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a part of DNAxis, by TheUnnamedOne.


TheUnnamedOne holds sovereignty over Varathia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Varathia is a part of DNAxis.

1 Places in Varathia:

11 Characters Here

Palmira [38] "It burns.."
Hail [38] "I'll make every one of those bastards pay!"
Sin [36] "Even assssss an outcassssst, I had a home... Now what do I have?"
Koda [32] Born a broken man, turned a horrific beast.
Spirit [26] "I'm not fragile.I kill."
Kai [25] "No use crying over things we can't change."
Amara Stark [25] "Please... let me help you!"
Connor [22]
Redge [21] "Well look on the bright side..."
Banzel [13] Lion or Tiger which do you think is better!

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#, as written by TheFlag
Time began to pass incredibly slowly for Redge, panic seemed to have that effect as he was clinging to every second madly even though he himself was unaware of it. It felt like hours had passed while in reality it had only been a couple of minutes, it was like hide and seek except if you lost you lose more than a friendly game, that was Redge's approximate feeling of his current situation. Throughout this Redge managed to stay in control, he never made so much as a sound and regulated his breathing despite panic coursing through him.

They were getting closer, he heard each step and with that he felt his heartbeat increase. Then all fell silent, he froze almost paralyzed. "Hello in there," a soft voice called, it was feminine and had a friendly tone, Redge jumped in response not expecting a voice "Are you alright? We're here to break you out of there." the voice announced. And that was that, it made sense now Redge supposed, they were coming here to free the rest of the expris and he realized that his fears earlier were probably irrational, nevertheless he still felt grateful that the weight of fear had been lifted off his chest. Redge pushed himself up off the ground, focusing on the door, it had locked again, unlocking the door with telekinesis would take long and truthfully Redge didn't know if he had enough strength left.

Redge felt a bit inept at this point that as well as a bit helpless, not only had he retrapped himself in his cell but he couldn't form a response, as the saying goes a cat had his tongue. Months of social isolation will do that to you he supposed. Redge heard brief movement followed by the woman saying something about breaking the doors open, it was hard to hear but Redge got the gist of it: look for other expris in the cells. How they were going to break the doors down was beyond Redge. "Hey whats your name? I won't hurt you ya know." the voice spoke seemingly noticing Redge's silence.

Redge took a moment to answer but managed a response, "Uh... I- I'm Redge." he paused which seemed to last a few seconds, although he didn't feel any fear he still felt anxious. "Uh, what about your name?" Redge asked sounding a little more casual but it still had a nervous tone. Redge then heard a growl, it sounded low and deep, it was then Redge realized how they planned on opening his cell.


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Kai chuckled. "Hello Redge." When the large Bear backed up and growled it took her only a second to understand. She smiled and nodded to him before turning to the boy in the cell. "Redge, I need you to back off to the side of your cell door ok? My friend is going to break it down." Hopefully the boy wasn't going to be difficult and would move, because Kai didn't want the poor creature to be hurt. She didn't know how much Amara could heal, then again remembering how injured the bear had been the little girl could probably heal quite a bit. Still, Kai moved off away from the door with a quick jump and waited for the cell to be opened.


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Hail smiled and noted Palmira walking away. She was an impatient one, he understood. She would rather beat the answers out of someone, or just beat them in general. He loved that quality about his companion. Turning to the snake - Sin - he extended his hand in greeting. "Hail, ma'am. I am like you. Only...not. Heheh. I'm a lion. The blood? Well lions are not known to be clean eaters. I thought I had cleaned most of it off....oh well. Tell me sin, did you happen to see a female panther in the place you escaped from? Blue hair, gold eyes, silent? You can tell me while we walk - I'm off to meet a friend and she's quite impatient if we are late. Do join us?" He turned to head in the direction Pal had head off to, turning and stopping to wait for the girl.


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"Please don't eat me." Connor scared her? She looked young; maybe she was scared of everything, but it still stung. Regardless, she seemed to have a special ability to heal people, so Connor let the little girl do her magic on the bear. It didn't take long for her to work, so Connor got a little impressed. Things were getting more interesting by the minute.

Waking up, the bear seemed happy, as well. He lifted Amara overhead and gave her a ride on his back — it must be fun, being tall.

As the growing posse walked along, Connor tuned in to everything but said posse. There was plenty of chaos going around, both conductor and Expri. Expri were begging and howling to be broken out; some were afraid that they'd be killed; the remaining conductors were trying to mobilize their security teams. Overall, though, nothing was actually getting done. None of the experiments escaped the facility, but none have been killed, either. Koda almost died, but he's completely fine now.

"Hello in there," Kai began. She found someone. "Are you alright? We're here to break you out of there." Though he growled when he was signaled, Koda's stance made him look more human than bear. He didn't act like other stage threes.

Kai was kind of pissing Connor off, too. Clearly the panther watched her lift over a ton of dead weight, but she still wanted the bear to break down the door. Well, to Hell with that! Connor needed to set an example for the other wolf already in the group, and no bear was going to stop her. At least she made sure Redge knew to move.

Without giving Koda any warning, Connor stepped between him and the door, pulling one of her legs up just a moment before kicking it in much harder than she needed to. Spirit aside, she sure wasn't going to hold back in front of something three times her size and over ten times her weight.


