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From Cat to Neko

From Cat to Neko


You ever wished your pet was human being somewhat of a best friend to you. Well five pets have been randomly changed into human-like people.(closed if interested join the remake)

2,301 readers have visited From Cat to Neko since ceh12 created it.


You have had your cat for quite some time now. They are there at your feet when you wake up and at home waiting at the door. They always are at your side when you are home no matter what you are doing , that is until you fall asleep that is. Every night they go outside and meet with other pets to lay around and talk to each other. They continue this tradition every night. One night a man came through with a small dish of purple liquid five of the others decided to lap the dish then the man disappeared with the liquid.
When the pets returned home life was normal for them , for about an hour. They crawled through their entry way and went to the foot of the bed but something happened. Their fur retracted and they started to grow slowly. There eyes started changing their paws turned into hands and feet . A set of clothes appeared on their skin and their collars grew to their new neck size. The only hair left was on their heads but their ears were still up and perky. They looked in the mirror , they looked almost human . Well minus the ears and tail , they looked around and yawned , they were still tired so they climbed back into the bed and slep at their masters feet.

The plot is basically to see why this happened ,how it happened, and how to change them back or maybe even adapting them to a normal life. The cats are like Nekos appearance wise but will still act like cats in normal life. Some are lazy , others are proud, they will fight with each other on occasion etc. They can speak english , but their native tongue of cat is what they prefer and if possible will talk in. They will speak cat to other "Nekos" and regular cats possibly even translating for humans.

The Nekos and humans will be paired up randomly so do not be disappointed if there is a Neko you want but you do not get it. If you want to request a Neko or Master just ask in OOC or Pm . If the one you want also wants to reserve you then you will get it but if not it's still luck of the draw.

character skelly

Code: Select all


Nickname- (optional)

Age-(for nekos age appearance and actual , 15-21)

Appearance-(Image or description)

Species- (Human/Neko)

Likes- (at least 3)

Dislikes- (at least 3)


Crush-(can be any species,age or gender)

I only have one rule what I say goes that is all














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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Cherri Lerner
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#, as written by ceh12
Connor woke up at the first light of the day and yawned loudly. He tried to pounce down but only hurt himself in the process
"Ouch " he said then covered his mouth " Wow I can talk , this is weird. " his stomach growled and he ignored his human features and jumped back onto Cherri's bed. " Cherri, Cherri wake up I'm hungry wake up " he nudged her with his hand and meow. " Cherri , Cherri " he lied at her feet and nudged her with his head. " Come on ,come on" he pounced on her and licked her cheek. "Come on wake up Cherri". he was a bit shorter than her and felt about the same weight wise.

" Come on please wake up , wake up, wake up, wake uuuuppppp." he meowed loudly then he pushed her side knocking her off the bed with a large thump. " I'm sorry I'm sorry " he went under the blanket and hid his tail sticking out and him hiding underneath.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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Diego was already up and about, being the light sleeper he is, he woke up at about 3:00 in the morning to be greeted with a human body laying down at the edge of his bed. Weirdest thing was, it looked like JoJo, but in human form, with ears and a tail. The poor Spanish boy had no idea what to think at that time, considering he just woke up. Hallucinations, he reasoned, and began pinching his skin until he bled. Well, he was definitely awake, and it seemed too real to be a lie.

The male was sitting on the couch, face glittered with sweat as his cheeks were flushed from concentrating, and of course, THERE WAS A HUMAN CAT AT THE EDGE OF HIS BED. Who wouldn't be surprised?

He had his tan fingers running through his jet black, shiny locks of hair, eyes closed and brows furrowed. A million questions ran through the teen's head. Am I going to have to teach him how to bathe? Use a toilet? Put on clothes? O-Oh my god. T-there's so many problems that could occur.

It was almost too much for the socially awkward male to handle. How would JoJo act? Would he end up being mean? Would he be sweet? A pervert, even?

