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Gifted: A Remake

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Gifted Academy is a part of Gifted: A Remake.

13 Characters Here

Belphagor Sin [42] The Devil pulls the strings which make us dance; We find delight in the most loathsome things; Some furtherance of Hell each new day brings, And yet we feel no horror in that rank advance.
Cassandra Valentine [40] I'll draw you a picture, hopefully one your feeble mind will be able to understand.
Nathan Alshane [39] "What am I doing? It's not like I'll ever be good enough for them..."
Samuel J. Livingston [37] "So you came to me for help? Fine, but I'll also become your worst nightmare."
Sherry Hisakawa [35] "A few observations and much reasoning leads to error, while many observations and little reasoning leads to truth."
Chess Belle [35] "Your name tastes funny."
Hakon Astapora Sigrun [27] "Are ve man or beast? Male or Vemale? Vith me...Zat distinction is ovten blurred"
Hanako Asato [18] {Only History Left} "Most people think it's cool that I don't feel pain.. But my biggest wish, id to feel pain."

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15 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Hanako Asato Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Hakon Astapora Sigrun Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Tristen Ainsworth Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston Character Portrait: Forrest Inokira Character Portrait: Louella Ainsworth

...and 3 others.

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~Samuel J. Livingston~

Samuel turned his head to look at the French woman, who was apparently named Cassandra Valentine. She had told both himself and The Devil to not attempt to "protect" her, even though he knew that the creep had attempted to do the polar opposite to her.

He was just about to reply back when she snatched a bowl of vanilla ice cream from the table and nearly sprinted out of the room, refusing to look back.

The average person would feel guilty, or at least uneasy. Samuel practically wanted to laugh out loud. "My counterattack was spot-on. I don't care how the woman feels about me, but at least the creep wasn't able to latch onto her. But I bet he'll be persistent. I'm not gonna be allowing him to challenge the throne."

Samuel looked around at the remaining students, since a kid who looked like he was ready to punch something stormed out, and of course Cassandra, had already left the room. "Well, I guess we all should get going. This grub is getting cold, anyways, and I hate cold food. Don't you?" He gazed at everyone in the room before turning away.

He was blatantly optimistic, since things were going so well. He put his hands into his pockets and left the room at a leisurely pace. Since the Old Geezer hadn't said where to go or what to do after the "dinner", Samuel decided to check out his room. He'll be able to relish this accomplishment for a good while.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston
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Everything's Alright|Laura Shigihara
“The Devil pulls the strings which make us dance;
We find delight in the most loathsome things;
Some furtherance of Hell each new day brings,
And yet we feel no horror in that rank advance.”

ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Milos, Greek Islet
ᴡʜᴇɴ: August 1st, 2015
ᴡʜᴏ: Staff, Characters


As all the drama unfolded, Bel wasn't entirely certain how to react. Something in his chest felt like a metal stake had been wrenched through it. He tasted iron in his mouth, only then did he realize that during this whole firefight as it were, he had been biting his lip. Holding back his words. He didn't want to stoop to the level of ignorant children who have no concept of manners. It seemed he had bit down so hard he drew blood. Curious.

Looking down as Cassandra rushed away, not bothering to look as the loud-mouth brushed past him. As Samuel passed, Ai was knocked off his shoulder. He turned quickly to catch her but, she slipped through his fingers and hit the ground with a barely audible thud. Bel knelt down cautiously, his slender hands shaking as they cupped around the small doll. It had knocked her loose button-eye off. His eyes went wide, clutching her close to him, he rose. It hurt him. He was hurting. What an odd sensation, one he hadn't felt since. . .

Nodding to the remainder of people in the dining area Bel managed to speak, although his voice was choked up, which was unusual. He managed to mutter something about his apologies for spoiling anyone's dinner. Then he gracefully walked out. Ai clutched close against his chest. It was in times like these he wished that the roles were reversed. He hated living how he did, he hated himself for being who he was. What, he was. Bel, one out of sight of everyone began trembling uncontrollably, he ran through the halls towards his room. He reached the door and flung it open, but he took care to gently close it.

Muttering in a hoarse whisper, Bel sat down holding Ai and her button eye in his hands.

"Ai? C-can you hear me darling?" Bel ran a thumb over the torn thread.
"I'm sorry if I upset you in anyway. Anyway at all. Ai, I'm g-gonna fix you right now. . . You'll be okay now. I'm gonna f-fix you. This time it'll work I promise." Bel felt hot tears stinging his eyes, his lip quivered slightly as he looked down at the ragged doll with the missing eye. He laid her down on a pillow, the eye beside her. He rushed over to his suitcase, digging through it frantically, throwing things everywhere. Had he. . . No. Did he forget the sewing kit? Hysteria began to fray the edges of his calm demeanor. Panic was setting in.

Crawling over to Ai he wiped his eyes and laid down beside her.
"Si-sing me a lullaby, how you u-used to." Bel laid there, sniffling, gently fiddling with the thread that used to hold her eye in place. He waited for Ai's blithe voice to ring out, clear and light. The longer he lay there, the more it hit him, he was truly alone. His grief turned into rage, he grabbed the doll, clenching his fists around it's throat.

"I demand you sing to me! Sing! Dammit, dammit, dammit!" His tears fell quicker.
"Why do you remain silent!? You've spoken to me.. You've spoken to me all day long! Y-you're fine. You're just missing an eye. . . Ai! Please. . . Say something. Anything!" His sorrowful plea became a shout as he tossed the doll across the room.
"I knew it! You think me The Devil too! You're just like everyone else and I HATE YOU!" Bel clutched his face in his hands. Painful memories flooding his mind. . .

Three years ago . . .

"Rhys. . . Come here." A woman with long auburn hair smiled. Bel turned and walked over to her, collapsing into her arms to cry. The woman began to hum a soft song as she held him close to her.
"Short steps, deep breath. . . Everything is alright." The woman's light and airy voice sung quietly, Bel began to calm down. His hands clutching her back. He seemed to be beaten up. She held his face in her hands.
"My silvery angel. . . What ever happened?"
"They said I was cursed. . . Then they all started hurting me. It h-hurts." Bel grabbed his hair and shivered. The woman held him close reassuring him, letting him know he was safe now. . . Her soft song continued, quickly calming down Bel.
Present day. . .