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When the woman kicked the door down Kai raised an eyebrow and turned to peer in while the dust settled. The woman was strong that was for sure. Kai wondered briefly if she could stand against the first Expri made. Probably not, no one could especially now that he was completely under Tacrus' control. She shook her head in sadness at the "loss" of her friend and walked past the woman, nodding a thank you, and over the rubble into the cell. In there she found the boy, he looked young but not as weak as he tried to make his voice sound. His eye were young and scared but also relieved. And hiding something. Kael smelled the air, he didn't smell like en Expri that had been enlisted, he was probably just hiding an ability. Most Expris did that, even around others of their own kind.

"Hey there Redge, you ok? We need to get out of here." She crouched down to where the boy was sitting and held out a hand, hoping her smile looked friendly. She was looking forward to getting home and going to sleep.


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#, as written by Jynxii

The girl blinked as the bear told her his name somehow. His voice was deep, and gruff in her mind. She allowed him to set her back down on the floor, and she stood against the far wall, awkwardly holding herself. They were going to break someone out. Koda let out a deep, rumbling grunt and Amara slid to the side of Kai to give him space. "Uh... I- I'm Redge." It was just then that Connor, the wolf, stepped up and with one swift kick sent the massive door slamming into the opposite end of the cell. Amara couldn't help but jump a bit, startled by the sudden sound of exploding metal and the rebounding echos of the chaos. Wincing at the sound, and waving away the cloud of dust that was now settling on the scene, Amara peeked around Kai to see if the prisoner had survived the violent removal of it's door.

Amara glanced uneasily to Koda, taking a step closer to him. What if the Expri wasn't friendly? These older, stronger, Expri might not be afraid of anything but Amara was weary. She had seen an Expri tear her mother apart. Not all of them were so nice. Uneasily, she stood close to Koda and watched the scene unfold. Her blue hues were searching over the mess when she noticed Connor's leg was splintered on the inside. The bone looked like it was broken, threatening to pierce her skin and jut out. Amara's stomach twisted. "You're hurt." Her voice was very quiet, and the massiveness of the room almost swallowed up her syllables. "Please.." She slowly, and extremely cautiously, walked over to Connor once the wolf had stepped aside for Kai to enter the cell. Focusing on her life source, and the wolf's, Amara placed a small and gentle hand onto Connor's leg. She winced at the sound of the bone cracking back into place, but within moments the skin had stitched itself back together and healed. As with Koda, only the blood that was drying on the girl's skin remained.


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The dragon's--the bloodied man called her Pal?--pacing kept Sin on edge. Even as the bloodied man calmly introduced himself as Hail and explained the nature of his... feasting (There was no other word she could use to describe it; he even seemed to be proud of the fact that he had apparently mauled a passing human), those eyes scanned her, pierced straight through her as Sin tried to find a semblance of anything other than fear and anger within. Sin didn't know what exactly drew her to those eyes in particular--perhaps it was because they seemed so similar to her own...

"Tell me, Sin, did you happen to see a female panther in the place you escaped from? Blue hair, gold eyes, silent?" Truth be told, Sin had been too focused on escaping without being caught than searching for anyone in particular. The entire scene had passed by in a blur. Her tongue flicked out in the air, once again tasting the blood lingering on Hail and in the general area. Sin was nervous, indeed; she had escaped one prison to nearly be killed outright by passersby: one hostile, the other sadistic.

"You can tell me while we walk - I'm off to meet a friend, and she's quite impatient if we are late. Do join us?" Hail strode off after Pal, waiting at her side expectantly for Sin to catch up. The black-haired girl looked toward the ground for a moment, weighing the decision in her mind. On the one hand, she was nearly killed by one of these vagabonds, and the other could easily overpower her if he so chose to; on the other, she could not go back to the others, not like this... Besides, if they wanted her dead, they could have easily killed her by now...

"Two conditionsssssss: one, neither you nor your companionsssss try to hurt or kill me; and two, I could really ussssse ssssssomething to eat sssssoon..." Sin's tongue darted back and forth through the air as she took a few steps toward the two waiting Expris. She did not want to talk if she did not have to, but at this point, it was inevitable that she do so. Besides, if this was how she would sound whenever she talked, she might as well begin to get used to the impediment. "Alssssso, it'ssss not the ssssssight of blood I'm worried about, but moressssso the ssssstench..."


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Hail chuckled again. This girl was certainly interesting. What a find! She took a few steps towards them and he smiled, letting Pal walk ahead - she knew where to meet Cara, they always went to the same little clearing in the forest, away from the prying eyes of the village guard - while he stayed back to walk with the hesitant girl.

"Deal, Neither Cara or Palmira will attack you. And I'm not going to hurt such an interesting find like yourself. I've never met a snake Expri before." The word Expri was spat out with disdain. Humans used that word to label them, remind them that they were just experiments, nothing more. And to think he used to BE one! Well at least now he could kill them extremely easily. "What sort of food would you like to eat then young one? Animal...human....vegetable?" He chuckled as he sounded like a waiter reading off a menu. They were the superior species, they could have whatever they wanted after all.


