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Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)

"True heroes do what is necessary."

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a character in “Hadean”, as played by Lord Saethos






Theme 1 – Hells Bells
Theme 2 – Vigilante
Theme 3 – Count Dankula’s Theme


Full Name: Richard Mackenzie
Alias: White Death, Great White Death
Age: 25 (Born 2020)
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Scottish/English/Brittonic descent. Canadian national.

Hair: Dark chocolate brown, almost black in some lights.

Eye color: Grey-Blue

Body: Slim but athletic.

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 148lbs

Hometown: Hope, British Columbia, Canada

Affiliation(s): Canadian Armed Forces (formerly)

Calm and reserved, can come off as cold sometimes, but polite and respectful others. Richard can be quiet at times, but he’s more than willing to talk in the right circumstances. He is generally in control of himself, and that’s the way he likes it.

White Death, however, shows a different side of him. Cold. Brutal. Detached. Violent. White Death may be calm, but all energy he doesn’t waste in emotions is transferred to him brutally murdering villains, criminals, and the other lowly scum of the Earth. For your typical street criminal, White Death tries to be quick and efficient in taking out his opponents. For those individuals who are particularly vile, White Death will try his very best to ensure he takes as much time with his job as possible.

The greater the crime, or the more innocent the victims, then the more “creatively cruel” White Death becomes to the villains.

- The outdoors. Particularly enjoys hiking.

- Mountains

- Rain

- Black coffee with some sugar. Orange juice. Typical “breakfast” drinks.

- History (including books, online content, and artwork)

- Various kinds of music, though different styles of rock tend to be closest to his heart. Contrasts slightly with his more “classical” tastes or interests.

- Guns (the tool of his trade).

- Swords, knights, and medieval stuff. Enjoys the idea of heroes who fought for justice in a bygone era, even if they were few in number.

- Kind/respectful/polite people. At least reasonably so.

- Various other things. Some of which he keeps private. Very private.

- Extreme heat. He’ll tolerate it, but it’s not his preference.

- Alcohol. Doesn’t drink.

- Smoking. Doesn’t smoke.

- Drugs (including weed). Doesn’t use them. However, he doesn’t make a fuss about others using, so long as it isn’t killing themselves or others. Ditto to smoking and drinking.

- Pointless bravado, narcissism, and self-aggrandisement. Hubris.

- Child abusers. No sane person likes these people. Richard likes them even less. But he does like hurting them. And killing them.

- Criminals in general that cause harm to others (especially to innocent people).

- Chaos, confusion, disorganization. It gets people killed.

- Many of the “hero” organizations. He sees them as bureaucratic or overbearing, and that they lose their ability to be effective by trying to be micromanaged.

- Villain organizations. Obviously.

- Despite Richard’s past occupation, he has had occasional trouble with “authority”. He does respect authority, but he has directly disobeyed authority on a number of occasions. As such, he dislikes authority he views as either incompetent, or morally corrupt. And authority that fits that description is authority he will not listen to.

- Relying on his powers. Richard values the skills he has developed as a human, and it’s important to him that he be a capable fighter without needing his powers. Certainly he uses them, but he generally prefers his human abilities over his cape powers.

- The people he loves being harmed or killed.

- Death (as most sane people would).

- Nonexistence. An existential fear, but a fear nonetheless.

- That he’s doing the wrong thing.

- Skilled firearms user. Good with pistols, automatic rifles, shotguns, and rifles (bolt action, semi-automatic, etc.).

- Capable of hitting a target at considerable distances without using a scope (something he’s practiced since youth, and something that plays into his name).

- Can effectively use various pieces of military grade equipment (weapons, communications tech, etc.)

- Some mechanical skills he picked up in his youth and his time in the army.

Costume Identities:
Richard wears a simple outfit. Black tactical shirt, pants, and boots, with additional light armoring in black. Over the shirt he has a black, light-weight, bullet proof tactical vest, and his “mask” is a modified black "balaclava". On the upper parts of the sleeves of his black shirt (in the place where a flag would be on a military uniform) is a simple, black rectangular patch with a white circle on it, and a white line going through the middle of the circle. In ancient Greece, it was a symbol of death.

- Two Pardini PC/GT pistols, one Silver, the other Black. The silver one has the name “Excalibur” etched onto it. The black one has the name “Durendal” etched onto it. Richard has these holstered with him for most combat areas.

- An MP5A3 submachine gun. The name “Tizona” is etched onto it. Richard uses this in most general combat.

- A Franchi PA3 shotgun. The name “Colada” is etched onto it. Richard usually uses this weapon when in a more confined combat area.

- .50 Caliber Beowulf AR-15. The name “Hrunting” is etched onto it. Richard mostly reserves this for “absolute necessity” situations. A gun built for hunting monsters.

- A black, carbon steel Tactical Machete. The name “Joyeuse” is etched onto the blade. Richard carries this in a sheath generally attached to his back.



Richard was born on April 16th, 2020 in the small Canadian town of Hope, British Columbia. He grew up there on a rural ranch property, to a relatively normal family who had a relatively normal life. The only thing not “normal” was perhaps Richard’s grandfather, the somewhat wealthy owner of a manufacturing company operating in a few different countries. But Richard’s family wasn’t anyone famous, or fabulously wealthy, just better off than many others. And that took time, effort, and a lot of risk on his grandfather’s part.

What changed Richard from being a regular kid happened in 2031, when he was 11. His younger brother Anthony (8 at the time) had gone missing. Several other children had gone missing in BC recently, and this was just one more to send the province into a panic. The family did everything they could to find Anthony, tried to hire private detectives, everything. Nothing came of it.

5 months later, a man was arrested trying to cross from Ontario into the state of Michigan. He was carrying photographs, and other various pieces of evidence that tied him to the kidnappings, and his other atrocious crimes. A week later they recovered Anthony’s body in British Columbia, as well as the bodies of seven other young boys and girls in both BC and Ontario. The man arrested plead insanity, and due to that and his age was sent to a mental health institute for the next 13 years.

This moment changed Richard forever.

The once innocent, blissful child became a bottle of pure, distilled, righteous hatred. His life began to revolve around the things he could have done to save his brother, the other children, and so many other people who’ve suffered. And what went from thoughts of hatred went to thoughts of violence.

This wasn’t all that was on his mind of course. He became keenly interested in history, particularly WW1 and WW2, as well as medieval history and Ancient Mesopotamia. It was through these interests that he came across the real-life legend of Simo Häyhä, the “White Death” of Finland. He was a sniper who had killed hundreds of invading Russians, without a scope, burying himself in snow, and landing killing blows on targets hundreds of feet away from him. The skill and ability to manage this in such extreme conditions inspired Richard. As he got older and was allowed to shoot in target practice, he trained without a scope.

As he grew older and the internet became more accessible to a young boy, he began to watch movies online. One film that caught his attention was from the 70’s or 80’s, focusing on a small group of New Yorkers who’d been terrorized by gangs and street thugs. Eventually, the victims decided they had had enough and decided to deal with the threat more violently. It likely took inspiration from real life vigilantes like the “Guardian Angels”, though they were less violent by far.

By all accounts Richard seemed normal to most people around him. He enjoyed sports, was relatively social, and even did a little bit of acting at school. So it came as a surprise to many people around him when, upon graduation from High School, he immediately signed up with the Canadian Armed Forces.
Richard, being a persistent young man, pushed to be trained as a regular infantryman, a sniper, and as a mechanic. He excelled in the first two, and he managed to be decent as a mechanic, enough that he would be called on for some maintenance jobs. By the time he was 19, he was deployed to <REDACTED> to serve with coalition forces.

It was during the war that his powers became active, these specifics (and his time in the army) will be listed in the “Power Origins” section. Later in his career however, there was considerable tension between Richard and his superiors, and in 2044 he left the army and returned home to Canada.
When Richard returned to Canada, it was just in time to learn that a piece of unfinished business had just been released from a mental institute. His brother’s killer, who had apparently shown “remorse”, “regret”, “considerable progress”, and “real change” was to be released back into the world. Of course, he was expected to “check in” regularly with a parole officer, but he was old, and expected to live out the rest of his days quietly.
Richard had other ideas.

Just one missed parole meeting and a national search began for the “reformed” killer. For months police across Canada, and both Canadian and US border services, worked tirelessly to find this man. To this day not a single glimpse of him has been found. No photos, no eyewitness accounts, no stolen vehicles. The man was never seen again. Alive or dead.

