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Unknown is his past, Unknown is his Future.

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a character in “Fears' Strife”, originally authored by Seveneleven, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Astrad
Age: Unknown
Job: Assassin
Species: Animated Corpse
Height: 7'0
Weight: 295lbs


Description: Having an odd fascination with ancient history of western explorers, Astrad dons a long black, duster coat and wears a rounded hat with an expansive brim. He also has a sash that he wears over his shoulders to hang his gun upon. Upon his mouth he has a metal brace that goes down to his neck. It can be removed but underneath is a grim sight as his jaw is missing. Therefor the metal brace acts for his bottom jaw. He wears dark pants and boots with metal braces to simulate spurs. His skin is a lifeless blue as stitches could be seen as to where his body has been constructed. Don't be fooled by the stitches they are actually a nanofiber weave made to make sure his body stays together even through the roughest weather or through the toughest fight.

Machine: At first appearance it would seem that he carries a massive blade, but in truth it is actually an extremely long gun.
Length of Gun: 190cm
Weight of Gun: 160lbs

Personality: His personality is hard to define. The most apt description would be fragmented. Astrad suffers from several mental illnesses from amnesia to mood swings and so forth. This is mainly due to the side-effects of his creation a sort of resurrection sickness if you will. Allow me to describe separate accounts of his behavior.

At first Astrad will be defensive very insecure. He will often feel loss and will be aggressive unless convinced otherwise. This doesn't mean he will attack on sight even though I won't rule that out as a possibility. Astrad though isn't such a bad person once you get past his cadaverous exterior you'll see that he is very confused but is honorable. He will show respect to others if they show him similar treatment and not run in fear or attack as some sort of monster. Because of bad experiences or just by living this new existence he prefers. to remain alone as he is very much disgusted with himself. He can't even bear to see his reflection in mirrors or other reflectible surfaces. Another thing he hardly speaks. Partly because he wishes to separate himself even more from society but also he is very hard to understand. His voice is very guttural making it deep and sometimes his voice echos.

Despite this Astrad may seem a likeable person that one could get along with as long as they don't provoke him, but there are other reasons as to why he isolates himself. Unfortunately he suffers from mental disturbances that often causes him to lash out and act extremely aggressive. Sometimes he goes into a blind rage and attacks whatever is near him. He becomes deranged and often acts in a barbarous mood making him not only destructive but cruel as well. Now it isn't always physical outbursts sometimes he is conflicted internally. He often argues against himself and yells for no apparent reason. This often gives off the impression that he is schizophrenic as he talks to himself and argues amongst himself. He also suffers from hallucinations brought about from fragments of a past life he does not recall. Because of this he is very unpredictable giving another reason as to why people are not comfortable around him. These are extreme cases though and sometimes he is in control of himself but he does have many triggers that stress his psyche.

Now there is a very special case within his mind. This has not occurred yet, but the experimentation on him have left programing in his "borrowed" brain. He is suppose to be a weapon against Serakin forces but more specifically he has designated targets. These he has not encountered yet and what they are or who they are is unknown. Once the target is sighted his brain is overridden with the programing and is compelled to carry out whatever mission he was meant for. This results in the loss of his free will until his assignment is completed. Once completed he returns to "Normal" unless he comes into contact with another target.

Talent: Astrad is remarkably strong and wields the ridiculously long gun with precision.

Strengths: Being an animated corpse he does not suffer from physical limitations. He does not suffer from fatigue or pain. Nor does he have the urge to eat, drink, or sleep allowing him to keep moving on for days and nights. If he does one of these actions then it is merely for his pleasure not because of necessity.

Weaknesses: Because of the frailness of his mind he is easily distracted with bouts of hallucinations and aggression. This is an constant effort from him to be in control of his mind which often is the focus of his attention, making it easy to avoid him. Also it should be mentioned that he is not invincible he can be killed just not as easily. If one could destroy his mind then he along with the nano tech dies. Also if one has the option they could obliterate his body. Fire is also another great weapon against him but unless you incinerate him he can survive severe burns.

Robot or not: He is not a robot but there is nanotechnology keeping him alive. The Nano Tech is immerse and runs regularly without rest. This is what keeps him from decaying and more importantly runs the programing in his brain. Although this hasn't been tested but if he is damaged severely the nanobots are supposed to repair his body. If this is true or not is still to be determined.

So begins...

Astrad's Story

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Character Portrait: Astrad
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Astrad wandered aimlessly throughout the thick foliage of the jungle. He could not remember how he came to be in such a place. There were figments of a blurred vision inside some flying structure, a ship perhaps? He does remember he was ejected some what unceremoniously as he fell....

