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"Crazy is as crazy does, and trust me, it doesn't get much more crazier than this."

0 · 2,140 views · located in Nigerius lands

a character in “Elemental Battles”, as played by Seveneleven



Schemeko's fur is a sickly green, brought about his upraising in the swamps of Nazar. His eyes however, are blue and do not show the same signs of pollution unlike the rest of his exterior. There are shades of yellow amongst the green, most notably the yellow sign above his eyes, given to him as mark of his status amongst the Hemlock pack. His fur stands up on ends on the back of his neck and his tail is often bushy, yet his fur resembles needles from the points it stands out. Not to mention the eerie green glow that comes from the tips of his needle-like fur as well as from his fangs and claws.


Schemeko, even at an young age had a sick sense of humor. Often worried by other for being a bit unstable, Schemeko would play cruel jokes and pranks upon his fellow pack members. Luckliy for him, his 'victims' wouldn't retaliate because of his relationship with the pack's Alpha. When out hunting Schemeko wouldn't kill his pray but rather play with them, let them struggle until they died of torture, he enjoyed the activity of taking another's life, something that should have been treated with empathy and respect for the once living creature. Schemeko was often scolded for his practical jokes that often harmed the wolf he played tricks on such as, lieing to a couple about their faithfulness, tricking others into sink holes, or hiding or stealing a wolf's catch. Yet, all of the amount of scolding and punishment did not bother Schemeko, as he would continue his mischevious ways later. Cunning and devious, Schemeko is often the pride of the pack even though he is as much as the pain of the pack, as well. His unique strategies on hunting and killing has gained favorable results, helpling provide the pack with more food.


Thanks to years of eating poisonous plants and venomous animals, Schemeko has developed a particularly deadly venom he can secrete from his fangs or claws. His venom is considered the work of a prodigy as his strikes often entailed a long, painful, death for any unlucky creature. The venom has been classified as a neuro-toxin of some variation, of course if Schemeko gives alot of the venom then the death will be much more quicker.

Edit: Unbeknownst to the others Schemeko's actual toxin has something to do with the disease-ridden bacteria that are found in the Swamps. Schemeko has been able to make it into a weapon were other Hemlocks can not. How he is able to do this though is unknown to all but him.


Born into the Alpha's family, Schemeko has lived a life of privilege since the beginning. Schemeko was pampered by his mother and was disciplined by his father. Even though they had arguments over Schemeko's upbringing, the arguments were always brought about after Schemeko's disobedience and rule-breaking. As he grew, Schemeko had difficulty in keeping friends, thanks to his cruelty and manipulative behavior. Not to mention he always took a joke too far. When Schemeko became of age, he sought to break away from the pack, since he saw them to be too hesitant. Although this isn't the case, Schemeko crossed the line with the Alpha about his inability to finish the job, accusing him of being to soft-hearted and weak. Although the Alpha can tolerate some criticism, what Schemeko did was insulting and disrespectful. Not always one to follow authority he ignore the Alpha's threats and continued to plague the pack with his mischeviousness. In recent times however, Schemeko has grown maniacal and his crazed ramblings have both shocked and disturbed others. This recent change in Schemeko has most of the pack worried, now with this war going on Schemeko's mental disturbance may prove useful in this battle for the Hemlock pack, that is if he doesn't turn on them first.

After wandering off far from the Nazar Swamps one day, he would come across the Avira, Cerise. Immediately he tried to ease himself in to her little social circle. Originally he wanted to play a little game with them, to experiment upon them. Tried as he might their chaotic lifestyle stood in his path every time. One to go along for the ride, he is getting rather tired of the ride itself. From fighting crazed wolves every step of the way, Schemeko is seeking to leave this group. I mean after all, he had to fight wolves of all sorts. From soldiers, to 'mole wolves', and Rashid's puppets. Yet, the obstacles are great, ranging from forest fires, to escaping underground civilizations, and fighting in deadly games. All of this is forcing even this twisted wolf to perform...bleh....acts of heroism.

