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Death's Game of Shadows

Death City


a part of Death's Game of Shadows, by pepperx3.

Death City, a city created by Lord Death himself. Full of weapons, and meisters who fight off evil that wonders around this world together.

pepperx3 holds sovereignty over Death City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

1,931 readers have been here.


Death City is a high tech city, full of crime and danger.
The DWMA is in Death City. The special Academy for Meisters and Weapons in training. Death city is a city full of people who work together to keep it peaceful.
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Death City

Death City, a city created by Lord Death himself. Full of weapons, and meisters who fight off evil that wonders around this world together.


Death City is a part of Death's Game of Shadows.

2 Places in Death City:

13 Characters Here

AsunaNagise [156] "you dumbass ill kill you"
Akira Kouki [155] "Fool! Just kidding; touch Asuna or May I won't be able to guarantee you will live much longer though."
Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer [47] "You needn't comment on my name. I've already contacted the Agency Against the Abuse of Acronyms. They've stopped taking my calls."
Muzai Rey [47] "wait..what...ZZZZ"
May Kouki [44] "Ah..I'm a bit lost here."
Blair Ellis (WIP) [43] "I'm going to turn you to paste now...." (FINISHED)
Gavin Free [35] "....."
Lord Death [11] Welcome to the DWMA!
Addeline Mercury [5] "Do it already!"

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Character Portrait: Addeline Mercury
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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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it had been a long day she had been walking around Death City since early morning. having only gotten here the night before. "aahh i want food!"moaning of course Muzai didnt know where the nearest resturant was and she was lost to top it all off.

both her eyes were closed as she stumbled about mumbling things about food and being lost. then it hit her and both her eyes snapped open to reveal two eye colors. her left a beutiful pale blue while her right was gold and seemed to glow and swirl with diffrent shades of gold.

"FOOD" whooping with joy she ran towards the delicious scent only to find a couple walking by who were startled by her outburst and walked away from her. "Dammit where the Hell is all the food!"she cried out and continued once more to stumble about in search of food.

her eyes closed once more she stumbled onto her knees then onto her face. her but in the air for a moment before sliding out onto her stomache. hearing her stomach growl loudly Muzai poked it "dont worry my sweet little tummy ill put some yummy things in you soon" and Muzai began to think about all the food she would eat and fell asleep mumbling something about milkshakes and fries while lying on in the middle of the cold cobblestoned street. dreaming of flying bacon and singing pancakes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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Arthur was out taking a walk, PSP in hand. His current plans being something like "Wait until Mom and Dad are conversing about something interesting enough that they won't notice me slip through the door. That way we can avoid talking about being a meister."

The boy looked up hearing some mention of milkshakes. Why did this catch his attention you ask? Because milkshakes are awesome, that's why. Unfortunately, Arthur saw neither ice cream, nor any of the other ingredients. What he did see was a girl about his age sleeping in the middle of the cobblestone street.

"I'm not getting involved." he said to himself. "She's probably fine. No, she definitely okay." There was a short pause, in which he almost managed to walk away and mind his own business. Instead he walked over, muttering under his breath as he did. "Okay fine, but I know I'm going to regret this."

Looking down a the unconscious figure figure, Arthur gently nudged her with his foot. "Excuse me, miss? Are you alright?" Getting no response he knelt down and shook her shoulder. "Miss?"


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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suddenly her dream changed she could feel something nudge her but had no idea what it was but she could faintly hear a voice.

the nudge then turned to a shake as someone touched her on the shoulder and her dream shattered into black. suddenly she sat up her left eye open and she lashed out at whoever touched her. "The Hell do you think you are you perverted Bastard!" her fist connected to someones face and she looked at who she punched only to find a small sickly looking boy.

"ack"her anger soon changed to worry. 'crap i dint kill him did i' nervously she switched eyes and looked through her right eye. she saw faint swirls of blue and pink;blue meaning he was a guy and pink he was sincere in his actions. "aww crap umm are you okay kid i didnt mean to punch you like that thought you were a pervert hehe"letting out a nervous laughter. as she awaited his response. Muzai felt guilty and she sat back on her heels her finger touched her chin in a nervous manner and she gave the boy a sheepish smile.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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The punch actually knocked Arthur off his feet. He lay on his back for a moment as he recovered. When he finally caught his breath he spluttered out an indignant, but not terribly surprised, "Wha- Why?" This wasn't really directed at the girl, more at himself and the universe in general.

