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a part of DNAxis, by TheUnnamedOne.


TheUnnamedOne holds sovereignty over Varathia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Varathia is a part of DNAxis.

1 Places in Varathia:

11 Characters Here

Palmira [38] "It burns.."
Hail [38] "I'll make every one of those bastards pay!"
Sin [36] "Even assssss an outcassssst, I had a home... Now what do I have?"
Koda [32] Born a broken man, turned a horrific beast.
Spirit [26] "I'm not fragile.I kill."
Kai [25] "No use crying over things we can't change."
Amara Stark [25] "Please... let me help you!"
Connor [22]
Redge [21] "Well look on the bright side..."
Banzel [13] Lion or Tiger which do you think is better!

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A giant beast crouched low in the forest bushes and trees just outside the village of Serenity. There was a group of teenagers parting ways, one of them lived on a farm about a ten minute walk out of the village. He watched patiently as the young girl said goodbye to her friends. He waited, waited, waited until she was deep along the path in the forest, where no one would hear her scream. He pounced lightly on her, which seemed impossible considering his enormous size. She had a total of three seconds for her brain to process the attack. Three seconds to attempt a scream to rise in her throat. Three seconds to put her hand up in a futile attempt to block the massive animal. Three seconds to pray to whichever god she worshiped. And then her life, as short as it was, was over.
He slit her throat first, opening up her jugular vein and spilling the warm red liquid out all over her heaving chest. She tried to scream again but it was strangled and only resulted in more of the life blood to be spilt.
The beast drank her blood greedily. His hunger seemed to never be satisfied. He tore at her skin and muscle tissue, ripping out her intestines and lungs, pausing briefly to listen to her still beating heart. He had to eat quickly he knew for as soon as her heart stopped beating, that was when her body would grow cold and the flavor would leave her flesh. He practically inhaled her insides, spitting out the splinted ribs and spine that managed to get caught in his teeth. Bones were so troublesome, and so fragile.
She tasted delicious; sweet, innocent and untainted, a virgin he knew as he could taste no other essence, no other being on her. She tasted like food, and he ate as if he was starving. But then, to him all humans tasted the same. Always sweet and yet sour. With malice and innocence mixed into their beings.
Even as he feasted he could sense the urgency in feeding this close to the village, the risk, and that made things all the more sweeter. He smelled the Dragon near him and smiled, tongue darting out to lick the remaining on his lips. Darting back to her he shifted back into a human, naked body covered in the girls blood.

"Palmira, be a dear and find me some clothes will you, it's almost time for Aura to deliver her report and don't think she would appreciate me showing up like this, do you?" He nearly purred and licked some blood off of his hands


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Drip... Drip... Drip... Drip... was the only sound Koda could hear, trapped in his prison.

Because of his strength, and power, his captors held him in a different cell system than the rest of the Expri. The cell was a rather large, fully metal square room with a 12 inch thick plexiglass window on one side of it for the scientists to observe him. The room was nearly pitch black, which wasn't a problem for Koda, with a few spots covered in water from the dripping ceiling. The entire room was clear of everything. No bathroom, no sink, not even a food bowl. The scientists kept it this way, so in the event he ever fell into a rage there wouldn't be anything to break. A single vent on one side of the room allowed him to get fresh air from the outside. The scientists had left the vent uncovered as a joke to Koda, knowing because of his size, he would never get into it. On the same side of the room as the window was a massive steel door covered in deep claw and scratch marks from his previous rages.

Unlike the other Expri, Koda wasn't treated as a human, he wasn't even treated like an Expri. He was treated even worse than an animal... A broken, angry, scared, beast.

Koda quietly slept in his corner with his massive paws under his head to act as a pillow. His massive lungs expanded and contracted as he found comfort in sleep: The only thing that released him of his pain. But, that wouldn't last long. Buzzing into the room from the vent flew a swarm of angry bees, released into the room by the scientists to initiate another rage.

Soon, Koda's entire body was racked with pain from the bees stinging into his flesh. A normal bear wouldn't care about the bees, and perhaps would have even gone back to sleep, but these bees (like him) were genetically engineered to have thicker stingers to punch through his fur, and cause him pain. Like a swarm of 1000 knives they attacked Koda.

The rage transformation was instantaneous. One massive black eye opened on the beast's head, and quickly the beast rose from the ground. With a massive, earth shattering, rage induced scream, Koda swung his arms left and right, trying to swat away the attackers to no avail. He threw himself against the walls of the prison to crush the bees, which worked to a degree. This was the last straw. This was the final trigger to cause his ultimate rage, the strongest form of Koda's body.

Moving to the back of the prison, Koda made a charge at the steel reinforced door, slamming his whole massive body into it, which let out a concussive boom into the rest of the facility. Now, the massive door had met its match; Koda's attack leaving a massive dent in the door. One more and it would fall right off its hinges. Again, ignoring the pain of the bee stings, Koda moved himself against the wall and charged forward with all of his might. And this time, the door didn't stand a chance. With almost 30 tons of kinetic force, the door flew forward into the wall behind it.

