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Klaus Fauerstein

"I am justice."

0 · 190 views · located in Arkham Asylum

a character in “Arkham Asylum: Aftermath”, originally authored by Metal4Life, as played by RolePlayGateway


Arkham Asylum Inmate Profile:
Full Name: Klaus von Fauerstein
Nickname: Deadknight
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 195

Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel

Reason for Admission: Acting out vigilante crimes and murder. Total of 126 criminals killed.

Power or Ability: Natural abilities.
If Yes, What: Very adept in many forms of armed and unarmed combat. Expert with swords and stealth. Employs many silent, assassination techniques.

Super Criminal Association: Yes
If Yes, Who: Harvey Dent aka "Two-Face".

Family: Austrian immigrants turned restaurant owners (both deceased). No other known close relatives.

Biography: Klaus had a generally happy childhood growing up in a small town north of Vienna, Austria. Due to a shortage of work, his family sought out fortune and success in America when Klaus was only 14. Finding a moderately affordable apartment in Gotham City, the Fauerstein family took out a bank loan and opened a semi-successful restaurant. After four years of comfortable living, the Mr. and Mrs. Fauerstein were approached by a criminal organization for extortion money. Mr. Fauerstein refused, and within two weeks, the couple was murdered in cold blood while Klaus was forced to watch. Breaking free from his captor, Klaus ran and never looked back. In the following years, he lived on the streets and learned to survive on his own. He also began training; street fights, martial arts lessons, self-defence. The city was his training ground and he took every lesson to heart in the hopes of seeking vengeance on the criminals of Gotham City. At age 21, he killed his first criminal; a man mugging a young woman on the street. Klaus sliced the man's throat wide open and walked away. From that moment on, he slowly began perfecting his art and began assassinating criminals all over the city. Most people blamed Batman until he caught Klaus trying to kill the Joker. Batman bested Klaus after he proudly confessed to all the murders. Shortly after his incarceration, Klaus was released by Two-Face who offered him a chance to destroy more criminal life as long as he obeyed his new boss. Two-Face convinced Klaus that he was one of the "good guys" and wanted to help clean up the streets of Gotham. What Two-Face was actually doing was having Klaus kill his competitors and rival crime lords and many petty criminals on the side. Klaus was granted access to the best equipment and best training that crime money could buy along with illegal performance-boosting chemicals and implants. Klaus then took on the name "Deadknight" as he thought he was doing the city a service and because unlike the Dark Knight, Klaus actually killed criminals. Some also say the name was given to him because of the "dead look" in his eyes when he killed with no remorse. The name could have also been a play on words because he only operated during the night. Klaus's psyche became very fragile as he convinced himself, with Two-Face's encouragement, that he was a holy vanguard for Gotham and that Batman was evil for sparing the lives of criminals. After being given the task of hunting down Batman, Klaus was unable to kill him and was brought into the authorities once more, but sentenced to serve his time in Arkham Asylum due to the nature of his crimes.

Personality/Tendencies: Has no pity or regard for criminal life. Views crime as a whole as a plague on the planet. Obviously manipulated by Two-Face into believing he was doing a service for society. Believes it is holy vengeance he exacts on criminals and shows no regret for his crimes. He may act violently to other inmates if provoked but does not show any aggressiveness towards any of the staff at Arkham Asylum, including guards. Klaus has had no known means of contacting Two-Face or vice-versa, but could still be prone to influence from him.

Current Years in Asylum: 3

Current Level of Insanity 1-10: 6

Place an "X" next to wing where patient is located
General Area [ ]
Maximum Lockdown [ ]
Solitary [X]

So begins...

Klaus Fauerstein's Story


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Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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Locked away in solitary confinement far from any of the other inmates in Arkham Asylum, Klaus Fauerstein sat motionless as he always did; thinking about the men and women he'd killed and the many he planned on killing once he was out of Arkham.

"I am Deadknight," he muttered quietly, "I am the blade of justice." Klaus had gotten into the habit of repeating those words to himself a few times a day to remind himself of who he was and the mission he had undertaken. Klaus feared that without discipline and willpower, he would lose his mind in solitary confinement. For the safety of the other inmates, Klaus had to remain incarcerated in solitary due to his burning hatred for criminals.