Police investigated some of the families to the killer’s past victims, including Richard. But he was just hard at work working for his grandfather, far away from his brother’s killer. No evidence linked Richard (or anyone else) to the killer’s disappearance. The White Death had meted out violent justice for the first time, and certainly not the last…


North Wind -
[Shaker – 6]

Richard can slow down particles and energy in an area around him, resulting in a drop of temperature in that area. When utilized with his other powers (provided there is sufficient moisture around) this can also be used to create a miniature snow storm in the area (more on this later). So far he has demonstrated that he can achieve temperatures as low as -15 to -20 degrees Celsius, but it’s possible he could manage even lower temperatures.

White Out -
[Shaker – 6 / Stranger – 4]

By lowering the temperature in an area sufficiently, and focusing his energy on creating particles of snow, Richard can create a miniature snow storm. When done correctly, this creates a small area of obscured visibility, allowing Richard a brief moment to retreat/escape if it ever becomes necessary.

Ice Creation/Manipulation -
[Shaker – 7/ Blaster – 2 / Striker – 5 / Changer - 7]

As with the rest of his cold generation abilities, by slowing the movement of particles Richard is able to create and manipulate ice in a variety of ways.
1. Ice Projectiles (Blaster): Richard can create ice spikes to be used as projectiles. However, his skills of moving them in this way is quite limited, usually it requires another force to use them as actual projectiles (including the manual use of his body, ie. Throwing them).

2. Ice Armor (Changer): As the ice spikes would indicate, Richard can form ice into designs suitable for melee weapons, and also for temporary armor. As this is only ice, and creating ice also takes time, armor is usually a very temporary measure, and only manages to absorb some damage. Very much an emergency use technique.

3. Ice Weapons (Changer): The ice weapons Richard creates can be a little more durable than the armor (if their shape can be maintained) and can be effectively utilized for a longer time than the armor. Weapons include “ice spikes”, daggers and other blades, and “knuckle dusters”. The ice knuckle dusters are probably the sturdiest, as they can be made more quickly, more durable, and absorb shock quite well. They also pack quite the punch.

4. Freezing (Blaster/Striker): While Richard can’t exactly “project” an attack, he can manipulate particles at some distances, meaning that he is capable of forming ice over something either close to him, or that he is touching. Touching generally works faster, but this can be used to freeze objects, or even people. While it has proven difficult so far, theoretically Richard could even turn the moisture in a human body into ice, causing near-permanent, potentially lethal damage. This usually takes considerable time however, a lot of energy, and mastery. As of now, Richard has not mastered this ability.

Power Origins:

While Richard was in the armed forces, he demonstrated great skill in pretty much everything he was asked to do. He was a decent mechanic, a solid infantryman, and an exceptional sniper. But he had a lot of trouble with authority. Richard was frequently being reprimanded by superiors for not using his scope on sniper operations, and his protests that he was “better without one” did not convince them. They didn’t prevent him from continuing as a sniper on occasion, but he would often sneak the scope off when he thought he could get away with it.

His comrades understandably were confused by his behavior, and they didn’t feel much better when he explained the “competition” he was having with a Finnish sniper from WW2; Simo Häyhä, the “White Death”. Richard didn’t want to be as good as Simo, he wanted to be better than him. Shoot from a further distance, kill more enemies, and miss fewer shots than the now dead veteran had done. Some of the soldiers were bothered by this for a while, not sure he could be trusted with their lives.

It took a few years, but eventually he did gain their trust, and two nicknames. Some of the soldiers would refer to him simply as “The White Death”, hinting that he was continuing on the legacy of Simo. Others would refer to him as “The Great White Death”. Because he was Canadian.

His skills eventually caught the eyes of the Joint Special Task Force (JSTF), Canadian Special Forces. Richard was never fully brought into the JSTF, but he was used as one of their primary snipers on various missions, and as a result also ended up working alongside US troops.

And that’s how everything changed for him. Richard was sent with a special convoy with both Canadian and US troops, they were supposed to be securing a new location deeper into enemy territory. This was going to dislodge the enemy and allow coalition forces to operate in a wider area. But someone had tipped off the enemy. Rockets were fired at the convoy, blowing up several of their vehicles, and killing several dozen soldiers.

Richard’s truck skidded off the road and crashed but avoided being hit by direct rocket fire. He managed to crawl out of the wreck, and was trying to regroup with the rest of the soldiers so they could prepare a counter attack. Another rocket flew by, hitting another vehicle and creating another explosion. This time a piece of shrapnel was propelled right into Richard’s skull. Everything went black in an instant, and his body fell to the ground.

Several days later, Richard awoke in an army medical tent, head splitting with pain, but otherwise alive and in one piece. His bed was also covered in a thin layer of frost, in temperatures above 30 Celsius. Richard doesn’t remember anything of how his powers were first activated, but soldiers who recovered him from the convoy all stated there was a layer of frost across him, and sporadic chunks of ice littering the area around him.

The army worked hard to get Richard back into fighting shape, and to train him to use his powers for more combat-oriented roles. This was something he was heavily resistant too as he preferred relying on his “human skills”, rather than on his “luck of the draw” powers. Regardless, he spent some time learning to hone them, but soon found himself back in standard missions for the military.

A few months after this had all occurred, in 2016, Richard was sent on what would be his last mission. The details are ones Richard doesn’t like to speak about, but whatever did occur led to a series of disputes between himself and his military superiors. In the end, he was permitted a “voluntary release”, though this may not have been given to him very easily.


Color Code:#2B4F81

So begins...

Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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Sheri cursed at herself as she fiddled with the hinges on the back door, finagling them in such a way that they wouldn’t open if the target tried to come through here. It took several minutes of effort as she considered, attempted, and then reattempted several different solutions that wouldn’t be easily seen or removed before the man got here. The cook passed by twice, giving her a funny look the first time, but she just said ”Maintenance!” with the best fake smile she could manage and he immediately lost interest in her presence.
She’d got it just about into a state she was satisfied with when there was a sound of glass shattering at the front of the diner, followed by the sound of shouting. Her first thought was to slip out the back if there was trouble here... only to be reminded she’d just jammed the door shut when she tried to open it. ”Shit.”
She turned and slipped back toward the front. She quickly stepped to the side as staff and a handful of customers fled back into the kitchen; she decided not to mention there was no escape this way. They’d figure it out. She turned to look back up front, only to see a crowd of goddamn Witchfinders gathered outside, in a fistfight with the woman who’s been at the counter, and someone else she couldn’t see. Three of the men who’d been in the diner were also still here - two taking shelter behind the bar (was one of them wearing a balaclava mask? In 2045? What is this, the IRA?) and the third looked like he was about to go join the fight outside. Good for him, Sheri thought. Buy me more of a distraction. Oh, and her double was still in the booth. That was kinda funny. She dismissed it, and it dissolved in a burst of static.
It was a shame this job would turn out to be a bust, though, she thought to herself as she slipped around the counter toward the door. After all, it wasn’t as if Mr. Alan Kingsley would be stopping by for his coffee after… after… She froze where she was standing, within arms reach of the balaclava man, as her eyes fell on someone through the window, at the other side of the park.
Her fucking target.
She threw herself around the counter, jumped onto a booth table and tumbled out of the window, before breaking into a dead sprint through the meleeing crowd. Her hand flew to the PPK tucked into the back of her jeans under her coat, her fingers wrapping around the top of the grip with her forefinger resting along the length of the barrel. One of the Witchfinder’s spotted her as she dropped her stealth, and she ducked under his arm as he reached for her, putting her gun in his face and channeling a stunning nerve blast through the handgun at point-blank range without ever turning her eyes to him.
Sheri folded herself nearly in half as she vaulted over some mutated monster a mere instant after it tackled two more Witchfinders to the ground (Where the fuck did that come from? Am I gonna have to deal with that?) and then she was across the street, boots pounding over the grass as she made a beeline for Alan Kingsley. He spotted her, and as he turned to run her eyes flashed a brighter shade of green and two exact duplicates of herself appeared 20 yards ahead, following one very simple command: catch the target.
Alan bolted, adrenaline making this otherwise out of shape man move faster than he ever had in his life. Sheri dismissed her clones, then summoned two more further ahead, gaining ground with her doubles until they were practically on either side of him.
”Leave me alone!” he wailed, struggling for breath. He stumbled and fell as he reached the street, rolled, then was back up, sprinting left. Sheri stopped and fired another nerve blast through the handgun, hitting Alan in the back of the knee. He fell a second time as his entire leg suddenly went dead, cracking his chin on the asphalt. ”Please,” he wheezed. ”Please don’t hurt me.”
Sheri walked over, stuffing her gun back in her pants and dismissing her duplicates. She pulled a thin voice recorder out of her pocket, then lifted Alan up slightly by the back of his shirt, kneeling down to look in his face. ”You’re Alan Kingsley?”
”I need you to confirm,” she said, clicking ‘record’. ”Are you Alan Kingsley?”
”Y-yes,” he answered. He was starting to cry. Gross.
Sheri dropped him, then clicked play on the recorder to confirm she’d gotten his official confirmation.
Nothing happened.
Click. Click click. Clickclickclickclickclickclickclick- she through the recorder on the ground, and it bounced and skidded into the gutter. ”God damn it!!”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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It was rather amusing to watch her stumble around trying to find the words, like a tall vase only a light tap had been enough to throw her off balance. Her brother on the other hand did not seem phased in the slightest, rather he seemed very excited then again given his previous behavior he seemed to be of the excitable and enthusiastic kind. At the very least one with significant knowledge of muscular structures, which makes perfect sense in a way given his claimed profession. The other guy gave a considerate response, but he couldn't shake the fleeting feeling that there was an underlying message to it that he just didn't quite get.