Bel had crawled over and picked up Ai. He rubbed her against his face whispering in a falsetto.

"I'm alright, you can fix me later, I'm alright now. . . My silvery angel, no more tears no more tears. . ." Then he spoke again in his regular voice.
"They did this, they did this to you. . . I'll guard you better. . . I swear. . . I swear. . ." He clung onto the doll whispering to himself, curled up on his bed.


14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Hanako Asato Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Hakon Astapora Sigrun Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Tristen Ainsworth Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston Character Portrait: Forrest Inokira Character Portrait: Louella Ainsworth Character Portrait: Rook Justitia

...and 2 others.

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#, as written by Miyer
- Sherry Hisakawa -

Sherry glanced up at the sound of chairs being pulled and moved about, the individuals that were once seated in them moving away from the table and leaving the room.

Over the past half hour or so, much had taken place and she had remained impartial, curious to see how those she would consider her peers interact. At first a young man with black hair had sat down next to her and displayed blatant interest in her... ability if the way his own strengths were to be taken into account. It peeked her own inquisitive mind as the boy showed superior deductive skills but refrained from engaging in conversation with the american so that she would not contaminate the experiment with her interaction with the participants.

It seemed the centre of the commotion that had taken place was a pretty French girl, who demonstrated a tendency towards mistrust and aggression, who was on the receiving end of some unwanted flirtation by a white haired male with a mysterious doll resting on his shoulder. The same dark haired boy who had tried to start a conversation with her had run to the brunettes rescue for which he received no gratitude but rather disdain and irritation for his actions, deemed as unnecessary according to the female.

As the girl stormed out, the second one to have left the room, and soon followed by the dark haired boy who had attempted conversation... "His name... What was it again... Samuel? Possibly..., Sherry mused for a few seconds before turning her attention to the white haired boy again.

Damaged. The doll had fallen to the floor and the boys whole demeanour had changed from when he had first arrived. Gone was his confidence and now replaced by invisible tears and a desire to escape. He was the next to leave.

Bring her napkin up to clean her mouth and placing her knife and fork together on the plate to indicate she was finished and the servants could take her plate away, she silently raised from her seat and made her way towards the exit without sparing another glance to the rooms inhabitants.

"It would appear I have stumbled across something interesting...", she mumbled out as she wondered the halls. She could already figure out the way to her dorm room but felt no desire to go to a place where she would be left alone with nothing to do. The library or a laboratory appeared to be the most promising, and the mansion would definitely have both.

However, Sherry found herself heading away from the library, apparently in the south wing considering older blueprints of other buildings that had similar structure and layout, and towards the dorms. It was not hard to guess the boys location, and so she soon found herself outside his door, listening to his quite conversation with himself.

Again her curiosity was peeked. She should of learned by now though, that interacting with others only ever caused harm to them... But she had to know why he had been so sad, and why he was so dependent of that doll of his.

Raising her hand, she delivered three swift knocks to the door before waiting.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Forrest Inokira
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#, as written by Anraee

"When everything is lonely I can be my best friend." ~Conor Oberst

Forrest didn't really feel the exact need to actually go to the school. He would have much better things to be in his own case, well to him anyways. He wasn't really the one who actually decided for him to go to school. His parents, basically told him to go to he school. He hadn't come from the best family out there, and he would have rather stayed with his family more than anything the world. The letter and hard hand only been sent t him about three days after he had returned from his trip from Greece. He had already been away from his family for some reason he thought it was so wrong for him to go again. But although he felt that way about I, he loved Greece with a burning passion going deep into his soul. Way to go Ino, you sound like a creep. well I'm trying to express myself so could you please back down?Well, sorry to inform you, do NOT bring this up in a conversation. You'll regret it I'm telling you.Well if someone asks about what I like what should I say? Tell them that you like talking to yourself. That'll make me sound like an even more weirdo and a creep! The boy ended up going on and on with himself basically rambling as his trip there was actually quite boring. He had nothing to do and happened to be seated between two old people that were fast asleep in snores, Why had he come here? Maybe he should have gotten a first class ticket or something. he let out a soft sigh his eye closing as he drifted off into a deep sleep for the rest of the trip.

The male had enjoyed looking around at his surroundings, he had been here during his trip to Greece. Instead of being a normal person and getting a ride he decided to walk. Often times that's what he did even back home. He wanted to see where he would be living for the time being. As he walked he looked up at the sky. It seemed to be a bit past the middle of the day judging by the way it looked outside. He threw is duffle bag over his shoulder pulling out his camera. Ino was very much so the type to take tons of pictures. His rom will most defiantly be covered in the pictures he brought along with him. He walked and talked with himself once more as he normally did. This time it wasn't as weird as before well in his own perspective it wasn't as weird as before. Along his way he managed to visit one of the abandoned temples in the area. He didn't know much about t but he took some pictures scribbling down the name on a tiny pad and shoved it into his back pocket. The camera hung from around s neck and he walked down the green steps that were covered in overgrown plants. He chuckled to himself picking up a flower and tucking it behind his ear this time actually making his way to the school.

Ino had actually enjoyed the time he was spending while he walked. A new place for him to explore, is the way he would actually think about it. Out of all things, he found himself already living the town or city he would be staying for the boarding school. As e walked the male ended up taking off his shoes and just walked bare foot around, it was easier that way. He was just around the a few blocks away from the school when he seemed to hear a continuous bark. The more he walked it would seem the small bark would either get quiet or louder. Knowing himself he was actually quite a bit annoyed. He followed where the barks were coming from ending up in a small ally. A puppy was in a box right by the trash can. He bent down getting to eye level with the dog. The barks stopped and the just sat there just looking at him. It took a moment and he had to think to himself. The rules never said anything about pets...But what if you can't have one?Its worth a shot. But- He decided to jus end the conversation with himself right there not really thinking too much into it anymore. He got up taking the puppy into his arms. He couldn't help but to regret not having someone drop him off at the school, but he didn't mind it too much. Just the fact that he was carrying so much irritated him a bit at this point in time.