When he came to he was on the edge of the jungle. He lifted himself up and placed the large black hat upon his hairless head and moved towards and object sticking up from the ground. It was the gun and on it's side has the word Nex Mucro engraved. He pulled the item from the ground and remembered the item, it was a gun. Where and how he came to possess it he does not remember. Instinctively he placed the Nex Mucro upon his back and moved toward the jungle. He had no idea why he entered the jungle probably because there where miles of desert behind him. So it was either enter the Jungle or trek it out in the Desert. Either seemed bad but perhaps it is because the jungle would offer him better protection the a barren wasteland would. As far as he was concerned he would live inside this jungle away from everyone. He would have faint memories of other people looking upon him with fear and anger. They either fled from his ghastly visage or raise a gun at him. He would often seal himself away inside the laboratory at which he remembers spending nights sitting alone, and being tormented by images he has never seen before. Then he would be forced to perform tests, feats of strength, speed, and intelligence. Not to mention the numerous gun drills and accuracy training he was forced to go through. Still the doctors never talked to him, only issuing orders and never having any interaction with him. They knew he was an abomination but he was their tool and now he figures that is why he was dropped off here.

Later on the storm began and rain fell upon Astrad like many nettles, yet he could not feel the cold or the wetness. It was difficult to live without feeling, the feelings Astrad experiences are intense anger or even fear developed from the mental distress he has felt as long as his memory takes. He wishes he knew more about who he is or what he was. All he ever knew that he is an abomination, a monster. Astrad continued to move onward through the jungle, he heard many sounds from all manner of creatures. Luckily none have taken interest in him so far, maybe it's because the smell the air of death around him. Most animals wouldn't be interested in a walking pile of dead meat such as him would they? Maybe animals also fear him as well? Who knows but at least Astrad doesn't have to kill anyone or anything, yet. He continues to move as the clacking of metal braces made a metallic echo carrying towards anyone who has a good sense of hearing. The mud covered his boots but that he did not care about as he continued to wander getting himself more lost in the thickets of the jungle.

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Character Portrait: Astrad
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Through the rain and trees an odd sound broke away. It didn't sound like an animal growling or anything of that category. No it sounded like words? A voice? Was there some one or something else out here besides him? He knows not where it came from exactly but he did hear the direction it came from. Not wishing to meet any other individuals within these trees he decided to move away from the general direction it originated from.

As he moved onwards he came through a clearing and followed a beaten path. This soon led him to a cliff side. He looked onwards and saw just how expansive this jungle is. More than likely is larger than what he could see considering the rainstorm is blocking out a lot of light. Yet, Astrad hasn't had much trouble seeing...maybe it's because of the experiments? Whatever the reason he felt a somber peace looking down at the ground from the height. He contemplated about jumping off that cliff right now. Why should a monster like me live? Astrad thought to himself but something in his mind kept him from leaping. Frustrated Astrad released a roar of anguish, "Aaaarrrggghhh!!!

He roared at the top of his lungs as he felt pain, depression, anger, and hate. His shout echoed about as he looked back down the cliff. Astrad then saw a rock on the ground. He bent down and picked it up. In a fit of anger tossed it with all of his might and it soon flew out of his field of vision, disappearing into the night. Why can't I do it!? frustrated Astrad paced back in forth like an angry shark as he began to curse to himself. He stomped the ground making the trees around him shake. He then made a fist and punched a tree knocking it down. The crash made smaller animals run away in fear. Astrad then began to shake with more rage as stomped away back to the cliff and looked down once again. "DAMN YOU AAAALLL!" Astrad shouted up into the rain clouds above him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Pipa and Piper Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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"Alright Crow, let's go!"

Jinny made her way to the hatch, opened it, jumped through, and stood on the ship. She waited for Crow to come out of the hatch. There were no sounds anywhere from the plains the ship was located in, but as Jinny waited for Crow, she swore she could hear some faint noise. From where she was standing, It sounded like the sound was coming from the south......from the jungle. Another ship crash? No, if it was a ship crash, there would be more sound. So what was it? Jinny paid more attention, and assumed the sound was screaming. If it was screaming, whatever it was that was making the screaming was angry. She feared for Damien and Kara's lives.

Pipa and Piper

It was a peaceful night for Pipa and Piper as they flew their dragons across the starry sky. Pipa made plans to hunt on the seashores of Serakin, since the girls had never set foot on a soft beach before. Since summer was coming, marine life was in high demand, and the twins didn't want to miss the oppurtunity to strike a fortune. Pipa proposed a plan to reach the beach at night, camp out, and then hunt in the morning when the sea creatures would be out.

When the twins finally found the seashore in the dark, the landed their dragons, and lit their lamps. They both felt the gentle touch of the sand for the first time. Pipa jumped around in it, while Piper cringed with every step.

Pipa ran out to the water, eager to feel the coolness of the waves, when suddenly, she noticed the hundreds of ripped tails, The touch of red blood on the flowing waves, and even some of the mermaid carcasses, resting on the sandbars.

