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Marcus Bolo

Of course Ma'am, it will be done. Would you like more tea?

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a character in “By Blood or By Gold”, originally authored by zeph_gm, as played by RolePlayGateway


Marcus Bolo
Age: 35

Appearance: Tall, Dark skinned and impeccably dressed in a suit vest and bandolier, with assorted pistols and weapons holstered. His head is shaven bald and has an intense, brooding stare.

Build: Tall and Muscular

Personality: Marcus is quiet, brooding, menacing, and not particularly friendly or likable. He is however, highly loyal to his Lady and methodical and structural in his actions. He is the voice of calm reason to the lady Harlingtons often flamboyant and extravagant ideas and actions.

Where they live: Lives on Nassau, as manservant to the Lady Elizabeth Benezia Harlington, in her estate.

What/who they are: He serves faithfully as Lady Haringtons bodyguard, manservant and advisor, alongside Nassara.

History: Marcus started life as the son of a manservant to a wealthy tripartian merchant family. He was instructed from a young age in the workings and management of a household, and how to properly conduct himself as a butler. He was groomed by his father to replace him when he died, but alas that time came too soon. When MArcus was eleven, a rival merchant house hired thugs, who burned the estate to the ground, his father and many others still inside. He left the family and drifted for years before joining the military. He enjoyed the regimental and structured lifestyle and did well for himself up until the war. During the struggle he witnessed his fellow soldiers turn to beasts as they raped and pillaged through enemy villages and even friendly ones. He deserted and travelled to Galapagos, where he was working as a barman when he met the Lady Harlington. She saw something in the man and convinced him to come work for her in her estate as her manservant. He has served her loyally ever since.

Skills: He is a keen marksman and axeman, preferring his hatchet over a sword or cutlass. He has also maintained his butlering talents and keeps the ladies house in order, as well as brewing the best tea on Nassau.

So begins...

Marcus Bolo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandrine Corvin Character Portrait: Dominic Bane, Captain of The Anamaria Character Portrait: Mary Snow Character Portrait: Kalila-si-Ishka Misantri Character Portrait: Jarrak Hassar Character Portrait: Marcus Bolo
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Kalila had just finished cleaning her hands after meeting with the rouge woman. She didn't like blood, too many thoughts, too much pain.

"Find her,"

"Help her."
The voices repeated in her head and a vision of a tavern flashed in her mind, as well as two pair of piercing blue eyes as she walked toward the large window of an Inn.

Kalila stood there, staring into nothingness, or that's what it seemed to most but she was listening.

Her hearing excedded far from normal standards but this girl was not the normal girl either.

She stood, wind whipping her old thin dress around her tiny legs.

"Just hope we don't drown while we wait for the wind..."

A thin smile crept on to Kalila's face as she suddenly lept from the open window, giving her poor guardian and best friend a heart attack in the process.

Her fall was broken by a overheard tarp,in which she bounced off of and landed safetly on her barefeet. She then ran off, maneuvering through the throngs of people with an inexplicable amount of grace, as if she knew exactly where they'd come and go. She made her way inside of the tarven were she spotted a large wolf.

She recognized the wolf and the woman she belonged to, she spoke not a word to the woman as she approached the large wolf, who damned near dwarfed her in size, and could rip her in two.

Kalila stood right in front of the wolf, and bent down, a full ninety degrees and kissed the wolf right on her nose.

In that same moment, the rogue entered the tavern and sat at the bar. Kalila grinned, feeling her eyes on her, hearing the thoughts of the rogue woman as she spotted her with the wolf.

"Who's that, the woman with the wolf?" She heard the rogue ask.

"That there be Bloody Mary Snow, First mate to Captain Bane of the Anamaria. Tread carefully stranger, that ain't someone who's keen on making friends." said the bar keep. The rogue woman looked at her and seemed to be waiting for the right moment to approach. Kalila could hear her thoughts loud and clear.

"Blood in the snow..."

Kalila grinned as the rogue woman thought and Kalila looked back at the large maneater dire wolf began petting her gently, focusing her attention to her owner and her owner's friend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandrine Corvin Character Portrait: Dominic Bane, Captain of The Anamaria Character Portrait: Mary Snow Character Portrait: Theodosos the Cursed Character Portrait: Kalila-si-Ishka Misantri Character Portrait: Jarrak Hassar
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When he was younger, Theodosos never imagined that he would be in a place like this. The taverns of Nassau were filled to the brim with thieves, whores, and scoundrels of every shape and size. The type of scoundrel that held sway here was, of course, the pirates. Pirates were scum in the eyes of the world. A convicted one was hung quickly if he or she was lucky. If they were not ready, they suffered longer punishments, though, no punishment could compare to his.

