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Avolair Academy: For Better or Worse

Avolair Academy: For Better or Worse


Avolair Academy is home to supernatural beings of all kinds. They are also a top of the line school which promises great education, but on the side of teaching students to master their powers, they are hiding a secret that their students are in danger.

5,655 readers have visited Avolair Academy: For Better or Worse since darkune created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

avolair academy: academy for the supernatural


(Restarting this for the third time, first on my own.)

Avolair Academy appears to be your everyday, average boarding school. It looks as if the rich are housed here, pampered, and given the best treatment and education around. Okay, so perhaps some of that is true, however, Avolair Academy is a school for the supernatural. Not only the supernatural but anyone who possesses magic goes here. They are not allowed to apply, they are invited - there are some exceptions however. Here they are taught how to use their abilities, given the best education around, from teachers who have been around forever, and are able to participate in tournaments to test their abilities. The school can seem chaotic due to the mass amount of different types of students, and often times there are fights among different races, but now and then there are those moments where they co - exist peacefully. Outside of the academy, there are those known as hunters, whom the students have not been informed about. They are like bounty hunters whom are supposed to bring back the dead bodies (or body parts) of the supernatural for money. Though there are some that insist on purely torturing and toying with them. The school tries its best to keep said people away, but their number grows by the day.

While at the academy students do not hear from or see their loved ones, unless they are in the academy themselves. They are stripped of all personal electronics (though the school has its own electronics such as computers, lounge televisions) but things like cellphones and ipods and dvd players or game consoles are forbidden (with the exception of the game club - no one knows how that's there, everyone believes a teacher is behind it.) There is a large amount of land surrounding the academy, and students live in dorms having one or two dormmates. They do not choose their dorm mates and see them on the first day.

Many secrets lurk about this academy, but no one knows if they are true...


Type A: Type A vampires are your basic sensitive to sunlight, garlic, die by the stake vampires. The need to drink blood every so often to even stay alive, and they are pale in complexion. They often have a great sense of smell and are very agile and quick on their feet.

Type B: Type B vampires are like type A vampires but have went so often without blood, that they have become emotionally unstable. They are violent when hungry, even if it is not in their nature, and they are stronger in physical strength when hungry than normal vampires. The downside is they are hungry way more often, and their bite is extremely painful. It is rumored that when on the brink of death, the males can poison with their fangs when they bite - regardless of if that was their intention.

Type C: Type C vampires are like backwards vampires. They are extremely rare as well. They are not sensitive to sun, they don't dislike garlic, and a stake is not their natural enemy. They are like that of humans except one thing. They need to bite - to give blood. They need to get rid of excess blood every so often or they fall ill and throw up blood or get extreme bloody noses. These vampires are able to read emotions of those they bite and their bite is said to feel nothing but amazing.


Type A: These werewolves are like shape shifters, they change at will into their werewolf or dog like form, and at will they change back. They have a great amount of endurance, stamina, are quick on their feet, and are always warm.

Type B: These werewolves only change during the full moon, however they are much stronger than type A when in their wolf form. They are natural lovers of the night, and also heal quickly in their wolf form.


Type A: The only type of demon, they do not have wings like some people think. They have a good amount of strength and heightened senses. They are good fighters when it comes to darkness and shadows. The night is often their friend. Most of the time they are cunning or deceitful.


Type A: Type A is your stereotypical female (or male) that attracts the opposite sex and is often times able to get them to do things just by talking to them. They are alluring to anyone of the opposite sex, even if they don't want to be. They are always attractive, and they have heightened senses, voices like silk, and their touch is always warm.

Type B: It is extremely rare, but type b is somewhat like that of type A, except they attract the same sex, and REPEL the opposite sex.


Type A: Type A zombies look like normal humans, however they cannot be in the light or they will slowly burn. They were people once human, who died and were brought back to life by a necromancer. Zombies are the walking dead and thus cannot die - ever. They never appear to age. They are physically strong though a little fragile. They do fail pain when injured, though the heal themselves over time even if decapitated.

Type B: Type B zombies are like zombies you see in horror movies. They ARE the dead, scary, creepy, slow and slow talkers as well. Hard to understand, not easy on the eyes.


Type A: Type A ghosts look like humans, humans that cannot be touched and cannot touch anything. They do not age, they are already dead, and have no special traits.

Type B: Type B ghosts cannot be seen, they are like spirits, you hear them, maybe you feel them, but you never see them.


Type A: Type A wizards need some sort of item like a wand, pendant, or etc to use magic. Without it they are rendered useless. They know certain types of spells in which they must recite to cast - they are otherwise human.

Type B: Type B wizards do not need anything to cast their magic, but do recite spells just like type A wizards - they are otherwise human.

Type C: Type C wizards do not need to recite anything, nor do they need an item, their magic ranges from many things, but they are known to lose energy quickly due to their amount of power. They are your massive damagers, but constant fighting is not their forte.


Type A: Alchemists are your everyday humans who tamper with items, potions, your general alchemy to create misc magical like creatures or objects. They are otherwise human.


Type A: Type A necromancers are able to resurrect the dead. They are able to bring someone back to life thus making them a zombie, kill a zombie which they have resurrected (the only way to kill them.) Or, give a ghost a body. If someone has been long dead, they can temporarily control them. They are otherwise human.

Type B: Type B necromancers are able to kill any undead, and bring them back as their eternal slave. These are extremely rare.

Dark Magicians

Type A: Type A uses dark and forbidden magic which is often dangerous to not others but its caster. They work with magic regarding shadows, darkness, blood, and poison. It is not rare for them to die due to their magic.

Type B: Type B uses lost magic, overpowered single shot spells, some which have the power to even kill someone. Every time they cast one of these spells, their life span shortens and they become more and more emotionally and physically fragile.


Perfectly human, hunters are haters of supernatural beings and humans who use and possess magic. Their sole purpose is to hunt and kill them, and often bring them back for an award. Depending on if they work alone, or for an organization, their rules and morals vary.

Leader: Leanne Crow
Scientist: Victor Fuuton
Engineer: Alina Valent
Orphan: Kayla Jordan
Slacker: June Arett
(For imput on nicknames PM me.)

Extra Curricular/clubs/sports:

Water Polo
Dance (basic)
Dance Team (competitive)

Music Club
Art Club
Photography Club
Dance Club
For the World (volunteering club)
Fashion Club
Home Economics Club
Video Game Club
Martial Arts Club
Wrestling Club

Student Body:

Vice President:
Financial Manager:


Naturally within the school walls, groups have been formed amongst the students. Most of them without staff or teachers knowing about it. Some are perfectly innocent while others are dangerous.

The Covenant: (A group formed by creatures of the night, they pose no threat, and are just looking for acceptance and comfort amongst their kind. Some people - usually humans, get the wrong impression.)

The Coven: -----
Covenant's: -----

Teach: (A small group dedicated to teaching people how to better use their powers.)

Teach Master: -----
Teacher's: -----

BLOOD: (No one knows, but everyone wants to. Wherever these people go, they leave symbols from their own written language written in HUMAN blood.)

BLOOD Grand Master: Jason Black
8 BLOOD Lords: -----
BLOOD Brother's: -----

Rankings (do not apply to humans):

Pureblood: People born within a family of pure (insert creature) blood - does not apply to human types. They are often powerful, and usually feared. They posses the most money, usually have followers, and always a protector.
Nobles: Second after purebloods. They are strong as well but not as much so, they come from money but not as much as a pure blood.
Basic: Your everyday, average (insert creature here.)
Misfit: The bottom of the line, weakest, often tossed aside. Their kind usually hates them, as their blood is 'dirty.'


Every pureblood needs a guardian, often times nobles are their guardians, or very skilled humans. Guardians usually protect that of their own race - again, unless they are human or hybrid.


You are only allowed to hybrid two races together, they may not be overpowered. I will only allow three hybrids, and they must have good character sheets and information.

School Archetypes

Earth Science
US History
Social Studies
Physical Education

Self Control
Defensive Techniques
Power Amplification
Survival Training
Weapon Mastery
Potion Creation
Study of Magic Creatures
Metal & Woodshop: The creation of weapons
Magic Mastery
Adaptation: Controlling powers and your characteristics in different environments



College schedules are more lenient, and since you choose more major, you are going to get to make up your classes. Your schedule is not the same as high school students, and you pick the times and days you want to go to school.

Race heads

Race heads are the purebloods of their race, whom lead and watch over their kind. They are not voted as head, but simply get there based on power. These people have some control over their race the others would not.

(It is not completely necessary, to have a race head, though. Not applicable to humans.)

Vampire head:
Werewolf head:
Demon head: Tobias Grimlocke Sr
Zombie head:
Ghost head:
Succubus/incbus head: Linda Black

School hierarchy:

The school has a ranking system in which some special students are assigned to. These students have some power over the school almost like the school government, but different. They are meant to keep people in line, if they have good intentions, that is.

King [Has the most power over the school, though sadly is not always filled in about the dangers that surround it]:
Queen [Aid to the king]: Feena Malsahar
Jack [Aid to the kind and queen, their to do person and messenger]:
Ace [Somewhat the same ranking as Jack, but as able to get bossed around by them]:

Pawn [Somewhat of a personal slave and snitch]:
Pawn [Somewhat of a body guard]:


There are different types of tournaments that take place different times of the year, every student is required to attend the tournaments even if they aren't in them, as guests. However, some tourneys are mandatory to test progress of students. As prizes students receive trophies and it is considered a high honor amongst the school.

