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Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost


0 · 1,426 views · located in Arkham Asylum

a character in “Arkham Asylum: Aftermath”, as played by CaesarTheSeventh


Full Name: Blaine Myers
Nickname: Ghost
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 270lbs
Hair Color: None
Eye Color: Black
Reason for Admission: New Warden
Power or Ability: Yes
If Yes, What: Can pass through solid objects, trained in iron fist style, his voice echos and he can also can manipulate the wavelengths of his voice
Family: Unknown


Personality/Tendencies: Doesn't speak often, vegetarian, serious, solemn, quiet, intimidating




Biography: Blaine Myers seemingly appeared out of nowhere when he took the job of warden of Arkham. The mayor appointed him this position, but no one knows why. No one knows who he is or where he's from. He seemingly appeared from nowhere. However it is rumored he is some type of monk because he's a vegetarian, he has a shaved head, and he rarely speaks.

So begins...

Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Victoria Quint
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Hans looked at the wound on Cannibal's hand. "I see. I'll get you a doctor, trusting that you will control your urges." Hans said as he peered in Leonard's cell. There was a guard close enough to the cell that he could hear the conversation, so Hans motioned for him to get the doctor and proceeded down the hall. Time was running short in the day so every patient that wasn't asked personally got a paper and marker.

The top of the paper read:
If you have any inquiries please write them on this paper and they will be delivered to the Warden directly.

(I waited long enough so I'm moving on to the next day without Victoria's evaluation. I apologize but I must keep things moving.)

Warden Ghost took a look at the clock. "I'm behind schedule, so I'm afraid I must reschedule this evaluation if you are up to it" Ghost said before showing Victoria the door.

The next day

Just as the sun was rising trucks entered Arkham Asylum. One was from a mattress warehouse and the other was a sanitation crew. The sanitation crew entered the asylum and started with cleaning the cafeteria and other areas that werent populated by inmates. Their trucks were parked outside with the keys inside because they were afraid of the asylum since their had been so much chaos in the past week. The other trucks with the mattresses waited outside with the crew. Ghost was telling them that their patients needed sleep and it was their fault for arriving too early. The mattress warehouse crew were unable to place in the mattress because all the cells were occupied, at least until breakfast which was not too far.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: Juggernaut Character Portrait: John Black
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A guard handed Ghost some notes from patients. He'd read them all and sent a note with a guard to deliver to Hans. He stood outside as he awaited the announcement, it was now time to start the day.

Hans received the note quickly and moved to the intercom.
"Good Morning Arkham patients, your cells will be opened momentarily after a few announcements from our warden. He tells me to read the following note." Hans blared over the intercom. Hans began to read the note.

"After reading the inquiries the following changes will be made:
1. Cells can now be co-dormed provided that the cellmates visit me in my office and request it personally
2. From here on out all evaluations will now be group sessions
3. Any guard caught touching a patient inappropriately or harming an inmate without appropriate reason will be punished severely

I have read every requisition and anything not addressed in this announcement will be addressed to you personally after the first group therapy session
Warden Ghost

P.S my favorite color is red"

Hans read over the intercom, the last part seemed silly to him, but probably knew Ghost was dead serious when he wrote it. "It is now time for breakfast. All patients head to the cafeteria. However the following patients please make their way to Warden Ghost's office for group psychiatic evaluation with the warden, Dr. Calhoun, and myself." Hans said as he pulled a list of patients out. "John Black, Brandon Robertson, Alexei Demetriou, Victoria Quint, Oliver Braithwaite, Rosalie Abbot, Laura Crawford, and Leonard Beington. Once again please head to the warden's office for evaluation."

Hans put down the intercom and made his way down the hallway and entered Ghost's office where a circle of chairs were arranged. Hans sat down and rifled through his folders.