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Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Kai Character Portrait: Amara Stark Character Portrait: Redge Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Spirit
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#, as written by TheFlag
"Redge, I need you to back off to the side of your cell door ok? My friend is going to break it down." Redge's eyes widened and he automatically moved to the door's side well out of the door's way. Getting crushed from what he gathered was a particularly nasty way to go, especially if it was by a door. He made sure to stand on the left side, away from the door's hinges; three possible outcomes could happen in Redge's view, numero uno: nothing, numero two-o: the door slams off its hinges and lastly: the door coming off completely, he doubted it but stranger things had happened, a primary example his ability to lift objects, Redge himself had no idea how it worked... it just did, perhaps it was better not to question these things.

Time slowed once again and an anxious anticipation took over, his eyes were locked on the door waiting for the moment. It happened so fast that it almost seemed surreal, the door burst off its hinges which undoubtedly caused Redge to flinch and jump back into the corner to try and evade danger. It was unnecessary however as it flew cleanly past him and onto the floor. Staring at the broken door in a sort of vague wonder, what could have the strength to preform such a feat? he found himself in wonder, sure he could react to situations in 0.100 milliseconds and do a triple-somersault with relative ease but that was no substitute for actual strength and his was quite limiting.

Redge was shook out of his daze by someone entering his cell, she looked young in her early twenties. That wasn't all, it took awhile for Redge to realize but now that the panic and confusion had waned his sense of smell had kicked back, she like him was panther. Redge didn't know how to handle his nose's feedback, his first reaction was something along the lines of I'm not the only one! He knew the other expri and him had something in common: being experimented on by Tacrus as well as being spliced with animals, sure that was enough to link them together in someway, but they had no other common characteristics, here was someone like him who had panther genes. Redge didn't know why perhaps it was animal instinct but he felt a sort of connection towards her, he justified it due to them being similar.

"Hey there Redge, you ok? We need to get out of here." she spoke in a crouched position, Redge sat there dazed for another second before nodding, "...Yeah, okay." he then noticed that she had held out her hand, Redge took it pulling himself up from the floor. Finally, after a long while he was leaving this place, he couldn't help but feel excited and glad.

Redge looked around before approaching his cell door, he tilted his head out first getting a good look out. Looking out he instantly picked up the smell of blood, he then realized much to his surprise that a female who had wolf inside her was the one that had bashed his cell door down he suspected that the bear had, he was the biggest there after all and Redge assumed the strongest. She seemed to have sustained a wound, a sickening crack was heard, Redge then noticed the girl whom he saw riding the bear's shoulders had one arm wrapped round her leg, the wound was coming from there and then... it wasn't. The girl had somehow managed to heal the wound, Redge felt curiosity bubble up but he answered it with his saying from earlier stranger things had happened.


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Kai smiled as the young panther took her hand and she walked out, noting as he watched in amazement when Amara healed the wolf. "Impressive isn't she?" Kai turned to look at the rest of them, the wolves and the bears, and nodded. She had gather five Expris from this place, she didn't think she would be able to get more - the place seemed pretty destroyed, or at least getting there. "Come on guys, I'll show you a short cut."

Before waiting for someone to follow her she walked down the hall, pulling Redge behind her by his hand. Panthers were rare and she didn't want anything happening to him. At the end of the hall she crouched down and pulled a panel of steel off of the wall, it had a little resistance but her excitement made her not notice it. Underneath the panel were some buttons and she lifted the black sleeve off her arm to look at the diagram on her left wrist. Red button, white switch then blue wire. She shifted into her second form, panther ears replacing hers, tail shooting out and hands changing into blue fur covered paws and claws. The transformation was quick and flawless and she shook her head as her senses were nearly overloaded from the increase in sight, smell and hearing. She could even taste the different scents on the air.

A beep was heard when she pushed the button, no sound for the switch and her claw sliced through the wire like it was hot butter. A sigh of relief was let out and then she stood to turn to the opposite wall. Where there had been white wall before was now a dark tunnel. She nodded to the others and walked down the hall, still pulling Redge along. They had to get out quickly. The transition from brightness to darkness was a little dizzying but her slitted gold green eyes adjusted quickly. This was the passage she had used to enter the lab before all hell broke loose and she smiled as it still smelled old and unused, cobwebs lining the walls and ceiling.

"Not too far now guys," she called out.

At the end of a twisty and dark hallway was a boulder. Kai wasn't strong but fortunately she had had to move this boulder to get IN the lab so she knew she could do it again. Letting go of Redge she shifted slightly, stopping the transformation between stage 2 and 3. The scientists had thought to teach her this trick, seeing how well her control over the blood infusion was. They were very proud over the fact that she could pause in between transformations and switch back and forth quickly and easily. Taking a deep breath Kai put her hands on the boulder and shoved, using almost all her strength. Compared to the bear and the wolf girl Kai was pretty weak but she could handle this boulder at least - she was responsible for getting them to safety, if they wished it.

Less than five seconds and the boulder toppled over, flooding the passage with light and hurting Kais eyes before they adjusted. Grinning she transformed back to look completely human and turned to grab Redges hand again. "Come on, the village is a bit of a walk but after we cross this field we can be there before dark." She walked quickly across the field, crouching behind the bushes and trees that popped up just in case there was reinforcements come to secure the lab. At the edge of the field she waited behind four very large trees that started the forest. She knew a small nearly invisible path through the forest to the village. But she had to see if they wanted to come with her. Gordon knew she would be here and had been prepared since she discovered the lab to have to accept more Expris into the village.

"Ok guys I need to know, do you want to come with me to the village? We can give you housing, food, training, everything. Alternatively you can leave now and go on your own but .... I wouldn't recommend it. What do you guys want to do?" She wore a smile on her face but she was nervous that they wouldn't want to join her.

