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Gods in a New Age



a part of Gods in a New Age, by Bromander Shepard.


Bromander Shepard holds sovereignty over Lorgaine, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Lorgaine is a part of Gods in a New Age.

12 Characters Here

Revan Thanatos [124] God of Punishment, Vengeance, Justice, Fear
Corallium [120] So many Fates, so little time to play with them all . . .
The Triumvirate [100] The cycle of Life, Death and Rebirth is unending. WIP
Athena [98] Goddess of Order and War
Librus [79] Knowledge paves the way for innovation. Knowledge can also bring civilizations to their knees.
Arabella [59] Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Innocence
Katergaris, The Trickster God [55] "Life is just one big joke!"
Eris [46] Goddess of Insanity/Madness&Chaos
Alahya Godess of Music & Art [43] "How dull this Earth would be without wondrous rhythms and exquisite art."~WIP
Sargon, Lord of the Hunt [37] To embrace me is to embrace the Hunt. To shun me, is to become my prey

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You fear that which is already set and that which was never within your power to change.”

Corallium said neutrally to The Triumvirate sat next to her as she continued to fan herself, eyes locked on the players on the field below.

“Yet, you speak like the learned and the wise. That is why you were always my favorite Kelmor.” Coral smiled genuinely.

She always found she could speak frankly to Kelmor. His other two siblings she did not much care for. Indris was much too lofty for her liking and Menoth she had little to do with.

Eris materialized on the opposite side of the Arena on a divan, blabbering to herself as always. Her arrival herald the likeliness of catastrophe and fatal blood shed. The Goddess of Chaos was the most useless Deity in Coralliums mind. What need was there for chaos? It was the only Immortal she found no real purpose for. But who was she to question the Moderators work?

“One would wish someone would run dear Eris through with the blunt edge of a knife.” Coral commented “Then again one forgets she has no heart to begin with.”

Athena arrived soon after with her Valkyries and soon the battle commenced. With every passing blow, the outcome of the fight became clearer to Corallium's supreme vision.

She had told him not to let his emotions cloud judgement and get the better of him . . .

Alas, not even she had the power to change what Revan himself had set in motion. Blow for blow she saw demise . . . And a very ungracious ending to this battle . . .

Her impious smile hiding her deep unrest.

“Bet you your Fate Kelmor . . . Athena wins.


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Character Portrait: Eris Character Portrait: The Triumvirate Character Portrait: Revan Thanatos Character Portrait: Corallium Character Portrait: Athena
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Revan hit the ground with a tremendous thud, the sound of the impact told the tale of the injury suffered as The God of Vengeance had his world tunred upside down. He looked up to see his sister, smug and smiling as she teased him.

"I do say brother this new look suits you quite well."

Revan snarled at the thought of how easily she had taken him to the ground. She's been practicing. In the next moment however a wicked grin dawned on his face as he noticed her sword arm and the lack of armament in it. Revan surged to his feet and was inside her strike zone in the fraction of a second. At this close range he couldn't hack her down as he would have liked and was forced to use the pommel of his blade to make some distance. He smashed the handle of his rune blade into her jaw savagely causing her to back pedal as blood spurt from her mouth from the viscous blow. Athena stumbled back in pain but quickly gained her footing as she eyed him in shock and anger. It was clear Revan was not interested in a friendly duel this day.

"First strike's to you sister... first blood's to me."

He poke with a dark tone as he took a threatening step toward her.

"Tell me Lady War have you ever felt the icy touch of fear as it grips your heart in the darkness?"

He asked cyrptically before lunging for her again. He launched into a salvo of nasty strikes meant to main and kill, Athena would have to act quick to parry his blows or be cut down.


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Character Portrait: Eris Character Portrait: The Triumvirate Character Portrait: Revan Thanatos Character Portrait: Corallium Character Portrait: Athena
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“You fear that which is already set and that which was never within your power to change.”

He smiled at her words but slowly shook his head all the same "I may never have been able to change it but why would I stand back and not at least try?" He sighed and shrugged slightly in regards to her comment about their siblings arrival. "The Balance needs to be kept, and this serves our dear sisters domain rather than my own" He nods slightly towards Eris

Kelmor watched the battle, for it would be called little less than that in the times to come, of that he was certain, play out below when Coral's taunt caught his ears.

“Bet you your Fate Kelmor . . . Athena wins.”

"I already know the manner of my own death sister, and that of each of us; though perhaps a little fate in the right direction could tip the balance in the right way." He lets his eyes linger across Revan and Athena, trying to estimate the direction the fight is taking. "I would say Revan has a greater chance for victory as he is likely to employ slightly unruly tactics to win but... From whenever I've seen him in combat there has been a control to his movements which while subtle is missing, or at least waning. His anger is disrupting his control, if he does not get a handle on himself then you are right about this matches end sister."

He looked at Coral and smiled softly before she could speak. "I may be tasked with rotting on the throne of judgement but I have respite, long ago I trained the first paladin of Lorgraine to purge this world of Undead. I am not a fighter like that of our dear brother and sister but I am not as unfamilar with a blade as I perhaps should be."


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Proudspire Academy

Cara was not sure who the voice had been, or what it had ment, but something in her wanted nothing more than to find out. She had dawned a set of armor that she had designed all her very own. The leather and cloth gave her the freedom to move and cast her spells, while protecting major vital areas. But it was more than simple leather, she had done something many of her fellow students and teachers would find....unethical. She had carved runes into the leather that enhanced her power over the elements almost ten fold. She had incorperated sheaths for her daggers, and a holster for her staff.


Cara had finished packing her satchel when her roomate, and best friend entered the room.

"Cara? What is going on here" she said walking towards her side

"Amber" Cara said looking at her, then back at her bag "I thought I would have been gone before you got back from class"

"Gone? Gone where Cara?" Amber began to look concerend

"Cara it is the middle of the semester. What could possibly be so important?" Amber put her hands on her hips

"Its nothing, dont worry I will be back before you know it" Cara said grabbing her pack

Amber slammed her hand down upon Caras pack "Cara look at me" Cara tilted her head to meet her friends eyes "We have been friends since we both could walk. I have always told you everything, now tell me"

Cara rolled her eyes and began to pace "I heared a voice. It spoke to me, and it told me to go to the Grove of Rejuvination"

"Your doing this all because of some voice!" Amber was shocked "Are you insane?"

"I know it sounds strange but.." Cara was trying to explain herself

"Strange? It is fucking crazy! What are you thinking" Amber said

Cara walked right infront of her friend "Amber believe me, I know what I heared. It was powerful and...i think it was a god"

"A god" Amber said with mouth a gap

"Amber, I have always stood by you. Please stand by me" She took her friendshands "Believe me"

Amber sighed "I believe you Cara"

Cara smiled, she picked up her pack and shouldered it. She kissed Amber on the cheek "I will be back"

"Be safe out there" Amber said with a tear in her eye

"I always do" and with the Cara had left the room....Amber had already begun to miss her friend. She looked to her own satchel that lay open on the ground.

You're not going alone


A few hours later, Grove of Rejuvination

Cara had finally arrived at the Grove, it was more stunning than she had heared of. It was simply breath taking, and it gave her such a calming feeling. She saw the pools and waterfalls across the grove, each filled with fish and amphibians of every shape and size and color. Towards the distance, one stood out beyond the others, it was almost a alter like area. Where once a temple had stood, nature had taken over. Roots had torn the stones apart, and the earth itself had begun to engulf much of it, finally the water had taken its kindly touch with a majestic waterfall.