Ghost directed the movers to place the new mattresses in every cell including the ones in solitary and maximum security. The movers did this with haste since they were terrified of the place. They also took the old mattresses and began moving them out to their truck. The guards were on high alert with so many civilians in the asylum at once. Ghost however trusted his patients, but if something arose he would have no choice, but to punish them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: John Black
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"Good morning Mr. Black, there's some breakfast over on the table to your left if you feel like eating before we begin" Hans said to Black as he went through his files without looking up at Black once. Normally Black's presence was one that demanded attention, but Hans just wasn't that intimidated.

Warden Ghost walked into his office to see that only Hans and Black had arrived. He was a bit disappointed by the showing. He walked over to his desk where he began to take out some folders. He didn't say a word to either men. It was an awkward situation with the doctor, warden, and patient. If you had walked into the office you would not be able to tell this was an evaluation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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Wait for it...

"P.S my favorite color is red"

"Hah!" Alexei couldn't resist the urge to laugh out loud, something he'd not done genuinely in quite some time. Ghost was alright for the moment, he decided.Β 

Tha ton skotΓ³Μ±soΜ± an eΓ­chate tiΜ±n efΜ±kairΓ­a na xefΓ½goun?
Would you kill him if you had the chance to escape?

Alexei rubbed his forehead irritably. He didn't have time for this. Eyeing him carefully, the guards opened the door to his cell. He felt their suspicious glares burning into his skull. All of a sudden, he had an idea. For the laughs, of course. He lunged at one of them with a snarl on his face. The man jumped backwards, and Alexei stood straight and, snickering, walked off in the direction the other guard was pointing. He heard mutters behind him, but he didn't really care.

He ran a hand through his dark hair before opening the door to the warden's office. He blinked twice as he took in the circle of chairs, In one sat a man he'd never seen before, and the Ex-Nazi doctor from before. Alexei also spotted Ghost himself. His antisocial tendencies kicked in almost immediately.

"Privyet," he greeted the three quietly and slipped into a chair as far away from the others as he could manage, however limited that was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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0.00 INK

Dr. Hans watched as Alexei walked into the room. He'd not seen Alexei in sometime since there last evaluation. He'd provoked the man to get a reaction from him and Alexei had found out shortly after leaving. Hans knew this because Alexei had muttered something along the lines of "clever bastard" when he left. When Hans worked for the Nazi's, he picked up russian from experimenting on so many soviet soldiers. They'd often mocked how a fourteen year old kid was going to conduct a mental experimentation on them. Most of them ended up dead by the end.

"Priyatno videtΚΉ Vas AleksyeΔ­. Eto bylo nekotoroe vremya posle nashyeΔ­ poslednyeΔ­ vstrechi , ne tak li?" Hans greeted back to Alexei, which meant "Nice to see you Alexei. It's been a while since our last meeting. Hans decided to speak to him in that language to reveal that he had caught what Alexei had said when he left. Hans believed secrecy would hinder progress towards sanity.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thorait
The Cannibal
Leonard was escorted towards the warden’s room for the evaluation the guards delivered him to a chair where his handcuffs where removed but the guards would keep an eye on him as cannibal had never responded well to evaluations the last doctor had almost lost his ear when he asked Cannibal why he eat people. β€œDoctor, Warden.” He greeted both of them before looking to Black and Alexei and nodded to them as well as a formal greeting. Leonard looked towards the warden β€œWarden Ghost, I would like to know your name as constantly calling you Ghost goes against etiquette and it seems unlikely that your name is Ghost. If you don’t mind me asking this question of course I would hate it if my question embarrassed you.” Cannibal had a calm and friendly expression but his eye’s seemed to study the Wardens every move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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0.00 INK

Depravity was escorted into the warden's office by one of the guards. He was in a particularly good mood as this group session was going to give him a chance to observe how the other prisoners acted and were. Depravity greeted the people he knew with a smile and a nod. "Doctor Klarheit. Warden Ghost." Depravity sat on the nearest empty chair and awaited one of the doctors to begin the session.

