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Disney High

Disney High


A school filled with Disney characters. What could possibly go wrong? You know, besides everything? (We can always use more guy characters)

1,980 readers have visited Disney High since SolrSurfr3 created it.



High school is no fairy tale.

Unless all of the students are Disney characters. Then it definitely has the potential to be one.

Welcome to Walt Disney Academy, a boarding school for heroes, villains, and virtually everything in between. With students from around the world and beyond, there's a place for everyone to fit in here. Students are taught all of the high school basics, as well as some specialized lessons for our more... unique boarders. Dozens of extracurriculars allow students to pursue their interests, from athletics to performing arts to community service.

That doesn't mean it's all pixie dust and happy endings, though. This is high school we're talking about. Hearts will be won as well as broken, friendships and rivalries will be made, and drama will be around every corner. But hey, that just adds to the experience, right?

So grab your magic carpet, brush up on your mythology, and pack a few poison apples just in case. It's gonna be one heck of a ride to graduation!

Dorm Assignments
Jim Hawkins
Peter Pan
Flynn Rider

Fa Mulan
Violet Parr
Megara "Meg"
Anastasia "Anya"

Character Skeleton
Name [Movie]: (Omit the second part if it's a title character)
Age: (14-18, but can be higher or lower if the skipped a grade/got held back)
Grade: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
Originally from: (Neverland, Atlantis, a kingdom far, far away, whatever)
Personality: (At least three sentences)
Reason for attending: (Got a scholarship, wanted a change of scenery, forced against their will)
Favorite Class(es):
Least Favorite Class(es):
Extracurriculars: (Sports, clubs, and after school activities)
Pets/Familiars: (Monkeys, chameleons, horses, fairies, shapeshifting aliens, etc)
Appearance: (If you can't find a picture, just write a quick description and we'll figure it out.)
Other: (Think I covered all the bases, but just in case there's something you want to add.)

Toggle Rules

  • I am the Game Master. What I say goes.
  • Respect your fellow RPers. Your characters can be as jerky as you want, but you have to be curteous to other players.
  • Post at least once every 2-3 days, and please don't abandon your character. That's how RP's die.
  • Violence is fine, murder is not. No killing or serious injury, please. A broken bone or stitches at the very most.
  • Romance is encourage, but let's keep the clothes on, 'kay? Also, the pairings don't necessarily have to be cannon. This is an AU crossover thing, so feel free to branch out. Who knows? Could be fun.
  • Cursing is okay, but don't go overboard.
  • The characters aren't limited to just Disney. There could be exchange students from Dreamworks, Fox, etc. They must be from animated movies, though.
  • If you've read up to this point, put a smiley face in your character profile.
  • Literacy, please! One paragraph minimum per post, and no texter talk unless you are actually texting someone.
  • This is a modern day RP, but that doesn't mean you can't add things. This includes, but is not limited to: flying carpets, super strength, the ability to change from a mermaid to a human, pixie dust-induced flight, talking inanimate objects, really long hair, voodoo, and solar-powered hoverboards.
  • Characters have to be either human or pretty darn close (which means, mermaids, demigods, etc are okay). Have a non0human character you want to play as? Humanize them! You know you want to...
  • If you've read all the rules, don't put a smiley face in you character profile. Instead, write the name of your favorite Disney song.
  • Most important of all: HAVE FUN!!! That's what these things are for!
Questions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to PM me!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

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((*Facepalm* Ugh, you know what? I forgot to ask what dorms rooms everyone wanted! That's my bad, entirely. If you guys could just put the room you want on your post, that would be great. :D Jim's in Room 1.
And so, without further ado, let's get this party started!!))

Day One: Introductions

"Whoa..." That was really all Jim could say right now. Just moments ago, he'd stepped off the ferry from his home planet of Montressor to his new school on Earth. The trip had been long and boring, since he'd spent the entirety of it in the passenger hold, and it was a huge relief when they finally landed. Once he'd gotten a look at his surroundings, the teens jaw has practically dropped to the floor.