Gripping his head, he groaned, his temper flaring in confusion, frustration, and well, everything negative that he's thinking. "Gagh! This is so hard! Now that he's..he's..human to an extent, what feelings would he get? How would he act? What if he ends up crying? I can't deal with people crying! I freak out! I'm freaking out right now! I-I mean, I can accept him, it's's...going to be so awkward! I-I-I-I.."

His constant stressing getting to him, he slumped back against the couch and rolled over to lay on it, eyes seemingly glazed over and dazed, and along with the sweat and blushing, he was extremely hot. "I don't feel well now..I've been stressing for 5 hours straight..I'm so tired.."

Hand flying to his forehead, he mumbled something inaudible and if you looked closely, you could almost see circles twirling in his pupils. "Where's Leon.." the male muttered. "He should be taking care of me. Oh yeah..he said he's paying my rent and that he's living somewhere else. Ugh. Stupid brothers. Leonnnnnn! JoJooooo!" Diego whined loudly, falling down onto the cushioned softness of the couch, head resting against the armrest.

Prodding at a bucket he had on the table with water in it, there was a cloth next to it incase he ended up getting a headache or becoming hot or feverish. Throwing the wet cloth onto his eyes and forehead, he moaned and shivered. "That's as cold as Antarctica."

He sat up and threw his head back, resting it on upright cushions, eyes looking up at the ceiling; though the cloth was blocking his sight. Hands resting on his thighs, he sighed. "Of all people.."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Somchai Arthit Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai Character Portrait: Ren
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#, as written by Lambie

Moss had fallen asleep onto of the sheets his tail tucked tight on him. He was a little cold a very unusual thing for him as he opened his eyes to the morning light. With a big yawn and and even bigger stretch he started groom himself except for the fact he had no fur or paws instead he had skin, hands, and human feet. Moss reached up to feel his hair and his ears which he sighed in relief as his tail swished around him. "Oh my tail." He thought as he began to try and grab it. Only to stumble and sort of fall on Eris. "Eris I sorry!" Moss mewed out as he made an attempt to get off the bed only to fall on his head. "Oww!" He cried out and sort of began to sniffle a bit.


Somchai snored loudly as he was half way off the bed. His face a little bruised around the left eye as he had gotten in a fight last night with a guy who was harassing a waitress. Somchai was so out of it that he never noticed that he wasn't on the bed. As he clinked onto a pillow with the blankets covering his face. Lucky for him he didn't have to go to work until the afternoon so there was no point in getting up early either way.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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Eris Kaai

Eris was sleeping soundly in her bed when she felt something fall on top of her. 'Owww.... I wonder what that was..?' She opened her eyes and saw that Moss wasn't on the end of her bed anymore. "Moss? Where are you, kitty?" She looked down over the edge of her bed and saw another person, but he had cat ears and a tail. When she saw him, she rubbed her eyes and yawned sleepily. She saw that he was sniffling a bit. "Umm, are you okay? Are you hurt?" She pet his ears and started to wake up. "Oh my gosh! Neko ears! Neko tail! I think I'm going to faint..!" Eris began to breathe harder and soon passed out onto the floor.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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#, as written by Lambie

Moss was about to start crying when he heard Eris talking to him. She saw that he was sniffling a bit. "Umm, are you okay? Are you hurt?" She pet his ears and started to wake up. "Oh my gosh! Neko ears! Neko tail! I think I'm going to faint..!" Eris began to breathe harder and soon passed out onto the floor. He saw her pass out. "OH MY GOD?! Eris!" He moved to the side of her and began to rub her cheek with with his hand. "Eris wake up! Eris! Eris! Wake up!" Moss began to panic his tail thrashing about. "Wake up!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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Eris Kaai