"Evom ot siht tops....",("Come here...") Pipa called out to Piper. Piper ran quickly over and saw the chaos as well.

"hoog, morfil thaw a dreh, a tha teh shretaw an teh eros dow eb tsuj sa spik sa teh dahns."
("gosh, from what i heard, i thought the waters on the beach would be just as clean as the sand.")

"Piper, ese mermaids eeva neeb slaed tsuj wun."
("Piper, these mermaids have been killed just now.")

The twins looked at each other with a serious glare. The decided to look for survivors.

"HELLO!!!!", Piper shouted, "CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Pandora
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In an instant Astrad's rage was broken by an intense sound. What was that? He thought. It sounded it like screaming? Someone is in trouble! Astrad concluded as he ran towards the sound of fighting. Astrad had no idea why he would move towards the sounds of danger. Towards the sounds of others. That was the one thing he wished to avoid, but something in his mind is telling him that he must fight. Astrad knew not what it was, but it was a different feeling than earlier when he tried to jump. Astrad run closer as shots were fired again and again. They have guns? They must be from Nexis...maybe they can tell me where I am? Or Maybe they were the ones that dropped me off. Astrad thought hopefully giving him more reason to enter the fray. Once he came close he saw two figures fighting, a man clad in standard issue battle armor and a hooded woman. The man was definitely from Nexis but he was under attack from the hooded woman. Then he saw a black winged fellow appear from the shadows and fired something at the Hooded woman. Then he kicked a weapon over to the man.

Astrad watched the confrontation out of sight and hopefully out of mind. Yet he was weary as he watched the opponents, and the battlefield very carefully as he prepared to attack once the need arises.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Pandora
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Fear collided with the sudden urge to run in the angels chest causing him to breath a little strange. When he saw the huge fireballs coming at him, he froze only for a second. One second he will never forget. He felt as if everything had repeated itself. All of his memories, advetures, then he imagined all of that gone. All of it just for nothing. His life all for nothing. Somehow, this little notion didn't fit well with the young angel. In fact, it made him a bit angry and frustrated though he knew death was relentless, even if he hadn't been born around others, the whole cycle of earth had taught him this.

Once that one second was over, he could already feel the heat of the fire, choking, dry, dense air rushed into his nostrils before reacting. He spread his wings and dashed away from the evil girl only for him to run into another man. He was very tall one could give you that, well to Crow, everyone seemed tall. Without thinking he yelped on impact and quickly dove behind the man.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Pipa and Piper Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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Jinny woke up right when Crow was creeping into the shadows.

All throughout the battle, Jinny swung through the trees and tried to get a charged shot of plasma at Pandora, but to no avail. After one of Damien's bullets hit her, Jinny saw tornadoes. Many tornadoes. She breathed hard, and she felt her muscles start to get tense. She felt like she was about to fall out of the tree she was in. Jinny had post-traumatic stress disorder, and out of anyone, Jinny suffered most from her fear. She was just about to faint, when Crow's dart hit her, and the tornadoes were gone.

Jinny regained her composure, and kept aiming. Suddenly, the monster made two fireballs in her hands. "It's time to play..", she said, looking directly at Crow. Jinny gasped. She didn't think Crow would be able to dodge those fireballs. However, Jinny knew that when the monster striked at Crow, she would have her chance.

When Pandora's fireballs almost hit Crow, Jinny swung down from the tree, got behind Pandora, and shot her plasma beam directly at Pandora. Being fully charged, the beam should have killed or at least paralyzed her. To be safe, Jinny quickly switched her pistol to whip mode, and wrapped her coil around Pandora's neck. (almost like a lasso)

Pipa and Piper

Pipa had just made it to Hyoushi when the sea monster passed the elves and dragons and shot a blue beam of light at the jungle in front of the elves, setting fire to some trees. This didn't scare Pipa, but for Piper it was terrifying.

("PIPER!! KEEP RUNNING!!!"), Pipa shouted. Piper obeyed. Pipa started to fly on Hyoushi. When Pipa started to fly, Piper made it on Rawzah. Rawzah started to fly as well. Pipa was about to shoot Nereus from above, when she felt that she had no arrows left.