Types of tournaments:


Tourney A: Your basic by elimination singles tournament [Mandatory]
Tourney B: Survival, everyone against everyone, last man standing wins. [By choice (though must be in ONCE within their whole stay at the school.)]
Tourney C: Target practice- the students must hit targets that go further and further. Highest score wins. [By choice]
Tourney D: Usually the smallest tourney - Spotlight- students with magic appealing to the eye compete in a non violent way, showcasing their magic. Most skilled and attractive wins. [By Choice]
Tourney E: Obstacle course of sorts - changes every time. Can be physical obstacles, as well as monsters, creatures, or people in your way. Considered dangerous.[By selection of school committee.]


Tourney A: Your basic elimination match, but in teams. Sometimes chosen at random, sometimes chosen by students. [Mandatory]
Tourney B: This is a teachers vs students match. An often favorite. [By choice]



100: Heather Paker and Rei Lic'tre
101: Lacey Holt and Mikala Dutch
102: Karne Nevaidos and Feena Malsahar


200: Jason Black and Lucas Ellisor
201: Darius Grimlocke and Kiran Nevaidos
202: Kilian Lutz and Atryom Bravinski
203: Arawn Drast



Profile Sheet
Student and teacher (tweak for teacher, tell me what you teach)

Code: Select all
Age: (17-21/student) (23+ teacher)
Grade: (College freshman to college senior)
Weapon: (One only, used only for tourneys, though not required - think about your race, can they even handle a weapon?)
Abilities: (Also, rank your abilities with mastered, exceptional, great, good, average, below average, poor, and weak.)
Weaknesses: (Give me a couple, it's required.)
Signature ability:
Race characteristics:

Best character trait:

Extra curricular:
Label: (What do people know you as?)
Academic achievements:
Tournament awards: (I don't want everyone to have awards, I will decline if neccessary.)

Guardian: (Purebloods only)
Relationship status:
Enemies and rivals:

Appearance: Anime only, picture and description please.

Code: Select all
Hunter Sheet:



Misc pack items:

Relationship status:
Enemies and rivals:

Years as a hunter:
Organization: (If any)

Appearance: Anime only, picture and description please.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in

Avolair Academy

Avolair Academy by darkune

Welcome to your new home.

Hunter's Paradise

Hunter's Paradise by RolePlayGateway

Hunter's are born here.

Academy's Campus

Academy's Campus by RolePlayGateway

Many supernatural creatures learn here.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 14 authors

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leanne Crow Character Portrait: Victor Fuuton Character Portrait: Alina Valent Character Portrait: June Arett Character Portrait: Kayla Jordan
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โ€˜Meet at Alinaโ€™s workshop. Last minute briefing before we leave.โ€™ The simple text blinked on the screen of Juneโ€™s personal phone. In his efforts to separate his life as a student and a hunter, he owned two phones, and countless times, he had told Leanne to contact him only through the hunter number โ€“ apparently she realized that he would never get the message that way. Tch.

โ€œSheโ€™s as eloquent as ever,โ€ June mumbled through his piece of toast, held in his mouth to keep both hands free. Just what was so pressing an issue that he couldnโ€™t wait until after breakfast to handle it? Well, his school policy stated that with the exception of some terribly incapacitating ailment, all absences were to be reported a day in advanceโ€ฆ and with his attendance record, the explanation was going to be embellished and take a while to write. It wasnโ€™t like he would have the time or leisure to write the masterpiece of an excuse that he was going to need in order to keep his absence off-record during the huntersโ€™ little road tripโ€ฆ and he really, really didnโ€™t want to repeat another year. He couldnโ€™t exactly write the truth. โ€˜Iโ€™m skipping school in favor of raiding one exclusively for supernatural beings,โ€™ wasnโ€™t going to go over very well, after all. Everything would just be so much easier if his adoptive family actually cared about what he wanted to do. Too bad life wasnโ€™t so simple.

In a few minutes, signatures were meticulously forged, the message was faxed, and he was well on his way to the workshop. Looking at the packet again, there were too many holes in this โ€˜planโ€™ to raid the schoolโ€ฆ not to mention way too many moral implications that the hunters were overlooking... He was thinking too much, as always. It was no wonder he was always so aggravated before a 'mission'.


The weaponโ€™s workshop was certainly one of the more unique establishments in the Hunterโ€™s Paradise. Leanne was never sure what to make of the welcoming dรฉcor and coordinated designs. She supposed it suited its owner, for she could never completely figure out Alina either. Every time she visited, Leanne couldnโ€™t quite adjust to the little gestures of welcome โ€“ such as a simple cup of tea. Quietly, she took it up and tried a sip. It was hot and surprisingly pleasant.

Well, unfamiliarity aside, it didnโ€™t change the fact that the younger huntress was good at what she did. As always, Alina had outdone herself. Leanne listened to her words intently, looking over each of the newly modified weapons before her. They were just what the mission would need. Quickly she mentally checked for anything they else they could possibly need, and it was just at this time that another visitor arrived. โ€œKayla,โ€ Leanne murmured in greeting, setting down her tea. Not missing a beat, she continued, โ€œThis is the equipment weโ€™ll be using on this mission. Alina will explain how to use it once the others arrive.โ€ At that, she glanced at her cell phone once more. If the rest didnโ€™t come within the next ten minutes, she wasnโ€™t going to be very pleased at all.

However, she neednโ€™t have worried about one of the two. With impeccable last minute timing as always, June entered the workshop, giving a wave with one hand and holding one of his own phones in his other โ€œLee, I have two phones for a reason,โ€ he said, sinking into one of the seats in the workshop. โ€œUse the right one.โ€ Well, perhaps she would have if he ever responded to his allotted phone for hunting. It wasnโ€™t just once or twice that heโ€™d kept them all waiting, and if there was one thing Leanne despised, it was waiting idle for others to arriveโ€ฆ

โ€ฆ which was apparently what was happening with Victor just then. Ignoring Juneโ€™s inquiries on the purpose of each of the modified weapons, Leanne asked, โ€œAlina, do you know whatโ€™s happened with that werewolf Victorโ€™s decided to take in?โ€ The last words came out a little wry. No matter what the intent, she didnโ€™t approve of anyone ever dragging a supernatural creature into a plan. She knew from experience, it never ended well. Depending on his level of progress, she decided it might be easier just to give the cub a swift end before it complicated thingsโ€ฆ children always complicated things. โ€œIf he doesnโ€™t come in the next three minutes, just tell us how these weapons work. We can relay information later,โ€ she added with another impatient glance at her phone.

The setting changes from Hunter's Paradise to Avolair Academy


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leanne Crow Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos Character Portrait: Karne Nevaidos Character Portrait: Victor Fuuton Character Portrait: Alina Valent Character Portrait: June Arett Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch Character Portrait: Kayla Jordan
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Mikala smiled brightly at the pink hair girl. "Great and-" Mikala stopped mid sentence. "It's so kawaii!!!" she shouted, looking at the cat that was peeking over Karne's shoulder. Mikala clasped her hands together, looking up at the small fluffy cat called Nani. "Where did you get it? It's it boy or girl? Oh it's so cute!" she gasped, wanting to reach out and hug the cat. Mikala was easily distracted, having the attention span of a gold fish (maybe exaggerating). Mikala turned, back to Kiran, a frown on her face as she placed her hand son her hips, leaning forward. "Why didn't you tell me your sister had a cat?" she said, almost angry but her frown quickly turned back into a smile as she turned back to Karne.

Kayla couldn't help but laugh as Leanne asked about Victor's little werewolf. "I can't wait until this goes wrong" she said placing her chin on the palm of her hand and leaning her elbow on the table. God, of course Victor would be the last to show up. Can't say I'm surprised though" she thought and let out a small "Tch" sound.

The setting changes from Avolair Academy to Hunter's Paradise

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leanne Crow Character Portrait: Victor Fuuton Character Portrait: Alina Valent Character Portrait: June Arett Character Portrait: Kayla Jordan
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"You can't rush know that." Alina sighed, pouring tea for her other guests.
To be completely honest they couldn't exactly rush her, either, but then again her workshop was conveniently the meeting place. She sipped her tea and savored the mild anticipation as Leanne and Kayla expected her to proceed. As added gesture she twirled strands of her long orange locks with her free hand. Words like ruthless, cunning, and powerful are often used to describe the best of Hunters. "Terse" would be Alina first choice in describing Hunters. They are determined, that is true, but the side effect is how impatient they can be. She sighed again. The tea tasted lukewarm.

"She looks charming in the clothes I picked for her, I think." Alina began. It took a moment to register that she was referring to Victor's werewolf girl.
"But what does it matter?" she moved in a quaint manner combining a dismissive wave and a shrug. "You two know what happens to Victor's subjects. Complete rewiring of their identity, but at least you don't hear the screams. I know that look, Lee. I think we're better off without using her. But this is one of his moments's not like there's a risk on our side, so to speak."
Alina was not sure if that was entirely true. Every supernatural is a threat to Hunters. She would never challenge Victor's expertise; she was merely analyzing the risks associated with Victor's plan--something Leanne had taught her when she first joined the Hunters.

She placed her teacup and disappeared into her workshop, shortly reappearing with Kayla's and June's share of weapons.
"I gave just about the same set to Lee, to restock your ammo. Several of the bullets are prototypes, especially the holy water one. You're my best beta testers, don't let me down. I'll need to check your rifles afterwards to finish the experiment. Sorry, Kayla, I know how attached you are to yours. Just bring it with you the next time you come here."
Telling Kayla that I'll need to take her rifle from her, however briefly, was probably not a good idea. Alina wondered how long it would take for Kayla to show up after testing the bullets.

"Flash. Spice. Shock." Alina said with a smile as she handed June's share of equipment to him. Flashbangs, pepper spray, and stun gun were June's preferred weapons. She wondered how June fought with just these, though confident of his fighting skills. Alina found June enigmatic: he was one to appreciate subtleties while she herself thrived in the superficial. She feels as though June is her polar opposite, and yet not. Both of them had a closer tie with normal human living than the other Hunters. He's rather difficult to approach, as they didn't exchange much work due to June's school life.