Depravity looked around at the other inmates that were in the room. John Black, known as "The Barbian" was conversing with Leonard Beington, known as "The Cannibal", and Alexei Demetriou. They seemed to be joking around with one another, or at least John Black was. Depravity wasn't planning on interrupting now nor acting hostile. It was best to remain out of the spotlight for now as far as Depravity was concerned. He didn't need any unwanted attention from any of the warden's minions or the prisoners alike. Depravity simply smiled and waited for something interesting to happen; if all of these 'patients' were as mentally insane as the guards spoke of, something interesting was bound to happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal
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0.00 INK

Shadow reached the wardens office and turned around to face the guard escorting her. It was the one with all the "we're watching you" crap and it seemed like he was planning to stay by her side the whole session.

"Go stalk someone else now!" she said, or rather shouted to the guard before marching into the office. He seemed very surprised at first, but then the guard sighed and gave Ghost a look only the warden would know what to think of, before he wandered off again.

Shadow was surprised to see who was already there. She hadn't payed attention to the other names that had been said on the intercom when she was in her cell. She was glad to see that Brandon was there and she gave him a little nod before she walked over and sat down next to John Black. She didn't want to give Brandon too much attention, as it seemed like Ghost was already suspicious enough. Black and the guy with the black hair was conversating. Shadow caught herself staring at the guy. He was extremely hot considering he was an anti-social serial killer. She quickly looked away and then noticed Ghost and "The Nazi" standing at the other side of the room. She gave the warden a sickenly cute smile just to agonize him. "Hey Ghost."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: Juggernaut Character Portrait: John Black
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Ghost and Hans had been secretly taking down notes the entire time they were talking. It seemed like they were shuffling around folders, but they'd disguised it quite nicely. They figured if it were obvious it would hinder the interactions between patients. They noted Alexei's aggression which was not as much when Hans evaluated him in their first session. John Black seemed to have the most social skills out of all of them. Depravity kept to himself and also kept quiet,no sign of Brandon after two days. The Cannibal was also silent, besides a simple nod to Alexei and Black who were the only ones in the room at the time. Shadow was her usual self. It was obvious to Hans that she was scheming and he underlined it in her profile for Ghost to see.

"I was considering John Black for release from the asylum. He has no violent tendencies, his social skills are more than adequate, besides having a previous addiction to venom he's much more saner than everyone here. The only reason I think he's here is because the last warden granted no releases." Hans wrote down and passed to Ghost. "Yes I can see that now. It seems like the appropriate thing to do, but who's to say he won't get back on venom as soon as we release him. I think we're going to have to test how strong his resiliency is before I grant his release." Ghost wrote back to Hans. Hans gave Ghost a nod.

Ghost: When asked his name, Ghost paused for a moment and looked The Cannibal. "I tell you what. The day you're released from this asylum is the day I'll tell you my name." Ghost said to The Cannibal.

"Good morning Shadow" Ghost said without turning around to her, in reply to her greeting.

"The food on the table over there is for you guys, I know you haven't eaten breakfast yet. Leonard I ordered in something called "blood sausage" for you, tell me what you think of it?" Ghost said as he pointed over to the tray of it. Blood sausage was meat that had been soaked in blood and when cooked it evaporates out of the meat, giving it a distinct taste. Ghost was hoping this would ween Leonard off of his cravings if he enjoyed it. The table was set up kind of like a buffet and was exceptionally better compared to the cafeteria since they limited serving size.

"When everyone has finished eating we'll start. It seems the other patients have decided not to join us here." Ghost said. He wondered where Doppleganger and Juggernaut were.