As the vault-like-door broke off its hinges, it crushed 2 scientists that were observing the bees. One managed to crawl away while Koda wasn't looking, and was able to activate the Lock Down alarm. Meaning a prisoner was trying to escape.
Once the alarm was tripped, Koda showed no mercy in picking up the man by his head and his leg, ripping him in half.

Now covered in blood and rage, Koda found his way into a long corridor 2-way corridor. At one end of the hall was the way out, and the other way lead to the other Expri. Not knowing which way to go, Koda made the split second choice to to the left, and further into the facility...

Over the intercom, broadcasting to any and all in the facility, a scientist announced: "Code 4, Code 4, Code 4. Subject Ursine has escaped prison block-4, and is heading towards other cell blocks. Non lethal rounds onl-" Quickly the announcer was cut off by the sound of metal bending, breaking, and screams of other scientists. In the background, right before the intercom cut out, the huge, blood curdling cry of an angry bear rang through the intercom. A warning... The Beast was loose.


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As the scene of horror and carnage took place in the clearing but twenty feet away, one other remained unmoved by the desperate cries of the quarry, keeping its gaze facing down toward that small puddle collected before her until the reedy screaming guttered out and the huge feline had finished most of its meal.

It was neither something she sought to involve herself in, nor something that actively bothered her. It was hard to continue to identify with these creatures that Hail brought down and tore to pieces, even though superficially she resembled one. In her mind, the face that looked back at her in the water's reflection was like a mask, a costume, something put on. It was false. As far as Palmira was concerned she had ceased to be part of that species entirely when part of that species had seen fit to turn her into an abomination. Her life before the research seemed so distant, but the pain, fear, humiliation and powerlessness of being a living canvas on which men sought to paint a murderous beast was still fresh in her mind, and not likely to be easily forgotten.

The creature was crouched on top of a large fallen oak, knees drawn up to her chest and arms folded; hair tumbling over her shoulders like a curtain. She'd been there for a while, waiting for Hail to be done playing with his food. Her companion seemed to take great pleasure in the murder of others, and she was not planning to spoil it for him; if for no other reason because he was her saviour. He had gotten her out of the place, saved her from whatever horrible fate had awaited her there. She could tolerate his penchant for murder on the strength of that alone.

"No. I can't imagine she would."the dragon girl impassively, golden eyes flickering over in the direction of the Lion Expri, who looked as if he had taken a shower in a abattoir sluice.

The hybrid creature rose to her feet and hopped nimbly down from her perch, over to the tree where a canvas bag was hanging. Pal had been stealing supplies as often as she dared, and as a result had amassed a decent cache of random items, notably clothing. It was probably just as well, considering Hail's fondness for both transforming and for guts.

"You might want to find some water to get some of that off." she added as she dropped a shirt and some pants down in front of him, apparently entirely unfazed by the man's nudity.
"If not for because of how you look, because it will start attracting flies."


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Spirit ran into the prison. She tried to find Koda, and hopefully calm him down before her killed anyone else. "Koda? Koda where are you?" She whispered. Spirit looked around and jumped as she heard aa blood curdeling scream. Getting more scared, she said a little louder "Koda!?" She ran to where he was locked up. She saw the gate was open, and the blood curdling scream was from one of the scientists, as they got sqashed. Relived, she let out a sigh.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another scientist that has obisouly survied the crush of the door. He was breathingly heavily, and he kept spitting up blood. Spirit sighed. I better finsih him off.. She turned into a massive black wolf, and she pounched easlily on him. She bit down into his throat, crushing his wind pipe with her sharp canines. His irony blood trickled down her throat. He tried to scream, but gurgled blood instead, and went still. Spirit, still in wolf form, picked him up, and threw him into the wall. She almost laughed as she heard the splintering of bones.

Code 4, Code 4, Code 4. Subject Ursine has escaped prison block-4, and is heading towards other cell blocks. Non lethal rounds onl-" The scientis trailed off. Spirit gasped as she heard Koda's blood curdling cry of anger.


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There was blood in the air. Sin could taste it.

She opened up one eye, then the other, quietly flicking her tongue in and out, in and out. It smelled fresh, even through the thick doors of her cell. The girl lazily straightened herself out, stretching every limb before standing up. This was one of the few pleasures her captors allowed, at least: even prisoners should be given the luxury of a somewhat-comfortable sleep. She rolled her head around her neck, breaking any kinks that may have formed as she slept.

Even in the dim light of her cell, Sin could see the scales on her arms and hands; the mark of the freak, the outcast. There was no way that she could go back to the others looking like that. Even if she managed to escape somehow, if they put a bounty on her head, the others would definitely take the money over her, especially for a test subject. They'd do anything for a quick buck... she thought to herself as her tongue darted out again and again.

"Code 4, Code 4, Code 4. Subject Ursine has escaped prison block-4, and is heading towards other cell blocks. Non lethal rounds onl-" Quickly the announcer was cut off by the sound of metal bending, breaking, and screams of other scientists. In the background, right before the intercom cut out, the huge, blood curdling cry of an angry bear rang through the intercom. In the very next moment, the lights to Sin's cell shut off completely, leaving her in complete darkness.