"Still have a few minutes." she sighed as she and Leanne both glanced at the time.
Alina had thought about creating a serum that could paralyze the supernatural as she worked on June's equipment. But she dropped the idea almost as soon as she thought of it. Stun guns, when put to good use, can physically paralyze werewolves and vampires. At least temporarily. But to effectively paralyse the magic-users, the mind must be disabled as well. When properly synthesized, the serum would both stun the mind and body. But Alina does not know any method of doing that--disabling all but the rudimentary brain functions of a supernatural. To her knowledge, that was not even possible.
I'll have to ask Victor about that soon, then.

The setting changes from Hunter's Paradise to Avolair Academy


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos Character Portrait: Darius Grimlocke Character Portrait: Karne Nevaidos Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch
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"Why didn't you tell me your sister had a cat?" Kiran blinked a couple times at Mikala. Well, the subject never really came up... He opened his mouth to respond, but before he or his sister could, the kitten crawled over Karneโ€™s shoulder, down her arm, and into her hands, changing shape as it went. By the time it reached Karneโ€™s outstretched, upward-faced palms, it wasnโ€™t a cat anymore. Standing in Karneโ€™s hands was a little girl. A rather short little girl. She wasnโ€™t much taller than the cat sheโ€™d formally been. Her height was almost laughable. Actually, it was. She looked more like a little doll than a living creature. Two feline ears peaked from short lavender hair and a similarly shaded tail slowly lashed about behind her. Naniโ€™s eyes regarded Mikala with curiousity, and she tilted her head to one side before speaking.

โ€œMy name is Nani, and Iโ€™m Karneโ€™s guardian. Iโ€™m a girl,โ€ the little noble said simply. Kiran almost laughed at how blank Naniโ€™s face was. She was usually like this when meeting new people. But otherwise, she was a flurry of emotions and attitude. He wasnโ€™t sure what her deal was with strangers. Cat thing maybe? He had no idea. Nani still confused him, and heโ€™d known her since his early childhood. In all that time, he never questioned why she hadnโ€™t appeared to grow an inch. Hadnโ€™t dared. Though small, she could be quite scary when she wanted to be. Kiran blinked again as he thought of something else. Since when could Nani speak English?!? Then again, being as old as she was... it was a little more plausible than Karne speaking it. He mentally shook his head. Wasnโ€™t a big deal. He was confusing himself, anyways.

Idly letting his gaze wander while Nani stood in Karneโ€™s hands, analyzing Mikala, he saw an odd sight through the crowd of students: Darius. Well, that wasnโ€™t the odd sight entirely. He lay unconscious (or maybe just simply sleeping; Kiran couldnโ€™t quite tell) with his head upon a table. Kiran furrowed his brows in curiosity. Why the bloody hell is he sleeping at a time like this? He didnโ€™t look too hot either, a tad... unwell from where Kiran was standing. It unnerved him to see proud, classy, uppity Darius such a way. It was weird. So, despite the awkward situation that would surely follow, Kiran made up his mind to... investigate.

โ€œSโ€™cuse me,โ€ he mumbled to the girls as he walked off, maneuvering as best he could through the other, generally taller students who werenโ€™t seated at the moment for some reason or another. Upon reaching Dariusโ€™ side, Kiran confirmed that there was indeed something wrong. Darius was most definitely unwell. His lips were moving ever so slightly, as though muttering something in his sleep. One eyebrow raised, Kiran firmly shook Dariusโ€™ shoulder, prepared to do so again if he didnโ€™t wake the first time.

โ€œDarius? Wake up. You donโ€™t... look too good there. Whatโ€™s wrong?โ€ he ventured as far as speaking to his roommate, in case he wasnโ€™t roused simply by physical contact.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Black Character Portrait: Corey Black Character Portrait: Arawn Drast Character Portrait: Alina Valent Character Portrait: Bernhard Dietrich
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#, as written by darkune
Victor gathered up the sedated girl and saw that he got an email on his computer. Meet at Alina's workshop. It said and he could only sigh. "What could they want? Probably just to belittle my research." Victor muttered and held Cass's hand so he could walk her over to the next building. She looked at him with distant eyes and extremely tiny pupils. "Oh right the IV." Victor disconnected the tube and the girl perked right up. "Oh hey bro!" Cass spoke and looked at their hands and muttered, "Pervert." Victor brushed this off and brought her over to Alina's house. "What do you guy's want this time?" He complained and then sat her and himself down, but by that time Alina was finished with her briefing and he felt the need to leave.


The dean sat at his desk and pondered the day. He stole food from the cafeteria, He delivered the BLOODS rings to his nephew Jason, and he even got a transcript of a new student. "Huh? Oh Bernhard, you have the new werewolf student Arawn Drast right?" Corey smiled and spun around in his chair until he got nauseous.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corey Black Character Portrait: Arawn Drast Character Portrait: Bernhard Dietrich
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" You got it, found him wandering around campus lost and took him here to get everything settled," Bernhard answered while opening the door. He ushered the new student in, faster this all got done the better. "Seems like this information got to everyone else first, can't complain that you know first, everything that goes on here basically has to hit your desk first."

(sorry bout shortness)


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corey Black Character Portrait: Arawn Drast Character Portrait: Bernhard Dietrich
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#, as written by Ahri
Arawn walked in the doorway looking around the room figuring out what kind of person the dean was. "Hello there I am Arawn Drast sorry for being late and all." Arawn rubbed the back of his head as he got more and more nervous. Arawn stopped and started to think to himself "Why am I getting nervous its just like all the other schools I have been to." The truth was this school was nothing like Arawn's past schools, the old schools were mostly all werewolf students and teachers with low funding and very small. This new school was big housed many different race's and a very low werewolf number from what he saw wandering around. Arawn then remembered one thing, he was hungry and he wanted go lay down fast at that moment he became his normal lazy self and his worry's and nerves all seemed to go away. "So how does this work here, like room's and that kind of stuff." Arawn said as normal as he could get.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corey Black Character Portrait: Arawn Drast Character Portrait: Bernhard Dietrich
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#, as written by darkune
"Okay thanks Bernhard, you can go." The dean muttered and poked an imp in the stomach who coughed out a list of names. "Lets see kid, Ooh aren't you the lucky one. You got a room all to yourself." He chuckled and poked the imp again and it coughed out a key. "Schedule imp!" Corey yelled and a tiny imp climbed up on his desk. "I love my imps, you know the cutest imps grow into succubi and incubi as they age." Corey patted the imp and it hopped down to the floor while doing a little dance away. "Okay, and sometime there really stupid around a full grown incubus. So your new schedule is: -Monday: Weapon Mastery -Tuesday: Adaptation, Power Amplification -Wednesday: Survival Training, -Thursday: Self Control -Friday: Photography, -Saturday: Free, -Sunday: Free. You understand?" The dean swiveled around in his chair and gave a tiny cough.


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Character Portrait: Corey Black Character Portrait: Arawn Drast Character Portrait: Bernhard Dietrich
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#, as written by Ahri
Arawn stared at the imp and started to zone out then heard. "You got a room all to yourself." That made Arawn a little happier since he was wondering what kind of roommate he would have had. He then watched the imp cough out a key for his room and a schedule he was glad he wasn't being forced into class's like it use to be, slowly he zoned out again and back in when he heard. "You understand?". Arawn nodded "Yes thank you for all the help if that will be all I am sorta kinda hungry." He said as he rubbed the back of his head and did a short laugh that always makes everything more awkward.


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#, as written by X64
Atryom Bravinski

"A-atryom....Just how long have you been sitting there?"

Atryom smiled at her, his face giving nothing away although he had been blushing just moments ago. He had heard her mention something about his weakness, but he wasn't sure if he should say anything about it.

"Just for a little bit." He answered calmly.

"You are creepy you know that? Or are you just really so bored that you decide to follow me around? Oh, don't tell me you became one of those stalkers just because you heard my voice.."

"C-Creepy? Me?" Atryom's face turned to one of shock, obviously at being called creepy. "Ah, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you or's just, you ran away so quickly, that I didn't really get a chance to talk to you. That's all...."

"I didn't even get a chance to properly listen to your flute... as revenge, next time I am going to listen to your songs first."

Atryom smiled genuinely at that. He just nodded in reply, his ears twitching a little bit. Then, he said, "On Sunday, right? I'll be looking forward to it. Oh, by the way, I believe you mentioned something about my weakness?" Atryom looked her dead in the eyes with a completely straight face, then, with mock seriousness he told her,

"Food. One should never waste nor exploit food."

Darius Grimlocke

โ€œDarius? Wake up. You donโ€™t... look too good there. Whatโ€™s wrong?โ€

"Huh...wha?" Lifting up his head, Darius groggily looked over at where the voice was coming from. "I had a nightmare about her again, Atryom...." He said, half-asleep. The look on his face was one, not of fear or pain, but of sadness. After a moment, he shook his head and wiped his eyes, saying, "This has gotta stop. That happened a long time ago and no longer has anything to do with-"

Darius stopped mid-sentence, looking at 'Atryom' in shock. "Y-Y-Y-" For a moment, it was all he could do to point at him, trying to spit out what he was trying to say. "You're not Atryom!" He half-yelled, doing his best to retain his composure. Angry, he stood up real fast and glared at him. "How dare you, a misfit, impose as my guardian?!" Darius leaned in close to Kiran, smiling with maniacal intent. "You're just a glutton for trouble, aren't you? It's not like you actually care, so why come over here and bother listening in?" Although there really hadn't been much to listen to. "You want to know my secrets?"

Darius smiled again, this time as if issuing a challenge. "You really wanna know?" Darius leaned in close to Kiran's ear, breathing softly as he said, "I might tell you...if you become my slave, misfit."