Hans: Hans picked up a phone and dialed a number. It rang a couple times before going to an answering machine. "Good morning Dr. Calhoun. There's a group psychiatric evaluation going on at the asylum. I know you might be shaken up from your last time here, but it would be nice if you dropped by. You're a fine doctor and we could use an extra hand." Hans said as he left a message. Hans had not seen Milo since he left after being placed in a cell with Juggernaut overnight by Warden Ghost. This was the only decision Hans secretly disagreed with since Ghost's term as warden


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Doctor Milo Calhoun
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0.00 INK

Milo was actually on his way to work, rushing to precise. Milo could hardly believe he had overslept! He had never don that since he was a kid! And now he's late for work and must bypass morning traffic to get to work. Normally he leaves early when the traffic isn't quite so bad but now, it's brutal. Milo makes cuts and changes lanes to reach Arkham Island. Fortunately once he reaches the road to the island there is hardly any traffic, of course who would want to go to the infamous institution for any reason? Yet the way to the road makes it difficult as some of the turn lanes run on major freeways and roads. Milo soon felt frustrated as he was caught in the left lane trying to make the turn of the freeway onto Arkham Way. Then his cell phone rang. Rushing to grab it he answers it only to find a voicemail.

"Good morning Dr. Calhoun. There's a group psychiatric evaluation going on at the asylum. I know you might be shaken up from your last time here, but it would be nice if you dropped by. You're a fine doctor and we could use an extra hand."

Group Evaluation? Milo never thought he would hear those words used at Arkham, as he finished hearing the message left by the new doctor, Klarheit.

Although the practice of using group psychiatric evaluation was used once before they discontinued it. For obvious reasons, since most of the inmates proved to be too dangerous, too volatile in such a setting. Milo would be surprised if it wasn't for the Warden. This must be another one of his ideas as it charts up in the most unpredictable decisions list. He truly is changing the entire atmosphere at the asylum from free-for-all recreation, to new processes of employee interactions, and of course patient evaluations. Deep in thought Milo nearly missed his turn as he makes his way on to the street as he made his way to Arkham Island. Milo hoped he wasn't late as he made his way across the bridge and past the huge security gates. Milo parked his car in the designated parking spaces for employees and exited his vehicle. Carrying his keys and items he quickly made his way to his office and slipped on his lab coat and name I.D Tag. Asking around he was directed to the Warden's Office for the new and reinstated Group Therapy. Milo politely knocked on the Warden's door.

"It's me Doctor Calhoun." Milo called quietly from behind the door to identify himself. He awaited to be let in as to not disturb if the session is under way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit
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0.00 INK

"Would one of you please get the door for Dr. Calhoun?"Hans asked as he was preoccupied with his notes. He also wanted to see how Milo would respond to the presence of a patient up close. Hans gathered his things and took a seat next to Depravity who seemed to have annexed himself from everyone else.

Ghost placed his shades inside the drawer. He took out a tray out which had a warm piece of chocolate cake. It seemed like he was going to give it to Shadow yet again but he moved passed her without saying a word and strode to Alexei. "I forgot to bring this to you last night. If you hadn't heard, once a day a patient of my choice is allowed to have dessert. I chose you yesterday, but I was too preoccupied to bring it to you, so I hope you accept this and my apology." Ghost said as he presented the cake to Alexei.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill
The various conversations and arrival of yet another man into the Wardens Office continued to buzz around John Black as the Biker leaned back comfortably in his seat and, producing a last cigar from his top pocket, placed the rolled leaf in his mouth before striking a match upon his rough chin and setting light to it.

Puffing away happily, The Barbarian watched as Alexei squirmed in the presence of the female sitting beside him, shortly before the warden strode past, clutching a plate of chocolate cake, of all things!

Black raised an eyebrow, he had yet to encounter this new Warden for himself although the man's changed had been felt throughout the Asylum...
John looked the man up and down as he passed him, an impressive figure he did cut, even if he was currently talking about cake.