His arrival was severely late in comparison to the others. His things had been taken up to his room and the butler asked for his hard. But of course it would actually take him quite a bit of time before he was actually able to find it. The thing was hidden deep in his duffle bag and he had t rummage through it just to find the card. Truth be told he had only actually looked at the card once before that. He didn't really see why it mattered at all. After the butler had his things sent up to his dorm again. He was taken to the dining room. He didn't really question it and the puppy walked along side with him inside the room. Just by walking into the hall h was others socializing with each other. He kept his hand in his pocket finding his seat and sitting down in it. The puppy seemed to be the social one climbing into Ino's lap and looking around at everything happily digging into the food placed in front of Ino. The male had a face of slight annoyance, but he wasn't the cruel type and simply ate the from the other side of the plate. He minded hsi own business keeping to himself. The puppy began to bark here and there playfully as he was eating his new owners meal along with him.


13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Hanako Asato Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Hakon Astapora Sigrun Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Tristen Ainsworth Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston Character Portrait: Forrest Inokira Character Portrait: Louella Ainsworth Character Portrait: Rook Justitia

...and 1 others.

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#, as written by Sigma

It was honestly quite interesting as to how quickly the situation in the dining room had deteriorated. The two males, silver-hair and black-hair, had seemed to be fighting over the a female. Rather, it seem more like the dark-haired male had just been wanting to pick a fight as a means of showing who should be the alpha male. Nonetheless, their argument had been making Rook's milk taste sour. Being in proximity of such a high-octane argument just simply ruined the, otherwise simplistic, mood of the evening. Rook was just about ready to leave the table when a large bang emitted, shaking the silverware and nearly spilling his glass, had he not quickly held it down. The source being the male with the animal-print hat. "Sorry. Bit of a stomach pain." He had said, before standing up and leaving the room. Now, Rook knew was no doctor, but it didn't take one to know that it was more than just a bit of stomach pain.

Following the sudden exit of the male, the female whom the two from before had been bickering over stood up as well. He didn't quite catch what she had said, but she did not look pleased. She picked up a bowl of dessert before following suit, and leaving the room. Rook turned back to the other two males as it seemed it was the turn of one more to exit stage left. "Well, I guess we all should get going. This grub is getting cold, anyways, and I hate cold food. Don't you?" This question put out by the male with darker-hair. He too spun around and left the room. Then there was the silvery male. He faced the rest of the people who had remained seated and, quite surprisingly, apologized for the event displayed before them.

As the silver-haired male walked out, Rook noticed the slight tinge of sadness contained within the voiced apology. Silently taking another sip from his cup, Rook noticed one more body leave the room. This one belonged to a girl with glasses, though it seemed like she left with no intention of making contact with the rest of the remaining occupants of the dinner. Perhaps she too is just not a people person. Rook thought to himself, finishing off his glass of milk.

Taking a quick glance around the table, Rook noted that there was but a remaining six who had yet to leave, if they had the intention to do so. Just then, Rook was corrected as another person, rather late, walked into the dining room followed by a small dog. Rook let out a rather long sigh and begun to fill his plate with food. With the exeunt of five people, the room felt both calmer yet suffocating. Rook considered himself to be one of the lucky ones. At least, for the time being. It appeared as though the person whom he was partnered with, Kay Ainsworth, was not among the many oddities of the group. Either that or he was the most odd. Rook stared at his now full plate with distaste. Despite having had nothing but a glass of milk, he felt rather full. Perhaps it was more apt to say he had simply lost his appetite. He pushed his plate forwards before leaning his chair backwards so that two of its legs were suspended in the air. "Well, for better or worse, at least it feels a bit calmer here." He voiced aloud, "I didn't know what to expect from a school for 'gifted' people, but it sure as hell wasn't this. Then again, I guess you could consider such absurd levels of stupidity a gift in its own right."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Hanako Asato Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston
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~Samuel J. Livingston~

Continuing with his leisurely pace, Samuel roamed the halls in search of his room. Throughout the entire time, he was wondering about the mysterious doll that had sat atop of The Devil's shoulder. He certainly didn't expect to knock the ragged thing off of where it was perched, and he absolutely didn't expect the kid to be petrified over it hitting the floor.

He knew that dolls, or at least the type that the creep owned, didn't talk. It took only a moment after Samuel finished the thought that he realized what had nagged at him; the kid had made up a voice for the thing. He figured that The Devil was psychotic, but not to the point of being obsessively aware of an inanimate object's health. Either way, it made Samuel happy that he had knocked down one potential adversary. There was another that he was slightly more interested in, though.

Samuel didn't even have to think of her, because he had found the hall bearing the student's rooms. In it, he noticed the same girl, who he had identified as Sherry, that sat next to him at the dining hall. She was standing in front of a door that seemed to contain someone; someone that was crying and talking to himself. Although it was barely audible to him, he instantly the Italian-accented voice to belong to the same boy that he had just traumatized.

However, Samuel was worn out after the amazing introduction to this school for the gifted. Plus, screwing with the creep in his state would be boring, and it wasn't his style to completely grind his prey into dust after he had broken them. But he only continued to look at the girl with the large glasses.

She was a completely different matter than the pretentious boy crying in his room. The mental board game that would be played with her would be the best Samuel will ever experience in his life. As for the rest of the students, he'll look them over once he got a firm grip on Sherry's capabilities.

One thing stood in his way from doing what he wanted, though; the computer had assigned "pairs"; instead of having Sherry be the other person, it was a petite blonde girl named...Hanako Asato. It took him a quick second to remember the name. He had barely even thought about her, since she was like most of the other kids at the dinner scene; she had said nothing, only watching the mental prowess fight go down. Samuel had yet to learn anything about her, especially her gift.