He had considered making a response of his own, but seeing he kind of had his mouth full of sweet blueberry goodness and a rather imposing figure made his acquaintance with the girl, a rather physical one. Devon jumped up from his seat narrowly avoiding the hot coffee's sloshing from staining his pants only to leap over the counter a second later as he heard the sound of a large piece of glass shattering behind him. He looked around to see how the quint diner had just turned into a battlefield, Mackenzie had pulled Ichiro towards the booth where the man with the newspaper had sprung into action as well. The others all seemed to either have huddled beneath some cover or having made a mad dash to the kitchen, like any other place it'd probably have a backdoor at the very least to avoid bringing the ingredients through the customer section of the diner. Outside it seemed a group of witchfinders had gathered up to assail Yue, though from the glimpses he managed to catch of it she seemed to hold on quite well given the situation popping some moves that didn't gel with his mental image of fundamental Tai Chi.

Not that whether she was telling the truth was of any importance at this moment, as Ichiro had said she was holding her own for now and seemed to have some assistance joining the fray, they needed to get the others to safety first. Running into the kitchen he found himself faced with the kitchen staff unable to open the backdoor. Fuck... Inward hinges, those aren't going to bust from a little ramming attempt. "Stand back!" He yelled assertively as he grabbed one of the guns from his coat. A bullet directly applied to each hinge ensured the hinge pins were shattered beyond function and a forceful kick to the hinged side of the door later left a doorframe damaged and a door ejected from it into the alley behind the diner, leaving a safe exit route for the customers and staff.

From the sound of things Yue was pulling the fight through the park, away from their kitchen extraction route. As far as he recalled there were no big obstructions in or directly around the park, if only he could... Bingo, fire escape a reachable one. He jumped up on a dumpster (shouldn't those be some distance away to prevent just what he was about to do?) to a small ledge next to the fire escape and jumped up to the railing of the fire escape. Clambering over the railing and up the set of ladders he rushed his way up to the roof with a mixed grace of a cat by looks and Thor the god of thunder by sound.

Once on the roof he walked towards the edge where the sounds of battle came from, no raised ledge unfortunate, but fortunately a good view of what was happening on the streets below. It seemed the Witchfinders found themselves assailed by some kind of beast and something even more monstrous near the diner, the latter making carnage enough to turn those of lesser constitution vegan for the remainder of their lives. A bit further away a group of them were running towards an alley guns and abilities blazing, that would be where Yue had gone. Devon looked around a bit to see if he could get to a better position to cover that alley, no luck. At best there was the option to cross over two more buildings to get an angle on the street on the other side of that alley, but anything that'd allow him visibility into that alley would require jumping some rather wide gaps.

Not quite desiring to lower himself to the degree the assailants had he made the decision to avoid using anything too lethal... for now. As such he aimed a bit away from the group near the alley allowing his projectiles to home in on their targets and giving the Witchfinders the idea of being surrounded by gunmen on all sides with the hopes of causing a sufficient distraction while he made his way to a vantage spot for the other side of the alley, to provide a more accurate fire support for Yue when she exits the alley. He unloaded a mixture of bullets aimed at disabling them, destroying guns, breaking hands, putting bullets through calves and restraining one in the sticky mess that was structural fire foam.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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Laying on the pavement, coughing up globs of blood, the head Witchfinder started to barely stir and regain his senses, just in time to witness several of his men being attacked by terrifying looking beasts, monsters, demons.

"Th-the demon- *HACK* The Demoness! She brings her servants with her! Destroy them! SEND THOSE UNNATURAL CREATURES TO PERDITION!" He cried out.


Richard saw the larger man at the booth bolt out of his seat and over the diner counter, calling out to him to help deal with the Witchfinders, and to... Rob the place later? He was confused for a moment, then it occurred to him not only what he wore, but what he had said moments before. Ichiro's words broke through Richard's moment of embarrassment, focus on getting the civilians out of here. The short girl from earlier appeared to have entered the diner again from out of the kitchen, and before anyone could say or do anything, she bolted out and towards the park? And the guy who had been at the counter with them had gone into the kitchen, and several of the staff had gone with him, only a few others remained pinned down in here.

Ichiro had been on his phone a few moments, and it became clear that Ichiro wasn't just a therapist. Sounded a lot like he was some kind of cop. Not great for Richard. Giving a slight nod to Ichiro, Richard began to assume a crouching position as he got ready to take action. "Oh and Ichiro, I ah... I'm not a burglar or anything like that... I ah... I'm in witness protection..." He feebly lied. Once he felt he'd attempted his best possible subterfuge in the moment, he raised a hand towards the shattered window, and to the others. After a few moments, a faint frost began to appear, and where the shattered window had stood with a hole in it, it now was becoming a full sheet of ice.

The ice was too crystalline to see through, and caused the room to dim slightly. Richard quickly ran over to some of the other staff and guests, quickly trying to usher them into the kitchen, where the guy from the counter had seemingly gotten the back door opened. "Alright, get out of here as quick as you can! Stay low, stick to the back alleys, and get into some kind of building! You need to take cover!"

He looked back to Ichiro now, nodding his head to the kitchen. "You need to go too, unless you're able to help out here." Richard raised both pistols to the opaque windows now as the power went off, some kind of shriek emanating from the street out there.

One more thing to worry about.

As some of the Witchfinders tried to chase down Yue, others tried to get a handle on the situation with Jericho and Sasha outside. Richard had noticed the man from the booth was now holding some kind of glowing gun, a laser gun? Weird, but he'd roll with it. "Hey! Aim for the shadows with tall hats!" He called out to Henry. A steady stream of bullets began making their way down from the rooftops, and soon after another hail of them exploded from the windows of the diner. Richard had begun to open fire through the glass, shattering the pane that had previously stayed in tact.

Three Witchfinders were grazed or hit, scrambling to take cover or falling to the ground as Richard opened up on them. One tried to crawl away from the gunfire and Jericho, but before he could make it far his hand landed in a pool of blood that quickly froze solid around his hand.

His screams of terror echoed across the street as his doom became sealed with that hand.


Maxwell felt himself tense as gunfire and violence exploded on the street next to the park. "That is... Problematic." He muttered. Just as he finished, the girl who had been called 'Jemma' disappeared and turned into some horrific monster, the likes of which Maxwell had never imagined. As the creature bounded off into the fight, he couldn't help but cock an eyebrow. "And that is... Rather interesting." He mused, almost a tiny bit pleased. He'd just witnessed something he was now quite interested in getting a better understanding of...

That brief pleasure was fast cut short however. Mr. Kingsley was outside the park. Running. With a girl chasing him. Maxwell's eyes narrowed as he chewed his lip. "This day has been full of surprises. Some more pleasant than others." He quickly gave a nod to Scarlet and Alex. "I'm terribly sorry, but you'll have to excuse me. This mess may have just put a client of mine in grave danger, and I must go help him. Mr. Alex, Miss Scarlet, it has been a pleasure." He gave them both a kind, warm smile, a slight bow, and turned to go find Kingsley...


