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Ilene Adenwood

I'm just a person. Just a...scaly...person.

0 · 369 views · located in In the hidden woods

a character in “Halloween Academy”, as played by Chicka


Name: Ilene Adenwood
Age: Chronologically, she's about forty, but physically, she's somewhere around fifteen or sixteen.
Gender: Female
Height: Five foot nothing.
Species: Flier
Talents: Running. Thus far, she's quicker by land than by sky, but she's still within human capacity.
Likes: Umbrellas, the sky, clouds.
Dislikes: Water, in any form. If it's raining or snowing, and you see a scaly girl with a huge yellow umbrella, that's Ilene. So I guess that covers rain, snow, oceans, lakes, etc... I can't imagine her being too fond of storms, either.
Kills: Fliers like human flesh. Need I say more?
Reason why you want to attend: Corpses with huge chunks ripped out of them get noticed. If she can learn to control the urge to feast, hiding will be less necessary.

By all accounts, Ilene looks like a person. She has two arms, two legs, one head, and one tail, and every inch of her is covered with silver scales. She only stands at about five feet, and the closest thing this girl has to hair are the brown horns growing out of the side of her head, curled over like that of a ram. She has a long face with a mouth full of fangs, nostrils set atop her upper jaw. Wings protrude from her back, and she's still learning to manage them since they've grown in. Her fingers and toes have claws, and sometimes this makes it difficult for her to hold things.


Generally, Ilene is pretty cheerful. Not in a "well, we're at war and people are dying, but turn that frown upside-down!" kind of way, but a more general, realistic sort of optimism. The only time you'll see her irritable is when it's raining--she has a less than complimentary term for rain-- or when she keeps dropping something. When she's irritated, everyone knows, because the more she struggles, the more determined she is to figure out a solution. She often has trouble asking for help, and focus can be something of an issue for her.

So begins...

Ilene Adenwood's Story

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#, as written by Chicka
Ilene walked towards the Academy, trying with little success to keep her wings drawn in to her back. They caught on leaves and branches, and before long she became quite aware that she was dragging a sizable stick behind her. She could smell the Academy up ahead, full of different creatures of many species. She couldn't help herself anymore-- she ran, wings flapping a little, with the stick beating on the ground. She was sure that the sight of her was quite comical, a Flier girl still unaccustomed to wings, but at that moment, she couldn't bring herself to care.

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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#, as written by Chicka
Entering the Academy, Ilene heard someone call out. "Hello?" she called back. The leaves and stick were still firmly anchored on her wings, and she could smell humans. It had been quite some time since she'd been near a human being, and her stomach began to growl. In addition to the human scent, there were two others, neither any creature she'd smelled before.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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He walked towards the two students, and looked ahead and saw a bird like creature at the entrance. He thought to himself "They're arrival is so early to the academy. I wonder if there's anymore early arrivers." As walking down the seem like forever corridor he shouted "Ladies please stay put I must talk to all three of you." Pacing as fast as he could, he could of ran to the girls but he always wants to look stylish and hates to run in public. His beautiful scarf was like a leaf floating in the air, as his two legs were pacing as if they were in a race against each other, but from a distance he looks like a hurt animal in the wild, barley even keeping up with the pace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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#, as written by Chicka
"Anyone know who that is?" Ilene asked the other two. She picked the leaves off her left wing, then stretched her wings out behind her. "I'm Ilene, by the way." She extended her right hand to neither one in particular, a general gesture. The scales on her palms and fingertips were smaller and closer together than those on the rest of her body, making it easier for the nerve endings to register a touch, as well as, in most people's eyes, making her hands mildly more human.