Cara walked between the pools and falls, intranced by the majestic alter. As she came closer she knelt beside the pool, cupping her hand and taking a drink from the crisp waters.

"It is good no?" a voice said from the trees above.

Cara spun around on her heels, her staff coming to infront of her. Immediatly flames licked her hands, and a green aura irradiated from her body. She saw a graceful woman jump down from the trees, only to realize that it was an elf. She was slender, and toned, athletic with the wear of the wilds upon her body. She carried a bow at her side, but the hilts of many blades could be seen around her leather armor.


"Now Marissa, there is no need to frighten the young girl" a strong masculine voice said. Cara spun to meet this new opponent, to find a beast of a man, covered in steel plate armor from head to toe. It was a dark gray metal, clearly forged with skill and tempered by steady hands. A single black tabard with a gray wolf upon its chest distingueshed the man as a member of the Order of the Wolf "At ease child we are not here to harm you"

Cara stood up from her crouch, her staff at the ready and the flames still licking her hands. As the two figures stepped froward she could see more of their kind step from the woods. There was easily a small company present......but the hairs on the back of her neck stood up, she turned around as fear grasped her heart......


Before her stood three of the most intimidating figures she had ever seen, they stood above the waterfall itself. Their armor was blakc as the night itself, their eyes hiden by the cowls they wore. Each was armed to the teeth with hidden blades and daggers, swords and bows. But their presence alone gave off the feeling that they would need no weapons if it came down to it. From the corner of her eyes she could see the knights and the rangers tense up from their presence. As they began to walk along the edge towards her the leader spoke. "So you are the one who is to be the light in the darkness? The chosen one by our Lord?" he said circling her "Tell me what makes you so worthy?"

"That is not for you to decide Vakarien" the knight had said, this drew a quick look from the assassin, who then looked back at Car "But of course" he held up his hands "Who am I to question the Lord of the Hunt?"

Lord of the Hunt....Sargon....

Caras eyes widened as she realized who the voice had belonged to.....but by then a sudden chill had filled the grove, a strong gust of wind had brought forth a stir of leaves and a push of waves upon the ponds. She looked around as the knights, rangers, and assassins all began to take knees before her. That was when she felt the great presence behind her....she turned around and could not find the words to speak.....

"Hello my dear child" Sargon said before her

"Please my children rise" Sargon said ushering his followers to stand with a raise of his hand, he looked back towards Cara "I am glad you have come"

"Forgive me my lord, I had no idea" she bowed her head

Sargon gently lifted her chin "Cara my dear child, you have will never need to apologize to me" He looked up at his followers gathered, he gestured for Cara to turn around and face them again "My children, earlier I had expressed to your leadership my concerns for this world. And for the lives of each and everyone of you. And so I have decided that there needs to be change. Your leaders have said that you are the most loyal and trustworthy of your orders. You are the most able and understanding, fair minded and strong willed" Sargon smiled "And so my children I present you with a decision. Go norht with your brothers and sisters and build a kingdom worthy of my name. Along your way gather followers, soldiers, and reasources. Build a kindomg the likes of which have not been seen within Lorgaine" he paused "With Cara as your queen"

"Queen?" Cara looked shocked, she looked around at those gathered. None of them knew her, how could they possibly trust her to lead their people

The assassin stepped forward "My Lord you have never lead us astray. If you have chosen this women to be our Queen. Then the Wolves will stand behind your decision"

The knight stepped forward "As will the Order of the Wolf"

"Well we will surely not be kept out of this" Marissa said stepping forward "The Rangers will support this as well"

"Queen Cara!" Vakarian saluted by bringing his hand to his chest, the others followed in sync, then kneeled before her.

"But a Queen cannot leave home without the company of those familiar to her" Sargon said. Cara looked confused again. Sargon gestured towards the treeline "You need not hide anymore child"

Cara looked to see Amber step from behind the trees, she took off and embrassed her friend in a hug "You followed me here"

"I wasnt going to leave you alone" Amber said, they both wiped tears of joy from their eyes. Cara looked back at Sargon who smiled, his followers gathered around him nodded in approval.

"Go with my grace Cara, for your journey north starts here"


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Character Portrait: Eris Character Portrait: The Triumvirate Character Portrait: Revan Thanatos Character Portrait: Corallium Character Portrait: Athena
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Athena tasted blood. Her own blood. The blood touched the ground and the cloud flooring around her Sanctum turned grey. The Goddess was taken back not by her brother's actions but by the taste of her own blood... And by it's smell. It stirred something inside her. Something that was chained and locked in a cage. Something that muffled her brother's words. Something that momentarily altered her vision...and painted her the blood it wished to spill.

Athena was like all the warriors in the mortal realm. She was the valiant knight that charge the lines on the back of his steed, she was the samurai who would rather meet death then shame, she was the bodyguard of the King, and so on so forth. This much was Fact to them all. But what they didn't know is that she was also the wildmen. The Highlander Axemen, the Vandal Raider, the Mongolian Rider, the Orc Shaman Battlemaster, Athena was all these too. She brought Order to War and wrote the codes all warriors follow till this day. All these names mentioned are warriors and what called to her was the blood lust, the Berserker rage, that they all used in battle to slay man, woman, child, and beast alike. But Athena did not submit the blood lust, she came to her senses and did the only thing she could do at the moment.

Defend herself.

The War Goddess raised her shield to take the first blow and then met the next with her sword. She tried to attack on the third but was quickly put back on the defensive. The War Maiden gave some ground but Revan was quick to take it. Some blows went through her defense. The wrist guard on her sword arm had been split and some blood could be seen dripping from it as she the Goddess was pushed back and then there was marks on her chest plate but fortunately the armor held true and these were only marks. As the fight went on the War Maiden seemed destined to be cornered and then defeated but this was not so. Such an unrelenting and brutal series of attacks like the ones, Revan was delivering to Athena, required alot of energy to sustain and against a well trained and skilled opponent one had to be careful. A counter from your opponent could put an end to the battle.

With Athena's shield hand she caught Revan's sword arm and then thud! The Lady of War released his hand as she headbutted him. She followed this up by swinging with her shield but rather then hitting him again in the head with it she aimed for the chest. For the crowd it looked like she missed but as Revan knew, (and if not would soon remember) Athena sharpened the edges of her round shield. This was not the only blow she dealt to him. Her shield returned and smacked him on the side of his head. Athena must have fancied this, using her shield as a weapon, because she kneed him in the stomach and when he bent over and grabbed his gut she bashed her shield into his face 2 more times and reclaimed some lost ground.

"Brother!", she called from the end of her now pointed sword. "Calm the storm in you or I will calm it for you!". Her threat was as real as the lingering blood lust and the crazy look in her eyes that surfaced for a brief instant. "This not a coliseum and we are not Gladiators fighting to the death!".


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Kelmor's words struck Coral with instant intrigue. She stopped fanning herself for a moment and turned to look at him with a raised brow.

You know your own death?” She questioned hiding the astonishment she felt deep down “How very partial.”

Corallium commented as she turned her attention back to the vicious match below and began to fan herself with the show of leisure again.

That was rather unfair. Corallium pondered in slight annoyance. She could not see her own Fate, not even in relation to others.