Not long later, the silver haired man found Kingsley on the ground, and a shorter girl standing over him, likely a super.

"Excuse me Miss, but can I help you?" He asked in a light tone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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0.00 INK

"Yareyareda ze (good grief)," muttered Ichiro as his phone cut out suddenly. He tried in vain to get it to turn back on for a few moments and then shoved it in his pocket, taking a quick moment to collect Yue's phone from the ground to see if it was working. "Nope, do your thing Mackenzie-sama. If I got mixed up in what's going on outside One-chan would have my hide, I'll help keep the other non-combatants out of danger," Ichiro replied, glossing over the "witness protection" comment and giving him a light slap on the back. At that same moment he silently and deftly slipped a card into one of Richard's coat pocket: a plain white thing with Ichiro's name printed on it along with his phone number scrawled hastily across the back. Afterwards he slipped out through the kitchen during one of the brief pauses in gunfire.

Yue had taken cover behind a large tree near the edge of the park when she'd heard the chaos erupting back at the street. She also didn't want to draw any breakaways too far into the park to avoid endangering any civilians that might be there. She took a quick moment to peek out and see how many had followed and was surprised to see she was receiving support from someone on a rooftop back by the diner. Of the small group that had broken off to chase her, most were disarmed, with a couple on the ground holding their legs and one entangled in... riot foam?

Of course she couldn't pass up a gift opportunity like this. Yue bolted from cover, charging the one closest to her. He had his back turned to her, and did not spin around in time even though she heard "Oh fuck!" shouted from one of the other Witchfinders. Yue jumped, using her momentum to kick in the back of his knee, her opposite knee cocked to her chest. As he started to fall back she drove her heel into the back of his head and rode him straight to the ground, rolling with the momentum to avoid falling. The second was only two lunging steps away and simultaneously received crushing palm strikes to his chest and gut, knocking him sprawling into the foam.

The last two that were standing were on either side of her, and she had to take a step back to avoid a fist. Yue caught his wrist with one hand, swiveling on her heel and driving the palm of her free hand into the back of his head. His shoulder gave a satisfying pop as it twisted out of its socket causing him to scream as she knocked him to the ground and had to dive out of the way of a screeching gout of flame. She felt the heat on her back as she rolled into a sprint, keeping her head low and circling around, each step driving her closer. Finally she juked under a second blast, feeling the flames catch her right arm. She ignored it, driving her fist straight into his face, taking two large steps past him, brute forcing him off his feet and crushing him straight into the pavement.

Yue exhaled slowly as she rose up. She didn't have any restraints, but she knew someone watching who did. Yue dragged them two at a time into a pile visible from the rooftop Devon was standing on. When she was done she tapped her wrists together in his direction and pointed at the pile to signal that he should foam them.

The chaos wasn't over though, she could still hear it boiling over in front of the diner. She knew this was the perfect opportunity to escape, but she hesitated for an excruciatingly long moment. At the very least she couldn't leave while Ichiro might still be in danger, so she started running... back towards the diner. She vaulted up a dumpster in the alley, using her momentum to run up the wall a few steps and then leap to the opposite ledge, which she used to pull herself to the rooftop with practiced ease. The ledge overlooking the street was only a few steps away where she perched in the shadow of an air conditioning unit, crouched like a predator surveying its next kill.

Seeing Cannonade on the scene brought a frown to her lips... they were the embodiment of everything she disliked about "professional" heroes. Though Cannon's presence should be enough to mop up the rest of the Witchfinders without her having to intervene. The more concerning problem was the out of control monster on the street. Someone wearing a hoodie seemed to be trying to calm it down... regardless she couldn't just let it run wild with her brother nearby.

Yue took a deep breath, preparing herself for the backlash of what she was about to do...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death) Character Portrait: Vicki Vortex
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0.00 INK


Vic went from covering her ears to protect them from the horrid, cicada like screeching to tearing the popping earphones away from them in a flash. She snatched the phone from her pocket, eyes darting between its dead, dark screen and the screaming flesh alien, and clicked the buttons on the side of the screen to no avail. "Hey-!" Her head jerked back up to Jemma, eyes blazing with fury, but the thing was already bolting towards the action. She shook her head and glared at the sky, trying to look for the angel above who'd just let this happen to her. "Fucking shapeshifters," she exasperated. With the same tone of somebody who had just been cut off in traffic.

Business man left, calmer than the average citizen fleeing the park for safety. Tall glass of water took his leave, too, running towards the danger zone. Vic was left behind with no music to drown out the melodic lure of bones cracking and gargled screams in a superpowered smackdown. She sucked in her cheeks, crunching down on them with her molars, dropped her skateboard on the ground, then mounted and rolled the other way.

Hey, she was a rockstar, not a hero.

She had a reputation to keep, sure, a controversial one, but not one where she was labeled an active vigilante. That would be a little too much for her agency to tolerate. Or the law. And it wasn't like she could just stand by and watch the show, either. @Vicki Vortex, is this you watching a terrorist attack and doing nothing?! Yeah, piss off.

Besides, these things got out of hand, fast. Especially in a place like Atlas City where the super per square mile ratio was way out of wack. Think punching a person in GTA and how quick that escalates. Somebody was gonna die. That was pretty much what she thought she could hear going on back there, and if she was being honest with herself...

... it sounded awesome.

Nobody can see your face, anyway.

She didn't think about it as her skateboard lifted up from the pavement and she changed her course. She came soaring quietly over the scene, hands in pockets, like an unenthusiastic Silver Surfer with bad posture. The chaos was even better than it sounded from the park and had its own celebrity guest star. A streak of red hair slipped from being stuffed in her cap, but she didn't think about it. She was fixated on the monster tearing through Witchfinders like they were gore filled pinatas. She didn't take the time to figure out whose side anyone was on. Frankly, she didn't give a damn.

Out of nowhere, a Witchfinder found themselves knocked to the ground by the blow from a heaven sent skateboard to the back of the head. Vic plummeted down from the sky, hand gripping the skateboard's front. As the Witchfinder fell forward, she followed, her wheels grinding their skull against the pavement. She hopped off, snatched her skateboard back up, and turned around as her fallen victim lifted their salt-crusted hand towards her, to deliver one, two, three, four - an exorbitant amount of bashes to the head. If anyone looked now, they'd see a random civilian who'd wandered onto a superhero movie set and was giving it their damn best - bloody - shot.

Witchfinder out cold, she shook the blood from her board, rested it on her shoulder and turned back to the monster. Then gave a little flick of her fingers.

Superhero and Van Helsing wannabe alike suddenly had a wall of air shove them aside, thick enough to feel like a solid force. She cleaved a straight line through the battle - a path straight to the monster. She immediately drew her busted phone from her pocket and ditched it at it. It bounced harmlessly off its hide, but got its attention.

"Hey, creature feature," Vic murmured under her breath, glaring down at it with undeniable murderous intent. "You shouldn't have cut off Bob Weir." Her grip on her skateboard tightened as she prepared to launch herself at him. "Or been the biggest motherfucker at this joint."

Jericho turned, focus locking on a new target; through the blur of combat haze, irritation and excitement built into a roar. The sound of a lion’s deafening call, mixed with the warbling shriek of an elk underwater, and undercut by keening tone that warbled glass and eardrum alike.

Vic's heart leapt as the land shark charged her. It was a non-too-regular reminder that it was still there. Regardless, she ran right for it, taking the skateboard off her shoulder. She pushed it along the ground, letting it run ahead of her and through the creature's legs, as its reach breached just a mere several meters from her. Five. Tw- Without a sound, she was gone. Particles exploded out, then faded into nothing. A gentle breeze wafted past Jericho's face.


Vic materialized behind them, feet plonking down on the skateboard. She skidded around, raised two fingers, and mimicked a little "Pow!" of a gun. The creature was pushed forward by the world's strongest air cannon - that was restraining itself. Just a little puff, enough to stumble it. An adrenaline-spiked grin flashed across her face, hidden by her medical mask.

Man... it had been way too long since the last time she'd nearly died.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death) Character Portrait: Vicki Vortex
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0.00 INK

What unfolded in front of Devon's eyes was nothing short of a scene from a martial arts movie as Yue made short work of the ones left standing after his barrage, though a part of the fight had happened outside of his sight including the last of one standing of the assailants. All he had been able to see of him were the flames he attacked with, not even enough to attempt suppressing fire on his location, who knows what or who else it might hit. Combined with the fast pace and close quarters nature of the fight he hadn't been able to add any covering fire aside from that initial strike.