Still in the face of danger he never looses his devious and calculating ways. And he has, not by choice, remained loyal to these mavericks. Yet, he is always scheming, always watching, his time is nigh, and soon he will pull off a great deception. That is if he lives through all of these misadventures.

So begins...

Schemeko's Story


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Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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Schemeko chuckles, "Are you entirely sure you wish to take that chance?" "Obviously you haven't much of an idea of us Hemlocks, hehehehehe." "Yes you may think its rather suspicious, my actions, my intentions, all of it." "Because in are far too insecure to give trust to anyone." Schemeko chuckles as he looks at Nova, "I understand that is an...occupational hazard to trust anyone when your a scout...but please you should really acknowledge help when it is given." "Or do you want me to give the impression that your are rude?" Schemeko chuckles. "I suppose I am a bit shady...after all I am a Hemlock, you don't often meet too many decent wolves of my pack." "Yet believe me when I say this, what you've gotten yourself into has not yet passed, you can go ahead and try to deny but your are risking your own life then."

Schemeko studies Nova's eyes, "I suppose you find it hard to believe that you can still be ill, after all the medicine seems to be working." "I wouldn't want you to continue on while still puzzling why your still I'll tell you a little something...what you have accidentally infected yourself with cannot be found on this has never been administered before." "If you allow yourself to believe you are going to survive, then your either crazy or in denial...judging by you its the later." "Soon once the medicine has passed you will fill the affects again since the toxin is in your body, affecting your brain, your muscles, your blood." "It would have to be completely removed from your body but trust me that is incredibly dangerous process and could result in a second-handed infection." "Trust me you have absolutely no idea how long it took me to create my signature poison...I could talk all day about my ingenious invention...but I do not want wish to bore you with the details, besides its not like you have the time to listen anyway." "Suffice to say it is unique only to me and I posses the only antidote."

Schemeko chuckles, "Now before you catch me on my word...I said there was no cure...I will show you my honesty and tell you that was lie." "I won't sugar-coat it for you either my explanation being was because I did not wish for you to know about was mainly out selfishness as I do have a bit of a bad humor for such things." "I wanted to see despair but...I did not like how this played left a bad taste in my mouth." "I much prefer if I inflict the wounds and not have it self-inflicted...that rather ruins a significant amount of the fun." Schemeko spoke even though the way he said still made him sound suspicious. "I can only hope you can forgive me for your current situation, it wasn't my intention to have you infected and I am sorry Cerise that I lied to you...I have definitely been out of touch with such social courtesy." Schemeko bowed his head to both of them hoping they would be convinced by his words. "Can you forgive me?" Schemeko asked head still bowed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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#, as written by Krypt
After hearing Schemeko's lecture, Nova concluded that he had learned very little useful information. In fact, the only thing that he could conclude in certain was that this Hemlock was a smooth talker, which mean nothing, other than he has had plenty of practice. Practicing deception, perhaps? Nova remained at an impasse. If he did so choose to go with this questionably insane wolf, a fact he could only hope to conclude from all of his cackling over such a dreary subject as well as general demeanor, he didn't know what would happen. Perhaps there was a magic plant fairy that lived just a day away from here. Or perhaps Schemeko was just seeing how long he could get his fun to last.

The reason that Nova was taking all of this in with a grain of salt was to preserve his own sanity. Perhaps Schemeko was just trying to plant a tiny seedling of an idea, the idea that Nova was going to soon die a crippling and horrid death. That little idea would sprout, its roots wrapping it corrupt way around his brain, leeching out all sane thought until all he could think about is the notion that Schemeko was his only savior, that this poison actually was real, and that he would die. Nova would end making himself sick anyway with such a weak state of mind. Paranoia would set in, and by that point the idea would have choked all rational thought out of his head, until he would do anything to get that weed to release, even if it meant walking to the ends of the earth with this Hemlock.

