good at playing the innocent to new people, most of the time it was because he was innocent for the moment. "Names Vincent." he told her offering her his hand.


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"I think that is my bag you are looking through," the new girl had said. Lacey looked up at the girl, her signature half smile across her face. She pulled Vin down on the bed beside her.
"Be cool, bro," she whispered in his ear, her eyes closed. She gently nuzzled the side of his head, before looking back up at the girl.
"Sorry about Vin here," she said in a very convincing apologetic manner,she could've passed a polygraph detector, "I assure you, it will not happen again." She smiled warmly up at the girl. She extended her hand out to the girl.
"I'm Lacey," she said, a smile across her face.
"The key to lying is not giving to many details," daddy had said when she was little, "Don't fuck it up."