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"Crazy is as crazy does, and trust me, it doesn't get much more crazier than this."

0 · 2,143 views · located in Nigerius lands

a character in “Elemental Battles”, as played by Seveneleven



Schemeko's fur is a sickly green, brought about his upraising in the swamps of Nazar. His eyes however, are blue and do not show the same signs of pollution unlike the rest of his exterior. There are shades of yellow amongst the green, most notably the yellow sign above his eyes, given to him as mark of his status amongst the Hemlock pack. His fur stands up on ends on the back of his neck and his tail is often bushy, yet his fur resembles needles from the points it stands out. Not to mention the eerie green glow that comes from the tips of his needle-like fur as well as from his fangs and claws.


Schemeko, even at an young age had a sick sense of humor. Often worried by other for being a bit unstable, Schemeko would play cruel jokes and pranks upon his fellow pack members. Luckliy for him, his 'victims' wouldn't retaliate because of his relationship with the pack's Alpha. When out hunting Schemeko wouldn't kill his pray but rather play with them, let them struggle until they died of torture, he enjoyed the activity of taking another's life, something that should have been treated with empathy and respect for the once living creature. Schemeko was often scolded for his practical jokes that often harmed the wolf he played tricks on such as, lieing to a couple about their faithfulness, tricking others into sink holes, or hiding or stealing a wolf's catch. Yet, all of the amount of scolding and punishment did not bother Schemeko, as he would continue his mischevious ways later. Cunning and devious, Schemeko is often the pride of the pack even though he is as much as the pain of the pack, as well. His unique strategies on hunting and killing has gained favorable results, helpling provide the pack with more food.


Thanks to years of eating poisonous plants and venomous animals, Schemeko has developed a particularly deadly venom he can secrete from his fangs or claws. His venom is considered the work of a prodigy as his strikes often entailed a long, painful, death for any unlucky creature. The venom has been classified as a neuro-toxin of some variation, of course if Schemeko gives alot of the venom then the death will be much more quicker.

Edit: Unbeknownst to the others Schemeko's actual toxin has something to do with the disease-ridden bacteria that are found in the Swamps. Schemeko has been able to make it into a weapon were other Hemlocks can not. How he is able to do this though is unknown to all but him.


Born into the Alpha's family, Schemeko has lived a life of privilege since the beginning. Schemeko was pampered by his mother and was disciplined by his father. Even though they had arguments over Schemeko's upbringing, the arguments were always brought about after Schemeko's disobedience and rule-breaking. As he grew, Schemeko had difficulty in keeping friends, thanks to his cruelty and manipulative behavior. Not to mention he always took a joke too far. When Schemeko became of age, he sought to break away from the pack, since he saw them to be too hesitant. Although this isn't the case, Schemeko crossed the line with the Alpha about his inability to finish the job, accusing him of being to soft-hearted and weak. Although the Alpha can tolerate some criticism, what Schemeko did was insulting and disrespectful. Not always one to follow authority he ignore the Alpha's threats and continued to plague the pack with his mischeviousness. In recent times however, Schemeko has grown maniacal and his crazed ramblings have both shocked and disturbed others. This recent change in Schemeko has most of the pack worried, now with this war going on Schemeko's mental disturbance may prove useful in this battle for the Hemlock pack, that is if he doesn't turn on them first.

After wandering off far from the Nazar Swamps one day, he would come across the Avira, Cerise. Immediately he tried to ease himself in to her little social circle. Originally he wanted to play a little game with them, to experiment upon them. Tried as he might their chaotic lifestyle stood in his path every time. One to go along for the ride, he is getting rather tired of the ride itself. From fighting crazed wolves every step of the way, Schemeko is seeking to leave this group. I mean after all, he had to fight wolves of all sorts. From soldiers, to 'mole wolves', and Rashid's puppets. Yet, the obstacles are great, ranging from forest fires, to escaping underground civilizations, and fighting in deadly games. All of this is forcing even this twisted wolf to perform...bleh....acts of heroism.

Still in the face of danger he never looses his devious and calculating ways. And he has, not by choice, remained loyal to these mavericks. Yet, he is always scheming, always watching, his time is nigh, and soon he will pull off a great deception. That is if he lives through all of these misadventures.