After a long while of watching Sherry and listening to The Devil, he finally entered his own room, the door hinges creaking when it opened. Somehow, whoever had designed the room managed to follow his tastes to near-perfection. The room was a large rectangle, with one of the shorter sides being the wall where the door was located. Next to the door, a black trash can and a stainless-steel refrigerator sat waiting to be used. The floor was hardwood, colored a dark maple and glossed; the walls were a jet black. Halfway down the room, facing the right wall, was a large desk with a 32-inch computer mounted onto the wall in the center. The desk was also wood, painted dark maple like the floor. In the far wall, spanning the entire width of the room, was a King-sized bed. The comforter and pillows were all black except for white lines a centimeter wide going vertically at 2-inch intervals. There was a door leading to what was possibly a private bathroom, but Samuel had no interest in it yet.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakon Astapora Sigrun Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Tristen Ainsworth Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine Character Portrait: Forrest Inokira Character Portrait: Louella Ainsworth Character Portrait: Rook Justitia
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-ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Milos, Greek Islet--
-ᴡʜᴇɴ: August 1st, 2015____++......
-ᴡʜᴏ: Hakon, Lou, Tris, The rest of the BS going on.____++......
It didn't take long for the green to desend upon the food set before them all like a vulture that had been starved for carrion for weeks. Granted he had breakfast...about seventeen or eighteen hours ago, but still looked less like a lady and more like a beast gnawing away at a fresh kill. Piling on every kind of meat and bread that the table had with both hands in a sort of rhythm as he paced himself in stuffing cooked flesh and baked goods down his throat without a seeming end to it. The sound of bones crunching snapping as they were eaten with the wings themselves, harder bones creating a small pile on another plate. His fangs making quick work of anything tough and mouth becoming a void for the ravenous lion.

In this frenzy of feasting, only looking up to drink some of the lemon water to the side of him and to watch the drama unfold before him. He hadn't gotten a chance to meet everyone on a one on one basis, but at least from what he could see, the devil had done nothing to deserve such abuse. One would say the priestess had sympathy for the devil, perhaps? The girl he was greeting and seeming to hit it off he couldn't get a bead on at this moment. The two boys in front of him didn't seem to care too much, one looked like a business man and had an air around him that he couldn't place and the other drinking his milk seemed to care even less. At the very least the commotion had calmed down and on the up side no one was really watching him eat...or at least commenting on it.

That was until he heard something that made his blood run cold. A small bark. A puppy's bark right next to him. To the others, this may have been responded to with an 'awwww~' or requests to pet the pup. For the green, however...This cute noise sounded like a demon cackling at him, unlocking a deep seeded fear that caused a very near automatic response. He made a noise that sounded very similar to a very angry and very loud lion's snarl, fangs bared as he stood and backed away from the small creature and failing to even notice the male holding it. The plate that was still full of meat was scooped up in one hand and his new partner by the waist so that he was holding her under his arm like one would a sack of potatos and proceeded to book out of the dining room it as fast as he possibly could with a look of absolute terror on his face.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakon Astapora Sigrun Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine Character Portrait: Louella Ainsworth
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_-_ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Milos, Greek Islet
_-_ᴡʜᴇɴ: August 1st, 2015
_-_ᴡʜᴏ: "Alone" in a corridor

As soon as she’d left the dining hall and turned left she could feel the rush of adrenaline seeping away and the shivering of what she’d done began to set in. She could also feel a faint wetness at the corner of her eyes that only served to infuriate her even more. Her cheeks burning as the embarrassment of her outburst hit her ran to the left after she barged shoulder first into a wooden door on the right of the stairs that lead to the upper floors. Spinning round a corner as the door banged loudly off the wall and swinging back towards its frame slowly; Cassie paused with her back against a wall before slumping into a heap, her backpack falling from her shoulders and a shower of pens and pencils tumbled out alongside her sketchbook.

Leaning her head back till it touched the wall she closed her eyes and took a few ragged breaths before steadying her breathing properly, and allowing a faint smile to grace her lips. Once she’d regained a little composure she lifted the bottle of wine to her lips and gulped down a few mouthfuls before gasping for air as she realised she’d swallowed a little too much. In the aftermath of before she burst into unnerving laughter as she half choked herself and deciding to put the bottle down instead reached for the bowl of ice cream she’d also stolen in her hasty retreat, leaving her artwork sprawled across the floor where several sheets had drifted from her bag along with her tools.

She’d only managed to take a few spoonful’s of the pure delicacy that to her tasted akin to ambrosia when the door she’d barrelled through before was again slammed open and a tall girl with long flowing green hair charged towards her, mewling and looking on the verge of tears. Shocked and confused Cassie’s eyes darted from the girls face to the plate of meat in one hand and finally to the giggling girl that appeared to be being carried under the arm of green. Not sure what to make of neither this nor what had occurred to result in the bizarre scene before her she simply stared, her spoon halfway to her mouth. Her stunned silence was broken as the pair darted past, with green kicking Cassandra hard across the shins and stumbling before ricocheting off the wall and vanishing around the corner at the end, with her absence being followed by angry yelps of pain.

Dropping the bowl to the floor with a thud she pulled up her jeans a little to better massage the pain out of her now aching leg and glaring down the corridor. She was torn between following after them, hitting the green haired girl with her bottle or just sitting here and hoping something similar didn’t happen again. Finally after glancing around her she settled on remaining where she was and took another sip from her wine.

“I wonder if all schools are like this?” she grumbled to herself as she reached over to pick up some the bits of paper and sighing when she saw a couple had been crumpled by Green’s passage. “Typique!”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin
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Everything's Alright|Laura Shigihara
“The Devil pulls the strings which make us dance;
We find delight in the most loathsome things;
Some furtherance of Hell each new day brings,
And yet we feel no horror in that rank advance.”

ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Milos, Greek Islet
ᴡʜᴇɴ: August 1st, 2015
ᴡʜᴏ:Belphagor and Sherry

A loud and swift trio of knocks hit Bel's door. Clearing his throat and setting Ai on his shoulder carefully, he rose and made his way over to the door. He checked the mirror, he looked like death. I suppose it's a bit late to worry over vanity now. You showed significant weakness. He opened the door enough for half of his face to be seen. Standing before him was a small girl with dark hair and a bored expression. Yet, her huge eyes held some sort of curiosity.

"May I help you?" Bel asked, his Italian accent lighter than earlier, yet still present. After a moment of contemplation, Bel smiled warmly and opened the door the entire way, his face trying to hide the rest of him. His clothes were tousled about, his overcoat from earlier was gone, his white undershirt was unbuttoned, tie hanging loosely. His hat was gone and his hair was messed up a bit. The ground behind him had things scattered about and it seemed a chair was broken.

"Signora Hisakawa right? Is there something you needed from me? Or would you just like to visit? Probably not here, I'm in the middle of tidying up." Bel's eyes closed as he smiled, his head tilting sideways just a touch. Why did she come here? Why did she bother? If she was seeking some sort of allegiance, she should seek out that Samuel fellow. He's obviously going places. Bel laughed internally at his own thought. That fool wasn't going anywhere but down. My ways are much more efficient than his. The spider who takes time to carefully spin a web, is much more effective than the mockingbird whose only offense is squawking mindlessly.