If Dent was here, he'd know what to do. Klaus's mind often wondered what Harvey Dent, his mentor and leader, was currently doing. Klaus believed Two-Face was undertaking measures to have him released. He was the best killer among Dent's gang after all. Klaus always thought himself superior to the other men Harvey Dent kept around him. Nothing but scum to Klaus, but he trusted Dent. Klaus knew his methods were strange but devotedly followed in the hopes of cleaning up the streets of Gotham.

"We know who you are," a guard called in annoyingly through the window on the cell door; there were always guards tasked with guarding Klaus. "Listen Deadknight, if we weren't getting paid overtime for this, we wouldn't even be here, so shut up and make our lives easier." Within an instance, Klaus stood up and bolted to the door, startling the guard.

"Be weary that you don't find yourself on my list, officer," Klaus warned. "An illegal download. Solicitation of prostitution. However petty a crime may be, I will punish it, be certain of that." The guard shrugged off his comment and began talking to his partner. Klaus sighed and returned to his sitting position in the middle of the cell and slipped back into deep thought. I might be a joke to them now, but they won't be laughing for long...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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(sorry my computer double posted!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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Warden Ghost was beginning to impress him more and more. Depravity couldn't help but smile as he held the folder in his hands; he was finally going to see what information they had regarding himself and Brandon. Depravity had to act fast as he could slowly feel himself losing control. Depravity's will was much stronger than the force attempting to seize his mind. Depravity felt intense pain in the back of his head but easily ignored it.

The warden then offered to Shadow to choose her own roommate, regardless of gender. Depravity eyed her curiously, wondering who she would pick. Depravity couldn't help but hope she would pick him; it would cement their alliance, give them enough time to discuss a plan before Brandon took over, and coordinate together more effectively. Depravity knew he could defeat all his enemies by himself, but having allies was always a tempting option.


Klaus sat still, listening to his two guards chatter away; mostly whining about work and the weather. The first guard that had antagonized him was named Jack from what Klaus overheard in the conversation with his partner, Allen. Jack occasionally turned to glare at Klaus, and Klaus returned the glare right back. Jack then whispered to his partner about stopping by a renowned brothel in the city to satisfy his carnal cravings, thinking that Klaus could not hear him. The two men outside the cell laughed to one-another before exchanging a casual handshake. It seemed both of them were ecstatic about the idea.

"So... Prostitution is it?" Klaus muttered to himself. A twisted smile spread across the man's face as he continued to watch the two guards joke around. "I have you now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal
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As the unknown man came crashing into the window, the seemingly boring session of discussion had come to an end. No one seemed to want Depravity as a roommate, and he was content with that. Depravity felt as though he was already sharing a room with someone; however, they have never met face-to-face.

"Pity, if he had thought up a better escape route, his attempts would not have been in vain," Depravity remarked to Dr. Klarheit before making his way out of the room. Before Depravity passed all the other inmates, he nudged Shadow in the side.

"Quickly; we must speak," he whispered to her as he passed her and made his way toward the castle courtyard.

"All patients please proceed to rec time" A loud voice spoke over the intercom. Klaus recognized it: it was the Warden; Ghost was the nickname he had. Klaus had never met him, but he seemed to be an honourable man.

"His heart is in the right place, but everyone has their dirty secrets though," Klaus snickered. His cell door opened and the two guards tasked with watching him entered. They gestured for Klaus to follow them. Klaus glared at the guards with fire in his eyes as he followed them to the recreation zone; rec time was his least favourite time of the day; so many criminals around but he couldn't kill any of them without the guards attacking him. It was truly an unfortunate fate for Klaus.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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Ghost handed Hans a first aid kit he had in his room. Hans was also an exceptional medical doctor, his work in Germany often "required" it. Hans adjusted the bones back in their place with a few quick motions. He then placed to tongue depressors on both his wrists so that they would keep them from moving. Hans stood up slowly, feeling a bit of pain in his back. "What would you like me to do with him" Hans asked

"You weak little fool, you let a doctor get the best of you. What did I say about that. Do you want to go back to the basement again?! Do I have to treat you again?!" Scarecrow's voice shouted throughout Sid's unconsciousness.

Sid eyes shot open as he fought the drugs. He couldn't move because his body was numb, he tried to scream, but his mouth wouldn't even move. He tried even harder as he heard mumbles overhead. Shortly after two guards carried him out of the office and placed him in the yard. The sunlight was a bit blinding, he'd not been exposed to it in quite some time. He gained control over his body as he weakly stood up. He looked up at the sun as he walked towards the center of the yard.