Jim wasn't entirely sure what he'd expected the Walt Disney Academy to look like. Considering a 'deliquent' like him was being sent here, he'd been thinking more along the likes of a prison. This was the exact opposite, really; the place looked like a castle! Heck, it had towers and a winding staircase and everything! And if that wasn't enough, the other students were... unnexpected, to say the least. For one thing, it looked like everyone was human, which was pretty strange to him in itself. Growing up on Montressor, the only humans he'd ever seen were his own parents. At least... the students seemed human. There was something about this whole place, though, something he couldn't really point out, that made him think that everything wasn't what it seemed.

The teen shook his head, telling himself that it was just jetlag taking its toll on him. Besides, if there was something off about this school, he'd probably seen wierder. As if to prove that point, a chirping and chittering blob of pink suddenly flew up next to his face, eyes wide in excitement. Jim smirked, scratching the little shapeshifter under what he assumed to be his chin. "Yeah, better get used to it, Morph. Looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while." With his belongings slung across his back, solar surfer tucked under his arm, and Morph on his shoulder, the teen set off to get a better look around the campus.

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((Can we have roommates, or is it everyone to their own room?))

"Somebody! Stop him!"
Despite the shouting, the teen didn't slow down, gripping his satchel to his chest like his life depended on it. And as this was a school, it's contents really did. Flynn Rider flipped open the flap of the bag and made sure the contents were all there. A grin broke across hsi face when he saw all the test answers were intact. This reassurance put new energy into his strides, which helped him escape the pursuing teachers.
Flynn was never any good at classes, not one. So he figured the only way to pass was to get the answers before the tests were given. Unfortunately, his plan was blown when the teacher on duty in the office came back from lunch early. So here he was, running from that same teacher, plus more who had joined the hunt.
Flynn blew out the front door, right into the crowd of new students disembarking from their transports and making their way into the school. If I can make it to the edge of the grounds, I'll be home free., Flynn thought to himself. Dodging to the right, Flynn ducked and dove around the other students, keeping a firm grip on the bag.
He was free, he could make it. Flynn took one final glance over his shoulder. In that split second, a boy with a ponytail appeared in his path. There was no time to stop. Flynn plowed right into the boy, knocking himself off balance and almost dropping the bag. As soon as he was on his feet again, Flynn took off once more. "Sorry, my friend! Academic achievement is at stake!", He shoted over his shoulder to the kid he knocked over.

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"go long" someone shouted to a boy in green clothing. Peter the star reciever ran and leapt up into the air catching the foot ball and floated to the ground and began running towards the goal post. The next thing he saw was green and brown and the taste of dirt filled his mouth as he was tackled by two other teammates. "nice tackle guys" Peter said brushing himself off and running back to the huddle.He finished practice an hour later and walked back to his dorm room he saw Flynn run by and another boy chasing after him. "not again dang it Flynn what did you steal this time" he said to himself as he rose in the air and followed them. Peter finally managed to catch up to them and swooped down knocking Flynn off his feet. "flynn I've told you to stop stealing from others" Peter said a bit angry "now give back what you stole from this guy"

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One thing was for sure: the Academy was even more impressive up close. From what he'd seen so far, this place could easily accomodate a small planet's-worth of boarders, and that was excluding the rooms for actual classes. The place even had it's own pool. Jim must've still been suffering from jetlag, though, 'cause he could've sworn one of the girls who'd been using it had a tail...

Which led to the one thing he wasn't particularly fond of here: the other students. It wasn't that he thought they were snobby or stuck up (which they easily could've been). In fact he'd yet to even talk to anybody. That was the thing. Everybody already knew everybody else, the cliques had already been formed, and for them, things just picked up where they'd left off at the end of last year. Not for Jim, though. He was the new guy, the outcast. He didn't have a place in the status quo yet, and from the looks of it, nobody intended to reach out and offer him one.

Jim scowled at the thought. Well, what'd he care? He didn't need to make friends, especially not with any of these guys. That's what Morph was for, and besides, he preffered his time alone. It was what he was used to. And what, did he really expect for someone to come running up to greet--


Wondering what exactly karma had against him, Jim groaned as he sat up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey! Why don't you watch where you're--" He cut off when the jerk who'd decked him ran off again, yelling something about his academic achievement being at stake. Jim raised an eyebrow. Wow, students here must really care about school work. He rolled his eye, climbing back to his feet. Just great; he'd ended up in a school full of nerds. Ones who don't know how to watch where they're going. Luckily, nothing had fallen out of his bag and his surfer was still in one piece. So the only thing missing was...