The fool marked himself.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston
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#, as written by Miyer
- Sherry Hisakawa -

As she waited, Sherry noted the appearance of a certain dark haired boy standing just a way down the corridor. Turning her head to stare back at him, she tilted her head silently in inquiry for his actions. Though it was clear the boy showed interest in her mental capabilities she could not quite guess what he wanted from her. It was probably one of those human interaction things her nanny always spoke of. It disappointed her some that she lacked knowledge in an area others so easily understood, one as simple as social interactions, but she had learnt to live without it and it had provided her with a much more objective and clear view of the world.

Due to the remembrance of her nanny, she also remembered her promise of how she would smile more...

It was at that moment that she contemplated smiling at the boy, Samuel, a rare sight in and of itself as Sherry would only ever smile after sating her curiosity and often she was alone when that particular event would occur. However, in that second the door opened to reveal the dishevelled, white headed italian. If his appearance and room were anything to go by he had had a mental breakdown as predicted after his hasty exit from the dinning room.

At the boys bright smile, Sherry attempted her own in return, one she had been forced to practice for social events, it looked forced and odd upon her small face and she quickly dropped her facade in favour of answering her question.

"That is Correct, I was simply here to inquire about a question I had Mr Sin." She paused as if to possibly plan the most appropriate way to ask her question, but was instead figuring out the correct wording in order to get the most information out of the boy in front of her. "From your display in the dining room, It is safe to assume you hold a particular attachment to that doll of yours. I find myself curious to the events which started this dependences of an inanimate object?", straight to the point and in every sense of the word rude, and yet Sherry gave no indication that she considered her question inappropriate or nosy.

As she watched the boy for any signs or tell-tales for how he would respond, Sherry found herself desperate to know her answer. If he answered her here and now, it would be unlikely she would find another curiosity about the boy that would hold her interest and cause her to interact with him again, however, should he deny her the knowledge she so thirst for, then he would simply be digging his own grave as she would not stop until she knew everything.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane
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That escalated awfully fast, Chess thought as she bit down on her fork. Her mind was reeling, wondering if she should attempt to chase after Nathan or strike up conversation with whoever else was left in the room. By the looks of it though, no one was really interested in talking. Belphagor had completely ignored her attempt at polite conversation, further engaging Cassandra who seemed a bit repulsed by him. Then Samuel attempted to jump in to the poor girl's rescue, but was quickly ridiculed by the French female who insisted she need not be saved by a night in shining armor. The commotion was causing the flavors and colors in her eyes and tongue to run rampant and Chess could no longer eat for fear a sound would throw off her taste and wreak havoc to her delicate senses. The situation was already out of control and Chess had a feeling that one more outburst would cause a sensory overload.

So she left, placing her fork and knife on top of her plate in order to alert whoever was cleaning that she was finished. Chess pushed her chair in and headed towards the doors, going to find Nathan and see if he was alright. It took a bit of searching before she finally spotted the boy and sat down beside him. "Are you alright?" Chess asked and reached into her bag for the bottle of unopened water she had taken for the journey this morning. "Here, this might help." She offered the bottle to him, placing it on the floor between them and sitting quietly against the wall.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane
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August 1st, 2015
Petalida, Greek Islet

Outside, the air was cool and clear beneath the evening sky. Sounds of insects buzzed about, the winds not strong enough to stifle them. To be sure, the grounds still looked nice, even if it was dark out...but Nathan wasn't in a mood to enjoy them.

Came here to escape one jerk, ended up with two more... Letting out a long sigh, he slowly laid himself back onto the stones leading up to the door. What was I expecting, really? It's just going to be the same thing all over again, isn't it...? How could I ever expect 'starting over' would work? He was too distraught to hear approaching footsteps.

"Are you alright?"

Startled by the voice, Nathan looked up at the voice. It took him a moment later to recognize the pitch and the accent--Chess was there, looking at him while he was sprawled on the ground in the most undignified manner possible.

Wait, no-- Just when she was turning away to look through her bag, Nathan realized his face probably still looked angry or something and scrambled to put a smile on his face. When Chess turned back towards him to place a water bottle on the ground, a short distance from his head, he was sure his smile was back on perfectly. (It sure as hell wasn't.)

"Oh, yeah....thanks," he replied, reaching up and taking the bottle. "Heh heh...I guess I was affected a bit more by, uh, t-the plane than I thought, huh?" Unscrewing the cap, he raised it to his lips and turned it upwards...only to jump back and let out a yell when he realized he angled it a bit too far downward, causing water to spill onto his shirt. Geez, it was cold!

Still, the gesture was nice. After taking a proper drink from the bottle, Nathan capped it again and stood up. "But, um, yeah...thanks for that. I mean, I didn't think I'd, uh...get stomach pains here. Um...sorry for leaving so suddenly back there." He really didn't know what he was saying at all, but kept trying to convince himself that he was making a good impression.

His stomach let out a small growl, causing Nathan to realize he hadn't actually eaten much before getting the hell out of dodge--and he was usually a big eater. But all the same, if those two are still going around...

"Hey, before you came to find me, did, you know, those two...boys...stop fighting?" he asked hesitantly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston
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~Samuel J. Livingston~

After checking out his new abode, Samuel suddenly felt the urge to talk to Sherry. The feeling that crept up to him during this thought was something he wasn't used to, which caused him to feel the slightest twinge of anxiety.

Opening the door, Samuel peeked out into the hallway. There wasn't a soul in sight, save for the barely audible voices of Sherry and The Devil. He shut the door behind him and walked the distance to The Devil's room, rapping on the door with his knuckles three times in quick succession.

He knew that two situations would occur with the white-haired Italian; either he would still be freaking out over the whole doll-losing-an-eye incident, or would be rather calm. He thought it to be the latter, since Sherry was also in the room with him, so he prepared a guilty attitude within his mind that would seem (and be) pretty genuine.

The happiness that he had felt before checking out his room had almost completely diminished by now. Samuel was pretty sure that The Devil would at least try to come up with some form of revenge, whether his involvement within the specific situation was direct or not.