"Are you sure it was a good idea letting that man into the yard" Hans asked Ghost. "He was locked in here and that seemed to not be working, it's about time we tried something different" Ghost said as he watched Sid from his window overlooking the yard.

Still staring at the sun it eventually became blocked out by a man taller than him. The guy had blonde hair and Sid thought he looked familiar. Sid recognized him as the inmate who kills anyone who commits a crime. He'd recognized him from his past. He'd killed members of his family's crime organization once. His family was the ones who had tipped the cops off on him. Sid tilted his head at the man and he let out a raspy laugh that got louder with each passing moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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Sid got a little angered by Klaus' words as he ground his jagged teeth. He made a series of manic grunts and snarls at the man, "You...die" Sid managed to snare out in his raspy voice.

Sid circled around Klaus with a mischievous look on his face. One he'd made a complete circle he looked up at him and spit directly at his face. Not even waiting to see if he had missed, Sid quickly ran to the two guards outside. These were the same guards posted outside of Klaus' cell from earlier. He frantically screamed and pointed at Klaus from behind them. He was deranged, but he was trying to set Klaus up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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#, as written by Rill
Stepping out into the warm afternoon air, John Black took a moment to inhale deeply, enjoying the feel of the fresh air and sunlight on his face, before looking about at his surroundings.

The Barbarian watched the display between the ragged, Oriental scarecrow from the Wardens Office and a dark haired stranger he did not recognise'
When the scrawny lad spat into the others face before taking off across the lawn with a shriek of terror, Black couldn't help but give a snort of distaste.

"Hmpf. Not an ounce o' dignity or courage about him, that one..."

Black grunted, rubbing his rough chin with a large hand and shaking his head as he added.

"No true Warrior."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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"Freedom is what we shall have," Depravity proudly exclaimed, "but Brandon will not be effective as a warrior, but speak the proper words and he will lead you to what you seek." Depravity was assured his plan would work. He was not sure of what Shadow would attempt once they were free; nevertheless, Depravity was confident he would return.

"We must figure out how to escape this forsaken place now." As Depravity thought to himself, he overheard a commotion a few meters away. Depravity recognized one of the men involved; he was a hunter of sinners; the other one was the man that came crashing into the group session.

"You sold me out," Klaus exclaimed with a smile as Sid Li called to the the two guards that were supposed to guard Klaus. "I would stay put if I were you." The guards didn't heed his warnings. They tackled Klaus to the ground, attempting to restrain him. Klaus kicked them away and stood to his feet. The guards rushed him a second time and Klaus braced himself; at the last second, Klaus side-stepped and threw the guard named Allen to the ground. As convicts and guards alike watched on in anticipation, Klaus caught the guard named Jack and twisted his arm behind his back. Jack struggled to free himself but Klaus was too strong.

"For your sins committed against humanity, I sentence you to death," Klaus whispered into the man's ear, "Corruption merits death." As he muttered his last syllable, Klaus placed his hands on either side of Jack's head and twisted. With a sickening crack, the man's neck snapped effortlessly as his body went limp. Klaus let the body fall to the ground. Klaus then focused his attention on the other guard who was back to his feet and very enraged. The guard drew out his stun baton and charged Klaus.

In a sense of déjà vu, Klaus eliminated Jack's partner in the same manner. He disarmed his opponent and snapped the neck like it was second-nature. Satisfied with the two bodies that lay tangled next to one-another, Klaus turned to the crowd gathered before him.

"Who else wishes to test their mettle against Deadknight? I see all your eyes upon me and none of them innocent."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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#, as written by Rill

Black strode forward from the crowd of slack jawed onlookers as the man he had been watching snapped the first guards neck with a sickening "Crack!" but was not in time to intervene in the second, brutally efficient murder that occurred an instant later!

"Big man."

The Barbarian growled in response to Dreadknights challenge as the second guard fell,

"Killing two men who were just trying tae restrain ye."

The Warrior came to a halt before Klaus, seeming to grow in stature as he did so.

"Test yer mettle against me, little man."

John Black's hand came up fast, his speed almost coming as a surprise for his size, open palmed, The Barbarian aimed to drive the heel of his hand hard into Dreadknight's chin, if the blow hit, it would most likely snap the man's head back with whip-lash like force, causing considerable damage..!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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The man's speed was incredibly impressive for his size; he was a tall brute of man, but had the speed of man much smaller than him. From the way he accepted the challenged issued by Klaus, the man held some form of honour; however, Klaus felt nothing but disdain for the man.