Managing to sit up, Arthur said, "I'm fine don't worry. It's my own fault. Frankly, I should have seen that coming. Oh, and I'm not a kid. Just short." Lightly he touched the bruise that was already forming, but quickly withdrew his hand at the resulting pain. "Nice punch. What were you doing sleeping in the middle of the street?" Arthur then pulled himself to his feet and offered a hand to help her up.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Andrew Atlas Archer Character Portrait: Muzai Rey
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taking his hand she stood up swaying a bit from lack of food. she looked staright realizeing she didnt see him and looked down. "pfft haha you really are short hhaa aaw you look so cute!"giggleing she grabbed his cheeks like a grandmother would and continued giggleing but soon let go when she noticed the pained look on his face.

"oh sorry, well for one i was sleeping on the ground because im hungry" folding her arms. her stomache then let out a loud grumble and she looked down at it rubbing her tummy. "aahhaha you dont happen to know where i can get some food do you?" her stomache let put a second growl this one louder than the one before as to emphasising her question.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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A girl clutches a machine gun, smoke rises from it's barrel as its recently been shooting. She stands for a while, staring at three blood red kishin souls hovering over the stone ground. She cocks the gun and throws it in the air. Then gun is enveloped by an orange, glowing light as it changes in shape and form. Two red sneakers land on the ground and make their way towards the kishin souls. A boy with dirty blond hair grabs one of the souls and swallows it. He does the same with the other two souls. He then makes his way back towards the girl and asks in a low voice, "Where to next, Ace?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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She looked around the ghost town like alley, it was all dead. It was Dark City's abandoned area, no one lived here unless you'd have to be a lunatic. Ace looked up into the sky and then down to her partner.
"Ice cream." She said.
She patted her partners head, "Let's go get ice cream, since we're done with Lord Death's quest, plus we collected enough souls for today."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew took Ace's hand of his head and cooly said, "Alright, but lets not stay there for too long. I know how much you like ice cream."
He ruffled her hair in a playful way as they walked out of the bottom part of the city and close to the top. They stopped in front of the shop and began to order. Matthew looked for a while and said, "Can I get the Oreo?"
He nudged Ace telling that it was her turn.