While Hyoushi started to spout fire at the beast, Piper got out her bow again and aimed at the monster. With only 4 arrows left, Piper became worried. She calmed herself down, and thought to herself "aim for the eye, aim for the eye." With one clean sweep, Piper aimed for the eye. She didn't know where the arrow went because she covered her eyes after she shot the arrow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Pandora
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Astrad was startled by the sudden appearance of the winged creature as it dove behind him. The Woman before them looked similar, most likely the same creature. Astrad turned his cold, steely gaze at Crow then turned back to the fighting. He kept ever so more defensive as he clenched his fists ready to strike if attacked. Seeing the magic performed however, reminded him of his training. They said be wary of magic for it is unlike anything here in Nexis. Astrad wasn't worried he would be prepared to go in and take out the assailant. In fact he was going to have too. These people may have answers to his questions and that is an opportunity he cannot let go off. Watching the woman carefully he was planning his next course of action. Should he attack? Or Should he stand by? The answer unknown to him. He felt that the first option should be the only one. After all he has reasons for placing himself in harm's way not to mention it felt like it was the right thing to do. Maybe he should use the Gun on his back? That could do the trick. Once again though more flashbacks occurred once he thought about the weapon. He doesn't even know much about it aside from it being very powerful. That might not be the best course. On the off chance that the Nex Mucro would end up harming both parties. Astrad would have to do something eventually, after all this woman may notice him sooner or later and by that time he would have to be the first one to strike.

Then Astrad noticed a new fighter has arrived as the new woman made her attack against the winged one. From her appearance and weaponry, she too was from Nexis. Astrad once again saw more projectiles fired at the assailant as the newcomer wrapped a whip around the flying woman's neck. Perhaps this is Astrad's opportunity. Maybe the woman's attack will succeed? Just to be safe he prepared to attack once this encounter has come to a conclusion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Pipa and Piper Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Pandora
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Nereus chattered deep within his throat, almost sounding like chuckling as the fire from the dragons seemed useless. He began to growl in annoyance and gaped his mouth exposing his two rows of teeth, he bit down in an attempt to nab one of the dragons but his actions were too slow. His whiskers which were oddly on the bottom of his mouth, felt around the air but even this didn't help.

After about 5 seconds, this was becoming very annoying to the serpent. His tail lurched out of the water and began swiping at the dragons, moments later, the worst thing happened to the snake like monster. Another arrow had lodged itself right in the middle of the serpents eye. Yet again on the same side its other eye had been hit. The serpent let out the most ear splitting roar anyone could hear before it shook its head violently. The arrow though remained in its eye.

It began to hum and whine in agony. the other arrow wasn't so deep, this one though was through his pupil. He roars once again in yet another attempt to take the arrow out by thrashing his head around. This though used up all of his energy and the serpents head collapsed onto the beach, its nostrils flaring up and down with each massive breath. Out of fatigue and frustration, Nereus let out a hissing moan of defeat.


Crow was shaking to death. He clasped his hands on the mans pants legs not even daring to peak at the battle scene. What if Kara dies? Heck, what if we all die? Crow didn't want to die like this. He was hoping he would die in a more peaceful way, like in his sleep in a small clearing on a soft bed of moss...That was how an old deer died one time. Crow was gathering berries when he saw the graceful beast. It's antlers towered high and proud and it's fur was stained white. It's eyes even looked tired and worn. Crow watched as the deer fearlessly approached Crow and licked some of the berries out of his hands. After that day, Crow had found a new friend but after that, when he returned he saw that the deer was resting in the middle of the clearing breathing soft sleep like breaths.

Crow didn't disturb the deer and watched in shock as its last breaths were drawn. Yes, Crow was saddened. Very saddened, but he continued on his day even burying the bucks corpse in that very clearing. Now, once dyeing now thriving papaya tree grows fruit that's larger than Crows skull hat.

Anyways, back to the battle.

Realization hit Crow when he looked up at the man he didn't know at all. Instead of asking who he was though, Crow kept his yap shut and covered his head with his wings from the mockery, fire, and blood.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Pipa and Piper Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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"no prob." Jinny said with a half smile to Kara. She was certain that Kara was dead, but Kara had recovered, and shot the evil angel in the head.

Jinny looked over at the angel's body when Kara had kicked it. "I'm scared that girl is gonna get back up. Go check on Damien. make sure he's okay. It looks like he passed out or something during the battle. As for me, I'm gonna go look for Crow. If you need a medkit, it's in my backpack. I think Damien had it last."

Jinny sprinted into the bushes without hesitation, but fell over. She bumped into something, or someone. She looked up from the ground to see the big, tall man that looked like a zombie.

Pipa and Piper

Piper couldn't believe her luck. She had hit the monster's eye, making the monster use up all its energy until it collapsed on the sand. The two dragons flew as fast as they could away from the defeated sea serpent.

Pipa and Piper completely forgot about hunting. They were concerned with the mass murder of the mermaids in the Serakin sea. Did the sea serpent work on it's own, or did it belong to someone else. Questions raced through the twins' heads as they flew farther and farther down the coast.

When they felt they had gotten as far away as they could from the incident. The twins landed their dragons and made a campfire. Hyoushi had small cuts from when Nereus was swiping at the dragon. However, Piper was able to fix this with herbs she always carried in her pouch. Pipa started to make a campfire. There was still light left in her lamp, so Pipa used the fire to light the wood. The two stared into the fire, recollecting the events they had just witnessed in their minds.