"Ah the ole 'Stick and carrot!"
Black said aloud, nodding to Alexei as he did so,
"Never pass up free food lad, first rule o' a military life,"
The Ex Mercenary grinned wickedly as he continued,
"Fer ye may never know when ye may taste cake again... Take a moment to savour yer blessings... For there is always time for cake!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal
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0.00 INK

"Shame, but this cake isn't given, it's earned." Ghost said as he walked to a waste bin by his desk. He casually dumped the cake into the trash. For the second time in a row a patient denied Ghost's reward. The first being Shadow when she accused it of having poison and tossing it to a wall. Ghost walked to the door and opened it to let Milo in. Without saying a word to him he headed back to the circle of chairs and took a seat. "Time is a precious thing to waste, so shall we begin this first group session?" Ghost asked the people around him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill
Black grunted as Alexei ignored his words,

"Last piece of advice yer gettin' from me, boy,"
The Barbarian rumbled, turning his gaze from the young whelp once and for all, the Biker observed as Ghost dumped the cake and moved back towards the cicle, suggesting they should begin...

"Sounds good tae me, chief,"
John replied with another shrug of his broad shoulders.

"What exactly is it ye want..?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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0.00 INK

Shadow laughed when Ghost tossed the piece of cake in the bin. "Maybe you should just ditch the cake?" She then looked back at Alexei, who was squirming and blushing. He really seemed to lack any social abilities. Being "socially awkward" just got a whole new meaning.... she though to herself.

"Time is a precious thing to waste, so shall we begin this first group session?"

"Whatever you say, Ghost." Shadow gave the warden another one of her innocent smiles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Thorait
The Cannibal
Leonard frowned at the response he got after all every body knew that Cannibal had a sentence for live without parole. Cannibal sighed at the sight of more attempts to get him of the delicious treat. Cannibal grabbed a plate and a plastic knife testing the sharpness of the device before grabbing a plastic fork and sitting down again β€œI have no objections to starting this group session.” Cannibal put a piece of the Blood sausage in his mouth and he began to comment on it so that the warden would hear his opinion β€œI prefer my meat raw and alive but this sausage is delicious sadly it’s also spiced that ruins the pure taste of the meat.” Cannibal was honest the first living thing he had eat had been a bird not a human so he could enjoy animals but the empty taste was nothing compared to the pure pleasure of screams and the taste of moving and breathing flesh that was able to understand more than the basic principles of live.

Cannibal glanced at Shadow as she had done to him β€œI don’t appreciate a glance of that nature and I suggest you two leave Alexei alone, it’s obvious that the conversation is making him uncomfortable.” Cannibal observed the plastic knife, the small things was meant to be harmless but Cannibal knew where and how to kill somebody with a small and blunt weapon so he calmly decided to hide maybe Ghost would make a mistake after all the man seemed to have a habit of turning his back to insane people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rill

Black replied, grinning at Cannibal like a wolf surveying its quarry as he sat back in the chair, folding large arms across his broad chest.

"Maybe we'll get our chance someday."

The Barbarian removed the smouldering cigar stub from the corner of his mouth and blew a series of neat smoke rings, allowing the circle conversation to continue around him as he waited for the either Warden or his Doctor lackey to start the session...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Alexei Demetriou
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0.00 INK

Milo calmly stepped inside the office as Ghost let him. Milo looked at the group of inmates apparently quarreling amongst themselves. He could see the clear discomfort on Alexei's face as he rubbed his temples. He didn't know much about the Russian serial killer except for the fact the man possesses inhuman agility. Such a skill really takes his namesake of "Shark" as a literal predator. Other than that Alexei is one of the maximum security patients here but even through out his time in Arkham he really isn't as aggressive as one might think, but then again Sharks aren't exactly aggressive unless there is blood in the water. It seems to him that this session may be that blood. Milo closed the door behind him as he thought of blood immediately looking over at The Cannibal.

Leonard Beington, he studied his file over his day off since he is now assigned as his psychiatric evaluator, thanks to the Warden. Even now all Milo heard from him was about flesh, human flesh from his implications. Even when he ate the sausage he criticized the spices detracting from the actual flavor. Has he been eating raw meat for so long like a wild animal? Milo hates his meat raw and prefers it well-done when he orders steak or burgers. No sense in eating something while it's still moving he would always think to himself over raw meat. What was interesting was that he stood up for Alexei earlier and ended up taking the brunt of attention from the large, muscle-bound man and a woman. Milo didn't really appreciated the woman provoking Leonard like that, there was no need to start an episode.Milo made a interjecting cough as he cleared his throat and turned towards the doctor and the Warden.