So begins...

Schemeko's Story


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Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: Mydnyte
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The lifeless Tenneth snarled again and bites down on the Canicus wolfs neck. He threw him down and saw the wolves slip out so easily. He roars and runs out of the cave, leaving the lava wolf and the white winged wolf behind in the smokey cave. Once he was out, he looked towards the woods and had seen the rienforcements he called out for. A Dimitrios named Tafari, a Kita named Sterling, and a Jera named Benedict. He growls at them before telling Sterling and Tafari to enter the cave and knock out the Kamrian and Canicus and that the Avira was already taken care of. He told Benedict to come with him to the way the wolves went. With all that done, Sterling readied his sword and Tafari created an armor around his body made of rock as they both entered the cave mindlessly. Erebus looked at Benedict and ran into the woods in the direction where the others went. In his mind, he could probably herd them into Rashid's prison with ease, just like a herd of helpless sheep.

((Hmmm.... I sense there will be more fighting... O.O lol Anyways, hope I'm not overdoing it. I just decided to bring in a little action in and get to expose your characters powers and all.BTW, these characters are really not going to be a huge part of the story so you can kill them through fighting in the RP.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: Mydnyte
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(Hate to say this, but Nova's not on scene anymore I think he's with Battledemon, so don't tag him for posts in Nigerius since I think they're both in Rashid's prison. BattleDemon certainly is at the very least. I'm actually not sure where Rokunam is exactly though now.)

Mydnyte stood up hacking and coughing and said, "Let's see one- ah, I'm dead out here in the sunlight." Mydnyte looked back and saw the cave was barely behind him. Its dark shadows were inviting him and and he thought to run back in and hide in the horrible smoke.
Within the cave Durandel breathed in the heavy smoke. It reminded him of home as he realized he'd missed the Tenneth attacking Cerise, it wouldn't be the first tim; he was sort of old even though he didn't wan to admit this. Through the smoke he could barely make out a black and red colored wolf at the entrance. "Hey, pup, duck!" he cried before breathing in and firing a stream of lava from his maw.
Mydnyte barely heard him since he was focused on Tafari and Sterling who had come fully armed with armor and weapons of their natural elements. He ducked though and watched the lava head towards them. To his left he could see a pool of lave also near the entrance of the cave and wondered if it was the same wolf with a fiery coat showing off. He barely saw Schmeko run into the distance towards something as he covered his eyes with his paws in order not to have stray flames burn them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko
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"Oh thats not good!" "Do you realize what you did!?" Schemeko paced as he quickly thought about what to do, before he could place any plan into action he smelled to wolves coming straight for them. One of them was that Tenneth that smoked them out of the cave the other smelt kinda like dust...maybe sand? "Oooh Asui" "Some bad wolves are after us!" He almost sang out as he barley had any time as he picked up Nova with his mouth without secreting venomous saliva and pulled him out of the way as he hid him behind some rocks and bushes. "Just stay here while I distract these bumbling oafs ok?" Schemeko turned his attention to the oncoming wolves, as he ran towards them before he met them he began to jump around snarling and foaming yelling, "BACK AWAY!!" "I'M A MAD WOLF!!!" "COME ANY CLOSER AND YOU WILL DIE A PAINFUL DEATH!" Schemeko began to laugh like a madman as his movements where really unorthodox as he acted as if he had fleas. Most likely they won't fall for this but if anyone of them comes closer...oooh it will be a sight to behold! Schemeko thought as he continued to ran and jump about like a madman.


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Character Portrait: Schemeko
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The Tenneth and the Jera made there way to Schemeko's path as he danced about in a mad routine as he laughed and insulted the two wolves. Benedict the Jera said, "Don't worry I got this one." As Benedict ran up to Schemeko. Oooh perfect, Schemeko thought as he proceeded to make a full circle while generating acid in his mouth. Before Erebus could realize what Schemeko was planning it was too late. "WAIT BENEDICT!" Erebus barked. "What!?" replied Benedict in mid-stride as he turned his head towards Erebus. Before he could ask whats wrong he turned his head away from Erebus to get a full-load of corrosive acid in his face, spat out by Schemeko. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" wailed Benedict in pain as the Jera fell to the ground. The acid worked quickly as it practically melted half of Benedict's head. Schemeko snickered at his handi-work. "I have to say....THAT'S A NEW RECORD!" Schemeko laughed manically as the corrosion did it's job in hastening the pace of acid burns.