In an act of lightning fast agility, the large man known as the Barbarian shot his hand towards Klaus's head. Fortunately for the self-proclaimed vigilante, he was able to duck and back away from his attacker.

"They were corrupt and deserved to die," Klaus explained, keeping his guard up and awaiting the next attack, "but tell me something Barbarian: how many people have you killed in cold blood? I know of your type: mercenary; killing for the highest bidder, regardless of the target. You're no hero, but if you want to die as one, go right ahead." Klaus bolted for the large man.

Klaus vaulted towards his opponent and extended his leg to deliver a brutal kick. The Barbarian's only hope was to dodge the precise attack or risk shattering bones by blocking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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#, as written by Rill

Black chuckled, although his eyes now blazed,

"I never claimed tae be a Hero lad, nor a good, kind or decent man!"

The Barbarian twisted to one side at the last moment, avoiding the sudden, flying kick from Dreadknight, a fancy move to look at, but foolish and unstable as it left its user off balance, a technique best left for the show ground.

"No, I ain't no hero,"

Black continued, allowing DreadKnight the time to land and right himself following the missed kick.

"But nor do I presume tae judge others an' kill them fer the sake of my own 'Moral Code!"

Stepping forward, The Barbarian lifted his right led and aimed a powerful, booted front kick at Dreadknight's abdomen, a blow that would most likely shatter the vigilantes ribs if it connected..!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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Shadow chuckled, "Oh, dont you worry. I'll turn Brandon into my own little slave in no time."

The scrawny man from before let out a shriek and ran across the outdoor area, appparently frightened by a man Shadow had never seen before. Shadow cringed and pressed her palms against her ears, trying to mentally block out the sound. This was one of the things she hated the most. With ears like hers, it feelt like knives was cutting through her brain.
The man stopped screaming and Shadow was just about to let herself relax again, but some seconds later, John Black suddenly let out a sharp and quick "OI!!". This sound was even worse, as The Barbarians voice had much more power than the little Scarecrow victim. The same agonizing pain shot through her head again and she let out a frustrated scream. Her own voice never bothered her. The Barbarian and the other guy kept on yelling to eachother, they were obviously fighting.

"Shut the f*** up!" Shadow instantly shot away from Depravity and in less than one second, she managed to get across the courtyard and over to the two men. A crowd had gathered around them and they all seemed to be paralyzed by the fight that was going on. Shadow stopped right in front of Black, ignoring the fact that they were in the middle of a fight. "But nor do I presume tae judge others an' kill them fer the sake of my own 'Moral Code!" Shadow was just about to open her mouth, but then realized that a crucial kick was heading her direction. She instinctively jumped to the side, just in time to avoid Blacks boot. She made a few turns and then got up on her feet again. John Black in a fight with another inmate. Never thought that. But then again....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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#, as written by Rill
Black flashed a glare at Shadow, The Barbarians head whipping round as he fixed the girl foolish enough to interrupt the fight with a blazing stare, the pupils of John's eyes had completely vanished as the rage had taken hold, and now twin glowing bits of scarlet fury flared out at the world before The Warrior with nothing but fury, completely devoid of mercy.

Having bored a hole through the attention seeking child with a fury that would quail all but the stoutest of hearts, Black turned his scarlet glare back towards the Dreadknight, although devoid of the Venom that had once granted him such power, the Barbarian's muscles still stood out in sharp relief, his veins writhing and throbbing like vile green serpents...

Swinging his fist, Black now lashed out with a viscous backhand, attempting to catch Klaus flush across the side of the face this time with jaw-bone shattering force..!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Doppelgänger
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The warden could hear shouting from outside his window. He walked away from the doctors to see that Black and another prisoner were fighting. Hans walked over when he curiously observed the warden who was watching. "Perhaps you should intervene mister warden" Hans suggested while slyly implying that Ghost should do his duties. "I want to see if Black is able to walk away from this fight on his own will" Ghost said as he continued to watch with his arms behind his back. Ghost nor Hans who were distracted by the fight, had not seen Cannibal and Doppleganger who were having their "meal".