"Wake up!" Eris heard a faint voice calling out to her, and moaned a little bit from passing out. She sat up on the floor and rubbed her eyes. "Wha-what happened? Where am I?" She looked up at the neko and her eyes widened. "S-s-so cute!!!!!!" She fiercely hugged him and began petting him, and even kissed his nose. "Oh my goodness.... Wait a minute... Who are you?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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#, as written by Lambie

Moss was really starting to panic now until he heard a moan. She sat up on the floor and rubbed her eyes. "Wha-what happened? Where am I?" She looked up at the neko and her eyes widened. "S-s-so cute!!!!!!" She fiercely hugged him and began petting him, and even kissed his nose. "Oh my goodness.... Wait a minute... Who are you?" He let out a small mew as Eris overly showered him with affection. Moss rubbed his neck where his collar was to make the tight feeling go away. "Eris its me Moss." He says gently as he grabbed his tail to hold on too because right now he was a little startle. "Your pet cat Moss."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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Eris Kaai

"Eris, it's me, Moss." He grabbed onto his tail and held it. "Your pet cat, Moss." Eris blinked twice and rubbed her eyes. When she looked at him again, she touched his face. "But, if you're Moss, how come you look like a human? Are you joking with me?! Is this a cosplay or something?!" She felt the top of his head and didn't feel any sign of a headband. "Moss... You're... You're...." Eris' eyes started to water from the amount of affection building up inside of her. When she couldn't take it anymore, she hugged him again fiercely and started to cry. "You're so cute!!!"

(OOC: Lol, Eris is getting a little bit emotional xD)


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: JoJo
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JoJo was having a wonderful dream. It wouldn't be called a real dream, because it was just him and Deigo alone on an peaceful island. It was so nice, it wasn't like his usual nightmares. Soon he started to hear murmuring and he slowly opened his big innocent eye's. He shifted and moved his head up. He rubbed his eyes like a little child, trying to get the sleep out of his eyes. "Nghh...,"JoJo groaned softly beofre searching for Diego. "D-Diego...?"JoJo called out, but when he he heard himself td, he was shocked. He was frigthened as he looked down at his body, being human. His eyes widened as he started to get scared. "Diego! Diego!" He started to mumble as he scrambled for his master. "Diego!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

"Moss... You're... You're...." Eris' eyes started to water from the amount of affection building up inside of her. When she couldn't take it anymore, she hugged him again fiercely and started to cry. "You're so cute!!!" Moss let out a soft muffle mew as he was being buried under Eris body. "Eris!" He complained as his tail thrashed about. "I can't breathe!" Finally poking his head out of her hugs gasping for air. "Plus I cold. I not use to the bare flesh thing. How can you humans stand being so bare?" As he was naked at this point in time.

(OOC: Lol! Its so funny, but she's going to kill him if she doesn't calm down. Not that he's brittle or anything, but the hugs might suffocate him)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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0.00 INK

"Looks like the little guy woke up."

Diego rolled on his stomach, arms dangling off the side of the couch, a lost expression plastered across his face. Slowly, he removed the cloth away from his forehead and eyes. "Calm down," the male grumbled, "I'm as freaked out as you are, that's why I'm feeling like crap. I've been stressing out for five hours straight, trying to figure out why you're like this, but nothing, absolutely nothing made a light bulb shine. You'll have to make the best of it for now, well, we will."

Throwing the cloth into the bucket, he rose, walking over to the smaller male and gently leaning against his shoulder for support, since he was still a bit dazed, tired, and well overall dizzy. "Sorry, but that means no more litter pans, no more running around without clothes on, and no more trying to get mice. In this form, I think you'd end up getting really sick, and I don't think we want that. This also gives some advantages as well. You'll be able to go outside more often, you won't have to jump up on the window sill to look outside, and well, you can learn how to do some other stuff."

Lowering his head, he groaned. "The learning I'm going to have to teach you a lot. This is going to be a bit..weird, though. You being human and all now. I mean, I can accept you gladly for what you are now, it's just.."