The Moderators designs seemed unjust in this effect. Yet, she could not lay the blame at their High Lord's feet. Coral was not like the other Elders. She was birthed the Mortal way. Conceived in a forbidden love between an Immortal God and a Human Mother. It did not evoke happy memories in The Goddess of Fate.

“Revan will be losing more then this pointless victory if he cannot control that dangerous temper of his.” She said to Kelmor solemnly.

Her demeanour that of boredom yet inside worry bubbled anew. A feeling she was not well versed to. Why should she care what happened to Revan Thanatos? She barely knew the man . . . She cared because it impacted Lorgaine and all it's inhabitants greatly . . . Thus, it was utterly necessary she interfere in this matter . . . At least that's what Corallium convinced herself.

Watching the battle below like it were nothing more then a mere play being acted out in a Theatre, all the spectators watched on. The tension however, in the stands and in the surrounding air could rival that of the Warriors below. Even knowing the incontestable outcome, Corallium wished she was wrong . . . But she was never wrong . . .

“I would not like to be at the end of your blade either way.” Corallium jested lightly her lips curling up one side to Kelmors last words.

Yet, Coral's smile faltered as she managed to contain the flinching motions of her features when Athena's shield savagely belted Revan's face more then once. The vile, nauseating sound of bone cracking reverberating in the open Arena.

"Brother!" Athena's words reached their ears high up on the stands "Calm the storm in you or I will calm it for you! This is not a Coliseum and we are not Gladiators fighting to the death!"

And those words would be the dire beginnings of The Lord of Vengeance's unrestrainable downwards spiral . . .


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She rose slightly from her seat as her attention was fully focused on Athena the moment Revan struck her with his hilt. A look of impatience showed on her features as Eris watched as Athena began to lose herself to her own bloodlust “come on just a little more Sister, just one more strike Brother and I will have a wondrous feast tonight” she whispered to herself.

It had been a very long time since she fed off the true chaos from another god and it was like a rare and exotic substance. Its taste could never be rivaled by any other chaos Eris drank from the mortal world. But unfortunately Athena did not give in, though this did irritate Eris she knew it would happen someday and when it did the fruit will be at its best.

Thinking of this her lips curled to form a knowing smile, in a way similar to how Lady Fate saw ones path; Eris saw the potential chaos within one’s being and she always did her best at drawing it out with simple small actions that wouldn’t be noticed until it was too late. Thankfully Eris was a very patient woman and will wait until just the right moment to break loose hell on earth.


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Athena's onslaught left blood dripping from Revan's mouth around gritted teeth as his anger took light like the fire that consumes all. He snarled as he struggled to keep up with his mighty sister. Every chance he got he moved in for a killing blow yet rarely met with success. His blade met shield and sword time and time again as he fought to keep his ground. He ducked beneath one shield swing aimed for his head only to receive a kick to the gut that loosed the wind from his lungs. His sister was on the offensive now. Athena poured on the punishment as Revan battled to stay on his feet.

Kill her!

With each passing moment the fire rose within him. His anger roaring at him to put her down once and for all.

End this!

Thanatos roared in pain as the shield met his face in a quick flurry of savage strikes dropping him to a knee as his now broken nose gushed blood. His throat gurgled with blood as he looked up at her with glowing green eyes laced with hatred.

"Calm the storm in you or I will calm it for you! This not a coliseum and we are not Gladiators fighting to the death!"

She warned with her sword point leveled at his throat.

"You don't get it..."

He muttered almost more to himself than Athena. His gaze wavered and blurred as the anger within him began to consume him. Driven by pain, frustration and the realization that his sister even now was attempting to save him yet he did not need saving. She did, they all did! They needed saving from themselves and Revan was the only one who could do it.


He roared as he surged to his feet smacking the blade out of his face with his own sword. His form was that of shadow as he slashed wildly at her. The blade cut cleanly through armor and skin leaving a nasty gash on Athena chest before she had time to raise her shield.

"You don't have what it takes Athena! None of you do!"

He bellowed like a rabid dog as he swung again and again. Athena had her shield up now and was blocking each blow that came her way yet it didn't stop Revan's onslaught.

"I am the only one out there fighting yet you are the one they admire!"

Thanatos was fast becoming more beast than man. Bats billowed off every movement he made in bursts. He darted around her like an unholy swarm of killer intent yet the War Goddess held up her defense valiantly. The cloud circled her like a cyclone hacking and slashing at every interval it could get as Revan roared in anger.

"Mighty Athena! The favored one! The loved one! While Revan is but the rat with wings!"

Rage incarnate was what Athena battled against now. Her brother had departed and in it's place was the essence of murder, the spirit of a killer. Revan wanted blood, his sisters blood to spill across the floor of her own realm. He saw now that she was beyond his help, that she would not accept it. So for that she would need to be dealt with.

"While I toil in the darkness fighting the evils of this world you all bask in the light, reaping my glories for your own!"

She would be the one who would stand before him, with shield and sword in hand telling him to yield. He saw now that she would oppose him when it came time to make the change he so long desired. They all would and so they must be removed, each and every one must be dealt with. If Lorgaine was ever to grow, that which held it back must be purged.

"You do not see that I'm trying to do only what is needed, what is necessary!"

Revan gripped his blade and brought it high above his head, his target was his sisters skull. He would split the war goddess' head in two and in so doing remove his greatest threat. This world would change and he would ensure none would oppose him, the salvation of Lorgaine depended on it.


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“I would not like to be at the end of your blade either way.”

He'd smiled softly as he felt the subtle discomfort caused by his knowledge of their final ends, and breathed calmly as he saw his own play out inside his head in its inevitable course "You have nothing to fear from my blade sister, for that is not how it ends. It gives you a strange sense of purpose knowing how limited your time is, but it is not the most sobering of what I’ve learned, not by far." His fingers were softly beating a tattoo upon the hilt of his sword as he looked down at the fighting pair. "Athena is just causing him to become more unstable rather than calming his humours, but then you could see that long before we did."

He looked up from the fight and saw Eris was greatly enjoying the moment of conflict below and such made Kelmor uneasy to see one of his kin taking such satisfaction from the total upheaval of balance, yet he countered to himself that for there to be balance then there must be chaos as well as order. He shook his head a moment or two before his attention was called back to the fight below as his brothers cries and threats towards Athena rose to a new crescendo.

"You do not see that I'm trying to do only what is needed, what is necessary!"

Kelmor stiffened as he watched his brother’s actions, his blade poised for the killing stroke for there could be no other meaning and knowing full well that the path he was setting himself upon would condemn him for all eternity in the eyes of his kin. His fingers grasped his sword’s smooth hilt, a flicker of a frown crossing his face as he contemplated stepping in for this had progressed to what he had first named it; a Battle.

"Don’t be so foolish Revan… you’re better than this… I know you are. As he muttered half to himself, His voice was soft and held a faint hopelessness to it as he looked on with disappointment.


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Athena held off the majority of his wild and unruly attacks but some slithered past her defenses. Her armor had more then one notable faults now and it also featured cuts where his blade pierced through. On her back she had the marks of what could have been a crippling strike but fortunately her breastplate did it's job and kept her from serious harm. Her shield had also taken it's fair share of scars. It was clear in her demeanor that her wounds were weighing on her and taking his attacks was fatiguing her. Not to mention with every drop of blood the urge became stronger and stronger. Fortunately Athena was a warrior and she could endure plus she had been dealing with this blood lust since her creation, what caused her to falter and break were his words.