Fantastic... she smirked to herself as she tastes something else in the air now--not just blood, but some sort of musk... Definitely nothing she's ever smelled before.

And then the thump thump thump of something huge heading toward her cell, followed by the sound of metal being torn apart. With a yelp, Sin leapt back toward the furthest corner of the room, waiting for whatever was roaming the halls to pass and hopefully not see her--

The scraping sound grew louder and louder until a roar shook the cell. Sin closed her eyes and covered her ears, not wanting to see what this thing could do. A grating sound pierced into her skull for a brief second and then the thumping moved onward, deeper into the facility.

She opened her eyes and tasted the air once again. There was still the scent of blood, but somehow more overpowering than before. Sin could make out in the darkness something... off about the door to her cell. Whatever had run by only moments before left huge gashes in the metal. Carefully, ever-so-cautiously, the girl squeezed her head through the hole, taking care not to cut herself on the jagged edges. A quick flick of the tongue in one direction, another flick in the other--there was no one coming. The scent of blood still lingered on, though, and she wondered whether something would come for her.

With a bit of struggle, Sin managed to squeeze through the opening with minimal injuries. A few scratches on her scaly hands, but nothing too drastic otherwise. She cracked her neck to one side, then the other, before sprinting down the hallway away from the musky smell of whatever inadvertently freed her from her prison. As much as she wanted to thank whoever it was that allowed her to escape, she thought it would be better to leave the facility before she could be recaptured.

She ran as fast as her feet could carry her. Just like the good days... she thought to herself. She could almost hear the crowds around her, screaming for the guards to capture her and take her away to get what she deserved--rather fitting that she remembered this freedom as she attempted to escape from a prison... no, something worse than that. Here, she was no prisoner: Sin was condemned.

A door at the end of the hall. Sin sighed in relief until she stepped in something wet. She flicked her tongue once more and the scent of blood overpowered her once again. She felt dizzy--No, I have to keep going! I'm so close! Despite the bodies around her and the pools of blood at her feet, Sin stumbled toward the door and pushed it open.

The light blinded her at first--she didn't remember the outside looking this bright. As soon as she regained her composure, Sin ran off into the forest as fast as her legs could carry her. Her chest was burning, her heart was ready to burst from her body, but as long as she could keep running away from that musk, she would be free, and that's all that mattered in this moment.

After running for a while, Sin came across a clearing where two people stood over a mauled corpse on the ground. One of them, a male, was covered in blood; Sin could taste something feral about him with a few flicks of her tongue. The other, however, was quiet. Unsure of what to do, the girl slunk into a bush and watched them, hoping that they did not see her...


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Spirit crouched down, trying to pick up a scent. She saw a girl run out of the faclisty. Spirit sighed, got up and turned into a wolf.
She ran as fast as she could, following hte blood scent of Koda. She stoped suddenly, as she saw him. Rearing up, roaring, and covered in blood..

"Koda?" She asked. Spirit stayed back, making sure she didn't spook him and he would maul her. She looked down. He was standing over bodies. She shurugges. SSpirit didn't care. She killed people too. "Koda"


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He chuckled. His Dragon companion was always there to provide him with entertainment. "Ah yes, I think I smelled a stream just over.....there" he pointed in a random direction and grinned. Starting to whistle and still licking blood from his arms he picked up the clothes she had thrown him and walked the short distance to the stream. He could smell someone and it was quite interesting.

After cleaning off the rest of the blood and putting on the clothes - green shirt and brown pants, when would Palmira steal something fashionable? - he leisurely walked back to the Dragon. "Don't you smell something...cold Pal? Like a ... snake?" He purred and looked in the direction of the girl with half open eyes.


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"I must have a fetish for danger tsk" Kai ran swiftly and silently along the hall of the lab. She felt uneasy have a lab this close to the village and had intended on breaking in and burning it down. Intended. Until someone had tripped the alarm and set the place in panic. Just like with Hail.... She shook her head. She wasn't going to think about that. Coming to a room full of cages she gasped. There were more Expri in here. Most of them in cages but through a glass window she could see a very large bear and a small wolf. Smelling the air she determined they were Expri. But the bear was...odd. He was also covered in blood. She shattered the window with an office chair and spoke loudly to the two inside the garden.

"Guys we need to get out of here. The scientists will send for military and then we are effectively screwed." She nodded to the bear "Hey big guy, if you can understand me, could you help me break these Expri out of their cages? I'm not strong enough to break the bars and I'm not leaving them."


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The Beast stood like a tower of pure destruction, his claws dripping in the blood of the dead security detail he had slaughtered through. From where Spirit stood, she could see he was covered in blood, some of which most have been his own. His back was covered in bullet wounds, darts from the security details rifles. But his body didst show an ounce of the pain.

"Koda..." Spirit softly spoke to get his attention, but he didn't respond. Only his ears twitched lightly to pick up the different sounds coming from all direction. Only after a few moments did the massive bear turn around, looking at the girl with pitch black eyes, which looked soulless and empty. With a deep growl the beast slowly turned his body so his whole being was focused on the small girl.