"You sick...FOOL!" Erebus shouted as he blew a full-force of flames from his mouth. The Fire appeared before Schemeko as he shouted, "AH! FIRE!" "WHOOOA!" Schemeko shouted as he tumbled down into the bank. "OW! I'M ON FIRE!!! Schemeko rolled around in the water quenching the flames that were stuck on his fur. "Ah!" "That's better." As the flames died. Before Schemeko could enjoy this respite Erebus walked through the dying flames as he headed for the bank. "You cannot escape!" Erebus shouted as he moved closer."Oh dear, whatever am I going to do!?" Schemeko feigning distress. "Whatever your going to do won't work here, I'm surrounded by water, you light me on fire then I'll just roll around in the river!" Schemeko taunted as he thought about what to do with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: BattleDemon
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#, as written by Krypt
Why? Why was he trying to save that wolf he had wanted "exterminated" just a day before, Nova asked himself, unable to listen to the foul sounds of Schemeko dissolving another wolf any longer. The sound of that poor wolf that Hemlock had spat upon almost made Nova hurl his insides. So Nova decided to think of something a little less retched, like why he was making an attempt to save BattleDemon. He went down the list of possible reasons. Was it just to spite Dimitrios, and their silly request? No, even if Nova was that kind of vengeful wolf he wouldn't toy with another's life to do so. Was it because Nova didn't have the stomach to kill her, at least through attrition? No, he had seen the darker side of some fights enough that that would be a problem. Romantic interests? Maybe, BattleDemon was more fair to look upon than most without her mask, but that was were the charm stopped. For all he knew, she hated him for considering killing her. Was Nova just crazy? Probably, that bite on that Hemlock could not have been healthy for the body or the mind.

Nova could think of the matter no longer, as the horribly scratchy dryness that would not exit his mouth began to migrate down his throat, and Nova couldn't help but to enter a fit of violent coughing. He tried to calm himself, as it was rather obvious, but the venom refused to give Nova mercy. He felt like his throat was burning up, his heart rate increasing as he continued to choke. First his body, then his mind, now his very soul seemed to be in pain. What a day this had been.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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Cerise raced towards Schemeko until she saw him and the Tenneth Erebus beside a river. She growls which soon turns into a gag when her eyes meet the half melted face of Benedict. Trying her best not to show any disgust about the poor soul, she raises her tail up at Erebus and growls, avoiding laying her eyes on the gory sight beside her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Mydnyte
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Durandel walks out of the cave followed by Mydnyte. "Nice job there Hemlock," he says to Schemeko as he approaches Erebus and his half melted face. "It wouldn't be-"

Suddenly a black claw reaches over top of Durandel and slams into Erebus. "I'm finishing the job now... He's caused way too much trouble for you all today, especially me." Mydnyte growls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: Mydnyte
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Schemeko saw Erebus practically incapacitated by the single stroke of power displayed by Mydnyte. "Impeccable timing!" Schemeko said. "A few minutes longer and I would be Hemlock Soup!" Schemeko laughed as he saw Cerise and Durandel appear from atop the river bank. "Now I do not wish to alarm any of you, but we have a seriously ill Asui over here in the bushes...he is going to need some extreme treatment that I cannot provide...", Schemeko said trying to produce concern for Nova's health. "I followed him down here by the river you see trying to drink the water, since it's safe to assume he is feeling the symptoms of my toxin, back then he was experiencing a dry, burning throat I'm sure." Schemeko looked up to the sky as he spoke to himself in a low whisper, then with a look of contemplation Schemeko spoke once again, "If I am correct by now his vision should be blurred or blurring that is part of the neuro-toxin affecting his brain, soon enough he will become paralyzed..." then Schemeko gave a pause, "hopefully that will happen, otherwise he will experience an unpleasant seizure brought about his own immune system." "I don't think he had that long of contact with me but then again I haven't tested out my toxins in a while they could have evolved... so...he could suffer from a febrile seizure." Then Schemeko looked at the other and almosted blurted out a laugh. Schemeko grunts.