It took him a couple more moments than he would honestly like to admit to realize what Yue's plan was with moving the disabled crooks into a pile in his line of sight, in fact it took until Yue directly signed to him what she wanted. She wanted him to foam the crooks, though he couldn't quite imagine how one were to get up after sustaining the types of injuries that the both of them dished out. That being said, better safe than sorry. He said as he covered the bunch in foam taking the time to make sure none of their heads got covered by it.

By the time he was done covering the pile of Witchfinders in foam, and turning them in an abstract art piece of tangled limbs, heads and sticky goop, Devon noticed that he now was sharing the rooftop view with his impromptu ally. She was overlooking the area to the front of the diner, to which he had pretty horrible overview from his current perch. Which meant running back over the roof to his original position, to the roof without a raised ledge. At least the fighting should still be relatively close to the diner, which should allow him to get close to that edge without being spotted.

Taking his first peek over the ledge he noticed the familiar face, or rather helmet, of the loose cannon that called themselves a hero. In property damages alone they were nothing more than a walking disaster zone. Another two additions among the chaos had taken their aim at the monstrosity, one of them being a... teleporter? No, that didn't seem quite right, especially after the creatures roar was halted in the middle of it and he seemed to be struggling with some invisible ailment, was it suffocating? Whatever the reality was it seemed they weren't allied to the Witchfinders, given the few that he'd just prevented from performing a sneak attack from behind with a few more well placed shots. Rather they seemed intent on stopping the monstrosity's rampage.

He crouched into a position close to the edge popping up the collar of the trenchcoat and making sure it covered as much of his face as possible without covering his eyes. How he'd love to go in guns blazing, but without proper face protection and gloves that was just asking for injuries or death. Still he'd at least give as much covering fire as possible form his position to those fighting below.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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0.00 INK

Chaos erupted on the streets of Atlas City. Witchfinders getting attacked by supers from all angles. Burglars with mastery over cold, fighters with superhuman strength, a reckless super crashing through the sky, uh...foam? And then there was that creature...After the Witchfinders, whatever that thing was, was his biggest concern at the moment. It seemed to have turned it's attentions from the Witchfinders to some woman. Perhaps she was a super too? Another super jumped in to provide assistance.

Ugh, this wasn't what he was here for. Stupid, stupid decision for him to return to Atlas City. But he had to. He raised his blaster, using the counter as cover and aimed his shots at the Witchfinders. They were the biggest threat to the populace at the moment. The creature could perhaps wait. And maybe be dealt with. He didn't quite get the feeling that it was something that would require him to step up just yet.

He slapped the side of the blaster once, giving it a blue sheen. Stun would do for now. No point in killing the Witchfinders when he could leave as many alive as they can for someone to question. He fired several shots at any Witchfinders left unengaged, hoping to temporarily neutralize them before they did any further damage to the city's denizens, utilizing the counter as cover should they try and fire something back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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0.00 INK


Thursday, 24th September 2̴̼̙͓͔̫͎̑̾ͅ3̸̛̦̣̙̫̺͇̮̭̹̤̫̮͉̳̌̿̐͒͒͂͜ͅ5̷̡̩̺̜͈̼̙̣͈͓͔̰̘̫̯͗̄͠7̸͓̝̬̱͋̍͊̀̐͌̅̅̓̂̉͒̑̚͘̕ 14:20pm GMT

Oxford University, Oxford England

“And you’re sure about this?” Klaus quirried, his eyes darting over the strange wrist-mounted device before him, taking in every detail of its sleek design. The glass and steel gadget before him hummed to life with a blue glow.

“Absolutely, my friend,” With this we can experience all of history,” The wide-eyed scientist began as he eagerly strapped the device to his wrist before reaching for Klaus’s hesitant arm, “We can watch as the Great Pyramids rise and while Rome burns. Experience the birth and death of those who have shaped the modern world, experience the first democratic vote in Athans, the sky's the limit! Anywhere within time is ours to explore!”

Klaus smiled as the tech was applied to his wrist, “Well, I’m all for adventure.”

“That’s the spirit! I knew you were the right man to tell about this! My students you see, they haven’t been made aware of this experiment yet, my TA has been covering my lectures ever since I had a breakthrough,” He stopped for a moment, quickly looking at his datapad, “here we are, this should be good!”

Klaus watched his colleagues' fingers dance across the small display on the device, the words “Chrono Dialer” appearing before being replaced with four input fields: Date, X:, Y:, Z:. Implying they worked by inputting the desired day one wished to travel to as well as the geographical coordinates. Klaus understood the real technology must be housed under the glass display, and the inner workings were a complete mystery to him, though he could see many charts and notes strewn about the lab, all of which made no sense to him, yet.

“Here, yours is ready,” the scientist eagerly handed him the Chrono Dialer before strapping a second to his own wrist. With a smile and nod to encourage Klaus to do the same.

“We stand at the forefront of a revolution my friend, those novels you teach your classes will simply cease to be fiction, and become reality. The possibilities are endless!” with that he gripped Klaus’ wrist, clicking a button seamlessly built into the side of the Chrono Dialer before clicking his own.

A flash of light and a rushing sense of nausea replaced the world as Kalus lost all semblance of reality.

11th March 2045 Mid-Morning EST

A flash of light erupted in front of Atomic Anne’s diner and from the light a figure appeared on the sidewalk amidst all the chaos going on around the sleekly suited super. Static sparked against his suit as the pressure around him normalized. In a flash he began tossing small disks that then attached themselves to the various WitchFinders, slowing their movements as they became out of step with time.

The other Supers would notice their enemy's reaction times were seemingly non-existent, their trigger fingers slow on the draw, their fire, and salt extinguishing, and crashing to the pavement below as the concentration needed to maintain their power and that power was no longer in step.

A final disk would attach itself to Jericho, slowing the out of control shapeshifter enough for Alexander to apply some pressure. Of course, the effect of the disk on a creature like Jericho wouldn’t last long as its biology would destroy the foreign invader with ease, but against a shape-shifter, every second counted.

With disks dispersed and time shuttering for the WitchFinders, The Cobalt Clock got to work, his fist collided with the face of a WitchFinder stuck with an expression of disbelief at his appearance. The contact between the two rendered the timeshift moot as he crumpled to the sidewalk, Cobalt securing the disk from his coat as he fell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death) Character Portrait: Vicki Vortex
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0.00 INK

Alexander Dalton

Before relief even set in as it looked like Jericho was coming to their senses something sent Alex flying. The feeling was disorienting to say the least. it wasn't impossible to throw Alex around but he wasn't used to the sudden lack of stability. He took a moment to reorient himself and cursed. His barrier armor had dissipated from the sudden attack. He would have to work on that better, cant loose focus even when tossed around if lives were in danger. He was snapped out of his thoughts by the roaring. Jericho. Shit he had to get back in the game, it wouldn't take long before someone came along that could hurt him badly. or worse, kill him. Alex pushed himself to his feet with a grunt. He had landed between some cars so nobody had a clear view of him just yet. Fighting was still happening around him, but the sounds of the witchfinders zealous screaming wasn't as load as before. at least that was something.
A quick glance around one of the cars showed Jericho, A rippling beast of flesh and metal fighting . . . Scarlet? why was she attacking him? she kept disappearing and reappearing while some invisible force seemed to damage Jericho's body. Alex almost though it was some form of teleportation coupled with telekinesis until he heard it. the whistling and howling that accompanied each strike against Jericho. Okay, not psychic powers. It was wind, or was air more accurate? Didn't matter, he had to act now.

And that was when Cannonade of all people decided to just show up, who also seemed to think Alex was a citizen. Alex clenched his jaw but held back the urge to correct the celebrity hero. He wasn't in costume after all and hadn't had the time to make his temporary armor again. the fact she was here was a good sign thing were going to get wrapped up soon, hopefully. Or at least Alex THOUGHT that was going to happen right until Cannonade sent a punch aimed straight at Jericho. oh no. No no no NO. That was the last straw.
In a split second, Alex's eyes flared with incandescent blue energy as he threw his hand open hand towards the gravity hero with a loud yell. His outburst sent thick wall of force field energy manifested itself while flying fast towards Cannon, practically blindsiding her with the force. The wall kept going for a few feet after the initial impact, pushing Cannon away from Jericho.
With no time to waste anymore Alex charged towards his friend, tackling the polymorphing beast near what he hoped was their neck and held on for dear life. With another flash of energy Alex began to form a dome around Jericho and himself. Effectively trapping the two together in an increasingly fortified dome.