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Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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"I'll have the banana split sundae." she said, then continued reading the menu.
"With extra sprinkles, and chocolate sauce. Don't forget the cherry."
The Banana split sundae was the biggest ice cream they had on the menu. She put down the menu, and folded her arms on the table.
"Hey." She addressed to Matthew. "Don't forget what day is tomorrow."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew stared at her, Uhm... was I supposed to remember something? Oh God what day was it tomorrow?!. He scratched his head in confusion, "Uhm.... w-well, it' um... opposite day?"
Ace stared at him with anger and she reached into her pocket. She held something in the air and slammed it down on the table. Matthew flinched a little at the loud noise that she had made. She took her hand off the object and revealed a wallet. He recognized the wallet and soon remembered, "OH! RIGHT! It's our anniversar-EGH!"
Ace had slammed her fist on his head. She sat back down and watched smoke rise from his head, she did punch him really hard. He lifted his face from the table and rubbed his head in pain, "Sorry, I feel like a jerk for not remembering."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Ace crossed her arms and looked away from her forgetful soul partner. She let out a sigh of anger "Hmph."
"Idiot, I'm not surprised you forgot." She said but not looking at him. She was staring at the people that were walking around Death's Plaza.
It was all silence until their order finally came, out of kindness Ace asked Matthew "Do you want a bite? If you want you can have the know I don't like cherries."
That was her sign for I forgive you.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew smiled and took the cherry from the top of he sundae and ate it, "Thanks."
While he was chewing on the fruit ha looked out upon the city and asked, "You want to do something special tomorrow? Like see a movie or anything?"
Matthew swallowed and continued speaking, "There is a movie that's out that's a horror. Or we could see one that's just comedy."
He gave her an intense stare waiting for her answer.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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She looked down to think. She turned her eyes back to Matt and replied "I think we should just collect souls for you tomorrow."
Matt's eyes intensed less, he was in shock that Ace didn't want to celebrate.
She grabbed her spoon and continued eating her sundae.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew stares down at the ground and finishes his ice cream. He looks for a trash can, and he sees one with no lid on top. He smirks and looks overs at Ace, "Hey, remember when I used to do this after we ate ice cream?"
She looks up from her sundae and pays attention. Matthew stabs the paper cup with the end of the spoon. He then aims for the wall behind the trash can. He throws the cup at the wall and it bounces into the trash can, "I haven't done that in a while. And why do you want to collect souls tomorrow? We should take a break from all of that work!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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She smiled "Yes I remember, we used to eat ice cream all the time before we started the DWMA."
She changed the subject "I want to collect as many souls for you as soon as possible. Our goal is to make you a death scythe after all. Maybe we could do something after, but I wanted to do something.. I know it sounds extreme but I wanted to jump off a cliff!"
Ace sounded insane, but she was dead serious about jumping over a cliff.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew's turned from confusion to 'wtf' face mode. He shook his head and asked, "Uhm... Why do you want to jump off a cliff? I mean life isn't that bad is it? We need to live life to the fullest, right? ..."
Matthew looked at her with confusion and worry, thinking that she might be suicidal.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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She sighed. "If you are thinking that I am suicidal you must be a huge idiot! If I die you're left out with no Meister."
She gave herself a face palm. "I want to go to Death's overview of the city. [Picture in introduction] There's a balcony there and it doesn't seem to high up, and I don't know we achieved so much, wouldn't it be exciting to jump of a cliff? I'm sure we both will land fine. And yes I know we do crazy stuff that puts our lives on the line, but this is a crazy idea that's such a rush!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew thought over the idea. She seemed so enthusiastic about it, he really did want to disappoint his meister and friend. He gave a loud sigh and smirked, "I guess we can jump off a cliff. But you better not push me, you know I scream like a girl."
He didnt like it, but he does scream like a girl.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Her face lightened up, "Hey Matthew, how about we jump of a cliff now? So that we have all day tomorrow to collect souls! a movie I suppose."
Matthew had a pondering facial expression debating whether it was a better idea to die today or tomorrow.
The waiter came and picked up her sundae, "I'm so full.. so what do you say Matt?" she said with a big grin.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew started to scratch his head, "Ehhh... w-well..."
He looked at his partner who had her pleading face on. He couldn't resist her pleading face, it was just too cute. Sighing, he nodded his head in agreement, "Alright."
Ace got up quickly and started to head towards the balcony, but Matthew stopped her, "ON ONE CONDITION!"
Ace turned around to see her parnter right in front of her with a stern face, "We watch 2 movies tomorrow."
"Hey, then we would have the rest of the afternoon to collect souls."
Then the two partners sped off towards the building.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Racing towards Death's Overview, they finally reached the balcony. Ace stopped in front of it and checked out the view.
It was a bit windy, her hair was going crazy.
"Wow it's been already seven years Matt?" And she let out a sigh. "We haven't talked to my family for seven years..we've only had each other for that long. And just a couple of years ago joined the Academy."
It was late afternoon, and under the balcony is a busy side walk, but it wasn't busy for some reason.
She turned to her soul partner and said "Promise we'll jump off this bridge when you become a Death Scythe? Cause if we do, that means neither of us died while trying to make you a death scythe."
The view was so great and there was a small pause.
"Well.. are you ready?" She reached her hand towards Matt.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew was a bit hesitant but grasped her hand with determination, "It's been a log time since I have said this promise, but i'll say it again this one time. I, Matthew Thompson, promise to protect Ace Ryder for the rest of our partnership till I die... Okay, now I'm ready to jump off."
They both stared down to the sidewalk and looked for a while. Matthew looked over at her again, "I promise to do my best. So, lets do our best."
Ace nodded at Matthew. Matthew put on smile but it faltered a little when he closed his eyes and waited for his partner to jump.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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"I promise the same Matthew, I won't let anything put our lives on the line, and I am determined to make you one of Lord Death's Death Scythes." She took a deep breath, and exhaled.
"On the count from 3 to Jump!"
....They both jumped from the balcony, it was actually pretty steep. The adrenaline, the rush, the excitement raised to the fullest.
They were going pretty fast, their eyes were watering. Of course Matthew let out a loud scream.
Ace tried to cover his mouth with her other hand while they were falling down the balcony.
People that were walking from the sidewalk saw a big shadow on top of them and looked up. "Wha- what's that? Two suicidal teenagers?!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Thompson Character Portrait: Ace Ryder
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Matthew stopped screaming and he yelled, "How are we going to survive this? I think I missed what you said!"
He forgot to ask Ace how they were going to survive this fall, but I guess he was a little distracted at the time. He was eating his ice cream.