Slowly the monstrosity walked forward, his steps causing the ground to rattle like it was going to break under his weight. For the first time in her life, Spirite heard Koda speak a single word; a low echoing rumble in the back of his throat.


From behind Spirit came 3 more security agents, guns pointed at the girl and the bear both. As they raised their guns with a click of them loading, Koda charged forward on all fores, in a dead sprint at the guards. Fast as lightning Koda shoved Spirit to the left, pushing her out of the way from the path of the bullets.

As the gunfire rang out in the hall, Koda, in a flash of blood and rage, ripped through the guards in 2 slashes. After a moment of silence in the hallway, the massive beast collapsed onto his knees, and fell onto the pile of bodies in front of him. With a huge thud, the beast... Had finally fallen.


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Kai watched wide-eyed as the bear took down 3 security guards in a row. 'Shit reinforcements are coming faster than I thought.' She jumped through the window into the garden and helped the wolf back to her feet. She had NO medical training but she was pretty sure the wolf had broken or fractured something. Maybe if she could get the other Expri out of the cages, someone could help.... When the wolf was able to stand on her own, though wobbly, Kai turned her attention to the bear. Why hadn't he turned back to a human form? From all the Expri Kai had seen when the body took enough injury, they always turned back to a human. Why was he different. She approached cautiously, she didn't want to be attacked. "Hey..........bear..? Are you, ya know, living?"


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Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Kai Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Spirit
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<Code 4. Code 4. Code 4. Subject Ursine has escaped prison Block 4, and is heading towards other cell blocks. Non-lethal rounds onl—> The announcement was cut off by howls of pain and terror, metal screeching, and things otherwise just breaking. Things were getting fun again, she believed. The enraged roar that followed the evident destruction told her so. She hadn't had much fun since she was put on hold.

Unlike the others, however, Connor was much more casual about her own escape. Ears perked, tail straight, she simply kicked down the inches-thick steel door that imprisoned her and walked down the hallway with an uncaring gait. She didn't give a rat's ass that she'd knocked someone out cold with the door, or that she tread over them as she left her cell. Maybe he was dead. They were human, and unconscious — and they were boring her. This was just the thing she needed, unless there was a permanent marker nearby; nothing like drawing on the face of someone passed out.

No one seemed to bother her as she strode down the corridors, following a trail of destruction that some kind of mindless monster decided to leave. Hearing the sound of gunfire, Connor's quest ended down the sixth hallway, where the monster in question was falling over on a pile of men he'd just felled. There were two more Expri nearby, too, but it seems The Beast did all the dirty work.

"Hey... bear...?" the panther nearby asked. "Are ya, ya know... living?"

Connor didn't mention anything to the still-conscious Expris. A pissed off bear just saved them, and it looked like he was starting to bleed out. The half-wolf matted Koda's bloodied fur down to keep it from spilling, and lifted him over her shoulder like a ragdoll before walking off. To her, a few hundred pounds was nothin', but she would've made most wounds worse if they couldn't be solved by cleaning and licking, and maybe some bandaging. She needed to find a medic.


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The massive bear found his feet being dragged on the ground as he woke from his unconsciousness. As he opened his eyes it was clear to any who looked his eyes were now sky blue, not pitch black like before: He had regained himself. Slowly he was able to bring his feet up and walk next to the girl, only to be brought to reality with a shooting (literally!) pain through his body from the bullets.

Letting out a deep growl of pain, Koda pressed only some of his body weight onto the girl, managing to carry himself for the most part.

(PS, Koda is 1.5 tons :3)


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#, as written by Jynxii

When she awoke, she was laying in a pile of corpses. Dead bodies dribbled from above and under her, and the smell was enough to knock her back out once more. Gagging, she dragged herself from the pile of Expris rejects, gasping for air. She had no idea how long it had been since the experiments had taken place. It could have been hours, or days. She struggled to stand, staggering over the slippery mess beneath her. She wore a once-white-now-red pair of scrubs that were her size; a common uniform for the experiments. She was dazed and confused, and her long golden hair was matted with blood and smelled strongly of death. They had thrown her out like garbage... "Code 4, Code 4, Code 4. Subject Ursine has escaped prison block-4, and is heading towards other cell blocks. Non lethal rounds onl-"

The sudden sound caused Amara to yelp and duck back into the bodies, terrified that she was found out. A Ursine has escaped!? They're after her! Panic struck her for a moment, but then she replayed the message in her head again. prison block 4 . That was not her block... she Maybe eight? She pulled herself from the bodies once again, and looked up from the dirt pit she was in. She was standing in a massive grave. Luckily, the grave was poorly dug, and roots from the nearby trees were sticking out in places from the ground. Throwing herself at the wall of dirt, the 13-year-old grabbed the nearest root and with the agility of a cat swiftly made her way to the top.

When she reached the level ground, she looked around and did not see anyone. Whatever was making all the racket inside was doing a great job of distracting the scientists. She stood, fixed between running into the woods and running back into the building for her friend in the cell block next to hers. Amara didn't know, but her friend was already dead. She had failed her experiment the day before. Not knowing this, and unwilling to leave her friend behind, Amara scaled the outside of the building and snuck her way back into hell.