3 arrows left. The twins were nervous about this. They didn't know if they had the raw materials to make good arrows in the wild. Also, there weren't any shops around for miles, so they couldn't buy any arrows. Despite this, Pipa and Piper decided that instead of hunting for seafood, they would try to find more about the killing of the mermaids in the morning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Pandora
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Astrad looked down to his left to see the woman that held the winged one in place. He looked at her and before she could speak he said, "Whatever you're thinking, don't raise that gun at me." Astrad warned as his haunting voice echoed as his cold, grey eyes pierced the very darkness. Astrad moved back to reveal that Crow was hiding behind him. "I believe this is who you are searching for?" Astrad spoke as his deep voice rumbled. Astrad looked towards the others as he noticed the woman who blew off the Angel's head was covered in blood. "I don't think that was all from the winged woman's head, she must have a serious wound." Astrad thought to himself as he looked over towards the other woman. "Maybe you could answer me some questions..." " are from Nexis, right?" Astrad asked. Astrad awaited a response as he watched all around him. He never had a serious conversation with another person, he worried that she might shoot at him. He warned her against but if she did then he would have to defend himself and that could get messy. And if she did attack then most likely those other soldiers would too, he really didn't want to kill them after they survived such an encounter. Still he would have to forgo his desires in order to survive. So it all rested on how they react to him, sure it is hard to speak to someone like himself and be calm. Yet, he just hoped for once that Nexinian does not immediately attack him on sight. He already knows what it is like to kill another person, it was terrible, horrible, atrocious. The very though made him upset, disgusted. Astrad then immediately tried to bottle his emotions but that was about as hard as bottling an active volcano.

He knew if he exploded right now he would lose whatever sense of comfort or trust these people have. Then it would come down to what he feared, killing these good people. That was something he had to avoid but the memories started to flash in his head of older encounters. He clenched his fist in anger but he loosened his grip and relaxed himself once again. He then continued to watch these strangers as he hoped for the best.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Pipa and Piper Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Ferrer Gray
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Jinny got up on her feet.
"Don't worry, i wasn't intending to raise my gun at you. I would never question the life of an innocent person."
Jinny brushed off some of the dirt on her suit and looked up at Astrad in the eyes. He almost looked like frankenstein.
"Yes, that's Crow behind you, that's who i'm looking for, and yes, i'm from Nexis. I'm assuming you are to. Do you have any more questions? If not, i have some for you as well."

Pipa and Piper
It wasn't much, but Piper managed to make another three arrows out of three sharp rocks she found in the water, 3 sturdy sticks from driftwood, and some rope. She tested them a little bit, and gave them to Pipa. Piper prayed that they would at least do for now.

After about 10 minutes Pipa said,
"Minus ut ag ut nooze"
("time to go to sleep")

The twins shut their eyes,but after about 3 minutes, Piper tiredly said,
"Pipa, A tnow....."
("Pipa, I can't.....")

Without hesitation, Pipa pulled out her blue ceramic ocarina from her pouch.,%20large,%20D.jpg

"Aires, telli a atemisi ee om-gine....."
("Here, let me play you something.....")
She said. The song she played on her ocarina was a lullaby. It was a traditional elf lullaby created by the elves of Laguz, the group which the twins belonged to. Pipa and Piper had learned the Laguz culture from their mother and their tribe until they were both 14 (in elf years), when a notorious group of bandits had murdered the elves to drink their blood (elves live TWICE as long as regular human beings, so drinking elf blood can make you live longer) The twins escaped the attack, and became the last surviving members of the Laguz tribe.

The lullaby that Pipa played was soothing enough to put anybody to sleep. Piper immediately drifted off into the clouds. When Pipa could hear her breathing deeply, she put her ocarina away, rested her head on a log of driftwood, and closed her eyes.

(ooc, just some backstory on the twins because i don't think i really put any on their character page.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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Astrad looked at the woman as he was surprised she didn't attack him. Usually one look at him and they either run in fear or harm him. Still he was defensive as he was unsure of he motives. "Yes I...was from Nexis...", Astrad paused, "...Are you from that ship that crashed right beyond these trees?" Astrad asked as he pointed to the fallen ship. "If you are then did you drop me off beyond this...Jungle?" Astrad asked as he wondered. He hoped she was a crew member he really wished to know why he was here. If only he could remember! It frustrated him that he can't seem to remember much of anything! He remembers being in labs back on Nexis, still those memories are hazy at best. Astrad remained in control of his anger as it still threatens to show. Astrad didn't wish to frighten her, obviously he found someone willing to talk and this could be his only break. Astrad stood and hoped as he awaited the woman's answer.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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Astrad noticed the woman that killed the angel stumbled upon him and the others here. Astrad was surprised she didn't try and attack him as well, all of them were capable. Maybe they don't fear him, which is a good thing. For far too long as he been looked upon as an monstrosity. It was nice to see that others view him as something more than just a freak. Still he felt tense as if things were not all right but this probably because of his nervousness. Nervous that he would do something wrong and make these people hate him. He didn't want that as they may end up shooting him after all and judging by the kindness they are showing it would be difficult for him to defend himself. If they were like that in the beginning then it wouldn't be any more troublesome. Astrad yet kept himself calm as the woman asked him a question.