"Morph?" The teen glanced around, searching for any sign of a floating pink blob. "Come on, Morph, this's no time for hide and seek." Starting to get worried, he checked the pockets of both his pants and his jacket, then finally his pack. When he got scared, the little shapeshifter would sometimes hide in his bag.

'...or anyone else's,' he realized. "Well, that figures," he muttered bitterly before taking off after the guy who'd knocked him over. "Hey! Wait up!"

((@jackrules: Jim hasn't actually gotten to the dorm yet, he's currentlychasing after Flynn, who unknowingly has Morph in his bag of stolen test answers. ...A lot can happen in a few posts ^^;
Also, I was thinking that since we've got three girls and three guys so far, we can have three people to each dorm and everyone can be roommates. All in favor, say 'aye'!!))

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((Sorry. Double post. Hate it when that happens))

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(yeah that sonds good and I'll edit my post a bit lol)

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Megara, or as she preferred to be called Meg, was sitting on the outskirts of the school and watched as Flynn ran by then another boy and then Peter brought Flynn down. She couldn't help but laugh at them as she watched the scene. She got up and walked over towards them before sitting down again. "Oh Flynn what did you do this time?" She muttered as she watched them. She barely knew both Peter and Flynn and was pretty sure she'd never really held a conversation with either of them and also doubted they knew who she was, but she knew exactly who they were. This new boy she didnt know though, but wasn't about to introduce herself.

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"hey meg" peter said floating down to the ground peter never really had a solid conversation with meg but that didn't matter to him. Peter loved to talk to people even if they didn't like him. "so how's the dance team doin" peter asked. immediatley after he said that a small ball of light appeared in front of him "hey tink where've you been" all the others could hear was small ringing noise as the ball moved around. "sorry I told you where I was and that I would be home late" he said

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Meg tilted her head sideways a little as Peter talked to her. She didn't even know that Peter knew her name. So she was caught a little off guard and all her normal sarcastic replies left her. "Um we're doing good I guess, we're working on a performance for this spring..." She trailed off as she looked at the small ball of light. She knew it was a fairy, she knew quite a bit about fairies actually. Like the fact that since they were so small they could only show one emotion at a time. She watched the two in interest and smiled at them. She loved watching things people did.

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"go back to the room Tink" Peter said as the fairy flew away "anyways that's cool are you guys gonna perform for the homecoming game again this year" he asked as he sat down beside her. he then pulled out a small knife and began cleaning the mud off his shoes as he talked

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"No cause it's not like we haven't done that for the past three years." There was Meg's sarcasm! She laughed a little since that was just her sense of humor and normally didn't mean any offense by it, it was just her. She then gave him a slightly flirtatious smile. "Of course we are silly, we'd never miss that." She said and let a small, playful giggle out.

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Peter smiled good old meg always with her sarcasm" He thought to himself "you know I hope we have a good season I'm so tired of losing once we get to state" Peter said kicking the dirt. "I mean we work hard only to fail have you ever had that experience It's not fun" Peter said

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Meg nodded, though didn't really care about it since she wasn't a huge fan of sports. She then thought about the last thing he said. "Oh you have no idea." She said with a sigh. Her experience wasn't quite the same as his trying and failing, but it was the same concept. Her experience was what actually made her who she was today.

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"really what happened" Pete asked sincerely. Peter truly cared he was a friend to anyone and everyone some people thought he trusted to easily. well those people were wrong peter had a great sense of charachter well so he thought i mean he was kinda friends with Flynn and he was a thief.

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"Well since I'm not a huge fan of telling the story I'll make it short and blunt." Meg said as she looked at him. "I was in love, deeply in love and did everything he asked and tried so hard to make him happy, but I apparently failed and he ran off with another girl." She told him this while looking straight at him, no emotion showing or anything. The truth was though she was stilled scared from it and didn't really trust guys anymore. She didn't even truly trust Peter despite the oddity of her actually being nice to him.