((OOC: Somehow...I managed to double tag and I don't know how to undo it -.- IS there a way to undo it?))


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Koda pushed Spirit out the way of the guards with guns. She tumbled side ways, and landed on her back. She gulped as she bashed into the hard stone wall. "No!!!" She cried as she heard a gun shot. Koda collasped to his knees. Spirit sobbed slightly, and crawled over to him. She picked his huge head up, and stroked him softly. She sobbed again. A man tried to pick him up, he walked half the way. She saw another girl come over as well.

OOC: sorry i havent been on hwere for a while!!


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Shard sat in his prison. He has a slightly smaller one then the others, and he was chained up. He couldnt move his arm or legs, and his head was bent foward. He had to be chained up becasue he kept killing everybody. He let out a huge sigh. Oh he wished to have fresh air again! And kill stuff......He shrugged the thought away. He had to keep having theroapy to get the thought out his head, but he just kept hurting them, so they has to have a speaker talk to him through the door.
Shard wished he could be normal again. He normally zoned out, and never listened to a word the scientists said to him. Until they japped him with a knife. He had knife stabs all over his bare back. Some had opened, and bled everywhere. It burnt like hell.

He looked up slightly as he saw a bear expri, polar bear expri, wolf expri and another one. He sighed as they passsed his prison.
Which one was he in? six? or was it seven? He ahd been in there for a long time and it had been a blurr.


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#, as written by Jynxii

Amara stepped away from the she-wolf after her job was finished and went back to Koda. The Expri in the cell was just a boy; not much older than herself. "Impressive isn't she?" Amara looked to the boy as she stood by the massive form of Koda. Remaining silent, she lifted her arms to the bear for help climbing back onto him. As the group moved down the secret passage, Amara spent most of her time swatting away cobwebs and trying not to have a mini heart attack. She knew they were cobwebs, but the idea of them being spiderwebs really freaked her out. A lot.

When the massive stone was finally pushed away, Amara winced and held her arms up over her eyes. It's so bright.. Blinking to adjust to the new brightness, and it wasn't hard for her as she did not recall spending much time in a cell, she began to look around. When Koda came to a stop, so did the girl as she remained glued to the bear. "... What do you guys want to do?" Amara had to think about the question. She wanted to sing, to jump, to dance, to cry; all these emotions flooded her mind. She had made it out, back in, and out again alive. ALIVE.

Amara put her face into the bear's fur and smiled a little. The sun felt nice. Giving anyone else a chance to answer first, Amara decided she'd answer Kai's question. "I want to stay with Koda." It seemed logical enough. He was a bear; she was a bear. She was tiny; he was massive. A sound plan, in her mind. "Food and a bed doesn't sound too bad, either.." she offered, her voice small. The village sounded like a great plan; all the way up to the 'training' the female spoke of. Unease seemed to feather it's way down Amara's neck at the word. Amara wasn't a soldier. Koda couldn't even talk. The panther's smile looked warm and welcoming, though, so Amara figured that the female couldn't be all that bad. Besides-- She was with Koda, and for some reason; be it bear or otherwise, Amara trusted Koda.


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Amara had decided to stay with Koda, which was a logical choice. The big bear was easy to feel safe around if you were a small bear. Amara had seemed relieved and somewhat excited as she listed what the village had to offer, until she mentioned training. She blinked and corrected herself, noting that the small girl wouldn't want to be trained for a battle or something.

"Oh I mean training as in control - so you don't transform on emotion and scare people. Or for instance, your healing ability, I bet if you had some training you could learn how to heal greater injuries or more people. Healing those two must have tired you out a bit huh?" She was just guessing but it made sense.

Before anyone else had any chance to respond to her Kai caught a new scent on the wind. She pointed to the spot Redge was standing at, "Stay here." She closed her eyes and shifted quickly into her stage 3 form. Another thing that the scientists found - much to their disappointment - Kai kept the majority of her human emotions and thought process when in stage 3. They had been working out a way to "fix" that when Hail had broken them out of the lab.....

She sniffed the air and ran swiftly back to the hallway they had just exited out of. So much time was being lost... but she couldn't just leave a surviving Expri behind. This scent, smothered in blood and feline, was definitely an Expri, and still alive. The scent took her past the area she had deemed "safe" from the reinforcements and she cautiously slipped through the door, staying low to the floor and ears pricked forward. In front of her were two guards with ..... Guns from the old world! How had Tacrus soldiers managed to make ancient technologies like that work again?? There had been no guns seen since the wars over the world, and none were found when people started rebuilding - the world had just healed over the rubble. She crouched as close to the wall as possible and listened carefully.

"Man this just like lab 3. All of them are either gone or dead...."

"Yeah the commander called and said a bear escaped. He was panicked, not as panicked as Jeff had been but eh. A loose animal is a loose animal."

"Hey what do you think they would give us if we were to recover the ones that escaped?"

One of them snorted. "A mind-wiping probably."

They grew silent and Kai got sick of listening. She crept around the corner and saw a way to get past them, following the scent, without being seen. Keeping one ear on them and one forward she walked silently with her nose to the ground. The scent was getting stronger and she blinked in surprise. How in seven hells did they manage to make TWO panther Expris?! What kind of lab was this? It was definitely better stocked than the one she had been turned at. But then that had been ten years ago.