"You might have been in the crash? What's your name? Marcus? Or were you our pilot?" She whispered hopefully, staring into the man's eyes.

"No...I..." Astrad rumbled as he paused, " name is...," Astrad hit a blank. He doesn't even known what his name was. He shook with frustration. "WHY CAN'T I REMEMBER MY OWN NAME!?" Astrad thought to himself. Astrad began to growl deep in his throat as he felt his anger swelling up. Yet apprehension began to envelope him as he looked at the others. "There probably thinking I look strange now." Astrad thought as he relaxed himself. "I'm not wasn't Marcus..." Astrad spoke as he tried to remember. Then a memory sparked inside as he remembers seeing the words A,S,T,R,A,D together. "Maybe that is my name?" Astrad thought to himself as he looked towards the woman with the tags that say Kara Mai Crawford. "My" Astrad spoke with uncertainty.

Astrad then began to answer the next question, "No...I don't believe I am a pilot." "I was...ejected from a ship at the edge of this jungle." Astrad spoke as he pointed towards the way he came. "Did you throw me out of the ship?" Astrad asked Kara. "And if so...why am I here?" Astrad spoke slightly raising his voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Com Guardia Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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Kara sighed and backed down when he said that he wasn't in her squad. "I-.. We crashed here. We didn't throw you out of the ship. Maybe Com knows? Actually.." She whispered, turning for a second, and then whipping around and pointing her Lightning Hawk Magnum at him. "Prove you're from Nexis. I don't want to shoot - But so far, one good impression isn't going to cut it. Crow, get over here!" She shouted, her hand shaking slightly.

Her eyes started to water. For the brief time she was in the Leviathan squad, she had always loved her teammates. For them to be taken from her so savagely, and then having someone beat the shit out of her..

She lowered the gun when she kicked something with her boot. She put her gun down, and stared at a weird chest.

"Guys? Anyone know what this is? It was the thing the Angel was carrying." She called out to everyone, and opened it. What she saw made her gaze in astonishment. It was a medium sized orb, around the size of two hands. She knew what it was, after all, it was one of the reasons the war was on.

She lifted it out, and knelt down with it. The Sunzaik Orb, in all of it's glory. The outside was covered in a strange metal she couldn't name, with strange inscriptions she could only decipher as Angelic. She slowly started to say what it said on the orb.

"Anar'alah, Anar'alah belore, Sin'Dorei.. Anar'alah Sin'Dorei, Shindu Sin'Dorei." She whispered, and the metal outside evaporated. The orb practically blinded everyone for a brief moment, before the real orb was seen. T'was a beautiful golden sphere, with strange engravings and markings on it. Each represented a separate type of Magic. "A-Astounding.. The Sunzaik Orb?!" She cried, holding on tighter. Her eyes seemed to change into a golden colour, reflecting the orb. "So.. B-Beautiful.."

Her face changed to one of rage when she realised it was a fake. Her eyes suddenly turned black, and she dropped it into the box again. She fell backwards, and a shadow went over her for a second. When it disappeared, Pandora stood up and smirked. The splattered remains were still hers.. Kara was somewhere else now. With Gray. She was going to make sure everything went according to plan.

Pandora clicked her fingers, and all of the trees around them lit up in flames. She turned, and walked into a huge flame, She was gone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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Jinny Pearle
Jinny couldn't believe it. The angel wasn't dead. She had kidnapped Kara, disappeared, and set all the trees around them on fire.

Crow obviously tried to save Kara before she disappeared, but it was too late. Pandora had walked with Kara through a flame. Crow looked at Jinny, as well as Damien, but Jinny didn't know what to tell Crow. Looking deeply upset, Crow flapped away deeper into the forest, leaving Jinny, Astrad, and Damien, still unconcious.

Jinny looked around, the trees were obviously still on fire.

"Astrad, we have to run. There's a member of our team who's still unconcious. If we don't find him, he could be seriously hurt."

Jinny motioned Astrad to come along as she ran through the trees and bushes. She cupped her hand to her nose and mouth so she wouldn't breathe in smoke. As she ran, she thought about why Pandora used a fake sunzaik orb instead of an algonzech cube for her trap. Sure, a sunzaik orb would work, but it would make more sense if she had the algonzech cube. Then again NOTHING made sense where Jinny was.....