In her absence, Revan Thanatos had died and his shell had been occupied by foul fiend. This thing that she fought wasn't her brother. It was a monster. A monster that she had nurtured and permitted to grow till it was large enough to be a threat to her and the rest of her kin. The War Maiden was certain this was her fault and as Coral suggested in the meeting, she would be the one to deal with it. She would be the one to kill the monster that now called itself Revan Thanatos.

The Bloodlust called to her again and promised her the strength to butcher this beast before her. It told her of how she would be able to paint the walls, the stands, and even herself with his blood but most importantly, it promised her the means to protect her siblings and that was a noble cause Athena would gladly die for. And so she unlocked it's cage and let her take her whole.

Athena raised her shield and it met his sword just above her head (her helmet had been knocked off during the tornado of attacks. The force behind the sword was enough to cut through her shield, make a noticeable split down the middle, and slice into her arm. It even knocked the Lady of War down on one knee! But the pain...the pain was absent. From her downed position the War Maiden went run her sword through his gut the agile warrior before her moved out of harms way. Lady War rose from the ground and lowered her shield, permitting Revan and the crowd of spectators see her face.

As blood poured forth from her wounded body, the Lord of Punishment and those present saw a sight they had never seen. In her eyes was a fire, the kind of fire that would burn down an entire forest or consume whole kingdoms before it died out, and her expression resembled that of a savage. The straps that kept her shield attached to her arm were cut by her sword and Revan soon found himself on the defensive, trying to keep his head and his limbs attached to his head.

Her strikes were wild and unpredictable, not controlled or disciplined like her earlier attacks. She had embraced a new code of honor and with it a new set of laws. Laws that allowed her lash out with such ferocity. Laws that permitted her to kill her kin. It was not long that Revan found himself on the ground and Athena was on top of him. She stomped on his chest, knocking the wind out of him and then she tried to stab him but Revan, once again the faster of the two, rolled out of harms way. His Sister did not give him any breathing room, she grabbed his arm and wrestled the sword out of his grip then kicked it away to the other end.

"This was like your second home but now...Now it shall forever be your tomb!". The Rogue Knight bellowed at his brother while giving him a foreign (coming from Athena) sinister look. Revan could not overcome her, not while she was in this new state of mind. He needed to retreat or his head would find itself mounted on a spear atop Athena's Sanctum.


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Don't be so foolish Revan . . . You're better than this . . . I know you are.” Kelmor's grave words mirrored Coral's own feelings of dread.

This was not suppose to be happening . . . It was going much further then the laws of Destiny and Death had planned for this day. Athena was just as much blinded by pure rage as was Revan.

Corallium's slitted gaze drifted across the way to Eris and her malignant smile. Her influence! She was over stepping her bounds. There could only be so much chaos and the ends were always the same.

Blood & Death.

The battle was getting out of hand. With each vicious blow from either party, Corallium saw Fate slipping into a black hole. Something that only occurred when things were severally getting off track. This was a rarity Corallium had only dealt with a few times in her long life and she never enjoyed it.

Kelmor visibly stiffened next to her and before any of them could understand what was happening Revan was on his back on the ground unarmed. Athena's form towering over him, her eyes filled with cold furry.

Coral's heart raced with the speed of lightening.

This could not be happening! It should not be happening! It was so very, very wrong!

“Kelmor! We must-”

Coral began in an sharp whisper, her disbelieving eyes fixed on the disastrous spectacle below while her fingernails dug into Kelmor's muscular forearm. But she could not finish before Athena's bellowing voice rent the air with thunderous rage.

“This was like your second home but now . . . Now it shall forever be your Tomb!”

The Spear began to raise in the Warrior's hand and fear swallowed Corallium's heart. Her heart beat rapidly abnormal even for an Immortals. Breath caught and palms sweaty, her eyes followed the motion as the Spear came down, ever so slow to her sight.

“Halt!” Coral's voiced boomed echoing throughout the Arena as she shot up onto her feet, the Fan in her hand long dissipated.

She did not wish to interfere in the fray . . . But what choice?!?

In the next second she stood between Raven's battered form on the floor; arresting Athena's Spear with one hand.

“You know not what you do.” She serenely advised Athena, her grip on the Spear tightening as she tried to calm the Goddess of War; by no means an easy feat when the Woman was prepared for slaughter. “Part ways Athena before you commit a Sin you will not be able to face on the morrow when the bloody vale of rage is lifted from your eyes.”

When Athena hesitated, Corallium added with an unusual sincerity to her words that The Goddess of Fate was not well known for.

“He is your dearest brother, still. Forgive him his trespass.” She finished, letting go of the Weapon.

Corallium watched as Athena began to back away slowly.

“Eris,” She ordered in a voice that allowed no argument, without bothering to look in the Goddess of Chaos's general direction. “I suggest you also depart before Kelmor or I are forced to help you do so.”

Not bothering to take notice whether Eris complied, Corallium spun around and crouched over Revan Thanatos. Staying him with a soft palm to his chest as he groaned trying to lift up. Pure malice still burned in the cores of his hypnotising eyes turning the bewitching bright green to an almost coal black.

He would not be calmed so easily. Revan flinched at her touch as Corallium's fingertips gently examined the wounds on his face. Blood gusted from everywhere, bruising had already set in and that nauseating sound of bone cracking she had heard all the way up in the stands was from his nose.

Yet, anything fatale had been halted, thank the Moderator! He would heal up fine but it would take sometime. Not as long as a Mortal but still a little time before all the bruising and swelling would go down.

She looked deep into his eyes. Her features held no judgement, no reprisals but simply honesty.

Corallium leaned forward, her lips brushing one of his bleeding ears, her whisper for his hearing only.

“This anger, this rage you carry," She said softly pressing a gentle palm to the center of his chest. "can give you immense power. But, if you allow it, not only will it destroy everything and everyone it comes into contact with but it will also destroy you . . . I see great things for you Revan . . . Control it. Do not let it control you.

Pulling away, she gazed into his emerald like eyes once more, she could not be sure but she thought they had lighten the slightest of a degree. Fury still withered off of him in dark clouds. Coral could see and feel it in his Aura.

Lifting his chin with a delicate finger, Coral placed the lightest of a butterfly kiss to his lips.

“Fate is on your side.” She smiled against his lips. “If you so choose . . .

And like desert sand in the wind, Corallium faded away . . .


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Grove of Rejuvination

Cara stood before Sargon, with Amber at her side, everything was happening so fast, so suddenly. Yet for some reason everything was becoming clear to her, Sargons plans, the fate of the world.....everything was connecting.

"It is time for you to begin your journey my dearest Cara. It will be long, and hard fought. You will make many friends, but even more enemies along the way. But know that I have faith in you....and you will not be going alone" he gestured behind her. Many of tose that gathered had left, to fullfill their orders to Sargon and muster those needed to begin building in the north. But three had remained behind, three that would accompany Amber and herself....

"Eva" Sargon spoke gestruing to an elegant Ranger

He gestured to a very formidable knight "Richard"

Finally he gestured towards an dark, but trustworthy Wolf "And Garrus"

"You have your companions, and you have your destination" he smiled and touched her shoulder "But the path before you is yours to forge"

OOC: End of Cara and Companions until Chapter 2


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A maleficent smiled formed on her lips as she watched Athena let loose her pent up rage and blood lust. ‘just a little bit more child and I’ll have the greatest feast of all time’ leaning forwards awaiting the moment Athena would lay the final blow that would have ended Revan’s life.