"Sorry just sort of rambling what I meant there is he could suffer a fever from the toxin's affecting his brain and that may cause a seizure." Schemeko shakes his head and lets out a short sigh, "If that happens judging by his condition not...survive the", Schemeko even though he may not sound genuinely concern he does try his best to make sure he keeps a leveled tone, "tsk," "Well I-I'm sorry...I uh I-Its out of my hands now...ugh hopefully what I said isn't true and the worse that happens to the Asui is paralysis...*sighs*" Schemeko looks to the others with a resemblance to a guilt countenance as he points with his nose over to the area were Nova is lying down. "Eh he could even suffer the convulsions later from the neuromuscular paralysis," Schemeko almost spoke with excitement in his voice, "if that happens then my neuro-toxin evolved further than I had anticipated!" Then Schemeko put his ears back and looked down to his paws in the water, "Sorry...I didn't mean to sound gleeful this really serious business...we need to get hims some help that is all I can say." Then he looked back up hoping they understood the possible severity of Nova's condition.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Rokunam Character Portrait: Kaveh Character Portrait: Rashid (Brain Washer)
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Cerise just stared in shock. Here eyes darting from where Nova was and Schemeko. She started to panic for her friends' sake and paced whilst whimpering. "W-well w-we c-could," she stuttered badly at first and tried to keep calm but nothing worked. She then thought about Rakunam and seeing if he would help. He was a more experienced wolf. Maybe he knew a little treatment for Hemlock blood toxins. "Uh, Stay here." She said quickly before darting off into the forest. Oh how Cerise wished she could fly again. With that in mind, she glanced at her wing and as a small breeze blew through the air, new, better, feathers began to form. She sighed and ran a little faster until she saw Rakunam in the cave. "Rakunam!" She shouts as she skids to a halt in front of him. "Nova has some how been infected by Schemeko's poison. Do you know of a way we can help?" She asked... no, pleaded.


Rashid turns his head toward Kaveh. "Yes, they are completely under my control." he says just as the sun began to0 lurch out of the clouds way. His ears flicked slightly as Kaveh spoke once more. "Oh..." He begins to cackle menacingly. "They can feel pain, they just can't fight back, even if they wanted to. I could even make them be under your control as well..." He laughs but suddenly stops when Kaveh mentions more. "Hmm... Feel free to do what ever you please to the wolves. Ill take care of the others." Rashid didn't particularly like controlling females because they weren't as strong, and pups because they were useless so he just likes to make them his slaves.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: BattleDemon
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#, as written by Krypt
Already frustrated with her lack of cooperation, Nova watched BattleDemon hurl herself up and out of their hiding spot and into the unknown. Well, at least he couldn't see her anymore. Still not thinking clearly, he was desperate to keep her out of harms way, Nova pushed himself off the ground to go after her, but he more or less repeated her clumsy maneuver. He had felt incredibly light headed the second that he had stood, and his legs turned to jelly. " me by...letting me!" Nova wheezed, feeling strangely drained of all energy unexpectedly. His vision was still awful, and the merciless ringing in his ears would not depart to give him a moment of rational thought. Ignoring the pain was no longer an option.