(ooc, i will post pipa and piper later. sorry for the inconvenience :[ )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Kara Mai Crawford Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Pandora
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Astrad didn't appreciate the fact Kara lifted her weapon against him. In fact it pained him to see such uncertainty from the woman, but before he could react she lowered the gun and seemed to have some sort of breakdown. When she left towards the Angel's body she found what she called an Sunzaik Orb. When she muttered some strange words Astrad was momentarily blinded. "GRAH!" Astrad shouted as he stumbled about. When he could see again the trees around them where on fire and Kara was missing. The other woman and the one called Crow were upset over the lost of their friend. Then Crow flew away as Jinny spoke to Astrad.

"Astrad, we have to run. There's a member of our team who's still unconcious. If we don't find him, he could be seriously hurt."

Then she motioned him to follow her and he did so. Although the fire is dangerous it was not the center of Astrad's worry. Once again the heat of the flames prove once again he isn't human. Although it may be silly to wish such things but he wish he could feel the same panic as she felt. He wish he could feel the temperature rising as the heat would make him sweat and he would feel threatened by the pain of burning. Alas he could not feel such things but it wouldn't be wise for him to stay in the fire. As Astrad followed Jinny he came across the body of the other fighter in the armor. He remembered seeing him cough and heard him choking. In an instant Astrad lifted him with ease and slung him over his left shoulder, as to avoid Nex Mucro's handle. Then he saw the weapon the man used earlier in the fight and decided to carry the "spit-fire" in his free hand. As Astrad looked around he saw no one else of consequence and followed Jinny through the bushes carrying their fallen teammate.

Astrad looked back as the fire continued to grow smaller and smaller the further they ran. The question is where are they running too?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Pipa and Piper Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Ferrer Gray
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Jinny was pleased to see that Astrad had found Damien. She figured everything was going to be okay until.....

"Aw shit."

Jinny remembered that she had left the backpack in the fire. She ran back into the fire as fast as she could. It's hard to find an orange backpack in the jungle when everything is on fire, and you can barely see or breathe from smoke. To make things worse, Jinny was wearing a BLACK suit, so you can imagine how hot it was. Jinny's suit WAS shock proof, but not fire proof. She felt burning everywhere.

Suddenly, she saw the backpack. It looked as if it hadn't sustained any damage. Jinny quickly grabbed it, and sprinted back to Astrad. Crack. Now trees started to fall. Perfect. Jinny caught up to Astrad, and despite pain everywhere, she kept moving.

Basically, whenever there was an open passageway NOT blocked by trees or fire, Jinny ran through it. She had no clue where she was going. All she knew was that she had to run away.

Finally, she managed to get away from the fire. She had followed a long winding river that led to a strange cavern (the same cavern Kara exited from a while ago). She stopped, and fell on the ground. She was overcome with anger and had to get it out.


Jinny started to feel the pains of her burns again. She knew she had the backpack with medkits in her hands, but she was still angry.


Jinny breathed heavily. It took a while for her to calm down. She took off her suit, revealing a navy blue tank top and tan shorts. She reached in the backpack for a medkit, and pulled out some burn medicine. She started to lather it on her arms and legs.

It would be a long night.

Pipa and Piper

Pipa was almost out of the land of the concious. She had almost drifted off into a whimsical sleep.....

.....until Piper started snoring.

Pipa's eyes were still closed as she sighed. Piper snored occasionally, but when she did, it was extremely annoying and Pipa almost always had insomnia.

But snoring wasn't the only sound Pipa heard; she also heard hissing.

Pipa assumed that this hissing sound was coming from a snake. She had learned that most of the time, if you ignored the snake, it wouldn't attack. Then again, that also depended on the type and size of the snake. Just in case, Pipa leaned over to one side, as if turning in sleep, and grabbed an arrow behind the piece of driftwood her head was nudged on. If the snake decided to attack, Pipa could easily lodge the arrow into its throat.

Or so she thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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Astrad entered the cave with Jinny still carrying Damien. He looked down at her and could see extensive burns all over her body as she took of the black suit. "Why did you return to the blaze behind us?" "Was it for that backpack?" Astrad asked as he noticed that Jinny didn't have it earlier. Astrad walked towards a cavern wall and gently placed Damien against the wall in a sitting position. He then placed the "Spit-Fire" on it's side next to Damien. Astrad sighs as he looked back and forth between them as he heard something odd.