Sid Li who was completely shocked by Deadknight killing the two guards had been lurking in the massive crowd that had gathered around Black and Deadknight. As he remained crouched he began to slowly ease his way towards the center. There was a hideous smile coming from his face as he approached from behind Deadknight. Sid leaped on top of an inmate and jumped towards Deadknight's leg. If he landed, he would wrap himself around like a child and bite the man in his leg.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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#, as written by Rill
Black saw Sid Li leap at Dreadknight's unprotected back, pulling his own attack up short, The Barbarian took a pace back, blinking and shaking his head for a moment.

When John's eyes opened again, they had returned to their normal colour, although a spark of hatred still smouldered within their depths as they bored into Klaus.

Taking a pace back, Black raised one large, fingerless gloved hand and pointed towards the leaping Sid, giving Dreadknight fair warning that he was about to be ambushed while giving the new combatants room to fight.

Folding his arms, The Barbarian now prepared to watch the fresh brawl about to unfold before him...

Glancing round, John's eyes suddenly caught sight on Cannibal, crouched over the bodies of the freshly murdered Guards, his face and hands covered in gore.

Black's eyes narrowed once more, the scarlet hue beginning to creep back into them as they bored into the sick little man, their depths promising nothing but swift, brutal comeuppance...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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John Black gave her the most angry glare a man could ever possibly give, his eyes almost glowing and with veins popping out of his head. Shadow couldn't help but move further away from him. So far, John Black had seemed pretty sane compared to everyone else, but now he showed a whole different side of himself. This was The Barbarian that had placed John Black in a mental institution. "Huh, seems like you do belong here after all," Shadow said with crossed arms, not sure what to think about the man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: Dr. Brandon Robertson aka Depravity Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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Depravity watched cautiously as the two men engaged one-another; it was amusing to see the many people joining in to the chaos.

"This is going to be very interesting," Depravity remarked.

An intense pain shot through Klaus's leg; he looked down to see Sid Li gnawing at his leg. John Black was distracted by Shadow and the other inmates but a new foe had presented himself to Klaus.

"Bastard!" Klaus cried out as he struck at the man and tried to shake him off his leg. Klaus never expected more inmates to get involved. He'd kill them all if he had to; he wanted to and knew he had the capabilities to make it happen. First, he had to deal with the insect that was biting into his leg.

"I will introduce you to a new world of pain," Klaus declared, preparing to unleash a volley of lethal blows on his assailant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Doctor Milo Calhoun
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Milo noticed the Warden and Hans move towards the window that over looks the yard, curious Milo walks over.

"Hm?" "What's going on?" Milo casually asked as he looked through the window.

From what he could see that a huge crowd of inmates are apparently watching a fight. At first it seemed to be between Black and an unknown man. He too is an impressive physical specimen like Black and appeared to be just as deadly. At the moment the fight seemed to have been delayed. Black is looking towards the opposite direction of the other fighter, staring down what appeared to be...Leonard? He could barely make out the Cannibal but there he was doing what his namesake suggests. The very sight began to sicken Milo, never had he seen a man eat another man. Sure he has heard of and participated in the treatment of others with such a fetish but never had he seen someone being eaten. Leonard seriously needs medical help cementing even further why Milo is to work with him. At the moment this is over Milo will have an appointment scheduled immediately and it will be at the most earliest, possible time. He looked around to see the one woman Shadow, and another woman he had not seen. The other woman seemed to be yelling a Black, apparently his actions have not been favorable with the women of the asylum. Looking back at Black he could also see the other man struggling with someone.

"Is that?" Upon further inspection he could see, "Sid Li!?"

The oriental man was latched upon the man's leg biting and gnawing at it. He is going to get himself killed if he doesn't move!

"Sir, I agree this is starting to get out of hand!" "I can see a couple of bloody bodies and I fear that more are on the way!" "More specifically Sid's if we don't act quickly!" Milo spoke with anxiety.