And so he waited.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane
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Chess nodded to him, "no problem," she said, straightening and listening to the sound of crickets chirp gently in the breeze. A gentle breeze wafted between them and the taste and sound of the sea calmed her mind. "Happens to the best of us," it was true, Chess had seen a number of passengers get sick on the plane she had taken to get here. The water taxi not so much since it had only been her and the Captain.

"I left when the tension in the room became too much, but if you'd like I'll go back with you?" He was already standing so there was no need to offer a hand up. "We can also stop somewhere so you can get a new shirt?" If she had brought a napkin she would have offered it to him, but unfortunately her usefulness could only go so far. "I don't think the dorms are too far away," plus their stuff was already there so it wasn't like it was inconvenient.

"I think they were going to serve ice cream for dessert, by now the dining room should be pretty empty, I think."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine
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August 1st, 2015
Petalida, Greek Islet

After considering for a moment, Nathan decided it wasn't worth going back to the dining hall, even if he was still hungry. "No, it's...fine," he replied, ignoring another stomach growl. "I think I killed the mood myself, probably...heh..."

Suddenly, it felt hard to smile now. Thinking he couldn't keep it up, Nathan quickly started walking, moving past Chess and back into the mansion. "I...I probably should head to my room for the night, all things considered," he declared. " one told me where it is, though, so I'll probably have to search for a while. If you feel like coming with me, that's fine...not that I know if you would." However, he didn't actually turn around to make sure she was following.

But as Nathan approached a set of stairs, he caught a glimpse of a rather bizarre sight behind a nearby open door. Pens, papers, and other art materials were scattered in the space beyond the door. From the looks of it, things had been drawn on the papers. "What did this happen...?" he wondered, immediately bending down to pick it up. "Well, it's a shame to see artwork get trampled..."

He froze as he stared at the scene on the paper in his hands. It appeared to be a drawing of outer space, done in nothing but simple pencil. But something didn't make sense. He was no serious art expert, but this...the sheer amount of detail in the atmospheres of each planet, all the stars that were drawn in without looking simply like lazily-forgotten gaps in seemed impossible. "'ve gotta be kidding me," Nathan muttered, his hands lowering. "This is...amazing. Who made it, though..."

As it turned out, the answer was nearby as well. It was that girl with the headphones, who those two jerks had been fighting over. She was muttering to herself in her strangely musical accent, seeming quite angry as she picked up the mess. Among other things, ice cream and wine sat nearby. SHE the artist?!

Nathan found himself only able to stare with a baffled expression, before he finally reminded himself that he should probably help. Quickly, he picked up some more of the sheets around himself, as well as the artistic tools scattered among them. "Hey..." he called, standing up when he had picked up all the ones in his immediate area. "Um...are these things yours?" He walked forward, holding out the sheets and the writing--no, drawing utensils...

A stray pen just happened to be beneath his shoe.

With a shout, Nathan toppled off balance and landed on his back, the artwork and pencils he had worked so hard to gather up flying everywhere. Man, can I ever get a break? he wondered, rubbing his now-aching back.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane
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It felt as though Nathan were eager to get away. He seemed to stumble over himself and Chess wasn't sure if he was clumsy or a bit daft. She watched him leave, taking the bottle of water she had given him with her. "Am I really that repulsive?" Chess thought once he was out of earshot and looked down. It almost appeared as though she were going to cry, but instead Chess looked up and balled her hands into fists in an almost comical display of determination. It was just first day blues, she was sure, Chess would get over it. Even if she had been rejected by the only semi decent person on the campus.

Chess walked back towards the dining room, glad to see that things had calmed down and they were serving dessert. She dug in to a delicious bowl of ice cream, convinced that tomorrow would be better. Was it naive? Possibly, but Chess liked to remain optimistic because really it was the only thing she had. In perspective Chess had no control over her life so her personality was the one thing she could determine herself.

Chess's watch beeped, startling the girl. She dropped her spoon into the bowl, realizing that she had been eating mindlessly and the bowl was empty. Chess looked down, checking the time, her blue eyes widening quite a bit. Her medicine! Time sensitive drugs to ensure that her body did not reject her lungs. Quickly Chess dug through her bag, searching for the pill keeper she was forced to have on her at all times. "Aha!" Chess poured the handful of colorful pills into her palm and looked around, grabbing a glass of water that had been set out in front of her and chugging it down with the medicine.

It left a foul taste in her mouth, little green squares danced at the edge of her vision. Yes she had always hated the taste of pills, but what could one do? Unless she convinced the pharmacy to begin coating them in colorful shells... Maybe she should ask her dad if they did that, then again it would be senseless since the whole thing was just going to dissolve in her stomach. Thankfully, her stomach couldn't tell what color food was.

Chess swung her legs a bit on the chair, she had always been short but these seats were a new level of ridiculous, they were so tall that Chess was having a rather hard time reaching the floor. Her toes barely swept the bottom. With a sigh Chess hopped off of her seat and looked around. Should she stay? Or go? After one final minute of contemplation Chess chose to leave and turned to exit the dining hall.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hakon Astapora Sigrun Character Portrait: Louella Ainsworth
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__________-ʟᴏᴜᴇʟʟᴀ ᴀɪɴsᴡᴏʀᴛʜ
__ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Petalida, Greek Islet
__ᴡʜᴇɴ: August 1st, 2015
__ᴡʜᴏ: Hakon, Twins,
__Promiscuous Attention Seekers
Everything happens rather quickly. An obnoxious dark haired boy stands up and makes a fuss, another boy comes in, rather late to the party if you ask her, there's the sound of a puppy barking and then suddenly she's being dragged out of the room sans one shoe and has a faceful of green hair. Not that she actually minds or anything, she'd just like a little bit of warning next time so she doesn't lose a flat. On the upside, at least her new friend hadn't just abandoned her, even if Lou had no idea where she was being taken.

It wasn't until they got to the kitchen that they finally stopped, blowing straight past the artist girl and through the swinging doors. Astapora set her down and promptly climbed into the cabinet under the sink, the door shutting with a clatter that echoed in the large cookery. Louella stared at the door wide-eyed for a few moments before sinking down to pull off her other flat, figuring since she didn't have the other there was no point in wearing this one. Holding it in her left hand, she shuffled forward to knock on the cabinet with her right, "Asta?"