Before answering Schemeko's plead for forgiveness, Nova had a question of his own to ask of this wolf who supposedly was going way out of his way to help him. "Tell me Schemeko. If our roles were reversed, what would you do? If we say that, perhaps I have inadvertently placed an shard of ice within your blood stream, small and warm enough to avoid immediate detection, and yet cold and large enough to remain and destroy any chance of living once it reached your heart, would you really be willing to believe me over something you can't feel? Perhaps I have already done so, who knows? What if I said that even I, the maker of that blade of ice, which draws closer to your heart with every breath you take, said that I knew not how to remove it, what would you do? Sure, you thought you thought you could get rid of it yourself with a drink of hot water, or something else quite trivial, but what if I told you that wasn't enough? Would you follow me, a stranger, to the ends of our very lands to even have chance at finding a cure? And if I betrayed you, could you really blame me, if you had been gullible enough yourself to follow me just based on a word? Tell me Schemeko, what would you do?" Nova responded, carefully crafting a scenario. Nova's compliance would depend largely on this wolf's answer to his own predicament.


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Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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"Hehehehehe....I can see where the cause of alarm has sprouted." "But is it really gullibility?" "If your hypothetical question was correct, what other choice would I have?" "Either deny your help as a I believe it is some sort of twisted means of torture and die a horrid death or take the chance of actually surviving, even if it means death." "Unless i had a death wish I would choose the former!" Schemeko laughs, "But I have no interest of dying as I am sure your are not either." "I concur I wouldn't be comfortable with the idea either but it is a matter of life and death and since I would already have one foot in the grave...what do I have to lose?" Schemeko chuckles at the idea. Schemeko looked at Nova and studied him as well. "Honestly, it would seem sketchy but can one truly gamble their life on the chance that a person is lying?" "After all you did inadvertently place that shard of ice, why would you lie about the danger?" "It would make sense if you meant to cause them harm to lie about their predicament, or better yet not mention it at all and they will have the displeasure of finding out later, by then it would be too late."

Oh Nova, your more intriguing than I previously believed. Its almost a shame you accidentally volunteered yourself...oh well, Schemeko thought to himself as he looked at Nova. "Really though, what motive would I have in lying to you?" "What could I possibly gain?" "If I wanted to see you in pain, if I wanted to see you die, I would never have mentioned about the antidote at all." "What you did to yourself, as i said before left a bad taste in my mouth." "If I intentionally infected you then I would study your symptoms, your agony, your death, and enjoy myself." "What you have done to yourself has instead made you my responsibility...I maybe a lot of things but irresponsible, I am not." Schemeko finished as he looked at Nova waiting to hear if he has anything more to say.


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Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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#, as written by Krypt
After a drawn out pause, followed by a sigh, Nova decided that Schemeko was speaking his mind. Though there was one thing that he didn't have to lose, which Nova did, and that was time. Everything was time critical, especially in war. How long should he expect the packs he had charted out to stay in the same place, with the same level of preparation and defense? If they were smart, they would be constantly moving, or better yet, digging in. It would be a shame to send a group of warriors to destroy a village only to run into a fort that wasn't there a month ago. But if Schemeko was telling the truth, Nova doubted he would get back to Ausi territory alive. Better late than never he supposed.

"Very well. Forgive me for my rudeness, I suppose you can just call me overly cautious" Nova responded, choosing to make amends now, since he was theoretically going to be with this wolf for quite some time, from what he described as a distant cure. "How long will it take you and I to get wherever we are going, a fortnight? If so we should really get going if this is as urgent as you make it sound." Nova continued, curious. He looked around absently, noticing Cerise biding her time. He would much rather be in her position, just having to eavesdrop on other wolves problems rather than actually experience them.