He was tempted to call it off himself but he did hear what the Warden said. He wished to see if Black would turn away but he shouldn't risk other patient's well-being! Milo may have trouble understanding what Ghost tries to accomplish with his unorthodox methods but sometimes it just seems to violate some of the established rules. While Milo finds himself agreeing more with this enigma of a man he does understand some things take precedence, and human life should be one of them. He hoped the Warden would see that this "exercise" or "test" must not be condoned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Doctor Milo Calhoun Character Portrait: Sid Li Character Portrait: Klaus Fauerstein
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Sid kept taking the brunt of Deadknight's blows as he tried to shake him off of his leg. His hits were knocking Sid into even further delirium as blood seeped down from a cut that was opened up on the top of his head. "Hey I think he's had enough!" One inmate shouted from the crowd. "Hey you shut your mouth, I'm trying to watch the show" another inmate who was a member of penguin's gang shouted. "Why don't you come over here and make me?!" The inmate shouted as he headed towards the other inmate. The inmate associated with penguin was joined in by other members of penguin's gang, so in retaliation, members of two face's group backed up the other guy. Both groups charged at each other in an all out brawl that surrounded the main brawl between Black and Deadknight.

Ghost heard Milo's persistence for intervention, but he continued to look with a disappointed look on his face. Ghost walked over to his desk and picked up his shades. "Hans I need you to send out the guards. Not all of them, we need a few surrounding the area where the maintenance workers are getting ready to leave." Ghost said before heading back to the window. He phased right through the window and started falling to the ground, which he also phased through. Ghost rose up from the ground and headed straight through the riot. Patients tried to swing at him with no avail as the blows went right through. Ghost ignored Deadknight and everyone else as he overshadowed the delirious Li as he was still taking blows. His eyes were now bruised and his faced was extremely swollen. Li looked up to see Ghost standing over him while he was on Deadknight's leg. The combination of brain trauma and Scarecrow's experiments made Ghost seem like the grim reaper. "" Sid muttered as he fell off of Deadknight's leg and collapsed to his side. Barely concious, Sid tried his best to crawl away from Ghost. "Escape..." Sid said as he grounded his nails into the dirt so that he could pull himself away from Ghost.

"Attention all Arkham security, please report to section A1 and the yard. We are under riot protocol, this is not a drill." Hans blared from the intercom as he overlooked the horrifying situation. "Ghost has to get out of there before someone figures out how to hurt him" Hans muttered to himself as he continued to watch with Milo.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blaine Myers a.k.a Warden Ghost Character Portrait: Dr. Hans Klarheit Character Portrait: Shadow Character Portrait: John Black Character Portrait: The Cannibal Character Portrait: Doctor Milo Calhoun
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Milo watched the Warden enter the fray without a scratch, thanks to his ability to phase through anything solid. Milo saw the yard erupt into utter chaos as the guards performed standard riot protocol including riot gear, and non-lethal weaponry. Of course Milo wouldn't be surprised if some of the guards break protocol and draw actual firearms. Milo heard Hans mutter something to himself next to him, something about figuring out how to hurt Ghost. Milo didn't think Ghost was in any relative harm, unless his ability has a duration in which case the longer he's out there, the more danger he could cause to himself. Still Milo figured the situation would be under control before that could happen, at least he hopes so. Milo really wishes that another break out wouldn't happen so soon from the last one. This riot could easily lead to a jailbreak if not managed in time. The guards are still not fully recovered from the last one and have since been uneasy and less disciplined. Even with that apparent weakness Ghost's time as Warden has really turned the facility into a different direction. The cells are more sanitary, the levity of restrictions on all inmates has improved some morale, and the cafeteria has even seen improvements in sanitation and food preparation. All of these changes has decreased aggression here at Arkham, as mentioned by the Warden.

Now all of those amendments have exploded into this street brawl! Milo looked over to Hans as he continued to watch the ensuing chaos. Dr. Klarheit is another individual like Ghost, who is also hard to read. Hans seems like one of those cold and calculating types who plan everything three steps in advance. Most likely it's because of Hans' background that Ghost shed some light upon. He never knew Hans worked for the Nazis during the war. Milo was born long after that conflict was over and only heard about the Nazis in history books. Milo couldn't imagine growing up in a totalitarian state such as Nazi Germany. The whole country was treated like a prison if you didn't side with Hitler, not to mention the actual Concentration Camps that were prisons. It makes sense why Ghost said Hans was born with it, Milo was sure he didn't side with the Nazis so willingly. Now here he is many years older and back inside another prison, but this time he is here to help people out of it. Milo turned his attention back down at the fight as he saw Black charge at the woman and Cannibal. Then in a blink someone dashed away from the fight but Milo's eyes couldn't keep up with whoever that was. Milo turned towards Hans.

"Did you see that?" Referring to the person who dashed away. Milo hoped Hans also caught a glimpse of that as well. "This growing out of control." Milo commented quietly.