The male's cheeks flushed again. "Damn it. That means I can't kiss you out in public, or else that'd look really weird, how judgmental society is like now. It's making me go insane!" Diego tugged at a piece of his black hair, groaning. Turning to crouch down in front of the smaller male, he stared him in the eyes, trying hard to get accustomed to the new form.

Diego's cheeks grew to be magenta, and he sighed. "What a dragging night. Come here." The male picked up the smaller one bridal-style, walking over to the couch and setting him down for them to talk. Staring at JoJo for the longest time, he contemplated whether it'd be too awkward to kiss him or not, like he usually did with his fluffy friend, except in animal form.

"Damn it," he mumbled. "Get it together, Diego. He's your cat. He's still a cat at heart, just his physical body is a an extent."

Leaning over, about to kiss his "cat" on the cheek, he quickly pulled away and just stared at the table. "Aye, aye..just do it. it..he's your cat. You have a right." He whispered to himself quietly.

Once again, the male leaned over, and gently kissed the other on the cheek. Staying there for a couple of second, he kind of froze, cheeks now a bright red scarlet rather than magenta.

The male squeaked and curled himself into a ball, screaming into his own tanktop-covered chest. "This is too awkward! This is too awkward! This is too awkward! If I was a girl maybe it'd be different! Agh, gah! What am I saying?! I don't want to be a girl! JoJo is afraid of girls anyways! I-I-I..."

Diego quickly un-curled himself and fell over onto JoJo's human lap. His head was resting there, anyways, because he was freaking out so much. "I'm sorry..." the male murmured.

(Hurray for epic freak outs!)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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Eris Kaai

Moss poked his head out to prevent himself from suffocating in her hugs. "Plus, I'm cold. I'm not used to the bare-flesh thing. How can you humans stand being so bare?" Eris looked at him, then turned her head away quickly. "You know what Moss? Go look in the bathroom. You'll find a really big, black shirt that my friend gave me from a long time ago. I'm sure it'll fit you just fine. We can go shopping for some clothes later if you want." She stood up from the floor and wobbled a bit. 'Whoa, I think my legs fell asleep....' Eris went over to her dresser, keeping herself from looking at Moss until he had the shirt on. She randomly pulled out a t-shirt and a camouflage skirt. She slid the skirt on from underneath her night dress, and put the t-shirt on over it. She pulled the dress off from under her shirt and folded it neatly on her bed. She sighed and smiled to herself. 'I'm hungry....'


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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#, as written by Lambie

Eris looked at him, then turned her head away quickly. "You know what Moss? Go look in the bathroom. You'll find a really big, black shirt that my friend gave me from a long time ago. I'm sure it'll fit you just fine. We can go shopping for some clothes later if you want." Moss went into the restroom and found a black shirt. He tilted his head a bit as he grabbed it and started to play with for a minute an giggled to himself. Then he attempted to put it on. Naturally he struggled a bit and bumped into the walls trying to get to the part you put your head through. But eventually he got it on and walked out of the restroom as the shirt was to big and he didn't like the color. Moss walked out with a grumpy look, his ears flatten and his tail thrashing unhappily.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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All the information that Diego said just went over his head. JoJo looked more skittish than before. His cheeks blushed as his master picked up, but he blushed more at the thought about kissing. "N-no more...k-kissing?" Then poor boy wanted to cry. He loves the kisses that he got from Diego. He rubbed his eyes, trying not to cry before he leaned in and was kissed on the cheek. He squeaked and then watch his master have one of his panic attacks. He fell on his knees, not too hard, as he watched Diego curl into a ball. Of course, JoJo crawled over to him in a cat like manner. He never did like seeing his master like this. Soon he slipped into Diego's lap, unaware of his nakedness at the moment. He looked up at him through his unruly hair and big eyes. "Meow...Diego..."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez Character Portrait: JoJo
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0.00 INK

Diego used one hand to gently rub the cats head. "I'll be fine, JoJo. I think I just need to relax. I get too worked up.." His words backfired, once he realized through glazed-over, confused eyes, that...