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Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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"Oh it shouldn't be that long...uh I would say from here a few days or so if we walk, if we made a running pace it should be a day and a half." "That is if you can muster enough energy to run of course." Schemeko snickered as he looked towards Cerise. "Oh Cerise you wouldn't have anymore of the medicine on you do you?" "We could use a little bit more to keep the Asui's health up, we don't need him dying on his way to get healed up now do we?" "I'd say that would be pretty ironic!" Schemeko laughs. "I would have to say you are very lucky for biting me and being not to far away from help, otherwise there is a good chance you would not have made it." Schemeko smiles at Nova. "Oh and one more thing...I noticed the Alva who lumbered off into the direction is badly injured...if you could it would be wise to try and convince her to come with us." "Before you ask why, I have quite a bit of medical supplies there, and why do I have medical supplies there? Because I need them as ingredients to make the antidote of course." "Might as well fix two issues at once, right?" Schemeko smiled as he looked towards Cerise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise
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Cerise looks in Schemeko's direction. "Well, uh, That's all I have but the medicine comes from some simple herbs so I'll pick some stuff up along the way." She looked over in the direction that BattleDemon took. "I don't know. Don't you think it would be a little time costly to convince Battle to come with us. I mean, she ignored everything Nova and I said to her even when I was trying to help fix her broken leg. It seemed as if she didn't know us at all, so I'm guessing she has a bit of amnesia. Though, she didn't even recognize her own name, so that makes it a bit worse than even an advanced healer may fix..." She paused a moment. "To tell you the truth, I really don't know how you're going to heal her. You seem to know what you're doing but you don't act or seem like a healer wolf at all. I don't know the cure to amnesia and I have some good enough experience though, you have probably been around herbs your whole life with making your poison more and more toxic." She thought a moment. "If I were a wolf who would have come across Battle in this state, I'd probably send her to the Avens since they have most of the herbs, medicine, and healers in all of Nigerius..." She stopped. "Why don't we just go to the Avens for help, or is this herb so specific it only grows outside of Nigerius in the darklands?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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#, as written by Krypt
Nova nodded at Schemeko's recommendation, but also took into account Cerise's insight. From his experience, Nova doubted that anything short of walloping her on the head and knocking her out would get BattleDemon to come with them, and that was a rather dangerous proposal. Where had she run off to anyway? "Do you think that is a good idea Cerise, would the Avens be open to such a bunch of strangers coming right to their doorstep?" Nova asked rationally, wondering what the Ausi's would do in a similar situation. Nothing probably, or make the problem worse. Ausi's weren't known for their skills in healing.

"Wherever we decide to bring her, it might be to our advantage to put her to sleep, otherwise we would have a long struggle just to try and help her. Do you know of any herb that could do that Cerise? I'm going to go look for her." Nova continued, before checking his condition. Deciding it would be satisfactory for all he knew for the next few days, Nova followed the trail he had last seen BattleDemon disappear down. It didn't take that long to find her, actually, she had done nothing to try an conceal her trail. All he had to do was follow the muddy footprints and the broken twigs, and eventually he came upon Rokunam.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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"I won't lie to you, I am no healer wolf," Schemeko chuckles playfully, "But I have more knowledge, than you would probably think about medicine...after all a little bit of medicine can heal a person but a lot of it can kill you." Schemeko laughs at that little fun fact. "Yes, I would agree that the Avens would be more helpful than I in dealing with her supposed amnesia," Schemeko spoke bobbing his head up and down, "But i am merely proposing I can help her with her physical status, I can tell from the smell on her leg that she has a nasty infection." "I can definitely help with diseases." Schemeko grinned proudly. "As for her amnesia...uh I'm at a lost...never dealt with that before...but if we let her go on as she is now that infection will kill her." "So her physical health, unfortunately takes precedence here since we could be dealing with another life or death situation like Nova's." "Hopefully from there we can figure out how to relieve her of her amnesia." Schemeko smiles as Nova left to go look for her, "Ah yes I shall come as well, it will be interesting to look at her more up closely!" Schemeko laughs as he follows Nova.