But it didn’t go quite as expected when Corallium stepped in which Eris did not expect from the temptress. Despite Eris’s hand on unleashing both of her siblings rage, Corallium was still able to calm them to some degree where they both were no longer blinded.

Eris then appeared behind Athena, draping her arm over her sisters wounded body, then her arm fell away as she appeared again this time in front of her, then besides Revan, and back at Athena’s side. A smile played on her lips as she began to pout at the fact that she would miss a very well anticipated feast.

“Oh dear sister I was just having fun” her face showing fake apology.

“But do tell me, do you really think you can’t make me leave, forced or not Chaos listens to no one. Once it is released there is no way to pent it up for it will always be there” she smirked.

She then appeared besides Kelmor, though she was bent at the waist her hands on her knees as she looked down at Kelmor like a mother would when about to lecture their child. “you understand don’t you little brother, without my glorious Chaos there would be no balance in this world” a teasing smile on her face as her finger traced the marks Corallium had left in his arm from earlier.

She then appeared back besides Revan and smiled down at him, shaking a slender finger in his direction making a tsk sound. “Now the both you must behave will I’m gone my dears, wouldn’t want to miss the moment you both go rather mad” and just like Corallium her body began to lose its form and she disappeared like mist leaving the ocean.


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Sargon had managed to finish sending Cara upon her journey with enough time to view the last half of the dual. He stood hidden in the shadows and had watched the battle rage on. As the two immortals battle he analyzed and calculated each move, as was in his nature. When Athena would not bring her sheild up fast enough...

Now come on, your fighting like a orc with half a brain

Or when Revan would begin to give into his bloodlust....

No style, no form, you might as well say a child with a strand of wheat is a swordsman

He did not laugh, he did not show displeasure, his face remained in its natural judgmental gaze. Athena was not the only immortal to have a tacticle mindset, and Revan was not the only one to have mastership of the blade. Tho he was not as powerful as the Elder gods, he was as skilled. Sargon was different after all, different from all but one, Corallium. Both of these gods had been born a mortal birth. The only difference even there, was that Sargon had been born with a brother, Victus. It wasnt until Sargon and Victus had turned eight that they realized they were drastically different. For Sargon was born a immortal, while his brother...was simply a mortal. After that they had begun to drift apart, only meeting as families ever did.

But now you rest within the Twisting Nether my beloved brother
Sargon pulled the pendant from under his armor, it had been his brothers. Victus in his final years had started a family, one he so cherished above all others. He had joined the homeland guard around the town of Stardock, and it was in his third year of service that he had been killed by assassins, while protecting a visiting dignitary from a neighboring kingdom. He had left behind a wife and two children....The same two children who were upon the pendant, the same two who reminded him everyday of his very own two children.....which he was never allowed to see.....

Sargon looked back towards Revan And that is why I seek your death Lord of Vengence. For it was by your assassins hands that my brother died, protecting humans. And for what? So that they could appease your "Vengence" your "Justice" Sargon clenched his hand around the pendant before placing it away. He began to walk from the shadows towards Athena, he sought audience with the Godess of War, and to praise her on her victory.


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#, as written by yru0
The doors slowly opened to reveal the God of Knowledge and the realm where supposedly all the learnings of the world were to be found. Tché whistled as he looked at the ancient monastery-like structures that stretched out before him; he had never expected Librus’ kingdom to be quite so large. Of course, he had to admit that what he was looking at was the work of one of the most influential Gods of the time and also the individual who was responsible for overseeing the operations of the most widespread organisation on Lorgaine. "Hello, child. Why have you come to my humble little realm? Surely you have exciting things to do besides talk to a dusty old man." Librus asks with a laugh. Tché smiled at the aged man, “Hah! I’m sorry to disappoint but my work also involves its fair share of mundane operations. I’ve come to ask for your assistance in a matter.” The God entered the complex at the invitation of the Librarian, deciding to get straight to business, “I know you are aware of the plight facing the followers of Arabella at the mercy of the Orcish hordes, and I think I may have a way with which to alleviate the situation. What’s more, we have an opportunity to not only prevent the death and destruction of this campaign, but a chance to bring about lasting progress .” Tché paused for a moment, he knew that the elder God would not readily agree to what he was proposing, but the Librarian had to see the reasoning. “I intend to provide weapons and arms to the Orcs, but I hope that you could help me in this.” Raising his hands to stop any protests from Librus, Tché continued, “Hear me out! I know that the Orcs are a particularly bloodthirsty lot and that at first glance giving them more tools of war may not appear to calm the situation. However,” Tché hoped he’d got the God’s curiosity at least, “if we were to provide aid to rebel and revolutionary factions within the Orc Clans, their society would turn in on itself. Rather than taking out their bloodlust on the Elves, the Orcs would become embroiled in internal conflict, allowing the rest of the mortals to catch their breaths. This is what I originally planned to do, let the Orcs burn themselves out until their wasn’t enough fight left in them, but once I put my plan into motion, I had another idea.” Tché couldn’t help but grin, acting almost like a child overflowing with expectation, “What would you say, Librarian, if we had the chance to really make a difference for the Orcs? What if we could pull them into the modern age and try to help them progress, finally? There is one particular faction of Orc half-breeds, they call themselves the ‘Orks’, that I think could do just that. It may not look it, but the Orcs are becoming weary of their wars, becoming tired of constantly seeing their children die for little to no gain, whilst the rest of Lograine experiences one of the greatest periods in its history! There is a desire for something new with the Orc lands, believe me it’s my job to sniff that sort of thing out; the problem is that the Orcs know nothing else, and their leaders like to keep it that way so they keep their thrones nice and comfy.” Tché paused, idealistic fantasies playing out in his head, “Just think about it Librus, what if the Orcs threw themselves at scholarly pursuits, industrial and economic development? Right now constant war drains them and ruins them, just imagine what they could accomplish. All I ask is for some help: weapons manifests, contacts, heck your cartographers have access to almost every nation and organisation on the Planet, even getting them a meeting with the elves to hash out some kind of alliance could do wonders.” Tché had laid out his plan to the ancient God, he could only hope that Librus didn’t let history cloud his judgement…


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Rage was like a fire, unruly and wild yet powerful beyond compare. It could consume lives as easily as it could consume a forest with raw power that knew no end. Yet fire could also be used as a tool, something used to temper and make an even stronger element. Fire could create such elegance, such strength and such resolve it was above admirable it was heavenly. That anger that burned within the hearts of men and gods alike was like any other fire but if controlled, if mastered...

Control it. Do not let it control you

Her words echoed in his mind like a melody of truth and promise. His fierce green eyes stared up at his better with such hate as Athena loomed over him. The Goddess of Fate was his salvation this day as well as the promise of power to come. His mind contemplated her words and repeated them again and again as the song of her voice filled his mind.

This anger, this rage you carry can give you immense power

Power he needed, power he deserved. Such power would be his if he tempered the fire inside and used it to forge himself into such a force that none could stand in his way, not even the mighty Athena. Revan's fist clenched in resolve, anger and pain as he stared up defiantly at his sister. Corralium stood protectively over him and serving as the only thing keeping Revan from meeting the end of Athena's spear. It was then she turned to him, and placed the lightest kiss on his lips. A kiss, so simple and pure it filled him with an odd thought. The concept of victory for Fate had truly smiled on him this day. A kindness that would be returned in kind.