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"that sucks nothing is worse than a heartbreak I've gone through the same thing girl I liked had a chance to be immortal and never grow old then she decides to leave and get married" Peter said "I mean I saved the girls life and look what I got in return I'm alone with only Tink but at least I found a place that lets me play football" Peter said with a smile

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#, as written by thech

The trip over to the school was pretty long but Mulan had enjoyed the journey. She was her was to a new place where she could see how well she could adapt. After a while, she realized that being an ordinary Chinese wife was not enough for her. She had more ambition and passion for life to pursue a plain common occupation.

When she arrived, she stared in awe at the large castle that was called Disney High. It was an unbelievable sight. It was more grand that the emperor's palace even. She quickly got to her dorm which she apparently shared with three other female students. It was not anything like home but it was a nice change. It was a new foreign place and she could not pretend that she was excited although she had started being homesick the minute she had set foot upon the ship.

After unpacking her luggages of belongings, she clung onto her plain brown journal and walked around the building, giving herself a glimpse of her new home. She came across the center of the school where groups of students sat around in a reasonable large outdoor foyer. The sounds of chatter and laughter gave Mulan a sense of warmth but made her feel isolated at the same time.

Nevertheless, she shook off the feeling and walked towards an empty table and sat down, observing the other students. It was breathtaking for her, being around other kinds of people. Of course, who would not expect a girl like Mulan, who comes from faraway China to have seen so many other types of people and cultures. Here, the students could fly, had red hair and bizzare pets. A second later, she turned towards the table and quickly jotted in her journal. She did not want to forget a thing when she did leave this new place.

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Flynn could almost taste it. Freedom, and it was his to claim. If he could just make it to the trees on the edge of the grouns, nothing could stop him. The trees were his home, his territory. No one knew them as well as he did. His grin grew larger.
Before any of this could happen, the world decided it hated him and decided to stop him using force. Force in the form of a flying boy from the football team. Flynn went flying, end over end from the blow Peter hit him with. He landed rather forcefully on his rump. He groaned and reached back to massage his bruised rear.
"Awwww, come on!", he shouted to no one in particular. He turned to look at his assailant. "Come on, Peter, I was almost clear." He held up the bag. "This could very well save us, save us all. From failure!!"
At that moment, Flynn caught sight of the boy he had run into before. He raised a questioning brow. "What does he want?" Almost in response, his bag began to move and jiggle. "What the? I was pretty sure the test answers weren't living."
Opening the bag, Flynn was almost knocked to the ground again when a tiny pink thing flew out of his bag and almost into his face. "whoa!!" The thing began to fly around, and it made him dizzy to watch. "Hey! Kid! This thing your's?"

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"Oh yes cause popular Peter Pan the football player is all alone." Meg said sarcastically to him. "Peter you know you could get pretty much any girl you wanted right? And then on top of that you could make friends with almost anyone." She said as she picked at some of the grass. "Now as for the girl who sold her soul to Hades and has a hard time trusting peoplt and making friends, now she's alone in the world." She mumbled, referring to herself as she watched Flynn and the pink blob that was flying around.

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Belle sat beneath the old oak tree, the grass swaying gently in the breeze. It had taken her a few minutes to finally get away from everyone, her favourite book tucked beneath her arm it now rested on the ground the pages rustling slightly. She didn't mind if the page turned, she had read this book before. In fact she had finished all the books in the libary, and there were over 1000 in there, but this one was by far the best. Belle loved its tattered brown binding, the smell of the ancient pages that had been turned so many times by other hands. It might not have been the most beautifully bond book, but it was what was inside that counted, just like people.

Belle loved the characters as well; the beautiful princess that heart was as pure as fresh powered snow, the servants that were the comic relief in the book and her favourite character, the charming prince that was so brave and handsome. She wished that one day someone would be her prince charming, but perhaps he only existed in her imagination. Belle glanced up with a sigh, her brown hair flicking in front of her face. Thats when she noticed the others, Flynn, Meg, Peter and one of the new students. Flynn was lying on the floor, he'd probably been up to no good again. Belle rose to her feet, picking up the book, tucking it under her arm and made her way other to them. "Hello everyone, Flynn what have you done this time?" she said a sweet smile cross her face, her eyebrows slightly raised.

