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I am not necessarily evil. I'm just the bad-girl of my species.

0 · 481 views · located in In the hidden woods

a character in “Halloween Academy”, originally authored by Possibility, as played by RolePlayGateway


Eyes- Dark blue
Hair- Red with orange streaks
Species- Nix- A shapeshifter that can appear as a human, snake, fish, or mermaid. (German origin)

Human- Image

Snake- Image
(Micruroides euryxanthus euryxanthus - Arizona Coralsnake)

Fish- Image (koi)

Mermaid tail- Image

Age- Looks around 18-19, but really is 38. She ages slow.


She is, in a word, cold. That perfectly describes her. That or snarky, arrogant, and an overall prima-donna of school. That's just to people she doesn't know, though. People who bother to approach her and become her friend- they see the real her. At heart she is a very vulnerable,kind, and caring. She puts op the front because she is afraid, but its her history, she can't help it. Her fiery demeanor towards people who mess with her is legendary, and her sultry one is too, though more mysterious, as not many people make her happy enough to consider them good enough to see that side.


Because her snake form is venomous, she is too- in that form it is more potent, but her venom is present in all forms. The venom is dulled very much though in human only causing slight numbness in the area bitten (that is why the nurse sometimes has her help, and she hates it), and almost nonexistent in the other two.


She was born in the sea. She loved it there, and on land as well. Many humans called her beautiful, and at first she accepted it with a blush and a wink. Then something bad happened, in the sea, and her whole family had to flee to land. The water was never cleaned properly, so we had to live up there. It wasn't as fun. It was dry, ugly, and boring. She hated it after a while. She loved the land, in small quantities, but not living on it. She hated the humans who sent her to the desolate plain and began to hide her true feelings to everyone, including herself. She would even hiss if a male got to close to her, invaded her personal space by an inch. She was temperamental. She calmed down after that, when she could return to the sea for short amounts of time. She never dropped her barriers, never stopped her mean ways.

So begins...

Nabri's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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A small snake shifted inside a locker of the school. It was her locker, after all, and her things were already away. She liked this form best at the start of the school year- it made her feel powerful. She heard feet tapping on the floor, and she perked up, slideing through a slit in the locker. She had been here for a week, waiting. The snake-form felt better about land than the others. She slithered her way passed her, into a restroom. She felt the familier crack of her spine as it grew, shifted, changed. The new bones, the new skin, the new muscles slide into places, the clothing she was wearing when she shifted in rags. The sight smell and everything else never changed, and she was grateful for that. She was wearing a blue top that was now shredded and pants that were equally so. She cracked her fingers and her spine again before she stepped out, her newly-found legs not failing in her perfect stride. She saw the girl up ahead, and she picked up her pace. "Hey! You're early!" She said, looking towards her.

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

Professor Klein stepped out of his classroom and into the hallway hearing the voice of a student, wondering "Why is there a student here? I thought they were all suppose to arrive tomorrow afternoon." Walking towards the area from where he heard the voice he shouted "Hello?". Suddenly he paused in the middle of the hallway and saw two students. He could sense that his humanly scent wasn't something they were expecting at the academy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chicka
Entering the Academy, Ilene heard someone call out. "Hello?" she called back. The leaves and stick were still firmly anchored on her wings, and she could smell humans. It had been quite some time since she'd been near a human being, and her stomach began to growl. In addition to the human scent, there were two others, neither any creature she'd smelled before.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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0.00 INK

Talia opened her eyes in shock, and quickly bolted to her feet, her movement a blur. There was a girl with red hair walking toward her, clothes in tatters. She smelled of reptiles, scales, and the sea, although that was incredibly faint. Talia took a step back, her breath speeding. Mentally she monitored her powers, and her thirst. She was mostly under control, if not a little surprised.
"Yes." She said softly, her high voice ringing. "I um, wanted to get used to my surroundings." Talia dipped her head, locking her eyes on her shoes. Her cheeks flooded with color, but luckily, white hair covered most of her face from view. Control, Talia. Breath. The half vampire took a deep breath, mental counting out the rhythm of "Spoon River" in her head. The bright rhythm of the clarinets helped her keep calm.
"You are early too, though." Talia said, twining and untwining her fingers.
Talia had known she would have to face students sooner or later, but she had hoped against sooner. And this student was so much taller than her. Talia, looking to be about eight years old, looked very vulnerable next to this wild looking girl. She lifted her eyes just slightly, studying the girl. She obviously wasn't a vampire. A vampire would have noticed Talia as a halfling, and definitely would have shunned her. This girl was too reptilian. Talia spoke without thinking.
"And you smell like a snake." Her cheeks colored further, and Talia covered her mouth with her hand, as if she could take the words back. The last time she had spoke like that... Dont think about it. This school is different. She hoped.