JoJo, was naked.

Across his cheeks and nose, he turned as red as roses, more darker and darker as he got more embarrassed and embarrassed. "I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I..." His eyes were completely glassy and glazed now, a headache threatening to pound near his temples. "I feel lightheaded.."

How did I not notice?! He thought frantically.

"J-J-J-JoJo..come with me, please.." Getting up, the male grabbed onto his cat's arm, quietly amazed at how fragile he felt. Oh god. His skin's so soft! I wonder why..ugh. Shut up Diego. We just need to get him dressed.

Walking in his jean shorts, that oddly were comfortable, he made his way with the cat boy across the living room without falling. He entered their bedroom and separated from him, walking to his wardrobe and sighing. "Thank god I've kept some clothes from when I was younger. Mom always said to keep them no matter what, for good causes and needs. What a vague woman she was," he said with a quiet chuckle.

Picking out a shirt with a picture of Pokemon characters on it, his face deadpanned with an "are you serious" look. "I used to wear this? Wow. I'm more into Soul Eater and Genshiken and all that other stuff. Honestly, but oh well. I think it would cute on you. But, let me say, I am NOT helping you get boxers on."

Diego went up to the younger male and sighed, raising his arms to slip the shirt onto him. "Aw. You look kind of cute with the ears and the Pokemon." Going back to his wardrobe, he pulled out some shorts, a huge hat to cover his ears, and smaller boxers that should fit the little one..hopefully. "Go into the bathroom and see if you can try these on. They shouldn't be too difficult..I've probably changed in front of you anyways."

At that thought, and after the blush recently when away, it came back full force like a hit in the face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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Eris Kaai

Eris turned around and looked at Moss. She saw the grumpy look on his face and how flat his ears were. "Hmm, something tells me you don't like the shirt, huh? Let's go shopping later for an outfit that'll fit you. First, we should eat, 'kay?" She grabbed his arm and walked out of the room.
They went into the kitchen and she opened the fridge. "What would you like to have for breakfast this morning, Moss?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

"Hmm, something tells me you don't like the shirt, huh? Let's go shopping later for an outfit that'll fit you. First, we should eat, 'kay?" She grabbed his arm and walked out of the room. They went into the kitchen and she opened the fridge. "What would you like to have for breakfast this morning, Moss?" He felt a little better at the mentioning of food though. "Fish!" Moss exclaimed happily, as his ears perked up and his tail relaxed. "Fish is a fish that swim in the sea or lakes or rivers. They swim so freely! Until I come along and nom them." He sung happily and a little off key. The reason being he would sing every time Erise fed him she just never knew until today.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kiki Character Portrait: Drake Luke Woods
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The young, newly neko girl awoke from her long nap. She was now way to big for the little cat bed she was sleeping in. 'What happened? Where is all my pretty white fur?' Kiki started towards Drake's room on all fours, then looked down. 'I cant walk like this. I look like a fool.' She stood up shakily, still getting used to her new body. "Drake? Wake up!" she called through his door. It was usually shut, like most guys.Today was no diferent. "Meow. Wake up." 'Hehehe I made kitty noises.' She snickered to herself, then tried to open the door. It was unlocked, he was in bed. She crawled onton the bed, snuggling up at the end of it. She sat and waited for him to wake up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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Eris Kaai

Eris giggled while Moss sang his little song. "Your voice is a tad bit off. I'll get the tuna out for you, 'kay?" She pulled out a small bowl covered with plastic wrap. "Remember I made this for you yesterday? I still had some left over, so I put it in the fridge." She giggled and pet his ears. "Oh Moss, you're so cute!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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#, as written by Lambie