She quickly found her old cell, and found the corpse of her friend in a bloody corridor. She would have cried, if she was not terrified of getting caught. Suddenly, the sound of gunshots rebounded off he metal walls around her. To her newly sensitive ears, the sound was almost deafening. Jarred by the sudden pounding in her head, she stumbled backwards into the main corridor just as the biggest bear she's ever seen in her life, and his friend came around another corner. Amara stood, transfixed at the sight of them both. She had not seen another before... not this close... not when they were not raving mad and destroying everything.

Something in her bones made her ache in pain at the sight of the bear. "He's bleeding! A-are you--" realizing that asking if he was alright would be idiotic, she took a step or two towards them. "Please, let me help you, " she whimpered, cowering under the bear's massive presence. She glanced uneasily to the wolf, as if she were afraid that she-wolf would eat her, and then back to the bear. "Please don't eat me." She reached up a shaking hand, and dug her fingers through the thick of his fur until she could feel the warmth of his skin. She stood like that for what seemed like forever, but in reality was only a minute or so. Closing her eyes, she focused hard on his life force, and hers. Within seconds the bear, if he were open to it, could feel his body rejecting the metal inside him, forcing the bullets out. His massive muscles healing, and becoming stronger even than they were before. Within moments, his wounds were gone, and only the blood remained as evidence that he had been hurt. As this was so, to the outside he would look as if he were still badly hurt; but he was fixed completely from within. As soon as she felt his life force stabilize, Amara pulled back and flattened herself against the wall to let them pass. She needed to get out, too, but if he had just taken bullets for who Amara assumed was his lover, then they were probably in much more of a hurry. I guess you're what has everyone panicking... Amara thought to herself as she watched both of the older Expri.


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Kai had followed the strong wolf and bear silently, to make sure that they didn't get attacked. She smelled a young Polar bear Expri at the cages and smiled as the girl healed the bear. What an interesting ability to have. It would certainly make her desirable for to the scientists. She could hear more guards running down a few corridors away and felt a sense of urgency. Kai hoped the little wolf from before was following them and walked up to the young polar bear.

"Hey that's a nifty little gift. I know a large village about a days walk away from here that would love to have you around. If you want, I can lead you there after I break any surviving Expri out of this lab." She nodded to the bear and wolf in front of them. "The guard would like having those two as well but I think we need to get out of here as soon as possible.... Whats your name?"


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Koda turned and looked at the even SMALLER girl as he felt his body fill with a warmth, as if his body had up-and-decided to feel better. Slowly he leaned more of his weight off of Connor, now walking on his own 2 legs. Looking down at the small girl, Koda tilted his head, slightly confused on what she had done to him. Slowly he reached down and, without warning, lifted the girl up onto his back, giving her a piggy back ride. From atop the bear Amara could see how strange it felt to be 7 feet tall.

He turned to face the girl that helped carry him, slightly confused on why all of these people had decided to help him. Even though they had helped him, the only people he had any trust in were the polar bear, and the wolf. Being locked in a cage for 4 years with no one to communicate with will without a doubt cause some trust issues. But with the small girl on his back he strangely felt... Comfortable. Like he had known this girl all his life.

Lead by Koda the party soon found their way to the other cells where all the other Expri's sat. Looking to Kai for his next step, Koda slowly took the girl off of his back and lowered her onto the ground.


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Pal had returned to her perch by the time the other Expri returned, having no desire to stand and watch him wash. She had other things that took her interest more readily anyway. She'd managed to steal a locket from one of the residents not long before. The picture inside had little relevance. but the shiny silver and sapphire inset did. Palmira liked such things...though more to look at and less to adorn herself with. She saw no reason to wear them and show them off to others. She wanted them for herself.

Hearing the footsteps approaching her gaze flicked round onto the man, gaining her attention when he mentioned that something else was there. Her sense of smell was not as acute as Hail's, but now that he mentioned it there was something in the air. Stuffing the locket beneath her top she sprang down next to him, casting her gaze around in some suspicion.
"Another Expri?" she asked, her hands pressing shut and jaw clenching...she was on edge.

Palmira was paranoid by default. Could it be that it was one of those trained by the organization? Could it be something there to kill them, or worse, to drag them back to that place? Pal had already made it quite clear that she would rather burn herself to a charred skeleton than go back to that place, or leave anything that they could use. She was not so certain that no longer being alive would be enough to prevent further use or abuse.

While her sense of smell was not highly powered, Pal's eyesight was highly acute, and tuned toward movement. A slight shift in the undergrowth was enough. The hybrid gave a growl and barrelled forwards towards the figure hiding there, moving to seize her by the throat. She did not take chances and she did not let people spy on her. She wanted to know exactly what motives this creature had.