As he followed Nova he came upon the Tenneth from earlier and found the injured Alva passed out before them. "Ooooooh, this poor creature is definitely suffering from a feverish wound, you can just smell it from here!" "Judging from the rest of her it ain't much better." Then Schemeko looked at Nova and the Tenneth. "I must say here passed out from the pain is stroke of serendipity if there ever was one!" Schemeko laughs, "Transporting her will be much more easier!" Schemeko said as he looked back down upon the Alva. Oh, this gets better and better, this will be an interesting game for sure. Schemeko thought to himself.


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Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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Cerise nods and follows after, but at a very slow pace. When she finally reaches the group, she looks over the head of Nova and sees Battle passed out and from what Schemeko was rambling about, she passed out due to pain. She walks over beside Nova and examines Battles leg. Schemeko was right. A foul odor emitted from her leg. How could she had missed this? Maybe it had gotten worse over the time she had gone. Cerise sighs inwardly, "Well, I guess we will need to hurry if we will ever reach those supplies you were talking about..." She says grimly. Something inside of her told her something was messed up. She didn't what it was but it had most of it to do with Schemeko's place where he is supposedly going to heal Nova and battle's infected leg. If she were in Battle's or Nova's position, she would just hitch hike it to the Aven territory, but of course, somebody can't just waltz into another pack territory. Not when everyone was against each other. Not at a time of war.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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#, as written by Krypt
Nova did not need to be reminded that he was in a supposed life or death situation, and Schemeko's gentle reminder hastened his movements. At least seeing that BattleDemon had already passed out for some time negated the need for having to knock her out physically, or something to that effect. However, now that she was out, she was going to be a deadweight. A deadweight that he and Schemeko would have to get from point A to point B. She had a sturdy build, and even in her sickly form she would still be hard to carry, and Nova doubted that either of them would have the stamina to make it in time to their destination with her on their shoulders, even if they switched off. Glancing around for inspiration, he spotted a fallen branch of a nearby conifer. It was rather large, and many of the needles stayed on, creating a fan shape out from the central branch.

"Perhaps we could drag her along in that, like a litter. It would be much easier than carrying her, though probably a bit less comfortable for her. She probably won't mind though." Nova suggested, gesturing to the others of where he was looking. The branch forked at the end, so it would be possible for two wolves to carry the pieces in their respective mouths, unless someone wanted to craft some kind of harness so that they would be free to talk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Mydnyte
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"That isn't a bad idea at all." Schemeko looked at the fallen branch. "But who is going to drag her along with us?" Schemeko asked as he noticed Mydnyte and Durandel appear from behind them. "Oh there you two are I figured you guys went up and left us." Schemeko said as the two began to talk. Hearing of Durandel's proposal Schemeko spoke, "Well I do have a spot were we need to arrive at to get these wolves some medical aid, especially the Asui who accidentally infected himself with my toxins." Schemeko said. Then Mydnyte leaped over log and said, "If you need me I might decide to go to a place I know. It's the Onatah Cliffs so I'll be living there for a while." and effectively disappearing. Well there goes potential player but considering how he was like, it's probably for the best. Schemeko thought to himself as he looked over at the branch. "Well lets make haste not waste as they say," As Schemeko wondered over to the fallen branch, "Well were gonna need another wolf to help pull this along especially when we have the Alva placed on the leaves." Schemeko said as he waited for assistance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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"Well, I would help if I could fly. An Avira's wings are much more powerful than it's legs. But I can't really fly while dragging her." Cerise said lowly but still audible.

((Ugh, lame post.))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Tiberius Character Portrait: No Name
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#, as written by Krypt
Nova's regular vigor returned after a moment or two, and not too soon, as he saw preparations were being made to move out. Perhaps it would be better if they split up, with BattleDemon, himself, and Schemeko going to the the Hemlock's domain for poison control and bandaging, with the others going to get help from the Avens for advanced medicine as Cerise had suggested. Though would it be such a good idea to be alone with Schemeko? Not necessarily that Nova expected the Hemlock to harm them, but two incapacitated wolves traveling with a single fit wolf would be a tempting target for rival packs. Not to mention an odd one, who ever saw an Ausi, and Alva, and a Hemlock travel together? Perhaps traveling as a group would be best after all, even if it would be slower. In any case, he decided to share is opinion anyway. "Perhaps we should send a pair of runners to go get advanced medical help, or find improved shelter, and meet the rest of the group at Schemeko's destination. However that would require knowledge of where we are going." he suggested, fishing for the answer, his gaze ending up on Schemeko.