"What is this Cube and Orb you spoke of?" Astrad was confused. How could a cube and an orb cause death and destruction that Jinny is speaking of? It must be something of importance. Still he didn't like the fact that both of these people nearly died because of it. Was he placed here to do something about it? It could be but it doesn't sound right. Astrad looked at Jinny applying the medicine. It must pain her by the look on her face. I might have burns as well but I wouldn't know about it unless I look for them. Astrad sighs as he thought about his lack of feeling. If others didn't tell him it existed he would probably believe that pain is imaginary. Although he couldn't feel physical pain, scars remain from a time long past. His memory....more like a puzzle with the pieces missing. Unconnected and mismatched as the pieces he does possess are improperly placed together. Astrad wished he could take away some of the pain for Jinny but unfortunately he has no such ability. All he could do was watch her suffer that and protected both of these people from any unwanted visitors.

Astrad began to regret not stepping in and fighting the winged woman when he had the chance. Maybe if he shot her with his gun she probably wouldn't have a body to return to. Nex Mucro did blow up whole vehicles before when he tested it's armor-piercers and explosive rounds. Although impressive there was more to the weapon than just shifting between alternative rounds. Something that he has yet to experience. So he had the power but did nothing. Why did he hesitate? Was it because he was unsure of these people's character? Was he scared that they would have attacked him too? Or is he just mistrustful of others? Whatever the case may be, he would have to make it up for it. Perhaps he should find out what happened to the other woman, Kara, and bring her back. Although that sounds like the option that would most redeem himself he couldn't just leave these two the way they are. Their vulnerable, anything could attack them and succeed without much resistance. In the meantime Astrad will stay by their sides, hopefully they will be well soon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Pipa and Piper Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad Character Portrait: Ferrer Gray
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"What is this Cube and Orb you spoke of?"
The second question of the day that secretely shocked Jinny. She realized she would probably have even more explaining to do today. As Jinny put some more burn medicine on, she said......

"The Algonzech cube and the sunzaik orb are the two most sacred items and treasures for Nexis and Serakin. Nexis has the Algonzech cube, which is the greatest piece of technology ever invented. It can transform into over one-thousand pieces of weapons and other technology. It is so powerful, that it is illegal to make. Back in my bounty hunting days, I had to catch some of the criminals who were trying to reproduce the Algonzech cube. It's THAT powerful.

The Sunzaik orb i'm not quite sure how to explain........I know that it contains many varieties of magic, and like the algonzech cube, the holder becomes very powerful.

Supposedly, Nexis has found the sunzaik orb, and serakin has found the algonzech cube. Both sides have the sacred treasures hidden somewhere. Because of this, Nexis and Serakin are going crazy and have started this........war. Though, after recent events with that angel, I think there's something fishy going on around here......."

Jinny heard sounds coming from the entrance of the cave. She stood up and raised her pistol, just in case.

Pipa and Piper

This was one smart snake. As Pipa had grabbed her bow, the snake had removed it from her hands. Pipa realized she still had her arrow in the other hand. What she decided to do was both risky and dangerous.

Pipa quickly stood up, and tried to stab the arrow into the snake's throat. But it wasn't a was a dog;

a three-headed dog.

Pipa screamed. It was a thing she rarely let out of her mouth. She ran over to Piper, not caring about her own bow and arrows. She shaked her to try to get her out of her sleep.

"PIPER PIPER!!!!!", she frantically shouted. Piper at least stopped snoring, but if she didn't wake up soon, both of the twins would be in danger.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Damien Grimm Character Portrait: Crow, (Chike Alandor) Character Portrait: Pipa and Piper Character Portrait: Morana Character Portrait: Jinny Pearle Character Portrait: Astrad
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Out of nowhere, Crow was at Jinny's knees. Jinny put down her pistol and heard him say....

"I sorry I coul'n't say Kara!!! I really try to say her!!!!"
"'s fine, don't worry.", she spoke, trying to calm him down. Just then, another strange girl entered. She was out of breath as she said...

"H-Hello fellow Serakinians..."
Her eyes widened and she fell to the ground as she realized she was speaking to Nexinians. Jinny looked back at Astrad, then at Crow. She asked Crow,
"Is this your friend?"


Pipa and Piper

Piper woke up as soon as a tree behind her fell down. When she woke up she shouted, "Holy........." and screamed when she saw it was a three headed dog. It was chaos as Pipa and Piper tried to gather their things and ride away on the dragons. They could fight, but being unprepared, they didn't want to risk losing everything they had.

"Run away little pesssstssss!!!", the dog said. This made Pipa extremely angry. Nevertheless, she sprinted to Hyoushi, her white dragon, and quickly jumped on his back.

("PIPER!!! THIS WAY!!!")

Pipa pointed in the direction towards the trees. Hyoushi flew off on Pipa's command.

When Pipa's dragon had reached the first tree in the forest behind them, Piper reached Rawzah, her black dragon. However, despite Piper's commands to head towards Pipa's dragon, Rawzah was startled by the three-headed dog. Disobeying orders, Piper's dragon flew full speed ahead towards the other direction, the sea.

Piper tried, but she couldn't get Rawzah to obey her.

The twins had split.