Finding a door leading what was probably an operating/experimentation room, she nudged it with her nose and was relieved and shocked to find it open. A careful examination of it showed her that the door was locked using the electricity and a computer system. When all hell broke loose and the generator overheated the system probably unlocked all the doors. So why hadn't this Expri break out of his cell? She silently crawled in, keeping close to the floor and looking around the dark room. Then she saw him and the reason he didn't beak out.

He was chained and strapped up to a tilted operating table, most likely just the frame, weakened most likely from the blood pouring out of his back. Cuts littered his body and she growled at the mistreatment. This wasn't just experimentation, this was plain cruelty! She shifted quickly to her stage 2 form, using her claws to cut at the straps and ropes binding him. Once those were gone she shifted again, between stage 2 and 3, to use her strength and break two parts of the chain. After those two were broken the rest just fell off. She couldn't support all his weight for long but she hoped he was conscious. She shifted into human form just as he slumped against her, blood covering her side as she grabbed the frame to stay standing.

"Hey, wake up! Please?!" Kai was frantic, if he didn't wake up she didn't know how she was going to get them out alive.


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"Deal, Neither Cara or Palmira will attack you. And I'm not going to hurt such an interesting find like yourself. I've never met a snake Expri before." Hail sounded amicable enough to Sin, despite the fact that his companion had nearly torn her to pieces moments ago and Hail could probably do the same to her. Still, she was safe for the time being: that was more important than anything else.

"Eksssssspri... Issssssss that what they call me?" Sin tilted her head in confusion. "I wasssss never aware that they had a name for what I became... They alwayssssss called me 'it' or 'that thing'... Never assssssked me for a name, or maybe they didn't even care..." Her tongue darted out more frequently now, trying to get a feel for the scent of the area. The taste of blood was overpowering as she walked alongside Hail, but she ignored the pain in her stomach as best as she could. Perhaps it was due to hunger after all; no matter the cause, Sin realized that if she were to stay with these Expris that she would have to get used to the scent quickly.

"What sort of food would you like to eat then, young one? Animal...human....vegetable?" The lion Expri offered, looking around the area for anything in particular to satiate Sin's hunger.

"...meat... They alwaysssss gave me meat..." she replied, brushing the hair out of her eyes with a scaled hand. "I don't know what kind, but it wassssss alwaysssss meat..." Sin looked up toward Hail, a glare in her yellow eyes. "And sssstop calling me 'young one'--I'm not ussssssed to being addresssssssssed like that. Sssssssin isssssss fine enough. I'd rather hear my name being sssssspoken again..." She flicked her tongue around, tasting the air and the blood that lingered there.


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Palmira had moved a few steps ahead, keen to get going in case any villagers had heard the awful noises and were intent on coming to look. Such a thing would not end terribly well. She cast a glance back in the direction of the other two briefly, in order to get her two cents on the issue.

"I'll agree to that, though if you try to hurt either or us or steal my things then I'll rip your head off." she muttered as she walked.

As they moved that dragon girl cringed, clasping a hand over her stomach and struggling to maintain her pace. She said nothing to the other two, keeping the pain in her middle internalized as best she could. She didn't want to appear weak or feeble in front of the new arrival, so she supposed as a consequence that meant keeping her mouth shut. It was very uncomfortable though...and it did not set her in the best mood. So, when the snake girl began to complain about being referred to as 'young one', the dragon became irritable.

"I don't think you're in much of a position to be making demands." Palmira growled, narrowing her eyes.
"He's offering you something, you could at least pretend to be grateful."

Some people seemed to have no sense of priority. She had to wonder.


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listening quietly as Sin complained about being called young one and Palmiras retort, Hail had grin a wide feline grin. Everything was going so well! He must have had the best luck in the world. They had walked a bit - Expris always tend to walk a bit faster than humans - and he saw the path that cut through the forest to the meeting area. His eyes narrowed. Aura got on his nerves; she was an Expri by choice and let everyone know it. If he hadn't thought he could use her 'skills' he would have killed the damn fox. As it was, her reports on the Village were late and useless so his decision was if she didn't bring him something useful today he would kill her. Or make her kill herself. He hadn't chosen how yet, so many possibilities.

He was wearing a smile on his face when he realized that he had tuned out and so hadn't responded to Sin in a few minutes. Oops. Meat, she wanted meat. Probably best to start her off on some of the local deer. They were easy and the girl seemed very hungry. Plus he didn't think she would be able to stomach human flesh just yet. Figuring Aura would be late already he raised his voice to Pal could hear him.

"I'm changing the course. We are all going to find that herd of deer that lives in the middle of the forest. Aura is going to be late anyway so our new friend Sin should get some food. Pal do you need to hunt as well? I don't want you trying to bite Auras head off while she giving her report. She's an annoying fox but useful for the moment..."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Kai Character Portrait: Amara Stark Character Portrait: Redge Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Spirit
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#, as written by TheFlag
"Impressive isn't she?" Redge shrugged before nodding happily, having a healer on hand would be useful and it was an impressive sight to behold, the good that could be done with such an ability. It also had Redge wonder about the other Expri's gifts, he suspected that they were all different in their own way; Tacrus would probably want to encourage diversity to see the best possible combinations for a more effective soldier, thinking of it sent a cold shiver down his spine. He was no soldier, especially not to them, soldiers were killers and killing is something Redge thought he was incapable of doing.