"Hello, lover. You seem down," a sweat voice whispered in his ear. Theo was not surprised to see a beautiful figure sit across from him. She was dressed provocatively and wouldn't have looked out of place here among the whores save for the aura of power he could feel coming off her in waves. He nursed his pint. Once, he might have thrown it at her, but he knew it was no use. He could not harm a goddess.

"Your curse does have that effect, Lila," he said dryly. She laughed lightly. In all fairness, she should have attracted unwelcome attention by now, but none could see her. None but him. He stared in his pint. Was there a true God? Lila had taught him that the gods of his people much too petty to be divine. Once, such a question might have interested him, but now, he was beyond caring.

"I wouldn't call it a curse so much as a game. You are so interesting, Theo. I like interesting."

"That is not all that you like about me. How did it feel to be rejected?" he asked with a light smile. The goddess frowned at him.

"How does it feel to lose so many friends? Honestly, with mortals so short-lived and us gods immortal, I am unfamiliar with the loss humans experience. Losing a mortal to death... It's like losing a pet. There are plenty more."

"Captain Black Bart was a good man, Lila. He did not deserve to die. You will pay. Maybe not by my hand, but you will pay. Now leave, whore!" he snarled, thrusting forward with his fingers to cause a bolt of lightning to spring out of them at her. But, like so many times before, she simply vanished, leaving a smoking chair behind.

"You are mine, pet. You could have experienced pleasure far beyond a mortal's wildest imagination. Now, you are reduced to this. Be careful, that little display attracts a lot of attention in places like this.

Theo finished his drink, nonplussed. He laughed wildly and stood up.

"I still live! Now, a round of drinks on me!!!!" he cried, much to the delight of the onlookers he attracted. He made a pile of coins on the table.

"To Black Bart!" he whispered as he was brought another pint.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Elizabeth Benezia Harlington Character Portrait: Nassara Character Portrait: Jarrak Hassar Character Portrait: Marcus Bolo
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#, as written by zeph_gm
Jarrak Hassar walked through the shithole of a port town with less than a amused vasard. He hadnt been on the island a day and already had lost his ward, "Damn it Kalila," he mumbled under his breath as he walked down another winding alley, "Why do you do this to me?"
Some guardian he was. Protector of a damn princess, a prophesied reincarnation of Ishka, and still his biggest problem was merely keeping the mad girl in his sights. He hoped against hope, that word never reached her father's ears about how lax his skills at protection had gotten. He was used to chasing Kalila around a palace, not a slum. A beggar stepped out in front of him, hand proffered, mumbling something about coins for an old man, Jarrak had no time for it and a solid knee to the gut sent the beggar doubling over in the dirt.
"Filth." He said under his breath as he continued to walk through the stinking town, "Filth and foul, why on earth have we come here?"


Lady Elizabeth Benezia Harlington sat in her on the terrace of her estate looking over the sapphire blue waters off the coast of Nassau. On a small table beside her sat a china cup of inky black tea, and above her an umbrella, keeping the harshest of the suns rays from her, even if she was fully covered, from her long gloves to halterneck dress and face mask. She stared out over the stunning vista view, she had lived here nearly twenty years but she never tired of that view. She lifted her tea cup to her face and took a careful measured sip. She had her masks fitted and specially designed so that she could still enjoy tea while she wore them, but it was still a delicate art to avoid covering herself in the dark liquid. An art she had perfected over the years.
"More tea ma'am?" said a deep voice from behind her, and Marcus Bolo, her infallible butler and manservant materialised from where he had been standing.
"No thank you Marcus I am quite alright," she said, her voice melodic and light, but with a hint of the deadly intelligence she had acquired over the years, "What time was our appointment in town?"
She knew perfectly well what time their appointment with the Pirate was, she knew Marcus knew too. The man never missed a beat, but she asked anyway, some part of the daily facade they played with each other.
"Noon Ma'am," Marcus replied without batting an eyelid, "Just under two hours."
"Of course," she replied lightly, her demeanor as unreadable as usual, "How silly of me. Come, fetch Nassara and bring the carriage around the front. I must go and fetch my things."
"Of course lady Harlington," Marcus said with a bow, "At once."