The setting changes from In the hidden woods to Halloween Academy

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

He walked towards the two students, and looked ahead and saw a bird like creature at the entrance. He thought to himself "They're arrival is so early to the academy. I wonder if there's anymore early arrivers." As walking down the seem like forever corridor he shouted "Ladies please stay put I must talk to all three of you." Pacing as fast as he could, he could of ran to the girls but he always wants to look stylish and hates to run in public. His beautiful scarf was like a leaf floating in the air, as his two legs were pacing as if they were in a race against each other, but from a distance he looks like a hurt animal in the wild, barley even keeping up with the pace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chicka
"Anyone know who that is?" Ilene asked the other two. She picked the leaves off her left wing, then stretched her wings out behind her. "I'm Ilene, by the way." She extended her right hand to neither one in particular, a general gesture. The scales on her palms and fingertips were smaller and closer together than those on the rest of her body, making it easier for the nerve endings to register a touch, as well as, in most people's eyes, making her hands mildly more human.

The setting changes from Halloween Academy to In the hidden woods

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood
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0.00 INK

"Nope, no clue" Nabri said, looking after the man. "I'm Nabri, by the way. Do you know if they have a pool here? I never got the chance to look" she said, looking around. She was trying to act polite, but that didn't come easy to her and well, she hadn't had a swim in days and she was getting ornery. "Oh! I'm a shape-shifter, in case that wasn't obvious. I look human enough" she smiled quickly, but it was fake, and oviously so, at that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe
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0.00 INK

"Teacher." Talia said, studying the approaching figure. She was beginning to feel uncomfortable with so many people. "I don't know if there is a pool." Talia kept her hands behind her back, wide grey eyes shifting between the two girls. She really didn't want to be here. Nabri seemed restless, and Talia didn't want to end up in a conflict.
"Oh no. Is he a... Human?" I ask softly, taking a step back. She knew some of the teachers were human, but she wasn't prepared to deal with them so soon. Spoon River shifted into Mozart's Requiem; the scary part of Mozart's Requiem.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chicka
"I don't know, sorry. I'm a terrible person to ask questions like that, I'm not a fan of water. Asking me to swim is liking asking a giraffe to fly, it just can not and will not end well," Ilene replied with a good-natured smile. "A shape-shifter, huh? I'm a Flier, if you couldn't gather that from the scales and the wings." She thought for a moment, then suggested, "Maybe he was a teacher? He smelled human. What other forms can you take besides this one?" Shape-changing would explain the sort of muddle this girl's scent was-- a little human, a bit fishy, a bit reptilian, and a little...something else.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nabri Character Portrait: Ilene Adenwood Character Portrait: Talia Mythe Character Portrait: Proffessor Klein
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0.00 INK

Finally after pacing down the corridor he stopped in front of the three students. He paused for a second and took a quick glance at each creature quickly before speaking. He noticed a bird like figure, a petite girl, and a beast in human form with shocking red hair.
He let his breathe out quick and said to the students "Welcome, my name is Professor Klein and I teach students about human anatomy. I see that you all are early, I hope you all settled in and are getting used to this place. I know it is a bit quite odd and hard for some of you to be around a human figure like myself but you need to get used to humans if you wish to live in the real world instead of hiding from there. If any one of you ladies have a question let me know." Then gave out a smirk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Gate Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

"Fish, snake, mermaid, human" she smiled and shop the girls hand "though if you would excuse me, I want to go catch a rat or something before classes start" She laughed and started walking, scales appearing on her body, her spine shortening, her arms and leg bones retracting, her eyes becoming dark as she walked, until nothing but a snake was in her place. She slithered out of the school, into the woods. She saw a boy there, and she was immediately interested,so she came closer. She smelled wolf-like blood in him, so he was a shifter like her. Then she smelled water, behind her. She turned to the pond behind the man. She rushed to it, her snake-body sliding into the waves and her mer one appearing. He shirt was destroyed and soaking, so she took it off and placed it on a rock. Before she began talking. "Hello!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Gate Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tuface
The first thing that popped into Lance' s head was shock. He had watched as this snake shape shifted from a scaly reptile to an enchanting creature with a fish tail. The second was that There were others like him. His hopes were not in vain. "Hello!", the mermaid said while swimming around the pond. Lance was unable to reply, as he was busy dragging the carcass of the stallion behind a thicket of bushes. He eventually got it behind the Bush, and with his enhanced sight he observed a pack of wolves a couple yards away from him in the dark shadows, whimpering in hunger. A pang of compassion struck Lance. He swiftly lifted the carcass with inhuman strength and tossed it to the starving wolves, who tore at the carcass with relish. Lance smirked, and walked back over to the pond, and the mermaid within. His voice was hoarse as he said," Sorry, I had to, ahhhhhhhh... clean up my mess. My name is Lance. May I ask for your name?"he gave a slight smile as he spoke.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Gate Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