Looking up weakly to see Schemeko and watching his expressions carefully, Nova mumbled something along the lines of telling him to go help the shewolf, she was worse off than him. His raspy cough began once more, and he could not find respite anywhere. He tried to shift into a more comfortable position on the ground, but his motions were abnormally lethargic, as if he had to personally convince each one of his muscles it was worth their time to move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Mydnyte
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Schemeko almost startled as he heard another growl coming from Nova's direction and when he went to investigate he found the wound Alva from earlier. "Ah! So thats whats making all of this racket!" "I remember you...I'll admit I don't know you personally but I've seen you before you left the cave...I'll also admit you looked better then." Schemeko laughed at his own joke figuring others were not in similar spirits. Then he heard BattleDemon growl even louder this time, "Temper, temper, tsk, tsk, is that any to treat people who are trying to help you?" " Judging by the mud on your definitely need help." Then Schemeko looked over to Nova, "You may just be in a worse shape or may become even worse Asui." Schemeko sighs, "You have really good friends Asui, willing to risk their lives to help you even now with the danger gone they still work just as hard to help you." "You should thank your lucky stars...hopefully they can help cure what ails you...but between you and me...I doubt it...*chuckles*...oh if only, if only..." Schemeko gives a unscrupulous grin showing his sharp, yellowed fangs. "Don't fret help will be on its way." Schemeko gives a disturbing chuckle as he moves back towards the others. Schemeko shaking his fur from a safe distance moves towards Mydnyte and Durandel. "Hey guys theres another severely injured wolf over there...if i had to guess it would be that Alva that left the cave not too long ago." "Shes by the Asui." Schemeko informed them as he awaited to hear back from Cerise wondering if she could have possibly found any type of help, it would be amusing to hear what she would have to say.


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Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko
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#, as written by Krypt
It really wouldn't have mattered if Schemeko had turned into a talking duck, for the amount of mind Nova was giving to what he said. He was only concentrating on staying awake, for suddenly it seemed as if fatigue had washed over him. He had heard about this kind of symptom, the brave warrior after the battle feels he had earned a well deserved nap, only to find that the sleep he found was the eternal kind. Gradually, however, Nova could not fight against the darkness any longer, and he fell into blackness.

It was a dream like he had never experienced. He was alone in a small clearing, and though there were trees reaching for the diamond skies everywhere, he could trace not one shadow at their base. It was as if everything had its own personal glow to it. The air was sweet and crisp like the forest after rain, and Nova could not fathom any sort of sound louder than a butterfly's whisper. Most of all, Nova felt no pain, it was as if the sickness that had plagued him simply washed away. A voice he knew immediately broke the silence, a voice that called his name. A wise, proud voice. The voice of a leader, the voice of a warrior. The voice of his father. Nova turned quickly to see his father stand resolutely behind him, flanked by two wolves he could not recognize.

"I have been waiting many nights for your return, and I would have gladly waited longer if it meant we didn't have to meet like this." Denalias spoke, his face saddened, but sure. Nova asked a slew of questions pertaining to where they were, why he was there, and above all, was he dead? He had never been so excited to speak in the entirety of his life.

His father chuckled heartily before his answer, in the way he had always done. "Your time is still not finished, but mine on the other hand...we shall say its complete. Do not trouble yourself with petty revenge seeking, it was a peaceful, painless death that comes with many years." he spoke gently, in a way that Nova had never heard him speak. Whenever he had heard his father speak, it was always a gruff remark of command, mostly pertaining to warfare or defense. He, had been in charge of Ausi fortifications. But it was the way he had said he had passed that caught Nova's attention. Nova had knew his father was aging, but he had never thought that he had arrived at the sunset of his life.

"Your visit hear is not just for pleasantries, Nova. Grave tidings are abound in the land below. When you pull through your ailment, you must be the one to make the difference. It is not always brave acts of valorous fighting that change the world, but small acts of courage in speech and friendship that can move nations. Please my son, put the elitism behind you. It is not one pack the will change the dark future of Nigerius, not even the might of the Ausi. One day, there must be one banner that all wolves fall under in order to ensure an everlasting peace." he prophesied, his eyes fixated on his sons. Nova couldn't figure what had happened to his father here to change his opinions so drastically, it was he after all that had taught Nova the pride in the Ausi and the disgust in all others. But the sincerity in his father's eyes showed that he had said what he meant.

"Time is short. Remember this is not goodbye, the parting will only be for a little while." Denalias uttered in closing, his lips forming into a smile. Nova had not a chance to speak when he felt the same fatigue sweep over him, but instead of darkness, he fell into a world of light.