Jericho seemed more sluggish in their thrashing, for what reason, Alex wasn't sure. Worry flooded his mind that he had taken too much damage. He had to get him to focus. Holding on to a panicking shapeshifter's body was not easy in the slightest. Jericho didn't like being trapped but Alex was left with little to no options. Tendrils of sinewy muscle covered in all manner of bone and metal protrusions whipped at Alex's body in an attempt to get him off. Even with nothing so much as bruising or breaking skin the pain was starting to pile up. He had to take it, Jericho would just get worse if he stopped now. After a moment of searching he found an eye the size of a dinner plate blinking and darting around frantically. "Jericho! Look at me! its Alex! Hey, hey hey hey its going to be alright. I got you. I need you to calm down buddy. look, its just you and me all domed off, nobodies hurting you. Without thinking he began gently patting and rubbing his hand across a patch of still shifting flesh, trying his best to be gentle. "I'm gonna get you out of here, but i need you to get your head in the game. Shit's still going down and we have actual Hero's starting to show up."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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0.00 INK

Yue rose to her feet, clenching her fists. It was going to be now or never, she had to step in and stop that shifting mass before more people got hurt. She inhaled sharply, her eyes flashing red.

Ginr- The creature was gone. One single spark of crimson energy escaped her chest and spiraled down her right arm before vanishing. Her eyes darted about the battlefield until she found it again fighting... Vicki Vortex? Yue ran along the rooftops to follow the fight, jumping across the gaps where necessary just in case she still needed to intervene. Vicki's aerokinesis was the primary reason Yue had tech install a backup respirator into her armor, and Ichiro had so much Vicki Vortex merchandise that there was no way Yue wouldn't recognize her when the hood came off.

Yue crouched back down on the ledge to observe, although she came halfway to her feet when the large man blasted Cannonade away with some sort of force, telekinesis she guessed. One of the combatants that had come to help went to check on them and Yue settled down a second time, seeing the large one wrestle the creature into a dome of sorts. At least it was contained for the time being. She exhaled slowly.

"Nante fuyukai (How unpleasant)," she muttered, scanning the rooftops briefly to locate Devon and then surveying the battlefield. She didn't find Ichiro in the fray which was a relief. He was probably helping civilians get out of danger and treating anyone with injuries. Most of the Witchfinders had either been incapacitated or killed, and it looked like the fight was winding down. That uneasy feeling hadn't gone away though, and she couldn't help but think she was missing something important.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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0.00 INK

The leader of the Witchfinder General hit squad coughed out yet more blood, his vision becoming hazy as he laid on the ground, the life slowly draining from his eyes. "*HACK* B-B..... BALTHAZAR! BALTHAZAR THE DESTROYER!!!" His cry echoed out across the street. As he gazed up into the sky above him, he felt his life leaving him, but the last thing he saw before it was abruptly cut short was a car falling on top of him.

The tall, monstrous Witchfinder from earlier stood on the street again, now alone, all his other comrades now either dead or captured. His outstretched arm remained in the air a moment longer after it had tossed the car that landed on the now deceased Hit Squad leader. The Giant's other arm was next to his side, fist closed, but as it opened it released seven hypodermic needles.

Empty needles. The Boss fight had begun.


The Witchfinder roared with the low, monstrous bellow. He aimed his arms at the various heroes and supers around, unleashing a torrent of fiery, molten salt at the enemies that surrounded the area. The flash of blue had particularly caught Balthazar's attention, causing him to rip the door off the truck Cannonade had previously been thrown into before being tossed into another building. Balthazar flung the door in the direction of Cobalt Blue, following it up with more salt and fire.


Richard looked to the right side of the diner, standing outside was the giant of a man that had thrown Yue through the window. His eyes widened slightly as he tensed up. This guy was not human, not even close. He waited to see how the other heroes would respond, but the new comer (Cannonade he thought he heard? Sounded kind of familiar) had been tossed into another building, and some of the others seemed caught up in their own fights.

"Hey pal?" He called out over to Henry. "Hope that thing has a kill setting on it. You're going to need it."

After Richard quickly reloaded his gun, he vaulted out the diner window and onto the street, firing off three shots at Balthazar's head. Two went through, the third knocked his hat off.

As the hat hit the ground, Balthazar's massively deformed head became visible to all. The place where the two bullets had hit was a now dented steel plate sewn into the monsters scar covered head. His entire face was a patchwork of stitches, decaying skin, and bits and pieces of metal and wires. The Witchfinders had employed a monster to hunt other 'monsters'.

"Guess you're going to take a little more work."

Balthazar roared at Richard, and the two charged toward each other. As the two closed the distance, a glittering blade formed on Richard's right hand and forearm, coming to a sharp, knife like point that protruded 3 or 4 inches out from his knuckle.

The beast of a man swung a right hook at Richard, but he quickly dipped down and dodged to the left, sending his right fist up into Balthazar's jaw, puncturing it and tearing through his mouth. Richard broke off the shard of ice and pulled away from Balthazar a few steps.

As the giant turned to look at the masked ice wielder, the ice blade fell from his mouth and shattered on the ground. Balthazar's jaw was split vertically into two, loose hanging halves that swayed as he moved. He swung his right arm and sent it crashing into Richard, tossing him backwards and sending him into a roll across the pavement.


He reiterated with fiery hated.

"As you wish." Richard muttered through gritted teeth, as he got back up, firing off three more shots.

The bullets passed through Balthazar's neck. He seemed unfazed as a trickle of thick, brown liquid began to make its way out of the holes in his neck.


Maxwell smiled as he pulled out his cell to amuse himself and the girl, but he soon noticed it wasn't working anymore. That was... Odd. And unexpected. He'd have to get that dealt with later. "I'm sorry, seems like I'm at a loss for that too. How strange." Maxwell looked the girl over, and then Kingsley once more.

"Since I can't help you, perhaps you can help me. I'm rather curious what it is you want with Mr. Kingsley?" He smiled kindly at the girl, intentions well hidden behind the soft face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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0.00 INK

"Okay...okay, okay, this is good," Henry sighed. Heroes had seem to crawl out of the woodwork in order to put a stop to the Witchfinders. He stood up. Now would be the perfect time to make his escape. More than a few people had seen him, but if he moved some of his plans up ahead of schedule....he may be able to secure a safe place to hide out in. At least for a moment.

"And I'm outta here...." he thought to himself as he began to run out the back, same way the civilians had exited the diner, out the back entrance. He poked his head out the door and froze right before he could turn the corner. Some of the diners and wait staff were being spoken to. He couldn't see the figure fully, but he caught the shoes, caked in dirty water. Dress pants, not too cheap, not too expensive. A woman was speaking to the civilians, her voice, sharp and direct. "Damn it."

Henry slowly closed the door, careful to not even make the slightest noise, even though the battle outside was making a cacophonous ruckus that drowned out nearly every miniscule sound. In fact...if the Witchfinders were too preoccupied with their foes, perhaps he could escape through the front, unperturbed! Henry began to turn around and....and once again, things happened too fast.

Perhaps he was too lost within his own thoughts to pay attention to what had gone on outside. But now, it was clear the situation may have gotten worse. The large Witchfinder, the one who had tossed the woman out the window. Seems like he was some kind of patchwork monstrosity, far more of a threat than his cohorts. And he's supposed to be one of the clowns that call other supers demons?! This shit was unreal.

"Hey pal?" He called out over to Henry. "Hope that thing has a kill setting on it. You're going to need it."

"I don't know if it's needed..." Henry looked up at the for everyone was engaging . "Not sure if it's make a difference either way..."

The frozen burglar had already gone to engage him. Henry was sure the other supers would join him soon, but if this thing proved to be a challenge, then....well. Henry's hands balled into fists. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that. But for now, he could provide support. He draws out his blaster, firing some blasts at the mutational's legs. Probably would feel like an inconvenient sting in the long run, but a distraction could be beneficial to the others hoping to engage the bastard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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0.00 INK


Jericho found themselves slammed about, asphyxiating at first and then abruptly able to breathe once more. The sound of battle was fading from their hearing, and a quiet- in insistent- pounding was echoing against their mind. The Hunt kept calling out to them from some unknown distance, and their vision and focus was disoriented. It felt as if they were pushing through mud, but the mud was existence, and their body just wasn't right. It was a vaguely familiar sensation, as if they were dreaming... Their flesh shifted, swirling yet again with ink before a maw filled with tombstone shaped teeth formed on the patch of skin that held a strange device. Some sort of power was being emitted from it, and the cicada scream from their EMP generator was doing nothing.
So they crunched it. The abrupt opening and closing of a jaw with the strength twice that of a hippo flattened and destroyed the object attached to them.