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Jim knew this place was going to be weird when the guy he'd been chasing was suddenly decked by a flying green blur that turned out to be another student. The teen blinked, trying to process the sudden burst of weirdness. "Ooookaaay, that just happened." Once he got over the shock and confusion, though, it was actually pretty amusing. Maybe karma didn't hate him after all: it just had a weird way of getting things done. While the impromptu 'hero' flew off (quite literally) to chat with a girl in a purple dress, Jim was finally able to close the gap between himself and the guy who'd run him over and inadvertantly kidnapped his friend. Panting slightly, he was greeted by the sight of said friend zipping around like the little maniac he was. He groaned, knowing the little shapeshifter wouldn't calm down unless he caught him first. But every time he went to grab the pink blob, Morph slipped right through hid fingers. "Morph, hold still!" Despite the situation, he couldn't keep the laughter out of his voice.

"Hold still! Hold still!" echoed the slightly muffled voice. It was only then that Jim noticed the piece of paper in the protoplasm's mouth. That he was able to grab. It was a test paper, but all of the answers had been filled in already and the words "Answer Key" occupied the space for the name. Jim scanned the page before glancing up at the older student, eyebrow raised. "You stole test answers? It's only the first day of school, are you really flunking that badly?" There was no denying it, though; his respect for the other guy had just gone up a little bit. He wasn't a nerd, just a kleptomaniac!

Jim looked up as someone headed towards them, a girl who looked a bit older than himself. He also noticed another girl at an empty table glancing up at them from a journal every now and then. He suddenly felt awkward, hoping she hadn't seen chasing after Morph. God, he must've looked like a total idiot. Way to make a first impression. "Yeah, he tried to steal my pet, for one thing," he joked dryly, answer the brunette girl on Flynn's behalf and handing her the sheet. He liked to think of it as payback for getting knocked over earlier.

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Rapunzel walked up gazing up at the castle like academy in awe at what she was seeing. She had a satchel slung over one shoulder whilst the satchel hung closely to the opposite hip.Her frying pan handle was poking through the top of the satchel! She had her little friend Pascal on her shoulder. "Wow Pascal! This place is amazing! I can't believe I'm still doing this, I'm so nervous!" She said to him, as she gazed down at him, she saw the little chameleon give her a reassuring smile and pat on the shoulder he was sitting on. She smiled and walked up the grass seeing 2 boys standing on the field. Her hair was bunched up in her arms as she didn't have time to plat it all together to shorten it slightly.

Walking up to the boys she shyly spoke up. "Um, hi there...I'm new to the senior year, don't suppose you could help me find my way?" She asked politely, but a bit worried about 'men with pointy teeth' and students looking at her and plotting to take her hair. She thought she must have looked so strange literally carrying her hair in her arms. When she saw the boys properly, she looked at the taller older boy in surprise. 'He's so cute' she thought to herself.

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Belle looked down at Flynn, then at the boy who was attempting to catch some sort of floating pink thing. "Oh, What is that?" she asked curiously, peering at the pink blob, smiling. Belle then took the paper the boy was holding out to her, test papers? "Oh Flynn, really, again? she said disapprovingly, shaking her head. For as long as she knew Flynn he was always trying to steal something, whether they be test papers or someting shiny that caught his eye. Taking the book from undereath her arm she flippd it open and slide the test papers inside, before shutting the book firmly shut causing a spiral of dust to fly out. "I suppose I shall hand these back to the teacher then, au revouir" she said wearily, turning and heading back in the direction of the teachers lounge, smiling sweetly at the girl she passed.

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Rapunzel smiled sweetly back at the girl as she left before turning her attention back to the boys hoping they would be able to help her. She wondered if she was asking the right people after she saw it seemed this Flynn was a thief. She was also curious about the pink floating creature the other younger looking boy had beside him. She glanced at Pascal whilst waiting for an answer and noticed he skeptically looking between the two boys to try and suss them out. She watched as Pascal ran along the back of her shoulders to her right shoulder to get closer to Flynn as he seemed to be more suspicious about him, before going towards the pink blob that was floating by this other boy.
"Pascal come back here, you're being rude!" She commented sweetly, as she watched pascal make his back onto her left shoulder. "I'm sorry bout him, he gets protective. So... can either of you help me? I'm kinda lost here and my arms are really starting to ache now" she said sheepishly, still holding her 70feet of hair.