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Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Kai Character Portrait: Amara Stark Character Portrait: Redge Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Spirit
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#, as written by TheFlag
Redge's eyes came into focus, he looked at himself through a mirror which was drilled into his cell, (not made of glass but instead stainless steel) Redge looked slightly disturbed and a little distort, his left hand touched the mirror and he shook his head strangely before taking a step back. Whatever Tacrus was doing to him he was sure it wasn't for the better, granted he didn't have to worry about surviving in the wilds anymore but he felt claustrophobic, trapped, smothered in this tiny cell. For the first few weeks in here he howled and cried, cried for somewhere bigger to be free, eventually he adapted it was that or go insane, he still felt smothered but he neither had the energy nor spirit to continue crying out.

Later Redge thought he'd go insane from boredom, he was seldom collected from his cell for training or experiments which led to life being quite dull after he adjusted. He sat on his bed hours at a time just thinking, that was before he found his gift: he could move objects purely through the power of thought, it was hard at first and in truth it still is hard, but it got easier when Redge began training it. Using all of his spare time to move a single object, it was exhausting but worth it. Redge looked at the plate on the floor, he spun his hand in a anticlockwise motion it took a minute but slowly and surely the plate began to spin.

The plate stopped almost instantaneously when Redge broke his gaze, he felt sad but his thoughts lingered on escaping this place, it would be easy that he knew; looking at a lock while using telekinesis to lift the tumblers wasn't hard in truth he was afraid of the consequences of his actions, he had no chance alone unless he could do it stealthily and even though his new found agility helped he was still no ninja. If only he had a distraction, someone to take the heat off him while he escaped. It was that moment when his prayers were answered.

"Code 4, Code 4, Code 4. Subject Ursine has escaped prison block-4, and is heading towards other cell blocks. Non lethal rounds onl-" what followed on the intercom chilled Redge's blood, the screams and then a bloodcurdling roar filled Redge with a mixture of fear and pity and a sense of dread. The fear told Redge to stay put but the sense of dread screamed at him to get out of here, the two conflicting sides were put at rest when the facility came alive with the sound of bullets; then both the fear and dread told Redge to get out of here, it was imperative.

Redge quickly jogged over to the door and peered out the crack of light beneath the door. The sounds throughout the facility hurt his ears never had he heard anything so loud, it caused him to wince and made it hard to concentrate. As he looked beneath the door he saw nothing, Redge gulped then pushed himself up; here goes nothing Redge thought. The lock was big, Redge keeled down peering into it, he saw five tumblers all of which were down. Focusing on the tumblers proved hard, the noise kept distracting him and fear made his mind rampant, he took a deep breath and tried to exert his will onto the lock. The first tumbler rose reluctantly, Redge's confidence bolstered and two more of the tumblers rose dramatically, two more, c'mon! his mind cheered him on, he felt great strain but the last two finally rose and a clicking mechanism was heard as the tumblers were locked into place. With that Redge pushed will all his might, the door creaked and swung open, Redge fell out into the cold cell block.

Panic overwhelmed him, he thought guards would swarm him and litter him with bullets but all he was greeted with was silence. Redge lay there for a minute breathing deeply and letting the anxiety inside him fade back to a whisper, he pushed himself up and off the ground. Redge hadn't noticed it before but something loomed it the air, it was like a warning if it could be translated it would say danger, danger, death dead ahead it was only then that Redge realized that it was death, he shuddered and fear combined with dread rose up again.

Redge looks around the cell block he was in, it was really a narrow hallway with metal doors sealing the other expris inside. A thought hit Redge, were there other expris inside? Redge couldn't tell although a part of him told him yes and that he should help, he would be no better than Tacrus if he didn't at least try. Just as Redge was approaching the first cell he heard movement... like multiple people moving and whatever was moving smelled dangerous. Redge froze in place for a moment his breathing ragged, it was too late to run; the hallway too long. Hiding... Redge looked back there must be someplace to hide and the realization left him with a sort of unburdened irony: his cell, having just gotten out Redge found it funny but what better hiding place than a cage?

Redge returned with slight reluctance, his fear of what was coming outweighed his fear of his cell, he shut it thankfully knowing the tumblers had been locked in place and that the door wouldn't slam shut and lock him in. It was coming closer and Redge leaned against the door trying to control his breathing, he peered through the lock and through the limited view got a bare sight of the outside. The danger approached.

Or had it? Through the lock Redge saw a group of expris gather, his eyes widened a whole group had managed to escape and band together. The group looked very peculiar to say the least: a bear expri seemed to be leading them he towered over the rest of them and resembled a bear more than a human, stranger still he seemed to be carrying a girl on his broad shoulders, the rest were harder to make out, a faint outline and blurry due to the small vision of the keyhole. Redge wasn't sure what to do, although in most situations he would probably would've sauntered out and said something along the lines of hey can I join your band of merry misfits? I swear I'll fit in! anxiety and fear prevented him from doing so. Redge felt frozen than anything else, he wanted to move but he couldn't, he bit his lip and fell quiet his eyes slammed shut.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Palmira
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Sin tried to catch her breath as she hid in the bush, the fatigue from her her escape finally kicking in. From her position, she could see the male walk away for a minute; the female was playing with something in her hands, but from this distance, Sin couldn't tell what it was. The male returned, looked up toward his companion for a second and then continued walking. Immediately after that exchange, the girl began to look around frantically. They haven't found me already, have they? Sin thought to herself as the female began charging toward her hiding spot.