Nova's eyes struggled open, his old bodily pains returning. Though his body was in shambles, his heart was ready to begin anew.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Mydnyte
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Schemeko watched from afar a certain feeling of annoyance rose within him. "Impossible....there is no concoction in this world that can counteract the least one that can be easily acquired...", Schemeko though to himself as grind his fangs together, "...No I have developed the most potent toxin in my pack's history!" Soon Schemeko bared his teeth in a grin instead of a scowl. "Of course...the truth is that it may be able to alleviate the symptoms only because the Asui did not suffer a full dosage." "Yes...his interactions with my fur was brief and he did not drew blood alone would have sealed his fate much he merely pricked himself on my fur." Schemeko laughed to himself. "I must admit, I did not focus so heavily on the tips of my fur as I should...that will be remedied for now he merely took a small sample of my toxin...obviously not enough to kill him if that little bit of medicine could alleviate him." Schemeko stared at Cerise, "I wonder where did you obtain medical knowledge from?" "Maybe a pack secret?" "No...from what I can ascertain from this distance that it was merely simple first-aid...simple but effective in a pinch." Schemeko laughed again, "Oh you are a lucky one...Nova...Eyes of the Asui!"

Schemeko laughed, "Yes...its funny I didn't see it sooner...perhaps I was being too oblivious...the sandy colored pelt...the ice manipulation...only one Asui is crazy enough to descend from those accursed mountains...and that is from the intelligence gathered from my pack there is no doubt about it...more resilient than I imagined maybe there will still be a game to play." Then he saw the Alva from ealier leave. "Ha! Foolish she-wolf! With those injuries she will only serve to kill herself even further." The he heard a howl coming from the direction of the cave, "Hm no doubt that Tenneth that stayed behind...must be going to intercept the Alva she was heading that direction." Schemeko began to formulate a plan to start his little game, "Hm...who shall be the objective...could it be the Kamarian, the Tenneth behind me, Cerise, or Nova?" "I don't much care for the ones behind the more susceptible ones would be Nova and Cerise...of course I could wait and the Alva could be it she is perhaps the most weakest from the group at this point." Then a flash darted past Schemeko's eyes as he came up with a plan. "Now that may just be the most brilliant thing I have came up with in a while." Schemeko chuckled to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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Cerise perked up and nodded before turning to the water. She to bowed her head and began lapping up water. When she was done she turned to Schemeko and looked at him oddly. He seemed to be laughing to himself. She looked over at Nova and chuckled. "Shemeko seems to be in a good mood right now don't you think?" She asks Nova. Cerise began to look a little down. "uh... Hey Nova. I hope your still not mad about that chase... It's just... For a moment, I thought that you were using me... and that we weren't really friends." Cerise says with her ears drooped. "But..." She perked up slightly. "Its your job, and I completely understand now that you do it for a living and to help your pack and the ones you love dearly." She says with a slight smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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#, as written by Krypt
Nova shrugged at this, not wanting to dwell particularly long on old scars. "We all have our duties in life, some are simply less popular than others." Nova theorized, finally satisfying himself. It was painful to stand for an extended period of time, so Nova slouched down onto the ground, in a position that he could move again quickly if needed. When hearing her remark about Schemeko, Nova instinctively looked over at the Hemlock, who had muttered something inaudible. He did seem to have something on his mind, but the wolf was rather hard to read, and Nova wasn't really sure if he wanted to read that wolf's thoughts. Never know what he would find in there. Thinking back to what he had said to Cerise, it made him wonder what exactly she did for a living. She was armed, he knew that, so was she a warrior? She kept a sketchbook, so was she an artist? She was very skilled in medicine, he knew first hand, so was she a healer? He wondered if there was anything she didn't know how to do, besides, well, confrontation. He hadn't really seen her get angry at anyone besides him, so that wasn't really something he could work with.