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Character Portrait: Atryom Bravinski Character Portrait: Rei Lic'tre
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"On Sunday, right? I'll be looking forward to it. Oh, by the way, I believe you mentioned something about my weakness?" Rei put down her food, turning to stare at him as he spoke. How convenient it was when the one she wanted to learn about gave away all the answers himself. "Food. One should never waste nor exploit food." His answer caught her somewhat off guard, she expected something silly like cats, but this was a different level. This was the type of weakness she imaged an old man to have if anything. But the main thing she wanted to pick on was not the weakness.

Rei remained silent for a moment, merely grinning at Atyom before speaking. "Stalker." She quietly laughed out, "Listening into other people talk is rude you know." She turned back, keeping her eyes on him as she continued to eat. Merely buying time as she tried to think over her next plans. "Oh, that's it.." She spoke, holding up an apple that was bruised on one side. "As punishment, for your eavesdropping, I will be preparing your lunches for our Sunday practices. And no, I have never cooked before." She smiled at this thought, it should be punishment enough for all the times he embarrassed her. She herself had no interest in cooking, but the chance of taking advantage of his weakness could prove rather amusing.

"And you have to bring breakfast." She muttered, thinking that while she was at it, she may as well get a bonus out of things. Not having to choose between practice and Breakfast would be great. Atryom seemed like the kind type, so she was hoping he would bite into the small extra chore of running to the cafeteria before practice for the both of them. Without even thinking of it, Rei's smile grew a little more. She was never the one making demands, or trying to give orders. So even if Atryom didn't obey anything she asked, it was still a rather nice change of pace being on the other side.

Her eyes squinted at the small apple in her hand as she went deeper into thought. She was always the one receiving the annoying orders, ones that she was not allowed to disobey. Always living in fear of how far the commands would go, and what would follow if she even thought about ignoring them. Even if they were simple, petty little things like she was now giving. The fact she was finally able to let out something to a higher class made her a little happy. "Thank you, Atryom." She muttered, not really sure if he accepted any of her orders, or would follow through with any requests. "I feel a little better.." Rei entered a state of momentary bliss, feeling a little releived of her past. That is, of course until she shot back upright.

"By the way, creepy fox, where is your breakfast? They are going to close before you get any."


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"I had a nightmare about her again, Atryom...." Darius mumbled as he lifted his head, obviously not completely conscious. This alone concerned Kiran, as he wasn't sure Darius would react to the realization that he was not, in fact, Atryom. Darius rubbed the sleep from his eyes, awakening further, and muttered again, "This has gotta stop. That happened a long time ago and no longer has anything to do with-" He cut off suddenly and started sputtering, seeming to only be capable of pointing and babbling. As he finally managed to form words, he exclaimed, "You're not Atryom!" You don't say? his more sarcastic side jived, but as Darius rose swiftly, irritation evident, Kiran's sensible self told him to back off. Too late.ย 

Darius's glared at him as he rose, and Kiran's eyes widened a fraction. The glare was vaguely familiar, both in nature and appearance. He surpressed an involuntary shiver. Although he had a faint sensation he was going to be violently sick, Kiran kept himself still and met the threatening glare evenly and as casually as possible, his eyelids half dropped and his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt. He blinked twice after Darius spoke again. "How dare you, a misfit, impose as my guardian?!" Kiran bit his tongue to prevent a rash response of his own. Imposing? That's some bullshit! Misfit or not, I'll IMPOSE my foot up your ass you uppity-ass bastard! It seemed like Darius had proven himself to be one of only two people that could piss him off so quickly. But the last thing Kiran wanted was trouble. So, he was internally conflicted over wether or not to walk away and give Darius any kind of satisfaction or stand there silently and let him get bored. Explaining his actions was out of the question now.ย 

As Darius leaned uncomfortably closer to his face, Kiran started biting his tongue hard enough to draw a small amount of blood. He couldn't stop his hands from shaking ever so slightly. Despite the fact that Kiran was growing more irritated at the Pureblood by the second, Darius still creeped him out in a way. "You're just a glutton for trouble, aren't you? It's not like you actually care, so why come over here and bother listening in? You want to know my secrets?" he inquired menacingly and Kiran found himself on the edges of his self-control. You pathetic asswipe I was only asking you a GOD DAMN QUESTION!ย 

Darius smiled a smile as familiar as the glare, and Kiran felt himself tense and he could not stop the chills sent up his spine. "You really wanna know?" Not anymore, you fucking creep. Darius leaned close to Kiran's ear and he shivered once more as he spoke again. "I might tell you...if you become my slave, misfit."ย 

There was no time for him to wonder What the bloody hell did he just say? because the next thing Kiran knew, he was acting unconsciously and watched on as though there was nothing he could do to control his actions. He took a step backwards, brought his hand back and slapped Darius across the face. The hand he'd used to strike with was quivering and he quickly replaced it back in his pocket. The vision in his left eye had blurred and gone a little pink around the edges. Anyone looking close enough would see that the previously aqua eye had seemingly been superimposed with a few shades of red. He instinctively shut it. The Eye wouldn't activate without his direct command, but it was normal for it to change colors every so often, especially when he was upset.ย 

Kiran finally stopped biting his tongue and ignored the metallic tang of blood as he regarded his roommate with fraying restraint. "You're out of your fucking mind," he hissed into Darius' ear before taking a couple slightly shaky steps backwards. The last thing he'd really wanted was trouble with Darius, but with that glare, the smile, and the words combined... he'd acted on instinct. Kiran glowered at Darius, awaiting his response. A small part of him prayed that the interaction would be over quickly; the next time he lashed out, he was sure it wouldn't be a mere slap.ย 


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#, as written by X64
Darius Grimlocke

I wonder who's the REAL glutton for trouble here? Darius wondered idly as he paid no attention to his stinging face, his blood-red eyes seeming to shine with malice. The one bothering to care, or the one pushing it away?

As Kiran stepped away, shaking, Darius smiled at him. It was an empty smile, one that held no emotion nor gave anything away. I guess it doesn't matter. I must still play my part in this ridiculous scenario. After all, a pureblood could never be friends with a misfit, according to my father. Why does he even try? Looking down at the shorter boy, his eyes must have seemed almost like another person's entirely. Cold, calculating, and downright ruthless; Darius meant business.

"What did you expect, Misfit?" Darius's voice was just as cold as his blood-red eyes, an extreme opposite of how he had addressed 'Atryom' just a few minutes ago. "Are you honestly surprised to find me just like every other pureblood?" Darius chuckled, a truly icy sound resounding from his chest, "How stupid! Did you actually believe we could be friends?" Darius stopped chuckling. He put his hands up holding them out in a mock shrug. I guess I better give him a reason to stop trying.
"Really, what an incredibly idiotic thought. A pureblood like me could never be friends with a misfit like you." After all, I am a Grimlocke....a pureblood. Darius put his arms down, his smile fading into a thin line of determination.

I hate this. I hate her....

Finally acknowledging that he had been slapped, Darius put one hand on the side of the face he had been hit. "It would seem that you are looking for a fight." He began, his own shadow beginning to curl up his body and into his hands, "I would be more than happy to oblige." Black Fire formed in his hands, little balls of fiery shadow curling in between his fingers.

It's all her fault. This mask that I's all because of her.

Atryom Bravinski

"Thank you, Atryom."

Upon hearing this, Atryom told her one word. "Deal." He smiled at her, although he was actually scared at what a first-time cook might make. It was all right though, he was simply happy to make a new friend.

"By the way, creepy fox, where is your breakfast? They are going to close before you get any."

"Oh, you're right!" Atryom told her, surprised. "I'd completely forgotten that-" Before he could finish his sentence, a resounding slap caused him to turn to find out where the source was. His ears twitching, frantically trying to catch where the noise had come from, Atryom turned to see Darius and Kiran. Kiran was shaking, while Darius stood over him with Black Fire in his hands.

All kinds of alarm bells went off in Atryom's head. He knew Darius simply wasn't the type of person to attack someone without being attacked first, or without feeling threatened in some way. Atryom knew him as a gentle soul, although quite hot-headed, so the sight of him holding his fire against an unarmed person alarmed him. Had that white-haired boy been the one to slap? Yes, that must have been it. However, why would such a thing provoke him into going as far as using his powers? He could easily fight without didn't make sense.

"Excuse me, Rei, but I'm afraid I have some business to attend to." Atryom hurriedly stood and bowed to her, saying, "I look forward to when we meet again." Then, he ran over to where Darius was standing, his three tails flowing after him.

Atryom Bravinski and Darius Grimlocke

"Darius, stop!" Atryom yelled out before finally reaching him. He stood in front of Kiran, holding his arms out. "What are you doing? This isn't like you, Darius!" Atryom was truly concerned for him, as his guardian and as his friend.

"Get out of the way, Atryom!" Darius's eyes flashed with anger, and then evil intent as he said in the iciest tone yet, "I would have this misfit kneel..."

Scream for me, filthy pureblood.

Atryom's face turned to one of pure shock, even going so far as to lower his arms. "You're acting just like her....." Atryom whispered, the sudden realization showing in his eyes, "Just like Dantae."

Darius's eyes widened, flaring with anger at the mention of the name. "Don't. EVER. Say her name again, or I'll..."

"Or you'll what?" Atryom, his ears pressing flat against his head, walked straight up to Darius. He got right in his face, hissing the words, "Use that fire on your own guardian? This isn't you, Darius. I know it's not you." Atryom, knowing full well that he could clearly be heard, continued, "I know you loved her, but-"

"You don't know ANYTHING!" Darius pushed him back, forgetting that his hands were covered in fire. "She has nothing to do with this, either!" While Atryom's clothes remained unharmed, his chest underneath was burned from the Black Fire. Atryom, wincing in pain, stopped himself from instinctively grabbing his chest. Instead, his yellow eyes gleaming, he grabbed Darius's collar, pulled him close, and lifted him off the ground. With his fangs elongating, his claws starting to lengthen, and the half-crazed look in his eyes, he almost looked something like a monster.