Young Tiberius thought that this was a very interesting wolf, if not a bit short on patience. Well, young wolves were not known for their infinite attention spans, he supposed. Was that a bird he saw fly by? It had pretty feathers. Shaking his head, he ruffled his fur and returned to the matter at hand. He formulated a reply ahead of time. Since he was not longer filled to the brim with excitement over finding someone, his required words per minute began to decrease, and he began to put more quality into his words. "Neat, sounds like you guys are a doe to land like the Arlyne are a fish to water. So why you out here then? Hide and seek with your mates? Can I play?" he responded, looking into her colorful eyes. They reminded him of water, but only when the sun hit that water just right at sunset. That was the best time to swim, when each little droplet of water had its own color and character as he sent it away splashing.

He wondered if there was any water near by, it would be nice to cool off, maybe this wolf...what had she said her name was? He forgot. Would be rude to ask again. Maybe she swam too. Or maybe she preferred keeping her paws dry. Dry paws were easier to manage after all. Didn't get all muddy when you walked on them. Yucky leaves and branches always stick to mud too. Then they eventually fall off, leaving tracks. Then her tracks would be everywhere! If she didn't leave tracks everywhere, there is less chance that someone would find him. Tiberius didn't really want to be found yet, he had just started he journey! So maybe he wouldn't take...her, swimming.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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"Eh, that might be a good idea, it might get us there faster with our injured, thats a plus." Schemeko said. "Yet I do have some concerns I would like to address." Schemeko cleared his throat, "First of all who is going to help drag the Alva?" "It wouldn't be wise to have you do it," Schemeko pointing his nose at Nova, "Although I'm able, I'm not the most physically powerful wolf of the land, and Cerise has her injured wing." "The Kamarian has left our company, so that would leave you two strong, Tenneths." "Don't worry, I will help with the burden if I can but I would need one of you two to do the hauling." "Then my next concern would be the Avens, as much as more medical expertize is needed, I do have my own concerns, I'm already risking quite a bit to help you and the Alva but I can't risk much more outside influences." "So when you do bring the Avens, if you can, I will need them to meet me at a more secure location." "Sorry if this sounds to inconvenient but I have my reasons as well." "Also who is going to detain the Alva?" "I'm sure she will come to after a while and she looks physically strong for a female." "The last thing is time, if you are going to go get the Avens' help, how long would that take?" "Time is a very important aspect when dealing with the sick and injured." Schemeko said voicing his concerns. Schemeko then turned his attention back to Nova, "Don't worry about that, I will happily play the trusty navigator!" Schemeko said with a laugh. "Yes whoever our team is or all of us, I will get us there no problem." he said lively.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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Durandel walked over to Schemeko and slightly upset stated, "If you're calling me a Tenneth I'll have you note I belong to the Canicus pack which isn't much different than the Tenneth pack, but we're able to use lava. Think about what you call me from now on, just wanted to get things straightened out though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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Cerise's ears drooped. She wanted to help, but for now she was just another way of slowing them all down with her injured wing. She unfolded the wing slightly and saw that the singed primaries had already fallen and were being replaced. Still, it made her wings look a little lop sided but it will fix up by itself. Some of the primary covets, major covets, and secondaries that had been burned were still on though. She sighed knowing she would have to pluck out and preen her feathers. She hated preening in front of wolves with out wings. It made her feel... sort of awkward.