The world was still blurry, and their vision was suddenly filled with Alex's! face.
A gentle pat across the 'unarmored' part of Jericho's ribs brought them further back to reality, farther away from the siren call of the Hunt. They knew he was talking to them, and they understood the words, but the meaning behind them just wasn't computing. Their mind was foggy and sluggish, the rush of combat was only just bleeding out of their system.
The sound of Alex's voice was filtering in, and the calm-panic in his tone shook Jericho to the odd core.

The first friend they had ever had, and they sounded fearful, but of what? Of them? Of the battle? They needed protection didn't they, shit. "Nrh. Hold on. Will protect you. Make you safe." They grunted out, their voice distorted and mixed together with the sounds of a tiger growl and a boar's grunt. They shifted then, dropping the combative form and instead switching to the shape of a large, amorphous metallic... Blob. Jericho swooped upward, surrounding Alex and cocooning the other super in a protective shell. They extended upward from there, forming a small, humanoid torso on top of the metallic sphere. The torso had no eyes, no mouth, no nose... But it did have a multitude of arms that were lined with jagged blades. The torso swayed back and forth, and was turned towards the squabbling group of Supers.

'Protect.' Said Jericho's instincts. So Jericho positioned themselves to protect.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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Vic thumped down onto the sidewalk like a passed out drunk, her clutch on the monster's lungs released. She looked down at the pincushions that were her arms with a quiet, monotone "Ahhhhhhhhh" of pain. They stung like crazy. There had to be some kind of venom in these quills, something sourced from the biggest, angriest wasp. Vic pulled down her mask, hissing out a string of curses, and tore each quill out with her teeth, spitting them out to the side. Her eyes flicked across the battlefield towards her opponent as she did, in time to see Cannonade blasted across the street. ...Damn.

She hauled herself up to her feet, blinking through the flow of blood dripping down into her eyelashes. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand then smeared it thoughtlessly across her chest, giving the NSFW print of a 90s style cat girl splayed out there a bloodbath. Her target was bubbled by an impenetrable force and just ate the man who'd done it. Well, that was a shame, she supposed, as her gaze already locked onto the new biggest brute on the field. She pulled her mask up and disappeared...

... reappearing half a second later between a truck door and some guy who looked way better equipped to deal with the threat. She tapped her foot, which was entirely unnecessary in her power using process, like every movement was, and the hurtling truck door was sent flying upwards a good fifty feet and sent soaring over their heads to become somebody else's problem. Her hands then shot out, and a wave of air tore through the onslaught of fire and salt. That wave swiftly built into a powerful vortex, charging at the behemoth and contesting his control of the salt. It crashed into him. Small, stinging grains of salt tore through his attire, bit at the skin beneath and assaulted his eyes, while the roaring wind obstructed his hearing.

Vic glanced over her shoulder to the man behind her, as she nonchalantly rolled her wrist with a finger pointed skyward, like she was conducting the tornado, other hand in pocket. That suit's technology looked state of the art, NAHLA worthy. Her eyes flicked up and down it, then she quirked a brow at him.

"Hey. You packing a laser beam in that?" She asked, with the same tone of someone asking if you have a lighter. Her shoulders jostled with a small shrug as she turned her head back around to Balthazar. Still struggling and failing to escape the salt flinging tornado following him around while Vic kept on moving her finger in a continuous circle. "Think we could all do with a classic right about now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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"There it is," grumbled Yue, snapping her fingers as she pushed back to her feet. The leader was calling in his trump card, the enormous brute that had thrown her through the window in the first place. Somehow she'd lost track of him during all the fighting. Yue's eyes darted across the battlefield, taking stock of everything that was happening. She couldn't help but flinch as the car landed on the Witchfinder leader. She didn't feel bad, these were people that had not only threatened her, but her family as well... still that would have been a promising lead to bring back.

She clenched her fists. This was it, do or die, no turning back; this was the time to take action and end this. She took a deep breath, filling her chest with energy and- Vicki was already there, intercepting the truck door and pushing back the stream of molten salt with blasts of wind.

Yue deflated slowly, slipping her hands into the pockets of her track pants and observing from the rooftop. Vicki was a lot stronger in person than her database file had implied. In fact Yue guessed she was the most dangerous super on the field at the moment. Lacking imagination maybe... or perhaps having skipped a few too many science classes. The thought tugged the corners of her lips into a frown. Perhaps it was just jealousy that Vicki had an ability that didn't destroy everything it touched, herself included. She was just pushing the notion from her mind when she noticed the shapeshifter slurp up the young man that had gone in to contain it and adopt a defensive posture. Yue clucked her tongue in thought, glancing from one battle to the other.

That's when she dropped from the rooftop onto a lamp post, sliding down gingerly and then striding purposefully across the street. She paused only momentarily to casually step on the groin of a Witchfinder that was trying to get up.

"Stay down, or I'll break it," she warned in a tone that suggested she was just... done.

Yue approached the metallic creature, stopping at the edge of what she'd guessed its striking range was and locked... she couldn't find its eyes, but she leveled her burgundy gaze at it purposefully and prepared herself with a breath, just in case. She was still for an excruciatingly long moment, as if observing its reaction. The morning light glinted off the fragments of glass embedded in her arms and blood dripped slowly from her fingers to the asphalt. Her shirt was torn where she'd been hit by the salt, exposing a deep, bleeding scrape in her side, and the flesh on her right shoulder was already red and peeling from where she'd been burned by flames.

"'Oi, Cannonade! They have a bruiser, 'Windbreaker' needs your help so get off your ass! I'll take care of... this," she called out in the direction Cannon had been thrown without taking her gaze off the creature.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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#, as written by Nulix
As Sasha peered into the broken window a queue of frightened civilians burst out the door beside him. Cannonade lay sideways in what was once a display of produce, bananas mashed against their form. The bodega shopkeeper coward behind the counter. Cannonade let out a long sigh before giving a thumbs up to the unknown voice of Sasha. "Ya. Ya I'm good."

WIth a grunt they pushed themselves to their feet, brushing some of the mush off their body. WIth their forearm they wiped their helmet clean and gave a huff. They were bruised up from toe to back. "Oh god, this sucks," They exclaimed as they began to walk to the exit, their helmet swiveling to face Sasha as they moved.

The bodega's shop bell rang as the the door swung open. Cannonade exited miserably, looking out onto the scene with the strange oil-slick demon of super. "Whoever did that was a literal dickhead," Cannon commented.

"'Oi, Cannonade! They have a bruiser, 'Windbreaker' needs your help so get off your ass!" An authoritative voice called. Their eyes narrowed onto a woman circling the creature Cannon had tried to take out when they had been suckerpunched from behind, though it's form was shifting into something silvery. Gross. The woman taking this thing on had the voice of someone who'd done this before. NAHLA or a lesser government agency, maybe even a private company.

Cannonade's gaze shifted to the front of the diner. The massive leader of the witchfinders blasted out fire and salt at the surrounding supers. He screamed as his attacks were interrupted and he was caught within a chaotic looking whirlwind. They saw their opportunity.

Cannonade cracked their neck before leaping into the air. They hovered high, sailing across the battle-field until they reached an apex. And then they plummeted, down into the eye of the Vortex. Bits of banana flew outward and sprinkled onto the surrounding supers as they descended within. Boots first they collided with Balthazar, making contact with the witchfinder's back, smashing him into the earth then leaping off the man and landing beside Violence Vic. Cannonade breathed heavily, their knees feeling like they were ready to collapse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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The situation had seemed relatively under control, however the leader of the witchfinders just had to open his damn mouth, unleashing the giant from before who decided to take about 7 times the recommended dose of that drug they carried along with them. The monster roared and threw attacking in the direction of the most recent addition to the battle, all while suppressing a few other with burning molten salt that he launched in similar ways to what the other Witchfinders had done.