"Yum!" Moss exclaimed happily. "Tuna and good tuna from yesterday. Not icky and yucky, but yummy and tasty." He happily allowed Erise pet his ears. Never quite understanding why humans loved there ears and paws so much. Maybe they like the way they feel. Moss just giggled to himself humans were so funny. "Not as cute as you are Erise!" He proclaimed happily.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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Eris Kaai

Eris blushed when Moss called her cute as well. "Well, Moss, I have to go shopping for your clothes later. What kind of style would you like?" She pet his ears more and rubbed her nose with his. 'He's so cute! I can't leave him alone!' "Nee? What kind of style do you like? Just explain what you want to look like, and I'll go find an outfit for you!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moss Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

Moss grinned when Erise didn't try to smother him. "Bright colors on the shirt please. Red, pinks, light blues, light green, light purple. No dark color shirts! Ick!" He then looked down. "And the long, leg cover thingys any color, but no black." Moss smiled happily, then looked down pulled the collar of the shirt to look down. "I think you humans wear something before you put the long leg cover thingy." He says as he tilts his head a bit. "And please nothing to big."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Cherri Lerner
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Cherri heard a voice call out her name but she pretty much ignored it. She felt Connor nudging her and licking her but she once again ignored him. The morning was the only time she ever ignored her precious cat, and there was nothing different about this morning. After a few more meows and actual talking, which didn't seem abmormal to her because she was half asleep. "Dad..." She mummbled really quietly. Cherri thought it was her father that was doing the talking while Connor was helping him.

Suddenly she felt Connor push her off the bed. "OUCH!" She yelled. Finally she opened her eyes and saw her refection in the mirror that was in front of her, her blonde hair was all over the place and she had bags under her eyes. Her yellow pajama shirt went up during the night and her stomach was showing. Then she looked at her bed, to "punish" her cat and saw his tail sticking out of the blanket. Quickly she pounched on her kitty but she felt something wrong. "Connor?" She said with a bit of fear in her voice. Her cat wasn't about the same height as her nor felt like a human. Cherri quickly pulled off the green blanket and saw a human boy underneath.

"Where's my Connor?" Cherri said with tears forming in her eyes. All the shock caused her to forget about the tail and ears that were on the boy. The thought of something happening to him such as someone stealing him, like this stange boy, or something even worse made her go hystarical. Cherri wailed even louder and cried harder and shook the poor boy and kept demanding to know where her cat was.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Cherri Lerner
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Connor sat tight when he heard Cherri get up. " Im dead, I'm dead, I'm dead" he kept repeating to himself when he felt the blanket above him being torn off him. "Where's my Connor?" he felt a bit bad she didn't even recognize him. He raised his upper body and felt the cold night air against his chest and chilled.

"Cherri don't you see it's me Connor remember you've almost smothered me about tewenty times. " Connor meowed in a special way he could , a bit low at first then higher than his regular voice , he thought it was special that only he could do this so whenever he needed Cherri he would meow like that.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Connor Character Portrait: Cherri Lerner
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"Connor?" Cherri said in complete shock. She wipped the tears from her eyes and finally came to her senses. Only her Connor was able to meow like that. "Connor!" She yelled when she realized it was her precious cat. She hugged him tightly to the point that she was choking him, for the millionth time. Cherri was so happy that he was alright, but then she looked at him and asked, "What happened to you?"

Only after that she took a good look at her cat. Connor had the same tail and ears. He also had the eyes that Cherri ever so much adored. Then she realized he had no clothes on. She blushed a bright pink and turned her head away, only to face the mirror. She once again quickly turned her head and hoped that Connor didn't notice she was acting strange.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 1 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Brungerey by ceh12


Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Eris Kaai
44 sightings Eris Kaai played by angel51897
"Come here, Neko-san!"
Character Portrait: Cherri Lerner
11 sightings Cherri Lerner played by KittyKLL
Character Portrait: JoJo
17 sightings JoJo played by PrincessBoy

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in From Cat to Neko. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Connor
Character Portrait: Moss
Character Portrait: Ren
Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez
Character Portrait: Kiki
Character Portrait: Somchai Arthit


Character Portrait: Somchai Arthit
Somchai Arthit

Pick on someone your own size!