She settled down on the kitchen floor, ignoring the few people still actually in there cooking, and poked the door open to peek inside. "Are you okay in there? Whatcha doing?" Any other person might have been having thoughts about how this was probably the strangest situation they'd ever been in, but, Lou was much more worried about her green haired girl. Well, that, and peeking over her shoulder to watch for when her brother would inevitably show up. He hadn't seemed to be getting along with his partner, so it wouldn't have surprised her if he had followed them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine
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_-_ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Milos, Greek Islet
_-_ᴡʜᴇɴ: August 1st, 2015
_-_ᴡʜᴏ: Valentine, Alshane

As she knelt on the carpet she continued to mutter, her hands reaching for stray bits of paper and dislodged pens and pencils. After a moment or two she sighed and slumped back against the wall, eyes lazily tracing over the items still littering the floor down towards the door she’d came in from. She reached for her bottle again and gulped a few more mouthfuls before giving the bottle a shake to see how much she’d actually drank so far. The answer came more from the fuzziness from her vision for a moment or two before she tilted sideways to lie on her side for a moment, her eyes glancing at the remaining items she’d need to pick up sooner or later.

Stretching a little she set the bottle down properly as she could tell she’d almost spilled what was left when she’d given up to lie down. She was moving slowly across the floor, half throwing half rolling items back towards where she’d been sat and where she’d left her bag. From the end she saw movement and looked up at a familiar looking boy who greeted her nervously before slipping and tumbling backwards to the ground. Her reaction to this was to dart backwards, jumping up and losing her balance as well and crashing loudly onto her backside.

“Merde!” She cried out when she landed and groaned as her tailbone sent a shock of pain up her back. Lying there for a moment as she felt dizzy from the drink and sudden movement and chuckling as stars filled her vision. Sitting up slowly she looked at the boy, who she remembered had been sitting to her right and suggesting she try some food if she wasn’t mistaken.

She sat there for a little bit, head in hands, wondering if drinking most of a full bottle might not have been the best plan and perhaps spacing it out would certainly have helped. “Yes, they are.” She muttered as she stood and walked over to the prone boy, offering a hand for him to get back up. “You alright?”


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston
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Everything's Alright|Laura Shigihara
“The Devil pulls the strings which make us dance;
We find delight in the most loathsome things;
Some furtherance of Hell each new day brings,
And yet we feel no horror in that rank advance.”

ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Milos, Greek Islet
ᴡʜᴇɴ: August 1st, 2015
ᴡʜᴏ:Belphagor, Sherry, and Samuel

Scanning the small girl's face Bel tried to comprehend what had just occurred. Today just isn't my day is it? Sherry was an odd creature indeed. He was intrigued by her, he found her to be a lovely girl. Her bored expression, her dark hair starkly contrasting her, and her bold way of speaking. He admired her blunt rudeness.

"That is Correct, I was simply here to inquire about a question I had Mr Sin. From your display in the dining room, It is safe to assume you hold a particular attachment to that doll of yours. I find myself curious to the events which started this dependence of an inanimate object?" Bel blinked once a bit caught off-guard, then with a smile he lightly landed his fist into his palm, in a "a-ha" moment.

"You were concerned. How very sweet of you Signora Hisakawa. I am truly touched, and well it's simple reall-" Bel was caught off by more knocks on his door. A slight sigh escaped his lips as he rubbed his temples he offered an apologetic smile to Sherry. "Excuse me Signora, one moment." Irritated at yet another interruption he opened the door to see Samuel. This buffoon? The one who thinks he's all that? When in total reality all he is, is a attention seeking brute with no manners? Has he come here to ruin yet another of my conversations?

"Ah, why Signore Livingston ciao." Bel offered a warm hospitable smile, one that would be comforting if his crimson eyes weren't boring a hole into Samuel. "May I help you? I was just having a nice visit with Signora Hisakawa, and you rudely interrupted, again." Bel laughed. So much for conversing with the lady, now that this fool has shown himself.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine
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August 1st, 2015
Petalida, Greek Islet

Taking the girl's hand and pulling himself, Nathan rubbed his back again, wincing slightly. "Yeah...n-nothing's broken, anyway," he replied, readjusting his hat and smoothing down his jacket. "Too bad I dropped everything...hang on, I'll help pick it up."

Bending down, he started trying to clean up the scattered art supplies again. This time, though, he was a bit more careful and thorough, so as not to leave another stray pen out for himself to slip on. It was still utterly astonishing, looking at the artwork...was this girl just very talented, or had she been taking lots of art classes? Maybe she could even...

No, Nathan, it's best not to think about that now. She'd probably throw up if you tried to compare her work to yours.

That annoying voice in his head just wouldn't stop spouting the negative comments. ", what are you doing out here? Is it...was it really so bad in there?" Nathan asked, trying to distract himself yet again. Aside from those two jerks, he recalled Chess saying how the tension in the room went far too high. How many people left the room because of that?

It occurred to him that he should also introduce himself to the artist girl. Wasn't it the polite thing to do, after all? Come on, idiot, try not to make this conversation trainwreck.

"Oh, that's right...I'm Nathan, by the way," the boy added, briefly tapping the stack of paper in his hands to the floor in order to straighten it up a little. "Hope I don't get on your nerv...uh, I mean, that we get along nicely."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine
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_-_ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ: Milos, Greek Islet
_-_ᴡʜᴇɴ: August 1st, 2015
_-_ᴡʜᴏ: Valentine, Alshane

After helping the boy to his feet he apologised to her for some reason, even if his falling had startled her she was the one who’d made her fall, but as he started to pick up her items it dawned on her what he’d been getting at. Muttering thanks she knelt to help him they gathered everything up and looked down a little as he asked about her fleeing, even if he hadn’t been there or most likely because of that.

She shrugged in response as she dropped everything back into her backpack before looking back at him as he introduced himself and chuckling at his final comment she held out her hand properly in greeting.

“Cassandra… Cassie. You’ve caused me a bit of pain in the ass but I won’t hold it against you since we’ve just met.” She smiles and chuckles a little before turning round after swinging her backpack over both shoulders and picking up the almost empty tub of ice cream and the now quarter or less full bottle of wine. She lifts the bottle to her lips and drains the last of its contents before walking slowly towards the door leading back out onto the atrium with plans to head up to her room and maybe get some sleep.