"Nabri" She answered quickly, fixing her hair so it covered her before she pulled herself up with her hands out of the water. "Are you going to the academy?" she asked, looking down at the tail that occupied the space where her legs used to be. It reflected light in odd ways, the scales making everything a funny shade of red-white. "If you are, I can show you around" she said, never looking over.

(sorry..... family BONDING! Ugh.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Gate Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tuface
Lance cocked his head to one side, just like a canine would. It kind of annoyed Lance when his wolf qualities carried on to his human form. "Yes, as a matter of fact i was thinking of joining the academy." He completely ignored the fact that Nabri was not even making eye contact with him. Honestly, he felt a little perplexed and shy himself. She seemed nice... and he was fascinated by her shape shifting abilities. He just hoped she didn't care he turned into a blood thirsty were wolf at night. He was going to have to remember to buy a silver ring as soon as possible, which seems to be the only thing that can keep him somewhat in control.Sometimes. " If you would be so kind as to show me around, I would much appreciate it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Gate Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

Nabri smiled and stretched her tail, the bones splitting into two and legs forming. She picked up the top of the low rock qnd pulled it over herself, covering herself. "It's up there. Lets go." She said quickly and pulled herself up. "It will take longer with my legs and yours, but still" she smiled and walked toward the school. She grumbled and pulled on the wet fabric of the shirt every so often, cursing herself for not taking it off before she jumped. "So what can you shift into?" She asked, pulling herself over a dead tree.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Gate Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tuface
Lance' s smile dropped for a split second. She wanted to know what he could shift to? Well, he thought to himself, I guess it won't matter if I tell her, anyways, since I'll be going to the academy. " uhh... I shift into a kind of werewolf, called a shadow wolf. the difference is I change every night." He felt every word like a heavy weight. what if she asks him what he does in wolf form? he better find a silver ring quick. He realized she was waiting for him to go on. " well, yeah, that's about it... " He jumped swiftly over the dead tree, and asked her " hey, what else can you shift into, if you don't mind me asking?" He then jumped over a ten feet wide stream with ease.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Gate Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

"You have seen most of my forms. Snake, human, mermaid, and..." She ran towards the water, her body shorting and scales appearing on her, until it was a Koi fish diving. She swam until she landed on the side, then transformed back into human. "Fish" she laughed and started walking again, the school appearing through the woods. She fixed her top and jeans quickly, before turning to him. "Welcome to the academy" she smirked, walking towards him. "This is the best school for all freaks, weirdos, and creeps. Have fun" she repeated the thing she had said to herself just the day before.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance Gate Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tuface
Lance stared at Nabri for a couple seconds, letting what she said slip in. He was somewhere he could belong, and not have to worry about hiding his secret. He felt relieved . "So... what do I do now? Do I have to talk to somebody? Or do I just talk to other students? I have no idea where to start." Lance gave a exhausted smile.

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Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

"Well there is is.. Bye" Nabri smiled, then started running for the school. She disappeared into her room- she had already unpacked. She decided she would just go to sleep for the night. She drew out her night clothing and falling onto the bed in a heap. She pulled the blankets over herself and groaning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pan Reed Character Portrait: Nabri
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0.00 INK

Nabri groaned, flipping onto the floor in her struggle to stay in bad and fight the glowing light coming through the window. She packed up a bag with pencils, pens, and paper. Anything she could possibly need- though she didn't know her schedule. She needed to get that. She shifted into a snake, feeling her skin become scaly as her form grew smaller. She liked her snake-form. It seemed to be the most comfortable on land, even her human form felt awkward on land. Nabri slithered under the door and out into the hall. She saw a male there, too. He looked half-goat. She smirked- or, as close as she could get to a smirk in her current state, and slithered closer, then wrapped her body around his leg, hissing as she did. The hiss sounded a lot like a laugh, but it wasn't like he would know that. For all he knew, she was just a normal (poisonous) snake.