Well, damn... Sin exhaled, flicking her tongue and anticipating the second when she could leap to the side. The air still tasted of blood, and she cursed silently as she realized that there was still blood from when she had stepped in that puddle in her escape. Sin bit down on her lip and waited... waited...


At the last second, Sin leapt out from the bush perpendicularly from the charging girl. She managed to stay low and tumble across the ground, although she knew she wouldn't be able to do that again so quickly. Sin was fatigued; she could feel it in her arms and legs. There was no way she was going to be able to evade her attacker forever, and she laughed at the thought of trying to take her on in combat.

"Eassssssssy!" Sin cautioned--wait, did she just...? In this moment, she realized that this was the first time since being taken away that she had actually said anything to anyone. Her eyes grew wide as she clamped a scale-covered hand over her mouth. You've got to be kidding me... she muttered to herself as the other girl turned back toward her, a scowl on her face.

It was in this moment that Sin noticed her eyes--yellow and slitted, just like her own.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Kai Character Portrait: Amara Stark Character Portrait: Redge Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Spirit
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Kai gazed in silent wonder as the bear picked up the small girl and placed her on his shoulders. Well the beast had a soft spot. She chuckled and smiled while following the three of them. Maybe she could find more Expri to take to the village. They would be safe there, but they needed to hurry or else the place would be over run with Tacrus soldiers. She frowned as she wondered, not for the first time, who the guys in charge of Tacrus was. Was his name really Tacrus? Did he name his organization after himself? Or was it code for something? With a sigh she realized she would probably never have the answers for these questions.

When the bear stopped and looked to her for instructions she nearly ran into him. Why was something so large waiting on her word? Ah well. She supposed it had been her idea to come and break any surviving Expri out of their cells. She smelled the air and smiled as she noticed there were still survivors. Good.

She walked slowly and carefully over to the first few cells and found the inhabitants dead. One looked liked he was dragged partially out of the cell and shot in the head. The scientists probably didn't want another episode of the lab that held her and Hail. She smiled and she remembered the chaos that it had been. So much shock on the unprepared scientists faces. Sure, Expri have been known to try and break free... but never on a scale as large as that one had been. Unfortunately they seemed to have learned from their mistakes, somewhat. As the majority of the Expris here were dead. With Hail and her, the only deaths had been scientists. Oh well.

She came to a cell that was still closed and locked. In it was a small boy, maybe 15 or 16 if the scent was correct. He smelled afraid, anxious..... panther. Kai blinked and stepped back a bit. She had never met another Panther. Determination filled her, she would definitely get him to safety.

"Hello in there," she called out softly, lowering to appear nonthreatening. "Are you alright? We're here to break you out of there." She turned to the bear and smiled. "Just in case there are any more survivors can you please go along and break all the doors open? I'm not strong enough I'm afraid," she gave a chuckle and rubbed the back of her head before turning back to the boy in the cell. She needed the door open so she could see him. "Hey whats your name? I won't hurt you ya know."


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Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Palmira
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Hail chuckled at Palmiras frantic actions. Surprisingly she had missed the snake hiding in the bushes but not by much. Hail clapped his hands as he walked towards the two girls. "Easy Pal, she's not going to hurt us." Turning to the snake she smiled.

"Impressive. I've never seen anyone dodge Pal before, she incredibly fast you know. But you are a snake after all. Tell me little one, what is your name and why are you out in the middle of nowhere hmm?" Behind the humoured smirk Hail sensed they would need to get a move on soon. Cara was meant to be meeting them in the clearing and she was a very impatient woman. She would get annoying if he Palmira were very late. But he really wanted this snake! Ah well. Lions were known to be lazy and possessive, Cara would get over it.


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Character Portrait: Hail Character Portrait: Sin Character Portrait: Palmira
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"Easy, Pal, she's not going to hurt us..." a voice called out. Just like that, the attacking girl stopped, leaving Sin to hear nothing but the pounding of her heart in her ears. She slowly turned her head and watched as the bloodied man made his way toward them, a smirk across his face.

"Impressive. I've never seen anyone dodge Pal before; she's incredibly fast, you know. But you are a snake, after all. Tell me, little one: what is your name and why are you out in the middle of nowhere, hmm?" the man purred. Sin flicked her tongue nervously; the overwhelming scent of his musk coupled with the blood mixed inside her mouth and she began to feel sick. Still, he seemed the type to ask questions... unlike his companion...

Just tell him exactly what he asked you, nothing more--he hasn't told that girl to kill me yet...

"...Sssssssssssin..." she hissed, still attempting to adjust to this new lisp. There was something about the way it felt coming out of her mouth now, as if it was something foreign that no longer belonged to her. It had lost what meaning it had before she had been taken away, mocking her new situation.