Cerise looked over at Durandel and rolled her eyes playfully. The Canicus, as proud as ever She thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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Schemeko looked at the Tenneth that actually addressed himself as a Canicus. "Oh, I meant no disrespect my good wolf, you must pardon me if I don't know the exact distinctions, it's not like I'm some sort of Zalika and can read minds." Schemeko joked as he turned his attention towards the "Actual" Tenneth. "Human?" Schemeko asked confused, "What Human?" "I never heard of any Human that actually dwells on this island." Schemeko asked curious of this new information, he has heard stories of Humans, but nothing much more than that. It would certainly be an interesting discovery to meet with a Human, they are known to have very unique knowledge of many things, including science, or so he has heard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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#, as written by Krypt
Nova heard the outburst that began anew with BattleDemon, and wearily turned his head to watch the distressed wolf. Her words stung a little, for he knew they were coming from her heart, but none the less he did deserve them. How long would it take to make amends, should he even try? Is it the right thing to do? Silently the pensive wolf wondered if they should restrain BattleDemon to keep her from hurting herself, not to mention others. If she truly was in pain, the merciful thing to do was relieve her of her consciousness, so that her afflictions troubled her no longer. But this was the first time he had seen her awake since he had found her, who knew if she would wake again?

Gingerly approaching her, he asked for assistance in restraining her, before leaping upon her thrashing limbs to pin them to the ground. He tried to fix her broken leg to one position, lest she damage it any more by movement. He was no expert in medicine, but what he did know was that a broken bone won't set while its hurling through the air. "BattleDemon please, control yourself. We are trying to help you." Nova said as calmly as he could manage, struggling for confidence as he wondered how to approach this delusional wolf. His vision was blurring again, as exertion was accelerating his ailment. Maybe Schemeko really was telling the truth about Cerise's ineffective treatment. He stood alone with this mysterious Alva. Though in a crowd of acquaintances, Nova felt alone in this strange new endeavor. Was it the toxin affecting his thoughts and actions, or something else?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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Before he could hear Rokunam's answer BattleDemon acted up. "OH NO! THE ALVA!" Schemeko went over to Nova as he went to help detain BattleDemon. "The Fever! Its getting worse!" Schemeko cried as he tried to hold her down but with BattleDemon's good back paw she accidentally kicked him off. "OOF!" Schemeko grunted as he fell over backwards on his backside and rolled to his side. "She is strong for a female!" Schemeko said as he lept back up and went over to her but this time he kept his distance. "Some more help would be appreciated if you don't mind?!" Schemeko shouted as he kept a good distance from BattleDemon's claws. After all if she drew his blood and it entered her wounds, they might as well dig a hole. "Yes! I know being surrounded by different wolves isn't the most comforting picture but please do try to make the best of it!" Schemeko said trying to calm down her down in his own way. "Would you like to hear a joke?" "They say laughter is the best medicine!" Schemeko said as he watched BattleDemon growl and snarl in pain. Oh this isn't good, I can't have her reach death this quickly, if we had something to calm her down with! Schemeko thought to himself as he tried to come up with some sort of idea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Rokunam
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Cerise's head darted to Battle when she started to speak. Before she knew it she was awake and thrashing wildly at nothingness. At first Cerise thought it was spasms, but where would they come from. Sure she lost her memory but that wouldn't cause spasms, would it? Although, from what she had said earlier, she's gaining some of her memory back but she cold be suffering from a nightmare. She had seen wounded warriors flail and attack the air as if some brutal enemy was on top of them and the enemy always seemed to be winning. She watched as Nova tried to calm her down and fix her leg while Schemeko panicked, also tried to calm her, only resulting in him being pushed down by Battles remarkable strength. She walked over to the wolf and down at her legs narrowly avoiding a paw. Cerise looked over at Nova and frowned. Battles remark about the traitorous Ausi had to hurt in some way. She shook this off though. "I know a common herb that's used as a muscle relaxant. It could calm her down. It's almost like Nitrous Oxide except it doesn't effect the brain really, only the muscles. Its really effective. In fact I've seen it used on warriors needing amputations or when they have spasms or they are in pain." She states as she dodges another paw and tries to calm Battle down as well.