"Look at yourself, you fool." Atryom's voice sounded much deeper than it normally would, like something straight out of the abyss of hell. "You're practically punishing an innocent for something that happened years ago, that they had absolutely nothing to do with other than simply being the same thing that she was; a misfit. Can you not see reason? Are you really that blinded by your own hatred?"

Darius, glaring at him but saying nothing, grabbed the hand at his collar. Using his fire, he burned Atryom's hand, trying to force him to let go. Then as Atryom continued to hold on through the pain, Darius stopped. Still glaring, he said simply, "You still know nothing. Let me go." Finally, after a few long moments where Atryom constantly glared at him, he put his fire away. "As a pureblood of the demons, I order you to let me go." Darius told him calmly.

Narrowing his eyes, Atryom grudgingly let go of him, setting him down gently. Darius looked over at Kiran, a strange, sad look in his eyes. "I stand by what I said. Regardless of the past, their can never be a friendship between a pureblood and a misfit." Then, holding his head up high, he turned away and walked straight out of the cafeteria looking just like the pureblood he claimed to be.

Atryom Bravinski

With Darius gone, Atryom sighed as he turned back to normal. He looked over at Kiran, then walked over to him.

"As his guardian, I don't appreciate people smacking Darius around," He began, looking most disappointed in him, "although I do understand why you might have done it. He's a very....complicated person. However, I would ask that you please refrain from hitting him, as I would like not to have to step in. Oh, speaking of which, may I ask what happened before I came over? While it's not uncommon for him to instigate things, it is quite rare for him to use his powers so needlessly."


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The next few moments were kind of a blur for Kiran. Partly because there seemed to be a lot happening at once (to him anyways), but mainly because he was a little trapped inside his own mind at the moment. Thinking about what had just taken place, first and foremost. Secondly, trying to quell his incessant shivering at an unwelcome, untimely recognition. He dimly registered another person coming into view: that Kitsune from the bathroom earlier, Atryom. He and Darius seemed to get in a smallโ€ฆ disagreement. After it was pretty much over, Kiran noted the sad gaze fixed on him from Darius. He heard some words, but he didnโ€™t register them until his roommate had stridden from the cafeteria. Kiran was starting to discover the anatomy of a typical interaction between them: Kiran approached him, an awkward turn of events followed, and then Darius left. He blinked a couple times, still puzzled over what had just happened. Next thing he knew, Atryom was talking to him. Being in the dazed state that he was, he just barely caught the last sentence. He assumed the Kitsune was asking what had went down prior to his intervention.
And thatโ€™s when it finally hit home. Thoughts flurried about his mind, making it hard to form a coherent reply. I hit someone! My roommate! I slapped him across the face! And he was a pureblood of all things! Shit! What would Father say? What would Karne say? Oh shitโ€ฆ was she watching? Did she see me do that? Oh, I hope notโ€ฆ please donโ€™t look, Karneโ€ฆ He hastily carded his slightly shaking fingers through his plaitnum hair as he struggled for a response, pushing down his hood in the process. Heโ€™d fix it later.
โ€œUhโ€ฆ wellโ€ฆโ€ Kiran paused to take a deep breath before finally formulating his answer. โ€œHe was over here sleeping, and he didnโ€™t look too good, so I came over and asked what was wrong. And he thought I was you for a second and he was talking about someone, and when he found out I wasnโ€™t you, he got mad, and he said something and Iโ€ฆโ€ He sighed, sagging his shoulders and looking down at the floor. โ€œLook Atryom, I overreacted, and Iโ€™m really sorry. Really. Next time I see Darius, I swear Iโ€™ll apologize to him, but I just want you to know that this was the last thing I wanted to happen-โ€œ His voice had started to shake by the end of his sentence and he couldโ€™ve sworn he was about to pass out when two supporting arms slid around his shoulders and he was pulled backwards against a familiar body.
She saw the commotion over by Kiran and those other two students. Whatโ€™s going on? she wondered worriedly. Karne felt Nani transform back into a kitten and slip up and around her shoulders, fur darkening in her agitation. By unspoken agreement, Nani was also considered Kiranโ€™s guardian as much as she was Karneโ€™s, if not only to a lesser degree. Nani was not prejudiced against misfits as so many others of her noble standing were. This was part of the reason why she was selected as Karneโ€™s guardian in the first place. Karne quickly excused herself from Mikala to go to her brother's rescue.ย 
Karne weaved through the students in time to see her brother hastily respond to an inquiry of the Kitsuneโ€™s, the other student having left by then. She saw at once that her brother was at the edges of mental stability. She could only wonder what had upset him like this. There was only one thing she could think of, and it sent an invisible chill up her spine. She finally reached her brother and pulled him close to her. He looked like he was about to fall over.
โ€œKiran,โ€ she murmured in his ear soothingly. โ€œCalm down. Everythingโ€™s fine~โ€ She stood up straight and looked up at the fox demon heโ€™d been talking to.
โ€œKiranโ€™s not feeling too good right now. Iโ€™m sure he really didnโ€™t mean to hit that guy.โ€ She tilted her head to one side, a soft smile on her face. Kiran was slowly starting to stablize. Physically, at least. Karne wasnโ€™t sure what could be said for his emotions at present. She patted her brother on the head and flipped his hood back up, another gesture of comfort. โ€œIn fact,โ€ she continued, addressing both Kiran and the fox guy. โ€œHeโ€™s going to go apologize right now.โ€ She gently squeezed her brotherโ€™s shoulder, indicating thatโ€™s just what he would do.

He understood at once that Karne's statement was a command, not a suggestion. Despite this, he was deathly reluctant. Although he'd stopped shaking once Karne had appeared, his mind was still caught up in a maelstrom of thoughts. He hardly noticed he'd left the protection of his older sister and started making his way to the door.ย 

Upon leaving the cafeteria, he immediately caught sight of Darius walking away. He felt terrible again already, just looking at the guy. Beginning to shiver ominously once more, he tried to tense himself up as he started a small jog to catch up to Darius. "Wait!" he called out, not caring if he was heeded or not. His plan was to get his attention, say sorry, and leave. Kiran had a sinking feeling it wouldn'tbe that simple.ย 

He finally caught up to the figure enough for his liking, for lack of a better term. "Darius," he began, voice trembling slightly. "I'm sorry about what happened. Really sorry." The last thing he wanted was a conflict with anyone, Pureblood or not.ย 


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Black Character Portrait: Corey Black Character Portrait: Arawn Drast
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#, as written by darkune
"Alright Arawn you can go eat now if you like. They're serving mixed fruit, bacon, oranges, and various meats: Cooked or otherwise." Corey listed the list of food that might feed any sort of magical creature. "Personally I love the bacon." The dean muttered as he pulled out a large plate of bacon and taking one off so he can devour it. "Bacon!" All of the little imps cried and attempted to eat the bacon off the desk. "My bacon!" Corey yelled and lifted the plate into the air while taking off one piece at a time to eat. "Oh yeah Arawn if you need help, go to see my nephew Jason Black." He called out to the student and then smacked on of the imps that was trying to eat his food.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atryom Bravinski Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos Character Portrait: Darius Grimlocke Character Portrait: Karne Nevaidos Character Portrait: Rei Lic'tre
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"I'd completely forgotten that-" Atryom seemed surprised, perhaps by the fact that he forgot about getting his own food. But the even more surprising event was a loud, crack-like sound that rang out over the moment of silence. The fox turned first, staring at the two plausible suspects of the sound. One of which had a frightening Black Fire within his grasp. "Excuse me, Rei, but I'm afraid I have some business to attend to." Atryom was reacting to this occurrence, making Rei wonder if he knew those two. "I look forward to when we meet again." With the last word Atryom ran over to the other two, leaving her.

She sat, simply watching as he got between the two, yelling at the one he seemed darker, colder even. Darius, that was the name Atryom yelled while confronting him. And Darius refuted, demanding his friend get out of the way, and then spoke about making the misfit kneel. This was what caught Rei the most, Darius was a pureblood, and the one behind Atryom was a misfit. She gritted her teeth in disgust, her mind was already set in stone that nearly all purebloods were horrible creatures. But to think they would even act out in the middle of an Academy's cafeteria was just despicable. The pieces of Darius and Atryom's 'friendship' were falling into place as well.

That was when Atryom's own words confirmed it, he was in fact that purebloods guardian. Rei, covering her left eyes as she forced her fingers to hold her forehead, started to beome aggitated. Nobles could be more sympathetic to misfits, but if they were guardians, they might as well have been useless as a sheild for anyone but Purebloods. No matter how much of a friend they became to one, most would sell out that 'friend' at a masters order.

Her consentration snapped as Darius yelled out, his blackened fists launching into Atryom's chest to push him back. "Atryom!" Rei yelped quietly, jumping out of her chair, and began to run for the confrontation without thinking. Purebloods have always been cruel and twisted, but to their own guardians? Her movements were swift, as she had made it to the last table before getting to Atryom and Darius before she froze.

Atryom began to change as he lifted Darius from the ground. It nearly looked like all sanity was being removed from himself as his eyes seemed to become crazed. "D-demon.." She muttered to herself. Rei knew that Atryom was a demon class when she saw his ears, but the fact never really struck in until this. Even a noble can be dark at heart like the damned purebloods. Demons were always full of trickery, letting people believe they were harmless before striking. It was because of her in depth knowledge of this, Rei could not help but begin wondering if Atryom was just trying to lead her into a trap. He was a monster, every little piece of him at this moment.