The longer she stalled, though, the more impatient the bloodied man looked. "...there wassssss... sssssssssomething big got out, and in the chaosssssssss I managed to esssssscape." After thinking her options over, Sin realized that if they wanted to try and drag her back to her prison, they would have done so already. "I jusssssst ran through the foresssssst... had to get away from there..."

She looked between the both of them, yellow eyes darting quickly as her tongue flicked around in the air. "Now it'sssss your turn: who are you and what are you doing out here in thissssss part of the foresssst... and why are you covered in blood?"


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Palmira whipped around, about to pounce on the newly arrived hybrid, when a call from Hail caused her to hesitate. She straightened up and stepped back level with the lion man, her arms folded and golden gaze still fixed squarely on the girl. She didn't trust her, but then Palmira didn't trust anyone, Hail being a possible exception. The hybrid tended to assume the worst motives in people until they have proved otherwise, and she couldn't be sure that the reptile was not just out to save her own hide. It didn't help that the remark made her slightly indignant regarding her own abilities.

"I could've got was beginner's luck.." the dragon muttered, kicking up some fallen leaves with one foot. The boots she'd stolen were a little large on her, designed for hiking, and probably not the best to be wearing. She was vaguely aware that it would be a good idea to dispense of them if she wanted to transform, else they'd either get shredded by her claws, or the claws would get snapped on the internals. She would also need to cut slits in the back of the top she wore.

The young woman paced, watching the snake girl with an intense suspicion, though deciding to leave the talking to Hail. He was more...diplomatic..she supposed. He was also quite capable of ripping an intruder to ribbons if he saw fit.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Kai Character Portrait: Amara Stark Character Portrait: Redge Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Spirit
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#, as written by Jynxii

"Hey that's a nifty little gift. Amara looked to the one speaking to her, a panther Expri. She had not seen this one due to the bear's massive size until now. Feeling slightly outnumbered by older and stronger Expri, she began to feel unnerved and in awe at the same time. Especially to be seeing a panther. They were so rare! "Hey that's a nifty little gift. I know a large village about a days walk away from here that would love to have you around. If you want, I can lead you there after I break any surviving Expri out of this lab." Amara almost instantly felt better around the feline. She was good. She wanted to help people. "The guard would like having those two as well but I think we need to get out of here as soon as possible.... Whats your name?"

Amara didn't get an immediate chance to answer, for her small form was grabbed and placed onto the back of the massive bear. Strangely, though, she didn't feel the need to scream. Instead, she dug her fingers into this thick back fur to hold on tightly, so as to not fall off. When the bear started to move, she gripped tighter into his fur to keep herself in place, marveling at how different everything looked from seven feet higher in the air. No wonder they're afraid of you.. she thought to herself as the bear vaulted down the hallway with his two companions. When the group finally came to a stop, Amara remembered the female's question....Her name.... what was her name? The question caught her off guard, and she had to think about it for a moment. "A-Amara.. Amara Stark." she was finally able to say. "My name is Amara Stark."

They were going to free everyone? Blinking, Amara rested her head into the back of the bear's neck. The animal inside her felt like a cub being carried around by it's parent, and it made her feel comfortable-- safe. I mean, really...who could get her at the top of a seven foot bear that, while she's touching him, could be healed almost instantly from any sustained injuries? The idea of it gave her pause. She had never thought her gift could be so useful outside of a hospital, but now paired with this giant, it's uses were limitless. It was just then that she was broken from her thoughts by Kai peeking through a door, and speaking to it. Having never shifted past phase one, Amara had virtually no enhancement to her smell. The panther looked determined and concerned. Wishing she wasn't the size of one of the bear's arms, Amara simply remained quiet, so as to not scare whoever... or whatever... was in the cell block the female panther was talking to.


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#, as written by Jynxii
OOC: This was an accidental extra post. Please ignore it; the computer messed up.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koda Character Portrait: Kai Character Portrait: Redge Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Spirit
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While the party walked through the seemingly endless corridors to get into the facility's holding cells, the conversation between the party members were some of the first words Koda had heard in years. But despite knowing that they were speaking English, it was as if Koda couldn't understand. As if, unless he focused hard enough, he couldn't understand them. It was only the little girl that he could really hear. Ever since she healed his wounds Koda could feel a connection to her. Perhaps it was because she, like him, was an Ursine Expri.

"...Amara..." He heard the girl state shyly. While she rode in his back he turned his lead lightly to look up at her. As if he had sent a message to her, Amara instantly knew the bears name... Koda.

While Kai spoke to the Expri inside the door, Koda stood as a watchful guardian with his powerful nose, ears, and eyes. But despite his powerful senses, he couldn't smell anything over the overpowering scent of rotting flesh, couldn't hear anything but the words of Kai, and couldn't see anything outside the corridor.

After hearing Kai's words to the other Expri on the other side of the door, Koda knew what was needed of him. Slowly dismounting the girl from his back, and placing her away from him, Koda slowly walked backwards until his foot hit the back of the wall behind him. To get kai's attention, he let out a low deep growl as he got onto one knee and his hands: Looking like a runners starting position. With his eyes fixated at the door, and his whole body ready, Koda was intending to bring the door down.