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Jim couldn't help but smirk as the brunette girl left, taking Flynn's hard-earned stolen test papers with her. "That's what you get for not watching where you're going," he quipped to the older teen. He knew this would probably come back to bite him in the butt sooner or later, but he was content to enjoy sweet revenge while he had the chance.

A chirp from his alien companion got Jim's attention again. That's right: he still hadn't been able to calm the little nutjob down yet. "And as for you..." he began, turning towards the sound, but the rest of his sentence died on his lips. Instead of a pink blob of mischief, he was currently looking at a pair of chamleons who, by the looks of it, were currently having a staring contest of epic proportions. Before they could get too far into it though, one of them broke out into a fit of laughter and reverted back to the Morph the Jim knew and loved/tolerated. "So,wait, who has a pet-- Oh!" The teen looked up the find a girl with long blonde hair standing before him. Really long blone hair. How could he possibly have missed that?

"Uh, sorry about that. You need some help there?" Under normal circumstances, Jim probably wouldn't have asked, but that much hair had be pretty heavy. "So, what, do they not have scissors where you're from?" he joked, hoping to relieve the situation of some awkwardness. It's not like he could've resisted anyway; this was just too bizarre! That reminded him, though: he didn't know where he was supposed to be going, either.

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jim Hawkins
Character Portrait: Ariel
Character Portrait: Violet Parr
Character Portrait: Flynn Rider
Character Portrait: Belle
Character Portrait: Megara "Meg"
Character Portrait: Rapunzel
Character Portrait: Aurora "Briar Rose"


Character Portrait: Aurora "Briar Rose"
Aurora "Briar Rose"

I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream

Character Portrait: Rapunzel

an 18 year old girl with extremely long magical hair (70ft long to be exact!) but she craves adventure so goes to Walt Disney High

Character Portrait: Megara "Meg"
Megara "Meg"

The names Megara though my friends call me Meg...that is if I had any friends.

Character Portrait: Belle

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell, and for once it might be grand, to have someone understand. I want so much more than they've got planned..."

Character Portrait: Flynn Rider
Flynn Rider

"I could get used to a view like this. Yep, I'm used to it. Guys, I want a castle."

Character Portrait: Violet Parr
Violet Parr

For the first time ever I'm not a freak

Character Portrait: Ariel

"Ooh, this is gonna be so exciting!"

Character Portrait: Jim Hawkins
Jim Hawkins

"They weren't exactly singing my praises when I left home."


Character Portrait: Flynn Rider
Flynn Rider

"I could get used to a view like this. Yep, I'm used to it. Guys, I want a castle."

Character Portrait: Megara "Meg"
Megara "Meg"

The names Megara though my friends call me Meg...that is if I had any friends.

Character Portrait: Aurora "Briar Rose"
Aurora "Briar Rose"

I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream

Character Portrait: Belle

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell, and for once it might be grand, to have someone understand. I want so much more than they've got planned..."

Character Portrait: Rapunzel

an 18 year old girl with extremely long magical hair (70ft long to be exact!) but she craves adventure so goes to Walt Disney High

Character Portrait: Violet Parr
Violet Parr

For the first time ever I'm not a freak

Character Portrait: Ariel

"Ooh, this is gonna be so exciting!"

Character Portrait: Jim Hawkins
Jim Hawkins

"They weren't exactly singing my praises when I left home."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Violet Parr
Violet Parr

For the first time ever I'm not a freak

Character Portrait: Flynn Rider
Flynn Rider

"I could get used to a view like this. Yep, I'm used to it. Guys, I want a castle."

Character Portrait: Megara "Meg"
Megara "Meg"

The names Megara though my friends call me Meg...that is if I had any friends.

Character Portrait: Ariel

"Ooh, this is gonna be so exciting!"

Character Portrait: Rapunzel

an 18 year old girl with extremely long magical hair (70ft long to be exact!) but she craves adventure so goes to Walt Disney High

Character Portrait: Jim Hawkins
Jim Hawkins

"They weren't exactly singing my praises when I left home."

Character Portrait: Belle

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell, and for once it might be grand, to have someone understand. I want so much more than they've got planned..."

Character Portrait: Aurora "Briar Rose"
Aurora "Briar Rose"

I know you. I walked with you once upon a dream

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