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood
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"Nope, no clue" Nabri said, looking after the man. "I'm Nabri, by the way. Do you know if they have a pool here? I never got the chance to look" she said, looking around. She was trying to act polite, but that didn't come easy to her and well, she hadn't had a swim in days and she was getting ornery. "Oh! I'm a shape-shifter, in case that wasn't obvious. I look human enough" she smiled quickly, but it was fake, and oviously so, at that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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"Teacher." Talia said, studying the approaching figure. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable with so many people. "I don't know if there is a pool." Talia kept her hands behind her back, wide grey eyes shifting between the two girls. She really didn't want to be here. Nabri seemed restless, and Talia didn't want to end up in a conflict.
"Oh no. Is he a... Human?" I ask softly, taking a step back. She knew some of the teachers were human, but she wasn't prepared to deal with them so soon. Spoon River shifted into Mozart's Requiem; the scary part of Mozart's Requiem.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood
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#, as written by Chicka
"I don't know, sorry. I'm a terrible person to ask questions like that, I'm not a fan of water. Asking me to swim is liking asking a giraffe to fly, it just can not and will not end well," Ilene replied with a good-natured smile. "A shape-shifter, huh? I'm a Flier, if you couldn't gather that from the scales and the wings." She thought for a moment, then suggested, "Maybe he was a teacher? He smelled human. What other forms can you take besides this one?" Shape-changing would explain the sort of muddle this girl's scent was-- a little human, a bit fishy, a bit reptilian, and a little...something else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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Finally after pacing down the corridor he stopped in front of the three students. He paused for a second and took a quick glance at each creature quickly before speaking. He noticed a bird like figure, a petite girl, and a beast in human form with shocking red hair.
He let his breathe out quick and said to the students "Welcome, my name is Professor Klein and I teach students about human anatomy. I see that you all are early, I hope you all settled in and are getting used to this place. I know it is a bit quite odd and hard for some of you to be around a human figure like myself but you need to get used to humans if you wish to live in the real world instead of hiding from there. If any one of you ladies have a question let me know." Then gave out a smirk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chicka
"Thank you," Ilene replied, trying to hold her breath. The human flesh scent was going to drive her mad if she didn't. Another scent, another scent, find another scent to focus on... she chanted mentally. There wasn't much else around to focus on, so she dug the claws on her hands into her palms. It was a wonder she could even do this-- once upon a time, the mere presence of a human was enough to drive her into a murderous state where her only thought was of her hunger, and how she could most quickly satisfy it. But that was why she was here-- to surround herself with humans, and other people with similar problems to hers', and learn to control the hunger. "Could you tell me where the dormitories are?"

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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Talia looked down again, taking shallow breaths. This teacher seemed a little... Off. Talia crossed her arms behind her back and tryed her best to seem non-threatening. Professor Klein must be at least a little nervous, being surrounded by monsters. she thought, fiddling with a ribbon on the hem other the sleeve of her long sleeved white dress. For all he knows, I could be a ghost. Humans were so fragile. Talia would have to be extra careful. The thought made her nervous.
"I-I haven't been assigned a dorm yet either." Talia wished she could be as calm and collected as the other two girls. Without meaning to, the half vampire began rocking anxiously on her heels, white hair swinging. An unknown, strange little tune raced through her head, winding up and down scales and breaking into disjointed rhythms.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

A sigh came out. "I told them to post the dorm schedule. Anyway follow me ladies." He guided them to the right wing of the school. "You each get you're own room with a lovely view" he said. "Teacher headquarters are on the left wing of the school and upstairs are the classrooms. You will find your schedule on your desks, and uniforms inside your closet." As he was guiding the way and turned and asked with an odd grin "So what are your names? I will be looking forward to teach you and your fellow students about the human anatomy." He smiled and leaned his head on one shoulder "Lets make this school year great."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chicka
"I'm Ilene. I'm a Flier, if the wings and scales didn't tip you off. Human anatomy, that only sounds like a good class to have right after breakfast or right after lunch. Otherwise, I don't know who'd be able to pay attention when you're talking about all that meat-- er, muscle, sorry," Ilene rattled off. The smell of this place was so... so human. "No room mates? And are you okay, I don't think I've ever seen a human bend its neck like that." Not that she could say much about how humans were supposed to bend. Humans were, usually, just tasty snacks. But they were catching up, and hunting in cities had started getting her into trouble.

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

"Hmm.. a flier, we never had one of your kind in our Academy so far. You're the first one, and yes you will have your own room, no room mates, we believe that you guys need more quiet time to yourself but after hours you may wonder around the campus grounds with your friends after class. And if you check your schedule we do have anatomy right after lunch. The head master thought of everything."
Professor K turned around to the small petite girl with white angel pasta hair and said "So who are you little one? Is everything okay you're awfully quiet."