The first time his voice rang out within this transformation, all other sounds died to Rei. Her thoughts began to take over the ambience, neutralizing the rest of his words. She could only watch as he continued to hold up Darius. She could only feel fear, this man had been toying with her. He was no different from the purebloods after all was he? She was going to be sent back, to the days of pain wasn't she? The pain of the fire gripping him didn't even seem to register across this demon's mind. This sight could only further debilitate Rei in her state of mind.

She could see it, she could physically see that room. Her breath became heavy as she looked around, the cafeteria slowly fading away into the tattered place. She twisted and turned, trying to look every which way until her eyes locked onto the cracked mirror. With the top portion missing, all she could see was a single grin. "You can't escape me" The wicked voice rang out, the strength so overwhelming Rei began to lose consciousness, falling backwards. Laughter rang as the room fell apart, the bright lights of the cafeteria slowly fighting back the room's form.

The voice played over and over in her head. She knew exactly what it was, she knew what that room stood for. She wanted to scream out, the fear inside of her was growing. She didn't want to feel the nothingness that followed being taken over by it. Those question of what happened, what exactly had she done , and how many did she injure when she finally came to? The voice would constantly nag at her mind trying to drive her to the brink of insanity only to leave her with absolutely nothing. She was driven of all emotion, of all feeling, even all of the pain that took place in her life.

She could only picture this schools hallways, painted with crimson. Entrails hung from the ceiling as if some festival ornament for her own private ceremony. The countless faces she has or will seen simply bashed into the walls as a personal decor. Imprints left for an eternity to wail at any that pass through. The ambience of her newest songs would simply be the sound of blood dripping across the intercoms. Rei forced her eyes shut, not wanting to imagine any of this anymore. Whispering to herself hoping to gnaw out the voice from her head.

As everything came back too, Rei was using the end of the table to remain standing. Lightheaded, and dizzy she simply stared. Atryom by this time was already back to normal, and she could not recall just how much time passed for what seemed a matter of seconds. Darius was gone, and the other boy just stood to give chase. Another girl stood before Atryom, she was probably caught in the commotion in some way as well. Awaken Fury had taken effect, none had noticed, but it was there. From what she could see, nothing had occurred. None had watchful eyes on her as of yet, so peace still remained. At least, what little peace there could be. She gulped, trying to push the thoughts of what may have occurred in such a short time if something did happen. She starred at Atryom, trying to catch up, hoping no one took notice of the darkness that appeared and left.

Rei quickly tried to sort through her thoughts. Perhaps Atryom only took that horrible form to stand even ground with a pureblood? But then again, he seemed completely void of emotion during the few seconds she actually saw. But if she thought about it, he did enter this facing the pureblood instead of the Misfit. But, that form, there was no way he was completely innocent in any way. Her head continued filling with buts, she wanted to try and believe Atryom was more like a creepy/innocent/stalker, rather than a horrendous monster that would prey on anything.

Uncertain, and in fear she stepped forward trying to maintain an angry composure. Though, her fear seemed to break as a few tears took to her eyes the closer she got. "You idiot!" She screamed, stomping downwards at his tail. "That face is not worth my songs!" Her voice was angry, but the fear was definitely obvious as her voice trembled. She heard the voice during those moments. She heard the voice of Awaken Fury, and she didn't want it to come back. She didn't want that Atryom to come back either. "Never show that side of you again. Ever!" She wanted to feel that safety again, she liked the idea of having someone join her for Sunday practice, but she wanted that safe feeling back.

She spun to look at the other girl that was near. "You, be my back-up. If he does that again, tug at his ears and I'll pull on his tail!" This time her voice was quieted down to a low cry. "If I see it again, I will kill him myself." Her voice nearly switched to a growl instantly. She didn't want her safety to be breached by someone she was unsure about. But if that feeling was already breached, then she would not allow anything to crumble her inside of the net. "You got that D-O-G?" She spelt out, too frustrated to care if this would anger him, " If you do it again, we will stomp on your tail, and rip your little ears off!" She kept her face from looking near his, somewhat afraid of seeing the crazed eyes once again.


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#, as written by Ahri
"Alright Arawn you can go eat now if you like. They're serving mixed fruit, bacon, oranges, and various meats: Cooked or otherwise." Arawn jumped chance to eat and relax for a bit. "Thanks Dean have a good day." Arawn started to leave the room when he heard the Dean talk about bacon and then she said "Oh yeah Arawn if you need help, go to see my nephew Jason Black.". Arawn thought "At least know I know who not to get on the wrong side of here.". Arawn was starving for food it took him some time and a whole lot of direction asking but he got there, as he entered he watched as two students looked like they were so close to having a full scale brawl. "I guess this is my kind of school there is not a moment of boredom here." He said with a smirk on his face. Arawn watched as it ended and one of the students left the room not looking so happy. Then he looked over at the breakfast line and watched as he was seconds late. "This is just great better go unpack my bags then." As he turned around he heard more arguing and looked back to see a girl yelling at one of the students who was in the fight. "I think I am going to get use to this school pretty quickly."


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#, as written by X64
Atryom Bravinski

โ€œHe was over here sleeping, and he didnโ€™t look too good, so I came over and asked what was wrong. And he thought I was you for a second and he was talking about someone, and when he found out I wasnโ€™t you, he got mad, and he said something and Iโ€ฆlook Atryom, I overreacted, and Iโ€™m really sorry. Really. Next time I see Darius, I swear Iโ€™ll apologize to him, but I just want you to know that this was the last thing I wanted to happen-โ€œ

Atryom listened carefully. When he saw that Kiran was shaking, he was going to try to calm him down when a pink-haired girl beat him to it. She caught him as he was about to pass out, seeming very concerned for him. For a moment, Atryom wondered what her relationship with him was. Girlfriend, perhaps? He was distracted as he put a hand to his chest. Since he had calmed down, he had started to really feel the pain.

โ€œKiranโ€™s not feeling too good right now. Iโ€™m sure he really didnโ€™t mean to hit that guy.โ€

So he did hit him. Atryom throught, sighing, It probably wasn't uncalled for, knowing Darius, but still.....why did he go so far as to use his powers over such a small thing? Even if he thought it was must have been what he said to Kiran, thinking it was me. It's the only logical reason I can think of.

โ€œIn fact, heโ€™s going to go apologize right now.โ€

Atryom stared at the cute, pink-haired girl in shock. She was actually going to make him go after Darius, even after what just happened? What if Darius brought up the Black Fire again, especially in the unstable state he was in?

"I really don't think that's a good..." Atryom trailed off as he watched Kiran leave. For a brief moment, he wondered if Kiran actually had a death wish. After Kiran was gone, he stared again at the pink-haired girl. He simply could not understand why in the world Kiran would go try to apologize, at least, right then anyway.

"Who are you?" Atryom began to ask her, "And why-OWWWOOOOOOO!" Atryom practically howled in pain as he felt his tail being stepped on.

"You idiot! That face is not worth my songs!"

Uncontrollable tears of pain welling up in his eyes from the combined pain of the burns and now one of his tails, he turned to see who the culprit was. "Rei...." Atryom said gently, a sad tone in his voice. She looked pissed, to put it bluntly, and scared for some reason.

"Rei....calm down, please..." Why is she so scared? Her voice is trembling like crazy...."It's not what you think, really." Atryom smiled at her through the pain, trying to exert some sort of calm.

"Never show that side of you again. Ever!"

Wait. She's scared....of me? Why? He thought back to try to remember what about him might have scared her. Ah, right. I acted on instinct again. No wonder.... "Well, you see, when an ape has to tell another ape to back off....." Atryom started to explain, using some sort of weird analogy, even as Rei continued to threaten him.

"If you do it again, we will stomp on your tail, and rip your little ears off!"

"P-Please don't. That would hurt. A lot." A cloud settled over Atryom's face, as he continued to try to save himself. Why was she so mad at him? He didn't understand. If he hadn't done what he did, Darius surely would have started a fight.

"R-Rei, my tail...that really hurts!" With a rather painful yank, Atryom jerked his poor tail out from under her foot. He held it up to his chest, looking at Rei almost fearfully. "Are you even sure of what just happened?" Atryom asked her, "I mean, I'm sorry that you had to see that...." A sad tone had crept into his voice. He really was sorry. After, they had practically just met. He didn't want her to think of him as some sort of evil creature or monster. "But if I hadn't done what I did, Darius would still be here, trying to cause havoc." Atryom felt like a fish trying to explain to a bear why it shouldn't be eaten. He was going to get eaten either way.

"Listen." Atryom held up his hands in a gesture of pleading, inadvertently showing how horribly burned they were. They had second-degree burns, although they were almost bad enough to be called third-degree. However, although the pain made him think that chopping his hands off might be better, he did his best to ignore it for now. "I don't know if you already know this, but most pureblooded demons care only about power. They're taught to think that way, and to recognize when someone is more powerful than them." Feeling very tired, Atryom fell into a chair, no longer having the energy to care about whether Rei would step on his tail again or not.

"If you want to calm down a pureblooded demon, you have to show you're bigger than them, even if you're really not. It's the same concept as when two animals fight over food; the bigger, stronger looking one usually wins, forcing the other to wait his turn." Atryom sighed, gingerly placing his hands in his lap. "Again, I'm really sorry you had to see that, Rei." He smiled gently at her. "Please forgive me." He bowed his head down, wincing as his chest moved with it.

Darius Grimlocke

Darius grew more and more irritated as whispers seemed to follow him down the hallway. People were talking about what happened, the rumor spreading like wildfire. Fuck. Darius thought, That idiot got burned, didn't he? I burnt him...I think. Darius's face darkened into a scowl. Of course I burnt him, the asshole wouldn't let me go. Stopping at an unoccupied corner, Darius sighed. Maybe that fox was right. Well, anyway, I guess I better go get the burn cream.... Extremely confused with himself, Darius leaned against the wall, wondering what exactly made him act the way he did. Was it really because he had mistaken him for Atryom? No, that was simply too stupid to be the answer.