It all had been a flurry of heroes trying to contain, first Mackenzie stepped up to the plate trying to use good old gunfire, and a bladelike ice shard when those failed to kill. A secondary attack with modern ballistics proved more successful, except Devon just couldn't feel quite comfortable about that brown liquid that was 'bleeding' out of the monster, he had no clue what that stuff was and no intention of finding out. Meaning explosives and anything else that would cause that liquid to splatter all over the place was out of the question. A few more shots from an unknown source were fired from an attacker he couldn't quite see, though their projectiles did reveal they were using something rather extraordinary.

The second attacker was the skater girl, though upon closer observation of her powers and the few red hairs that escaped her disguise in all likelihood he was faced with either miss V herself, or a copycat who had been ever so 'fortunate' to receive similar powers though would such a person actively try to hide their identity, he doubted it. She had thrown the truck door into the air, no doubt with no particular destination in mind, so while she was busy keeping our drugged up Frankenstein's monster from killing anyone Devon made sure that the door wouldn't squash someone like an overripe watermelon. Of course the best solution to this problem was a 'moderate' course correction caused by a hail of high kinetic bullets allowing the door so 'gently' land against an already damaged nearby vehicle. The vehicle in question may or may not have been reduced to scrap value in the process.

Yue then agitated the loose cannon into action, who almost as if it were it's instinct to disregard anything other than the adrenaline rush, jumped into vortex of scorching hot salt performing a move straight out of super mario... And causing a spray of banana mush to fly everywhere, as if they couldn't make a single move without causing a mess. They subsequently jumped out of harms way, quite visibly fatigued.

With miss human cannonball out of the way and the vortex keeping any other potential melee attackers at bay there was finally a window to unload on the ironically named berserker. Devon did not waste a moment and lay siege to the brute with a hail of bullets. First there was lightning arching wild after each and every impact ravaging the nerves and ceasing up muscle to the point where muscle fiber started to tear itself apart.

The beast roared in agony unable to move more than it's face without tearing up it's own muscle, but even that thunderous roar was cut short when the second wave hit... Frost, the first of which was aimed at the homunculi's windpipe which he had conveniently exposed with it's roar, because Devon was quite honestly getting a headache from hearing the only words it's peanut brain could form and a nice chunk of ice forming inside there should help keep it quiet. As the other cryo ordnance impacted the patches of frozen flesh and cracking metal started to form, forming new inhibitions of movement.

Finally the third wave a nice and friendly mixture of high kinetic rounds aimed at the frozen spots hoping to shatter them like an ice cube under a sledgehammer, Armor piercing rounds aimed where one normally would expect vitals to be and more electrical bullets just because he liked how it made the slab of rotten meat twitch the first time. However it seemed the creature had both spotted his position and hadn't been fully restrained as a wave of that burning salt was sent his way. Devon ducked away as best he could using his trenchcoat as a shield, but it could not prevent a few of the grains gazing him on his left cheek. God damnit, that hurt! Throwing salt in the wound and trying to cauterize you at the same time, yeah... This thing wasn't going to leave this place without being destroyed to the point to where you'd need to mop up the remains.

Cursing under his breath Devon ran away from the ledge that had been his vantage point, back down the fire escape. If he had been in his whole suit instead of just the trenchcoat he would have happily stood there taking the brunt of the damage and laughing it off while dishing out a torrent of destruction, but this is the real world there are no what if scenario's, you just have to roll with the punches and that meant pulling GTFO and finding a new firing position.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway
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As the goliath Witchfinder turned its attention to Devon, Sasha reviewed the situation, activating his power once again as he waded into the hailstorm of superheated salt. Balthazar had taken a lot of damage, and his head had begun to take on more of the shape of a potato than a human skull. Despite this, the savagery and insanity in the Witchfinder's eyes was no less intense.

"You're certainly big," Sasha growled, impervious to Balthazar's salt and seemingly unbothered by the heat. "But drugs were the wrong way to make yourself stronger."

Balthazar turned at Sasha's voice, and threw a punch the size of Sasha's entire body at the calm Russian. Sasha sidestepped the blow almost faster than the eye could see, his own fist lashing out to connect with the giant's knee, creating a loud crack that was followed by an even louder bellow from the Witchfinder.

As the knee buckled, Sasha twisted, his foot lashing out with a blur, slamming five times down the midsection of the giant, each blow striking a vital point. Grasping the collapsing Witchfinder's coat with a roar, Sasha flipped what remained of Balthazar over his shoulder and into the concrete, cracking the pavement.

"Surrender," Sasha said to the downed cultist. "Don't make things worse on yourself or your... friends."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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Richard raised a hand to cover his eyes as Cannonade came crashing down into Balthazar, soon followed by a flurry of attacks from some guy up on the roofs, and another fellow who approached looking like something from Dante's Inferno. The monster of a man looked almost inhuman now, his flesh melting and dripping to the ground like thick mud or rotten fruit. Richard flicked a few bits of banana off him as that realization kicked in.

Balthazar gazed up to the demon man that stood before him, the Witchfinder's face was now a nearly bleached skull with metal and wires stitched around, keeping his warped looking head together. The creature could no longer speak, but it wasn't hard for Sasha or others to tell that it was laughing, up until its loose hanging jaw-halves dislodged from its face and fell to the ground.

Its chest burst open as a torrent of thick brown fluid fired out at Sasha, who managed to dodge in time for the liquid to hit the ground, causing toxic burns on the pavement. Before Sasha could do anything else, the group noticed Balthazar was holding something in his hand now, which he had pulled out from under his coat.

A grenade launcher.

As the long tube aimed up at the group in front of Balthazar, Richard quickly got to work firing back at the monster again, hitting it in the arm, chest and neck, with the pistol in his left hand. Richard's right hand was empty, aimed towards the grenade launcher now, his eyes widening and heart pounding against his chest as he tried to prevent-

Balthazar pulled the trigger. As the grenade inside hit the ice wall that was built in the barrel, the whole device exploded, tearing through the Witchfinder's arm and reducing it to ribbons of flesh, and shards of bone. The creature swayed a moment, its flesh and body parts beginning to steadily fall from its body, a result of all the damage sustained by the onslaught. It toppled onto its back, laid there a moment not moving, before Balthazar began to violently spasm and shake, ending in a crescendo as an explosion tore through its chest and the rest of its body.

Richard gazed upon the shredded remains of the monster, then took a quick look around at the rest of the group. No one seemed to have moved for the last moments of its life. The explosion had come from something inside of Balthazar.

"Nice bit of teamwork." He muttered to the others, giving an approving nod to everyone who'd helped in the battle of Atomic Anne's. "Everyone okay?" He asked sympathetically. It soon became apparent to him he'd not been fully aware of other events in the battle, taking notice of the other monster that had seemed to absorb some big guy who'd been here only a short while. Richard took a short few moments to take some breaths, and plan his next move against this... Thing.


Maxwell sighed as Sheri made a call, to whom he wasn't entirely sure, but it was evidently either law enforcement or a hero organization. "I do believe I was quite clear on communication devices." Maxwell muttered over to Kingsley, a soft smile on his face, but great agitation laying in his eyes.

"Well Miss, it appears you've interfered with my business transaction with my client. Normally I would take a different approach with a situation like this, but it appears there is no rectifying this situation." Before Sheri could react, he pulled a gun from inside his jacket, aimed, and fired.

The bullet went through Kingsley's head, sending it back to the ground as blood quickly pooled out. "A shameful waste of time and money. And for what I wonder?" He smirked as he turned back to Sheri. "I assume you're being paid for this. Well, I congratulate you on that. For what it's worth though, I expect the pay could be far better. Indeed, the pay I offer is almost certainly far better. He smiled warmly at her as he placed the gun back in his jacket.

"At the very least, your powers could be put to far better use than... This."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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The battle was over and an opportunity was created as Sasha walked towards the others. The main Witchhunter was dead and Akiko could see a small glowing orb where it had stood in its final moments. None of the others seemed interested. They didn't see it after all.

Akiko's breath grew slightly colder and she began to walk cautiously but quickly. She had a couple of minutes before the orb would disappear and she knew the others wouldn't be still for much longer. The strange monster was now the one carrying the attention but it wasn't for a good reason. There was tension in the air and Akiko wanted to be out of the area if things went sour. Not that it would affect her much but it was better to be careful.

Her steps were light and Akiko navigated the debris with ease. Her movements were deliberate and practiced because ghosts can't make sound. Akiko could however.