With renewed vigor and resolve Revan gritted his teeth in pain but pushed himself up. Blood dripped off him from the countless wounds on his body. His left arm sported a massive gash and hung limply at his side. His right hand was balled into a tight fist as he worked to hold his rage at bay. His body was mangled and covered in fresh cuts, gashes and bruises. The labor in which he drew each breath spoke to his numerous broken ribs. Yet it was his eyes that held the power within. Those ghostly green eyes stared now at Athena not as one who has just been bested in combat but as a predator eyeing prey. Confidant and self assured like the coming of an apocalyptic storm that only he could foresee.

"Bitch.... You should have killed me when you had the chance... You will not get a second opportunity. None of you will. Not the old, not the young... You will all soon feel the heat of billions of fires as my influence sets this world on the path it should have been on for centuries. You cannot escape it. You cannot flee from or fight justice forever. I will be the threat in the darkness, the blade that comes for you, the horror that plagues your dreams."

Revan's words were full of steady passion and a murderous intent but with each word his fervor grew.

"You had a chance to join me, willingly! Yet you have chosen oblivion! ALL THOSE WHO OPPOSE WHAT IS TO COME WILL SHARE YOUR FATE!"

Revan roared out the last of his words, his rage lashing out in what was spoken. He stared deeply into Athena's eyes, a silent promise to return the pains dealt to him this day. Then after a few tense moments of bitter silence he took a shaky step back as his body trembled in pain and anger.

"We will meet again Lady War... and on that day you will see the power in one who has the convictions to do all that is necessary. Until that day partings words for all my kin who think to continue to stand against me... I want you to imagine the fire. Think of it well for it is your future."

With that Revan Thanatos was consumed by a swirling black vortex of bats before vanishing into nothingness. The first stone had fallen and the land slide that was to come would change the face of Lorgaine forever.


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Librus listened intently to Tché. This God was not an Elder, and therefore Librus hadn't seen him often. This plan of his was sketchy, and Librus hated to hand over such valuable knowledge to savages. But the God of Rebellion spoke the truth. A truth that, sadly, Librus had skipped over in frustration and rage. The Orcs did indeed need to be dealt with, but if that could mean that at least some of them follow the path of knowledge, then that would be splendid. Librus stopped next to a cherry blossom tree, looking at it for a good while. "What you say is true. The Orcs should be a part of society. However, I'm sure you understand how hard that will be. After all this time, Elves and Humans won't instantaneously accept them. All the oppression they will face could simply make them relapse, and destroy everything." Librus explained. The suggestion that the Catalogers arrange a treaty was interesting. "While they would be more than capable of arranging the meeting, my Catalogers are not miracle workers. The Elves will most likely be sore with the subject, and won't give easily. Believe me, I am with you on this. But we can't rush into this."

Librus turned around and waved his hand, a a blue blur emerging from it. From the surrounding buildings, books and scrolls flew out and in front of Librus, arranging themselves into a stack. With another wave, Librus used the enchantment placed on the books. All the information compressed into a single new tome, leaving the originals unchanged. The books scattered, and Librus turns to Tché with the still-glowing book. "This is some of the information you requested. If I see that this can truly work, I will supply the rest. That should get you started though." Librus said, with a somewhat heavy heart. He hated encouraging violence, but if it ended Arabella's plight and created new scholars, then so be it. Librus continued, "You know child, I do appreciate how well you've thought this out. If only you had arrived at the meeting earlier, we may have gotten things done. Now, I wish I could entertain you longer, but I have some things to do. Thank you for stopping by." Librus waved farewell to Tché, and was off.

He needed to contact Partius. Closing his eyes, Librus reached out to his owl. He saw, for a moment, through it's eyes, and the bloodstained arena. Revan was gone. Sighing, Librus continued into his inscription workshop, a smaller building off the main courtyard. Librus picked up an ornate ivory whistle, and blew on it. A low tone emerged, and seconds later, Partius flew through the window. After landing on Librus' shoulder, Partius gave all of what he saw to Librus. This made Librus sweat, and all his thoughts jumbled for a moment. He gave Partius a slice of bread, and the white owl took off.

The thoughts finally aligned, and Librus paled. Revan's outburst, Corallium's encouraging him, Athena's efforts to calm Revan... It all weighed on him. Had Revan finally fallen into the darkness' grasp? His words were like that of a mad man! With a shaky hand, rattling with disbelief and frustration, Librus did his job: Inscribed these events into his endless records.


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You shame yourself even further than defeat, Sargon smiled to himself at Revans battered pride, and lack of self control, he was weak.

As Sargon made his way down the stairs towards the Arena grounds, he began clapping slowly "A very noble victory Lady Athena"

Though there was much I would have done differently, Athena could see that Sargon had been critiquing the fight. It was his nature to learn an enemies flaws and exploit them "I was worried towards the end, it had seemed the world would have lost their War Mother" Sargon still kept his unexpressional face "But as always you have proven the victor, and the gracious one" Sargon had entered the Arena floor by then "I would not have granted him the chance to live"

As he approached her, his voice lowered "I would seek council with you" noticing her battered body "If it would not impose upon you" he held her gaze.

This world will be shapped with or without your help. Your choice is, whos side will you stand upon, Sargon thought to himself


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Her vision was blurred. All she was her enemy but then a new figurine appeared before her. This person stopped her claiming her prize and that enraged her more but only for a moment... Now you shall claim two trophies The blood lust promised but this faded quickly when the sound of this interloper's voice reached her ears.

"You know not what you do...".

It was Coral. The Goddess of Fate had come between her and Revan, grabbed her spear, and she was even bold enough to stand before the berserking Goddess of War. The Blood lust wanted to kill her too but it was shoved back in it's cage and locked away once more. She had only embraced it to protect her kin, she did not wish to harm anyone else other then Revan. Lady Fate went on to speak of a sin that the War Maiden would not be able to face. But Athena would die a thousand deaths and spend eternity in damnation if it meant that her siblings would be safe. Though they were ticking headaches and some even made her existence purely miserable (Eris mostly), they were still shared blood and this blood would be spilled over her dead lifeless and brutally mutilated body. Death may be her punishment for killing her brother but Death did not scare her. Should death come for her, she would meet it and die with a sword gripped in her hand.

"He is your dearest brother"... she went on to say, Athena needed not to hear more. He was once her dearest brother. Now he was a beast, a monster, that she would slay. But if Fate would not have him die here and now, then he would die in some other place at a different time. The Goddess backed away and turned her gaze towards Kelmor and then Eris.

Fate...Death...and Chaos...watched me fight... What an ill omen. She thought.

Eris came down and examined the two combatants before she gave an empty apology. The Goddess rolled her eyes and ignored her Older sister. She was a nut but she was needed nut. If it were not for Eris, Athena would not exist. It was from the need for an end to the Chaos that Order was born and with her appearance came War soon after. The War Maiden always pondered if her connection to Eris was deeper then merely "Lady Order was made to stop Lady Madness from setting things on fire, but if it were possible that if Eris were to (or if the Moderator blessed Athena) be 'removed' if Athena would follow...Afterall she was the reason Lady Order came into existence. This thought however never lasted for long because such things were best left to Librus and the War Maiden knew the old man would have told her of such a loophole.

Revan soon left, but not before damning them all to heck, and Athena was visited by another intruder. The Dread Wolf, as she called him, Sargon. The Lord of the hunt wanted to speak with her and she would hear him. It was best she did before the effects of the Blood Lust passed and the pain begun to siege her body.