I let my guard down. Even if just for a moment, I felt...peaceful around him. Around a misfit.


Darius, pulled out of his sudden realization, turned to see Kiran running towards him. He didn't know whether to be pissed, annoyed, confused, or all of them at the same time. Why the hell did this guy keep following him? Did he have some kind of death wish?

"Darius. I'm sorry about what happened. Really sorry."

Darius's confused face almost instantly turned to one of pure annoyance. What was this guy's deal?

"Why in the holy fuck are you apologizing?" Darius began, sounding just as annoyed as he looked, "And why do you keep following me? Seriously, I don't get you! What the fuck do I have to do for you to get the idea?!" Seriously, this guy....pisses me off. "You know what?" He rambled, saying the first thing that came to his mind without thinking about it, "You should be my slave anyway to compensate, that way I can make you dress like a monkey and dance in front of everyone in the cafeteria. Would you still wanna be friends then, asshole?"

However, he couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Kiran in a monkey suit. He didn't realize he was actually chuckling out loud, his shoulders heaving at the effort of trying to hold the rest of the laughter in. "We could even...pfftttt.....put a pink bow in your white hair, old man! Bwahaha!" Unable to control himself, he burst out laughing. Kiran, with a pink bow and a monkey suit? Priceless, even if it was only in Darius's imagination.

It's happening again. Why do I feel comfortable around this person? I don't get it....he's a misfit. Like she was...

Darius stopped laughing, looking at Kiran with an almost imploring gaze. "All bullshit aside, I honestly don't understand why you're following me to apologize after what happened in the cafeteria. I mean...why bother? I don't understand." Darius spoke much more seriously than he had been a few moments ago. "Didn't I insult you? Didn't I try to hurt you? Why would you still...." Darius trailed off, leaving the question unspoken. Why would you still act like you care?


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The kitsune (Oh wow his earsโ€ฆ they look so softโ€ฆ) gave her a really funny look as Kiran left. He asked her a question or two, but it got cut off as he was promptly confronted by another girl similar in height and build to Karne herself (Her hairโ€ฆ ITโ€™S BLUE! THATโ€™S SO COOL!). She stepped on one of his tails (SO FLUFFY!) and started yelling at him. He tried semi-frantically to calm her down. At one point, the blue-haired girl looked her way. "You, be my back-up. If he does that again, tug at his ears and I'll pull on his tail!" she exclaimed, and Karne wasnโ€™t sure if she was completely serious or not. However, that look on her face suggested that she was. Besides, Karne was sort of tempted to tug on one of the bushy tails anyways...

The fox demon spoke to the girl, most likely to apologize or calm her down for whatever reason. Then, looking rather weary, he sat down in a chair and said something else. Of course, Karne's eyes were fixed on his furry ears the entire time. As he stopped talking and lowered his head, she set into motion. On her way over, she lifted Nani, then in cat form, to her face and murmured, remembering her brother, "Piฬฑgaรญnete elรฉnxei Kiran, parakalรณฬฑ." Go check on Kiran, please. Nani jumped right from her arms and soon disappeared in the mass of students, and Karne idly hoped she wouldn't get trampled.ย 

In a matter of seconds, she reached the kitsune. Karne smiled brightly. The ears were so close! With a small giggle, not really caring how the fox demon felt about the action, she reached out and felt one with her hands. She let out a small gasp. "Ohmigosh they're so soft!" she breathed. Although she could just as easily assume a much more mature persona, Karne was a big child at heart; easily amused, oblivious and all.ย 


Despite the jokes being blatantly offensive, Kiran couldn't help but laugh himself as he saw Darius concede to his own ill-meant joke. He covered his mouth with his hands and lowered his head as his shoulders racked slightly with the reverberations of his laughter. Of all things, Kiran would've thought the last thing Darius possessed was a sense of humor. For the time, Kiran actually felt a small twinge of comfort. After a few moments, though, he straightened up and saw Darius' laughing face morph into a mask of seriousness.ย 

"All bullshit aside, I honestly don't understand why you're following me to apologize after what happened in the cafeteria. I mean...why bother? I don't understand. Didn't I insult you? Didn't I try to hurt you? Why would you still...." Kiran assumed he knew the end of the half-finished question. Just as he was about to reply, he felt something brush against his leg. He looked down to see Nani in her small cat form. "Oh, Nani," he murmured as he reached down to pick her up. He could only assume this was Karne's doing. He cradled the small cat to his chest and looked back up at Darius, previously comfortable feeling rapidly vanishing.ย 

"I came to apologize because I was the one to hit you. I freaked out over nothing. I just wanted to say that I really didn't mean to. It was an overreaction. I mean, I don't hit people, I hate getting into fights. What happened back there... I just flipped out and did something I shouldn't have. That's all. So again, I'm really sorry." Kiran's shaking had since all but stopped. Apologizing made him feel a small bit better. He idly stroked Nani's fur as He kept his open eye on Darius, a tad worried his apology would have somehow made things worse.ย 


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Rei puffed out her cheeks, slightly angry that Atryom nearly tripped her by jerking his tail out of under her foot. She almost felt like she was getting a pep talk because she was in the wrong. "Listen." Her eyes locked on the hands as he held them up. He actually did get hurt when Darius grabbed there didn't he? "I don't know if you already know this, but most pureblooded demons care only about power. They're taught to think that way, and to recognize when someone is more powerful than them." She knew he was right on this, because when Awaken Fury first appeared all other demons seemed to hold a little, tiny fraction more of respect for her.

He was tired, it was obvious. The fact that such a small encounter could wear him out to the point of having to sit down was somewhat saddening. But then again, he did try and hold strength the entire time the black fire was burning him. "If you want to calm down a pureblooded demon, you have to show you're bigger than them, even if you're really not...." Rei was listening in until the small cat jumped out of the other girls arms and ran off.

" .....stronger looking one usually wins.." She could hear Atryom continue on, but her eyes were glued to the girl approached him. Her smile was shining out like she found some kind of heaven on earth. Rei couldn't help but raise her right brow, coming to the point of ignoring Atryom as the girl giggled. Her eyes becoming solid as she watched her reach out and touch one of the ears. "What the hell is she doing? Atryom is going to eat her.." Blinking a few times, she looked towards Atryom, "Or perhaps he is too injured?"

"Ohmigosh they're so soft!" The girls words were all slurred together in what seemed a single breath. Rei starred, letting nothing break her attention from the pleasure this girl had from simply rubbing his ears. She even began to think herself how the ears might have felt if touched. "A-atryom" She muttered, approaching a little closer. "Aren't you... hurt.. nurse.." She was becoming more and more distracted, losing her words.

"It serves you right, idiot." She muttered, shaking her head to bring her to what was actually important. "Who is really so stupid as to-" Before she could even notice it, her hand as well was reaching for his other ear. Quietly stroking it as it disobeyed her will of the moment. "I-i-i-i... It is soft.." Her attention snapped completely to the ear, carefully getting a little closer so she could bring up a second ear. "Why didn't I do this before?" Her voice slured off into an odd giggle as she rubbed at the ear. "Soft soft soft......"

Rei's words paused, her eyes looking downwards to see only the side of Atryom's head. Apparently she came so close, her eyes were level with the ears. Quickly stumbling back, she brushed herself off, regaining her composure. "Ahem" She forced a fake cough, trying to pretend like she did not fall into a trance by something like fuzzy ears. "S-so in other words, you were simply trying to make a pureblood back off, while getting yourself hurt this badly? For a guardian, you are an idiot to stand infront of your own master like that.."


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Mikala would watch as Kiran's sister left. Mikala watched the small crowd of people for a while then shook her head, quickly growing bored. As Mikala turned away, she saw a young man watching the little argument. Mikala looked at him curiously. She hadn't seen him at the beginning of school. Perhaps he had come late? No matter, Mikala slowly approached him, still curious. "Hellloooo" she said looking up at him. "I didn't see you yesterday. I'm Mikala" she said introducing herself. Mikala began to rock slowly on her heels, her hands behind her back. There was something about him....something strange. Mikala couldn't decide if it was good or bad but it bothered her a bit. "What are you? A demon or something?" she asked, referring to what supernatural being he was.


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#, as written by Ahri
Arawn heard a voice directed towards him, he looked down to see a girl looking up at him. She introduced herself then went straight to the point. "What are you? A demon or something?" Arawn hesitated and thought "Would saying I am a werewolf have a impact on her opinion of me, are werewolves treated different around here or something because there doesn't seem to be any." Arawn stalled for a second then responded "Isn't it normal to say what race you are first before asking what theirs is." He said as he leaned against the door smiling, trying to dodge the question for as long as he could. Arawn felt strange some how different was it having a conversation or Arawn couldn't put his tongue on it. He wondered looking at the girl thinking "could it be her?"


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#, as written by X64
Darius Grimlocke

"I came to apologize because I was the one to hit you.

When Kiran picked up a small cat, Darius couldn't help but stare at it. It's....It's so cute..... It looked so fluffy and soft, he had to resist the urge to reach out and try to pet it. Although he was distracted, he made sure to listen to what the misfit was saying.

"I freaked out over nothing. I just wanted to say that I really didn't mean to. It was an overreaction. I mean, I don't hit people, I hate getting into fights.

Must not touch the cat, must not touch the cat, must not touch the cat

"What happened back there... I just flipped out and did something I shouldn't have. That's all. So again, I'm really sorry."

"Most people don't like the thought of being a demon's slave..." Darius, do NOT touch that cat! That cute little white ball of fur... He thought to himself, continuing to answer Kiran all the while, "After all, we only care about strength and entertaining ourselves. We don't care if we torture, abuse, or even kill to meet that end. We'll even discriminate to keep our own selfish desires..." What the hell am I DOING?! Just because it looks fluffy and cute and soft~! A look of pure conflict finally appearing on his face, Darius began to reach out a shaky hand.