"Dr. Klarheit," "Warden, sir." Milo addressed the two. "So what is the nature of this session?" Milo asked curiously. He wondered what they were set out to accomplish and thus far he has seen nothing but displeasure and tension. Such emotions were not welcomed in group therapy as it may hinder any goals that have been placed. Unless the goal was to see how long they could tolerate each other it would seem they are becoming restless, and immediate action should help lighten the situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal
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0.00 INK

Depravity was pleased to see Shadow. Her nod to him indicated that she was still his ally. She proceeded to use her wit and assets to manipulate and antagonize those around her; particularly Warden Ghost. Though Depravity wanted to focus on her, he had to divert his attention from Shadow as to not draw suspiscion. He decided to concentrate on the activities of the remaining people in the room.

Depravity was thoroughly enjoying the back-and-forths between the other prisoners. He was beginning to like John Black; he was funny and he was also quite a physical specimen. He could most likely tear Depravity apart in a one-on-one confrontation. The man looked to have seen combat before. His threat to Cannibal surprised Depravity. Depravity was unsure of the reason to why Cannibal was imprisoned, but from what he saw from the others in the room, he was most likely very dangerous. Depravity saw more than violence in Cannibal's eyes. Cannibal seemed driven by animlistic instincts... hunger. Depravity calmly interrupted the conversation.

"It would not be wise to be so eager to fight this one," Depravity mentioned to John Black with a smile on his face, "there's more to him than meets the eye. Brute strength would not guarantee you victory... But watching you two rip each other to shreds would be quite the spectacle." Depravity relaxed into his chair. He was enjoying these "group sessions".

Depravity was suddenly interrupted by a massive headache. He grimaced and shook it off. It's happening soon! Depravity thought. He attempted to fight off the hostile takeover of his mind. The headache seemed to be fading away slowly. He was strong-willed but did not know how much longer he could last. Ignoring the pain, Depravity turned to Warden Ghost.

"Your name is something to be curious about," Depravity remarked, "and your lack of name or unwillingness to relinquish it let's you maintain the illusion that you're an powerful phantom who knows all and sees all. It gives you power of us, doesn't it? You know our names yet we know not of yours. You cannot hide behind darkened eyes and hidden motives. You have your secrets. We all do. Ghost is an appropriate name for you..." Depravity regained his smile as he spoke to Warden Ghost. Depravity had grown to understand Warden Ghost slightly but had only grasped the basics. He was cold and cunning for certain, but Depravity wanted to know more, and was willing to say anything, being true or not, to gain as much information or insight on the warden as he could before his mind gave back in to Brandon Robertson.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Doctor Milo Calhoun
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Shadow sighed and let her arm drop. This man was not easy to provoke. "Go to hell," she whispered when The Cannibal got up from his chair and sat down next to Depravity. The Cannibal was obviously smart and the fact that he chose to sit next to the also very smart Depravity worried her. What if they made some kind of alliance? Did that mean she had to actually work together with the human eating freak? Or would Depravity dump her? Like that wasn't enough, The Cannibal also reminded her of her father, a man she'd forgotten all about until Ghost brought up her past. She noticed how Depravity or Brandon, she wasn't sure on what to call him, was in discomfort. She knew he was "Depravity" at the moment, hopefully he wasn't changing to the real Brandon. Then she would have to gain his trust all over again.

"Ghost, Klarheit and..." she glanced at Milo's nametag, "Calhoun, can we get the session started?" She had a feeling that this would end with a fight if the doctors didn't start the session soon. Even though she tried to provoke people and acted childish, she didn't want to actually fight any of them. She just wanted to see peoples reactions, that was the reason she actually showed up to this session in the first place. To get information.
She liked the act she had going on, though. The more stupid they thought she was, the better. Who cared about what they thought of her anyway? It was an asylum, she was allowed to act like she wanted to.