"Come on guys, I'll show you a short cut." Finally they were leaving this place, Redge could not help but feel overjoyed, good riddance to this place, he had spent enough time in this hell. With that they were off, the older panther pulled him forward, gripping his hand, in a place as confusing and scary as this he was grateful for the guidance. Redge watched as they came to a stop at the end of the hallway, she crouched down and Redge followed in suit. Next she seemed to rip a steel panel off the wall revealing the contents behind. Redge knew this place was basically a technological haven; working lights, electricity compared to the rest of world which had devolved to a more primal state of living. Redge wasn't sure what she was doing then, she had shifted into her other form and was beginning pressing buttons in a specific order finalizing it by cutting a blue wire.

Nothing seemed to happen for a moment but then when he turned around a secret passage had been revealed, a long narrow tunnel which was hid by a white wall. Redge blinked owlishly, the tunnel smelled old and of decayed; how long had such a passage been here? They began moving forward, Redge's eyes adjusted quickly to the dark, they always had, he could see that cobwebs lined the walls and he shuddered at the thought of spiders. "Not too far now guys," she called out and Redge squinted through the darkness able to see a bolder blocking what appeared to be the only exit. Redge backed up a few steps, knowing that she going to attempt to move the boulder.

A couple of seconds later light flooded the tunnel, Redge hissed his hands automatically covering his eyes, still small particles of light managed to trickle trough and stab his eyes. Gradually removing his hands from his face his eyes readjusted to the sunlight, it didn't feel like the light in the Tarcus facility it felt alive and warm it pulsed with energy, it was a welcome sight to Redge's sore eyes. Redge felt his hand being grabbed again, "Come on, the village is a bit of a walk but after we cross this field we can be there before dark." Redge shrugged anywhere was better than here at the moment.

They walked through the field and crouched through bushes eventually arriving at the field's edge and into the edge of the woods. It was then that Redge realized how much he had missed nature, the wind on his face, the bird's chirping and now that his senses had been enhanced it seemed like a whole new world just waiting to be explored. Snapping back into reality, "Ok guys I need to know, do you want to come with me to the village? We can give you housing, food, training, everything." All that sounded very enticing and Redge didn't really need to think on the matter he had already decided upon his escape from Tarcus, "Alternatively you can leave now and go on your own but... I wouldn't recommend it. What do you guys want to do?"

The girl on the bear's back was first to answer "I want to stay with Koda." It took a moment to realize that was probably the bear's name, she added a moment later "Food and a bed doesn't sound too bad, either.." Redge couldn't disagree with that.

There must have been something Redge missed because the panther's next response was on the training she mentioned "Oh I mean training as in control - so you don't transform on emotion and scare people. Or for instance, your healing ability, I bet if you had some training you could learn how to heal greater injuries or more people. Healing those two must have tired you out a bit huh?" Although Redge was sure he'd go to the village, he didn't like the thought of training if he wanted to learn something he'd learn it himself, but then again it would be better to get a better grip on his new abilities although he wanted to keep his telekinetic nature a secret. He'd practice that in his own time, it was his little secret.

Redge stopped, she pointed to where he stood and said "Stay here." Redge tilted his head curiously as she quickly changed into her panther form, she sniffed the air and then began running back towards the cave they had emerged from only minutes ago. Redge stood there ultimately confused, he turned towards the others and shrugged timidly.


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Sin listened to Palmira's remarks about her "demand" to be called by her name. She didn't understand what was so wrong with her request; after all, she had spoken the truth. Those "scientists"--the ones that she woke up to after everything went dark--never even referred to her as a girl, only some number that she didn't want to remember. She was either a number or an "it", nothing more than a test subject for whatever they had planned for her. Now that she was away from that prison, she didn't want to lose her identity again.

The girl flicked her tongue out several times, tasting the air and sensing something... different now, almost as if something was left on a fire for too long and left to char. This particular scent, coupled with the blood wafting from Hail and his... musk, for lack of a better word, began to make Sin dizzy. Her head began to swim with the overabundance of sensations that she could taste. Her vision began to get a bit fuzzy and a sharp pain built up in between her eyes.

Hail had been oblivious to all of these events for a bit, a grin across his face. As soon as he turned toward Sin once again, he snapped back to reality. ""I'm changing the course. We are all going to find that herd of deer that lives in the middle of the forest. Aura is going to be late anyway, so our new friend Sin should get some food..." The girl had stopped listening at this point, focusing instead on the prospect of eating something. Now that she stopped to think about it, it had been over a day since she had last eaten anything; she was feeling a bit weaker than usual...

The dark-haired girl walked alongside Hail as they searched for the clearing where deer were supposed to be gathered. After mulling it over in her head for a few minutes, Sin looked up toward the lion, a skeptical look in her eye. "...normally, I'm not one to look a gift horssssse--er, lion, in the mouth; however, you've met me lessssssss than an hour ago, your companion ssssseemssss ready to rip me to shredsssss at any ssssssssecond, yet you wish to help me..." her tongue flicks out of her mouth a few more times, catching another condescending gaze from Palmira out of the corner of her eye. "Don't take thisssss the wrong way; I'm grateful for it, abssssssolutely... but what do you want from me? Usssssssually, nothing like thisssss comessssssss without sssssome sssssssort of prissssssse [price]..."