"Very well Dread Wolf... I will hear you but not here...". She answered and turned to Kelmor who was still seated on the stands. "and not alone...".

"Brother Kelmor, I wish to ask you something..It's important!". She shouted and walked...limped towards the exit of the Arena, deeper into the interior of her Sanctum.


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"But of course Lady Athena" Sargon gave a respectful bow letting her lead the way. He looked back towards Kelemor An interesting turn of events, he smiled inwardly to himself, but for the better

He knew that even as they spoke, the Northlands were being populated by the Order of the Wolf, by his Werebeasts the lycans. He knew that soon Elyssia would seek his guidence in training Erik and Khalan. He knew that Cara was gathering more Companions on her journey. She was rallying more people to join her in the north.....and most of all he knew....that his own two children were reaching of age to seek him out..



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The sky was dark by the time Corallium materialized within the Keep of her Castle. Light blazed through every window, every slit and crevice of the Stone Fortress. The sweet spicy smell of Supper wafted through the air. Noise of many many different conversations being spoken all at once filled the large space. A serene smile rested on Corallium's lips as she relaxed instantly, every tight muscle in her body giving way.

It was good to be home.

Many Gods may think they were too good to make home on Lorgaine but for Corallium, Lorgaine was Heaven.

She could have gone straight up to her Quarters but there was nothing more Coral loved seeing then the industry within the walls of her Castle.

The Keep was the most busy place, day or night. Food was served at all hours. Passers by, no matter who they were, on their journey from one town or village to the next could spend the night there. Once long ago on straw pallets but now on warm beds. A tradition ongoing since before Corallium's time by her father.

As soon as her presence was known a crowd appeared at either side of her. Reverential bows paid and greetings flew her way.

“Blessed Be.”

She bestowed her blessings on all as she made her way slowly through. Her hand touching every bowed head, reading every Fate presented to her. While at the same time she removed every priceless jewel that adorned her body – the many necklaces that laced her bare back, rings, earrings, belly chain – and gifted them into the open hands of her many Devotees.

“I cannot accept Mistress.”

A small voice called up as Corallium was about to place her last diamond chain into a small hand. She looked down into a small grubby face with dark hair and unnaturally light purple eyes. The girl could not be more the six or seven at the most.

Corallium smiled down at the child as she gently stroked her hand down the girls short dirty tangled hair. Violet Meesterson. A local Farmers daughter. Innocent and pure of heart. Coral saw a fitting destiny for the selfless child. The girl would one day marry a Prince of a far off land. She saw the long Necklace she offered Violet around the girls neck on her Wedding day.

“One does not refuse a Blessing Violet.” Corallium smiled as she cupped the girls muddy hands in hers and place the diamond chain in her grasps and closed the child's fingers around it.

Walking away, by the time Coral had reached the Inner Keep only one adornment was left on her body. The thick pure gold bracelet around her wrist that had belonged to her mother. The only piece of Jewellery she would never part with. Yet, even plain she presented a striking image.

She made her way up to her Quarters right on the top floors. The boisterous noises coming from the Great Dinning Hall filled the Stone Walls of the Castle. Her Royal Court; her Knights and their families dinned in there as they occupied and made home on the lower floors of the Castle.

She would join them but later.

For now, Corallium needed time to herself. Time to think over the days events. Making her way to the Bath House past her Chambers, kicking off her heels as she entered the arched door way into the large room.

At the center was a huge pool of shimmering oceanic water. Lit scones hung from the surrounding Pillars while candles circled the stone edges of the pool. Giving the waters a ghostly glow in the dark of night.

“Leave.” She ordered the maids.

Bowing they exited leaving a silver tray of Grapes, Cheeses and Fine Wine that Coral paid little mind to as she circled the body of water deep in thought until she reached the stone steps on the far side and made her way down into the bath. Removing the pins, her unending locks cascaded down her back like a dark waterfall.

The long yards of red material that wrapped around her to make her Saree clung to her skin as she delved deeper into the water, not bothering to remove the dressing.

Had she been foolish? Why had she kissed Revan Thanatos? Why not? It was all apart of her game. Yet, for the first time her own wanderings could not even convince Corallium herself . . . His company intrigued her and amused her like no other . . .

This could become a problem . . .

Only, if she allowed it to and she was much to wise to fall pray to such follies.

It was quite simple.

Revan Thanatos was dangerous and unstable and once she got this business with his annoying Assassins over with, she would have little more to do with Lord Justice. There was no need to further this acquaintance.

She may not know her own Fate . . .

Corallium mused as she looked up through the ceiling-less hole to the stars and the deceptively full looking Moon that shone straight down upon her.

But it seemed to be working on her side for the time being.

Her plans may not have gone the way she first intended and it had certainly not been her intent to have something to hold over Revan Thanatos but she could not deny now she had something she could bargain with . . .



1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katergaris, The Trickster God
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The Trickster god was busy, way more busy than ANY of the other God who were out making plans or trying to kill each other. He had a party to plan and it would be the best party ever no matter what anyone said but before he could even think about having the party he needed some entertainment but who would work for Katergaris? Answer is, they wouldn't normally but in this case they wont have a choice.

Katergaris smiles to himself and changes from his bright coloured suit to a less 'bright' attire, to allow him to blend in. Katergaris stands in the middle of a small Human settlement and shouts as loud as he can. "Roll up! Roll up! I'm paying BIG money for someone to pass a simple test." Not long after a small crowd appeared around the disguised God. The God pulled out some parchment with a large black circle on it and laid it on the ground. The circle was clearly big enough to stand on. "I will give any amount of money for someone to step on this parchment." Obviously this offer seemed too good to be true but what could someone lose from just stepping on some parchment. After a while a man stepped out and jumped onto the parchment, the man vanished. You could hear his screaming from coming from the Black Hole.

The God laughed to himself as he stunned the crowd, he pulled yet another piece of parchment and pinned it to the wall and pinned the other to an adjacent wall, the man screaming became louder and louder and the man shot passed the crowd from one hole into the other, Katergaris then quickly folded both pieces up and placed them in his pocket, the man still missing in the black hole. "I have my entertainment. Hey Villagers! Did you hear the one about the three holes in the ground? Well well well..." And with that he disappeared, the joke being caught on by the Villagers at different times.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Revan Thanatos
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The darkness of the realm of The Lord Justice was all encompassing. Such shadow as never before seen, the faint glimmers of light that did exist came only from the sparring torches that dotted the walls at the necessary intervals. It was from the orange glow offered by these torches that the blood could be seen. It stained the floor in pools that seemed to cover the bulk of Revan's home. That familiar crimson splashed over the walls, floor and most articles of furniture and was never far from the body that it had come from. So many bodies, slaughtered mercilessly were strewn about Revan's fortress. His faithful, mortals fortunate and fervent enough to gain his favor found their lord and master in a foul mood when he had returned from his duel.

Wounded from battle and mad with hate he moved through the halls of his home with sword in hand hacking down anything and everything that moved. The screams of the dead and dying filled the massive structure as the slaughter went on. None were sparred from the Vengeance gods wrath. When there were no more living to destroy he went on to the inanimate. He hurled furniture, battered down walls all in his blind rage. The pain he felt in his body paled in comparison to the rage burning in his heart. The inferno of fury and malice consumed him and alone in his realm he unleashed it. His people died at his hands and they died screaming. His home was reduced to tatters in response to the anger of it's creator.