Character Portrait: Kiki

"Puuurrrrrr...Pet me please?" :3

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez
Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez

"I can still accept you for what you are now, but this will be slightly awkward. My worst thought is having to teach them how to dress, oh my lord."

Character Portrait: Ren


Character Portrait: Moss

Meow! Hello there!

Character Portrait: Connor

"Come on come on fight me " his master puts their foot on the ground " Im sorry Im sorry "


Character Portrait: Connor

"Come on come on fight me " his master puts their foot on the ground " Im sorry Im sorry "

Character Portrait: Moss

Meow! Hello there!

Character Portrait: Kiki

"Puuurrrrrr...Pet me please?" :3

Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez
Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez

"I can still accept you for what you are now, but this will be slightly awkward. My worst thought is having to teach them how to dress, oh my lord."

Character Portrait: Somchai Arthit
Somchai Arthit

Pick on someone your own size!

Character Portrait: Ren


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ren


Character Portrait: Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez
Diego Jose Fuentes-Gonzalez

"I can still accept you for what you are now, but this will be slightly awkward. My worst thought is having to teach them how to dress, oh my lord."

Character Portrait: Somchai Arthit
Somchai Arthit

Pick on someone your own size!

Character Portrait: Kiki

"Puuurrrrrr...Pet me please?" :3

Character Portrait: Moss

Meow! Hello there!

Character Portrait: Connor

"Come on come on fight me " his master puts their foot on the ground " Im sorry Im sorry "

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » From Cat to Neko: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in From Cat to Neko

Re: From Cat to Neko

I would be interested I believe. Could you please just post or PM me the link when you can?

Re: From Cat to Neko

Im planning on making a remake of this rp if any of you want to join you're more than welcome to use your old characters but you might not get the same owners if you do

Re: From Cat to Neko

Same here, I just gave up on getting a reply; so I just deleted my character :/

Re: From Cat to Neko

I would continue, but it's been my partner's turn for a while now...^^;

Re: From Cat to Neko

Umm, can someone else please continue this role play????
I literally have nothing else to do!!!!!

Re: From Cat to Neko

Hey there guys! Sorry i have been away from the computer for a few day but im back now!~~ So i will post right now after i read!

Re: From Cat to Neko

Neon won't be back on I think until tomorrow. On her RP, she said she was going to be gone yesterday and today because she had to go do something with friends.

Re: From Cat to Neko

Ah okay, so my feeling was right. Thanks for answering my question Lambie ^-^ I wonder if she knows we started posting.

Re: From Cat to Neko

Neon.Lynx hasn't posted yet I should know he's my other partner.

Re: From Cat to Neko

I'm just curious, has everyone posted? I feel like were missing post from some people *shrugs* Could just be my imagination though...Idk. Maybe I just felt like we had more people xD

Re: From Cat to Neko

@Princessboy: What your character says at the end made me laugh so hard, and I have no idea why.

Re: From Cat to Neko


By the way, cute signature. Heechul is adorable.

Re: From Cat to Neko

Hays, its Okay. I'm happy too. Have fun with the innocent Kitty.

Re: From Cat to Neko


Thank yewwww.




....sorry. I got a little too happy. ._.

Re: From Cat to Neko

okay got the list done and I will start us off.
These will only show your characters name btw






Re: From Cat to Neko

I don't mind having a handicap.


Re: From Cat to Neko

thats your handicap bud dont worry

Re: From Cat to Neko

As long as JoJo has a guy, I'll be fine. ^^;

Re: From Cat to Neko

Okay Im gonna start to select the pairs, they will all be done electronically and some will be given handicaps , so to speak.

So unless another human is made Lambie will also have human as well. So good luck to you all and hope you guys get the partner you want and if you want to ask for one better say something in the next 5 min