((OOC: Words in brackets indicate what Sin is trying to say when her lisp gets in the way or to clarify a word.))


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She was weary of him, and she had every reason to be. Hail was a huge lion, the only lion Expri that he knew of. Scientists had said it was forbidden from using lion DNA at the point of his experimentation and yet they had been foolish enough to do so. Even before the lab, he had been treated like some kind of enemy from everyone, even his family. Unlike his ....... acquaintance Kai, he remembered all of his life before the lab. People had always been afraid of him, for some reason or another. It was no surprise that Sin was worried about his intentions.

And Pal. It was true, she didn't trust anyone. He was still surprised that she had stayed in his service for so long. He felt no ownership over the girl, and if she hoped to repay the debt of freeing her from the lab he found her in, in his mind it was already paid. In his mind he could hear a memory of Kai speaking to him from his days at the lab. Something about friends.... Hail scoffed. There was no such thing has friends. People did things only if they gained something from it. Only if they had to give nothing up for it. Only if it kept them alive. Not out of kindness, not out of 'friendship'. So why did he want to help this girl?

Because he was bored?

Because he needed more people to work for him to kill all the scientists and ultimately Tacrus?

Because he felt guilty for killing so many people?

Because he was lonely?

He shrugged, who cared why he did things. The fact was that he did them and he didn't need to put a reason to it.

"You were alone, and hungry and probably don't know how to survive on your own with your - I'm guessing new - animal DNA. I can help, and so if you wish it I will. Oh I'll probably ask for a favour or two if you stay with us longer, I did that with Pal when she decided to stay. But then again, I am one man, I cannot kill every scientist all at once. That would require me to be in multiple places at once. Now, consider your 'price' for helping you is to accept my offer of acquiring you food, and of course provide some conversation if it's not too much. Palmira doesn't talk to me much.... I get a bit lonely I'll admit. So I'll not turn down the opportunity to have a 'chat' with someone when it pops up."


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#, as written by Jynxii

Amara listened to the brief explanation of the feline and then watched her dart off. Again, as she scent ability was not that developed yet she didn't know what was really going on. As the female left, Amara turned her attention back to the huge bear whom she sat on. What if the trainers want to use her like the scientists did? What if this village was just going to end up like the last one she was in? Worry swelled in Amara's stomach, and she instinctively hugged closer to Koda. Putting the bad thoughts from her mind, Amara turned her attention to their motley crew. An insanely strong wolfess, though she did not seem to know the cost of her strength too well. Amara wondered if she had ever unknowingly broken more bones. Could she not feel it? An interesting thing; to not feel pain. It could cause more trouble than good though, I bet.. walking around with a broken leg or arm and bleeding out seems like a pretty terrible way to go. Realizing that she was staring a little at Connor, Amara turned her hues to the boy.

He had to be somewhere around her age; for he wasn't very tall or muscular like the older Expri males. A panther Expri, like Kai. He looked like he packed a lot of muscle into his skinny arms, though, and so Amara made a mental note to try and stay off his bad side. Shifting her focus again, Amara turned her eyes to the tree-tops, which both offered a cool shade and a beautiful scene. She had always loved the outdoors, having grown up with her mother in the flower shop. The gentle wind that blew was warm and comforting, and gave Amara a sense of calmness. She had really made it out. Although she still had a slight anxiety about being caught again, having Koda around made her feel a lot better.

Koda. What would he do in the village? It's not like they could hide him; he's much too big. He would need a much larger bed than any regular person and that had to be expensive or hard to come by. Furthermore, how did Kai know that they would all be safe in this village of hers? The more Amara thought about it, the more uneasy she became. The humans she grew up with as a human did not take too kindly to Expri and she had a hard time believing that they would just welcome someone like Koda who was much more animal than human with open arms. After all, he looked like a bear on eight different kinds of steroids.

She made up her mind then that she would give Kai's village a try; but if Koda was not welcome, or if he did not like it there, she would leave. As she was no longer human, she felt no obligations or ties to them. She paused. She had no obligations or ties to anyone, now. The thought brought a sudden heaviness over her. She didn't really belong anywhere now. The scientists that wanted her only wanted to use her; for bad things, to heal those who could go back and hurt more people. Or worse.

She didn't want to think about that, so she pushed it from her mind and tried to focus on the good. Kai had a natural Alpha vibe about her, and perhaps it was the bear in her or maybe it was the little girl in her that made her feel comfortable following the feline. Amara knew she was too young to command a group of survivors and Koda couldn't speak to do so, therefore for now... perhaps following and doing what they were told would be best. At least until Amara could figure out how things were going to go. Thus far Kai had only done nice things, and so Amara only had a few doubts about trusting her. Her main concerns were how Kai escaped if she escaped.., how she already knew Koda's name, if Koda could not speak, and what Kai's motives were for breaking out all the other Expri.

The deed seemed noble, but Amara knew that everything came with a price. No one did things just because. No one risked their life for complete strangers if it wasn't going to benefit them in some way. I'm being judgmental and suspicious again.. With a mental sigh, she once again tried to divert her attention elsewhere. Her stomach decided to help out, as it let out a low growl. Looking down at her mid section, Amara blushed heatedly and placed a hand over her belly. She was hungry, of all things. You silly body.. don't you know we're in danger right now? It's not the time to be eating! Her stomach responded with another whimper of a gurgle. Blushing even more, Amara looked to the others sheepishly. "I hope the village isn't far..." she said softly, ashamed of being needy. Her small form burned through energy quickly, so eating was important. Now that she was thinking about it, Amara really couldn't remember the last time she had eaten. The last memory she had was laying on a metal table with bright lights swinging above her head. Then she had blacked out, and the next thing she knew she was in a pile of corpses. When did I eat last? She couldn't remember.