Now alone in the darkness of his main chambers, surrounded by bodies and covered in blood Revan Thanatos sat seething in the shadows. His glowing green eyes the only thing standing out in the black. The stench of death hung heavy in the air and the sound of his raspy breathing echoed out into the large antechamber. The mind of the Justice God grappled with the events of the day. The useless meeting he was forced to attend and the irritation at the foolishness of his kin. The argument with Athena and the challenge to come. Then there was the meeting with Corallium, an odd encounter and one that gave him pause.

The memory of his conversation with Lady Fate stilled his burning blood for a brief moment. He remembered her scent, the touch of her breath on his skin, the warmth of her body as he grasped her shoulders. Her words filled his mind as their suggestive conversation reverberated in his mind. Corallium, Goddess of Fate, she was different. She understood the way of things, she saw what was to come and the necessity of Revan's actions. He could see it in her, the willingness to look past whatever preconceived notions of what should or should not be done. She saw that the world was not one that suffered the pious or the kind but one for the strong, one for those with the will to act.

A smile, eerie and dark etched it's way across Revan's strong features as he considered a place for her. A place for her in the world he would create for the seeds of inspiration had begun to sprout. That sprout foretold of greatness, foretold of a world without sin, a world without injustice. His world, Revan's world would be one of beauty and peace, one where criminality was but a bad dream. A stain on the history of Lorgaine would be all injustice was but how to accomplish that?

The mind of Thanatos drifted to the fight with Athena and his blood began to boil. He was reminded of the pain he suffered at her hands. He remembered the resoluteness in which she fought him, the unwillingness to yield and the ignorance she showed at his ideals. She was the shield maiden of the gods, if she did not see his vision for the future then none of them will and so for that they had all become obstacles. Obstacles that needed to be overcome. Hurdles that needed to not be leapt but destroyed.

The way in which to do that soon began to take shape in his mind as thought of fire, ice, thunder, and blood. This gave birth to his plot. That would merely deal with the heads of the hydra, or at least slow them but he needed to strike at it's heart. He would need a way to not only destroy injustice once and for all but show the people their own folly before leading them down the proper path. A path of justice was coming, one where he would step out of the darkness and with the throat of mortality in his iron grip he would cast it into the sun. He would watch gleefully as the corrupt clambered over the bodies to touch the light only to find themselves consumed by the fires of change. Fires that he would gift unto the race of men for it should be the sinners that would show their true strength of character. He would offer them a choice to seize their own salvation and instead bring about their own annihilation. In this way his point would finally be made, the wicked would be purged and the just could claim dominion over Lorgaine.

First he needed time, and space to do his work. His so called kin would never sit idly by for they were too short sighted to see what he did was for the salvation of Lorgaine. They wouldn't see the that destination was well worth the trip. So he would need a cloak, a mask, some way to hide himself from their sight. His aura gave him away, any of his fellow immortals could track him with ease so he would need to snuff out the flame of that beacon. He would need to cloud himself in such darkness their eyes would never pierce the black. Revan rose from his seat with a jaw set in determination as his mind spoke a single name, the one being in existence who had the knowledge he sought.

First he would need to clean off the blood and see to his wounds. His godly blood would return him to complete health within a matter of hours. He would use that time to soak in a rejuvenating bath as his mind flushed out the details of his plan. As he strolled casually over the bodies with the formation of his plan to save Lorgaine taking proper shape some thing else began to materialize from his thoughts. Visions of Corralium, void of dress and stepping into the warm waters with him. Her hands running over his body as she nursed him back to health with warmth of her embrace.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eris Character Portrait: The Triumvirate Character Portrait: Revan Thanatos Character Portrait: Athena Character Portrait: Sargon, Lord of the Hunt
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He'd watched, his hand clenched tightly around his sword as he watched Revan give into the darkness growing in his heart. He'd almost struck his sister when she'd taunted him, for while balance must be maintained she always irked him. Eris was part of the entropy of Lorgraine which was needed yet her personality seemed designed by the Moderator himself to annoy all creation. But he had still left her with parting words of his own, in an attempt to stop her continued pestering.

"Dear Eris, I know you find this event amusing but no matter. For in the end even the memory of this event will not give you solace, for in the end your machinations will be only against yourself."

Now left alone in the Arena he looked down at the new arrival and Athena in conversation, he had thought to approach the young Sargon for he too like Revan was out of balance with himself. And Kelmor knew well the reasoning behind such, after all he had already passed through their gates. Before he could decide his next course of action however his name was being called out by his sister below.

"Brother Kelmor, I wish to ask you something..It's important!".

He bowed slightly as he rose, and pulling his cloak around him and allowing his blade to vanish beneath made his way down towards his two siblings. He followed her into the inner sanctum of her domain, chuckling as the doors closed behind them with somewhat of a finality to them.

"It appears this event has been as damaging to mind as well as body. What do you wish to ask sister?" He asked as he lightly brushed his fingers over the marks left in his arm by his other sister, wondering why Eris seemed to focus so much upon them.

Deep within the earth, Indris paced irritably within the halls of the dead. She was walking alongside a map of Lorgraine, detailing the war that the Eternal Order was waging against the increasing armies of the unnatural damned. She knew that Menoth tormented the souls with this 'gift' in an attempt to give them another chance but it was always something she found distasteful. But Kelmor had decided it was a means for judgement, and that the mortals should be the ones to give them the true gift of oblivion. However his personal touch to the order had sat ill with her as well for his Chosen were something strange indeed to her mind. Her eyes kept flickering towards the chamber of judgement where she could see three pale figures governing the passage of the dead through the grey gates, and felt a slight shiver as she locked eyes with those of the right hand judge. Her own eyes stared back, devoid of the warmth they now held and instead filled with a dull emptiness.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corallium Character Portrait: Katergaris, The Trickster God
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The Trickster God once more found himself at a loose end, plain and simple he was bored. No matter how cruel the joke he played on the Humans nothing could surpass disrupting a fellow God's personal time. Katergaris thought of which of his Kin he wanted to find, Lord Justice perhaps? No that might get him killed. Eris? No, Katergaris just wasn't in the mood. Lady Fate? Yes that would do nicely. Katergaris always felt his presence irritated the other Gods and on a very rare occasion he might even feel a little bad that it did but he always did the same thing when those thoughts occurred to him. He would always spend more time with them.

Katergaris thought of where she might be but it was pretty obvious really, she was going to be in her castle and from their he'd just follow her aura until he found her. He wouldn't dare play any tricks while he was there however, atleast none that could be traced back to him. The Trickster re-appeared on one of the roofs of her castle and he sensed for her. Some thought of it as strange that Katergaris could do so much and had the ability to have so much power but he did nothing with it other than play silly pranks but if this is ever asked out-loud Katergaris answer is quite simple, I only have this power when I'm playing some kind of trick or joke and that was all of it, he'd never tried using his powers for something other than a joke but he was pretty sure it wouldn't work.

The God located the aura of Lady Fate and his painful smile stayed etched onto his face, he followed the signs and found her in her bath. He stood peering over the edge down towards the Bath House. His hat stayed on his head and seemed completely solid as he looked at her for a short while making sure he wasn't disturbing anything. He didn't seem to be but Katergaris wasn't very much one to have any idea of boundaries or rudeness, he just did what he wanted. The Trickster launched himself from the roof and cannon-balled into the bath with Corallium. "Hello!"