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Dorms


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

As they reached the hallway he stopped and pointed to both rooms. "Ah I see, well room 302 it belongs to Ilene Adenwood, and room 303 belongs to Talia Mythe. I hope your stay at the Academy will work wonders upon your lives. Good luck, and I will see you both tomorrow. You may do whatever you please." After he guided the girls to the dorms, he walked back to his class room dying to finish reading a novel he's almost finished with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chicka
"Well," said Ilene after Professor Klein had gone, "he's certainly a bit odd. Or did I miss something-- are all humans like that?" she asked Talia. "Skies, I hope all of our teachers aren't going to be like that. I don't want to be unkind, but... my goodness! But what about you-- what are you looking forward to here? Do you think that the food will be any good? Ugh, this stupid stick is still stuck on me!" Ilene realized, and pulled it off. It had trailed all the way after her on the way up, and she was suddenly glad they hadn't passed anyone else on their way. It would have been an interesting first impression, but 'the scaly girl with the stick stuck to one of her wings' wasn't how she wanted to be known, not here.

The setting changes from Dorms to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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Talia gave an amused, but slightly overwhelmed, smile at Ilene's sudden outburst. The half vampire answered her questions one by one in her soft, high voice, looking at the ground.
"No, not all of them... I don't think they will be... Um, music class. I-I'm not so picky, as long as there's plenty of O negative-" she broke off, her silver-grey eyes widening in fear at her slip up. She hadn't meant to mention her being part vampire. Heat flooded to her cheeks. If Ilene hadn't realized she was only half vampire yet, her red cheeks would give her away for sure. Her breath started to speed, and in her fear her control over her powers slipped. The stick in Ilene's hand suddenly burst into flames. Talia yelped and covered her face with her hands. Oh no, Oh no...!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chicka
Ilene dropped the stick, stamping out the fire. "O Negative, huh? I prefer the flesh myself, but hey, that's why we're here. To avoid killing people. But if you're a blood-drinker, what are you? I mean, the only blood-drinkers I know of are vampires, and I've never known a vampire who could blush. Music, that sounds fun!" She'd never met a vampire who was so easily frightened, either, but that she would keep to herself. After all, she'd only met a few vampires, so who knew if those three, who had been 'raised' after their turning as a group, were typical? For all Ilene knew, it was Talia who was typical.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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Talia blanched, her hands dropping. She isn't angry at me? Talia looked at the ground, choosing her words carefully.
"I am a vampire... of sorts." She went silent after that, fiddling with the ribbon on her sleeve. Talia bit her lip. Irene didn't seem scary. Actually, she acted rather nice, but Talia herself was proof that nice people could be dangerous when they felt threatened. She wasn't sure if she wanted to share her other side with this bubbly, if a little chatty, girl. So she didn't elaborate.
"Do you play any instruments?" Talia asked, obviously trying to change the subject. Her face lit up just thinking about music class.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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#, as written by Chicka
"Of sorts?" Ilene asked. "Musical instruments, no...I've always wanted to learn to play something, though. It's just been a matter of what I might actually be able to handle with my claws. I'm guessing you play at least one, though, what do you play?" So if this girl wasn't a vampire, but she was a sort of vampire, what was she? She was definitely of the blood-drinking variety, and she didn't strike Ilene as a flesh-eater, so that boiled her down to a scarce few varieties, none of which would warrant an 'of sorts'. Was she some sort of 'other' creature who called herself a vampire so she didn't have to explain what she was?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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Talia launched animatedly into her list of instruments, smiling largely to conceal her purposeful skipping over of Irene's initial half question.
"Well, I started out on piano, but then I decided to learn French horn because the sound is so smooth and relaxing. After that, I learned cello, and since I liked being a bass instrument so much I picked up bass clarinet and tuba. Oh, and I also play flute!" Talia giggled, always in good spirits after talking about anything musical. Then she realized that the charred stick had begun spinning in the air when she started talking. She let it drop, her cheeks flaming yet again. Just like that, she closed up again, staring at the ground. A carefree little tune began playing in her head, and she hummed it too softly for Irene to hear, making a mental note no write the tune down later.