What did the others in the group do? The Tenneth, was more than likely a fighter judging by his frame and demeanor, and that is probably all he ever will do. BattleDemon, well she was a leader, but lately he wasn't sure if she would ever be good for that again. Can't lead when you don't even listen to the voice of reason. Schemeko? He didn't know any more about him other than he was questionably insane and his had almost accidentally killed Nova. That left that Kamarian, who had such a troubled mind that Nova could only guess that he was a warrior of some sort. So this is where he was. A rather weak in comparison scout along with a scholar warrior, a warrior, a former warrior leader, a warrior who doesn't even have to try to kill, and a warrior again. Perfect company. Better not make anyone too mad at him again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Mydnyte
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"Uh... Yeah..." She said. "Well, I'm just glad this is all over... Sorta... I mean, I have been to the war hospitals when I was a pup. My real mom was a healer and she did a lot of things on poisons and paralysis but... She usually never wanted me near the warriors. She said that they would..." She searched for the right thing to say. "'affect' me in some way." She says. "Anyways, I don't really know if your supposed to keep taking the medicine or one dose is good enough..." She said before looking closely at Nova. "Well, here." She said before handing over the medicine to Nova. There was only a small amount, but enough to have an affect in an emergency. "J-just in case. You know. Always want to be safe..." She says shyly with a slight blush. "Well, is anyone else hungry around here because I am starving. "She perks up before walking out and towards the cave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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Schemeko walked along the bank as he spoke towards Cerise and Nova. "My, my that little bit of medicine did the'm nearly speechless...well I would be if I hadn't known that it won't be enough to save his life." Schemeko said grimly as he stared at the two. "Yes, he may seem better right now but In truth what you did there was merely suppressed the symptoms...they will unfortunately re-surface once again." "Yes sad isn't?" "All of that work and it won't make much difference, he will revert to paralysis again and soon his heart will stop beating." Schemeko said as he looked towards Nova as he bent his head down and almost gave a grieving whimper. "But fret not...I know of a place that could help out our sick friend...that is if you trust me to lead you all there." Schemeko said as he watched Cerise leaving the medicine behind and moving awkwardly.

"Hehehehehe....just as I suspected...all the more better...,"
Schemeko thought as he grinned. "Thats good you have some on reserve, you will need that for the little trip we have to make if that is perfectly alright with you...or we can leave the Asui to his own devices and see how long he can last." "But I'm pretty sure that will not be an option." Schemeko said as he gave a slight smirk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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Cerise stopped in her tracks. "Re-resurface..." She whispers. Her ear gives a little twitch before she turns around. "Schemeko! You could have told me a bit after I gave him the medicine." She whined. "Ugh! I thought everything was over..." She looks Schemeko in the eyes. Trust. Everything was about trust. It always seemed to pop up in the most horrible situations. Cerise's ears drooped. "W-Well, I don't want Nova to die or anything like that..." She says. She looks over at Nova and waits for his response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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#, as written by Krypt
It took an immense amount of energy on Nova's part to keep his jaw from dropping upon hearing the verdict of Schemeko. How could he still be sick? Other than the pain, he felt fine. Symptoms couldn't just simply return after they had been defeated, it seemed biologically impossible. A defeated enemy does not rise again, not once he is dead. Schemeko's plan sounded a bit sketchy as well, but perhaps that was only because Nova was looking at it through the lenses of denial. Why did he have to go to this magical place of healing? If Schemeko really was telling the truth, he could just go and fetch whatever magical herb that he was making up and bring it back, while Nova lived off of a steady stream of newly made medicine from Cerise. There had to be only one answer for this conundrum.

"You're lying. You are just in denial that your poison could not kill a lowly Ausi like me. Is there anything else in your Hemlock mind besides how to make your newest deadly toxin? There is more to life than death." Nova responded, surprisingly forceful. This Hemlock was just trying to play with his mind, there was no hidden relapse that was going to happen. And what if there was, Nova still had Cerise's medicine, he could just live off that until he got better. That would be infinitely better than diving off into the unknown with a wolf he hardly knew. Or trusted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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Cerise looked at Schemeko then Nova. "Well, the medicine could have made the toxins only-." She stops when she realized she was defending Schemeko, "But you know. I'm an Avira..." She gave a sheepish chuckle. "Always worrying..." She continues chuckling nervously until she stops and backs away out of the conversation. She trots over at the river and lays down minding her own business instead of intertwining in the conversation of a deadly, insane, Hemlock and a skillful, agile, Ausi. She lets out a long sigh to herself. "Always worrying..." She mutters lowly.