“I should have offered you some… but the ice creams gone or melted and well… I’ve drank the wine.” She giggles a little before coughing as she tries to make herself more stable and smiling sheepishly at Nathan. “Do you have any idea where our rooms are… I never thought to ask; now I don’t know where my chest is.” Her smile had vanished to be replaced with a frown and a faint almost unnoticeable wetness at the corner of her eyes, turning from Nate she moved through the door into the atrium proper.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tristen Ainsworth Character Portrait: Rook Justitia
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#, as written by Sigma

Rook pulled out his phone and took a glance at the time. It was getting rather late. Well, it was already around dinnertime before the entire fiasco had begun so it was really not as surprising as he would think. He once again glanced around the room. It was, at one point, quite lively. However now it felt rather empty and dead. The silence was blissful, but also rather suffocating. He turned to face the person to his side, Kay Ainsworth. He, if it could be avoided, would rather not talk to anyone. However, considering the circumstances, the awkward silence and the overall laziness that was stopping him from getting up, he felt pressured into at least giving an attempt.

"So? Mr. Kay Ainsworth, what's your story?" He threw out, not really looking at the person being questioned, but instead decided to pour himself yet another glass of milk. "I am assuming that you are not ridiculous enough to be as idiotic as the rest of the lot are, but of course if you feel the need to prove that assumption wrong... well, you are by all means welcome to do so." Rook had finished the sentence with a rather melodramatic sigh and a long sip of his milk. Despite his lost appetite, Rook pulled his plate back towards himself and took a bite of some bread. After all, it wouldn't do him any good to be malnourished.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine
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August 1st, 2015
Petalida, Greek Islet

Accepting the handshake, Nathan wondered just what he had done to cause Cassandra "a bit of pain in the ass", but he couldn't really think of anything. Oh well, the important thing was that she didn't hate him...right? He just responded with a small smile, as she picked up her things...

...which included, to Nathan's utter shock, a wine bottle. "Wait...uh, t-they gave us wine?" he asked, staring at the bottle with a baffled expression. "Weird...I'm pretty sure I'm underage, even outside America..."

Setting that topic aside, he followed Cassandra into an atrium and scowled slightly. "They didn't tell me where my room was, either. Maybe they intended to bring us there after dinner was over...which didn't work, at least not for us." There were quite a few floors here, too, and several doorways on each floor. "We're going to have to do a lot of searching, I reckon. Uh...let's try going this way!"

Needless to say, nothing quite went correctly for the next few minutes, and Nathan found himself and Cassandra getting lost multiple times. By some dumb coincidence, they kept ending up in the same atrium repeatedly, too. Luckily, after a while, they managed to figure out which hallways they had traversed before, and were able to backtrack and head to a different hallway instead.

At one point, however, as the strange duo rounded another corner, they found a certain girl with auburn pigtails walking towards them. "Huh? Oh...uh, hey, Chess," Nathan greeted her, realizing sheepishly that he had completely stopped paying attention to whether she had been following or not. ", uh, we--" He quickly gestured to Cassandra here. "--couldn't find our rooms, as you could tell. Heh..."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sherry Hisakawa Character Portrait: Belphagor Sin Character Portrait: Samuel J. Livingston
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~Samuel J. Livingston~

After a few moments, the door finally opened, revealing the Italian boy from earlier. But his composure had did another flip; it had returned to it's original smugness. Although The Devil's voice was trying to be comforting, he could feel the seething anger that was radiating from his crimson red eyes.

Samuel honestly could care less about what this person felt about him. However, it was within his best interest to be as diplomatic as possible. So, he played the part.

"I apologize for barging in, especially the first time. I was out of my place at the dining hall, considering the fact that that French girl didn't even need my help," Samuel laughed nervously while giving off a warm smile.

"Anyways, may I come in? I wanted to try again with our friendship, as well as try to meet the girl that's also in this room with you. I actually never caught your name, either." He peeked over The Devil's shoulder and noticed Sherry sitting on the floor.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chess Belle Character Portrait: Nathan Alshane Character Portrait: Cassandra Valentine Character Portrait: Noemi Raske
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Chess had left the dining room and was wandering in the hallway. The texture of the walls left a nice taste in her mouth and so she was running her fingers across the cool stone, wondering if she was ever going to be able to find the dorms in this enormous place all by herself. Chess stopped upon reaching an atrium of some sorts, turning in circles as she looked up in awe. This campus really was beautiful and she wondered how out of all the people in the world she had been chosen for this opportunity. Of course Chess was also beginning to realize it wasn't as great as it seemed. Stuck on an island with a lunatic, some sort of ex con, and a bunch of socially awkward kids is not how she imagined her first year of high school.

Still it was better than the all girl's boarding school Chess was supposed to attend. Her parents had figured that since her health wasn't failing it was about time they sent her to the school her mother had attended and her grandmother before her. It wasn't anything more than a small school in the countryside of France dedicated to teaching women to be proper young girls. Chess had absolutely no interest in such a place and so when the mysterious tarot card showed up on her doorstep along with an invitation the female hadn't even hesitated. Her parents had, of course, been very worried. However Chess convinced them that she would be fine, she wasn't like the other girls in her grade that enjoyed showing off their-erm-assets. Not that Chess really had any to show off in the first place, she was as flat as a board and skinny as a rail.

In the end Chess had made quite the convincing argument and so her parents could not refuse, seeing as how passionate their daughter was to attend this school none of them knew anything about. Lost in thought, Chess hadn't realized that she had stopped walking until a certain boy nearly bumped into her. This time he had a girl in tow, the one from the cafeteria that had run out after Samuel and Belphagor began to argue on her behalf.

"Ah, Nathan. What a lovely surprise, Miss Cassandra it is a pleasure running into you again as well." So Nathan's true character was revealed. It seems he was the type to jump from girl to girl, possibly trying to get to know them all before settling on one. Of course this could just be Chess's imagination as he had seemed so sweet and sincere during their first encounter.

"Unfortunately I haven't had much luck myself. If you'd like though, six eyes is better than four?" It was her way of asking to tag along, Chess was not the type to admit that she actually needed help unless the situation was dire.