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"Hey!? Wake up please?!" was all shard heard. He looked up slightly. His vision was blurred, and he kept yawning. He was praticly skin and bone, no fat on his stomach, legs, arm or any where esle. It looked good on him, but it was not healty. "Heyyyyy....." He was all dizzy, and couldnt talk properly. He kept shivering, and his knife stabs on his back made him cry outin pain. Everytime he struggles, he would get elecrticuted by the chains around his arms. It made his wrists red and bleeding. He shivered from pain. "Get me out of here......." He moaned to her. He tried to sit up, but winced as he got a another electric shot.


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Sin listened as Hail explained his thoughts behind allowing her to follow the two of them: about how he sort of took pity (in not exactly those words) on her after hearing about her escape, about how she still needed time to adjust to her... transformation, but what caught her ear was the idea of being needed for 'favors' like Pal. She had absolutely no idea what sorts of favors he required, but she imagined that they probably had something to do with killing off scientists--

Fantastic... Not only does he kill for food, he also kills for sport. What have you gotten yourself into now? You may be a thief, but you would never stoop so low as to kill another... Even if they were the ones who turned you into a freak...

"Now, consider your 'price' for helping you is to accept my offer of acquiring you food and, of course, provide some conversation, if it's not too much..." Hail purred, turning his gaze toward the snake Expri. Sin responded by flicking her tongue between her lips, tasting the air once more. The lion's feral scent seemed to have disappeared or, at the very least, reduced the severity to the point where it did not seem overbearing anymore, which helped to reduce her headache but did nothing to reduce her hunger pains. The blood, however, still lingered; Sin wondered whether he enjoyed reeking of the stuff... perhaps he could barely detect it at all--why did she have to be so sensitive to every smell now?

The girl merely nodded at his request, not knowing how else to react. "I'm not ssssssssure what you could posssssssibly want to disssscusssssss with me, but I'll do what I can, I guesssss--"

Sin pauses, tasting the air once again. A new scent, this one gamier and... fresh. "...I think we're clossssse..." The girl felt a kink in her neck and cracked it almost out of instinct.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Kai Character Portrait: Amara Stark Character Portrait: Redge Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Spirit Character Portrait: Shard
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Kai breathed a sigh of relief as the panther woke and spoke some words. He wasn't terribly strong but when she moved towards the door she found he could walk. Well at least something was going right. She smelled the air and shifted to stage 2 of her transformation. So much shifting today....

With the shift she could smell even clearer and crinkled her nose as the mans blood filled her senses. He needed help badly. Maybe Amara could...... But enough with that. They needed to get out of there alive first. She walked him slowly out the hall and down a corridor. She knew the way back but it would be slow and she needed to get rid of any guards she found on the way. There was no sneaking past them this time. She closed her eyes and cringed at the thought of killing a human. It had to be done, or they would both die here and she had saved those kids for nothing.

They made through another two halls before she caught wind of a Tacrus soldier coming towards them. He was walking slowly, probably examining the scratch marks on the walls or the bodies and blood on the floors. She set the panther down and held a finger up to her lips, making sure his bleary eyes saw it before she shifted into full panther. There was only one so it was easy to rush at him quickly and tear his throat out. He never even had a chance to scream. When she had torn through his throat a few times to make sure he was really dead she shook as much blood off her face as possible and shifted back to Stage 2.

"Sorry, but it had to be done." She whispered before heading back to the panther. Kai pulled his arm over her shoulder and lifted most of his weight off the ground. Thankfully the rest of the way was clear and soon Kai found herself at the tunnel again. She turned to look at the half-conscious man. "Not too far, I know someone who can help with your wounds..." With that they set off through the tunnel, the light at the end gave her motivation to take each step. He was scrawny, probably from the experiments done on him and the torture, but he was still pretty heavy and Kai found herself tiring out quickly.

As soon as she reached the end of the tunnel Kai smiled and let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. She moved him as quickly as possible across the field and ignored any looks the group was giving her. Setting him down against the tree next to Redge, she turned to Amara. "Amara can you please heal him? He's not going to last much longer like this..." she was out of breath and just wanted to lie down.


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The dragon Expri walked along with her shoulders drawn up, looking back at the others distastefully. She didn't appreciate being talked about as such, nor did she appreciate being referred to as being bad company, though she didn't feel strongly enough to argue.

She only saw fit to interact with the others in order to answer the question regarding hunting.

Palmira shook her head, dropping into a sitting position against a nearby tree, hand still clasped around her middle and head bent forwards. The dragon Expri rarely ate if she could help it, even if she was hungry. Eating made the stomach pains worse and she didn't feel like she could afford to debilitate herself to that degree on a regular basis.

"Not hungry." she replied.

That was a bit of a lie, she was, but she did not feel she could risk it at that point. Thankfully, as she possessed reptile genes, she could go for days without food fairly easily so long as she did not try and use her fire abilities or transform.