"Y-You know..." Darius began as he pulled his own hand back, "If you're really sorry, you could actually be my....servant." He refrained from saying slave, although he meant practically the same thing as he continued, "For the rest of today. Just today." He sounded completely different from earlier. If anything, he sounded almost embarrassed. Not only that, but it completely contradicted what he was saying not more than two seconds ago. He was acting purely on impulse. He simply could not resist the temptation of cuteness right before him. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MEEEEEE!

Then, surprisingly, Darius smiled genuinely as he said, "And your first order would be to let me pet that cute-looking cat. Ok~?"

I must be stupid. I must be a genuine idiot. I'm seriously asking this guy to seriously be my slave just to pet a fucking cat, of all things. DAMN YOU, CUTENESS!

Atryom Bravinski

"Ohmigosh they're so soft!"

Atryom just sat there for a moment, trying to process what was happening. T-This girl.... He didn't know how to react to people pulling on his ears. To be honest, no one ever really messed with them. And yet, here this girl was, just petting away with a huge smile on her face.

"I-i-i-i... It is soft.."

Atryom was inwardly shocked as he thought, Not you too! Although....hey...that kinda feels good. Atryom closed his eyes and smiled as the two girls massaged his ears for a few moments. It was a pure bliss that Atryom had never experienced before. He had to resist from thumping his feet like a dog. However, the experience was soon over when Rei let go, looking quite embarrassed.

"S-so in other words, you were simply trying to make a pureblood back off, while getting yourself hurt this badly? For a guardian, you are an idiot to stand infront of your own master like that.."

Rei's words brought him back to reality, although he was constantly distracted by the other girl's touch. "W-Well, his actions did make me mad a little bit. He acts so stupid sometimes..." Atryom began, his head unconsciously leaning toward the other girl, "Darius is easily riled, although he may not admit it, so it's up to me to make sure he doesn't do anything rash." Atryom smiled at Rei. "It hurts, but if it helps him make a new friend then I would do it again without hesitation. It's actually kind of complicated when you think about it..."


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"Most people don't like the thought of being a demon's slave..." YOU DONโ€™T SAY? Kiran shifted uncomfortably and held Nani closer. The whole slave thing was starting to creep him out... Darius was pretty weird indeed. "After all, we only care about strength and entertaining ourselves. We don't care if we torture, abuse, or even kill to meet that end. We'll even discriminate to keep our own selfish desires..." Kiran tilted his head to one side and raised a brow. Why was he downtalking his own standing? Nani started to wriggle around slightly, a small shudder passing through her body. Something was bothering her about Darius. Kiran soon saw why.ย 

Darius was slowly reaching his hand out towards Nani, making her hackles rise and small hissing sounds escape her mouth. Kiran knew she hated being touched by anyone other than Karne and himself, so he immediately began petting her in an attempt to calm her down before she did something rash, like change into her fighting form. Darius pulled his hand back and continued speaking. "Y-You know... If you're really sorry, you could actually be my....servant." Kiran frowned slightly and furrowed his brows nervously. Servant? What? He was really getting creeped out by the whole servitude topic, but he decided to say nothing. "For the rest of today. Just today." Well, Kiran supposed he'd just been spoken for. Oh well. He'd bring up later that he never actually agreed to anything if the need arose.ย 

Kiran was rather shocked by a genuine smile that spread across Darius' face. "And your first order would be to let me pet that cute-looking cat. Ok~?" Kiran opened his left eye and both of them widened. What kind of tone was that? He felt Nani promptly shift out of his arms and drape herself about his slight shoulders, fur darkening in irritation.ย 

"Well, you see..." he struggled for a response. "I'd let you, but-" He felt Nani's body change back into her small "neko" form and she glared at Darius over the top of Kiran's head. She decided to speak for herself.ย "You will do no such thing, you brat," she hissed at Darius. "I am Nani, guardian of Karne Nevaidos. Touch me..." she narrowed her eyes menacingly. "And die a painful death." Kiran frantically looked back at Darius, gushing his response. What the hell was Nani doing, threatening a Pureblood like that? It wasn't like her at all. Then again... she hated being pet...ย 

"I'm sorry Darius," he replied hastily. "Nani's my sister's guardian, but she looks after me too, and she does not like to be pet by people other than me and my sister. She's really sensetive about that. So, I don't think you'll be able to pet her..." he trailed off as he felt Nani shift back into a cat and jump right off his shoulders, swiftly stalking off into the crowds, most likely back to the cafeteria.ย 

Kiran ran a hand through his hair. "She's not usually that angry... It's just the whole 'touching' thing she doesn't like. I hope you understand," he said, turning his head back to Darius once the end of her white tail had vanished amongst the crowd of students.ย 


Karne honestly had no idea what the two were talking about. Not that she cared. The only thing that mattered to her was the fluffy ear she was massaging. The kitsune seemed to like it too, judging by the way he shifted his head towards her. She wasn't thinking about anything else until she felt a familiar form brush against her leg. Nani had returned. Reluctantly abandoning the captivating ear, she reached down and took the kitten into her arms. "Pรณฬฑs eรญnai afฬฑtรณs?" she asked. How is he? "Eรญnai oฬฑraรญa," came the grumbled reply as the car settled around her shoulders. He's fine. Karne vaguely wondered why Nani was so upset. Most likely all those people, she thought. Karne mentally shrugged and turned back to massaging the ear, blissfully oblivious to the conversation of the demon and the blue-haired girl.ย 


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Mikala frowned slightly, leaning to one side. "Well....." she said thinking. "It doesn't matter but im a vampire" she said smiling. "Type.........B" she added, almost forgetting. "Now your turn" she said, clapping her hands together, bouncing up and down. "Hmmm does it really mater who goes first? Maybe, or not. Oh well" she thought shrugging to herself. "Hey, where are you heading?" she asked curiously, looking at him with brows furrowed in thought. A sudden thought occured Mikala. "Was he....stalling earlier? I wonder what for...."

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View All » Add Character » 26 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jason Black
Character Portrait: Lucas Ellisor
Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
Character Portrait: Darius Grimlocke
Character Portrait: Leanne Crow
Character Portrait: Atryom Bravinski
Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos
Character Portrait: Victor Fuuton
Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch
Character Portrait: Rei Lic'tre
Character Portrait: June Arett
Character Portrait: Corey Black
Character Portrait: Kayla Jordan
Character Portrait: Alina Valent
Character Portrait: Karne Nevaidos
Character Portrait: Feena Malsahar


Character Portrait: Feena Malsahar
Feena Malsahar

"Just because I'm "strange", doesn't mean I'm not weak."

Character Portrait: Karne Nevaidos
Karne Nevaidos

"Oh, hi there!"

Character Portrait: Alina Valent
Alina Valent

"Since weapons fix most of our problems, I'm here to help."

Character Portrait: Kayla Jordan
Kayla Jordan

"If I say I don't care, I really mean I don't care."

Character Portrait: Corey Black
Corey Black

Dean of Avolair Academy

Character Portrait: June Arett
June Arett

"Just how much do we really know about the supernatural anyway?"

Character Portrait: Rei Lic'tre
Rei Lic'tre

"I wish to stay alone, not become alone..."

Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch
Mikala Dutch

"Everyone's insane. It's what keeps up going."

Character Portrait: Victor Fuuton
Victor Fuuton

"Jason, Has to die."

Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos
Kiran Nevaidos

"I'm not scaring you, am I?


Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos
Kiran Nevaidos

"I'm not scaring you, am I?

Character Portrait: Rei Lic'tre
Rei Lic'tre

"I wish to stay alone, not become alone..."

Character Portrait: Feena Malsahar
Feena Malsahar

"Just because I'm "strange", doesn't mean I'm not weak."

Character Portrait: Atryom Bravinski
Atryom Bravinski

The Guardian Fox

Character Portrait: Karne Nevaidos
Karne Nevaidos

"Oh, hi there!"

Character Portrait: Leanne Crow
Leanne Crow

"I promise you, I will see my mission through until the end."

Character Portrait: Lacey Holt
Lacey Holt

"Hey, you! Yeah, you! Entertain me, okay?"

Character Portrait: Victor Fuuton
Victor Fuuton

"Jason, Has to die."

Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch
Mikala Dutch

"Everyone's insane. It's what keeps up going."

Character Portrait: Jason Black
Jason Black

The Golden Boy

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Feena Malsahar
Feena Malsahar

"Just because I'm "strange", doesn't mean I'm not weak."

Character Portrait: Jason Black
Jason Black

The Golden Boy

Character Portrait: Victor Fuuton
Victor Fuuton

"Jason, Has to die."

Character Portrait: Kiran Nevaidos
Kiran Nevaidos

"I'm not scaring you, am I?

Character Portrait: June Arett
June Arett

"Just how much do we really know about the supernatural anyway?"

Character Portrait: Mikala Dutch
Mikala Dutch

"Everyone's insane. It's what keeps up going."

Character Portrait: Alina Valent
Alina Valent

"Since weapons fix most of our problems, I'm here to help."

Character Portrait: Corey Black
Corey Black

Dean of Avolair Academy

Character Portrait: Kayla Jordan
Kayla Jordan

"If I say I don't care, I really mean I don't care."

View All » Places

Avolair Academy

Avolair Academy by darkune

Welcome to your new home.

Hunter's Paradise

Hunter's Paradise by RolePlayGateway

Hunter's are born here.

Academy's Campus

Academy's Campus by RolePlayGateway

Many supernatural creatures learn here.

Hunter's Paradise

Hunter's Paradise Owner: RolePlayGateway

Hunter's are born here.

Academy's Campus

Many supernatural creatures learn here.

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